The situation with criminal Radio
Big FM Family at the end of May 2014 after 22 months:
May 29, 2014: Also after 22 months criminal
Radio Big FM Family is manipulating everywhere "he
does not want" - spying even in Germany
Chronology of the events of 2012-2014
2012-2013: Thai-Radio: "Fuck" in the street
Criminal secret services did spy the private life of the
pioneer historian and they were also spreading the spied
data. With this the criminal Swiss spies (probably from
secret service "P-27") were stating that persons saying
"Fuck" in the bed should be considered as "animals"
whereas this stimulating word is only provoking that sex
will be better and not worse for sure.
First the people from the Thai Radio were spreading this
English word of "Fuck" in the streets. But the word of
"Fuck" in the street has nothing to do with love but is
just meaning "shit" when it's said in the street. This
are learning already all 3 years old children in English
speaking countries, so Thailand was put into an age of 3
now. And the Thais and Thai radio "Big FM Family" were
covering Thailand with shit just during a complete year.
The same was made by drinking groups of taxi drivers, in
Thai bars which were infiltrated by secret services etc.
During this time I could see many facts about the Thai
society, for example these ones:
-- in Thailand any sexual education is missing and
sexuality is limited to only two positions mostly
-- the people mostly don't even know what is a
lubricant, and about 30% of the Thai women are living
with a vagina inflammation and are not saying anything
-- Thai men are laughing about sexuality and are mostly
only drinking alcohol, and taxi drivers, security
members and police members are hardly working but are
earning more money than many other Thais
-- poverty in the countryside in Thailand is
deliberately organized so there will be many poor young
women going to the prostitution business then so the
prices for prostitution will remain low
-- police commanders are mostly also the owners of the
Thai secret brothels where also child prostitution is
offered (see the book by Louise Brown: Sex Slaves)
-- the population in the country side if often that poor
and alcoholic that children are even sold to brothels
where they have to work as a seller of flowers first and
then with sex work "working" for their money and then
the money is "taken" by the parents again and they will
go on to be drunk with it
-- in Thailand not only men are boxing but also women:
woman is boxing woman, mothers are boxing their
children, mothers are boxing their men, bar owner ladies
are boxing the bar ladies etc. Boxing is considered as a
"normal" behavior and correspondingly there is a
lovelessness in the Thai society because tenderness is
principally hardly existing in Thailand but the question
is always about money and nothing else
-- Thai men are boxing and fighting partly each other
and some security members are even living without the
upper row of teeth but they rather like to drink alcohol
than to get new teeth.
And concerning Thai women there were the following
-- many Thai ladies are ill and are not going to the
doctor because they have no money for this
-- I bring many Thai ladies to the doctor or I even can
heal them directly with blood group nutrition (so that a
gastritis is not coming back for example etc.)
-- but some Thai ladies are even rejecting a healing
(for example the healing of alcoholism by Baclofen or
the healing of a strong rhinitis with snoring so strong
like an elephant)
-- some Thai ladies don't want to finish with
prostitution but they want to stay there and want to go
on "working" as before
-- some Thai ladies just have the aim to "work" just 2
minutes and getting 1,000 Baht for this - just working
in the prostitution - because the customer has to pay
all other things like food and hotel room etc. and in
this way the lady means to live well...
-- one Thai lady is organizing a house for me but lets
me alone there for 2 months, and a second time she is
organizing to live together but then she lets me alone
again during one week and at the end she kicks me out -
in Thailand any nonsense is possible, country of
-- some Thai ladies are living in a little room in a
hotel and then the clients are just in the same hotel
-- some hotel owners become that kinky with their
peeping activities that they are installing cameras in
all corridors for controlling and peeping the hotel
My indications that the word of "Fuck" is a good and
animating positive word but in the street would mean
"shit" is well respected in the Thai population, but the
propaganda radio and the mafia groups are not accepting
anything because it seems that they have the aim to
present the pioneer historian as an "animal". The
behavior of the criminal Thai propaganda radio and of
the mafia groups does not change either when I install a
web site about this word.
