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Sexsklaverei mit Mädchen- und Frauenhandel in Asien
(aus: Sex slaves: trafficking of women in Asia)
Kapitel 10: Ausgewählte Bibliographie
von Louise Brown
Offizielle Berichte - Berichte von NGOs - Zeitungen - Zeitschriften - Konferenzen - Bücher
übersetzt, präsentiert und mit Untertiteln von Michael Palomino (2014)
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Offizielle Berichte von Regierungen und internationalen Gesellschaften
Acharaya, Usha D.: Country Report on Trafficking in Children and Their Exploitation in Prostitution and Other Intolerable Forms of Labor in Nepal (Kathmandu: International Labor Organization, 1997)
Archavanitkul, Kritaya: Trafficking in Children for Labor Exploitation including Prostitution in the Mekong Delta (Bangkok: Institute for Population and Social REsearch, Mahidol University / ILO-IPEC, Juli 1998)
Bangladesh National Women Lawyers' Association: Survey in the Area of Child and Woman Trafficking (Dhaka, 1997)
Caouette, Therese M.: Needs Assessment on Cross-border Trafficking in Women and Children: The Mekong Sub-region (Bangkok: UN Working Group on Trafficking in the Mekong Sub-region, 1998)
Derks, Annuska: Trafficking of Vietnamese Women and Children to Cambodia (Geneva: International Organization for Migration, 1998) (S.268)
Government of Pakistan: Report of the Commission for Inquiry for Women (Islamabad, August 1997)
Government of Pakistan: Combatting Child Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation and Involvement of Children in Intolerable Forms of Child Labor: Country Report on Pakistan (Islamabad, 1998)
International Organization for Migration, Global Alliance Against the Traffic in Women, and the Cambodian Women's Development Association: Cambodian and Vietnamese Sex Workers Along the Thai-Cambodian Border (März 1997)
International Organization for Migration: Trafficking in Women to Japan for Sexual Exploitation: A Survey on the Case of Filipino Women (Genf, 1997)
International Organization for Migration and the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women: Qualitative Survey of Brothels on the Thai-Cambodian Border (1998)
Lim, Lin Lean (ed): The Sex Sector: The Economic and Social Bases of Prostitution in Southeast Asia (Geneva: International Labor Organization, 1998)
Mukherjee, K.K. et al.: Child Prostitution in Rajasthan (New Delhi: National Commission for Women, Government of India, 1997)
National Commission for Women: Societal Violence on Women and Children in Prostitution (New Delhi: Government of India, 1996)
National Commission for Women: The Velvet Blouse (New Delhi: Government of India, 1997)
National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women: Philippines Plan for Gender-Responsive Development 1995-2025 (Manila: Government of the Philippines, 1995)
UNICEF: children and Women of Nepal: A Situation Analysis (Kathmandu: UNICEF and the National Planning Commission, His Majesty's Government of Nepal, 1992)
UNICEF: Towards a Better Future (Phnom Penh, 1996)
UNICEF: A Situation Analysis of Sex Work and Trafficking in Nepal With Reference to Children (Kathmandu, Juni 1998) (S.269)
Berichte von Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen (NGOs)
ABC Nepal: Girl Trafficking in Soindhupalchowk: A Situation Analysis Report on Mahankal and Inchowk Village Develoipment Committee (Kathmandu, Undated)
Asia Watch Report: Double Jeopardy [danger] (Januar 1991)
Cambodian Wome's Crisis Center: Annual Report 1997-1998 (Phnom Penh)
Cambodian Women's Development Association: Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior Among Commercial Sex Workers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Phnom Penh, September-Oktober 1995)
Cambodian Women's Development Association: 'Selling Noodles', The Traffic in Women and Children and Cambodia (Phnom Penh, 1996)
Center for the Protection of Children's Rights: Preliminary Survey on Regional Child Trafficking for Prostitution in Thailand (Bangkok 1995)
Center for Women and Children's Studies: Trafficking and Prostitution (Dhaka, April 1997)
Child Workers in Nepal (CWIN): The Road to Bombay; In: Voices of Child workers (Kathmandu, Dezember 1992)
Duang Pratheep Foundation: 'Klong Toey AIDS Control Project' (Bangkok, 1998)
Ecumenical Council on Third World Tourism: Caught in Modern Slavery: Tourism and Child Prostitution in Asia (Bangkok, 1992)
Foundation for Women: Our Lives Our Stories (Bangkok, 1995)
Gauri Pradhan: 'The Road to Bombay: Forgotten Women'; In: ABC Nepal: Red Light Traffic: The Trade in Nepali Girls (Kathmandu, 1996)
Global Alliance Against the Traffic in Women: 'Thai Girls Rescued from a Kuala Lumpur Brothel'; Newsletter, Oktober-Dezember 1997
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan: State of Human Rights in 1997 (Lahore, 1998) (S.270)
Human Rights Watch: The Human Rights Watch Global Report on Women's Human Rights (New York, 1995)
