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"American History in minutes

"USA": Trails without freedom: The White "Christian" self-image in the history book of the "USA"

Racism and colonialism in North "America"

by Michael Palomino (2006 appr. / 2016 / 2023)

from: Frederica B.Coons / Prater, John / Cartwright, William H.: Trails to Freedom; Boston 1965

Propaganda poster
                                      saying the truth about the
                                      "USA": "Heeeeeere's
                                      Freedom! We'll kill the rest of

Propaganda poster saying the truth about the "USA": "Heeeeeere's Freedom! We'll kill the rest of you!" [2]

The shit of the "USA" is destroying the whole world. A critical poster which shows the way to "freedom" of the "USA" which is provoking the mass death of all others...
School book: "Trails to
                                  Freedom in American History".
                                  Boston 1965
vergrössern School book: "Trails to Freedom in American History". Boston 1965 [1]

The  book cover of  Coons / Prater / Cartwright pretends an arrival of White people before an icy wall in the background. From this scenery only the ice berg is real because these times were in the "Little Ice Age" period. But natives are missing on the book cover...

Here are shown the flats of the
                      white "Christian" racist flags
                      "USA" from 1783, 1819, and 1853. And how
                      is a flag of the natives?
Here are shown the flats of the white "Christian" racist flags "USA" from 1783, 1819, and 1853. And how is a flag of the natives? [3]

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Here is shown the "American" history of the "USA", as it is shown in schools in the "USA" in the 1960ies. With "trails to freedom" is named world dominance of the White "USA", surely not the liberation of the slaves or the liberation of the natives.

In the schoolbook the natives have no law of nations. The culture and the wisdom of nature of the natives are missing totally. Racism is even never mentioned, as civilization illnesses by false nourishment and lack of mooving not either.

And now the world has to know that the brains of the members of the governments in the "USA" are structured by these primitive school books, and it's not important from which party they are. But  schoolbooks of other "civilized states" are not even better!

The whole "USA" are based on the illegality of the commerce with stolen land which was looted from the natives. So, "USA" are an illegal state.

But natives simply did not "count". At the end one has to ask: Who is civilized?

Michael Palomino

2001 / 2005

The imperialistic choice of the word "freedom"
"freedom" as freedom only for White "America", to be the best state of the World all in all occurs 51 times.
(in detail: on the book covers, in the title p.2, then:
p. 135,148,151,152,157,159,160,164,165,169,170 2 times, 174,178,180, 187 2 times, 199 5 times, 201 6 times, 202, 205,208,209,212,214,215 2 times, 228,255,268 2 times, 271 2 times, 338,364,465,486 3 times, 387

Table: Imperialistic and racist word choice in the spirit of the white race in the schoolbook page
"will of iron" 239
moon and space as "new frontier"
"new free land"
"nation of free people" [only natives not]
"the new land"
"promised land" in Ohio für Soldaten
"land was cheap"
"unfriendly indians"
"trading posts"
"land at a very low price"
"land free"
"free land"
"Indian land was opened"
"Indians whose land had been taken"
"wide new region"


The name "Redskin" only occured because of red colour painted in the face for certain festivities. The skin itself is never red (p.24-25); the natives of the Plains are living from buffalos and inform themselves over long distances by drumming signs and smoke signs (p.28); "Eskimo" means "raw meat eater" (p.29); " Polynesia" means "many islands" (p.31); in 1491  about 16 million natives are living in North and South "America" (p.32);

Example of a
                  native settlement: Mesa Verde
Example of a native settlement: Mesa Verde [4]

Map of 1400: In the "american" schoolbook  natives, indios and natives are generally minor rated and their spiritual World is hardly or never mentioned.

Click on the photo for
                        more info
The devaluating and melancholy presentation of the natives and indios without wpiritual aspect, map of the native continent with the situation at about 1400.

Native life of Primary Nations ("Indians) on the Native's Continent before Columbus came, map.

[map 1400]

Native life of Primary Nations
                          ("Indians) on the Native's Continent
                          before Columbus came, map

The Earth is round. Nature is giving the reasons itself: 1st: because the body of the ship disappears first at the skyline, then only the masts; 2nd: because the skyline appears arcuated seen from the ship; 3rd: because the shadow of the Earth at the Moon is round (p.56);

Die Erde
                  ist rund - the Earth is round  [5]

Columbus' invasions, his discoveries and the time after Columbus

Columbus 1st voyage (p.58-62; 12 December in "USA" is Columbus day  (p.65); in 1493 [1494] the Pope sets a worldwide line between Spain and Portugal [the Tordesillas Line in 1494] (p.65); England: Cabot is sailing to the "Great Banks"; detection of big fishes, but no gold (p.70); Cabral is on the Brazilian coast, "Brazil" wood is the name for "Brazil" (p.71); Portuguese slave trade to Brazil for shugar fields, 300 years later black slaves are the biggest part of the population in Brazil (p.72); Ponce de Leon "detects" Florida coming from Cuba and names it Pasqua florida (= Eastern festival of flowers") (p.84) and he thinks to be on the island "Bimini" (p.84); the Spanish attempt of colonization on Florida is exterminated by the local natives immediately: The White are attacked and expelled. Leon is hurt and brought to Cuba where he dies (p.85);

World map 1271-1522 with the voyage of Marco Polo and official Christian "discoveries" in the schoolbook from 1965.

There were many discoveries before.

In the meantime the latest historical research has got sure proofs that also Marco Polo is a lie.

                            map with the voyage of Marco Polo and
                            official Christian "discoveries"
                            1271-1522 in the schoolbook from 1965bigger
World map with the voyage of Marco Polo and official Christian "discoveries" 1271-1522 in the schoolbook from 1965 [map 1271-1522 Marco Polo]

Map globe 1492-1502 with the routes of the fleets of the Columbus invasions under leadership of Columbus
Map globe
                        1492-1502 with the routes of the fleets of the
                        Columbus invasions under leadership of ColumbusClick on
                                        the photo for more info
Map globe 1492-1502 with the routes of the fleets of the Columbus invasions under leadership of Columbus [map 1492-1502]

Globe map of 1493 [right: 1494]
with Pope line of Tordesillas: The Pope is parting the whole world between Portugal and Spain [with a treaty at Tordesillas of 1494 (in Spain)]

-- rose: part portioned to Portugal
-- yellow: part portioned to Spain

What a racist this pope had been, and he never was torn to justice!!!

Globe with
                        Pope line of Tordesillas of 1493 [1494]bigger
Globe with Pope line of Tordesillas of 1493 [right: 1494] [map1493 [right: 1494]

Spanish racist "Christian" colonists - with their fantasy Jesus, fantasy god and fantasy devil - occupy Mexico  (p.84-89); there are fantasy stories from Cabeza de Vaca about native towns with gold plated streets; these rumours are giving new energy to further Spanish "explorers" for new expeditions (p.89-90);

Occupation of Peru because of gold fantasy (p.90-93); Coronado occupies the South of North "America", by the energy of the gold fantasies (p.93-95); Cabrillo occupies California (p.95);

Map of "America" 1492-1543 with white "Christian" tourist "tours"

The first white "Christian" occupation of "America" were the Spaniards 1492-1543, map.

