Chapter Three: the agents, part 2: South East Asia
Part 2: 3: Trafficking girls and women across in South East Asia with Thailand as it's hub - 3.1: sending and receiving countries - 2+3: kinky Thai and kinky Japanese men like prostitution - 3.4: trafficked Thai girls from the countryside - 3.5: trafficked girls to Thailand: from Burma, Cambodia, and China - 3.6: poor prostitution in Cambodia - 3.7: Philippines sending girls and women to Japan - 3.8: wide range between Japan and Burma - 3.9: China with migration from Yunnan to the south for prostitution - 3.10: criminal Japan often with faked jobs and high fees urged by Yakuza mafia - 3.11: prices - 3.12: wide range between Japan and Cambodia
Thailand, Ranong, a Burmese woman in a brothel [40]
by Louise Brown; edition Virago (2000)
presented and with subtitles by Michael Palomino (2013)
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3.3: The second system: South East Asian region with [criminal mafia] Thailand as it's hub
3.3.1: From rich Japan to poor Burma - sending countries and receiving countries
Japan is the richest - Burma is the poorest nation in South East Asia - industrial states are very different
Trafficking of women in Asia with India and Thailand as hubs, graphics [28]
Thailand is an important stopover ("hub") for prostitutes between poor and rich countries. The book of writer Louise Brown only mentions Japan as a rich country, but there are also Hong Kong, Australia, and Taiwan rated as rich countries. Could be interesting to see how the prostitutes are treated by the rich in Hong Kong, Australia, and Taiwan. Concerning China there are poor regions sending women, and there are rich regions receiving women.
Gogo bar with erotic women dancers in Thailand in Pattaya [29]
May be that these young women are not all from Thailand, but also from Burma, Laos, Vietnam or China hoping for going to "rich countries" later.
The South Asian patterns of recruitment, trafficking, sale and exploitation are repeated, with some variations, in South-East and East Asia. There are enormous differences between rich and poor nations in these regions. At one end of the spectrum is Japan; at the other end is Burma. In less-developed South-East Asia the sex trade bears comparison to that of South Asia in terms of the physical conditions under which the women are forced to live and work. But in the economically developed parts of these regions the sex industry has a different gloss.
The business has been cleaned up. There is less squalor [misery], more acceptance of the industry as a legitimate economic sector and a greater emphasis upon sex work as a career option for women.
The same principles like in East Asia: women trafficked from poor countries to 'developed' countries
The principles of the trade, however, are identical. Relatively affluent men use their economic power to buy the bodies of poorer women and children. Women are brought from disadvantaged areas and less-affluent countries to more prosperous ones. The whole of this trade is underpinned [supported] by the principle that sex and women are commodities to be purchased.
Some women choose to become sex workers in South-East Asia, just as a few do in South Asia. In fact, a far higher proportion of women in South-East and East Asia have made a conscious, positive decision to make money from selling sex. Others, perhaps the majority, are forced by economic circumstances to join the trade. Others are groomed for prostitution from childhood and others are physically coerced.
There is no lack of career opportunities in the sex trade. The sex business in South-East and East Asia is a (p.80)
Supplement: Thai terrorism: Ladyboys for the sex market "created" in criminal Thailand - the worst crime with forced change of sex against mankind happens in Thailand
In the countryside of Thailand there is a criminal "tradition" to educate little boys with girl's clothes for being educated like a girl for being operated with 12 or 14 years for being a "sexy woman" for prostitution with a men's voice - a "lady boy". This crime against mankind is officially accepted in perverse Thailand until today (2013). When ladyboys are working in the prostitution sector they are not wanted much by the customers because nobody wants a woman with a men's voice remembering the customer to a gay play. So ladyboys are especially frustrated and develop also a special criminality because they are never loved but only used by their families for bringing money home. Some Thai ladyboys are also trafficked to Europe "working" there, and this crime of a forced change of sex by operation is never punished until today.
Ladyboys, probably in Thailand, are mostly painted in a striking way like here on the photo. They have striking silicon breasts like here and an artificial vagina without uterus without anything. At the same time they are guarding their angular form of the male face, and are speaking with a low man's voice. Nobody wants a fixed relationship with them and the operation changing their sex was mostly forced... [30].
highly developed industry and its reach and level of sophistication is awesome [very strong].
Poor countries are "sending countries" (Burma, Vietnam, poor parts of China) - rich countries are "receiving countries" (China, Japan)
The industry finds its cheapest recruits in the poorest countries of the region. Impoverished countries like Burma and Vietnam are at the bottom of the regional economic hierarchy. They are sending countries and they export their women. Girls from northern Vietnam are sent as brides to [poor and rich parts of] China, and southern Vietnamese girls are channeled into prostitution in Cambodia. Between 1991 and 1994 the Vietnamese Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs estimated that around five thousand Vietnamese women had been trafficked to China to become wives of men they had never met. Rich countries, at the apex of which is Japan, are receiving countries. In the middle is Thailand, which acts as a hub for the vast South-East Asian market.
3.3.2: Kinky Thai men like prostitution
Thailand: Thai men are "enthusiastic consumers" - girls from Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, and southern China
Thailand has a well-deserved reputation as the world's brothel. It has an enormous domestic market in which the majority of Thai men are enthusiastic consumers. It also caters to a staggering number of sex tourists who fly in from all corners of the rich world to buy sex with young Thai women and sometimes children. Such is the demand for cheap young flesh in Thailand that women are sucked into the trade from all over the Mekong Basin. They come principally from Burma, Cambodia and also from southern China to join the thousands of Thai girls providing sex services to Thai and foreign men.
Girls and women driving from Mekong Delta to Thailand
The flow of girls and women throughout the Mekong region has accelerated in the past decade. The sex industry has thrived [developed] as borders between the countries have been opened and political relations have improved. Trafficking is, quite simply, easier now than it was a decade ago. Infrastructure and transportation services are better and commerce has expanded. Unfortunately this commerce includes a flourishing trade in people.
