Chapter 1: January 23, 2014: It is missing in Thailand
peace and the will for solving the big problems
Bangkok with sky train and skyscrapers
with the evening sky [1]
It's not important if your shirt is red or orange or yellow
It's not important to watch tourists - because watching
making love you can have on youporn.
The only important thing now is that Bangkok is sinking 6 cm
every year and in 2020 will be on 0 meters officially.
At the same time monsoons are more and sea level is rising.
Thailand will loose Bangkok when there are no
urgentmeasures for locating 9 million people and the
industriesin other places on a safe ground so that a
little Bangkokwill survive that will not consume so much
ground water.
Thai secret services are so stupid and they don't see
this- whereas I made web sites about just this topic 8
monthsago already.
And Thai radio and TV are so stupid and they are
notcommunicating anything about this important topic.
That means: Thai secret services and Thai radio and TV
areblind - more blind than a dog. And they make the
Thaipopulation even more blind making propaganda
againsttourists. This means: they are mad and they want
the selfdestruction of the country.
I just don't know where a remedy can be found for this
mentality. I did not find a healing plant for this yet.
Michael Palomino, January 23, 2014
Chapter 2: January 23, 2014: Crocodiles and white
faces are not so good

Bangkok with Praya River [2] - whitening creams should
provoke a "white face" [16]
Bangkok will sink - and crocodiles will come.
Oh, I am telling this since 6 months already - but it's up to
Oh, yes, there is something very important yet:
Thai women should not use powder for their face because
powders are blocking the skin's respiration. Really! Better is
Aloe Vera for a good face!
And Thai women should not spend money for a white face -
tourists normally don't like this - but it's up to you.
Michael Palomino, January 23, 2014
Chapter 3: January 23, 2014: Playgrounds and courts
for sports for everybody
Shower in form of a mushroom on abeach
in Pak Nam in the region of Chumphon, Thailand [3]
Oh yes, and something is missing in Thailand, playgrounds for
children and courts for soccer and volleyball and basket ball
where all can play - not only in the school court, but where
all can play, also the mother and the father, with control and
opening times from 2 to 8 or 10 pm. Like this it is in South
And when everybody is good in sports, then they are also good
in the bed and enjoy each other better.
In South America there is also the following system:
During Saturday and Sunday little streets are the court for
soccer, volleyball or basketball installing just two goals or
a rope or two baskets. This popular sports mentality brings a
lot of help with communication, respiration and health. Of
course sometimes a car is passing and the play has to be
interrupted but when the architects forgot the court for
sports one has to use some little streets sometimes. I have
never seen this in Asia. Do it and you will see how the sun or
the daughter will want to reach the father's skills - ha.
The father should be present only one or two times per month
otherwise it could be too much because of dominance. But at an
orientation for the child this will be absolutely perfect.
Michael Palomino, January 23, 2014
Chapter 4: January 28, 2014: I never wanted to see
a sinking Bangkok - why the leaders in Thailand don't save
the country?
Tuktuk taxi in flooded Bangkok [4]
I can tell you:
I never wanted to see a sinking Bangkok
but I wanted to see a beautiful Thailand!!!
I wanted to see the healer in Naklua who can heal also
paralyzed people.
But then I had to detect: It's not allowed to him to heal
I wanted to see a peaceful country with Buddha and with books.
But then I had to detect: Most Thais have no books in their
rooms - and a big part even don't have chairs nor tables!!!
I wanted to live with a tolerant Thai population which is
described in the Internet as "Thai Buddhism".
But then I had to detect mafia groups everywhere, stupid
chattering neighbors and radio stations everywhere and corrupt
police commanders!!!
And the last joke of the story is: A little Bangkok can be
saved when from 10 million the industries and 9 million go to
a safe ground.
But the government is not organizing anything and thus they
are pulling out ground water without end and thus the city is
sinking on 6 cm every year!!!
And the last but last joke of the story is: Also when I am
healing people even from gastritis the mafia groups don't want
to listen what is to do to save this Thailand.
The Thai police commander is not ready to accept logic
thinking to save Bangkok and Thailand from the doom - but is
going on fighting against the prophet.
Thus the prophet is only asking himself: When will they begin
to think? Because they know about sinking Bangkok since 20
years already!
It makes me sad, really sad, that Thais are fighting in the
sinking city red against orange or white shirts and nobody is
taking the energy for saving the country.
The government is not fulfilling it's task to save the country
- nor the opposition - nor the radio - nor the police
commander - nor mafia groups.
I am only asking: Why they will not save their country when
the truth is written on papers and in the Internet?
Why they are not shifting the industries and the workers on a
save ground without sinking ground and without floods?
Why they are only watching and spying tourists for nothing but
they are not reading one book after they left school?
Why many Thais are living without chairs and tables and
without a good toilet thus they have no place to make
homeworks or have a working shower?
Why the government, the radio, the police commanders and mafia
groups are not working for a better life of the Thais but they
are spying tourists without end?
I don't know. I only can shake my head - I am shaking my head
the whole day long...
Perhaps love novels are missing, perhaps love cinema is
missing, perhaps good radio is missing.
I am only shaking my head because the leaders in Thailand
don't want to save their country.
But I can assure you, I will never accept spying persons,
because I am not spying anybody too.And I can assure you, I
never wanted to see a sinking Bangkok and leaders who are not
saving it.
But I wanted to see a healer in Naklua who can heal also Thais
- but he is not allowed.
But I wanted to see a peaceful country with Buddha and with
books - but they don't have.
But I wanted to live with a tolerant Thai population which is
described in the Internet as "Thai Buddhism" - but they are
only peepers and with propaganda.
But I gave Thailand the instruction to save Bangkok - and the
leaders are only laughing.
Have they to sink first before they begin to think? They
should begin to think before sinking. They know about sinking
Bangkok since 20 years already.
Why they did not change the strategy for Bangkok since 20
years already? I don't know - I can only shake my head.
I never wanted to see a sinking Bangkok.
Michael Palomino, January 28, 2014
Chapter 5: January 28, 2014: Learning about natural
elements - examples of slides for playgrounds or beaches and
for adults
Intelligence does not only come from learning in school, but
also comes from playing with the elements. And these elements
of nature people has to feel. Thus slides are really a good
work making to feel the elements of energies. There are
different slides in the world see the examples above - but in
Asia I have hardly seen any. May be Asian people do not
develop the feeling for the elements.
On a slide the matter is not only sliding downwards, but there
is also the big matter running or climbing upwards, and this
makes sliding for children a very very good sport when the
slide is well done and not too long - also for adults when the
slide is good enough for adults too.
When children have no playground with such good facilities,
then the population does not develop any feeling for the
natural elements, and also communication and humor is missing
in life. Sometimes I think - considering thinking Bangkok and
sinking 40 towns in China and Fukushima radioactive
contamination of Japan because of an atomic plant at the beach
in an earthquake zone that in Asia just these three things,
--- feeling for natural elements, communication
andhumor are missing.
Chapter 6: January 28, 2014: Crazy Thai mafia is crazy and
horny for the word of "Fuck"

Child with baby alligator in Australia [8] - Eating post in
Pattaya in Thailand with Thai mafia only speaking the word
"Fuck" without learning about it [9]
Now I am about 16 months in Thailand and there is a big Thai
mafia in my neighborhood always telling "Fuck" in the street.