The schoolbook conceals all holocaust activities against the native population with epidemics and mass murders and frauds and slavery..

[The "Christians" simply come with their horses, fantasy bibles and weapons and are distributing smallpox so the walk to power is very easy finally].
Map of "America"
                                      1492-1543 with white
                                      "Christian" tourist
                                      "tours"Click on the photo for more info

Map of "America" 1492-1543 with white "Christian" tourist "tours" [map 1492-1543]

French and English "explorations"

France is competing Spain and begins with own expeditions in North America from the North to the South, with the same goal as Columbus: to find a way to China (p. 98-100); a mount is named Mont Real (royal hill), so Montrael gets its name (p.100); king Louis of France is dedicated a landscape, so is growing Louisiana (p.110); the colonist's galleons are for the natives like swimming houses (p.123); England gets a victory against the Spanish armada (p.123-124); fur trade is an important reason to go to "America" (p.125);

Map 1524-1682: The first French expeditions in North "America" along the Mississippi

Map 1524-1682: The
                            first French expeditions in North
                            "America" along the MississippiClick on the photo for more
Map 1524-1682: The first French expeditions in North "America" along the Mississippi [map 1524-1682]

St. Augustine is the oldest town of the "USA", founded in 1565 (p.133); trade with beaver fur in "New France" (p.136-138); almost no white settlers in "New France" (p.139); foundation of Roanoke in 1585 (p.140);

1603 England becomes Great Britain under king James with Scotland and Wales (p.208); As a competition to France also England and the Dutch are beginning with colonialism in "America": first with expeditions and piracy, then with the foundation of Jamestown in 1607: dedicated to king James (p.141); the first winter in Jamestown demands a death rate of 50% (p.153-154); also England and Holland are hoping to find gold or silver in "America" (p.141,142); Hudson is the cause for the name Hudson River (p.124); Jamestown 1619 is a region with 10 white settlements (p.145);

not mentioned: and the natives have to leave by force of arms...

World map of 1567-1609: The first English and Dutch invasions and piracy in "America" under Drake, Frobisher and Hudson 1567-1609, and Magellan's around the world trip

[And this is the beginning of the world war of criminal and crazy Christians: they are killing and slaughtering each other abroad - even on other continents].


World map
                        of 1567-1609: The first English and Dutch
                        invasions and piracy in "America"
                        under Drake, Frobisher and Hudson 1567-1609, and
                        Magellan's around the world tripClick on the photo for
                            more info
World map of 1567-1609: The first English and Dutch invasions and piracy in "America" under Drake, Frobisher and Hudson 1567-1609,
and Magellan's around the world trip [map 1567-1609]

Map of 1607 with the position of the white settlement of Jamestown, founded in 1607.
Map of
                        1607 with the position of the white settlement
                        of Jamestown, founded in 1607Click on the photo for
                            more info
Map of 1607 with the position of the white settlement of Jamestown, founded in 1607 [map 1607 Jamestown]

Slavery - and deferred payment for the passage

The slavery of the Blacks is beginning with tabacco cultivation in 1619 (p.147-148); the same year a first women's ship arrives Jamestown (S.148); arrival of the Pilgrims in the "new, free land" 1620 (p.153): The plan says to work 7 years to pay the cost for the passage of the Ocean (p.152), but really they are paying till 1648 [!] (p.157);  invention of "thanksgiving" festival as a big "Thank You" to a fantasy "God" for a good harvest (p.156).

Massachusetts: Foundation as a Puritan colony 1630 (p.157-158); Boston becomes main port of the "New England" colonies (p.158); 1636 foundation of Providence as a free religious town [but the criminal "Christians" NEVER want to learn something from the natives, and Jews are forbidden until Napoleon for sure] (p.160); the constitution of Connecticut (1662?) is a model for the constitution of the total "USA" till today [which counts only for white "Christians"] (p.162)

and is very old fashioned...

New Netherlands: stays empty because the conditions for immigration are not attractive (p.170). Then from all over the world immigration is coming in and religious liberty is law [but only for "Christians", not for natives, not for Jews, not for Muslims, not not not]; the colony New Sweden is occupied by racist aggressive New Netherlands (p.170-172); then in 1664 New NL is occupied by the even more racist and more aggressive New England colonies (p.172-173); New Netherlands are governed by Duke of York now, and New Amsterdam is renamed in New York, and always further and further on to the South the "free settling land" is parted (p.173-174).

[and the natives are expulsed from the coast line and the blacks are the slaves - that's the way criminal racist Christianism is functioning like ALWAYS. Of course this is not mentioned in the school book of the "USA"].

The quaker Penn founds Penn-Sylvania ("Penn's forestland") (p.175); foundation of the town "Philadelphia" ("brotherly love"), for an eternal "friendship" with the natives (p.176).

This is a further fraud...

Foundation of Maryland as a Catholic colony, named after queen Mary (p.178-179); international immigration in South Carolina (p.182) with production of rice and indigo (p.183); cotton production is only from 1700 on (p.184); partition of North and South Carolina for "intensification" of the administration (p.184);

[Let's say: for a better control of the population resp. of the slaves...]

Foundation of the colony of Georgia as a colony of indepted people (p.185), 1752 Georgia is taken over by the English king (p.186); the right to vote in New England colonies is restricted to the possessors of land (p.190).

[The natives never have any right to vote, they have no rights in racist white colonies. That's the way criminal racist "Christianism" is working NEVER changing].

The schoolbook says: "All became American" [only the natives not] (p.191); development of ship building (p.193); pirates are robbing commercial ships by 1730 (p.194-195);

Map of 1750 appr. of the "New England colonies" of about 1750. On the map of the schoolbook the expelled natives and the Blacks in chains who make all slavery work are missing...

Map of
                        1750 appr. of the "New England
                        colonies" of about 1750Click on the photo for
                            more info
Map of 1750 appr. of the "New England colonies" of about 1750 [map 1750]

It's clear what is going on here at the long term: All native cultures on the North "American" natives are annihilated  between the different white racist "Christian" nations of Spain, France and England. France and Spain are content in North "America" with a fort system only.

The first white settlers in Ohio valley are hunters (p.290);  "pioneers" in the Appalachian Mountains during the time of the New England states: Swedish wooden houses as a standard (p.318-319), peasents and hunters (p.319), leather trousers and woven women dresses; the houses in the Plains are of earth / brickearth and covered by grass (p.320);

Map of 1750: showing the partition of North and Middle "America" in about 1680 between the European White racist "Christian" nations (by 1763), map: British part red, French part yellow, Spanish part green.

On the map of the schoolbook native settlements are not drawn in.

Criminal racist "Christians" have robbed and parted a complete foreign continent - North "America" - into 3 pieces:

Map of
                        1750: showing the partition of North and Middle
                        "America" in about 1680 between the
                        European White racist "Christian"
                        nations (by 1763), map: British part red, French
                        part yellow, Spanish part green.Click on the photo for
                            more info
Map of 1750: showing the partition of North and Middle "America" in about 1680 between the European White racist "Christian" nations (by 1763), map: British part red, French part yellow, Spanish part green. [map 1750]

Escalation between New England and London: Bill of Rights

The new Bill of Rights from 1689 shall not be valuble for the "New England" Colonies which is provoking seperatism (p.209); the parliament and the British king are also blocking laws of the colonies, so seperatism in "New England" gets stronger again (p.210), and the delegates in London loose their nerves when New England colonies want other laws than GB (p.211); representatives of the colonies don't get representation in the London parliament (p.206).