Chinese girls passing Thailand for marriage far away
Thailand also functions as a transit country. Chinese girls, for instance, are transported through Thailand on their way to prostitution and marriage deals in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and even (p.81)
further afield.
Map of South East Asia showing women trafficking with Thailand as a hub with it's neighbor states and China and Vietnam [31]
Thai prostitutes working in all the world - and especially in Japan - economical increase provoking more sexual joy and prostitution in the "Tiger States"
Thailand is also a sending country. It exports its young women all over the world and especially to Japan. A few years ago a large proportion of exported Thai girls went to the Middle East but the structure of demand has changed with the expansion of South-East and East Asian economies.
As the Asian tiger economies surged [grow fast] ahead in the 1980s and 1990s so did demand for commercial sex. Men in high-growth Asian economies decided to enjoy their increased affluence by spending it on the purchase of women. The economic miracle may have faltered [go back and forth] during the crisis of the late 1990s but the demand for brothel-based prostitution has been only slightly dented [go back]. It seems that if Asian men are going to economize [to put limits], it is rarely upon sexual services.
3.3.3: Kinky Japanese men like prostitution
Rich Japan is the main receiver - and Japanese culture with "sex safaris" to Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines - feminist resistance
Japan is the region's most important receiving country. Its giant economy supports a lucrative domestic sex industry that has altered substantially in form, if not in substance, during the past fifteen years. Until the late 1980s tourism for the purpose of 'sex shopping' was a staple [main food] in the Japanese man's sexual diet. This activity was supported by the entire male-dominated culture. Companies treated their employees to annual sex tours to Korea, Thailand or the Philippines. This special kind of bonus included flights and accommodation together with the sexual services of local prostitutes. Tours like these were not run by shady organizations and indulged [spoiled] in only by a few dubious firms and their unsavory employees. It was open, big business, involving prestigious companies and a sizable proportion of the largely male workforce.
Unsurprisingly Japanese and Korean feminists took great exception to this practice and they campaigned vociferously for it to be halted. Company executives returning from sex safaris were harangued at Japanese airports and there was denunciation of the tours in the media.
Development after feminist action: 1: little Japanese groups traveling - 2: imported prostitutes to Japanese brothels
The response was entirely predictable: the tours adopted a lower profile and their presentation was altered. Men stopped traveling en masse. Now they go in small groups of perhaps four or five friends. And they purchase package tours that include a choice of (p.82)
girl along with other holiday options such as air-conditioning and minibars in their hotel rooms. Alternatively they make even more informal arrangements and just by sex on demand. There was also another response to the curtailing [limiting] of company-sponsored sex rewards. Instead of Japanese men traveling to buy sex in other countries, the sex industry decided instead to bring the women to Japan.
Japanese brothels for Thais and Filipinas - paradise or slavery
So in the late 1980s thousands of Thai and Filipina women began to be imported. The mechanics of this import strategy were not too difficult for the industry to organize because the women came from countries where the Japanese were already famed as sex tourists and where the sex industry had established efficient networks of procuring, trafficking and marketing. In the case of the Philippines, the recruitment of women to work in Japanese brothels and clubs was facilitated by a labor export strategy conducted by the Philippines government as a path to development. For large numbers of Filipina women, however, this path led directly to sexual slavery.
Tokio, Avignon brothel (bordel d'Avignon) with blond and locked girls (ask them where they are from, may be these are Japanese girls in a "French style") [32]
And it may be submitted that Thai girls also give Thai massage in Japan but in a way which is not allowed in Thailand... [web01]
3.3.4: Kinky Thailand treating many girls and women from the countryside as prostitutes
Thai prostitutes coming from neglected poor northern Thailand - rarely coerced
Recruitment practices are largely open in those parts of South-East Asia where sex has been commercially marketed on a large scale for over thirty years. This applies particularly to northern Thailand. Here trafficking is not really the best description to apply to the recruitment and transportation of girls for prostitution. Rural-urban migration aided by a network of employment agents is a far better description of the trade. Coercion is rarely employed and girls are not deceived. Yet the absence of force does not make the sale of sex suddenly ethically legitimate - and this applies whether the goods on offer are children or women. It might make short-term economic sense for families and for individual women to sell sex. However, it is a travesty from the standpoint of human dignity and especially for the integrity of all women who must be allowed the freedom to aspire to be something more than a vagina with a price tag.
Bangkok, brothel zone [33]
Thai recruitment patterns have changed in the last ten years. A (p.83)
decade or more ago girls migrated to the cities to look for work. They were then drawn into the sex industry when their employment prospects [in another job they had first] appeared gloomy [dark] or when they realized that they could earn substantially more by selling their bodies than by sewing garments in a sweatshop. Today this two-step pattern has been replaced by a one-step pattern. Girls are delivered to the brothels directly from their homes The agents who organize the deliveries from northern Thailand are significantly more organized than in South Asia but there is rarely a single chain of procurers, agents and brothel owners. Instead there appear to be many groups of agents and sub-agents who are in close communication with each other and with the brothels and clubs that will buy their merchandise. In the north-east of the country, recruitment is less systematic, probably as a result of a greater resistance to the concept of commercial sex [9].
[9] Skrobanek: Traffic in Women, p.30
Here daughters may work in the sex trade but many do not want their families to know.
Northern Thai families are given an 'advance' on their daughter's earnings. It is not a sale - or so the argument goes. In practice, however, it amounts to the same thing and we should not be fooled by word games. Many new recruits to the industry are bonded laborers and the girls have to repay the 'advance' from their earnings. They earn money by having their sexuality sold under conditions that leave them little room for saying 'no'.