Thai mafia was peeping too much as it seems. They are peepers
because there is missing everything about love:-- there are no
love novels
-- there are no real love movies but they are only slapping
and boxing each other in Thailand
-- even girlfriends are boxing boyfriends in Thailand, they
are crazy for boxing and cannot love
-- there is no love education and there are no youth reviews
-- there is no sexual education with books because there is no
book in the house
-- there is no beautiful porno film in the house to see
because the Thai government is still prohibiting porno films
in Thailand
-- there is no love cinema in Thailand because there is mostly
no cinema in the Thai town
So Thais are so kinky and they are peeping foreigners and then
the detect the word of "Fuck" and don't know how to manage it.
Thais are not willing to learn what in the "U.S.A." and in
Canada or in England and Australia every child is learning
with 3 years: how to use the word of "Fuck":-- in the bed this
word means "love me hot" and will be used only after 14-- and
in all other places without any love situation in a the
restaurant or in the street this word is used when an accident
happens meaning "shit" used from 3 years on
-- and in the connection with a thing it means "damned" also
used from 3 years on.
I installed a web site about the word of "Fuck" already 6
months ago also in Thai. Then criminal Swiss mafia came and
claimed google advertising should be eliminated because this
normal word of "Fuck" would not be normal! And Thai mafia does
not want to learn - as they also rather like to have a sinking
Bangkok - and they are speaking this word around my house in
the street. So they are shitting their streets because in the
street the word "Fuck" means "shit" and they are covering
whole Thailand with shit with this world... it's up to them!
It seems that Thailand really needs porno cinema urgently.
This exists in Europe already since the 1960s and it's fine.
Why Thailand should not have porno cinema when Thais are so
horny and are peeping and spying their neighbors without end
and when they even think that this would be normal? They are
crazy! Oh, it's up to them, but the tourists will not come
back any more.
But I really had rather liked to see a more intelligent
Thailand. Thailand is mad.
Chapter 7: January 30, 2014: Sinking tourist ferry near
Phuket on the trip to Similan Islands - all three months a
tourist ferry is sinking in Thailand
In some way it seems really strange in Thailand that in an
average of all three months a tourist ferry or a speed boat is
sinking in the sea in Thailand which are not empty but they
are transporting tourists. This is just really bad above all
because tourism is one of the decisive resources for Thailand.
Thailand is an absolutely conservative country where is no
BRAVO, there are no love novels, there is no love TV, there is
no porn cinema, there is no sex toy but it's confiscated,
swinger clubs do not exist, all is FORBIDDEN and TABOOED what
would be free love and parents are controlling everything,
above all in the countryside, only when the dauther is going
to Pattaya or to Phuket "working" with tourists then there is
freedom - for the women - but not for Thai men because a big
part of Thai men are absolutely frustrated. Many times the
houses in Thailand are also constructed in such a narrow
manner and with thin walls so one can hear everything when a
couple has sex and when it's just without any noise. That
means that Thailand is full of peeping and spying and envy
against others and it's just a main occupation for the during
the whole life, but solving problems and the right view for
situations is an absolute foreign word sometimes in Thailand.
Thai government could organize regular controls of tourist
ferries. But this is not so important. Or Thai captains could
control their ships better. But this is not so important for
them because they think: Tourists just have everything already
and Thailand and "we the Thais" just have so little. Why
should we control the ships for the tourists? It's enough to
paint the ship well. Tourists will also come when one of the
tourist boats is sinking. Not important. Tourists have
girlfriends, Thai men many times don't have and they don't
know how to manage love because BRAVO is missing. When
tourists have girlfriends and Thais don't have and don't know
how to manage love then they will not do much for tourists.
Thai government does not see this emotional problem!
Well, this mentality peeping, watching and spying tourists and
evading controlling technical devices and neglecting boats
just costs some lives of tourists every year. Thais think that
peeping and spying would be normal, and not to control boats
would also be normal. They just don't want to live in another
manner - or somebody would introduce BRAVO - but nobody does.
On the photos of the sunken tourist ferry from January 30,
2014 one can see how people have NO life jacket and how they
even leave out the life belts NOT using them. That means that
this tourist ferry had a heavy incidence and was sinking very
fast within only 2 minutes or so. But tourists from Europe can
all swim - but Thais not.
Generally there is no news about ships sinking with Thais. But
there are many Thai boats even sinking in the ports:
Thailand does not maintain it's ships - or does not protect
it's ports - fishing boats even sinking in the ports
It is really a surprise that fishing boats are just sinking in
Thailand just because they were never maintained as these
examples from South Thailand in Chumphon region are showing in
Wat Hua Thanon respectively in Wat Pak Nam (Mu Ban). Regular
maintaining and controls simply do not correspond to the Thai
mentality as it seems.

Sunk fishing boats in Southern Thailand in the port of Wat
Pak Nam near Chumphon [17, 18], this should not be!
Another version tells that strong winds are provoking that the
fishing boats are sinking. In this case there seems to be a
construction fault because the fishing boats or the ports do
not seem to be protected by sea moles. Thus such protection
moles are missing for the port, one or two piers which are
normal in Europe and in "America" since navigation exists. And
as it seems foreign mafia groups NEVER told and instructed the
Thais to do this during the last 200 years. Thus this is one
more proof that secret services are for NOTHING only spying
but never helping the people.

Marina and container harbor of Arica in Chile, panorama
photo [19]. Why Thais do not know that ports can be
protected with sea moles?
Or there are doubts of the dwellers that the currents of the
waters would change and the waste would not be taken out to
the sea any more. Then an artificial port bay should be
implemented, just with sea moles not interrupting the current
conditions - but one must not simply let the ships in the wind
in the high waves so dozens of ships are sinking!
Protection walls and sea moles can even contain little wave
power plants producing power. In 2009 in Spain in the Basque
country in the village of Mutriku there was constructed such a
new sea mole with a power plant inside, a "power plant sea
mole" (see the article "When power comes from the port's
protection wall", orig. in German: "Wenn der Strom aus der
Hafenmauer kommt").

Sea mole in Mutriku in Spain with a wave power plant inside
But Thai people mostly are not reading books when they are
leaving school, and they mean that life will only go with
beer, whiskey and with taxi driving and spying and peeping
against tourists. Concerning homework and autonomous thinking
most Thais have no idea because there are neither chairs nor
tables in the flats. Thus Thais are hardly thinking until
today and they are stopping reading after school times. This
is really WRONG: What is sinking in Thailand - and you hardly
can believe this - is also affecting the capital town of
Sinking tourist boat and sinking fishing boats are the
symbol for sinking Bangkok: Since 2020 it is on 0 meters

Warning in Thai language: Bangkok is sinking 5mm permonth,
all have to go from here [15].
As Thais do not consider much technical controls or rules, the
same sinking process is also foreseen for the town of Bangkok.
Thais just don't take earnest the measurements, but Bangkok is
sinking 6 cm every year, and in 2020 it will be on 0 meters
officially. Parts of Bangkok are already now (2014) far under
0 meters and are sinking without end because industries and
dwellers do not stop to pull out groundwater provoking that
the clay layer under Bangkok is sinking. And sometime this
huge basin of Bangkok will be filled with the water of the sea
like New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. With this process
there is the danger that the 15 meters dried swamp layer will
dissolve or will be undermined and then streets and houses not
being built on long stilts having their ground on the firm
clay layer will collapse.
Some day Praya River will take Bangkok step by step during the
tides and then the Gulf of Thailand will have new "spices"
when sinking of Bangkok is not stopped.