So: The seperatism has really some reasons, during the queen is insisting in a centralism based on the English army... but has the Qeem ever seen an native native driven away from his homeland by the British? NO.

War of the New England States against the English of England - look how the mad crazy Christians are slaughtering themselves:

Bacon becomes a "hero" against the natives in Virginia 1676 (p.212), against gouverneur Berkeley (p.213): Bacon's army defeats the army of the GB governor (p.213); in 1686 Andros becomes new governor for the Northern colonies, without local knowledge (p.213), but with forensic and financial authorization against the whole population and with British soldiers as "protection power" (p.214); 1689 overthrow of the king in London, and Andros is expelled from New England immediately (p.214);
In 1700 already English policy has the goal  of a policy between Atlantic and Pacific ("Sea to sea policy") (p.218); by the time every English colony has it's own army [officially] against natives, the "militia" (p.221)

[probably not only against natives: The English colonies have to be attentive not to be thrown "into the sea" from French and natives together. This circumstance is provoking heavy militarization in the New England states...]

Map of 1700 appr.: New England colonies

This is just racist "Christian" garbage of whites against all natives - in Chile it was the same game.

Map of 1700 apr.: New England colonies
Map of 1700 apr.: New England colonies [map 1700 appr.]

Map of 1750: New England colonies

Racist "Christian" Jesus fantasy garbages of the whites has just expanded against all natives - the same game was played in Chile.

Natives you can see on the map only at the margin of the colonies with fir trade. But natives can more than only fir trade!

Map of 1750: New England colonies

Map of 1750: New England colonies [map 1750]

Map of 1754: French native war against New England

1754 GB, F and natives are fighting for Ohio valley (p.218-219), and polarization of the natives is growing between French hunters and English farmers (p.220); the French and the natives win at Ohio River against English troups (p.221-222); the response is following soon: English victory at Ohio River and foundation of Pittsburgh 1758 (p.290); then English occupation of Quebec and Montreal in 1759 (p.222); and at the end there is a new partition of North "America" between white racist GB and white racist Spain: France leaves "America" and stays only on some islands for fishing in St. Lawrence River (p.223).

Map showing French native war 1754-1763 against New England, until the French are expelled.
Map of
                        1754: French native war against New EnglandClick on the photo
                                for more info
Map of 1754: French native war against New England [map 1754]

Map of 1763 with the new white "Christian" imperialistic partition of the North "American" continent between the White racist races in 1763: British part red, Spanish part green, Russian part brown, and the French yellow part are only some spots.
Map of 1763 with the new white
                          "Christian" imperialistic partition
                          of the North "American" continent:
                          British, Spaniards and RussiansClick on the photo for
                                          more info
Map of 1763 with the new white "Christian" imperialistic partition of the North "American" continent: British, Spaniards and Russians [map 1763]

New Escalation between New England and London because of commercial laws

There come up the first heavy social fights within the English white and stupid "Christian" race.

English monopoly commercial laws with the New England colonies are discriminating the merchants of the New England colonies (p.223), and the merchants of other nations which are trading with New England states are discriminated, too (p.224); in 1764 an army financing act for the GB colonies is passed, spiritually against Spain (p.224); add to this there is a rebellion against a tax law "stamptax" (p.224-225), which is escalatinig to a strike of payment to GB (p.225);

in 1767 GB is passing the Townshend Act against the New England colonies, at the same time GB representatives in New England are permitted smuggling (p.225-226); so a new strike of payment follows (p.226), and GB is positioning a new army in Boston, so the colonists get more and more rebellious (p.226);

in 5th March 1770 demonstration in Boston against GB is producing  5 deaths (p.226), followed by a product boycott against GB products (p.227), followed by almost 50 % fall at British merchants, so Townshend Act is cancelled (p.227);

Coons, Prater and Cartwright (the authors of the schoolbook!) swear to the "Sons of liberty" (p.227), London refuses admition and right to vote for  representatives of New England in London parliament; propaganda against GB from Otis (p.227), Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry in 1765 (p.228), foundation of anti GB committees (p.228);

[The right of vote for natives seems to be out of question and seems never to be discussed in stupid English white race "Christian" London...]

Slavery: Since 1774 books against slavery, e.g. "Hut of Oncle Tom"; partly flight of the slaves to Canada without slavery, escape agents (p.334);

[Not mentioned: Captivated flighting slaves are hanged as an example for the population].

Dec 16, 1773: Tea dispute ("Boston Tea Party") - Boston is sealed off - an unseccessful chase

The situation between "New England" and London is escalating into an open fight against East India Company because of monopolization of tea prices (p.228). In the harbor, white people (disguised as natives) are throwing Tea overbord - GB troups are blocking whole Boston -> with consequences of unemployment and protest in Boston (p.230). "Continental Congress" is holding it's meeting for 7 weeks (p.231). New England is organizing further boycotts against British goods and is organizing help for Boston (p.231); the militias are preparing themselves (p.232), GB troups are chasing for Adams and Handcock (p.234) to Lexington, but a far distance communication system is informing early, so they can fly to Philadelphia, GB troups in Concord are looking for ammunition and weapons in vain (p.235), and on the way back the tired GB troups are fired, 275 deaths (p.235).

Map of 1775 Boston and Lexington Concord 1775 -- the British Army persecuting the Boston rebels: Dawes and Revere, map.

Map of 1775 Boston and Lexington Concord 1775
                      -- the British Army persecuting the Boston rebels:
                      Dawes and Revere, map.
Map of 1775 Boston and Lexington Concord 1775 -- the British Army persecuting the Boston rebels: Dawes and Revere, map. [map 1775]

1776: The war of independence

The militia forces occupy the GB fort Ticonderoga without fighting (p.236), also another fort in Crown Point (p.237); a battle in Boston near the Breed's Hill / Bunker Hill is ending with 1000 deaths on the British side (p.238); on the second Continental Congress (p.238) George Washington is elected for leader of the Continental Army (p.239); Washington is training soldiers for 8 months (p.240); Baron von Steuben from Prussia becomes one of the most important instructors in the "US" Army during independence war (p.254-255);

Boston is surrounded by militia forces and cannons are brought from Ticonderoga to Boston. The GB forces see their own GB cannons headed against themselves and leave immediately for Halifax (p.240); Jefferson is composing the decleration of independence, proclamation of the independence on 4th July 1776 by the Continental Congress (p.241), so 4th July is independence day of the "USA" (p.241);