Supplement: Reality of life for prostitutes with much self destruction in Thailand - examples from Pattaya (2013)
Thai brothels are little discotheques with euphoria and jokes without end from 2pm to 4am with billiard pool tables and in many cases
-- the girls and young women come from rice farms where they were educated with alcohol every day
-- thus this much alcohol consumption is continuing at the bar so the girls and women loose their brain by the time completely and cannot think anything but "customer customer" and cannot change their brain for a learning process any more, are loosing keys, knock at wrong doors, and have also a weak heart
-- mostly they are also snoring - often like an "elephant" - because of much alcohol consumption and too less sleep so their tissue in the nose and mouth region is not in order any more loosing it's tension and strength
-- at the end many loose their brain because alcohol is eating their brain away and they have no memory any more and are also loosing money without end and always get more into troubles until they are kicked off the brothel. Therefore Thai prostitutes are no case for a relationship at all.
And in many cases at the end they are a charge for the family after having returned home because they are incurable alcoholics - but they have the reputation of having supported their families and of the products having been bought by "their" money. Here are examples:
Pattaya, prostitute snoring like an elephant [34] - Pattaya, prostitute as an alcoholic victim of her rice farm [35] - Pattaya, ex prostitute, an alcoholic without end with a beer bottle in the street near SY mansion [36] - Pattaya, Nazi skinhead with Thai girlfriend near Buakao Road [37]
The first two Thai ladies are examples of Thai women who did not want to heal. The first lady (photo Nº 34) said, all people would snore like elephants. Well, most customers are also alcoholic and are also snoring so the combination in Thailand's sex tourism is combining very well when the Thai lady and the European customer are having a snoring concert in the hotel.
The second women (on photo Nº 35) did not want to take the medicament which would have saved her from alcoholism (Baclofen). She did not want to change her "beer and whiskey life style" whereas she knocked at wrong doors in hotels and could hardly climb stairs - with 35 years. An ex prostitute (on photo Nº 36) was only hanging around with wine, beer and whiskey outside making loud and bad jokes in the street but the whole family was proud of her because with her prostitution money a house could be built for all. She is not stopping drinking and will loose all her brain in 10 years not finding her bed any more. There is no awareness for health in Thailand, and there is no health education for the bar ladies. They mostly only know "beer" and "condom" and nothing more.
In Thailand the customers are not only mostly alcoholic but mostly also heavily right wing party members or even Nazi and there are many old skinheads having their little joy with a Thai lady (see photo Nº 37).
Well, snoring is one of the big taboos in Thailand, hardly or never reported. Alcoholism is one more of the big taboos in Thailand, never reported in the media. And Nazism is one more big taboo in Thailand, also never reported in the media because these right radicals from Europe and Australia bring much money to the country, and sometimes they are even the bar owners...
Thailand: agents (mostly women) "work openly in the villages" and "compete with one another"
Mr. Sompop Jantraka, who runs the Daughters' Education Program in Thailand, describes the web of interests that lock girls into prostitution as the 'blood-sucker cycle'. It is a perfectly worked description. He has a deep knowledge of the mechanics of the trade in the region and explains how large sections of the community are overtly or covertly involved in the sex business. Agents [often women agents] work openly in the villages and compete with one another over the deals that they can offer.
Thailand: Thai parents tricking the agents selling the daughter to two agents at the same time
Parents looking for the best deal for their girls manipulate this and in some cases may sell their children to two separate agents, spend the money and then leave it to the agents to (p.84)
fight over the resultant contractual mess.
Thailand: the question is only the "kind of brothel" in which the daughter will work
In parts of Thailand, as well as in other countries like Vietnam, the family's attention is not focused on safeguarding their daughter from prostitution. On the contrary, the critical issue is the kind of brothel she will work [depending from the town, can be a massage shop, a Karaoke bar, or a tourist bar etc.]. The measure of concern is the reputation of the brothel and the reliability of the agent who takes her there.
Thailand: fathers bringing their daughters directly to the brothels
Canny [clever] fathers take their girls directly to the brothels. This way they can cut out the middle man and make a higher profit.
Thailand: mothers are prostitutes bringing their daughters also to brothels for work as prostitutes
And then there are the mothers, themselves former sex workers, who deliver their own daughters directly to the sex industry.
Thailand: parents have been forced to prostitution - and are repeating everything with their daughters
Such stories are a sad and disturbing reflection on a society that offers girls such limited options. They also illustrate the ugliness of a vicious circle in which families perpetrate upon their children exactly the same set of pressures and abuses that they themselves were exposed to as children.
Thailand: transport of girls in vans and pick-ups - negotiations about girls and virgins
Girls are recruited in their early and mid-teens and they are collected from their villages in the back of vans and pick-up trucks. Jantraka is able to monitor the surges in demand for girls when brothels in the cities place 'rush orders'. On such occasions girls leave in batches. Deposits are also placed upon especially pretty ones while deals are negotiated with those affluent clients who express interest in deflowering virgins.
Thailand: teen marriage with old men for 500 Baht
For some families who have qualms [are hesitating] about sending a daughter into prostitution there is now an increasingly favored and more socially acceptable alternative. Teenage girls conclude serial [several] marriages with elderly men. It is not uncommon for a sixteen-year-old girl to be the bride of a sixty-year-old man. The marriage rarely lasts long and the price for this short period of conjugal bliss [happiness] comes at an unbeatable 500 baht (8.30 English Pounds).
Mekong Basin: distribution methods selling girls and women to the brothels
A recent study of the handling of trafficked children in the Mekong Basin found that agents used a variety of techniques to market their goods [10].
[10] Archavanitkul: Trafficking in Children, p.46-67
Some delivered to order, others contacted employers to offer children for sale, and other touted the children from place to place in a van. Those left at the end of the day, and (p.85)
whom no one wanted to buy at the recommended retail price, wold have their cost slashed in order to secure a sale. Others took their children directly to employment agencies where the children would wait until selected by an employer.
Thai women choosing prostitution freely as their business
Not all Thai women who work in prostitution were groomed [tricked] for the trade. Not all families of sex workers sent their girls off to earn money on their backs. Some really did choose to become prostitutes. And some, on the other hand, had absolutely no idea at all that they would be required to sell sex in the city or abroad.
