How beer and whiskey alcoholism was created in
Thailand: sex tourism from 1964 to 2014 without end -
until Bangkok goes down
1964-1975: "U.S." troops and NATO introducing sex
tourism in Thailand
(see: Louisa Brown:
Slaves, chapter 1 part 1.)

Napalm attack during Vietnam War by criminal "U.S."
troops and their befriended troops (NATO)
When Vietnam and Laos were bombed
without end and criminal "U.S." troops and befriended
troops were murdering millions Thailand was in just
another scenario: whiskey and sex party was organized
there. One can even admit that the commanders of
Vietnam War even "enjoyed" Vietnam War because of sex
tourism in Thailand. And in this way Thailand became a
country of alcoholics. And now - in 2014 - Thailand is
just on the way to become one more looser of Vietnam
war. Here are the details:
Especially Thailand is affected by alcoholism. Since
criminal NATO was installing there it's "restroom"
between 1964 and 1975 a mentality was established in
Thailand which has got it's base only on beer, whiskey
and selling of women and nothing more. After the
invention of the "Tonkin Incident" in 1964 the "U.S."
government was performing an escalation in Vietnam War
deliberately and Thailand was defined as one of three
"restrooms" for the "U.S." army. There were Thailand,
the Philippines, and South Korea. So with "U.S."
troops and their "befriended" troops (above all from
Australia, from New Zealand, and from Canada) hard
dollars came to Thailand and many kinky bananas with
"U.S." soldiers on them wanting to have a sexual
satisfaction. As selling of daughters to brothels was
an Asian tradition already it was only a little step
of development installing a new sex tourism with these
NATO "troops" being varied with beer and whiskey.
Since then whiskey was becoming the symbol of boom
(!!!), and also Thai men and Thai families at home
introduced the whisky cult at home. With sex tourism
on the base of beer and whiskey many Thai families
could get off their debts and could build houses. For
NATO soldiers their life was becoming a constant
change between sex-and-killing. But for the "U.S."
commanders there was no change, they had
always-sex-and-nothing-else, they were manipulating
and shifting complete Vietnamese populations and they
were sending many NATO soldiers deliberately till
death deliberately. This was not important for them
because at the same time they became more and more
alcoholics - with whiskey and sex daily and every
night. Thai families were selling their children week
for week or month for month. It can admitted that
since these times in Thailand NATO is contaminated
also in a pedophile way.
Thailand=spying center of the world since 1964
It can be admitted that Thailand since 1964 is not
only a sex tourism center but has developed also as a
world wide spying center, and even more since 1975
when the "Ami" soldiers left but the secret services,
mafia groups, pensioners and Nazi groups were taking
over the power in Thailand. Thus international sex
tourism is not only sex but a big part of it is also
espionage in hotels and in brothels. The Thai
government is making money also with this. Commanders
are just giving orders to the alcoholic security and
to unemployed taxi drivers giving instructions and
spying devices and in this way they are making an
additional living with espionage without thinking
about the sense of this action.
The fact that NATO and secret services, mafia groups
and NAZI-groups are running Thailand has it's
consequences that for the Thais not much is done in
the country but Thai men are only drinking beer and
whiskey and the Thai women are damned mostly to
prostitution. This is the mafia system in Thailand
provoking that the prices for "girls" are cheap. The
other consequence is that Thai ladies are not at all
tender but they are even boxing like their mothers and
alcoholic fathers...
The fact that Bangkok is sinking is provoked also by
the secret services and mafia groups because when
Bangkok is going down and misery will be more in
Thailand the "girls" will be even cheaper than ever
Purchasing children with NATO in Thailand since 1964 -
pedophile club "Basel Animal Circle" in Europe since
1964 - Helmut Hubacher as a "link" between NATO and P-26
(These are informations from Swiss justice circles)
It seems very strange, but the arrival of NATO in Thailand
in 1964 and the foundation of the criminal pedophile ring
"Basel Animal Circle" in Basel in Switzerland was just in
the same year 1964. The boss founding this "Animal Circle"
is Mr. Helmut Hubacher from the Socialist Party of
Switzerland (SP), and now one has to know that this
Hubacher was also the founder of the illegal secret
service resp. "resistance group" P-26. This was a "secret
army" of Switzerland under direct NATO command. And with
this fact the pedophile connections in NATO are obvious.
NATO military bases in Thailand: bombs and Agent Orange
(see for example Utapao Air Base in the Internet or on
YouTube etc.)
Thai government let go on NATO in the country. This did
not only count for sex tourism but also for NATO military
bases where B-52 bombers were reloaded or spraying
airplanes were reloaded with Agent Orange and other agents
etc. One has just to know that all this destructive work
by criminal NATO in Vietnam and in Laos had it's base on
sex tourism, criminal child abuse and beer and whiskey.
