1819, 1846:
"Compromise" between criminal "USA" and criminal
England parting Oregon country (!) - natives are
not asked (!)
Purchase and partition of Oregon Country in 1819 and
in 1846, treaty lines of 1819 and 1846, town of
Astoria, Columbia River, Snake River, town of
40 years before, the natives of Oregon Country
had helped the whites for their "expeditions" (!).
As a result the whites are judging now over the land
and at the end the natives and primary nations are
forced to go to the open air concentration camps
(called "reservations"), forced there by white
"American" arms. In Canada the policy is not so
extreme and lets the natives live, but with
restrictions and discriminations without right of
being a deputee in the Parliament.
On the map of the schoolbook showing the partition
of Oregon Country there is just one single village
of the natives: Waiilatpu, where a "Christian"
mission is established for the destruction of the
culture and the wisdom of the natives about Mother
Chinese building the railway lines - and drugs
from Hongkong
At the same time Chinese workers are installing all
the railway lines in the West of "USA". The satanist
racist white Illuminati Free Mason government in
Washington lets work Chinese workers because they
have the direct connection to China and can be
installed as drug couriers between Hongkong and San
Francisco. For that reason the strong black workers
who are much stronger than the Chinese are not
wanted to build the railway lines.
Primary nations and their enemies: the whites,
the Chinese, and the drugs
So the natives at the West Coast are not only driven
away by the whites now, but also by the Chinese. The
Chinese don't only come with drugs in their suit
cases, but they form own communities in the West
Coast towns and it can be admitted that they also
form an own trust system with drugs and selling of
drugs being organized by the Committee of 300. The
big drug profits go to the satanist Illuminati Free
Masons - of the Committee of 300 in London.
So the natives at the West Coast have not only the
white man as an enemy, but also Chinese drug
couriers, drug dealers and white and black drug