All know what are the measures for this to stop this sinking
of Bangkok: From 10 million people about 9 million have to
change on a safe ground and industries also. Bangkok has to be
spread on whole Thailand, some 4 million in the south to
Chonburi, 2 million on the other side, some to Buriram and
Surin to the east, some to Ranong in the west, and some to the
north. This would also have good consequences for the whole
country for having better jobs in the countryside and the
flight from the countryside would be stopped. Since 20 years
Thai government knows already that Bangkok is sinking but
there are no resettlement programs neither in project nor in
execution. Then sinking Bangkok will come sometimes - simply
because the Thai police commander never told anything what
would be to do, but all were waiting for him.
Why is this like this? First the Thai police commander has a
"high" task to fulfill: He has to peep and to spy tourists
controlling that nothing "forbidden" will happen what could
change the sexual behavior of Thai society because then the
Buddha purity orders of Thailand would be violated. This is
the most important task of a Thai police commander. But saving
Bangkok and shifting people to safe ground with the effect
that Bangkok would not sink any more - this is simply not
important for the Thai police commander: This is not written
on the task sheet. And the second point is that Thais in
Bangkok feel better than the Thais from the countryside and
Thais from Bangkok don't want to change on the countryside.
And with this mentality they are just waiting for their doom.
In other words: Thai upper class with all media and with
justice system inclusive are mentally crazy, mad, ill, and
they lead the country directly into their doom.
The thing is that nobody knows what will happen when Bangkok
is on 0 meters in 2020! Nobody knows! There is also rising sea
level, and there is water pressure coming from the sea, and
there are also more and more typhoons with more and more rain
because there is more humidity in the atmosphere. And Thais
don't believe it that also a fast doom will be possible! Thai
upper class with all media and with justice system inclusive
are simply
mentally crazy for spying, mad for porno
which is forbidden, ill violating any private law of
anybody, and they lead the country directly into their doom.
The upper class of Thailand is playing a Lotto game with the
country and the sea, but at the end the sea will be the winner
for sure.
Chapter 8: February 3, 2014: Spying plays: Peeping in
Thailand until they die with profits by renting rooms and
flats with profits to foreign secret services - 400%!

Pattaya Klang: spying flats with usury rent camouflaged as a
"family flat" [21] or as a "studio" [22].
A "locked" flat does not mean that there is nobody inside
but there is always a spy inside.
During my stay of 17 months in Thailand the following "spying
game" could be watched being executed by criminal Thai and
foreign secret services:
The principle of criminal spying of criminal Swiss secret
service - probably P27 from Hubacher and Villiger
Criminal Swiss secret service P27 likes to pursue people who
are "matching to their concept" fulfilling certain conditions,
above all Germans are persecuted, and when a German is also a
historian knowing much about criminal Switzerland then the aim
is clear: Destroy him. Criminal Swiss secret service P27 is
pursuing then such foreigners down to Peru or Thailand where
the criminal Swiss secret service has "good contacts" already.
The same Swiss secret service P27 is protecting also the Swiss
pedophile club "Basel Animal Circle" knowing precisely where
the criminal members are making "their holidays" for enjoying
the organized child abuse (in North of Thailand).
Well, illegal and criminal Swiss secret service P27 under
Kaspar Villiger (until 1990 the secret service was called P26
and was under Efrem Cattelan) was always chasing foreigners as
a joke, it's just a game for them. This is criminal Swiss
mentality of hyper criminal politicians Hubacher (racist and
founder of "Basel Animal Circle" with child murders) and of
Kaspar Villiger (also a member of "Basel Animal Circle" with
murder of children and he is additionally also a drug baron
with his company "Villiger and Sons"). This Swiss secret
service is DELIBERATELY inventing events for blaming people of
wrong actions provoking juridical decisions for the permission
of spying people, and then the criminal Swiss secret service
under Hubacher and Villiger can watch the person collecting
data selling these data to other secret services where the
foreigner is coming from - because secret services are
mutually exchanging data from spied foreigners - because the
own population must not be spied - theoretically.
Criminal claim that the word of "Fuck" would mean
In Thailand this illegal criminal Swiss secret service P27 is
organizing huntings of people "just for fun". And by the wrong
reproaches in the foreign country a collaboration of the
population is organized and in this way spying and propaganda
against foreigners is organized, and for example in Thailand a
new "business model" for the Thais is created: The criminal
secret service is claiming a wrong fact as for example that
the English word "Fuck" would mean "violation" - which is
completely WRONG because "Fuck" in the bed means "good sex" or
"love me hot" or something similar, but never "violation" for
sure, above all not when the woman is upside. Anybody has it's
freedom for having good sex to day the word "Fuck" in the bed
or where sex is executed.
But criminal secret service P27 with it's criminal and
xenophobic spirit is reaching to spread this lie in whole
Thailand and that it's even spread by national radio stations
stating that the word of "Fuck" would mean a "violation".
Stupid Thais with their propaganda radio "Family" are even
deriving the question if somebody could be "intelligent" when
he is using the word of "Fuck" in the bed - just stating that
somebody having good sex cannot be "intelligent". Well, this
is just sexual envy because Thai government is prohibiting
everything about good sex: no BRAVO, no love novels, no porno
cinema, no sex toys, NOTHING. I have never seen such a
terrorism against free sexuality like in Thailand by Thai
government Y.
Even when I was in Vietnam the local Vietnam TV stations were
spreading this lie. Since then I knew that the culprit was not
the Thai secret service but it must be the criminal Swiss
secret service with it's world wide net - above all the well
known voices of Swiss spies could be heard in the neighboring
hotel how they were never stopping laughing against the
Thais renting their flats for 400% of the rent to criminal
Swiss secret service - the word of "Fuck" means "cash money"
for the Thais
Thais never having got any sexual education never having any
BRAVO or love novel mostly even not knowing what is a
lubricant suffering also the prohibition of any porno or sex
toy which is all forbidden by the impotent Thai government
until today, these Thais are believing the Swiss lie and are
collaborating with peeping spying because this peeping is even
corresponding to their helpless mentality. They are leaving
their neighboring flats or neighboring rooms to the secret
service where the hunted foreigner is living, for a rent 400%
higher than normal! Thus Thais are making a big business and
they make their own profit with criminal Swiss secret service
and with the joined secret services by renting a flat of
normally 2,500 Baht per month for 10,000 Baht per month, or a
hotel owner can await that when the hunted foreigner is
getting a room the whole hotel will be full within one week
full of new spies. The hotel owner has his profit - and is
also fixed in the fantasy that the word of "Fuck" would be
illegal because only with this lie the hotel is "filled".
Thus in this case of the word of "Fuck" this word is becoming
a "bestseller", a business model for the Thais. In this case
the word of "Fuck" means for the Thais not "violation" and not
"good sex" but in this case the word of "Fuck" means "cash
money"!!! And criminal Swiss secret service P27 with it's
hyper criminal Hubacher and Villiger and their "friends"
abroad (English and German beer elephants and beer heads) are
just collecting data.