And the Thai population became also drunk more and more
every day and was drinking away it's brain because this
sex tourism and the high income by "hard dollars" were
just "going on" not important how many soldiers and
Vietnamese or Laotians were killed in Vietnam or in Laos.
When 1,000s of people were killed in Vietnam War and Laos
War there was just another life in Thailand with whiskey
and sex party. Soldiers were just paying everything with
drinks, hotels and even complete houses. NATO soldiers and
NATO commanders converted the Thai ladies also into
alcoholic ladies. And now these alcoholic ladies were the
rich ones coming back to the countryside introducing their
alcoholism also on the rice farm and in this way the rural
population was copying the drinking behavior with whiskey.
Probably also the Thai governing was drinking without end
even with the king's family and in this way they all lost
more and more their brains. They were thinking "U.S.A."
will protect Thailand forever.
Most NATO troops leaving in 1975 - new European sex
tourists since 1975
(see: Louisa Brown:
Slaves, chapter 1 part 1.)

Bar ladies in Thailand, most of them are alcoholics... -
and also the commanders, policemen, security men and
people from Thai media in Thailand are mostly
When in 1975 NATO troops had to leave Vietnam a big part
of the NATO soldiers also left Laos, Cambodia, and
Thailand. NATO bases remained but now the big profits by
sex tourism with the soldiers were breaking off. But now
Thai government was acting with some propaganda in Europe
and the effect was that there were no "U.S." or Canadian
or Australian soldiers or soldiers from New Zealand any
more, but now the sex tourists were European men and
pensioners visiting the sex tourism spots in Thailand - or
they were even settling here and giving their whole rent
to Thailand. This new economic growth was again on the
base of beer, whiskey and sex. Wonderful, all remained as
before in Thailand and the constant whiskey and sex party
could go on, now just not with murdering and killing
soldiers and not with perverse military NATO commanders,
but with neo Nazi groups and with mafia groups from the
whole world, and with pensioners and with secret services
from the whole world just having the same things in common
with the Thai ladies: alcohol, alcohol, alcohol. And the
brains of the Thais were reduced again and again further
and further - and also the brains of the neo Nazis and of
the mafia groups or pensioners and secret services were
reduced on and on until there was nothing left. This means
-- with neo Nazis and
-- with mafia groups
-- with alcoholic pensioners, and
-- with secret services organizing children trafficking
and women trafficking in the whole world
just those groups came from Europe NOT HAVING THE
SLIGHTEST IDEA of sociology - and just these groups were
combining with the alcoholic Thais now. Therefore Thailand
of today (2014) is sociologically a completely
underdeveloped country where many parents are sending
their daughters to the bars yet so "money comes in". Why?
Because the government of Thailand is systematically
neglecting the countryside and because there are hardly
good jobs in the countryside.
Additionally there is a big racism between Bangkok and the
countryside. The town's population is condemning the bar
ladies because they are all "from the countryside", and
the girls "from the countryside" are awaiting their "big
chance" when a tourist is taking them to Europe. Thai
government does not consider all this in a negative way.
Bar ladies are the ones who can speak English mostly and
all the rest of Thailand is only drinking whiskey...
"Human rights organizations" without concepts:
prohibition and espionage instead of social systems -
and terrorism with an "age of consent of 18"
Human rights organizations from cold Europe never
investigated this situation in Thailand. Until today
social systems and rental systems are missing in Thailand.
No, these "human rights organizations" coming from cold
Europe simply said that the Thais should not sell children
to tourists any more thus selling children to brothels was
limited and Thai police got a new task of spying and
controlling and peeping all tourists if there were
children involved with them - but Thai police is visiting
the children's brothels...
The same human rights organizations from cold Europe also
meant that in tropical South East Asia an "age of consent
of 18" should be introduced. Well, this measure - without
systematic school system for children and jobs for youths
- provoked only new stupidity. Youths have more sex now
underneath without condom and Thailand has got the second
highest rate of teenager pregnancies. One can see by this
that these "human rights organizations" do not know at all
where are the important points in a society. Without
alcohol withdrawal and without jobs an "age of consent" is
not at all practicable, not at all an age of consent of 18
in a tropical climate. But Thai government is also
consisting of alcoholics as also all other Thais are
mostly, the Thai government does not see this problem and
lets work the foreign "groups" because they are "groups"
thinking that there could not be something "wrong" with
2014: Catastrophic consequences for Thailand after 50
years beer whiskey sex tourism - life without brain -
sinking Bangkok...