April 2013: news that Bangkok is sinking - in 2020 on
0m - 6cm per year
In April 2013 the pioneer historian is detecting a clear
message of a German speaking newspaper in Thailand
("Wochenblitz" - "Weekly flash") that according to Thai
satellite data Bangkok is sinking that fast so it
will on 0m in 2020 also officially. I am
presenting a clear summary and web sites about sinking
Bangkok in the Internet with some new web sites.
Researching in the Internet a little bit there is also
the clear indication that big parts of Bangkok are under
0m already now, and in some locations of Bangkok stairs
have to be completed with new stair steps all 2 or 3
years and this means that Bangkok is sinking 5 to 6 cm
per year. At the same time there are indications that in
China just 50 towns are sinking just not so fast like
Bangkok. But Shanghai is principally on 0m already and
at it's lowest locations during high tide a protection
wall must protect the streets from being flooded by the
Criminal mafia groups just making jokes about sinking
The answer of the criminal mafia groups in Thailand to
my news and to my presentations about sinking Bangkok
and other 50 sinking towns in China is a joke strategy
making jokes like: "Stop now, this cannot be at all"
etc. (German spy: "Ja aber Halt mal, das kann ja gar
nicht sein"). This means that also the satellite data
are ridiculed by the mafia groups.
April 2013: radio propaganda with the word
"important" (Thai: "samkan")
Thai radio propaganda of criminal radio Big FM Family is
installing a state of siege around the hotel of the
pioneer historian now together with the spies of mafia
groups in the hotel around the room of the historian.
And this propaganda radio is propagating now always the
word "important" ("samkan"). Well, what should be
"important" is never told precisely there, and this
criminal radio was NEVER writing any e-mail or so to the
pioneer historian either. But for the pioneer historian
it's clear what is "important" now: saving a little
Bangkok. Of 10 million 8 million should leave the
sinking ground so a little Bangkok of 2 million can
Against this eternal propaganda with the word of "Fuck"
in the street and with the word of "samkan"
(Thai="important") in the street a first counter
expression is developed which seems to be justified
considering the sinking Bangkok which is sinking since
20 years already and the Thai government is just never
doing anything about it:
"Ting tong Thai" (crazy Thai)
As this bad propaganda against the pioneer historian is
not stopping also after April 2013 after presenting
sinking Bangkok there is given the answer "ting tong
Thai" ("crazy Thai") describing with it clearly
-- that the Thais were shitting their own country during
one year with the word of "Fuck" being said in the
-- that the Thais did learn only 1 word of English
during one year
-- that the Thais are not at all aware as it seems what
means a sinking Bangkok.
August 2013: observation: in 1 year they learnt only
1 word of English
It comes out that the Thai propaganda with the criminal
commanders, propaganda radio, mafia groups and so on
were teaching to the Thai population only one word of
English within one year, and the Thais were hardly
getting further education in the Internet because most
of them just don't know how the Internet is "working"
and they do not want to learn it either.
August 2013: observation about criminal work of radio
and mafia groups
Additionally there is the clear observation that this
criminal radio Big FM Family and the mafia groups are
neither helping nor giving nor paying anything nor
healing anybody but they are chattering only shit:
"Mai schuai, mai hai, mai tai, mai latsa - taunan pud
(They don't help, don't give, don't pay anything, don't
heal anybody - they are only chattering shitshitshit).
These facts the Thai population is understanding
perfectly. But the criminal mafia in the hotel is
developing a counter strategy with new English:
German mafia: "I love you"
Criminal mafia in Thailand is inventing a new condition
for extorting the victim justifying it's spying work
against the victim: Mafia wants to hear from the victim
an "I love you". The victim can hear this several times.
The main activist of this "I love you" maneuver is a
German beer swine of German mafia in Thailand, about
300kg of weight. As this mafia is working only with beer
and whiskey but without brain just mixing the facts and
the fantasies there will never be any "I love you" for
them which would provoke that women would be even more
greedy against men.
