Thailand: Life in the countryside in the rice field
Cruel conditions, frustrations and compensations by negligence of countryside population in Thailand - similar conditions also in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines etc. - possibilities for sanatoriums and handicapped people
by Michael Palomino (2013)
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The following indications come from a visit of a rice farm in the Middle Eastern Thailand in the traditional rice region of the town of Surin in February 2013.
Air is hot and dry, but not at all dusty. The climate with this clean air would be a good healing climate for people with lung diseases, would be ideal for sanatoriums. But the population here on the rice farm only do one thing: They wait for the next rainy season - during 6 months - drinking alcohol until money is running out. This mass alcoholism on the rice farms in Thailand is a "tradition", and according to statements of neighbors who are staying for a long time in Thailand already these conditions of mass alcoholism can also be found in the neighboring states of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam: rice farmers have nothing to do during the dry season and are simply drinking alcohol until money is running out: with beer, whiskey, and since some years also with vodka which was introduced by criminal Russian immigrants who fled from Putin's arrogance - but with vodka these criminal Russians are damaging the Thai population even more. In a less extent this mass alcoholism on rice farms is said to exist also on the Philippines...
With rice farms it's like this for example: rice farms have no Internet, people during the dry season are waiting for the rainy season, in the rainy season there is work, rice is sold and during the dry season the money is drunken until rain is coming again. And now one can imagine what happens in rice farms with alcohol and rapes or not wanted children or else, you can imagine, police is not existing in rice farms. Many young women from rice farms go to the towns doing their horizontal work supporting their rice farm, but many of these young women are alcoholics since 12 already - and when they never visited any school system then it's even worse - and they don't want to live without alcohol then. Male tourists are paying every beer and whiskey, and also the horizontal moment is well payed. At the same time the topic of alcoholism is one of the many taboos in Asia and there is NO measure against it, there is even no alcohol free beer existing, no warnings against alcohol etc. On the rice farm people are "winning" who are shouting the loudest and the most. Arguments often don't count any more because people eliminated their brain with alcohol. When people with such habits come into the towns then they terrorize their neighbors with those bad habits as long as they are there because they have no brain to change their habits or to catch up on their school time.
Mafia is only interested in the rice harvest and is not responsible for the health of the people in the country itself. And development aid which could instruct the local government for teaching the social connections is often not taken earnest by the local government because only the profit of the rice harvest counts for them and the new cadillac, in Asia this is a big pickup. And the media in Asia are not taking earnest foreigners at all because foreigners from Europe are only rated as former "colonialists". Thus rice farms are drowning in beer and whiskey, and also Bangkok is drowning sinking 6 cm per year, and all good advice to minimize Bangkok for a survival of a little Bangkok are for nothing and are not taken earnest until Bangkok is undermined and will drown and crocodiles will come. It is like this. Local Asian governments are really organizing their own slavery, not the rice consumer in Europe. Asian governments and above all Asian media want it like this!
The alcohol play on the rice farm during the 6 months of the dry season - children are part of it from 10 years on
Plays for children are missing on the countryside almost completely - and the position of a rice farm is that faraway that there is often no Internet, and therefore also computer or computer games are hardly existing there, and also no killer games. There is no mill game, there is no wooden tower, there is no backgammon, there is no checkers (droughts), there is no chess game, there are no card games, often there is not even any ball, no slide, no sandbox, even no Double Dutch or hopscotch etc. There are swings because there are trees on the farm. But persons who want to play intelligent games are only laughed down, because the principal game on a rice farm during the dry season - is not sexuality as one could mean, but is the "alcohol game" which is starting at 9 o'clock a.m. already and which is lasting the whole day long. Without end the rumors and useless details of life are discussed, people make jokes or are inventing lies. That is called "culture" by the rice field families. Children are animated for this alcohol consumption with 10 years already making them also addicted to "accustom" them to alcohol. Who is not addicted to alcohol is no member of the family. Wo is not addicted to alcohol is an outsider. Who is not addicted to alcohol has nothing to say in the family.