At the same time whiskey is spread also to the utmost rice
farm and now almost all Thais are taking part with the
whiskey party eliminating their brains. But Thai
government never heard something about intelligence as it
seems. Now traditional wisdom about healthy and social
state was lost, Buddhism only exists in the temples any
more and all should go on like this for ever. But there is
just this one point: Thais were not only developing beer
whiskey sex tourism, but they developed a complete
alcoholism and they were destroying their brains - and
they were not aware of it. They meant that these behavior
difficulties would be "normal". Since then many Thais have
to live really without brain - and this is really very
Thai government has failed completely with this until
today and nobody was fined. During 20 years Bangkok is
sinking now and nobody is fined. Missing prevention
against alcoholism is not fined. But simply whole Thailand
will be punished:
1: with a population going down with whiskey
2: with
Bangkok with big houses on a hard clay layer but the
consumption of ground water is so high that the clay layer
is sinking with the town on it.
Did anybody say anything about analysis? Alcoholic people
don't want to think!
Examples for alcoholic behavior - with the focus
on Thailand
Alcoholism in Thailand is going up to the state's
During my stay in Thailand from 2012 to 2014 I could
really study the behavior of alcoholics a little bit in
this country because almost all Thailand is affected by
alcoholism. The result is dreadful with behavior of self
destruction even supported by alcoholic mafia groups. The
values of life are partly completely reverse compared with
normal life. The principal groups of alcoholic drinkers in
Thailand are
-- prostitutes, "bar ladies"
-- almost 100% of the criminal lady boys
-- police members, above all the police commanders
-- security members, above all the security commanders
-- responsibles of the media of radio and television,
above all the bosses and managers
-- sometimes also the taxi drivers after their working
-- pensioners in their traditional bars - with the "bar
-- foreign mafia groups in Thailand, above all the mafia
These responsibles in Thailand partly become absolutely
irresponsible thus they are rejecting also any further
education: foreign languages, Internet and so on. In this
way one has to imagine that just the Thai commanders are
rejecting foreign languages and they cannot manage the
Internet only relying on spying groups and mafia relations
with secret services - being payed with cheap Thai
pussies. In this way Thailand is going down since 1964
with an alcoholic intelligence of only about IQ70, but any
further education is rejected respectively is consisting
only in beer, whiskey and pussies. Thus Thai commanders
are rejecting any further education and mafia groups are
manipulating Thailand for their purposes and the Thai
population is just collaborating with beer and whiskey -
and in this way the disaster is coming.
As the principle drinking groups are the leading groups of
the state one can see what Thailand really is: Thailand is
one big alcoholic beer whiskey vodka bar, nothing more.
Tourists mostly are not staying more than 2 or 4 weeks,
but Thais in Thailand are living this alcoholic life for
life and many times they get alcohol from tourists for
free! When family members are working in a hotel security
group or as a police commander with contacts to "good
tourists" then it often happens that "good tourists" will
give away half or almost a complete bottle of whiskey
because tourists cannot take this on their flight home.
And by this the eternal Thai whiskey party in Thailand is
going on.
Some Thais are also really converting into whiskey
animals. Since 1964 an incurable whiskey people was
created. All action is coarsened, also with the police
commander, also with the mafia boss. Almost everywhere the
brain is reduced by 50 or even by 80% and people become
partly of unsound mind. And now one has to consider: In
Thailand the alcoholics are the big MAJORITY!!!
And now see what really happens:
Alcoholism=self-mutilation of organs
Alcohol has hard side effects when too much is drunk of
it. Too much alcohol is damaging all organs, also lungs,
nerves, livers, kidneys, blood vessels and the blood
itself, also the brain is affected and is reduced down to
it's basic structures etc. etc. Thus alcoholism is a
self-mutilation. Almost whole Thailand is affected by this
self-mutilation without control. As alcoholic people have
a brain which is reduced sometimes by 80% the mental
performance is automatically limited correspondingly and
alcoholic people becomes partly insane and they don't know
what they are saying any more or they are saying always
the same words or they cannot find the toilet any more
Alcoholism=self-mutilation of the brain and of the
blood circulation
Blood circulation with alcoholics is totally "on the
ground". Alcoholics cannot make sports any more, also only
2 minutes are too much. Even a badminton game is a
complete overextention for an alcoholic because
coordination of movements is needed - is not working any
more! Going up the stairs is a horror for alcoholics and
more than one floor is principally not possible! When an
alcoholic has to reach the fourth floor in a hotel going
up the stairs than it's just normal when the alcoholic
person is knocking at a wrong room in the third floor. The
reduced brain and the reduced blood circulation are
showing their "work".