But sex with tourist customers in Thailand can be not such a pleasure: [38]
Pattaya, brothel with thick and fat white customer at soi 6 [38] with 180 kg for sure - but "work" with him will only be 2 minutes because this beer barrel will not move much. But then he will snore 5 hours...
Pattaya, Buakao Road, an European customer with tattoo and earrings [39]. The lady going with him will not know what she will be expecting, can be violent at the end...
Thailand: girls coming from neglected poor regions
Those girls who have no choice in the matter of their new occupation are recruited by the same kind of duplicitous means seen in South Asia. Agents hang around bus and train stations awaiting the arrival of country girls seeking fame and fortune - or more often those who are simply looking for a basic job to pay for food and lodgings.
[Neglecting the countryside in Asia seems to be a governmental tactic because only by this tactic many girls from poverty come to prostitution for the rich in the town. In Thailand this tactic is absolutely extreme when during the rainy season eastern and north eastern Thailand are flooded deliberately during 4 to 6 months only saving Bangkok from it's floods - thus there is no industrial investment in whole eastern and north eastern Thailand...]
Thailand: agents (mostly women!) with lies luring girls and women for prostitution
In areas where prostitution is not accepted, recruiters weave the same kind of stories and tell the same kind of lies as they do to poor Nepali, Indian and Bangladeshi girls: they offer them the prospect of a job and a way to help their families.
Example: Thai woman as a prostitute in Japan - lured with a promise of marriage
This is a typical story of a girl from a Thai village who was trafficked to Japan and reduced to a sex slave. Her story appeared in a pamphlet warning other girls of the fate that might be in store for them.
<'[The agent] told us his own daughter also went to Japan and sent him 10,000 baht each month ... He showed us her photos and her letter which said she was fine and not to worry. He tried to convince us that the young girls should go to Japan because it took a long time here [in Thailand] to get rich. So we should go and find a husband and send some money for our parents to build a new house ... All my life it was a dream of mine to work and send large sums of money to my parents. I thought it was a good chance for me as I was not educated and this way I could help them to have comfortable lives.'> [11] (p.86)
Thailand: beauty contests working for the brothel agents
Beauty contests are a favored and often-practiced method of trawling for pretty girls. The lucky winner will receive a cash prize, a sash, her picture in the press and ticket to the world of prostitution.
Thailand: making photos of the girls sending them to the brothels - advertising in the Internet
Some forward-thinking agents use other clever tactics to improve their market share. They take pictures of the raw materials and send the photos for approval to the brothels. Girls are also advertised on the internet to attract potential clients, particularly sex tourists.
Thailand the most kinky country of whole Asia
Thailand is leading the way in making commercial sex a mainstream, professionalized and technologically sophisticated industry that befits the twenty-first century.
[with all bad side effects of snoring, alcoholics, and Nazism in the country - some of the taboos of the culture in Thailand].
3.3.5: Trafficking girls and women to Thailand across the borders
From Burma to Thailand - Burmese women from minority groups - center Ranong - brothels at Thai-Malaysian border
The trafficking of girls in South-East Asia is relatively easy. This is especially true of migration into Thailand from Burma. There are three major entry points: in the north of Thailand at the Tachilek-Mae Sai and Myawadi-Mae Sot crossing, and in the south between Kawthaung and Ranong. In the north the migrants are mainly members of minority groups and tribes such as the Akha, Lahu, the Tai Yai and women from the Shan State. In the south they are mostly Indian-Burmese women and those from southern Burmese states. Many work in and around Ranong but others are sent to fill the brothels on the Thai-Malaysian border.
A proportion of the Burmese women are brought openly across the border in pick-up trucks. In these instances an arrangement is made between the agent and the local border police. If the agents wish to avoid involving officials in their business they can easily take girls across the border by using jungle trails [or also small boats crossing rivers].
A case in Ranong: first a job, then chosen prostitution, and now with AIDS diseases
Thailand, Ranong, a Burmese woman in a brothel [40]
First she was promised a job in Thailand, then she chose prostitution by herself for getting more money, and today she has AIDS diseases [web02]
Other case: brothels at the Thai-Malaysian border
Sungai Kolok, Thai brothel "Summertime bar" at Thai-Malaysian border with Thai prostitutes waiting for men from Malaysia [47]
From Cambodia to Thailand
A similar process is found on Thailand's border with Cambodia. Girls are trafficked into Thailand using the transit points at Poipet [between Phnom Penh and Bangkok] and the island of Koh Kong, which faces the town of Kompong Som [border town at the sea]. In addition to these supposedly controlled crossing points there are other smaller transit points that are rarely monitored. The Mekong Basin that incorporates Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, parts of China and Burma, and which has Thailand as its economic axis, is a vast area dissected by rivers and jungles. Girls can be successfully trafficked within this region along tiny trails, in boats and in (p.87)
Map of Cambodia with Poipet, Koh Kong City and Thailand with Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket [41]
buses and in the back of trucks.
Supplement: "Chicken Farm" in Cambodia on Koh Kong Island: much debt bondage for trafficked sex slave girls
The brothel "Chicken Farm" is on Koh Kong Island [one of many brothels on the island]. Girls are mostly between 15 and 18 years old. Many are trafficked here from Vietnam. Others were in a familiar emergency situation and were lured here with faked promises that here would be possible to make much money in a short time. The girls are bound by a contract. The slaves being trafficked here are in debt bondage and have to work off the cost for being trafficked. Some never can pay off their debt because they are not pretty enough and are not often chosen by the customers [web07]. The brothel boss (mama-san) urges the girls and young women for having 4 customers per night, and when this is not reached, then the defamations ans insults are harsh [web08]. Some girls are attractive above all for European customers. And during rainy season there is hardly any customer coming and there is no other occupation [web09]. Other girls and young women get AIDS diseases and are kicked out of the brothel and leave these cases to NGOs [web10].