Here are some examples of criminal spies in Thailand in my
house resp. here in hotel Maple Mansion always chattering
about the victim but never speaking with the victim - because
they don't want to loose their job as a spy:
Criminal Swiss spies leaving hotel Maple
Mansion in Pattaya, May 10, 2013 speaking in Swiss German
about me [25] - two Swiss spies in the hotel Maple Mansion
Nov 4, 2013 [26] - and one English spy on Nov 4, 2013 - he
presented himself as "Frank" [27]
This English spy calling himself"Frank"
had always visits from criminal Swiss andPeruvians and
from Peruvian women and he was alwaystalking about my life
and was delivering "theories" aboutmy life, over 3 months,
without speaking with me onesingle time or asking me for a
statement. Well, here is mymeaning:
Stupid Thais are shitting their land with the word of
"Fuck" in the street - but they make their profit with
Stupid Thais are repeating this word of "Fuck" also in the
garden and in the street, ant they are blocking their head
with this world. But the word of "Fuck" in the street means
"shit", above all after an accident. That means that the
stupid Thais are absolutely shitting their whole country with
this word and the Thai people in general becomes a big
accident - and criminal Swiss secret service is always going
on like this until it's not going on any more. And the stupid
Thais do not want to learn because this collaboration with
criminal Swiss secret service is bringing them a good profit.
A mad capitalist cycle is born, being payed by Swiss tax
payer. Illegal secret service P26 was payed by a secret fonds
of Swiss Military Department, and it can be admitted that also
the successor organization P27 is payed in this way. Swiss tax
payer is paying spying against foreigners in Thailand hunting
the word of "Fuck".
Both parts, criminal Swiss secret service P27 AND the stupid
Thais DON'T want to learn anything. Stupid Thais are not
noticing that the criminal Swiss secret service is not a help
but it is a piss take.
By this manipulation by the foreign secret services the Thais
are not noticing that they are the problem themselves. Just to
the contrary many Thais develop an obsession or even a
psychosis meaning that the word of "Fuck" would mean a
"violation" because otherwise the profits by the manipulation
would stop when the hunting and spying of the foreigner would
stop: The profit with the 400% rent would stop.
And the criminal secret services are developing also an
obsession and a psychosis because they want that their "idea"
would be true so they would not loose their peeping job. But
at the end the criminal Swiss secret service P27 and other
secret services (criminal Peruvian secret service for example
with it's drug dealers etc.) have to confess that they spent
millions for nothing against the word of "Fuck".
Thus spying against foreigners in Thailand is also motivated
by financial reasons from two sides: Thais want the
manipulation against the word of "Fuck" getting their profits
with rents of 400%, and criminal secret services don't want to
confess that spending millions for spying people is for
nothing because they want to go on with their peeping job and
they don't want to confess that they were hunting a phantom
during years. They don't want to loose their jobs...
And stupid Swiss tax payers are not recognizing until today
that there are millions wasted for spying because Swiss
journalists are not ready to report the whole truth about the
criminal Swiss government. Up to you! It can even be that the
payment of the 400% rents for flats and hotel rooms are payed
by "development funds" of criminal Switzerland!
Thais and criminal Swiss secret service P27 are even meaning
that this spying would be "intelligent"... But IQ 0 is just
not only IQ 0 in this case, but is even under 0. As the Swiss
secret service is acting in this case the loss of millions
will never be reported what cost the persecution of a phantom
and is costing until nowadays (2014).
Therefore since 2013 a "Fuck" psychosis is developing in
Thailand which is also developing with children and youths and
all this is blocking intelligence and is fixing IQ 0 instead a
learning process would be instigated with it because criminal
Swiss secret service P27 is going on financing the 400% flats
and because the impotent Thai government is using this lie
also for it's prohibition of free sex life in Thailand. The
whole population is frightened. With this Thailand becomes
incurable. And it's not a wonder that the Thai police
commander is even collaborating with all this psychosis and
peeping because this is just his "mentality"!
All laws are violated - the punishment will come with
sinking Bangkok
Of course with such plays of spying and espionage ALL laws of
private atmosphere and of Buddha are violated. And it's even
like this that sociological thinking and mutual help and
further education is rated as "unmanly" in Thailand.
Thus one can see that Thais and criminal secret services are
reaching IQ 0 and have no head, have no brain, but they are
hunting phantoms. From 2020 on Bangkok will be on 0 meter
officially (many parts are already now under 0 meters) and
there should be evacuations since 5 years already saving the
town for not further sinking. But the mental capacity is not
big enough for this kind of thinking neither with the Thais
nor with the criminal secret services, above all not with
criminal Swiss secret service P27 who is working with drug
dealing world wide by the "cigar" company Villiger and Sons.
Some time the situation will be solved by itself... It's up to
Secret services with spying with only 1% effectivity -
wasting money without end
Espionage has an effectivity of only 1%. The whole world is in
a big spying illness now because the spying instruments are
always cheaper and because the electronic devices are
permitting always more espionage. And thus the whole world is
in a negative spiral of spying "going down the toilet". There
is not only Bangkok sinking because any preventive measure is
missing, but in China even 50 towns are in a sinking process,
and radioactivity of Fukushima is only because the repairs
were not done and the controls were not done, and because the
atomic plant was built in a height of 10 meters instead of 30
meters which was the original project. It's up to you when
people are only spying on and on because with spying they will
never find out the real problems where prevention is needed
but spying is only for "hosing" people. All the millions and
billions of Swiss Francs or Dollars are spent for nothing.
But sometimes the big revenge will come and Big Spirit will
hose all secret services: with the physical truth. This truth
can be seen in Eastern Thailand already during the rainy
season when about 1/3 of Thailand is left with floods for
saving Bangkok not being flooded. This is the order of the
Thai government instead of constructing additional channels or
beginning with the evacuations. This policy of IQ 0 has the
effect that 1/3 of Thailand is regularly flooded during the
rainy season, and that Bangkok is sinking. It's up to them!

Heavy floods in parts of Bangkok in 2013 flooding also
industrial plants [28]
<The area around industrial center Amata Nakorn is 60 cm
under water. Sand bags are protecting the production plants
from the flood.>
Das Gebiet um das Industriezentrum Amata
Nakornsteht 60 Zentimeter unter Wasser. Sandsäcke schützen
dieFabriken vor den Fluten.>)
Chapter 9: Feb 3, 2014: Thais do not want to learn and they
will be fishes at the end

Intelligence does not come from beer nor from whiskey,
instruction in English [23] - and in Thai language (google
translate) [24]
For healing you have
to read about 100 books.
Beer, whiskey, smoking and bad jokes or uniforms do
not make intelligent.
Intelligence is in the library - many Thais never
read 1 book in their life.
Bangkok is sinking 6 cm every year. In 2020 Bangkok
is on 0 meter and all will be fishes.
ต้องอ่านเกี่ยวกับ 100 หนังสือ
ตลกเบียร์, วิสกี้,
หน่วยสืบราชการลับที่อยู่ในห้องสมุด -
คนไทยหลายคนไม่เคยอ่านหนังสือเล่มที่ 1
กรุงเทพฯจะจม 6 ซม. ทุกปี ในปี 2020 กรุงเทพฯเป็น 0
Well, some time stupidity and eternal laughing and violating
of Buddha laws will be punished, in the case of Thailand
with the doom of Bangkok.
It's up to them - Thai government and Thai population does
NOT WANT to learn.
Thai government and secret services in Thailand seem to be
crazy for ever never thinking never saving the own country
only playing with it. It's up to you!
It seems that the Thai government wants to win against the
sea. But this will never work!
Chapter 10: Feb 3, 2014: I never wanted to detect that
Bangkok is sinking
I never wanted to detect that Bangkok is sinking - but I saw
the news and I was translating it. Bangkok will be officially
on 0 meters in 2020 - and many parts are under 0 meters now
I don't know why I saw this news and why only I saw the
importance to publish this. 90% of Bangkok has to go to a safe
ground, above all all industries consuming much ground water.