Alcoholism: delay solving of problems as long as
possible - "regular's table" is the government itself -
sinking Bangkok
Alcoholic people is acting like this mostly: solving
problems is delayed as long as possible. Alcoholic people
are even laughing about problems but they are never
solving them. Alcoholics in groups are forming a
"regular's table" and they are talking about problems
without consulting the Internet right. Searching is not
part of an alcoholic's life because they would get the
truth also about their alcoholism. The leading person at
the "regular's table" is defining the meaning and is rated
as intelligent even when his meaning is 100% WRONG. When
another meaning would count then this would mean a split
from the "regular's table". Then peace would be in
When a complete country like Thailand is falling into
alcoholism now and when the government is also consisting
in alcoholic people then the meetings of the governments
are just a "regular's table". And then the result is just
what we have in Thailand: There is the problem of sinking
Bangkok. This problem of sinking Bangkok is known since 20
years now and measures were NEVER taken because - as it
seems - somebody is the leader at the "regular's table" of
the Thai government only solving the "little problems" but
never appointing the big problems.
And alcoholic Thailand just "lets go down" it's capital in
this way. This is the work of the alcoholic upper class,
insane, because 50 until 80% of the brain is missing.
Alcoholics don't like to organize but they only want their
next whiskey sex party. this means that in Thailand just
two matters are going down at the same time: the
population - and the capital.
And both should be a taboo: alcoholism - and sinking
Bangkok. Up to you!
They drink until they fall and they are laughing about
They are drinking as much so they cannot walk any more and
then they are laughing about it. Thai whiskey drinkers are
just not considering big connections any more but they are
chasing just the "little flies" also when the dangers for
Thailand are becoming bigger and bigger as they would be
"elephants" coming nearer and nearer. Thai men are not
considering the big connections because nobody is telling
about these big connections. Since 1964 whiskey sex
parties are leading the country. And just nobody was
studying history or sociology!
In Thailand these alcoholic parties are beginning in the
countryside on rice farms for example at 10 o'clock in the
morning already and these alcoholic parties are lasting
the whole day long. Alcoholics are laughing at other
people not drinking until there is no way out. Rumors say
that in Thailand and in other Asian countries on rice
farms people are drinking during the dry season until
there is no money left and then they are awaiting the next
rainy season for planting rice again. In Thailand on rice
farms of eastern Thailand not only beer and whiskey is
consumed but in the meantime also vodka was introduced.
In the fisher's villages on the coast lines whiskey
parties are only performed during weekends because most of
the "strong" men are fishing on the sea.
Women drinking - but speaking is not allowed
One can imagine that in Thailand with these kinky bananas
with "U.S." soldiers on them with "hard dollars" in their
pockets there should have been some emancipation movement,
but unfortunately this was going to the "wrong" direction
- to alcoholism and self destruction. Women were brining
home the "big money" but when they are with Thai men at a
"regular's table" then they have no voice - respectively
men often remain with men even when the house was built
with the money of the woman.
Women often have not the courage to counter the alcoholic
men, and men are only copying the meaning ordered by the
whiskey guru of their regular's table. A woman
contradicting men would risk a confrontation with the
whiskey guru - who is often a chief of secret police. Thus
one can imagine how freedom of speech and freedom of
research is handled in Thailand.
Principally the word of emancipation does not exist in
Thailand. There is only servitude on a higher or lower
level. Enlightenment is hardly existing, men are laughing
about women when women have "problems", and whiskey
parties are the compensation for missing love in life.
When a tourist is taking a Thai lady to a doctor paying
her the medicaments the Thais are laughing the tourist. In
this way whiskey Thailand is organized...
Children have to drink also
Many alcoholic parents are supporting their children in
drinking alcohol from 10 years on. There is a moral
pressure for drinking. When the child is rejecting
drinking then it's "not present". By this behavior
children can become alcoholics with 12 years already. When
a child is rejecting consuming alcohol then the child is
Thai ladies going to the bar not recognizing the
Many Thai ladies are coming from the countryside to the
centers of Thai sex tourism to Pattaya or to Phuket and
they want their "joy" with men. This means that they want
to have the experience with different men in a short time
or also little romances. And the tourist men should pay
all beers, all drinks, all hotels, beautiful clothes, all
trips, and at the end there should be also money left for
the own family.
There would also be some money left when - just when there
would not be alcoholism of which many ladies are affected
then. They are drinking a big part of their income
personally and then they are stuck in a circle of sex and
alcohol never finding out again because when they come
home then they are just going on like this - at least with
alcohol! This means that the tourist is financing the
alcoholism of the lady and the Thai state is not
publishing any warning, nor is there any prevention - and
this is just not the sense of a holiday or of a connection
financing alcoholism of the lady - which is no topic
officially in Thailand!
That means that the state of Thailand is failing
completely considering the prevention for the bar ladies
controlling their consumption of alcoholics personally
also preferring other beverages for having good parties or
even switching two days to a life without alcohol and
switching to a further education when there are times
"without work" during the period. There is NOTHING of
this. The Thai state is failing completely concerning
prevention and education of the ladies.
