1. Alleged airplane of Eastern China
Airlines - it's a WHITE airplane
2. Alleged
crash - impossible drawing WITHOUT explosion at
the end (!)
3. Alleged
crash site: explosion WITHOUT airplane - forest
and debris WITHOUT fire marks
1. Alleged airplane of Eastern China
Airlines - it's a WHITE airplane
The airplane of Eastern China Airlines is said to be a
completely white airplane, allegedly the flight number
was MU5737, and it was traveling from Kunming to
Guangzhou. There was NO emergency call, there was NO
explosion on board registered or reported [web01]. So,
why all this?

White airplane from Eastern China Airlines [1] -
view of the rear [2]
And now this WHITE airplane should appear in a crash
as a BLACK airplane in front of WHITE clouds:

China March 21, 2022: a WHITE airplane should appear
in a crash as a BLACK airplane in front of WHITE
clouds [3]
Analyzing this crash step by step there comes out:
Point 1: the airplane is black in front of white or
blueish clouds
Point 2: A little part of the airplane is splitting
and remaining "hanging" in the air and then
disappearing in the air
Point 3: At the alleged crash site any black CRATER is
missing. Some forest fire was "organized".

Some forest fire in China [4]
So there are just THREE impossibilities at one stroke:
1) Black airplanes do not exist - 2) Parts cannot
split and "hang in the air" - 3) Crash with fire
without black crater does not exist.
Folks, don't let you hoax, but "high elite" of
Satanists is playing their games on and on testing
psyche of the masses with Trauma Based Mind Control.
2. Alleged crash - impossible drawing
WITHOUT explosion at the end (!)
Here are slow motion photos of the fake crash where a
part of the plane splits "staying" in the air, and the
object also changes it's size (seems to be a bad

Crash phase 1,2 [5,6]

Crash phase 3,4 [7,8]

Crash phase 5,6 [9,10]

Crash phase 7,8 [11,12]

Crash phase 9,10 [13,14]

Crash phase 11,12 [15,16]

Crash phase 13,14 [17,18]

Crash phase 15,16 [19,20]

Crash phase 17,18 [21,22]

Crash phase 19,20 [23,24]
And at the end the object stays in the air: the
explosion is missing.

Crash phase 21,22 [25,26]

Crash phase 23,24 [27,28]
Mossad TV station RTL reports
(translation) [web01]:
"On board were 123 passengers and nine crew members. The
misfortune passed in a remote, hilly area near the city
of Wuzhou in the southern Chinese region of Guangxi. The
aircraft with the flight number MU5735 was on the way
from Kunming in Yunnan Province to Guangzhou in the
province Guangdong. So far, there is no conclusive
theory that could explain the crash. What is previously
known is enigmatic: Up to the latest information there
was no emergency call. Up to the crash there was nothing
special with this flight. Weather seemed easy. There are
no reports about explosion or fire on board. The
accident happened during the travel height which counts
as relatively safe. The engine sank very fast. There is
information that the pilots tried to counter this: For a
short time the jet was rising again before crashing
finally. The Boeing came from 8,800 meters over sea
level to the ground within about 2 minutes. Airplane
type 737-800NG does not count as difficult. (It's a
predecessor of the engine 737 Max which was crashing two
times with sad headlines). Ralf Benkö describes this
accident according to the present information like this:
"It seems that the engine has changed to a steep dive.
Then it seems as there was some defense, as if the
pilots wanted a trial to save their flight. And then the
dive wet on." How steep the dive was, video recordings
of a surveillance camera and a dashcam show. Our
verification team could not finally confirm the
authenticity, but they think this could be plausible."
3. Alleged crash
site: explosion without airplane - forest without
debris and WITHOUT fire marks
There is also a video of Mossad ARD WITHOUT the
crashing plane, but with a cloud after a crash:

Absturz mit Wolke OHNE das abstürzende Flugzeug am
Himmel [29] - und die Mossad-ARD behauptet einfach:
Flugzeugabsturz in Südchina [30]
Well, this scenery can also be from Afghanistan war.
And it seems odd that this explosion cloud is MISSING
on the "camera's video" where a Boeing 737-800 is
falling from the sky like a stone!
Crash phase 15 and 24
Well, there is said having been a giant fire allegedly
on 4 hectares, so all the soil there should be black
then and many stems should be charred a little bit.
Well, the fact is: such a forest fire can be created
easily on the computer:

Let's have a little forest fire in China [4]
And investigate only a little bit the photos from the
crash site, then you see: Obviously nothing has burnt
there: Here should have been a devastating fire and
all should be BLACK with soot. But as it seems NOTHING
has burnt here, but as it seems just some parts of
debris were put there:
Look more in the Internet with the words crash site
China - and more photos are coming, e.g. on the web
and there are may photos of rescuers in a forest and
on slopes looking for things - but you NEVER see any
spot which has burnt before: NO soot, NO gunshot
residue, NO fire marks, NOTHING is black there. It's
just the contrary: on fresh earth a Buddhist ritual
for the dead is hold:

On fresh earth a Buddha ritual with candles was hold
for the alleged dead [36]
Conclusion: All is a lie again
Well, I come again to the same conclusion as in the
case of Tehran or in the Ucraine of 2014: Also in
Witnesses claiming that an airplane has crashed
like a stone from the sky [web02] such witnesses can
be bought. Where is poverty many poor are acting
EVERYTHING for some money.
According to my opinion the whole thing is a fake
action for testing and controlling the population -
the decisive word is Trauma Based Mind Control.
Where are the passengers when the crash is a hoax? I
suggest as it is as in the cases of before: The Boeing
was steered by remote control to a secret base and
passengers are robbed from everything and are robbed
for organs or pharma experiments.
Have a nice day,
Michael Palomino