More details about "Chicken Farm" on Koh Kong Island in Cambodia at the Thai border
The facts about prostitution are repeated here again:
On Koh Kong Island, there is a slave brothel "chicken farm" in the village of Stung [42]
Kimi, about 16 years old, on Kho Kong Island "chicken farm" with her little house [43]
A local customer makes his election on Kho Kong Island in the "chicken farm", in the background is Sriy [44]. When one woman is elected, the other one is waiting outside...
Youth girls and young women on Kho Kong Island in the brothel "chicken farm" with their iron shacks waiting for customers [45], and there is also a real chicken farm...
Koh Kong Island, brothel chicken farm in the village of Stung, brothel boss (mama-san) painting a prostitute girl [46]. The same women is extorting some of the girls with a high debt bondage extortion. And there are several brothels with different mama-sans...
See this bad luck how Sriy came to the "chicken farm":
<Sriy, 21, is typical of many girls at the chicken farm. Her mother died giving birth and her father could not cope and disowned the four children. This left them in the care of her grandmother, who was already deep in poverty. A neighbor then claimed that if he took Sriy to Ko Kong island then she could earn lots of money to send home. That was the last her family saw of her.> [web03]
See about virgins and "magic" belief in Cambodia:
<Because of the belief in Cambodia that sex with a virgin has rejuvenating powers the first client is charged an excessive amount. There is also a Cambodian belief that the practice of having sex with a virgin will ensure profits in business in the forthcoming year.> [web04]
An AIDS test in Cambodia lasts 6 months [web05]. A 10 minute shot is 3 Dollars [web06].
[And now follow details about Thailand]:
Principle: Thailand is a magnet
Thailand is a magnet for people from the poorer countries around it and its borders are porous. Thailand is easy to enter. So is its sex industry.
[Addition: sex+whiskey in Thailand since 1964
Since 1964 Thailand is the country of sex tourism with sex+whiskey since NATO troops during Vietnam war opened their "restroom" for "American" and "befriended" soldiers. NATO has become a pedophile organization with all this because of child sex activities - which were also organized in Europe by "Basel Animal Circle" just in the same year of 1964 by Helmut Hubacher in Switzerland - with excellent NATO contacts with the secret "resistance army" P-26. In 1975 the "Amis" and "befriended" armies left Thailand, Thai government made a little bit propaganda and now sex tourists came above all from Europe and Australia, above all neo Nazis, pensioners, and secret services, and thus the secret services were installing their world wide women and children trafficking activities. During 50 years now from 1964 to 2014 the Thai population is only drinking whisky and has lost a big part of it's brains and cognitive and controlling activities. Also social behavior and presicion has been lost and only whiskey is important. Additionally there seems to be a tactic to keep the poor poor thus enough girls will come into the prostitution business so the sex+whiskey party is going on without end. The fact that Bangkok is going down is not important...]
Cheapest brothels in Thailand with Burmese girls and women - lured to Thailand with lies - appalling conditions in cheap Thai brothels
Almost all the girls and women working in the very cheapest Thai brothels come from Burma. They are at the ultra-economy end of the market. Thai girls tend to dominate in the better-paid call girl and bar girl sector. Some of the Burmese girls know that they will be prostitutes when they leave their homes but very few will have any idea of the appalling [disastrous] conditions that they will have to endure. Many are deceived about the nature and conditions of their work [12].
[12] In conversation with the staff of EMPOWER, Chiang Mai and Mae Sai
Burmese parents bringing girls to Thai border brothels
Some girls are even brought by desperately poor parents to brothels in the border towns [13].
[This poverty and not installing social networks seems to be just a deliberate calculation of the Asian government who are collaborating with the international criminal secret services of the world].
[13] I am indebted to the staff of the World Vision STD / HIV intervention program in Mae Sai for this information.
Burmese girls and women call the trafficker as 'carrymen' and 'facilitators' - often they are native mixed Burmese-Thai women traffickers
Extensive networks of agents bring women across the Thai-Burmese border. Like the agents operating in northern Thailand, these people are not always exactly 'traffickers'. The majority transport 'willing' women, and the women even pay them for their services. They are called 'carrymen' and can charge as much as 3,000-5,000 baht (50 to 83 English Pounds [estate 2000]) for taking girls into Thailand. The Burmese prostitutes I spoke with in northern Thailand described the traffickers as 'facilitators' who helped them to cross the border.
Traffickers are people who are native to the area. They are often of mixed Thai and Burmese origin and they belong to communities that straddle the modern-day territorial boundaries of the state. Very often they are women. They know the geography, the culture and the language because they have grown from it. They know the area so well that it makes them good agents. Trafficking and the illegal crossing of the border are easy for them because they are things they have always done.
More 'activities' of the women traffickers
Many of these agents are involved in other illegal activities. They are involved in drug and gem smuggling and they use the same trails and contacts to smuggle their human merchandise. Unsubstantiated (but highly likely) reports suggest that the people who run these networks are closely associated with Burma's military regime [of 2000]. (p.88)
[Addition: poverty is wanted and calculated
With this there is one more suspicion that poverty is deliberately provoked thus many poor girls will go willingly into prostitution].
Girls and women from poor Yunnan Province from China - local traffickers
A similar pattern is found in Yunnan in southern China, where girls are increasingly 'trafficked' willingly because of their desperate need to escape poverty at home [14].
[14] Archavanitkul: Trafficking in Children, p.iii
Here too the agents are native to the region and have an intimate local knowledge. This makes them highly effective traffickers along what is one of the region's least understood trafficking routes.
3.3.6: Prostitution in Cambodia with poor conditions
Cambodia, 2 girls in a brothel [48] - Cambodia, prostitution in the street [49] - brothel in Cambodia with prostitutes [50]No sanitized order and no pleasantness in Cambodian brothels - most girls forced to be prostitutes - beginning with it in children's age
The picture in Cambodia is less complicated, in part because the trade is largely domestic and not so well developed. The Cambodian sex industry is truly horrible. In Thailand greater affluence gives high-class sections of the industry a veneer of sanitized order and pleasantness that is wholly lacking in the Cambodian case. Few of the Cambodian girls I interviewed had any idea that they would become prostitutes. The vast majority detested what they were forced to do. The vast majority were also barely more than children when they began sex work.
