Map of cCriminal "USA" at 1870
                        apr.: Agriculture - "Indian
                        reservations" (open air concentraiton camp)
                        - cattle trails - industry - liberation of the

Criminal "USA" at 1870 apr.: Agriculture - "Indian reservations" (open air concentraiton camp) - cattle trails - industry - liberation of the slaves

-- the agents of the state "sell" "free land", and the whites occupy the "free land" with fences
-- the natives are driven into the "reservations" (open air concentration camps) by force of arms, natives are forbidden to live on the coast lines (!)
-- the railway lines are carving the area; the constructioning is achieved mostly by Chinese
-- militant natives attack the whites with their never ending expansion provokign even more repression against the natives
-- the industry is spoiling the whole nature step by step, which natives call "Mother Earth"
-- after the mechanization and prohibition of slavery the blacks are migrating from the South to the North and end in the ghetto working for famine wages - they are salary slaves now
-- racism is that strong in the criminal "USA" that one black can provoke that a hole line of houses with whites is leaving
-- mass killing of blacks begins with the eternal reproach of violation - and white violators are playing this game perfectly. This criminal diffamation game of the criminal racist whites in Nazi state of "USA" is going on until today (2016)...

At the same time Germany in its first race war is making war on France. Racism is a subject in "modern" universities (!).
First psychiatry with the definition what is "normal" or "not normal" is coming up, sterilizations are coming up against natives and more victims etc. etc. etc. Since 1947 racist war is performed by criminal satanist NATO - also always against natives. Palestinians were also driven from the coast line and they are mostly forbidden to live on the coast line. Racist satanist Illuminati Free Mason tactics in the Committee of 300 which has become mostly Zionist are repeating...