September 2013: Thai radio: most criminal spying work
in the house
After a change for living in a little flat in a
residential house there is happening the following in
this house: Criminal Thai radio Big FM Family is
reinforcing it's spying work installing people around
the flat of the pioneer historian paying the 4 fold
price for it registering any movement during day and
night around the flat of the pioneer historian. Only
when the radio's voices can also be heard in the night
at about 3 o'clock in a neighboring house and when I can
state that these voices are from a radio only then the
victim is stating clearly that all the spying action is
well organized by a criminal Thai radio station (Radio
Big FM Family).
Thai radio: 20 years they let sink Bangkok already
"Ting tong Thai radio" is conceiving then why Thais are
"ting tong": because they let sink Bangkok already since
20 years and during 20 years they did not take any
measure about this problem. But despite of all the siege
and criminal spying by criminal Thai radio and criminal
mafia groups are going and not stopping.
The great profit of the Thais with the criminal
In general the Thai hotel owners and Thai neighbors are
making a big business with these spying actions because
criminal radio and criminal mafia groups are renting the
"strategic" rooms and flats around the room of flat of
the pioneer historian for a 4 fold price. One of the
spies is indicating to one of the dwellers that he would
be from secret service MI6. In this case the criminal
Swiss spies would be from the Swiss secret service
branch P-27. In this case the money source would be UBS,
the center of criminal P-27.
After one year of spying embarrassment the victim is
just developing the clear answer:
"Fuck you radio!" (in Thai: fuck iu iutayu)
As an answer to all this criminal spying work there is
just one answer: "Fuck you radio!" The variation in Thai
is "fuck iu iutayu".
Thai radio: criminal mixing of facts and fantasies
and more spying work
Now the criminal mafia and the criminal Thai radio "Big
FM Radio Family" is claiming the the pioneer historian
would also say "Fuck you" now. Instead of finishing with
it's criminal spying work against the pioneer historian
this criminal Thai radio and mafia groups are just going
on with it.
Facts: "Ting tong Thai - mai sabai - Gruntep pai -
latsaa mai dai"
(Crazy Thai - mentally retarded
- Bangkok is sinking - healing has no sense)
As an answer to this never ending criminal spying work
there is the clear statement in Thai language in a poem
form how the things are going on for Thailand:
"Crazy Thai - mentally retarded - Bangkok is sinking -
healing has no sense".
This text can well be sung with the melody of the Swiss
mail van's horn.
Facts: the Thais have to manage sinking Bangkok
As spying work against the pioneer historian is never
ending but is even intensified it becomes always more
clear in this time that the pioneer historian cannot
help the Thais concerning the sinking capital of Bangkok
but the Thais with their commanders, with their mafia
groups and with their propaganda media have to manage
this themselves. Thus there is the following little poem
"Ting tong Thai - mai sabai - Gruntep pai - up to you -
fuck you"
(Crazy Thai - mentally retarded - Bangkok is sinking -
up to you - fuck you).
Facts: Crazy radio - go to school ("Ting tong radio"
- "pai rong rien")
At the same time the term "ting tong radio" (crazy
radio) is formed - and "pai rong rien" (go to school)
because since April 2013 there is not the question if
there is the world of "fuck" or "fuck you" but there is
the question about 10 million people who are sinking in
Bangkok. This request "pai rong rien" (go to school) is
also uttered to taxi drivers who are doing nothing
during hours in the streets only copying the propaganda
of the radio and of the mafia groups.
3 months in the blue house with alcoholic security
since March 2014: statement that security in Thailand
is absolutely alcoholic - police, security,
commanders, mafia and media rejecting any further
In March 2014 I am living in a little, blue painted
house within a row of houses. The direct neighboring
house is used by Thai security. This is the unique
possibility to see the life of Thai security: There is
much beer and whiskey and watching TV and other things
the security members are principally not doing at all.
In the beginning phase I can pass the house one time and
I cannot see even one single book in this security
house. There is fridge, no working shower, no Internet
either. The commander of this security group is just
living two houses next to my house and does not know
either how the Internet is "working". But he has fridge,
shower, books and his daughter is working with the
Information from abroad are not interesting for these
people. Security members have a relatively high salary
with 400 Baht per day but they are not learning English,
but they are drinking alcohol with this money and they
are even laughing with this behavior. There are hundreds
of beer bottles in the front garden being witness of
this behavior.