Familiar members sell the daughters to the brothels - tricked and lured girls with faked offers (1997)
Around 50% of the young women who were sold to brothels in Cambodia were sold by someone they knew [15].
[15] In conversation with Chanthol Oung, Director, Cambodian Women's Crisis Center
In November 1997 the police raided brothels in Phnom Penh and rescued 439 women and children. Half of these were sent to the Cambodian Women's Crisis Center, where interviews revealed that 86% had been tricked or sold into prostitution [but it can be this percentage is much too high because children sometimes make indications for simulating of being innocent] [16].
[16] Cambodian Women's Crisis Center: Annual Report 1997-1998, Phnom Penh, S.22
There is a tendency for rescued women to insist that they were forced into prostitution. This saves them from at least some of the shame associated with being a prostitute because they can claim that they had no choice in the matter. But even if we allow for a degree of inflation in this figure it does suggest that a substantial proportion of women have been sold and forced into the Cambodian sex industry. This is corroborated by the experiences of girls and young women in prostitution.
Example of Cambodia: family without father in a little village - hunger - beautiful trafficker woman with two men luring girls with 'jobs' - selling the girls to brothels in Phnom Penh
A fifteen-year-old girl explained how she was fooled into leaving her home:
<I lived with my mother in a little village in Kampong Chhnang [province in the north of Phnom Penh]. Our father had left us and we found it hard to (p.89)
manage. My mother sold porridge on a stall in the road but we never had enough food to eat and we were all hungry. There was a woman who sometimes came to our village. She was rich with jewels and beautiful clothes and she said she could find good jobs in the city for some of us girls. I wanted to go with her so when she came back I went for an interview with some others. There were two men with her and they asked us lots of questions. I was really happy because they chose me and two others to get jobs. We left the next day in a taxi and we went to Phnom Penh. We thought we were going to work in a shop but instead they sold all of us to different brothels.>
Cambodia: many small independent operators working - no strict organization - 1,000s of girls from poverty are waiting for a better life
[This poverty driving girls into brothels is politically calculated, because for example on the border between Cambodia and Vietnam - in the poorest zone of the poor - one can see casinos and hotels...]
There is disagreement over the nature of the sex industry in Cambodia. Some observers think that it is tightly organized, especially in provincial capitals. Others believe that it is informal and loosely structured and that there are few tightly meshed sex trade organizations working in the rural areas. This second view is probably correct: there seem to be lots of small independent operators working alone or in very small groups. The sex industry simply does not need to get itself well organized to be successful in Cambodia. There are thousands of poor and vulnerable girls who are easy prey. It does not need an army functioning with military precision and efficiency to recruit them. Even those Cambodian women and girls trafficked across the Thai border do not appear to be transported by a highly organized operation [17].
[17] International Organization for Migration and the Global Alliance Against the Traffic in Women: "Qualitative Survey of Brothels on the Thai-Cambodian Border", 1998
3.3.7: Philippines sending girls to Japan and to Nigeria - and to South Korea
Girls and women mostly from rural areas
Prostitution and trafficking in the Philippines follow many of the patterns common in mainland South-East Asia. An increasingly large proportion of women and girls who are forced into the sex industry come from the shanty [barrack] towns of the big cities, but the rural areas remain the principal recruiting grounds for trafficked girls.
Example: trafficker from a single brothel - or independent traffickers
A brothel manager, known as a mama-san, explained her experience of the trafficking process in this manner (p.90):
<Sometimes the traffickers are employed by a single brothel and they go to the villages to recruit girls for their own business. But most of the traffickers are independents. They get about 500 pesos (7.40 English Pounds [estate 2000]) for each girl they can sell. What they do is to recruit them in batches, transport them in groups and then sell them to clubs, bars and casas [closed brothels].>
Principle of traffickers: often luring girls and women with faked job offers
Agents tour the rural areas. There are some parts of the Philippines where sex work is accepted and here there is no need to concoct [composed] stories about fictitious jobs. But, as elsewhere in Asia, large numbers of girls are lured by the promise of respectable jobs. In the Philippines they are usually offered something better than domestic work: perhaps a job as a waitress or a singer in a club in the city.
From the Philippines to Japan: young girls without much experience are preferred
A proportion of the girls is trafficked abroad - particularly to Japan where there are thought to be many thousands of Filipina women working in the sex entertainment sector. Some of the girls are already working as prostitutes before they leave for Japan and so know of the nature of their employment. But, as a rule, traffickers prefer to recruit and traffic women who do not have long prior experience of the sex industry: hardened and knowledgeable girls who know the ropes are far more hassle and difficult to manipulate [such elder prostitutes with enough experience are not wanted].
Philippines women in Japan: about 50% lured - girls don't know how the trafficking net is working
According to Amparita St Maria, Director of the Ateneo Human Rights Center in Manila and the leader of a team that has researched the trafficking of Filipina women to Japan, many of the girls who go to Japan know that they are courting danger of some kind. They convince themselves that nothing bad will happen to them. She believes that perhaps half of all the girls who are recruited to go to Japan have no conception of what they will end up doing. What is more, even after they have been trafficked most of the girls remain disoriented and unaware of the structure of the organizations that took them to Japan and then profited from them once they were there.
I visited a small town about two hours' drive from Manila where [here a line is missing] (p.91)
Filipina woman in Japan dancing a split in a brothel [51]. Well, this she can perform very well because in the countryside of Asia all activities
mostly are on the floor in the Indian style sitting thus the joints and bands are trianed for a split. This Filipina called "Dali" has 4 "boyfriends"
paying her any bill so she gets 4 times her bills payed, and she can cry without end for getting money...