There must be a distribution to Chonburi, to south of
Thailand, to Buriram and Surin, and to the north of Thailand.
It's up to the Thais to manage this. It's up to you if you
take this earnest or not. The government seems only to play
with the country and is not governing. There must be a think
tank and a movement.
Fights between red and orange or yellow or white shirts are
for nothing. The problem is sinking Bangkok itself.
Don't believe in any foreign mafia group, only know: Bangkok
is sinking 5 mm every month, 6 cm every year, in 2020 is on 0
meters. Nothing more is important for Thailand. Go on a safe
ground. Only a little Bangkok with diplomats and some students
can survive. Install safe water supply and channels for
typhoon protection. Install protecting walls and dikes or
install villages in the countryside on artificial mountains.
You have the right to live well. Thai people has to learn to
handle the water, the rain and the sea. Mafia groups of
criminal Switzerland, of England, of Russia or of Germany will
NOT tell you how to live well but want only enjoy and make
Feb 4, 2014: Important supplement
The ground of Bangkok: not suitable for big cities and big
The ground in the flood plain of Bangkok is only suitable for
little locations and for little towns of a maximum of about
50,000 inhabitants and for sure not for water consuming
The change of industries has to be BEFORE the big disaster
is happening
The industries of Bangkok have to be shifted on a safe ground
BEFORE the big disaster with big floods is happening.
Prevention and intelligent acting is wanted. One should not
want to shift the industries when the machineries are damaged
or destroyed by floods already!
Missing sea moles and piers in the countryside
As Thailand never was colonized by Europeans no safe harbors
with sea moles were built in the countryside! It seems that
this connection was not detected concerning teh countryside
until today!
Missing direct ship connections over the sea
Additionally direct ship connections are missing from western
South Thailand (Chumphon etc.) to eastern South Thailand
(Chonburi, Pattaya, Rayong, Trat) - with hovercrafts with 100
km per hour.
In general there are missing some effective strategists in
Thailand as it seems. China has the same problems with 50
sinking cities...
Thinking comes from thinking not from drinking. But the big
majority of the Thai people - Thai government inclusive - does
not want to learn - but they are going on drinking. It's up to
Feb 7, 2014: One more supplement
Since 20 years they know that Bangkok is sinking - for
politics it's NOT IMPORTANT when Bangkok is sinking - they
are betraying the Thai population
Since 20 years the political parties in Thailand know that
Bangkok is sinking, and they are NOT doing ANYTING about it.
The government and the opposition know precisely that they let
sink Bangkok:
Point 1: typhoons are always stronger by the warming of the
Point 2: sea level is rising because of the warming of the
climate and also the water pressure by salty sea ground water
is rising
Point 3: overconsumption of groundwater is provoking that the
town is sinking 6 cm per year.
This means that the town should be minimized to 1 or 2 million
so Bangkok will at least not sink any more. Thus there should
be evacuations of all industries and of about 9 million people
within 5 years, thus about 10,000 people per day.
But it seems that the political parties are not interested in
sinking Bangkok, it's absolutely not important for them when
Bangkok is on 0 meters from 2020 on and is threatened of being
"filled up". With this also water pressure from the sea is
playing a big role. From a certain level under sea level on
the sea will provoke an access to the town underground because
the underground water ways are unpredictable.
For Thai
politics it's NOT IMPORTANT when Bangkok is

Government Yingluk-Shinawatra:
It's NOT IMPORTANT for her when Bangkok is
sinking [32]

Opposition leader Mr.
Suthep-Thaugsuban: He is playing his show for
being "strong", but it's NOT IMPORTANT for him
when Bangkok is sinking [33]
Police commander of Thai
National Police of Thailand, Mr. Adul
Saengsingkaew: It's NOT IMPORTANT for him when
Bangkok is sinking [34]
Calculation of the government and of police commanders:
presenting themselves as "saviors" - and keeping the
population in poverty
Since 20 years they know that Bangkok is sinking and they are
not doing anything about it but installing some pumping
systems for the case when rain would be too strong in Bangkok.
As it seems these political parties in Thailand are just
speculating that the big catastrophe will happen and that the
population in Bangkok has to "look for" a new place then. This
means: The Thai government is calculating for presenting
himself as a "savior".
At the same time in East Thailand since years every year
already millions of Thais are put DELIBERATELY into floods so
Bangkok is kept dry. That means, already now millions of Thais
are put into poverty in East Thailand, and it seems that it's
NOT IMPORTANT neither to the government nor to the opposition
what will happen in Bangkok. Millions will impoverish and it
seems that this is just "well" for the political parties
because one can "govern" poor people better than rich people.
This betrayal to Thai population by Thai politics will be a
total one.
Instead of beginning with evacuations to a safe ground so
Bangkok would not further sink any more the political parties
and industrial chiefs are just "playing a game" with the
population and they are "chancing" it. This is the total
betrayal of the Thai population. The population itself is not
much aware of it because they are only drinking alcohol, they
are laughing and they are watching TV and they are just
meaning that alcohol, laughing and watching TV would make
intelligent. Well, it's just the contrary: These are other
means to keep the population not intelligent but quiet!
And in this way all go into the catastrophe because not only
sea level is rising and typhoons are stronger and Praya River
will take parts of the town with it, but Praya River will
"fill up" parts of sunk Bangkok. And one day when Bangkok is 5
meters under 0 it can be that the clay layer under Bangkok
will be overcharged and will get cracks or will even break. In
this case the sea ground water will come up through the
cracks, the mud layer will be dissolved and the whole basin
will be filled up. In this case just 10 million Thais will
convert themselves into fishes. Enjoy yourself!
But the principle work of Thai government and of Thai police
commanders and also of mentally drunken and impoverished Thai
radio and TV station seems to be until today always the same
one: drinking alcohol, laughing at the poor and spying
tourists. But just this will not make intelligent, but in this
way by drinking alcohol, laughing and espionage they will
loose always more brain and they will loose their head until
doom will come. Well, this behavior could also be found on the
big ship "Titanic": They were drinking alcohol, they were
laughing at the poor, and they were spying each other, but
they did not read the warnings. Well, this is up to you. Shame
on you.
February 7, 2014: Thais don't want to learn - they only
want to peep and to spy - Thai radio "Family" is paying
rooms and spies - and the punishment will come
I was told just today that the Thai radio "Family" is
manipulating whole Thailand against tourists, this radio is
even renting rooms and flats next to certain tourists paying
also 400% rents, and this radio is even suborning third
persons against certain tourists PAYING them as spies in the
house of the chosen tourist spying and making propaganda.
Well, spending millions of dollars for such an espionage and
wasting time with espionage and propaganda against tourists
instead of taking measures in sinking Bangkok there is only
one conclusion:
The punishment for Thailand with a sinking Bangkok and with
the doom of Bangkok seems to be a justified punishment.
These Thais and this Thailand cannot be helped when they are
such peepers even suborning and paying third persons for
peeping and spying.
As it can be admitted that such operations are paid by Thai
tax payer or foreign secret services or mafia groups it also
can be admitted that Thai government (Yingluck and police
commanders) is authorizing such spying action and for this
Thailand will really get the punishment of sinking Bangkok. It
seems that they really need it and even want this
punishment with sinking Bangkok for solving their
sex problems they have. Shame on you, stupid Thailand.
Blind because of sex problems, blinder because of sex
problems, Thailand is sinking because of it's sex problems...
