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Mafia installed sex circus in Thailand - but prostitution is "forbidden", also sex toys, films and parties are "forbidden" - this prohibition is beneficial for the corrupt Thai police commanders - Thailand is a peeper's country
Foreign mafia in Thailand (above all Swiss mafia, German mafia, Australian mafia, English mafia, and Russian mafia, sometimes with mafia bosses who are about 80 or 90 years old having ideas of life from the century before last) - these mafia bosses installed sex business in Thailand during the last 40 years with the toleration of the police. Foreign mafia in Thailand was building up their networks and bars in collaboration with the authorities. Thais normally don't have the money for renting or purchasing a bar. Therefore the bar bosses mostly are foreigners. When always more tourists and Thai ladies came, also new hotels, restaurants and tourist offices were built which are often also in the hands of the foreign mafia.
Since about 40 years certain people with some money are coming to Thailand - above all white Europeans and white Australians for having some sex fun in certain towns like Pattaya and Phuket - whereas prostitution is officially "prohibited" in Thailand, and also sex toys, beautiful porno films or swinger parties are "prohibited" in Thailand. Police in Thailand is even going so far "chasing" sex toys, porno films and swinger parties disguising themselves as clients and making foreign captives. But corrupt police commanders are using these prohibitions not only for playing with their childish tribe for chasing foreigners by joke, but this chase is also a step for making career. News in the newspapers are published, and fear of foreigners is fanned within the local population. At the same time Thai population is always presented as "pure". Add to this the prohibition of prostitution is beneficial for Thai commanders for getting regular bribes from the foreign mafia side. And the persecution of foreigners was perfected by electronic devices and it can be assumed that any hotel room has got it's espionage camera - and corrupt police commanders can also peep.
One can say it really like this: Thailand has converted into a peeper's country in the last 10 years with it's electronic mini supervising devices. And also the foreign pensioner mafia groups have passed a "computer education" and now mean that they would be "intelligent". In this manner the criminal pensioner mafia groups are operating now in Thailand, mafia groups of Switzerland, Germany, England and Russia. They are partly operating with outdated data or even with absolutely false data, but with their "modern technique" they mean to be "intelligent". They are even chasing persons who never committed any delict but they are classifying them as "worthy to be chased". And they mean that 20 years old data would be actual yet without considering that a person has also got a personal development within 20 years. No only this. It could be watched that these criminal pensioner mafia groups with their unconvincable members are even spreading faked information or they are systematically hoaxing Thai population. Also the propaganda for an age of consent of 18 is such a hoax because such an age of consent of 18 is not possible in a tropical climate, and not at all is possible when the school and education system is tending to 0% and not to 100% and youths are not offered any learning content for life.
Well, criminal mafia groups in Thailand always have enough money for their income by bribes for visas, and with this money they are financing their peeping actions as it seems, also when these actions have no base at all. And at the same time "normal" Thai population does not know at all what is going on in their country. They simply mean - and this are above all meaning the mainly not educated Thai men - all whites would be nasty "Falangs". Well, without any English they cannot speak with the whites and in fact such fantasies can come up and cannot be corrected at all when there is no communication.
Young Thai women from the country side - they don't tell to their families what they are doing
At the same time young Thai ladies from "poor families" from the absolutely neglected countryside (from fishermen's villages or from rice farms) are streaming to certain towns in Thailand like Pattaya and Phuket for meeting white Europeans and Australians for "drinking a beer" with them and then having sex in a beautiful hotel room and even making money with this, so much money which never could be earned in such a short time in Thailand by normal work. But some ladies are alcoholics and also want that the "customer" pays whiskey drinks. The mentality regarding sexuality is absolutely closed in the Thai population so many Thai ladies are never telling the truth about what they are working there, but they indicate that they would work in a restaurant or as a member of hotel staff.
Alcoholism in the country side - alcoholic bar ladies - and mafia gets it's benefit
Now one has to know that Thais in the countryside are absolutely neglected by the Thai government and education and schooling are hardly existing there - or there is only the euphoric propaganda and films of Thai TV and the tendentious school books which are methodically partly absolutely dry. This negligence of the population in the country side concerning logic, methodology and schooling is expressing with the high alcoholism rate which is going on in the fishermen's villages with beer and whiskey, but on the rice farms with beer, whiskey and also with vodka since some years. A certain part of Thai children in the countryside are educated to be alcoholics since their childhood, and when the ladies are reaching the bars there is not much change with them but they hardly sleep during the night, all organs are working always worse and the softness of their woman's voice is lost. Benefit by alcohol of tourist bars is above all going to the "American" whiskey companies, to Thais export import companies and to mafia of Thai breweries. In the countryside on rice farms also Russian vodka producers get their benefit. Other Thai women are converted into alcoholics only at the bar.
