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July 17, 2014: the case of flight MH17 - Boeing 777 of Malaysian Airlines affected (part 2)

Summary: the fire place of Grabowo and distributed parts

The Boeing777 of flight MH17 was obviously hijacked and a "crash site" near Grabowo was arranged - dummies and inflatable puppets - big parts of an airplane without sinkhole - hand luggage was put - big luggage is missing completely - trails in the field - faked passports - what is in the coffin? - new piracy of "USA" against Boeing airplanes by remote control - rumors about organ trade with CIA - parallels to the faked moon landings and to September 11, 2001 - sanctions against "U.S.A."

Light metal parts are taken away
              from the fire place of Grabovo with just one single
              clearing vehicle  a rubber doll with valve, and the sock is too
                little  not
              damaged and clean hart plastic suit case with content
Light metal parts are taken away from the fire place of Grabovo with just one single clearing vehicle [15] - a rubber doll with valve, and the sock is too little [3] - not damaged and clean hart plastic suit case with content [24]



by Michael  Palomino (2014)


April 2014: CIA and FBI "taking over" Ukraine

With this the high criminality is beginning in Ukraine by the shit of these criminals of CIA spreading bribes and preparing maneuvers, reinforcing attacks against Russian territories in the East Ukraine instead of organizing a people's vote. And then comes this here:

until July 17, 2014: Preparation of a "faked crash site" near Grabowo - like a ghost train

"Crash site" with two
                          little engines  silicone doll with big
                          "injuries", a doll does not bleed  a
                          rubber doll with a valve - does not bleed -
                          and the sock is too little
"Crash site" with two little engines [1] - silicone doll with big "injuries", a doll does not bleed [2] - a rubber doll with a valve - does not bleed - and the sock is too little [3]

CIA was "working" in Ukraine - it seems with the collaboration with the rebels, with the Ukrainian government, and with Malaysia Airlines. They were "preparing" a "crash site" with remnants of an airplane of Malaysian Airlines. With a helicopter big parts of an airplane are spread in the fields and meadows, and then a little airplane is blast at a fire place. After the blast of this little airplane the authorities of Grabowo are instantly working for "tidy up" this "crash site" for destroying any evidence for this big fraud. The location is war zone and in a war zone one can "do everything" and CIA is given "free rein" bribing everywhere.

                      place" of Grabovo with only little parts
"Fire place" of Grabovo with only little parts [4]
                      place" of Grabovo with only little parts 02
"Fire place" of Grabovo with only little parts 02 [5]
"Fire place" with two little
                      engines [6] - they are not from a Boeing777 for
"Fire place" with two little engines [6] - they are not from a Boeing777 for sure

Hey! Don't let you trick!!!

Additionally big parts of a big airplane of Malaysia and some seats with naked dummies and also rubber dolls are put into fields and on meadows around the fire place. And a little part of the luggage of flight "MH17" is distributed around this place of Grabowo. The rubber dolls are regularly "ballasted" by luggage so the wind will not take the dolls.

Grabowo: a
                      big part of a big airplane in the field - a tail
Grabowo: a big part of a big airplane in the field - a tail fin [7]
Two seats
                      with a naked dummy puppet on a meadow
Two seats with a naked dummy puppet on a meadow [8]
                      rubber doll at a big part of the airplane, and the
                      big injuries do not bleed
Silicone rubber doll at a big part of the airplane, and the big injuries do not bleed [9]
Rubber doll
                      with a valve on a meadow half under luggage
Rubber doll with a valve on a meadow half under luggage [10]
Rubber doll with a valve on a meadow half
                      under luggage, zoom of the valve - and the sock is
                      too little
Rubber doll with a valve on a meadow half under luggage, zoom of the valve - and the sock is too little [11 2xzoom, double photo]

And this sock is too little! So the "organizers" were just taking some clothes from the passenger's luggage and they clothed the dolls with it!
But it seems that there were not enough little dolls or for youth age!!!

Partly these dummies do not have any clothes. Well I came to the conclusion that from dummies it 's not possible to rob mobile phones, above all when they are naked.