- of course one could solve these big sex problems of Thailand
with some porno cinemas and with YouPorn! But Thais and also
the Thai government and Thai police commanders just don't want
to learn anything and thus Bangkok will go down. It's up to
them - penalty will come of course when they don't want to
And criminal Thais with their eternal peeping and spying are
even proud of this. More blind one cannot be... But the
penalty for this will be in Bangkok. Since 20 years the Thai
government knows that Bangkok is sinking and they are NOT
DOING ANY real measure, but they are going on with peeping and
spying! It's up to them.
With spying and peeping NO problem in Thailand is solved but
all money is only wasted for nothing which is money of the
poor. But crazy Thais just don't want to learn anything...
Chapter 11: February 8, 2014: Sex problems without end in
Thailand and in South East Asia: no sex education - sex
prohibitions as culture - they cannot manage body liquids
and ground water...

Good sex: foreplay is making both hot - but in South East
Asia this foreplay does practically not exist - but Thais
are always boxing each other up to kick boxing / Thai boxing
with heaviest injuries. How crazy Thais are!
( -
Part 1:
One has to imagine the conditions in Thailand and in whole
South East Asia like this:
Sex education does not exist, BRAVO does not exist, love
novels do not exist, tenderness does mostly not exist,
mothers are boxing their children, women are boxing their
children, men are only allowed with boxing against other
men (from this comes kickboxing in Thailand which is also
called "Thai boxing"), introduction and foreplay do not
exist, men and women do not know how to prepare for being
"hot", thus there is no good sex at all in South East Asia
but people have partly no sex at all during 20 or even 30
years! Therefore who has children and has sex is rated as
an ill person.
Thus a marriage is mostly only a money relationship and
people are envious on foreigners because they are of
another kind and Thais do not know why, and when somebody
is telling them this then they don't believe it. Therefore
sex problems in South East Asia are WITHOUT END.
No, South East Asia is a really mentally ill region, and
world can be lucky that they have no atomic plants but
this is in Japan where they have a better sex education
but the humans in Japan mean that they would be the
"pioneers" of whole Asia. Well, one can see that this
"pioneer" is only radiating yet. This is the result of
Japanese corruption.
And Bangkok is sinking and in China other 50 towns are
sinking - because people do not learn what is a ground and
what is ground water. And when an intelligent foreigner is
telling them then they don't believe it...
Governments in Asia also forged balances during decades, 60
to 80% of the alleged economic growth are a lie, and Asia is
really sinking with it's sinking towns and is also sinking
into a sea of radioactive radiation. And in the "Western
world" these truths are simply not reported...
Part 2:
Furious Thais are even prohibiting sex one to each other and
they mean that this would be "culture" when one had just
only little sex because they are rating sex as something
"dirty" yet. Perhaps this behavior was also in Europe in
18th century yet before there were Elvis, Beatles, Rolling
Stones and Dr. Sommer and BRAVO. All this is missing in
Thailand and in South East Asia.
One can only shake one's head shake one's head shake one's
head shake one's head shake one's head shake one's head
shake one's head...
Because Thais and people in South East Asia are often in
a panic from body liquids they also cannot manage ground
water and therefore they cannot manage Bangkok and Bangkok
is sinking because they cannot take earnest this word
"ground water" which is continuously pulled out thus the
clay layer over the ground water is sinking.
It's up to you - and when an intelligent foreigner is
explaining all this then the foreigner is blamed as a fool!
But the really dirty thing, spying people and neighbors with
their private life is rated "normal" in Thailand and in South
East Asia. Thus this region of the world really deserves it's
doom. People and governments there just DON'T WANT TO LEARN
Oh, there was a report last week: Good sex is not only
relaxing and is not only supporting blood circulation in all
human organs, but is also supporting the creation of new brain
cells. Well then one knows where the lack can be found in
South East Asia...
February 12, 2014: Peruvian PIGS in the house and in the
garden in Thailand - Peruvian spies are speaking of girls -
but spies have neither brain nor heart
Peruvian brains are like holes - like a nut with nothing in
Peruvian pigs in my house are here in Thailand, but Thailand
has to know how they are: Peruvians come from Peru, but
Peruvians are not only speaking Spanish and they are not only
speaking of Peru, but it seems that they also speak Thai well.
But this is for nothing because the Peruvian brain is so empty
like a numb nut. they mean that they are "Christians", but
Peruvians are the greatest racists of the whole world. In Peru
even the poors are laughing against each other - this is
Peruvian style - I could watching it during 4 years.
Peruvians are "enjoying" racism
Peruvians don't know what is peace but they mean that they
would have any freedom for acting out their "energies": Thus
they are racists against everything which is poorer than they
themselves, and of course they are racists against foreigners,
and then they are racists also against the other sex.
Additionally many Peruvians develop a drive in the group
forming gangs and these gangs have their special rules like
the "initial probe" when a person has to be killed. This group
dynamics of these Peruvian gangs is developing forward for
presenting "intelligence" in robbing, assaulting and
murdering, as a "competition" against police which is
overcharged on and on and is only asking why there is no peace
in Peru.
In Peru peace is not allowed - they are killing each other
because of nothing
Well, in Peru peace is not allowed, otherwise "there would not
be anything interesting", in this kind the Peruvians are
thinking. Because they are calling themselves "Christians",
but many of them cannot even read. Perhaps they have a Bible
at home, but they never speak with a pastor about life. But in
Peru it's normal to rob, to violate, to lie, to kill, they are
meddling into other's lives, they are drinking alcohol until
they collapse in their house or in their garden with a loud
private discoteque, and many young Peruvians are also full of
drugs. These cases are very childish but also dramatic: Soccer
fans are killing each other in discoteques because the wrong
team has won, or somebody is envious because of a woman
murdering another man but killing the wrong person, or a drunk
Peruvian is killing the neighbor with a knife. This is
Peruvian stile and Peruvian PIGS are killing each other in
this way. And Peruvians even mean that "the whole world is
like this!"
Why is there so much alcohol? Because the bosses of the
political parties are owners of the breweries. Why is there no
alcohol free beer in Peru? Because a stupid population can be
managed better. Why are there so many drugs in Peru? Because
the Peruvian government is the drug dealer. This is the same
like in Switzerland with Villiger and his company
"Villiger&Sons" (cigar company wit Joint Venture with Cuba
- drug dealer!). Well, many Peruvian airlines lost their
license already because of drug transportation...
Peru: Police is collaborating with the gangs of thieves -
Peruvian police is also the murderer
This Peruvian mentality is also spreading in Peruvian police
itself: It's just "normal" in Peru when policemen are
"collaborating" with gangs of thieves. For example there is an
agreement that police will not watch a certain house during a
certain time and then is a burglary and the gang is making
fifty fifty with the police. And it's also "normal" in Peru
that Peruvian police is having a "side job" dealing with drugs
(intermediate dealer with high profits!), and it's just normal
that Peruvian policemen are leaders of killer gangs - and of
course Peruvian police cannot speak foreign languages, not
English either because otherwise they would become
intelligent. Thus with tourists Peruvian policemen are so
stupid like fishes and therefore they are even dependent from
the gangs where at least some members can speak English.
Also in Peruvian police there is a group dynamics which is
driving into the negative direction. There are managers
extorted or murdered, there are murders but Peruvian police is
deliberately blaming the wrong person by faking documents or
making maneuvers and intrigues, or Peruvian police is hunting
people who have never done anything - simply because the
police commander wants to have his "joy". Peruvian police is
also putting cells with captives on fire - this is "just
normal" in Peru.