This means that the Thai security is "enjoying" it's
behavior never learning anything in life any more and
just aside in the same row of houses are living lone
mothers with their children but security is never
helping them but Thai security is even laughing at them
leaving them also without power and without flowing
water. The boss of the Thai security group is not taking
any measure for bettering the circumstances for the lone
mothers with their children but also he is spending his
money for beer and whiskey.
The same security commander in my street is getting the
information from my side that Bangkok is sinking and
then he is asking himself again and again why Bangkok
would sink. He cannot imagine this also when there is
clear information. As long as the government is not
reporting anything he will not believe anything also
when the data is coming from Thai satellite data. Thai
commanders are never believing to foreigners when they
are not drinking beer or whiskey with them...
Thai Security only wants beer and whiskey
The reaction of the historian is the clear statement
"pai rong rien" ("go to school") or "rien Internet"
("learn the Internet") or "rien angrit" ("Learn
English"). But the security people are having their own
reaction: They are begging for beer and whiskey and the
security boss is going on reading only Thai newspapers
he is probably censoring himself.
Security is collaborating with the propaganda radio
Criminal staff members of the propaganda radio Big FM
Family are partly in the house of the security
manipulating also the security members against the
pioneer historian with faked rumors and with invented
facts as it's just normal with criminal secret services.
And also neighbors are manipulated.
Confirmation of sinking Bangkok by witnesses - big
cracks in big buildings and people is leaving Bangkok
A Swiss who is visiting Thailand during 20 years already
is confirming then that big buildings in Bangkok like
Hilton Hotel have big cracks already. And a friend of
him has left Bangkok because of this and was building up
his existence in Pattaya where the ground is not
Principally I wanted to see a beautiful and stable quiet
Thailand. But I saw a crazy and sinking Thailand. I had
to detect the disaster of sinking Bangkok. I never
wanted to see that. And in China just 50 more towns are
April 2014: observation that the commanders let sink
Bangkok deliberately
In April 2014 it's clearly observed that the commanders
in Thailand (of police, of security, of mafia groups and
of the media) let deliberately sink Bangkok despite of
all warnings. From April 2013 to April 2014 Bangkok has
sunk by further 6cm and there was no big measure by the
Thai government for hindering this. That means that the
commanders in Thailand let sink Bangkok DELIBERATELY and
are just laughing about it. This is the typical behavior
of alcoholics not taking earnest warnings but even
laughing at them...
Sinking Bangkok: a lake is coming
Also in April 2014 there can be observed that a location
under 0m near the sea is not a problem yet, because such
an unhappy geographic position is also existing in Peru
in Chilca. But when there is a river within the system
then the position of under 0m will be an insuperable
problem because a river cannot flow upwards That means
that from 2020 on the Praya River in Bangkok will form a
lake (in Thai: talee sap). As this Praya River is not at
all clean this will not be a bathing lake either...
This information is accepted and spread fast by young
Thai taxi drivers and by young security members then,
but the commanders of the security are not taking
earnest also this information yet. Their racism against
any foreigner is so strong that they are not even
writing one e-mail to the pioneer historian within 22
April 2014: observation that absolute alcoholism is
dominating Thai police and security - rejecting any
Internet and any further education
In the same April of 2014 there is the observation that
Thai security is an absolutely alcoholic and ill social
group in Thailand, and there is no mental competence any
more for planning or performing big projects like to
save Bangkok. At the same time there is the observation
that also the commanders of other social groups are
completely alcoholic and therefore have no capacity any
more to perform sophisticated and well developed
projects like the rescue of Bangkok. The boss of the
security group in my street is just one of the most
eager drinkers even rejecting the Internet: It's turning
out that the boss of this security group in my street
cannot handle the Internet and all other security
members are just laughing about the Internet too instead
of learning to handle the Internet and to learn English
for getting more information which are not reported but
are censored by the Thai press.