In this crazy alcoholic state of Thailand with it's rice farms this destructive alcoholism tradition is governing (on about 25% of the state's territory). Considering a total population of 80 million persons in Thailand it can be estimated that these are 20 million alcoholics from rice farms. 6 months they work in the rain, and 6 months during the dry season they drink alcohol waiting for the next rainy season until money is running out. Discussions are without end, because otherwise the alcohol party would end...
Also in the neighboring states of Thailand, in Cambodia, in Laos, and in Vietnam, the same alcohol mentality on the rice farms can be found. On the Philippines the situation is said to be a little bit better. Fact is that Thai parents on rice farms with their continuing alcohol addiction are destroying future of their children giving the money for alcohol and destroying the health of their children "enriching" their childhood with alcohol. Mafia is owner of the breweries and is systematically robbing the money of the countryside's population and is destroying the childhood and the future of the own population. This procedure is working also with whiskey and since some years also with Russian vodka which was introduced by criminal alcohol addicted Russians in Thailand damaging Thai population even more. Why the Thai government permits the destruction of Thai population by mass alcoholism is an enigma.
Prostitution for rice field alcoholic families
Many girls and young women from these alcoholic rice farms are sent to prostitution "supporting" their families. Thus the young woman is addicted to alcohol already when she is beginning with her "work" at the bar whereas the salary given by the customer is simply used for purchasing more alcohol. IN this way rice field family culture is working in Thailand, and probably also in Cambodia, Laos, and in Vietnam it is working in a similar manner, with less damaging effect also on the Philippines.
Well, life on the rice field is really absolutely bad: Children are driven to alcoholism by moral extortion and by an absolutely boring life. Thus alcoholism is beginning during childhood already and alcohol is destroying a part of the brain during childhood already, and development of intelligence is ABSOLUTELY BLOCKED. Who has to be a child on a rice farm in an alcoholic family has NO CHANCE against a normal growing child under healthy conditions but remains an unskilled laborer for life, or young women work as prostitutes - laying down corresponds to their low alcoholic intelligence (qi). All what remains to the young alcohol damaged women is a smile. More they mostly cannot do...
The betrayed Buddha
Buddha never wanted that any child would be alcohol addicted. Buddha never wanted that any adult person would be alcohol addicted and would spend all his money for alcohol. Buddha had done other things: He had given plays to children, but there is nothing written about plays in the "holy books", and the government seems indifferent if children have plays or not and therefore a part of the intelligence development is blocked without plays. And the parents are NEVER playing with the children because this would be a loss of authority. Buddha also never had given alcohol to children either protecting their brain from alcohol damages. Buddha would have given fruits and good food for the population, and he had shown how natural medicine functions without big costs, and how people will be occupied also during days when it seems that "nothing is to do".
Chili damaging even more
Probably Buddha also had never eaten hot chili either because chili is that hot so the complete nervous system begins to "smoke" and affected persons get tears in their eyes and their nose is running because chili is that hot and eyes and nose are suddenly absolutely overexcited. But by a "false pride" children in Thailand learn already in their childhood to "accept" this hot chili damaging to themselves with an organic stress since their childhood, against any rationality.
Three factors for the mental blockage on the rice fields
By all this we see that children on rice farms in Thailand have some swings and hammocks fixed on or between trees, but intelligence is BLOCKED ABSOLUTELY by alcoholism and health is affected badly since childhood already by alcohol and hot chili. Alcohol addicted parents are no models for intelligent games either but they have a rough and uncontrolled behavior and therefore many children are in a panic without end additionally.
The adults on rice farms are blocking future of their children by alcoholism:
-- they give out the money for alcohol whereas the money should be on a deposit for the child for it's latter professional education
-- by the "education with alcohol" they destroy the brains of the children because alcohol is destroying a part of the brains resp. is destroying nerve fibers
-- and the parents are educating children to "accept" hot chili so the children are suffering a perpetual organic stress since their childhood.
All this does not seem so intelligent really...
-- in the countryside on rice farms terrorism of ladyboys could not be observed and this was a good feeling of relaxation being safe from this terrorism.