Well, the highest boss of drugs in Peru is the Peruvian
government, but they also have oil, gas and gold mines etc.
etc. - they have all this what the poor in Peru don't have.
Police means sometimes that they will get shares when they are
"doing something for the country", and for this there is the
propaganda against foreigners. Thus criminal Peruvian men from
Peruvian criminal police are speaking about "girls" and a
"foreigner" then - also when there is no delict at all!
Sharing is not "Peruvian". Even aid and subsidies for earth
quake victims in Peru were stolen by the mayors, and material
for the earth quake victims was "derived" by criminal Peruvian
police, this happened in the region of Ica in 2007 and in
2008. Therefore Peru is really a country of PIGS, there is
nothing more.
Peru: Lies for profiling: innocents in Peruvian prisons are
"just normal" in criminal Peru - no education, no books
Peru is an absolutely criminal country. Searching and
meditating is not wanted there at all. Therefore every year
100s of Peruvian INNOCENTS are put into prisons and the
culprits - thieves and murderers - are going on to be free
when they are arranging their crime just a little bit in an
intelligent way.
Spying in Peru is concentrating in peeping (porno is forbidden
in Peru therefore criminal Peruvian police forces are watching
their "porno" by using espionage devices). Well, intelligence
will be only higher when a new book is read from time to time,
but this is not foreseen in Peru, but books are purchased
mostly and almost only bi tourists from Europe...
Example of a false captive in prison: Joran van der
Peruvian criminal police also has the strange custom to
"stamp" certain persons as "criminal" and pursuing them
without end and hosing them also in the Peruvian press whereas
nothing has happened. In this way the Dutch man Mr. Joran van
der Sloot was a victim of Peruvian press and of the criminal
Peruvian government (criminal president Garcia, murderer of
over 30 natives because of oil in the rain forest - Pizango
case). The good friend of Joran was murdered in the hotel room
by a killer command (this was probably ordered by the
government). Joran was taking it's flight from the hotel in
Lima taking a Taxi to Chile. Then he stated two times in Chile
in the right way that he never had anything to do with any
murder, but then the "turnaround" came: Joran van der Sloot
was deported from Chile to Lima and then a criminal Peruvian
police officer was making an "offer" to Joran: When Joran
would say that he had killed the woman in the hotel room then
Joran would be brought to Holland. Joran was accepting this
illegal offer and since then he is stating that he had
murdered a women who he never murdered and the Peruvian police
is laughing about a foreigner who is committing a murder which
he never committed.
Well, I analysed this case in 2011 and presented this case in
Spanish, in English and in Dutch. Peruvian criminal police is
spying me in every corner of the world, even in Thailand they
are making propaganda against my person whereas there is
NOTHING against me, but criminal Peruvians of criminal police
are NOT ready until today (2014) to discuss about this case of
the faked captive Joran van der Sloot.
Peruvian spies in Thailand: only alcohol and drugs in the
Thus when there are statements of Peruvian spies in Thailand
then one has to be "very carefully"
-- because these criminal Peruvians are "enjoying" it to be
criminal above all with drug dealing and weapon trafficking
-- because these criminal Peruvians are "enjoying" their
racist manner to "hose" foreigners
-- because these criminal Peruvians are "enjoying"
manipulating other persons proving their power because they
have just alcohol and drugs in their head and NOTHING ELSE.
With these methods criminal Peruvian policemen of criminal
police are putting 100s of innocent people in jail every year
only for making their carreer!!! and for this "performance" of
propaganda, faking documents, drug dealing or murders etc.
they get even primes, promotions and a rent for life - WITHOUT
any further education.
¿Peruvian women? - murderers, slapping children,
manipulations, mothers slapping their children, big sister
slapping little sister - ¡is just normal in Peru!
There is the question how Peruvian women are managing this
situation. In little words, the situation for Peruvian women
is absolutely brute. Partly they are copying the "fighting
spirit" and they are also murdering (e.g. the former husband
or a man of competition) and they are slapping (above all
mothers are slapping their children) or Peruvian women are
also manipulating without end (e.g. is manipulating the
husband or the boyfriend). Peruvian women are also making many
intrigues, they are also stealing much or betraying or spying
much, this is "just normal" in Peru. The most extreme case I
saw is a Peruvian woman who was making gymnastics for having
big boobs and a big bum for looking "better" but she did not
tell anything to the partner and suddenly all was little.
Robbing a laptop is "just normal" in Peru. There are also
women gangs performing robberies in restaurants or shopping
centers or in banks, this is "just normal" in the country of
PIGS of Peru. Peruvian police women are also leaders of killer
gangs etc. Only in drug dealing Peruvian women are not seen so
Criminal Peruvian police inventing pedophile stories
against foreigners - example
When Peruvian mothers are slapping their children then this is
very heavy mostly. Sometimes the death of the child is
included. I saw a situation where a mother was slapping all
her three daughters and then the little daughter was also
slapped by the two big sisters thus the little daughter was
always ordered to clean the toilet and nothing else. A worse
torture cannot be imagined. And when I saw this case and when
I was helping this slapped daughter systematically then
criminal Peruvian police was promptly inventing a "pedophile"
story - and this story is also told in Thailand now, but all
is concealed how this brute mother and the two big sisters
were slapping, supressing and torturing the little sister.
Additionally there is not at all an y delict and the domiciles
were in a distance of 5 km and visits were only 1 time per
week for balancing energies or for putting high lights.
Well, why the criminal Peruvian police officers and officers
of criminal police are always inventing pedophile stories
against foreigners? First because the are racists against
foreigners. And secondly because criminal Peruvian police
officers just like to see porn films but in Peru porno is
forbidden. And the third point is because criminal Peruvian
police officers have just an alcoholic brain and often also a
drug brain and they mean that it has to be right what they
mean. Change is not foreseen but they want to have a culprit
for making their career - also when there is NO delict at all
during 6 years. This means that this criminal Peruvian police
is pursuing the wrong people without end who never did
anything, and other culprits are never pursued because their
families are "protected" or because there are bribes.
Criminal Peruvian peeper's police is pursuing foreigners
who finished with Peru
The following story seems to be absolutely perverse
considering that a Peruvian women kicked out a foreigner from
her home and then this foreigner is finishing the relation
definitely. But now the criminal police of Peru is not
accepting it and begins with intrigues and persecution 24
hours per day. They are manipulating hotel owners, neighbors
with all possible intrigues and wrong rumors. Why this
criminal Peruvian police is doing this? Because they don't
want to loose their job! A more destructive mentality like the
one in Peru is not imaginable.
Policemen in Peru - what they learn about high criminality
for their career
Criminal Peruvian police is irritated when a foreigner can see
the structures of Peruvian families and is helping there where
help is needed. Because Peruvian police does not learn helping
but they mostly only learn bribing, making propaganda, faking
minutes and documents, provoking faked statements, putting
innocents into jail, robbing, collaborating with gangs of
thieves or killing gangs, murdering and extorting - for making
their "career" faster.
