1861-1865: civil war on native
territory: map of the Eastern
"U.S.A." 1861-1865
Of course also this war is an
"organized" war of the Illuminati Free
Mason satanists. In the 1850s the
satanists from the Committee of 300
were in the Mississippi region to find
out how the mentalities are so a civil
war could be provoked. And then
slavery was taken as a pretext in the
public press for making war.
Illuminati Free Masons and the
power on the continent
Slavery was not the real reason for
civil war because blacks would stay
also in salary slavery when whey would
be "free".
The real reasons for civil war were
about the power on the continent.
Criminal satanist Illuminati Free
Masons in Washington and in London did
not want to permit another state on
the North "American" continent, they
wantet to keep the whole thing and
dominate the south. And every war
brought new technique,
transpor-tations and ruins for new
programs in the state's budget, and
the trusts of the C300 would profit of
CC Andersonville of 1865
The concentration camp of
Andersonville AFTER the war against
the soldiers of the South States was
the peak of satanist Illuminati Free
Mason policy with 1,000s of deaths
which could have been evaded.
Eisenhower repeated this tactic with
CCs AFTER the war against 1 million
Germans in the Rhine meadow camps