When these alcoholic bar ladies in Thailand are 30 years
old they are correspondingly "marked", above all by a
lower and bitter voice of an alcoholic woman, by a brute
social behavior which is not at all corresponding to any
femininity any more, by desires far from any reality, or
there are also brutal actions and delicts: alcoholic Thai
ladies are becoming boxers against tourists as they are
accustomed from home being boxed by their mother already
when they were children yet - this is Thailand. Alcoholic
Thai ladies are loosing any charm and even threats and
violence can be striking events with them.
Alcoholics during the old age - much sleep - alcoholics
sleeping all day long - almost no energy left for work
It could be watched that elder alcoholics in Thailand are
very thin persons hardly capable for work any more. Such
elder alcoholic people are sleeping the whole day long
then - but for drinking alcohol they are capable during
the evening then! Elder alcoholics are just sleeping where
they fall on the floor somewhere. There could be little
work during the day, handicrafts could be made, or one
could repair the clothes of the children or one could
bring the clothes to the tailor. But no, the elder
alcoholic or the elder alcoholic woman just likes to sleep
half the day or even the complete day never doing anything
but waiting until the next whiskey party is starting in
the evening... Elder alcoholics are hardly performing
longer walks either. Just all is broken in their body
then. In Thailand all this is combined also with a hot
chili food tradition which is additionally destroying the
gastro-intestinal part of the body. They cannot eat fruits
any more ending fast in diarrhea.
Peeping culture with elder alcoholics in Thailand
because alcoholics "cannot" any more
Alcoholics have an absolutely poor sex life because their
body is not sportive any more and because the money for a
beautiful night in a hotel is spent for alcohol and for
the whiskey party every night. After 10 seconds of fast
movement their blood circulation is "down" already etc.
Alcoholics have hardly any sex because their organs are
just suffering a total damage. But now an envy against
young people is developed. In countries like Thailand then
where porno films and sex toys are even forbidden yet a
total peeping culture is developed from neighbor to
neighbor - and I never saw a similar criminal peeping
culture as in Thailand. Persons having good sex are even
laughed by the Thai alcoholics and then people in Thailand
are ashamed for having good sex. This is the logic of
alcoholics in Thailand - I never saw something more
criminal and cruel!
Alcoholics mean it would be normal not having any sex when
they are older than 30 years old and at the same time they
are peeping the neighbors. Thus in Thailand almost the
whole country is peeping - above all the criminal
alcoholic commanders, the supreme alcoholics who are
appointing the culprit from the start - also when Bangkok
is sinking now since 20 years already...
Alcoholics setting the wrong priorities
In general alcoholic people are setting mostly wrong
priorities - not important in which country - thus their
life is going into a self destruction. Money for clothes,
for the school of children or for the own or for the
children's teeth is drunk. Alcoholics are even keeping
setting the wrong priorities until the own existence is
going down, that means that at the end the alcoholic has
to live in the street - and even then alcoholism is not
given up until the death by freezing is coming.
As Thailand is a country with a tropical climate there
will never be any death by freezing, and as the family
tradition does not permit that anybody is living in the
street the death is delayed by the family during years. In
some cases a little accident in a not watched moment is
making the end with life of the alcoholic person then.
But now in Thailand the case is much bigger: The whole
state is alcoholic and the whole state is going down -
with the capital of Bangkok.
There is beer, whiskey, and vodka at almost every corner,
also in the countryside on the rice farm - and brain is
nothing left. That's why Bangkok is sinking and drowning.
Negligence: examples
According to my experience watching alcoholic people these
alcoholics are neglecting regularly a precise kind of
thinking. Much of it is considered to be "not so
important". Examples are
-- generalizations, above all against foreigners rating
them "all the same", about world wide history there is
practically no knowledge in Thailand
-- alcoholics like to neglect truth but they love their
enemy stereotypes, this counts for criminal Swiss justice
and also for police commanders, security commanders or
whiskey media managers from radio and TV in Thailand
because without their enemy stereotypes there is no
"thrilling" news!
-- excuse does not exist at all, but the next day there
will be the next negligence of truth and the next
generalization for the next news!
-- may be some digits of an indicated bank account number
are missing
-- repairs and controls are "not so important" and
therefore all 3 months a ferry is going down in Thailand
or there are holes in the roof or a complete village has
no water tower or houses have their water tanks in the
bath rooms instead on the roofs and thus there are no
showers etc., often there is even no radio in the house
but beer and whiskey can be found everywhere...