All these delicts can be PROVED in the Peruvian press which I
analyzed ruing 1 1/2 year. Peruvians are PIGS like NO OTHER
"Christian missionary women" in Peru
Then there are also "Christian" Peruvian women who want to
mission the whole world with their "Jesus" instead of
consulting human rights rejecting the eternal faked
manipulation of the world with this Jewish "Jesus". Healers
are on the whole world not only in Jewry! Additionally the
Peruvian missionary women are rejecting everything what would
be a scientific research - like Peruvian police. Peruvian
"Christian" women are mostly not recognizing criminal police
and then they want to mission always teh wrong person. Further
education for an integrated psychology is not at all happening
in Peru either because it's not possible to purchase books
from Europe in Peru - "we don't have commercial relations with
them", this is teh statement in book stores in Miraflores and
in San Isidro in Lima. Thus teh Peruvian government is
blocking any further education with material from Europe and
is keeping the population stupid deliberately - this is a
Does somebody want such a country like Peru? As for me surely
not, also any contact to Peruvian women is not needed who are
mostly only robbing and manipulating and in the case of doubt
they are also killing. But this is rated "just normal" by the
Peruvian women - also when Peru is a "Christian" country.
Peruvian population cannot defend itself against criminal
All in all criminal police in criminal Peru is that criminal
that the Peruvian population which wants to live in a honest
way has NO CHANCE. Assaults are even going that far that
people is robbed at the intrence of the flat when people is
coming back from purchasing goods - systematically performed
by armed gangs of thieves stealing the new good in Peru!!!
Peruvian population is taking it's flight into the Bible but
cannot find anything abainst criminal police and agains drug
gangs - and thus they do NOT ORGANIZE ANYTHING. Only in some
cases there are police commanders taking measures, but in 5
years the situation is like it was in the beginning. And
tehrefore Peru is a country of PIGS. Unfortunately this is the
And when you have a Peruvian on the table or in the house then
there is the danger that this criminal mentality is spread -
because then there is 1 Peruvian, 10 more Peruvians follow in
1 month...
Peruanische Kriminelle zerstören systematisch auch andere
Länder in Süd-"Amerika" - oder auch Thailand
Die Peruaner machen schrittweise auch ganz Süd-"Amerika"
kaputt mit Drogenhandel und Diebesbanden über die
Landesgrenzen hinweg. Ecuador, Bolivien und Chile leiden sehr
unter den "wilden" Peruanern, die illegal über die Grenze
kommen und dort systematisch Diebstähle organisieren, z.B. in
Arica in Chile. Aus Arica werden pro Woche 2 Reisebusse mit
illegalen Peruanern zurück nach Peru transportiert. Die
peruanische Kriminalität geht seit dem Bau der Urwaldstrasse
nach Brasilien auch bis Brasilien und Argentinien, wo
systematisch die kriminellen Peruaner den Drogenhandel
aufbauen. Die peruanischen SCHWEINE kommen also immer mehr
überallhin. Zur Zeit erlebe ich kriminelle, peruanische Spione
auch in Thailand, die wieder falsche Gerüchte verbreiten, um
sich zu profilieren - nun, ein Hohlkopf ist eben nichts mehr
als eine hohle Nuss und hat KEIN Hirn! Das heisst, der
Präsident des kriminellen Peru hat die Zerstörung von Thailand
durch peruanische Drogen vorgesehen.
Für die Bevölkerungen von Argentinien und Chile zum Beispiel
ist die Situation mit den peruanischen SCHWEINEN absolut zum
Kotzen. Sie wollen zum Teil sogar, dass dieses kriminelle Peru
nicht mehr existiert. Sie wünschen alle Peruaner zum Teufel -
und Recht haben sie, denn dieses Peru mit seiner Kriminalität
ändert sich NIE, sondern Morden gibt in Peru den grossen
Profit. Peru ist ein Kotz-Land. Thailand muss das wissen!
Der Gipfel: Peruaner behaupten, die ganze Welt sei so wie
Der Gipfel ist aber, dass die Peruaner von sich selbst
behaupten: "So sind wir eben", und sie behaupten sogar noch,
die ganze Welt sei so. Das heisst: Peru ist nicht nur ein Land
von SCHWEINEN, sondern diese SCHWEINE sind auch noch
UNBELEHRBAR. Und das ist wirklich das Schlimmste, was ich
jemals erlebt habe.
In Peru selbst werden SCHWEINE einfach erschossen. Im Ausland
führen solche peruanischen SCHWEINE ihr Lügenwerk und
Zerstörungswerk fort und hetzen ihr Opfer immer weiter, weil
es bei den SCHWEINEN ja um die SCHWEINISCHE Karriere geht -
auch wenn überhaupt KEIN Delikt vorhanden ist.
Das heisst: Die peruanischen SCHWEINE von der Polizei und von
der Kriminalpolizei haben KEIN HERZ, sondern handeln nur mit
Propaganda und Revolver.
Aber manche Opfer sind eben nicht so dumm wie Joran van der
Sloot - sondern die SCHWEINE aus Peru müssen bald nach Hause
gehen, in ihr SCHWEINELAND Peru. Das gilt auch für die
peruanischen SCHWEINE, die Ausländer in Thailand verfolgen,
denn die peruanischen SCHWEINE ohne Hirn, mit einem Hirn wie
eine hohle Nuss und mit ihren Zwangsvorstellungen, die passen
wirklich nirgendwo hin.
February 12, 2014: Supplement: Bum bum
As most Thais have no BRAVO nor love novels and as there is no
love in Thai TV so one has to present this little supplement:
The English word of "Fuck" means in Thai "bum bum".
"Fuck me"="bum bum me"
"Fuck you"="bum bum yourself and go away"
"Fuck" in the street or in the restaurant or in school or at
home in an accident situation means "shit".
Is now all clear for Thailand with the word of "Fuck"? Such
things would be presented in BRAVO or in love novels which are
missing in Thailand.
How stupid is Thailand when Thailand has no BRAVO...
Photo sources
[1] Bangkok with sky train and sky
scrapers with the evening sky:
[2] Bangkok with Praya River:
[3] Shower in form of a mushroom on a
beach in Pak Nam in the region of Chumphon, Thailand:
photo by Michael Palomino 2013
[4] Tuktuk taxi in flooded Bangkok:
[5] Double slide in a form of a
sculpture in Ayacucho in Peru: Michael Palomino 2008
[6] Big multiple wave slide in Chianni in Italy:
[7] Curve slide in Vienna at Jesuits meadow:
[8] Child with baby alligator, Australia:
[9] Eating post in
Pattaya in Thailand with Thai mafia only speaking the
word "Fuck" without learning about it: Michael
Palomino 2013
[10-14] Sinking tourist ferry on the trip between
Phuket and Similan islands:
[15] warning that "Bangkok is sinking and all have
to go out of here": Michael Palomino 2013
[16] whitening cream provoking a white face:
[17, 18] sunk fishing boats in South Thailand in theharbor
of Wat Pak Nam (2013): photos by Michael Palomino2013
[19] yacht harbor and container harbor of Arica with
seamoles: photos by Michael Palomino 2011
[20] harbor mole with a power plant inside in Mutriku
spying flats in Pattaya Klang: photos by Michael
Palomino, February 2014
[23-24] instruction for more intelligence in
English and in Thai: photos by Michael Palomino,
January 2014
[25-27] spies in the hotel Maple Mansion: photos
by Michael Palomino in May and in November 2013
[28] floods in Bangkok in 2013: newspaper
Wochenblitz online:
-- Erneut Gefahr
für Ayutthayas Industriegebiete? Oct 1, 2013;
-- Hochwasser im Nordosten und Osten; Oct 21, 2013;
demonstration of red shirts in sinking Bangkok 2010:
Sarah Marston;
[30] demonstration of whistle people in sinking
Bangkok 2013:
[31] demonstration of Buddhist monks in orange clothes
in 2012 in sinking Bangkok:
[32] Yingluk:
[33] Suthep:
[34] Police commander of Thai National Police, Adul