GB under general Howes occupies New York (p.245), Washington makes Trenton occupy where GB mercenaries from German Hesse are celebrating a Fantasy Christmas (p.246); Washington expells GB general Cornwallis from New Jersey (p.246); GB defeat at Saratoga (p.247), F, Sp. and NL give credit to Washington against England (p.247-248), from 1778 on F is delivering weapons to the militia Continental Army and is forming even an own French army for the "USA" under Lafayette -> GB declears war against France (p.248); in 1797 Spain is declearing war to GB because of "America", Spain thinks perhaps there is something to "have" in the war (p.248); winter catastrophe for GB troups in the "USA" (p.248-249); defeat of GB in North Carolina in 1780 (p.249), and defeat of GB in South Carolina and expulsion (p.249); victory of Lafayette against GB troups under Cornwallis 1781, GB troups get into a "mousetrap" in Yorktown on a peninsula, Cornwallis is giving up in 1781 (p.249-250), but peace with GB only 1783;

During the whole war piracy is going on against GB supply (p.250-251) [perhaps also as a "fine revenge" for GB piracy in the last 200 years against Spain and France];

The expansion of the war by native assaults

GB is instigating natives against the "USA". The natives accept and assault the "USA" (p.252), massacre on farms, Mohawk valley becomes a valley of terror -> the Washington army is driving out the Iroquois, at the same time native attacks from Mississippi valley (p.252) -> [perhaps at that time] "US" soldiers are promised land in Ohio valley: "promised land" (p.293); then "American" occupation of GB fort Vincennes (p.252-253), followed by the "American" occupation of the Ohio valley which falls to the "USA" (p.253); Lafayette becomes "American" (p.254);

1783 treaty with GB and seperation of Canada (p.256); for it's help in the fight against GB France gets  only some islands in the Caribean Sea (p.256);

Map 1776-1781 of the First War of independence between the white races in the "USA"  1776-1781, map.

There is no indication in the schoolbook about dead or wounded people. The schoolbook is romantizing war...

[Map 1776-1781]

Click on the
                                                  photo for more info

Map of the First War of independence
                        between the white races in the "USA"
                        1776-1781, map.

Map of the new white "Christian"
                        partition of North "America" between
                        Spain, "USA" and England, 1783, 1787,
                        map. The criminal "Christians" can
                        extend New England north to the prairie robbing
                        the natives huge territories.
Map 1783-1787 of the new white "Christian" partition of North "America" between Spain, "USA" and England, 1783, 1787, map.

The criminal "Christians" can extend New England north to the prairie robbing the natives huge territories.

Click on the photo
                                                for more info
[map 1783-1787]

The racist "USA" as a new "State" - natives do not exist officially (!!!)

Constitution for the "USA" (p.264-265), George Washington becomes first president (p.265); New York is main town for 1 year, then Capitol in Washington is in construction (p.267) [the White are planning, the black slaves are building], 1790-1800 Philadelphia is the main town; at the same time the new main town "Washington" is in construction [slaves are building a town accordig to an absolutely satanic freemason layout with compass and 5 pointed star etc.] (p.267); architect Pierre Charles l'Enfant (p.267), Capitol is built 1793-1800, the move in to Capitol is in 1800 (p.268);

All in all Congress of the "USA" has not a great power first (p.258-259); governing form of the "USA" and counting slaves with a system of 3/5 of the value of a White (p.262); in 1783 introduction of daily newspapers (p.356):

[Not mentioned: In the population statistics natives and primary nations do not count (!!!). So there is the question: Why these criminal racist "Christians" should count?]

From the first day on there is a propaganda of the racist "Christian" Free Mason's government for an occupation of the whole continent to the West Coast, and from the first day on natives are the main enemy of the white racist "Americans" and all natives are only staying in the way for them.

Forced deportations of whole native tribes from 1786 on (p.362-263);

The profit from another military victory - and new wars

Penetration of "american" settlers to Ohio valley (p.274), tax dispute with Spain about New Orleans (p.275), Pinckney treaty 1795 (p.275), F in war with GB and NL wants too much help from "USA" president Washington says - XYZ affair: president Washington declines any help to France which wants "x", then "y", and then even "z" - from 1799 on treaty "USA"-F (p.276-277); last GB forts on "US" territory are destroyed in 1799 (p.277), GB and F are blocking "US" ships on the Atlantic, the "USA" are hiring British seamen by higher wages, and native leader Tecumseh is uniting the natives against "USA" at the Ohio (p.278-279).

The Ohio Company is selling now the land in Ohio valley to the White, "cheap land", as the schoolbook says... (p.294).

The Louisiana "Purchase" - expeditions thanks of the natives

In 1800 Spain is selling Louisiana Territory underhand to Napoleon [the whole Plains in the West of Mississippi] - the "USA" does not want to have France as a neighbour and is buying the whole Louisiana Territory from Napoleon for a ridiculous price in 1803. Napoleon himself needs money for his wars in Europe (p.295); so the Rockies become the new Western border of the "USA" (p.296), the "exploration" is beginning only now (p.296);

The white "american" "Christian" expeditions in the Rockies are successful thanks of the natives (p.297-300) -> fur traders and farmers are following (p.300), and: expedition to Santa Fé, merchants are following there, above all since independence of Mexico in 1821 (p.300), Santa Fé Trail (p.301);

1800: Spain sells Louisiana Territory to France between Mississippi and Rocky Mountains.

Map of 1803: "USA" buyes Louisiana Territory from France

[So, Napoleon sells Louisiana Territory because he needs money for his wars, and the natives who are living there have NO VOTE].

And some "expeditions" follow...

Map of
                        1803: "USA" buyes Louisiana Territory
                        from FranceClick
                                            on the photo for more info
Map of 1803: "USA" buyes Louisiana Territory from France - [map of 1803]

1812-1815: A new escalation - the second war of independence

The "USA" are accusing  GB manipulating natives against "USA"; war mongers in "US" Congress suggest occupation of British Canada; at the end the situation is escalating into a new war against GB in 1812 (p.278-279); defeat of GB, defeat of Tecumseh and assassination of Tecumseh (p.279); GB is attacking the main town of the "USA" Washington DC which is without walls, and attack on Fort McHenry, too (p.280); national poem about the "American" flag (p.281), defeat of GB before New Orleans in 1812 and peace treaty of Gent (p.282); the Spanish colonies become independent (p.282), and there is also a Russian danger coming from Alaska and the Western Coast -> "USA" are feeling encircled -> Monroe Doctrine for neutrality between "USA" and Europe (p.283), and treaty "USA"-Russia about the frontier of Alaska and Oregon [treaty together with Spain and Russia?] (p.283);

Map 1812-1815 with the second white "American" war of independence between criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians" on a foreign continent: "USA" and England 1812-1815, map with battle fields.

There is no indication in the schoolbook about dead or wounded people. The schoolbook is romantizing war...

                        white "American" war of independence
                        between "USA" and England 1812-1815,
                        map with battle fieldsClick on the photo
                                                for more info

Map 1812-1815 with the second white "American" war of independence between criminal Jesus fantasy "Christians" on a foreign continent [map 1812-1815]

1814: "Purchase" of Florida - 1819: "purchase" of Oregon - 1848: partition and occupation of Oregon

Spain allows native assaults from Florida against "USA" -> "USA" want to buy Florda; in 1814 "US" military victory against the natives and occupation of Florida (p.301); the "USA" buy Florida for 5 million $ respectively "US" citizens are claiming damages for 5 million $ which Washington takes over (p.302);

The natives of Florida are staying there without any right...