And then the Thais are learning some more English yet
April 2014: ting tong Radio is stating: "he does not
With the new slogan "he does not want" (to speak) the
siege against the pioneer historian is varied now. This
is the third English expression which the Thais are
learning, and it's the first one which has nothing to do
with sexuality: "does not want".
Well, the victim will never speak with spies who cannot
write 1 single e-mail within 2 years. But the criminal
groups from ting tong radio and from mafia groups are
going on violating all rights of the victim for a quiet
and save private life. People from the propaganda radio,
the spies and the criminal commanders of Thailand are
perhaps even thinking that they would be "intelligent"
with their spying work...
Well, the pioneer historian and the victim of all this
spying action is continuing it's principles of life that
there will be no communication with spies because spying
is illegal and is violating any personal rights. Such
criminal people have to see that they are illegal. And
the pioneer historian has no Stockholm syndrome either.
And then the Thais are learning some more English yet:
May 2014: observation: "Thailand is a sinking ship"
Automatically there is the conclusion that Thailand is
that intensively hit and stuck by criminal alcoholic
commanders, mafia groups and media so there will no
constructive measure be possible concerning a rescue of
Bangkok because alcoholics just cannot manage and
organize big projects any more because their brain is
reduced by alcohol. And therefore Bangkok will sink in
fact and Thailand and especially Bangkok is really a
"sinking ship".
One can save a little part of this "sinking ship" (of
Bangkok) reducing the number of "passengers" (dwellers)
fast and strongly and above all shifting the water
consuming industries from Bangkok away to other regions
on a safe ground:
"Thailand is a sinking ship. You have to discharge the
ship. Reduce the number of passengers".
The woman from ting tong Thai radio is reacting with the
statement ("Thailand is a sinking ship") with a crying
fit asking the English speaking mafia member if this
would be true. And when the English mafia member is
confirming this then the woman if ting tong Thai radio
is asking why there was no clear news to the radio
before. But all this is not provoking that the ting tong
Thai radio would stop it's spying work:
Ting tong Thai radio: continuing the siege
Despite of all dramatic facts about Thailand and about
Bangkok this crazy Thai radio is continuing it's siege
against the house of the pioneer historian and is also
manipulating systematically the security members in the
neighbor's house and is also organizing loud and
bothering big "sessions" there. More criminal a behavior
cannot be. Indications of the historian's side (even
business cards were distributed) that these criminal
people from Thai radio or from alcoholic security could
put their question also with an e-mail are
systematically rejected. Also the indication that the
propagandists could learn to handle the Internet or
could have further education in a school for recognizing
that there are really 10 million people sinking is
ignored systematically.
Mail blocked
Mail is not arriving regularly and one letter is not
coming during 7 weeks. There is the suspicion that the
criminal secret services and mafia groups are even
blocking the mail of the victim.
May 2014: "Leaving the sinking ship"
As Thailand with it's mafia groups and with the
alcoholic police and security is not able to take
measures concerning it's sinking Bangkok the pioneer
historian is taking the resolution to leave this
May 25, 2014: commanders confess that Bangkok is
Only on May 25, 2014 - two days before my flight from
sinking ship of "Thailand" - the Thai commanders confess
that Bangkok is sinking. Well, it's just up to these
commanders to manage their capital. Tourists are not
authorized for this.
2 big parcels with some things of mine are sent to
Germany. If they arrive or if they are also blocked by
the criminal secret services and mafia groups is not
But then comes the very last: mafia is continuing
it's spying work also in Germany
since May 27, 2014: Ting tong Thai-Radio and die Thai
mafia are pursuing the victim also in Germany!
It can be observed that crazy Thai radio and Thai mafia
groups are pursuing the pioneer historian also during
his flights in the air planes and also in the waiting
areas for the flights to Germany. Also in Germany the
pioneer historian is also confronted with a siege by
crazy radio from Thailand which was first in the hotel
and has installed now in one of the neighboring flats,
and additionally there is an English speaking spy group
with young non-knowers, these are young alcoholics who
have no idea about solving social problems but they are
just making their propaganda as it was in Thailand by
the mafia groups there against the pioneer historian.