-- repairs and controls are "not so important", this also
counts with the alcoholic's teeth: often the visit at the
dentist is delayed so much until the problem is solved by
itself and the tooth is falling out etc.
-- organizing is simply not so important when a complete
state is only consisting in alcoholic people
-- people in houses without power or fluent water is not
so important, and people there mostly have whiskey but
fluent water is not so important
-- when the way to school is 5 km because the next school
has no room for more children then this is not so
important in Thailand but the main subject is whiskey
-- water free days (days where water is stopped in the
whole street) are not announced and thus it can be that
one has to go to the restaurant to use a toilet - this is
just normal, not only in Thailand, but also in Peru this
was like this
-- reading and further education with alcoholics is
neglected completely because big parts of the brain are
not there any more (in Thailand many households are
without any book...)
-- during the children's education in alcoholic families
the teeth are mostly neglected
-- education and development have no priority in Thailand.
Books, public reading, histories, ballads, legends, a book
shelf with books and fact books, an atlas, an animal
atlas, all this I could never see in Thailand during my 2
years' stay anywhere, but I saw many households even
without tables or chairs and all life was only on the
floor - so how should children like to do their homework
on the floor?
-- the priority installing good toilets is totally
neglected in whole Thailand and thus practically complete
Thailand is stuck with earth holes which hardly can be
used by elder people any more
-- alcoholic people want to learn only by personal
contact, but as almost whole Thailand is consisting in
only alcoholics there is not taught much - and mostly they
forget after 10 minutes what was taught...
-- in Thailand the brains are totally crippled so Thais
often cannot think any more when help should be organized,
the affected don't think who could help, or they are even
rejecting help continuing drinking
-- houses are left empty, successors are not organized,
there are no renovations, houses are crumbling, rain is
entering the houses, the need of important repairs are
just not communicated also when it would not cost much
Dates of alcoholics are considered as "not so
-- sometimes dates are considered also "not so important".
When only 20% of the brain has left then one cannot await
more and dates are just not memorized
-- there is the alcoholic hotel owner not giving back the
-- there is the alcoholic foreman who is just doing a work
also when there is no order for it
-- there are the alcoholics of Thai radio stations who
feel being "addressed" when there is nothing for them but
they are full of beer and whiskey not thinking
systematically and analytically any more but they are only
spying yet.
Lies and intrigues by alcoholic people
Alcoholics in groups are celebrating their beer bottles
and whiskey bottles. They want to drink as much as
possible in one night otherwise the "night" would not be a
"good night".
At the same time these groups of alcoholics are producing
their intrigues like wolves. As whole Thailand has become
a country of alcoholics these intrigues against tourists
are just a "joy" for the population and even for the
government, for the police commanders, for the security
commanders, for the Thai media managers and for the
alcoholic mafia groups. Hosing tourists and foreigners
with "alcoholic jokes" is just the only sport in Thailand
which remained for these alcoholics. This is all a
compensation for the lost capacities of coordination and
For alcoholics lies and intrigues are often the only mean
to get some money in some way when their body is that
damaged that there is no work possible any more. Lies and
intrigues are the strategy of alcoholic people because
there is no other strategy left because the brain is
damaged and reduced already in a way that no other
strategy can be developed any more. Strategical thinking
is only performed by lying and intrigues. Moral does not
exist any more because the brain has reduced by over 50%
already. In Thailand especially almost the whole country
is lying and the Thais consider lying as "normal", and in
this way they are just lying every day and they don't take
earnest anything - until their doom is coming.
For intrigues wrong things are cited, wrong people is
cited, wrong things are stated without end and referred to
oneself performing the next provocation. The aim of course
is a murder otherwise life would not be "thrilling" any
more, also when the murder is never performed because then
the play would end and prison would follow - and the
whiskey party would end, thus there will never be any
murder but there will be calumnies without end, this is
what alcoholic people like so much for "going on and on".
Truth is never wanted otherwise alcoholism would suddenly
emerge as a topic.
Wasting money for intrigues is also a typical group
behavior of alcoholics. I could watch this not only with
criminal Swiss justice but also in the alcoholic country
of Thailand as a "normal" behavior making intrigues
against foreigners spending millions of dollars for
nothing with it. At the end there was only the recognition
that they are responsible THEMSELVES for their sinking
Bangkok because it's sinking since 20 years already and
there were no measures during 20 years - there was no
limitation of population, there were no measures for
keeping the rivers clean for taking drinking water from
the rivers - nothing happened during 20 years.
For intrigues in Thailand people is even risking their own
life. When alcoholics are fighting then nothing is safe
any more - and Thailand is suffering many murders because
of such little quarrels. Only a wrong faked rumor is
needed and the next death is in the street. Drinking
alcohol is permitted also in the streets in Thailand -
like in Columbia. This is life in an alcoholic country...