In 1819 "USA" buys Oregon Country from Spain (p.302); Captain Vancouver is a significant factor for names of the Oregon region (p.303); "American" fur traders have claimed already for Oregon for a long time (p.303); the Pacific Fur Company under Astor is succeeding to establish the Oregon Trail (p.304); fur traders are founding big families with native women (p.304); in 1846 Oregon Country is parted between "USA" and GB (p.313); -> attacks of natives because of robbed land -> 1848 annexation (p.315).

The Indidans of Oregon are staying there without any right...

Map of 1819 and 1848: Oregon Country: The purchase of 1819 and the partition in 1848: the green part falls to England ("Canada"), the red part falls to the "USA"
Map of
                        1819 and 1848: Oregon Country: The purchase of
                        1819 and the partition in 1848: the green part
                        falls to England ("Canada"), the red
                        part falls to the "USA"Click on the
                                                    photo for more info
Map of 1819 and 1848: Oregon Country: The purchase of 1819 and the partition in 1848: the green part falls to England ("Canada"), the red part falls to the "USA"
[map 1819 and 1848]

1820: Texas provocation and annexation - 1830: gold fever - 1836: Texas independent - 1838: Trail of Tears - 1848: occupation of Texas and breakthrough of the "USA" to California

From 1820 on are "American" settlements erected in Spanish Texas; from 1821 on Texas becomes Mexican, Mexico allows settling activities of the "USA" in Texas (p.306), but the "American" settlers do not want to follow Mexican rule and do not want to become Mexican (p.307);

New goldrushs and reservation system for natives and partition of land for the White in the Plains (p.315) from 1830 on (p.316) [into reservations as open air concentration camps].

In 1836 "American" victory against Mexican Army, Texas becomes a solo state 1836-1845 (p.311);

Supplement: Expulsion of natives in 1838: Trail of Tears: All natives eastern of Mississippi are forced to live western of Mississippi.

In 1945 annexation of Texas by the "USA": "US" troups occur at Colorado River and the responsibles of Mexico get angry, so war is braking out, war 1845-1848; "USA" is using also this war for expension: "American" breakthrough to California, 1848 "USA" pay to Mexico for the new territories 15 million $ (p.311);

1847 Mormone exodus into Mexican governed territory, then the land is named Utah (p.311), affiliated as federal state in 1896 only (p.311);

Supplement: This exodus is shurely welcomed in Washington, because there are White commercial stations now amidst the desert which are acting against the natives.

It seems absolutely racist and Nazi
-- how these "USA" don't respect any native but realize their imperialism down to the Californian coast line
-- how the school book is concealing the expulsion of the natives of 1838 with the Trail of Tears.
So, the "USA" are a CRIMINAL and ILLEGAL state.

Map of 1848 with the South States: White racist "Christian" "USA" after the victory against Spanish White racist "Catholic" Mexico in the war 1848 - and they get the breakthrough down to California.

natives have nothing to say. The white racist "Christians" decide over their heads...

And again there is no indication in the schoolbook about dead or wounded people. The schoolbook is again romantizing war...

Map of
                        1848 with the South States: White racist
                        "Christian" "USA" after the
                        victory against Spanish White racist
                        "Catholic" Mexico in the war 1848 -
                        and they get the breakthrough down to
                        California.Click on
                                                        the photo for
                                                        more info
Map of 1848 with the South States: White racist "Christian" "USA" after the victory against Spanish White racist "Catholic" Mexico in the war 1848 -
and they get the breakthrough down to California. [map 1848]

1848: California - 1849: goldrush - mass murder of natives - Oregon development - Gadsden Purchase

From about 1848 on California is a solo state under Captain John Sutter [a Swiss]; near Sutter's mill gold is found (p.310) and this produces a goldrush of 1849, the "Fourty-Niner" generation, the name for the ones who are streaming to California seeking for gold (p.310);

Supplement: The local natives don't have any rights, but are expelled, partly shoot "just for fun"... this is the real "American Christian way of life": murder culture.
-- the greed for gold of the White produces facts which are contradicting any treaty with the natives, but the white racist "Christian" Free Mason state "USA" lets pass these White invasions and at the same time reaches it's goal to settle the Western Coast with Whites, without big investments;
-- the government in Washington takes no measures to protect the treaties and to protect the natives in California who never have done any harm to the "USA";
-- there is only one conclusion for this behavior: the "USA" are a carnivore state.

in 1850 California is "affiliated" as confederal state of the "USA" (p.311); the remaining territories will stay "territory" for a long time yet, Arizona and New Mexiko untill 1912, but then also for these local natives freedom will be over. In the whole schoolbook is never shown a shooted native.

So, the "Christian" "American way of life" has the following elements: kill and cover up and NEVER learn anything...

Map 1819-1860: with the trails in the "USA" to the West

The shooted and expelled natives (Primary Nations, "Indians") are not existing on the map...

And "big freedom" the whites will not find there because only a few of them find gold, and many of them loose their money in brothels and get veneral diseases because they don't know coconut oil...

Map 1819-1860: with the trails in the "USA" to the West [map 1819-1860]

Every goldrush is followed by gold-digger villages (p.324-325); golden dust is the new currency, food is very expensive [and a big part of the profit is going into alcohol and bordels]; after leaving the mines the settlement become ghost towns (p.325);

Oregon Country with it's mild climate takes a development with saling food and lumber to California during the goldrush and after it (p.326);

In 1853 another land purchase from Mexico followes with a payment of 10 million $ making possible the Southern railway to the Pacific: "Gadsen Purchase" (p.308);

Map 1803-1848 with Louisiana and the excession of the white-racist "USA" to the Pacific. And this map with rectangular areas is a horror with a ruler - you can't act more unnaturally. All this is just "Christian" shit.

   Map 1803-1848 with
                              Louisiana and the excession of the
                              white-racist "USA" to the
                              Pacific  bigger
 Map 1803-1848 with Louisiana and the excession of the white-racist "USA" to the Pacific [map 1803-1848]

Overview of the expansion of the White racist "Christian" "USA" 1803-1848 to the Pacific coastline:
-- yellow: Louisiana Territory
-- green: Oregon Country
-- purple: Texas
-- red: breakthrough to California

Supplement: extermination of the natives in the "USA" - extermination project of the Arabs in Asia
The extermination of the native culture is not appearing on the map, but is model for Zionist projects (Jews and "Christians" TOGETHER!) against the Arabs later (with a Herzl who is an agent of Rothschild in London, one more time all this comes from the Committee of 300)...

since 1834: Stream of immigration to Oregon - one more time criminal "Christians" robbing the land from the natives

In 1834 Methodist Jesus Fantasy church is spreading in Oregon, supposedly for the natives (p.312-313), 1836 also Presbyterian church, since 1838 Catholics. They all work for the natives (p.313) [this is the official purpuse]; from 1843 on a huge wave of immigration is coming into Oregon (p.314) [on the Oregon Trail];

in 1859 Oregon Country is parted into "US" federal states Oregon, Idaho and Washington State, other parts go to Wyoming and Montana (p.315);

Untill 1863 the white "Christian" immigration wave does not stop (p.314).

Natives are driven into "reservation" by force of arms or immediately shoot, never said in the schoolbook...