The video is here: http://nodisinfo.com/inflatable-fake-corpse-detected-mh17-crash-hoax/
The analysis with the photos from the video is here: http://www.hist-chron.com/as/asien-allg/2014-07-19-flug-MH-17-Boeing777-teil005-mehr-fakes-D.html

Video: <Место падения Боинга. Храни, Господь, их души... 18+ >
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obeYJnPjTBI (11min.59sek.)

Hey! Don't let you trick!!!

A little airplane was blast - and big parts of a big airplane were distributed in the fields

Media are just claiming that the airplane had come down "in one piece" because the engines had been on the same spot. At the same time is stated that the explosion by the impact had provoked that the big parts of the airplane were flinging around in the region.

Well, all this is IMPOSSIBLE and is a BIG LIE because big parts of an airplane with tons of weight cannot fly, and because the parts of the airplane are just absolutely clean without any burn marks or of an explosion, and because there are no sinkholes in the fields where they have "fallen". But all big parts of the airplane were well distributed by a helicopter, and also the distributed luggage seems to be distributed by a helicopter just in portions.

Tail fin
                      with a logo of Malaysian Airlines with the
                      anchorage - without dust, earth or burn marks - in
                      a wheatfield also without burn marks
Tail fin with a logo of Malaysian Airlines with the anchorage - without dust, earth or burn marks - in a wheatfield also without burn marks [12]
and without any crater -
All this is just impossible, but with a helicopter it will be well possible...

When a part of an airplane is coming from an explosion falling into a wheat field then also the wheat field begins burning. Does anybody see something? NO.

According to the analysis of video photos and analytic photos there is the clear conclusion

-- analysis part 4: engines are a fake, flight paths are a fake, and there are news about "old dead bodies" etc.

-- analysis part 5: dummies, inflatable puppets, debris of a big airplane were put, also luggage was put, and passports are forged etc.

When all this are "old dead bodies", dummies and inflatable puppets then there is the question: Where are the real regular passengers now? This is NEVER asked by anybody until today whereas this conclusion should be CLEAR. The real Boeing777 of flight MH17 is hijacked as flight MH370 was also hijacked.

"Crash site" near Grabowo: ALL is a fake from A to Z - the fire place

It seems to be very clear that with this flight of MH17 ALL is a fake, from A to Z everything. This "crash site" was arranged and a little airplane was blasted there. One cannot recognize any airline.

Light metal with some holes in
              it at the fire place of Grabovo  Light metal
              with some holes in it at the fire place of Grabovo 02
Light metal with some holes in it at the fire place of Grabovo 01+02 [13,14]
Light metal pieces of the fire place of Grabovo
              are cleaned up with just one single clearing vehicle (car
Light metal pieces of the fire place of Grabovo are cleaned up with just one single clearing vehicle (car crane) [15]

The rebels knew why they were "tiding up" the fire place so fast: Nobody should detect the big fraud, and it seems that the rebels were bribed by CIA for all this. There is no idea how it could be done otherwise that in a rebel's territory such a giant fake with a faked crash site can be organized. Just one or two commanders got a high sum for this and then the thing is working. We see the faked "crash site" here:

Media claim always again and again that the airplane had come down "in one piece" because the engines are just at the same place.

"Crash site" with two
              little motors of airplane engines
"Crash site" with two little motors of airplane engines [15]

Well, first these motors of engines at the fire place are not part of a Boeing777 because the engines of a Boeing777 are much bigger, and second big parts of an airplane like Boeing777 simply cannot fly, but they remain on the ground also after heavy explosions. With a crash of an airplane mostly the tail fin is breaking off, and sometimes also parts of the roof of the airplane are going, but the big parts cannot fly to other places alone because they are much too heavy as the following picture is showing about the crash in San Francisco - by the way it's also a Boeing777:

Crash of a Boeing777 in San
              Francisco, the tail fin is broken off and a part of the
              roof is blast away and one engine is missing
Crash of a Boeing777 in San Francisco, the tail fin is broken off and a part of the roof is blast away and one engine is missing [17]

Thus one can see that the construction of the airplane with it's fuselage and with it's wings was well working, but the engines and the roof not. In Grabovo just the contrary should have been the case: The engines are there in the fire place but the wings not. And there are no burn marks or explosion marks on the big parts. This is IMPOSSIBLE.