Lies and intrigues: wresting facts is a tradition of
Wresting facts could be watched in criminal Swiss justice
and also in Thailand: persons telling the truth are
pursued. Or people are given a wrong blame. As Thailand
has almost completely converted into a beer whiskey
country there is principally a never ending terrorism in
this country with wrong blames, up to the complete
Lies and inventions of alcoholic people provoking mercy
and getting money
Inventions and lies are normal with alcoholics,
-- for representing themselves in a better way
-- for getting a better reputation against the neighbor
-- balances are invented for presenting the country in a
better way.
With alcoholic people in Thailand also the following
behaviors could be watched:
-- accidents are invented and even faked tears are
presented for getting money from the tourist
-- illnesses at oneself of of family members are invented
for getting money from the tourist
-- other costs are invented for getting money from the
-- ill mothers are invented for getting money from the
-- the girlfriend at the telephone is presented as
"mother" for getting money from the tourist
-- whole families are invented so the tourist means that
the ill woman would be the mother of the alcoholic woman
so the tourist is giving money
-- children are invented for getting money from the
tourist, or crying children are invented so for getting
more money from the tourist
-- wrong purchases are invented for purchasing the item
one more time but this is a manipulation for purchasing
the thing for other persons
-- they are lying so much that they don't know what is the
truth at the end!
etc. etc.
and at the end the money is often only wasted on drink.
For drinking alcohol they are never too ill.
Alcoholic behavior: selling children - Asian men with
short penises - children becoming victims or heroes
When alcoholism is provoking the complete helplessness now
and when the complete country is converted into an
alcoholic bar and when there are only lies and betrayals
and drinking parties then new "winners" and "loosers" are
created. The ones with power are using their position even
more the more alcoholic they are because their mental
capacity and social behavior is always more brute and
less. And the "loosers" don't want to loose but they are
provoking other "loosers": Children will be the loosers:
The adult alcoholics are selling their children to the
children brothels or into sex tourism, also when since the
2000s child sex tourism is declared as illegal. What
should alcoholic parents do when they have grown up in the
alcoholism tradition and when they are poor and when they
only have their children to sell and when the state is not
installing any social systems and therapy systems? Social
systems and therapy systems NATO was never teaching to
Thailand, they were only teaching whiskey and sex tourism.
The book "Sex Slaves" by Louise Brown is reporting that
sold children will be in a paradise in a "luxurious box"
or in a hotel for some weeks, or they come into hell with
a closed primitive wooden box brothel for life where the
clients are waiting in a queue and within 3 hours 30
clients have to be managed and the child is dying after
about 4 years because of an illness.
The parents come to the brothel from time to time and get
the profits of the child handed out by the brothel owner,
mostly an elder woman. Thus the parents have the profits
of child sex tourism or of "normal" child sex by local
Asian people and the sold children are the "loosers" of
their existence - or they are the heroes of the families
at the end when the child is surviving and a complete
house was generated by the income of the child what never
had been possible without it. But it's not clear if the
sold child will survive. Many sold children do not survive
the cruelty in the brothel prison.

World map with the length of penises of 2011
With child sex there is just the principle that only men
with mini penises are permitted. As one can see on the
world map above one can see that Asian men from south east
Asia are fulfilling this condition. Asian men from south
east Asia have the most little penises, Japan and China
inclusive. The book "Sex Slaves" by Louise Brown is
reporting that Japanese businessmen are coming to north of
Thailand just for having sex with a virgin spending much
money for a hotel for one week "enjoying" a virgin which
is eventually two times operated already. The girl can
also be a Burmese girl being smuggled over the border line
so a Burmese family can be saved and can pay their debts.
The same ritual with virgins and businessmen can be found
allegedly also in Cambodia, and also there the girls are
eventually two times operated already. Above all these "ex
virgins" are "heroes" of their families later, or it can
also be the beginning of sex slavery being sold into a
brothel. And in such Asian brothels women are mostly the
bosses - NOT the men. Europeans and Africans are excluded
from child sex tourism because of too big penises. More
than a hug cannot be otherwise the abdomen of the child
would be destroyed.
Child death by destroyed abdomen by gang rape with beer
and whiskey
In Europe there was some news in the 1980s already that
abused children could not get children any more after they
had been raped by child abuse suffering a destroyed
abdomen. In Thailand this kind of grievous bodily harm -
as also in Muslim countries - can be much worse yet and
the child can suffer the dead because of never stopping
bleedings. This child death by child sex by destroying the
abdomen is happening in Thailand all years long, not by
tourists, but by Tai men performing gang rapes against
children - with beer and whiskey without end of course!