Leached soil - 4 million black slaves in the field

Farmer development in the South: Cotton, tabacco, shugar are leaching the soil [and the destructive white "Christian" farmers don't want to learn about holistic agriculture from the natives] -> the white "Christian" farmers [with no brain] have to migrate; for working on the wide farms black slaves are deployed who are supposed to stay better in the heat; in 1860 have been about 4 million black slaves in the South of the "USA" are working for free for the white "Christians" (p.333).
When these salaries will be paid?

Look how the crazy criminal white "Christians" are fighting against each other one more time slaughtering themselves:

Dispute about taxes and disputes about slavery lead into civil war ("official" version - all mass murders and concentration camps are concealed)

The white race of stupid criminal "Christians" is provoking the next escalation on Indian soil and the white banks are financing it. So the next war is possible.

The Northern States want to have taxes on foreign goods for better possibilities to sell their own products in the Southern States; from 1860 on there are more Northern States than Southern States (p.334); and another dispute about introduction of slavery in the Oregon States is coming up; the [white racist "Christian"] highest court means it would be up to evereybody himself (p.335); the Republicans are against and the Democrats for slavery; in 1861 Lincoln wins the presidential elections, he turns against slavery after the elections (p.336) and is murdered from an actor during a visit to a theater (p.339); [this is the official version];

the Southern States leave the "USA" and found the "Confederation of American States", with an own president Jefferson Davis and an own main town Richmond; further 4 states are joining the Confederation(p.336), own currency (p.340), foundation of a Confederational Army; when the Confederational Army wants to overtake forts of the "USA" (Union) war is breaking out (p.336).

not mentioned: The Free Mason's bankers are financing both sides of the war, and both sides are running into depts; so the bankers get the power at the end of the war. The Free Meson's bankers want the war because it's useful for them and brings the power to them in the whole "USA". After the civil war it's not the government any more who is governing, but even more the bankers in the background.

Map of 1863: The distribution of white
                        North "American" states in civil war
                        of the "USA" in 1861, map
Click on
                                                          the photo for
                                                          more info
Map of 1863: The distribution of white North "American" states in civil war of the "USA" in 1861, map [map 1863 civil war]
Map 1861-1865: The victory plan of the
                        white Northern States in civil war 1861-1865,
Click on
                                                          the photo for
                                                          more info
Map 1861-1865: The victory plan of the white Northern States  in civil war 1861-1865, map. [map 1861-1865]

Civil war from 1861 on: Beginning of the war at Fort Sumter (p.336); GB is not helping to the slave South; in 1863 the Union controlls Mississippi (p.337), in 1865 counter president Davis is captured, end of the war (p.338-339); the "US" Army  (Union) occupies the Southern States, they are affiliated into the Union another time only when slavery is abolished; at the same time a discussion about the right to vote is coming up (p.339);

not mentioned: After the civil war the winning generals are going to fight the last free living natives to put them into "reservations" (open air concentration camps), for example general Custer, with death marches and so on. There is nothing to see from this in the schoolbook... Hitler, another criminal "Christian", did the same with Jews...

Technique and expansion over the Pacific
Reconstruction begins in the Southern States; land reform: partition of the wide plantations and distribution to new farmers (p.340) [to give back any land to s is out of discussion...]

1867: Purchase of Alaska from Russia: Russia sells Alaska because fur trade produces only deficits at a price of 7,2 million $ (p.386); [Alaska is classified as "territory" by1959];

1867 "USA" are going to spread over Pacific by the occupation of the uninhabited Midway Islands (p.388); uninhabited? [this sais the schoolbook].

In 1869 completion of the first railway to Pacific (p.314), many Chinese railway workers (p.365);

not mentioned: The railway is the death sentence for the  cultures because now the white "Christians" are coming to the West in masses in comfortable trains. This is also the reason for  assaults on the railway. The s only have the choice to go into the "reservations" voluntarily or by force of arms, for example in the region of today's Seattle and Vancouver.

What would a White in Europe say if an Asian wave would come and would say that the White only could live in special valleys?

Crossing of cattle - new railway lines - guns, guns, guns

Agriculture in Texas is crossing cattlesbetween English and Spanish cattle from Mexico, with the result of big animals; Cowboy farms are running meat exportation (p.322); it becomes tradition to drive cattle from Texas to the North to sell the cattle in the North (p.323); just for cattle transport and for selling the cattle in the Northern towns new railway lines are built to Texas (p.322-323); in the South of the "USA" Cowboy guns are ruling against theafs and wolfs (p.324);

not mentioned: The guns are also ruling against white competitors for women and in cases of corruption, and against Blacks, and against s anyway. Actually it's a civil war without an end... "American way of life" of criminal "Christians"...

Map of 1870: "USA": cuttle driving trails - Agriculture land - natives forced into reserveations (open air concentration camps) - railway constructioning in 1870 about.

Map 1870:
                      "USA": cuttle driving trails -
                      Agriculture land - natives forced into
                      reserveations (open air concentration camps) -
                      railway constructioning in 1870 about.Click on
                the photo for more info
Map of 1870: "USA": cuttle driving trails - Agriculture land - natives forced into reserveations (open air concentration camps) - railway constructioning in 1870 about.
[map 1870 cuttle and railways]

Mechanization in agriculture and in the society: summary

from about 1830 on: The agriculture machines give relief to the white racist "farmers" in the Plains (p.321)

-- these "farmers" are NOT farmers, but they are racist white "Christian" farmers not knowing ANYTHING about holistic agriculture of the natives, so these white farmers have NO brain

-- and the slaves have to find new occupations or they die because they are forbidden to work for a salary.

invention of the cotton converting machine in GB (p.342), and first spinning machine is coming up in the "USA": the English are reconstructing the invention in the "USA" by heart, because the plans in GB are strictly secret (p.342); foundation of the first weapon factories, guns become unity products (p.343); development of water power with the invention of the steam engine (p.344); first railway traffic from 1830 on (p.353);

after 1860: Edison invents the light bulb; s use raw oil as a medicament rubbing it on the skin, that stimulates further oil inventions (p.344), kerosene (p.345), gas coal and ores (p.346); the social class of the super rich is coming up [criminal "Christian" Bonanza culture] (p.347), and the trade unions from 1869 on (p.348);

the railway cheapens corn transports (p.350), and the steamboat on the Mississippi - the main traffic rout of the "USA" at that time - are much faster than the ships before (p.352); Railway: invention of air pressure brake and signals; Pullman invents sleeping car and dining car (p.353);

construction of subways and elevated railways; car industry, Henry Ford, Model T and so on (p.354), invention of the electric start mechanism for women friendly cars; invention of rubber and tires (p.355), asphalt and concrete paving which allows car traffic also when it's raining; invention of the bycicle with two wheels of the same size (p.355); invention of telephone and telegraph (p.356); Samuel Morse invents morsing (p.357), Alexander Bell invents telephone, and invention of radio communication (p.358); airplane constructioning (p.359); in 1927 Lindberg flies to Paris (p.360); propaganda of a "Nation by work" (p.362);

Map 1783-1930: Technical inventions and technical improvements in the "USA" 1783-1930

The concentration camps for the s are not mentioned, and the black slavery not either...