Further millions are wasted for nothing - the work of
alcoholic mafia and the destruction of the world
Wasting millions against the pioneer historian is going
on also in Germany. The money as it seems comes from
criminal secret services who cannot bear the truth but
who are destroying the whole world with their complexes
and with all possible mental illnesses only producing
and selling arms, alcohol and drugs.
Wasting that amounts of money for senseless actions like
pursing the pioneer historian results in robbing this
money from the poor where this money had a really better
effect. A more crazy waste of money cannot be imagined
and therefore the expression "ting tong Thai" is really
justified. Also the alcoholic structures of
international mafia groups are confirmed by 100%. These
ting tong humans will discuss about the word of "Fuck"
and about the expression of "Fuck you" during years yet
and during this time Bangkok will sink and in 2020 the
river will not flow away any more because all will be on
0m then.
The joy with the word of "Fuck" in Thai mafia and Thai
radio is that big that all other dangers are forgotten
and suppressed. This behavior is only coming out like
this because in Thailand any sexual education is
missing. This fact is not detected, but the complexes
and the fixed ideas are just acted out against the
pioneer historian.
This deliberately letting sinking of Bangkok is just not
the only destructive work of international mafia, but
all wars and all other destructive work come from these
illegal financial groups (mafia groups, lodges, orders),
90% comes from criminal "U.S.A." with their
Rockefeller&Rothschild Empire.
It's clearly like this: mafia groups are riding Thailand
into the shit and they really let sink Bangkok
deliberately. Instead of using the money in a positive
way with evacuations from Bangkok the propaganda against
the pioneer historian is just going on. Well, from 2020
on Mother Earth will have an answer for this criminal
behavior in Bangkok and in Thailand...
Alcoholized and partly also with drugs structured Thais
are organizing their own doom destroying their brains
and rejecting any further education at the same time.
It's up to them. Thailand will be very poor at the end
and will "crash" which is provoked by the Thais
A Swiss who is knowing Thailand since 20 years already
meant to me that Thais are like coconuts with eyes on
it. Unfortunately this is coming out as true, but with
the secret services it's just much worse with beer
bottles and whiskey bottles with eyes on it...
Now in Germany this mafia of alcoholics is stating
simply that the historian would be "crazy" - but it's
turning out clearly who is "crazy" in this world. When
all secret services and mafia groups are just performing
the doom of drowning towns like Bangkok then it's clear
that spying is not at all serving to life, and then it's
also clear where brain is missing: at the secret
services and mafia groups.
Within 22 months of persecution this criminal Thai radio
did not write one single e-mail, and criminal, Swiss
mafia did only write e-mails without names and cannot
write their name. This now is really "crazy" pursuing
humans spending millions and at the same time they are
rejecting any communication about the giga problem of
Thailand - saving sinking Bangkok.
All spying is illegal - secret services do not know
how useful work is organized
Spying remains illegal - also when 100s of persons are
spying and millions of dollars are wasted for it. And
when these criminal secret services and mafia groups are
even manipulating complete populations against a person
who has not committed any delict, then the
responsibility is at the criminal secret services and
mafia groups: millions are wasted for nothing and this
money is robbed from the poor where the money had a much
bigger and positive effect. But for organizing useful
work secret services and mafia groups are not trained
There is NO delict with the word of "Fuck" - secret
services and mafia groups just don't know what is
important in life
Secret services and mafia groups are systematically
spying the private life of thinking persons and they are
just inventing delicts. But the word of "Fuck" is legal
and there is NO delict at all with the world of "Fuck".
Everybody can say the word "Fuck" in the bed and sex
will only be better and best!
Therefore one can clearly see that the secret services
and mafia groups just don't know what is important in
life otherwise there would not be sinking towns in the
world. Secret services and mafia groups are sometimes
really coconuts hunting sex lives of private persons
instead of organizing the big cases like sinking Bangkok
and the truth of 11 September 2001 etc. etc. Secret
services and mafia groups are leading Thailand and China
even to their doom...
So have a good sex saying "fuck" in the bed and work and
life will be positive and save your towns from criminal
secret services and mafia groups whose aim is only the
destruction of the world (Committee of 300,
Skull&Bones, CIA etc.).