And this kind child death is even reported in the meantime
- but the measures with fighting alcoholism and
enlightenment and more tolerance with erotic books and
movies are missing until today (2014). But alcoholism is
going on to be a big taboo!
The drunk Thai police, security, taxi drivers, media
and mafia: spying against tourists, but they let go down
But when criminal Thai police is spying tourists then they
are doing it the other way round: a hug is classified just
as a sexual action. and this corresponds just to the
manner of thinking of alcoholic policemen and of alcoholic
commanders: invention of action for "hosing" others - and
above all for "hosing" foreigners for presenting oneself
as a "holy" person. This strategy is especially applied by
Thai commanders of Thai police, Thai security, Thai taxi
drivers and of Thai radio and TV and of mafia groups in
Thailand: they are presenting themselves as "holy" persons
performing espionage against foreigners but in the evening
they will be drunk against wasting all money for whiskey
which is principally for the poor. And they let go down
Let themselves down and let go down a complete capital? -
This is just normal logic thinking of alcoholics in
Healing of alcoholics is not possible without therapy
It was strange and disconcerting at the same time when I
could watch that alcoholic people are even defending their
alcoholism - even when there are children and the money
for the school of the children is consumed for alcohol, or
when the tourist had got the medicament of Baclofen for
the healing of alcoholism in the hand. Alcoholic people
are just rejecting any healing of alcoholism rigorously!
Until today (2014) the Thai state is not ready to speak
about the taboo of alcoholism at all! There would be many
measures against alcoholism initiating with propaganda
spots in TV, with the introduction of alcohol free beer,
with propaganda for not damaging beverages etc. etc. But
as a simple observer one gets the impression that this
alcoholic government in Thailand does not even want to
accept that there is "alcoholism" existing in it's
The question is which social reasons are playing a role
Thailand: alcoholism is "normal" - destructiveness is
also "normal" - against the own body
Since 1964 the population of Thailand has become so rich
with sex tourism during the last 50 years that a total
arrogance is dominating now. That means that any
destructiveness is rising in the country and is even rated
to be "normal". And this arrogance is also developed
against the own life: Most Thais are not caring when they
are ruining their own life with alcoholism! It's just not
important for them because it's also not important for the
neighbors, and because whiskey nights have become
Arrogance can be found with the following elements: broad
motorways, "big cars", public traffic is not existing in
large parts of Thailand, garbage separation and recycling
is not organized. All this is "not so important" - but the
whiskey bottle is the center of the big majority of the
Thai's life. Ferries are going down, garbage dumping sites
are burning, shot people in bars. All these actions of
self destruction are normal...
Thailand: healing from alcoholism="infidelity" to the
own family
It seems that alcoholism with whiskey and sex party has
become a nation wide tradition in Thailand thus a healing
from alcoholism is often also rejected because a healing
would be an "infidelity" to the own family. This means
that the connection with the parents and to the
traditional drinking ritual with beer bottles, whiskey
bottles and vodka bottles would be in danger when the
adult daughter or the sun would be healed from alcoholism.
And as long as Thailand is with this wrong fidelity to the
alcoholic family so long Thailand will have no chance to
"treat" it's two big taboos:
1: treating alcoholism, the people which is going down
destroying it's own health
2: saving
which is going down consuming too much ground water
provoking that the clay layer is sinking with the town.
Thailand has converted into an absolutely mentally ill
alcoholic country. One can change this at least partly
with healing teas, with blood group nutrition, with herb
therapies, and from 10 million people in Bangkok the
industries and 9 million have to change on a safe ground
so a little Bangkok can survive. But alcoholic government
in Bangkok and the assisting alcoholic commanders and the
alcoholic mafia bosses never want to confess that Thailand
would have a problem or just several problems in one time
and that the pioneer historian alone had seen them!
Because in this case the hunted pioneer historian would be
right and the hunters would be the hunted.
And all the propaganda in the radio, in TV and all the
manipulations of neighbors and hotel owners and all money
spent for hotel rooms around the hotel room of the pioneer
historian - all this is for NOTHING...
But any further education is not foreseen with alcoholic
people, and not at all it is foreseen in the alcoholic
government, police commanders, security commanders, media
managers or mafia commanders in alcoholic Thailand. This
would mean that a 50 years old "tradition" would change...
Balance: Thailand is also loosing Vietnam War: people
is loosing the brain, and the country is loosing the
Thailand will loose also Vietnam War, only 50 years later:
-- there is no brain left and people is destroying their
own bodies and families
-- Bangkok is going down because there is no brain left
for taking measures for stopping this.
Helping actions have no chance because alcoholic people
are defending their alcoholism... up to them. Crazy
Thailand - ting tong Thailand.
And NATO seems to be a destructive and pedophile
organization until today "enjoying" never ending war times
with sold children...