Thai ladies at the bar learning their "behavior" - or not
In general Thai ladies are learning a behavior at the bar how the white man can be manipulated so he pays everything. A man is rated only as a "good man" when he is paying everything, and some men are accepting this play. some Thai ladies were also hit in their home in the countryside and then they mean that hitting would be "normal" and they are also hitting the tourists. Then the tourists mean that when they will pay well the Thai lady would not hit any more - but this kind of thinking is wrong. The cause for this behavior is much more deeper. There is simply missing any psychology in Thailand.
At the end Thai ladies are also learning culturally more than any Thai man could learn in his whole life. Thai lady gets also a push concerning self consciousness when she is always given and given all by rich foreigners. Therefore Thai ladies are also rated higher, also because they give more money to their families than Thai men. But when Thai ladies are converting into helpless alcoholics for being a nursing case, then the men of the family will always think what this woman had done during her absence - and they will considerate her more or less as a person without value.
Some foreign bar tender cannot manage the aggressively of the "ladies", above all when the aggressive Thai rustics are working at a bar in groups. Such aggressive Thai "ladies" are also shouting at the Europeans respectively at their customers. In these cases the bar tender has the right to dismiss the aggressive ladies sending them to the next bar. The ladies mostly never accept anything of any foreigner either because then counts the most simple racism: Thais in Thailand are permitted to do anything because they are staying in "their" country, and foreigners have nothing to say also when they are in groups or they are 100% right. This situation is more and more extreme the more foreigners live in Thailand - and the Thais mostly cannot speak English, and the foreigners mostly don't speak Thai. The corrupt government is not arranging anything...
Millions of dollars every day - for the mafia, for the criminal commander, and for the government
All in all tourism in Thailand is turning over millions of dollars every day
-- in hotels
-- in restaurants
-- with sellings in shopping centers
-- in bars with Thai ladies
-- with tours for tourists.
That means: the tourist - and this is not always a sex tourist - is spending much money in Thailand. Some tourists even consider Thailand as too expensive and are choosing the neighboring countries. This has got it's reason. Neighboring countries are not only cheaper, but there is no general propaganda against foreigners with a general word like "Falang". In the meantime neighboring countries have really developed into more comfortable countries for tourists than Thailand which is not managing anything and is suffocating with it's problems - and where the poor are never going better, because the topics of alcoholism and sexuality remain taboos in Thailand. Additionally some neighboring countries have got their language also in Latin letters and this is much more easier to learn than Thai writing.
Persons who are speaking Thai and then are writing Thai words in Latin letters have to wonder that Thai persons themselves CANNOT read this Latin writing whereas Thais had 8 years of English in their school system...
A big part of the benefits is remaining in the hands of foreign mafia groups - and in the hand of criminal police commanders, and with the government
The "crucial point" now is what the hotel owners, restaurant owners and bar tenders are making with the money, and what the families of these people and the Thai ladies are making with their money. Where are flowing the benefits?
Mafia has installed the sex circus. Mafia is the owner of tourism hotels, restaurants and bars. That means: The profit of gogo bars, of big hotels and restaurants is flowing into the hands of mafia, and the normal Thai population does not see much of these funds which are spent by tourists in Thailand. May be some furniture is needed or some cleaning women have to be hired.
Only the boss of Thai police, the commander, he sees much of the money of sex tourism when the bar tender have to pay their bribes for tolerating the "illegal" sex companies. Additionally also the Migration Board is making cash with millions of dollars every day with visa fees for foreigners. Visa regulations in Thailand are very nasty and inconvenient so many foreigners are organizing better visa conditions spending much money for it. Therefore a big part of visa fees is remaining in the mafia hands - and in the hands of the police chiefs.
And "normal" Thai population does not see anything of this money from tourist companies and from visa boards. And this is provoking rebellion...
Pensioners' law provoking high price level
Thailand is more expensive than Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. That has got it's reason not only with a strong tourism sector, but Thailand has a pensioners' law saying that all people from 50 years on with a certain income can stay in Thailand for ever. Well, the real sense is only the money which is flowing into the country with it so the Thai government has not to work but only has to hold open it's hand. Any stimulus for a good education system, for a good methodology or for more science is blocked with such a policy. And the calculation is coming out a little bit bad because when much money is coming into the country the prices in Thailand also are rising - and for "normal" Thai population does not remain much - one more time. And for certain Thais the whites themselves are a big problem: Thais feel "occupied".
The money of the Thai lady - well invested or drunk
When the Thai lady has much success with tourists - and this depends by a big part from her behavior and not from her figure - then she can have a great income and can effect much with it:
-- she can finance her children when her children are living with a reliable person
-- she can finance an own house in the countryside
-- she can finance a motor scooter or even a car.