Hey! Don't let you trick!!!

Open-air museum in Grabovo: parts of a big airplane

The big parts of a big airplane of Malaysian Airlines are distributed in the region of Grabovo around the fire place. All is clean, without dust, earth, and above all without any sinkhole and without marks of an explosion or of a fire. So all this is ALL a fake, they faked everything what is possible in this case. It's just like an open-air museum.

Tail fin with a logo of
                      Malaysian Airlines in a wheatfield near Grabovo
Tail fin with a logo of Malaysian Airlines in a wheatfield near Grabovo [18]
Very clean parts of the
                      interior of an airplane are in the grass
Very clean parts of the interior of an airplane are in the grass [19]

There is
-- no dust
-- no earth
-- no sinkhole
-- no marks of an explosion or fire
-- no marks of a fire in the wheatfield or in the meadow.

So it's ALL a FAKE.

Hey! Don't let you trick!!!

The video for this you can see here: http://nodisinfo.com/inflatable-fake-corpse-detected-mh17-crash-hoax/
The analysis with the photos from the video you can see here:

Principally everybody knows since Normandy of 1944 from WWII what is a sinkhole: Every bomb was producing a sinkhole, also when it did not explode. But people from CIA don't have brain nor eyes nor books nor the minimum of further education in the Internet it seems...

This helicopter pilot who was "distributing" the parts of the big airplane was doing a very good job: He did NOT produce ANY sinkhole, and the propeller of the helicopter was driving away any dust or earth on the objects - and thus all parts are spanking clean!

Hey! Don't let you trick!!!

No type of an airplane can be confirmed

Additionally it's not possible to confirm the type of the airplane which was blast, and the parts in the field are not indicating a type of an airplane either. There are just some numbers and there is a luggage code, but numbers can be painted everywhere and a luggage code can be faked by mafia forces in one second as passports too:

                      blau-rotes, grosses Trümmerteil mit dem Code MRO
                      steht auf einer Wiese aufrecht
Colorful big part of a big airplane in blue and in red with a Code "MRO" standing upright on a meadow [20]
Luggage code
                      of a flight MH017 [21] - but this code is without
Luggage code of a flight MH017 [21] - but this code is without suitcase!

Where are just all parts of this big Boeing777? And other luggage pieces do not have this luggage code in some way!!!

So it can be just a little airplane which was blasted at the "fire place", probably it was a transportation airplane which brought the luggage or so. Any seat is missing in the fire place and also the cockpit is missing. Nothing can be confirmed here. It only can be confirmed that there was NO Boeing777 for sure which is much bigger. A Boeing777-200 is 63.7 meters long and it's wingspread is 60.9 meters (see: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777)

Thus one can see: There is no trace of a big Boeing777-200.

The fire
                      place of Grabovo with only little parts and with
                      little motors of the airplane
The fire place of Grabovo with only little parts and with little motors of the airplane [22]
The fire
                      place of Grabovo with a landing gear or so
The fire place of Grabovo with a landing gear or so [23]

This little airplane which was blasted at the "fire place" was about 30 meters long not more.

The cockpit is never presented in the video, seems to be strange, let's wait.

Luggage: just some hand luggage - big luggage is missing
The hand luggage which was brought to Grabovo are also all totally clean and unreal in groups - absolutely unreal after a crash of an airplane. Well, this is just only hand luggage. Even the little hard plastic suitcase is without any damage and is without ANY dirty earth. But when this luggage should be from an explosion having landed in a meadow or in a field then one should admit that
-- there have to be marks of a fire
-- the field or the meadow should catch fire
-- there should be earth remnants
-- damages by the impact
-- eventually dust of earth everywhere.

Soft luggage like rucksacks don't produce craters, but hard plastic suitcases do.