From the Philippines to Nigeria
I met a group of young women who had been trafficked to Nigeria to work in a club for Asian businessmen. The town was poor and the women were anxious to earn a better living and to pull themselves and their families out of poverty. So when an older woman from the town offered them the chance to work in Nigeria in a restaurant owned by her German husband they were keen to go. One of the women explained her view of the opportunity:
Example: 9 girls from a village taken from the Philippines to Nigeria - because at home 'life never got any better'
<My father didn't like the idea but I told him that it would be OK as eight other girls from the village were also going to go and that we would all be safe if we were together. I had heard that it was dangerous for girls to go abroad but I thought it couldn't happen to me - especially as I wasn't going alone. I had worked as a seamstress for a couple of years, and no matter how hard I worked my life never got any better. So I decided to go because it seemed like the best dream in the world.>
The girls are sold for 21,000 "US" dollars each - the girls are forced into a debt bondage extortion and have to work the dept off
The opportunity turned out to be a nightmare rather than a dream. There was no restaurant. Instead there was a club in which the women were forced to sell sex. They were originally offered 350 "US" dollars per month, plus tips, for waitressing. In reality they were delivered to a businessman who told the women that their Filipino employment agent and trafficker had sold them for 21,000 "US" dollars each. They then had to repay this cost by entertaining clients. For the first four months they received no money for providing this service and thereafter were given 25 "US" dollars a month.
[Addition: Filipina women in South Korea for "U.S." militaries
There is a clear indication:
<Statistics show the vast majority of prostitutes in Korea are KOREAN women and the vast majority of clients are KOREAN men. Only 3000 plus filipina women are prostituted and most are trafficked into prostitution in military base in Korea.> [web11] That means: Young Filipina women in South Korea are working for "U.S." forces for example in the rear part of juice bars [web12].
Filipina women imported to South Korea for "U.S." military bases [52] - Filipina women in South Korea at a juice bar near "U.S." military Camp Casey [53]
3.3.8: General: wide range between Japan and Burma
The variation between Japan and Burma is very wide
South-East and East Asia's sex industries are even more highly differentiated than their South Asian counterpart. Prices for commercial sex vary wildly from the peaks amongst elite Japanese call girls to the rock bottom prices of Burmese prostitutes along the Thai-Burmese border. Consequently there is a lot of movement of trafficked girls to ensure that they are placed in the right market and (p.92)
at the right price.
See where Myanmar (Burma) and Japan are standing with their income's level:
World map with the indication of income in "U.S." dollars per year for the year of 2006 [55]
3.3.9: Prostitution in China: migration from Yunnan to the south
From Yunnan Province (poor China) passing Burma and to south of Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore
For instance, Chinese girls are trafficked south from Yunnan, through northern Burma, into Thailand and then south to the provinces frequented by Chinese tourists. Many are moved on to Malaysia and Singapore. There is a sound economic logic to this. Chinese men will pay handsomely for sex with Chinese girls. They will pay even better rates for white-skinned Chinese beauties and a fortune for virgins in their early and mid-teens. Agents are well aware of this and will therefore grade their girls according to these criteria and send them to an appropriate market.
Grade 'A' Chinese virgins may fetch between 50,000 and 100,000 Baht (830 to 1,660 English Pounds [estate 2000], [1,500 to 3,000 "U.S." Dollars, 2014]) if they are traded in Malaysia to service men from the Chinese community. By contrast, it would not be economically feasible [possible to perform] to transport a dark-skinned Cambodian girl that far. She can make a greater profit for her pimps and owners in Thailand's budget brothels.
Map indicating the trafficking of women from poor southern China (Yunnan Province) passing Burma to southern Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore [55]
3.3.10: Prostitution in Japan often with faked promises and sometimes with heavy fees and debts for the prostitute - urged by Japanese Yakuza mafia
Yakuza likes tattoos as it would be a second dress:
Yakuza leader tattoos 01 [56]
Yakuza leader tattoos 02 [57]
Traffickers luring girls and women to Japan with faked job of being a waitress or a singer
Trafficking of women into Japan is a more difficult activity. The rewards, however, make it enticing for traffickers and the sex industry. It is difficult to estimate what proportion of women go to Japan with the intention of selling sex. A significant percentage think they will be waitresses or singers rather than sex workers. One Columbian woman believed rather bizarrely that she was traveling to Japan to be a fishmonger [fish trader] [18].
[18] In conversation with the staff and women of HELP Asian Women's Shelter, Tokyo, Japan
Good and bad conditions in Japanese brothels
It is certain that some of the women who are taken to work in Japan know what they are going to do and, if they know the ropes [limits] and have some good luck, they make what they believe to be a good living from selling sex. But lots of others are not so fortunate. Even though [whereas] some women realize that they will be prostitutes many find, once they are in Japan, that they have to work under terribly exploitative conditions akin [similar] to sexual slavery.
Not educated Japanese men discriminating prostitutes systematically - rejecting human rights to them
Women such as these often receive [from their Japanese clients] scant [little] sympathy on the grounds that they are not 'innocent' and that they deserve abuse and exploitation because they are prostitutes. According to this viewpoint a prostitute is not worthy of possessing basic human rights. Other girls and women have no (p.93)
inkling [idea] when they leave their homes of the fate that will befall them. But whether the women chose to sell sex or not is immaterial. When women find themselves in conditions of extreme exploitation their human rights are infringed. No one asks to become a sex slave. And no one deserves to be one either.
Arriving in Japan by airplane or by ship - with visas for 3 to 6 months - or with a forged passports with a high depth for the prostitute
Because Japan is a collection of islands, the only ways to enter the country are by boat or by air, and potential entry points are limited and closely monitored. Prostituted women have therefore usually entered on legitimate visas - either as tourists or entertainers. These allow them to stay for three months, and they can be extended to a maximum of six months. A few of the women vanish [disappear] when their visas expire and will stay on illegally. Others return home. Another group enter the country on expensive, false passports that have been produced by the criminal underworld's lucrative forgery department. This is especially true in the case of Thai women and is one of the main reasons why they incur such high debts.