Human Rights Watch / Asia: Rape for Profit: Trafficking of Nepali Girls and Women to India's Brothels (New York, 1996)
International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR): Trafficking in Women in Asia: A Reference Manual for Public Officials and Private Citizens (Tokyo, Undated)
Joint Women's Program Banhi: Prostitution with Religious Sanction. The Devadasi Problem, Venkatasani / Jogini and the Basavi Cult; Third Edition (Delhi, 1988)
Lalitha, S.A. and S.C.N. Shalini: Women Soliciting Change (New Delhi: India Social Institute and the Joint Women's Program, 1996)
Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid: Trafficking of Women and Children in Pakistan: The Flesh Trade Report 1995-1996 (Karatschi, 1996)
Miralo, Virginia A., Celia O. Carlos, and Aida Fulleros Santos: Women Entertainers in Angeles and Olongapo: A Survey Report (Manila: WEDPRO, 1990)
Phan, Hanna and Lorraine Patterson: Men are Gold, Women are Cloth (Phnom Penh: CARE International, 1993)
Physicians for Human Rights: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children in Cambodia. Personal Narratives: A Psychological Perspective (Boston, 1997)
Shamim, Ishrat and Farah Kabir: Child Trafficking: The Underlying Dynamics (Dhaka: Center for Women and Children's Studies, 1998)
World Vision: The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Street Children (Milton Keynes, undated)
Artikel aus Zeitungen und Magazinen
Frederick, John: 'Reconstructing Gita': Himal, Band. 11, Nr.10, Oktober 1998 (S.271)
Guardian, 26. September 1997
Financial Times, 1.-2. April 2000
Zeitschriften, Konferenzen
Ali, Salma: 'Children in Prostitution / Children of Prostituted Women'; paper resented at the Regional Meeting of the Coalition Against the Traffickig of Women. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 25.-29. Januar 1999
Cox, Thomas: The Badi: Prostitution as a Social Norm Among an Untouchable Caste of West Nepal (unpublished paper, undated)
Department of Epidemiology, All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health: 'Assessment of the Sex Trade in Calcutta and Howrah', (Calcutta undated)
Dunn, Jacqui and Toul Kork Dike Clinic Staff: 'Demographics, Working Practices and AIDS Awareness of Commercial Sex Workers in Tuol Kork Dike Area': Cambodia Disease Bulletin. Nr. 6, Mai 1995
Fernandes, Gracy: 'Report on the Rescue of Commercial Sex Workers'. Paper presented at the Regional Meeting on the Trafficking in Women, Forced Labor and Slavery-like Practices in Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Februar 1997. Organisiert durch die Global Alliance Against the Traffic in Women.
Fongkaew, Warunee: 'Sexuality and Gender Norms Among Thai Teenagers'. Paper presented at the Regional Workshop on the Social Sciences and Reproductive Health, Karnchanaburi, (Thailand, Juli 1996)
Islam, M.N. and H.K.M. Yusuf: 'Fertility and Reproductive Health Status of Married Adolescents in Rural Bangladesh' (nicht veröffentlichtes Dokument, 1990)
Muecke, Marjorie: 'Mother Sold Food, Daughter Sells Her Body: The Cultural Continuity of Prostitution'; In: Social Science and Medicine, Band 35, 1992, S. 891-896 (S.272)
Sinha, Indrani and Anindit Roy Chowdhury: 'Child Trafficking and Prostitution' (nicht veröffentlichtes Dokument, ohne Datum)
Bücher (und Kapitel in Büchern)
Allison, Anne: Nightwork: Sexuality, Pleasure and Corporate Masculinity in a Tokyo Hostess Club (University of Chicago Press, 1994)
Allison, Anne: Permitted and Prohibited Desires: Mothers, Comics and Censorship in Japan (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press 1996)
Altink, Sietske: Stolen Lives: Trading Women into Sex and Slavery (London: Scarlet Press, 1995)
Barry, Kathleen: Female Sexual Slavery (New York University Press, 1979)
Beyrer, Chris: War in the Blood: Sex, Politics and AIDS in Southeast Asia (London: Zed Books, 1998)
Bishop, Ryan and Lillian S. Robinson: Night Market: Sexual Cultures and the Thai Economic Miracle (London: Routledge, 1998)
Buckley, Sandra: 'The Foreign Devil Returns: Packaging Sexual Practice and Risk in Contemporary Japan'; In: Lenore Manderson and Margaret Jolly: Sites of Desire, Economies of Pleasure: Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific (University of Chicago Press, 1997)
Buruma, Ian: A Japanese Mirror: Heroes and Villains of Japanese Culture (London: Cape, 1984)
Cook, Nerida: 'Thailand: "Dutiful Daughters" and Estranged Sisters'; In: Krishna Sen and Maila Stivens: Gender and Power in Affluent Asia (London: Routledge, 1998)
Dale, Peter N: The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness (Croom Helm, 1986)
D'Cunah, Jean: The Legalization of Prostitution: A Sociological Enquiry [investigation] into the Laws in Relation to Prostitution in India and the West (Bangalore: Wordmakers, 1991) (S.273)