Hard plastic
                      suitcase without any damage and absolutely clean
                      with content
Hard plastic suitcase without any damage and absolutely clean with content [24]
Hand luggage
                      with laptop open in the meadow without any dust
                      nor earth remnants
Hand luggage with laptop open in the meadow without any dust nor earth remnants [25]

Only hand luggage was brought to Grabovo otherwise Grabovo would have a giant luggage problem. All hand luggage brought to Grabovo is absolutely clean and without any damage. Well, also this is IMPOSSIBLE but again the helicopter has worked very well. And the luggage is also set in groups as if a helicopter had put the luggage in "portions" there.

Additionally all big luggage is missing! Well, this is only logic because already the big pieces of the airplane had to be brought there by criminal CIA and this is work enough thus the big luggage was kept secret in a secret deposit on a secret "U.S." base, for example in Ramstein or in Diego Garcia or elsewhere. AIDS medicaments of the AIDS searchers are safe and hidden in one of the CIA bases together with the AIDS researchers. In this way criminal pharma can go on selling their AIDS pills for a high price during 20 more years. CIA is just a criminal organization working as a pirate organization in 2001 already and now in 2014 there are two more hijackings with flight MH370 and flight MH17 - all is confirmed what CIA is.

Trails in the wheatfield - all is a fake - q.e.d.

An extreme case is reached when the manipulation of CIA and of Ukrainian secret service is putting some luggage or some pieces of dead bodies somewhere into a wheatfield leaving trails. This is proved, see this website: http://nodisinfo.com/overhead-images-prove-mh17-crash-hoax/ q.e.d. - ALL is a fake.

Air photo of the fire place of
              Grabovo and of a neighbored wheatfield with trails for
              putting objects  Air photo of
              the fire place of Grabovo and of a neighbored wheatfield
              with trails for putting objects
Air photo of the fire place of Grabovo and of a neighbored wheatfield with trails for putting objects [26] - and the zoom of it [27].

Brand-new faked passports in Grabovo
As a "culmination" of this "Faking Symphony" of criminal CIA and it's "little brothers" in Ukraine there are also faked passports of the regular passengers: A police commander is presenting these faked passports of the regular passengers of MH17 in a video with Livenews.ru. A video of a Mr. Donnerwetter (Thunderstorm) from Switzerland (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWb_IZMdAQU) is indicating some fakes with these passports.

Faked passports with faked
              tickets from flight MH17 and connecting flight of MH715 -
              from July 7, 2014
Faked passports with faked tickets from flight MH17 and connecting flight of MH715 - from July 7, 2014 [28]

Of course it's impossible to present brand-new passports from a fire place. All this is organized and faked by CIA. Original passports are with the original passengers and these passengers are hijacked just somewhere - probably by remote control by CIA. One can estimate that the regular passengers of MH17 are detained by CIA in a base in Poland, or in Morocco, or in Diego Garcia, or even in Germany. The mistake with the mobile phones running during days yet as it was with the hijacked flight of MH370 is not repeated any more.

Old dead bodies, dummies and puppets in the coffin?
It can be admitted that in the coffins which were sent from the fire place are not the dead bodies of the missed passengers but there are "old dead bodies" which correspond with their weight to the missed person, or there are puppets and dummies which correspond with their weight also to the missed person.

Are the real passengers of MH17 in the coffins? - or are there only old dead bodies and dummies and puppets?
Puppets and old dead bodies in garbage bags
                      in a file? Grabovo
Puppets and old dead bodies in garbage bags in a file? Grabovo [33] - according to the new proofs there are not the dead bodies of the real passengers of MH17 inside but only puppets and old dead bodies from other crimes.
                      allegedly with dead body from flight MH17 in
                      Holland, July 23,2014
Coffin allegedly with dead body from flight MH17 in Holland, July 23,2014 [29]
                      transport airplane, allegedly with Dutch dead
                      bodies from flight MH17 from July 17, 2014
Herkules transport airplane, allegedly with Dutch dead bodies from flight MH17 from July 17, 2014 [30]
Coffins allegedly with dead bodies from
                        flight MH17 from July 17, 2014 in Holland
Coffins allegedly with dead bodies from flight MH17 from July 17, 2014 in Holland [31]

Thus one should control every coffin very precisely and in any case an expert should open it making photos and imprints of teeth comparing everything etc. Silicone puppets do not have teeth. But the burials have been already. Be fast!!!