                        1783-1930: Technical inventions and technical
                        improvements in the "USA" 1783-1930Click on
                                                          the photo for
                                                          more info
Map 1783-1930: Technical inventions and technical improvements in the "USA" 1783-1930 [map 1783-1930]

Development in the relationship to the Blacks

From 1868 on Blacks are given the right to buy land [s never], from 1870 on right to vote for Blacks (p.339);

not mentioned: The racist white counter movement is working hard, so two years later in 1872 the right to vote for Blacks is abolished again...

Jesus fantasy Church schools for Blacks, partly alphabetization (p.340);

Further expansion in Pacific
From 1878 on occupation of Samoa and occupation of islands in the Carebbean Sea (p.388);

The last "free settling land" - no "frontier" anymore

The criminal act to barrack the s is finished:

1880 foundation of the "Oklahoma Land Rush" (p.316); from 1890 on  "Western Frontier" is not existing anymore because all land has been distributed (p.316) [to the white "Christians" mostly, also to Blacks? but s have to got into "reservations" - this is fine "Christan" extrermination policy like Hitler did later with the Jews and other groups, and criminal Zionists will do the same with the Arabs...]

From about 1880 on forced schools for  children (p.263); [educating children in the "Christian" racist way forming racist children who are against their native parents then - this is just one more "Christian" cruelty]

the traces of NL, F, Sp. and Swedish colonialists are conserved in style of houses and in customs (p.263);

not mentioned: Some propagandists claim the following: with the end of the "frontier" would end an important element of "American way of life". Instead to think about the big crime of the extermination of the natives, the criminal "Christians" are organizing new frontiers and wars - the criminal "Christians" will never stop their eternal killings and slaughters against other cultures: financing the Third Reich, financing Zionism with Israel, financing new frontiers in the fantasy space...

White criminal racist "Christian" population: immigration and origin: summary

In 1790 4 million inhabitants in the "USA" according to the official [racist] manner of counting (p.264); black slaves are  worth 3/5 of a White (p.262);

[s count 0... this is the base of the criminal existance of the "USA" governed by "Christians" for "Christians"].

immigration of Irish, Skandinavians, 1830-1850 above all Germans which [after the failed revolution in 1830] are rebelling against [conservative] German governments (p.364-365); immigration is forwarded and organized by the "US" industry (p.354); 1846-1849 above all Irish immigration, too, because of  bad harvest of potatoes in Irland, and immigration of people from N, S, DK, GB, CH, Belgium, 1840-1880 Scandinavians in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and after the goldrush in California in 1849 immigration of Jews and Asians, Asians mostly workers, above all for railway lines, hardly farmers; many Chinese and Japanese are immigrating to Hawaii and in Alaska;

[Now you can see: as the white criminal "Christians" of the "USA" want to spread over Pacific to China, China and Japan have the goal to spread out to the "USA"...]

Not mentioned: Bourse crises and emergency

With the introduction of the free bourse "USA" there are three heavy market crashs, the first in 1873, and no measures are taken against a repetition. As the "free settling land" is coming to an end, right extreme "American" politicians are calling for more foreign trade and more expansion, above all in the Caribbean Sea, in Middle "America" and in South "America". A special political weight in the "USA" have the farmers, and the Free Masons always are afraid that Communism overtakes the rule, so the polarization between left and right is growing and the super rich never correct the insufficient capitalist system but are focusing on force by arms and deads.

1895: Revolt in Cuba - 1898: War to the outward and annexation of the Pacific to the "Philippines"

1895 "Cuban" revolt on Ccuba, the "USA" "helps"; 1898 annexation of Hawaii during the Spanish War (p.388);

when in 1898 war against Spain brakes out ("Spanish War") "USA" is continuing their occupation policy towards the West and annexes Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam and the "Philippines"; [the "Philippines" are the "entrance" for China, and China and Japan will not feel good with "USA" just aside...]. The occupations are "safed" in a "Treaty of Paris". In 1900 follows annexation of Samoa (p.388,445; dtv-Atlas zur Weltgeschchte, vol.2, p.116).

Hawaii and Alaska are affiliated as federal state in 1959 only (see map).

Extremization: immigration 1880-1914 - slums and the super rich - 1904-1914: Panama Canal

1880-1914 huge immigration  from Eastern and Southern Europe [and from Russia] (p.365): The "US" industry is looking for Europeans for the new big firms and industries, 1880-1914 20 million white immigrants, add to this immigration from Mexico and Canada (p.366); elder immigrants in large cities have big problems because they hardly know people (p.369-370); in 1902 prohibition of immigration for Chinese and illiterates, 1924 general restrictions (p.370);

not mentioned: These restrictions and racisms are arguments for Hitler's racism against Jews; and the "reservations" are also model for Hitler against Jews, and Israel plans the same with the Arabs (read Herzl)...

from about 1900 on slums are existing aside business quarters (p.379), construction of motorways, state's credit for house building to eliminate the slums (p.380-381);

1904-1914: Panama Canal
in 1904 the "USA" are purchasing the building law in the Panama Canal Zone [from Colombia]  for 10 million $ and afford an annual rental payment of 2 million $; in 1914 the Channel is ready (p.389);

[A first French attempt after Suez Channel for a Panama Channel failed because of incorrect planning and malaria, with a high death rate];

Oklahoma is affiliated as federal state in 1907 (see map);

Immigration to White racist "USA" 1860-1920: Statistics

Some facts about the "population development" after the end of the "frontier"...

And the decline of the native population is not mentioned...

Immigration to White racist "USA"
                        1860-1920: Statisticsclick photo
                      for more info
Immigration to White racist "USA" 1860-1920: Statistics [map 1860-1920 immigration]

First World War - Second World War: Two more "victories"

First World War and Wilson "peace concept" (p.390-391);

not mentioned: The "peace concept" satisfies only racist nationalism of the countries of the white "Christian" race except Germany and Austria. Foundation of states in Arab area, of the Jews and in the Asiatic area are inhibited. It's not at all a "peace" concept! And "American" bankers are financing Communism as a joke because the satanic Committee of 300 in London always wants an enemy otherwhise life is not interesting for them. Allied commandos thought that Russia would perish under communism and Allied troops could occupy Russia. This theory came out wrong, but Rockefeller was then allowed to go to communist Russia to the oil fields of Baku anyway... (look in the book: The Committee of 300)

In 1917 purchcase of the Danish Virgin Islands near the Panama Channel as base for Channel protection (p.389); another bourse crash and depression from 1929 on, 16 million unimployed in the "USA" (p.391); Stalin is laughing at capitalism, he has no problems without free stock exchange installing power for light in the rural zones and is a hero there...

not mentioned: "American" bankeres and financiers are financing Communism and Third Reich at the same time...

in 1938 introduction of 40 hours working week; invention of new agriculture machines (p.349); but they do NOT learn holistic agriculture or permaculture. Farmers in the "USA" are left with high credits for complicated machines, and then also always more fertilizer and pesticides. So stupid they are!