Enloe, Cynthia: 'It Takes Two'; In: Sandra Pollock Sturdevant and Brenda Stoltzfuz: Let the Good Times Roll: Prostitution and the US Military in Asia (New York: The New Press, 1992)
Evans, Harriet: Women and Sexuality in China: Dominant Discourses of Female Sexuality and Gender Since 1949 (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997)
Grittner, Frederick K.: White Slavery: Myth, Ideology and American Law (London: Garland, 1990)
Haq, Mahbub ul: Human Development in South Asia, 1997 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997)
Hershatter, Gail: Dangerous Pleasures: Prostitution and Modernity in Twentieth-Century Shanghai (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997)
Hicks, George: The Comfort Women: Japan's Brutal REgime of Enforced Prostitution in the Second World War (New York: W.W. Norton, 1995)
Howard, Keigh (ed): True Stories of the Korean Comfort Women (New York: Cassell, 1995)
Janus, Samuel S. and Cynthia L. Janus: The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior (New York: John Wiley, 1993)
Jaschok, Maria: Concubines and Bondservants: The Social History of a Chinese Custom (London: Zed Press, 1988)
Jaschok, Maria and Suzanne Miers (eds): Women and Chinese Patriarchy: Submission, Servitude and Escape (London: Zed Press, 1994)
Kakar, Sudhir: The Inner World: A Psycho-analytic Study of Childhood and Society in India (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1981)
Kempadoo, Kamala and Jo Doezema: Global Sex Workers: Rights, Resistance and Redefinition (London: Routledge, 1998)
Kinsey, Alfred C. et al.: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (London: W.B. Saunders, 1948) (S.274)
Mandelbaum, David G.: Women's seclusion and Men's Honor: Sex Roles in North India, Bangladesh and Pakistan (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1988 (S.274-275)
Manderson, Lenore and Margaret Jolly: Sites of Desire, Economies of Pleasure: Sexualities in Asia and the Pacific (University of Chicago Press, 1997)
Matsui, Yayori: Women in the New Asia (London: Zed Books, 1999)
Mernissi, Fatima: Beyond the Veil: Male-Female Dynamics in a Modern Muslim Society (New York: John Wiley, 1975)
Moon, Katharine H.S.: Sex Among Allies: Military Prostitution in US-Korea Relations (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997)
Mumtaz, Khawar and Farida Shaheed: Women of Pakistan: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back (London: Zed Press, 1987)
Phongpaichit, Pasuk, Sungsidh Piriyarangsan and Nualnoi Treerat: Guns, Girls, Gambling, Ganja: Thailand's Illegal Economy and Public Policy (Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 1998)
Punekar, S.D. and Kamala Rao: A Study of Prostitution in Bombay: With Reference to Family Background (Mumbai: Lalvani Publishing House, 1962)
Rosario, Santi: Purity and Communal Boundaries: Women and Social Change in a Bangladeshi Village (Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1992)
Rozario, Rita: Trafficking in Women and Children in India (New Delhi: Uppal Publishing House, 1986)
Scambler, Graham and Annette Scambler (eds): Rethinking Prostitution: Purchasing Sex in the 1990s (London: Routledge, 1997)
Schmitt, Arno and Jehoeda Sofer (eds): Sexuality and Eroticism Among Males in Moslem Societies [Muslim Societies] (New York: Haworth Press, 1992)
Seabrook, Jeremy: Travels in the Skin Trade: Tourism and the Sex Industry (London: Pluto Press, 1996)
Siddiqi, Dina M.: 'Taslima Nasreen and Others: The Contest over Gender in Bangladesh'; In: Herbert L. Bodman and Heyereh Tohidi (eds): Women in Muslim Societies: Diversity Within Unity (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 1998) (S.275)
Sinha, Indrani and Carolyn Sleightholme: Guilty Without Trial: Women in the Sex Trade in Calcutta (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1996)
Skrobanek, Siriporn: Traffic in Women: Human Realities of the International Sex Trade (London: Zed Books, 1997)
Sturdevant, Saundra Pollock and Brenda Stoltzfus: Let the Good Times Roll: Prostitution and the US Military in Asia (New York: The New Press, 1992)
Tannahill, Reay: Sex in History (New York: Stein & Day, 1992)
Truong, Thanh-Dam: Sex, Money and Morality: Prostitution and Tourism in South-East Asia (London: Zed Books, 1990)
Walkowitz, Judith R.: Prostitution and Victorian Society (Cambridge University Press, 1980)
White, Sarah c.: Arguing With the Crocodile: Gender and Class in Bangladesh (Dhaka: University Press, 1992)
Wijers, Marjan and Lin Lap-Chew: Trafficking in Women, Forced Labor and Slavery-Like Practices in Marriage, Domestic Labor and Prostitution (Utrecht: Foundation Against Trafficking in Women, 1997)
Wolf, Marjery: Women and the Family in Rural Taiwan (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1972)
Zia, Afiya Shehrbano: Sex Crime in the Islamic Context: Rape, Class and Gender in Pakistan (Lahore: ASR Publications, 1994). (S.276)
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