With the position of a rice farm results that it's territory is relatively flat, and only relatively few accidents can be, and when there is work, so it's relatively simple work. Thus a rice farm is an adequate location for "concealing" or "deposing" handicapped persons. At the same time the handicapped persons always find an assistance by elder people who would have no occupation during the dry season (which is like a "waiting time").
When mass alcoholism on the rice farms would not be, then the rice farms could be called natural therapy centers.
-- shadow nets over the roofs are missing so the houses would be always in the shadow - but rice farmers have not this idea which is widespread in South "America"
-- windows in the roofs (skylights) are missing
-- there are hardly sitting toilets in the countryside in Thailand which seems to be absolutely incomprehensible because these soil toilets also block tourism
-- little windows with mosquito nets are missing so the houses would have a good ventilation without mosquitoes in the house
-- bathrooms have their water tank in the bath room and there is no shower. Water tanks on the roof are not known on the rice farms. But some rice farmers have installed a little automatic water pump
-- the lanes on rice farms are natural earthy lanes and are a real problem during the rainy season because they hardly can be passed then by vehicles and rice villages are hardly accessible then. The feeling of frustration for the population of rice villages can hardly be described by the non access during the rainy season.
It could be observed that houses on rice farms have tables and chairs for making homework. Some people like to eat on the table, others are eating traditionally on the ground or on the low table where one can also sit.
School books are partly a national matter and therefore school books of the region of Surin are probably also that dry without any picture and without any photo, so children - who partly have no support by their parents who are illiterate yet - the children loose their joy of learning by the time and a pride for not learning is coming up.
During the rainy season the way to school is problematic when the natural streets and lanes are partly impassible, and then the children from the "rice farm" feel the discrimination in their blood when they have to resign to school lessons. Eventually there are even rice regions where children of rice farms have no school until today.
-- there is group play in the sport's lesson
but theater, children's theater or youth's theater is missing, role play is missing, and therefore the only theater group play during childhood in Thailand is sport's play
-- memorizing a role for a children's theater is not practiced.
-- often the basic knowledge of handicraft is missing like in South "America"
-- handicraft courses for all are missing
- in the flat rice regions are many people driving bicycle which is only possible during the dry season of course. Mostly the bikes have no different gears...
-- some vehicles like tractors are only repaired when rainy season is beginning
-- plays for children are often not repaired because wisdom is missing how to repair it or the parents do not see the sense of repair or the play is not adequate to the age of the child
-- newer houses are built by solid bricks with ventilation slots
-- but the ventilation in the houses remains a big problem when the rooms have no mosquito windows which can be opened during the whole day
-- mosquitoes on rice farms (big country mosquitoes and little tropical mosquitoes) are not damaging to the natives, but only white tourists get the damage by mosquitoes, and mosquito nets are not available but have to be brought by the tourist himself, but if it can be installed then is one more question
-- and the bathrooms without any shower remain a big problem.
Thais cannot develop a considerate self consciousness
-- because plays for children are missing
-- because playgrounds are missing
-- because the school books are dry like sand without a child-oriented methodology and therefore any curiosity and joy for learning are blocked
-- because the parents do not continue any studies either but on the rice farm they like more to drink beer, whiskey or vodka without end instead of learning new contents and topics, and add to this they are often illiterates yet
-- because Internet on the rice farms is missing because rice farms are "too remote"
-- because there are no courses for further education in handicrafts either and therefore the wooden houses are destroyed fast by vermin and are rotting fast.
During rainy season partly any connection is missing
Newspaper and internet are missing, and therefore in the rice villages TV is governing almost alone. Children are copying their parents watching TV without end and not learning anything about Internet because in the rice village there is no Internet. Reading with children of rice villages is also only bad or medium because many parents cannot read and they have passed their life also without reading well until today.
When rainy season is coming then and also bad streets and lanes are blocked then the frustration of the children is totally and then children learn fast what is "alcohol".
And therefore children on rice farms during rainy season with cut streets and lanes in Thailand - in combination with alcohol addiction and senseless compulsion to eat hot chili - have to grow up under conditions which are against any development of intelligence. This is probably also the case in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, on the Philippines, and partly also in China, India and Bangladesh etc. The population of the rice farms is shuffling around in their beach sandals in a continuous modesty of not knowing anything and with a frustration without end as if world would consist only of rice, alcohol, TV and some food.