But now it can be that the family of the Thai lady is not only poor but is also stupid and addicted to alcohol because on many rice farms during the dry season of 6 months without rain there is often only one occupation: people are drinking alcohol there, beer, whiskey, and since some years also vodka - "·until there is no money left". These alcohol parties on rice farms are beginning at 9 am already and the pride is having drunk much and despite of all being capable for finding it's bed at the end. So, when a Thai lady is coming from such a alcoholic rice farm family, then the sent money will often be spent again for alcohol and has no big "effect" - but there will be only an alcoholic effect. This alcoholic problem in Thailand is systematically peculated and tabooed by Thai Government in Bangkok - because also parts of the Thai Government are alcoholic probably.
When Thai ladies are egocentric, then they are giving out their money without limits for new clothes and makeups and expensive perfumes and she does not know what is saving the money because she even does not know what is a bank account. Because on a rice farm there is no bank.
Thus we see that Thai ladies can "make much" with the earned money when there is a basic education in the Thai lady's family in logic thinking. But when the family of the Thai lady is addicted to alcohol, then also this money will flew into mafia hands of the mafia's brewery. And when the Thai lady herself is addicted to alcohol, then she will spend a part of her income for alcohol and festivals and will lose this money also to foreign mafia hands.
Record: Normal Thai population has not much from tourism and pensioner foreigners
Foreign mafia of hotel owners, restaurant owners and bar tenders - above all criminal Swiss mafia, German mafia, English mafia, and Russian mafia - they keep the money of Thai tourism. From this foreign mafia bribes are flowing to the bosses of the local police for prostitution will be tolerated, and visa fees are flowing to the Migration Board.
"Normal" Thai population often does not know at all that they are living within a huge net of foreign mafia. "Normal " Thai population only sees something of the tourist money
-- when Thai lady is sending money home and when the family can handle the money in a positive way and is not drinking the money
-- when hotels need cleaning staff or secretary staff
-- when a shopping center needs new staff
-- when vehicles are rented to tourists or tours are organized
-- when hotels or restaurants need furnitures or plates.
The whole rest of tourist money is disappearing into "dark channels" of corrupt police commanders and of the Migration Board. As the population in the country side is systematically neglected and as there is no inter-state fiscal adjustment and as there are hardly existing social institutions, always new Thai ladies are streaming into the tourist towns for meeting the rich "white men".
Prostitution is not legalized - and this is a maneuver of criminal corrupt police commanders in Thailand against foreigners
At the same time corrupt Thai police commanders are "joking" having also contacts to brothels and prostitutes - what officially is "forbidden". But instead of legalizing prostitution, police commanders mean that they would have more "power" when prostitution would be tolerated only by them. And they have more power in this way indeed:
-- "when necessary" the corrupt Thai police commander can invent simply something and can let detain a foreigner
-- with such detentions the corrupt Thai police commander can regularly provoke headlines in the press and can present the foreigners as criminals
-- and with any more news against foreigners this corrupt Thai police commander can collect points for his career and can provide "work" for his colleagues and for the prison administrations
-- and eventually this corrupt Thai police commander can even provoke that mafia is paying him a bribe for a "release" of an unjustified detainee...
Commanders' offices are working like this in Thailand. With foreigners and with the wrong word of "Falang" they make money in all manners which are possible...
Language problems without end because Thailand has no good language books - "Tinglish"
Thai restaurants have practically no white clients because whites hardly are learning Thai, and because Thais are hardly speaking English. Because good language books are missing in Thailand, and Thai language books have so many faults as there were words in it, or English language books for Thai kids are without any phonetics for the pronunciation of the English language. Because of all this Thais in Thailand have even developed an own "English" with a dreadful grammar and partly with a "new pronunciation" with much fantasy - "Tinglish". Considering the bad language books this is one more proof that the Thai government has got the aim for NOT working because otherwise these conditions in the language sector would not be that catastrophic. According to English knowledge Thailand is rated in Asia as the LAST country, and often prostitutes (bar ladies which are principally "forbidden") are speaking a better English than Thai policemen (who principally should be the persons controlling the law...)
Therefore the white people are staying mostly withing their mafia groups, and Thais mostly are also remaining with their groups. One can say it also in another manner: "Normal" Thai population remains isolated from tourists already by the language barrier. "Normal" Thai population is simply watching that there are always more and more white foreigners in their country and there is hardly any conversation possibility with them provoking the feeling of an "occupation" - and then they react with the curse word "Falang"...
"Normal Thai population is not getting aware the overall context how Swiss mafia, German mafia, English mafia, and Russian mafia are "playing their play" in Thailand, and how the corrupt government is letting "work" this mafia and how this government and criminal commanders are getting their benefits by it.
Don't call foreigners "Falang" but "kon kàú" ("whites") because every foreigner is different.