Funeral cars
                          allegedly with dead bodies from flight MH17
                          from July 17, 2014 in Holland, July 23, 2014
Funeral cars allegedly with dead bodies from flight MH17 from July 17, 2014 in Holland, July 23, 2014 [32]
Flowers at the control station in Hilversum
                      [34] - were the identities really controlled?
Flowers at the control station in Hilversum [34] - were the identities really controlled?

New evidence: radar signal of the control tower was probably a fake - and black box investigation will also be a fake
Now the new situation of evidence is
-- there are dummies and inflatable puppets
-- there is a little airplane which was blasted
-- there are big parts of a big airplane and there is some hand luggage
-- there is nothing of the big luggage there
-- and all passports are a fake.

With this new situation of evidence the flight paths are not important any more, and the radar signals from the corresponding day are also a FAKE. The indication of two jet fighters and a disappearing airplane of flight MH17 from the "radar" is also a fake - which was reported by a flight traffic controller "Carlos", and this radar is not important any more. If flight traffic controller "Carlos" was a bribed actor or if he is victim only he knows.
(Analysis part 3: http://www.hist-chron.com/as/asien-allg/2014-07-19-flug-MH-17-Boeing777-teil003-fluglotse-Kiew-D.html)

The faked story about a radar and about a rocket is only important for the CIA media yet because they want to conceal anything of the arranged "crash site" with dummies and inflatable puppets. Faked stories with black boxes will follow and "complete" the picture.

Piracy of criminal "U.S.A." against scientists of other nations - don't use Boeings any more
Criminal "U.S.A." with it's criminal political lodges like Skull&Bones are destroying research projects from Europe and from Asia systematically. This was the case concerning energy research, and this is also the case concerning AIDS research. With flight MH370 there were 20 IT specialists which were "drawn" from science, and with flight MH17 there were many AIDS searchers. "U.S.A." wants to protect itself by criminal piracy in the air now by hijacking certain groups of humans destroying them eliminating any competition. Thus big groups of searchers should not take a flight together any more with a Boeing for not provoking to be a target of criminal "U.S.A." by a hijacking action. Just never use a Boeing any more. But in the "U.S.A." and in Asia this is not so simple, but there are enough airlines with Airbus or Ilyushin or with other types of airplanes which cannot be steered by remote control by CIA (yet).

CIA and rumors about trade of organs
There are rumors that CIA is systematically trading the organs of robbed human beings. This would not be any wonder because CIA is also responsible for drug trade in Mexico and in Afghanistan. There are connections everywhere. And it would not be a wonder when also the government of Malaysia would be involved in the organ trade. The profits with this are millions, and justice is pretending to be without power against these hijacking actions. It can even be admitted that in the Ukraine all sides are bribed by CIA and are "collaborating" with CIA otherwise the faked crash site could not have been possible. If the motive for the hijacking actions is organ trade has to be found out by further investigation. In the "U.S.A." just many organs are not working any more because the people there is nourished with McDonald Food and with chemical pills. There is just a giant demand for new organs in these degenerated "U.S.A."...

Faked scenery in Grabovo with similarities to the faked "moon landings" - fast destruction of evidence at the "fire place" like 9-11

These many things which are not possible in Grabovo are remembering to the faked moon landings where one also had to find out the impossible things and tricks - one by one: there is no earth dust (also in the faked moon landing dust was missing), there is no earth, there are no craters (like with the faked moon landings), there are dummies and inflatable dolls which never bleed, there are socks not matching to the feet of the dolls, there are dolls without arms and without heads because the doll is not inflated for hiding the head with the erotic mouth, there are no burn marks at the big parts of the airplane in the fields or on the roadsides, the fields and the meadows did not catch fire when the parts of the air plane should have come from an explosion, there are foot paths in the wheatfield, and all the big luggage is missing, and it was possible to tidy up the fire place with just one single car crane within about 2 days etc. etc. This ghost train with so many mistakes was really badly organized! Bad and criminal work of CIA!