Map of the "USA" in 1917: Domination over North "America" and with Hawaii
Map of the
                        "USA" in 1917: Domination over North
                        "America" and with Hawaiiclick photo for more info
Map of the "USA" in 1917: Domination over North "America" and with Hawaii [map 1917]

Second World War (p.392-393), Alaska road built together with Canada in view of a Japanese attack (p.394) [schoolbook says]; foundation of the UNO; from 1946 on development of the "Cold War" in Europe against the SU (p.395);

not mentioned: The rulers of the two blocks have seats in the same Free Mason's logde, and it's only a game of the super rich. The "American" bankers are going on with financing Communism...

In the "USA" is a pride in the atomic bomb coming up (p.414-415) and further develompments of the bomb (p.415-416);

not mentioned: Launching of atomic bombs against Japan is officially justified with having  "shortened" the war... for the victims the war will never end untill death because of cancer operations... Is there a compensation?

Map of 1947 with "USA" in Pacific region down to the Philippines. But world dominance of "USA" occupying Germany and with Israel is not mentioned in the school book [Rhine meadow camps, Zionist Israel imperialism, Israel becomes the new frontier etc.].

Map of
                        1947 with "USA" in Pacific region down
                        to the Philippinesclick photo for more info
Map of 1947 with "USA" in Pacific region down to the Philippines [map 1947]

Korea: The play between capitalism and communism - UNO

After 1945 after the Japanese retreat Korea is occupied half and half by SU and "USA" (p.396); [has anybody asked Koreans if they want this?]

SU and "USA" retreat at the same time from Korea, then Communist invasion by China follows and the outbreak of Korean war in 1950 (p.396);

not mentioned: The whole operation can be a manipulation to make war on and on and for "testing" weapons. In the Korean war "US" chemical bombs are launched with lifelong consequences for the population. Is there a compensation from stupid "USA"?

UNO (p.417-419)

Not mentioned: The UNO is a club of the super rich of all countries with it's center in New York and with it's banking center Geneva in Switzerland. This club does not have any interest that welfare in  the world's population is growing, but old mistakes are  repeated in the new independent states, deliberately or unintentionally, for example monoculture and leaching of soil which already has happened to the "USA" 100 years before! At the end soil all over the world is poisoned by pesticides with consequences for the whole food chain. And wars are not inhibited, but the escalation between the systems is going on. So the UNO is an absolute harmful organization for the world's development because worldwide UNO is spreading false hopes and is covering real solutions for  problems.

In 1959 Alaska and Hawaii are affiliated as new federas states (see map); pride in the planned moon landing [which has occured in Hollywood and is one more "frontier"] and pride in the space as a "New Frontier" (p.419-421); Berlin Wall (p.423); [Vietnam war, Vietnam trauma]; "modern" "USA" (p.424-427);

Not mentioned: The population of the "USA" is not realizing the fighting mentality and is running on and on into new wars untill today (2023)...

Map of the States of the "USA" in 1965 with the dates of purchase and occupation.

Natives never had the right to possess land. They never have counted!

And reservations are destructed by mining and surface mining...

[map 1965]
Map of the States of the
                            "USA" in 1965 with the dates of
                            purchase and occupation.

Flag of
                        "USA" with the remark: stop fighting
The flag of the "USA" in 1965. The number of stars has accumulated,

but: The number of natives has diminished heavily

not mentioned: The environmental pollution has increased heavily
not mentioned: The landing on the Moon will happen in moon studios...
not mentioned: NASA is working together with aliens and is pretending a landing on the moon...

-- by 1960 42 million immigrants (p.375)
-- 1965: 500'000 natives living yet in the "USA" (p.263)
-- from 1967 on: Israel wants to bring the "American" system against Arabs to a complete display (Herzl)...

This is no conspiracy theory but you can read this in the Herzl book of 1896, and the secret services are heading to the Euphrat frontier indicated in 1st Mose chapter 15 sentence 18. For peace the natives should be emancipated and the Bible should be changed...

There is no "freedom" - the missing therapy for the "USA" and Israel

Whole white and now even a part of the black population of the "USA" with it's fighting mentality are a psychiatric case and should learn Human Rights and reform at last the old state's system and give back their arms...

Freedom is reached when the world is without any war. But the governments of the "USA" never want this freedom!

So, when "USA" will go to therapy and hand over their arms?

And Israel (Mossad) which wanted to copy the "US" system (look at Herzl) needs the same therapy:

To make a living together instead to live against each other.

But the latest events with Second Iraq War are giving a line against Muslims further on. The Muslims will fight against their annihilation. What will that be at the end?

War in Ukraine is the same thing: they only want "one more Israel" - this is just one more frontier.

Map of Canada: The fine difference

Kanada Canada Fahne drapeau flag

Map of
                    Canada - why the railway is missing?  
Map of Canada - why the railway is missing?

The white settlers begin with fur trade (p.399), French and English settlers, from 1763 on the French loose all, only some islands in St. Lawrence River remain French (p.400-401), but the French are going on where they lived; during war of independence after 1776 royal people from New England States are immigrating to Canada, later also from the "USA"; 1st of July is national holiday as "Dominion Day"; 10 provinces and 2 territories; fine difference in the state's system to the "USA" (p.401-402);

building of railways happens before the [white racist] Western invasion, the immigration is happening by train, no trails as in the "USA"; "distribution of land" over the Hudson Bay's Company (p.402) and over the British government (p.402-403); native reservations (p.403);

not mentioned: In the big wars of the "USA" after 1917 Canadian troups take always part; Destruction of Indian reservations by mining and surface mining and so on; in latest times creation of wide native territories and territories for inuits, but civilization problems...

The imperialistic choice of the word "freedom" -- Table: Imperialistic and racist word choice in the spirit of the white race in the schoolbook -- The discoveries of Columbus and after Columbus -- French and English "explorations" -- Slavery - and deferred payment for the passage -- Escalation between New England and London: Bill of Rights -- French Indian war against New England -- New Escalation between New England and London because of commercial laws -- Forced deportations of whole native tribes -- Tea dispute - Boston is sealed off - an unseccessful chase -- The war of independence -- The expansion of the war by native assaults -- The racist "USA" as a new "State" - natives do not exist officially (!!!) -- The Louisiana "Purchase" - expeditions thanks of the natives -- A new escalation - the second war of independence -- "Purchase" of Florida - "purchase" of Oregon - partition and occupation of Oregon -- Texas provocation and annexation - Trail of Tears - breakthroug of the "USA" to California -- California - goldrush - Oregon development - Gadsden Purchase -- Stream of immigration to Oregon -- Leached soil - 4 million black slaves in the field -- Dispute about taxes and disputes about slavery lead into civil war ("official" version - all mass murders and concentration camps are concealed) -- Technique and expansion over the Pacific -- Crossing of cattle - new railway lines - guns, guns, guns -- Mechanization in agriculture and in the society: summary -- Development in the relationship to the Blacks -- Further expansion in Pacific -- The last "free settling land" - no "frontier" anymore -- White racist population: immigration and origin: summary -- Not mentioned: Bourse crises and emergency -- War to the outward and annexation of the Pacific to the "Philippines" -- Extremization: immigration - slums and the super rich - Panama  -- First World War - Second World War: Two more "victories" -- Korea: The play between capitalism and communism - UNO -- There is no "freedom" - the missing therapy for the "USA" and Israel -- Canada: The fine difference