Eating is only proceeded with a little soap spoon. Knifes, forks and big spoons do not exist but all what has to be cut is eaten by hand. This is a little bit like in Otavalo in Ecuador.
Also some exceptions could be seen, thus families trying to install some intelligent cycles, for example separation of garbage in advance so the garbage collector has not to open garbage bags any more. But just aside of the collected bottles was a good children play car which was not repaired...
According to the principle that a destroyed human being is destroying other human beings there can be watched the following compensation actions in the countryside of Thailand:
-- the Thais in the countryside do not become aware of the fact that it's the government leading the population into dead ends with bad school books, and therefore the population hardly does learn anything
-- the Thais do not become aware that there is practically NO methodology in Thailand for teaching the subjects in a child-oriented way and with many variations
-- when the Thais do not become aware of the fact that THE GOVERNMENT is guilty for this mental misery, then many Thais blame the foreigners and are making propaganda against foreigners when there is an occasion for it.
The criminal Thai government in Bangkok is neglecting the Thai population. And this behavior is copies then: The Thais are neglecting their own things and affairs and have wrong priorities:
-- Thais in rice villages are throwing the garbage away aside of the lane, into the field or in the meadow and then is staying there often for life
-- in the gardens and around the dwelling homes often masses of broken toys can be seen which are simply never repaired because the parents of the rice villages seem to be in a never ending depression and do not want to ask how it would be possible to repair toys (for example with special glue)
-- rice farms are hardly shaped and there are no lanes in stone slabs what is not at all comfortable during the rainy season, but is seems to be simply accepted because the population of rice villages seems to be depressive without end and is only waiting for the next glass of whiskey. What will happen when a car cannot pass a meadow any more or is stuck in a meadow can be imagined. The neighbors are happy when "something happens" and are pulling the vehicle from the whole, and every day this whole play can come again...
-- the cream for "white skin" is also a compensation reaction to the missing self consciousness which cannot be formed without child's play and without playgrounds and with the dry school books without methology for children and with alcohol and chili
-- and by all this addiction to alcohol, addiction to chili and depression many young women on the rice villages are getting involuntary pregnant and then have a child without any financial means and are going to prostitution into the sex circus for "making the money" for the child, or parents are selling their children or are educating and forcing their child for a change of sex for being a "lady boy" etc. pp.
-- or other people in rice villages mean that espionage and persecution of foreigners would be the "right way" to have an "occupation" whereas also then the Thais remain poor and the situation for the Thais on the countryside is never better with it but only the spy is rich with this payed by tax money which is given to espionage work and is missing at other places
-- some Thai women on rice farms are covering their face with cremes for getting a "whiter skin" or they cover the skin of their children with it. Thus for this "whitening creme" the Thais have the money, but for plays and courses for children and for the intelligence development and for the future of the family there is no money.
All in all there is a frustration without end in the rice farm villages because the Thais do not know how the Europeans or Australians or "Americans" from the "USA" or from Canada know more and are thinking in a more intelligent way than they do whereas Thais also pass 9 years of "school" at least. Thais on rice farms do not know how to fight for equal rights, how they should fight for Internet, how they should fight for better streets and lanes, or how children should make their homework better. And policy simply does not consider them.
Rice farms during the dry season without work and with good accessibility
-- should at least receive all an Internet connection
-- are offering a healing climate for people suffering lung diseases and can serve as sanatoriums, and
-- are good locations for stays of handicapped people with the an assistance by elder people which have nothing to do during this time.
A precondition for these developments are well developed sanitary equipments (bathrooms and showers). Then much money would come in by the sanitaries and assistance for handicapped people.
These two facts of the healing climate and the assistance possibility for handicapped people during the dry season could really be developed. This counts also for all other countries with flat rice territories and where is no work during the dry season, therefore for Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, China, India, Bangladesh etc.
It's up to the government to speak with the population limiting mafia and to make corresponding changes.
Michael Palomino, 12 February 2013