The faked moon landings were also an operation of CIA - with the moon crane just next to the CIA center in Langley...

And the principle to "tidy up" the fire place with the light metal pieces is the principle of propaganda: tidy up the location of the crime as fast as you can when propaganda against Putin is working yet and nobody is watching you. The same principle was with 9-11: tidy up the place of the crime as fast as you can when propaganda against Muslims is working yet and nobody is watching you. We don't know where are the remnants of the fire place of Grabovo. With 9-11 it was like this: Bring the blasted columns to a recycling company in Japan so nobody can investigate anything.

And for what all this? - Organ trade and Third World War
And for what? The prey are the regular passengers for organ trade and this fake should be the initial point for the Third World War: CIA, Pentagon, NATO and NSA want to have the Russian gas fields, oil fields and gold mines. This is the criminal purpose of bankrupt "USA" - nothing else. Hatred against these criminal "U.S.A." is always rising and rising.

Sanctions? - Against criminal "U.S.A."!
"U.S.A." should get hard sanctions! Evade to fly in Boeings. Insurances should not insure Boeings any more. Until this criminal CIA with his "little brothers" (Pentagon, NATO, NSA, Skull&Bones, MI6, BND, SND, P-27 etc.) have gone. You just have to know: Boeing is a part of CIA as Facebook is.

Let's ask in another way: Who is paying the criminal organizations which are only organizing wars? Who is paying the CIA, the Pentagon, NATO, or NSA? It's the "American" tax payer with the government debt. Therefore "U.S.A." are also robbing all German gold from Fort Knox and despite of all the "U.S.A." will soon be bankrupt. And all the military bases of the "U.S.A:" and of NATO in Germany, in Poland and in Spain are payed by the local tax payers there. For what? Away with it!


So, when the content of the coffins are only old dead bodies and dummies and puppets - this should be controlled in public - where are the real passengers then?

Michael Palomino, July 28, 2014
Logic analytic historiography since 1992
weiter lesen: http://www.gmx.net/themen/nachrichten/panorama/40b5evo-bericht-allianz-zahlt-flug-mh370#.A1000146
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Photo sources
[1] "Absturzstelle" mit zwei kleinen Triebwerksmotoren bei Grabowo vom 17.7.2014:
[2] Silikon-Gummipuppe mit grossen Verletzungen ohne Blut:
<Ukraine: *VERY GRAPHIC* MH17 crash site - charred bodies lie among burning debris>: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0e5_1405626203
[3] aufblasbare Gummipuppe mit Ventil: <Inflatable fake corpse detected - MH17 crash hoax>:

[4, 5]
"Absturzstelle" mit nur kleinen Teilen: Video von Life News: <БОИНГ 777 СБиЛА УКРАИНА ПОСЛЕНИЕ НОВОСТИ 25 07 2014 MH17 Украина КРУШЕНИЕ МАЛАЙЗИЯ>: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0qDmZS-ujE
[6] "Absturzstelle" mit zwei kleinen Triebwerksmotoren bei Grabowo vom 17.7.2014:
Grabowo: Ein grosses Trümmerteil eines Flugzeugs auf einem Feld - die Schwanzflosse: Video von Life News: <БОИНГ 777 СБиЛА УКРАИНА ПОСЛЕНИЕ НОВОСТИ 25 07 2014 MH17 Украина КРУШЕНИЕ МАЛАЙЗИЯ>: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0qDmZS-ujE
[8] Doppelsitz mit nackter Dummy-Puppe: Inflatable fake corpse detected - MH17 crash hoax:
Silikon-Gummipuppe mit grossen Verletzungen ohne Blut: <Ukraine: *VERY GRAPHIC* MH17 crash site - charred bodies lie among burning debris>: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0e5_1405626203

[10,11 (Doppelfoto)]
aufblasbare Gummipuppe mit Ventil: <Inflatable fake corpse detected - MH17 crash hoax>:

[12] Schwanzflosse mit einem Logo von Malaysian Airlines in einem Weizenfeld:
nodisinfo: http://nodisinfo.com/inflatable-fake-corpse-detected-mh17-crash-hoax/
[113,14,15] Feuerstelle
Grabowo mit Leichtmetall mit Löchern: Video von Life News: <БОИНГ 777 СБиЛА УКРАИНА ПОСЛЕНИЕ НОВОСТИ 25 07 2014 MH17 Украина КРУШЕНИЕ МАЛАЙЗИЯ>: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0qDmZS-ujE
[16] "Absturzstelle" mit zwei kleinen Triebwerksmotoren bei Grabowo vom 17.7.2014:
[17] Flugzeugabsturz in San Francisco mit einer Boeing777, Schwanzflosse und Dach weggesprengt:
Schwanzflosse mit einem Logo von Malaysian Airlines in einem Weizenfeld:
nodisinfo: http://nodisinfo.com/inflatable-fake-corpse-detected-mh17-crash-hoax/
[19] Blitzsaubere Innenteile eines Flugzeugs liegen da im Gras: nodisinfo:

nodisinfo: http://nodisinfo.com/inflatable-fake-corpse-detected-mh17-crash-hoax/
[20] Farbiges, blau-rotes, grosses Trümmerteil mit dem Code MRO steht auf einer Wiese aufrecht:
Webseite von nodisinfo: http://nodisinfo.com/inflatable-fake-corpse-detected-mh17-crash-hoax/

[21] Gepäckabschnitt von Flug MH017:
Video ist auf: http://nodisinfo.com/inflatable-fake-corpse-detected-mh17-crash-hoax/)
[22] Die Feuerstelle von Grabowo nur mit kleinen Teilen und mit einem kleinen Triebwerksmotor:
"Absturzstelle" mit nur kleinen Teilen: Video von Life News: <БОИНГ 777 СБиЛА УКРАИНА ПОСЛЕНИЕ НОВОСТИ 25 07 2014 MH17 Украина КРУШЕНИЕ МАЛАЙЗИЯ>: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0qDmZS-ujE
[23] Die Feuerstelle von Grabowo mit einem winzigen, verkohlten Fahrgestell:
"Absturzstelle" mit nur kleinen Teilen: Video von Life News: <БОИНГ 777 СБиЛА УКРАИНА ПОСЛЕНИЕ НОВОСТИ 25 07 2014 MH17 Украина КРУШЕНИЕ МАЛАЙЗИЯ>: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0qDmZS-ujE
[24] Handgepäck auf einer Wiese:
nodisinfo: http://nodisinfo.com/inflatable-fake-corpse-detected-mh17-crash-hoax/)
[25] Handgepäck auf einer Wiese mit Laptop:
nodisinfo: http://nodisinfo.com/inflatable-fake-corpse-detected-mh17-crash-hoax/)
[26,27] Trampelpfad in Weizenfeld für die Objektablage zur Simulation eines explodierten Flugzeugs und verstreuten Teilen im Weizenfeld:
[28] gefälschte, neue Pässe mit gefälschtem Ticket für Flug MH17:
<BUSTED! 'Fresh Passports' Pulled From Truck at Flight MH17 Crash Site!>
[29] Sarg angeblich mit Leichen von Flug MH17 vom 17.7.2014 in Holland:
[30] Herkules-Transportmaschine, angeblich mit holländischen Leichen vom Flug MH17 vom 17.7.2014:

[31] Särge angeblich mit Leichen von Flug MH17 vom 17.7.2014 in Holland:
[32] Leichenwagen angeblich mit den Leichen von Flug Mh17 vom 17.7.2014 in Holland, 23.7.2014:
[33] Puppen und alte Leichen in Müllsäcken nebeneinandergelegt, Grabowo: http://lindaikeji.blogspot.de/2014/07/bodies-of-mh17-crash-victims-tossed.html
[34] Blumen am Kontrollpunkt: Video:
Netherlands: MH17 bodies arrive in HIlversum for identification process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3LYewp0Gto