Narita Airport in Tokyo, terminal 1 [58]
Arriving in Japan: extortion by high fees which are the dept for the prostitute
A large proportion of the Thai and Filipina women who are trafficked to Japan realize that they have been sold only after they arrive in the country. The usual scenario is that they fly in to Narita airport with a minder and are taken to one of the big hotels surrounding the airport. They then witness a transaction in which they themselves are the merchandise. They find that they have been sold to a 'snack' - an euphemism for a brothel or a bar in which sex is as easily available as the drinks. Even those women who agree to go to Japan to provide sexual services are frequently deceived because many are not told of the extortionate fees charged by agents until after they reach their destination. By then it is too late for them to change their minds.
Japan is luring with 'financial rewards'
For some women, the risk that they take in going to work in Japan is offset [compensated] by the potential financial rewards that await them. I spoke to a Romanian woman who had been trafficked to Tokyo. Her story reflects the gamble that women take in deciding to travel to Japan (p.94):
Example of a Romanian prostitute in Japan: the third time in Japan she is forced for selling sex
<This is my third time in Japan. The first two times were good and I was not forced to do work I didn't like. Everything was well managed and the organization I worked for sorted out my travel arrangements. I came back to Japan because the work is well paid. But this time it was different and the girls were forced to sell sex.>
Example of a Thai prostitute in Japan: the brothel boss pays 23,500 English Pounds to the trafficker - and this is the dept of the prostitute
Rutsuko Shoji of the HELP Asian Women's shelter in Tokyo repeated a story told to her by a Thai woman who had been offered an office job in Japan. This woman accepted the job because, although it was similar to the one she did in Bangkok, the salary in Japan was considerably higher. In order to take up the appointment she paid an agent 400,000 yen (2,350 English Pounds) to arrange her transport, and a Japanese man then accompanied her to Tokyo. Once past immigration the woman was taken directly to a large hotel where another Japanese man and a Taiwanese mama-san cornered her in a room. The trio forced her to count out [from the money of the mama-san] four million yen (23,500 English Pounds) and to give it to the man who had brought her to Japan. This was the price the mama-san had agreed to pay for her. The shocked woman, who had paid her own trafficker, was then forced by the Yakuza (the Japanese mafia) to repay the four million yen by selling sex in one of their brothels.
3.3.11: Prices
Thai women in Japan: prices and fees for transport
This Thai woman was rather expensive. Typical prices for new recruits vary from 1,5 million yen to four million yen (8,800 to 23,500 English Pounds). The total varies according to the likely earning potential of the woman and the cost of transporting her to Japan.
Columbian women in Japan with high fees for transport
A small number of Columbian women work in Japan and they tend to be among the most expensive because of the high cost of their airfares [flight from Columbia passing California and then to Tokyo].
Thai women in middle-income Thailand: criteria are race, beauty, youth and virginity - Burmese girls and ethnic Thai girls
In middle-income Thailand the prices of girls vary according to the usual criteria of race, beauty, youth and virginity. But in the budget brothel sector a Burmese girl can fetch anything from 10,000 to 30,000 Baht (170 to 500 English Pounds). An ethnic Thai girl can be expected to realize far more.
In impoverished Cambodia prices are even lower (p.95)
and brothel owners usually negotiate a sum of between 150 and 500 "US" dollars and occasionally more if the girl is deemed to have significant sex work potential.
3.3.12: General: wide range between Japan and Cambodia
Although the environment in which these girls will work ranges from the luxury of clubs for Japanese executives to a Cambodian shed-like brothel sectioned into tiny cubicles by flimsy plywood, all these girls sell the same product. And all are bonded to stay in their new profession until they can repay the price of their purchase. Their first challenge, however, is to condition themselves to the only means by which they can earn their freedom. They must acclimatise themselves to selling their bodies to a stream of unknown men. They cannot resign because of poor working conditions and the unreasonable conduct of their employers and clients. Slaves do not have a choice. (p.96)
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Photo sources
[28] women and girls trafficking in Central and South Asia, graphics:
[29] gogo bar with women dancers in Thailand in Pattaya:||f0*bcbits*com|z|17|90|1790249163-1*jpg/
[30] Ladyboys:
[31] map of South East Asia:
[32] Tokio, bordel d'Avignon with blond and locked girls:
[33] Bangkok, brothel zone:
[34-37] photos by Michael Palomino 2012 and 2013
[38] Pattaya, brothel with thick and fat white customer at soi 6:
[39] Pattaya, Buakao Road, European customer with tattoo and earrings: photo by Michael Palomino 2013
[40] Thailand, Ranong, Burmese woman in a brothel:
[41] map of Cambodia with Poipet, Koh Kong City and Thailand with Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket:
[42] Koh Kong Island, brothel chicken farm in the village of Stung:, photo Nº 34
[43] Koh Kong Island, brothel chicken farm in the village of Stung, girl Kimi, about 16 years old:, photo 3
[44] Koh Kong Island, brothel chicken farm in the village of Stung, customer making his election:, photo 4
[45] Koh Kong Island, brothel chicken farm in the village of Stung, girls waiting in front of their iron shark:, photo 9
[46] Koh Kong Island, brothel chicken farm in the village of Stung, brothel boss (mama-san) painting a prostitute girl:, photo 14
[47] Sungai Kolok, Thai brothel "Summertime bar" at Thai-Malaysian border with Thai prostitutes waiting for men from Malaysia:
[48] 2 girls in a brothel in Cambodia:
[49] Cambodia, prostitution in the street:
[50] brothel in Cambodia with prostitutes:
[51] Filipina woman in Japan dancing a split in a brothel:
[52] Filipina women imported to South Korea for "U.S." military bases:
[53] Filipina women in South Korea at a juice bar near "U.S." military Camp Casey:
[54] world map of world wide income in "U.S." dollars 2006:
[55] map indicating the trafficking of women from poor southern China (Yunnan Province) passing Burma to southern Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore:
[56] Yakuza leader tattoos 01:
[57] Yakuza leader tattoos 02:
[58] Narita Airport in Tokyo, terminal 1:
[99] girl in Cambodia, majority of customers are Cambodian men: