THAIไทย Việt
Ho Chi Minh City
(former Saigon), notes
presented by Michael Palomino (2013)
Arriving in Ho
Chi Minh City you will get the impression: Over 7
million persons have to organize themselves without
tube, without express trains. 95% of the dwellers
are more or less poor and can only afford a
motorbike. That means, HCMC is in an intermediate
stadium, is not a bicycle town any more, but is not
a blocked car town yet.
In March 2013 Ho Chi Minh City was a motorbike town
with a far distributed bus net, with mostly roofed
bus stations, but these public buses are driving so
lazy like a bike, and bus lanes are missing, and
with these conditions the public bus net is not at
all attractive.
Traffic in HCMC
-- motor bikes are dominating in a dwelling area of
over 7 million inhabitants con peak hours from 7 to
8:30 and 16:30 to 18 hours with motor bikes like
avalanches making a hellish noise
-- sidewalks are more and more narrow for installing
more traffic lanes
-- sidewalks are traditionally uses to park the
motor bikes
-- often only 1.5 m are left of the sidewalks but
also these are blocked with motor bikes or there is
a lamppost blocking the sidewalk
-- crosswalks are sometimes blocked by crash
barriers in the middle for a "more fluent" traffic
-- motor bikes use often also the sidewalks, and
thus some parks have protected entrances by blocking
bars and chains. Thus also people in wheel chairs
have no access to these parks
-- road cleaning machines do not exist, but all is
cleaned by hand yet
-- there is no belt highway and the main traffic is
passing the two main streets passing the center
-- also a town's tunnel is not existing but a
motorway tunnel under Sai Gon River connecting the
1st with the 2nd district
-- big pedestrian zone is missing
-- bikeways are missing
-- parks are always more little and not bigger
because corrupt government is erecting certain
buildings in the park
Traffic in HCMCTaxi
drivers in Ho Chi Minh City
-- most car taxis are with air condition and are
painted in an unremarkable color white with green
-- taxi drivers often make a rest sleeping in
their car
-- motor bike taxis are much faster but sometimes
also a little bit an adventure
-- some web sites are warning from fraud by taxi
drivers in Vietnam with too high fees or with
detours etc.
-- when I wanted a taxi I was always with a map of
the town so it was always clear where I wanted and
where the taxi driver has to go, but the taxi
drivers - like all Vietnamese - are not "strong"
reading maps
-- sometimes taxi drivers are pretending they
would know everything but they don't know much,
for example where is which museum, and then it can
happen that a taxi driver in HCMC is driving the
tourist to the wrong museum. This happened to me,
but this was not a big mistake because also the
"not wanted" museum was a bullseye
-- during a trip to a museum I had to indicate a
shorter way to a taxi driver because he obviously
did not know that a little road was usable in both
Public traffic in HCMC
-- bus lanes are missing
-- there is no net card, no daily ticket, no magnet
card, and any route has to be paid one by one
-- a speed boat is the only fast public traffic in
HCMC and is for example connecting HCMC passing Sai
Gon River with the port town of Vung Tau about 120
km more in the east lasting 75 minutes starting with
the company "Hydro foil" from Bach Dang Peer for 10
-- from the town of Vung Tao ships are starting to
the island of Con Dao every second working day where
old prisons of colonial times and of Vietnam War and
Diem times can be seen. Unfortunately there was no
indication on which working days the ships are
starting because tourist offices are only selling
tourist flights to Con Dao
-- there are more speed boat tours to Mekong Delta,
jungle tours and sunset tours
-- speed boats are also going Sai Gon River upwards
to Cuchi with the tunnel system of Cuchi (company:
Saigon River Express)
-- other public traffic is NOT existing on the
rivers of HCMC, also pedestrian ferries and
pedestrian bridges are missing, and therefore the
complete potential of public traffic on rivers and a
big part of the potential of pedestrian traffic is
lying idle in HCMC
-- train traffic is stuck in the dimension of
colonialism. The access to the main station of HCMC
for example has only one track and when a second
track will be built houses have to go
-- a train travel from HCMC to Hanoi along the coast
line is 36 hours, say web sites.
Finances in HCMC
-- Vietnam suffers a catastrophic inflation and Dong
currency is always less worth (it seems that only
government members have accounts abroad without
inflation). IN March 2013 one "U.S." dollar was
20,614.00 Dong. In normal language this meant
1 Dollar = 20,000 Dong
10 Dollars = 200,000 Dong
100 Dollars = 2 million Dong
-- money machines in Vietnam are sometimes limited,
but somewhere will work always some credit card
systems. As a tourist with European credit cards not
every card can be used with every money machine.
Thus one has to try out several money machines
during some hours for finding out which bank and
which money machine is the best for the personal
credit cards. Some money machines only accept VISA
credit card, others also VISA Plus card and maestro
card. Some money machines are limited with 1 million
Dong, others with 5 million etc.
Finance traffic in
Vietnam: Western Union is badly limited
-- Western Union in Vietnam only permits sending
money within Vietnam
-- sending money abroad is prohibited, also when the
money is from the own foreign account coming from
the money machine
-- sending money abroad is only permitted when the
money is provable from a Vietnamese account where
money from abroad is coming in.
This limitation in finance traffic prohibiting
sending money abroad of also little sums is very
painful and is blocking any familiar connection
crossing the national border. For example I could
not pay my rent abroad and could not support friends
abroad and thus I left Vietnam earlier than wanted.
Telephone traffic in HCMC
-- anybody can have a mobile phone in Vietnam, but
calls abroad are not possible with it
-- I did hardly see any telephone shop in HCMC. That
means that connections abroad are very limited in
Vietnam and practically can only be managed by
Internet. But the population of Vietnam is mostly
illiterate concerning Internet.
Internet in HCMC
-- Vietnam has not many Internet cafés like other
countries, and most people in Vietnam cannot
understand ANYTHING about Internet until today
(2013) which is very sad because this gap of wisdom
can be shut very easily, but it seems that Vietnam
government wants this like this.
Climate in HCMC (former Saigon)
Traveling time is the dry season between October
until March. From march the number of rainy days is
consequently rising: March 1.9 rainy days, April 5.4
rainy days, May 17.8 rainy days. Climate is sticky.
Rain is falling in July and August regularly between
4 and 8 pm.
Architecture in HCMC
-- tourist hotels have a good standard of
middle-class, and most hotels in Vietnam also have
an elevator (which is mostly missing in Thailand),
but in Vietnam mosquito nets are missing
-- locals are living in narrow streets and lanes,
often deadlocks, and everybody is controlling
everybody here and there is an incredible atmosphere
of controlling like in Thailand with Thai population
because there is no teaching of sexuality and love
-- HCMC is said to have a backpacker's area (Pham
Ngu Lao) where also motor bikes can be rent for
10,000 Dong (5 dollars). But this is only worth
after 2 years of stay when the plan of the town is
well known.
Hotels in Vietnam also have an "escort service". The
information was that it begins with 70,000 Dong...
Vietnamese women are often living with the
tradition of a long traditional dress in which
they hardly can move fast. And this will be also
the habit in the night - they don't know much
about the night because there is no education for
night life, very sad, or only in secret brothels.
Gastronomy in HCMC (former Saigon)
-- most street restaurants and snack stands in the
streets of HCMC are offering a little children
furniture with baby chairs and baby tables,
absolutely unpractical, but Vietnamese are
accustomed to it - by any reason I don't know
-- only good restaurants in hotels or for tourists
have normal furniture for adults - by any reason I
don't know - it's inexplainable
-- expensive Vietnamese restaurants have NO offer in
English, and thus a tourist probing the folk's
kitchen cannot probe anything because the waitor
also does not speak English...
-- Vietnamese mostly only drink little alcohol
because by the wars during decades they are living
in a harsh discipline yet and have a great
Language in HCMC
Vietnamese was transcribed into a Latin scripture by
"Christian" missioners, and this Latin scripture is
official today. Spelling and additional signs are
rather complicated. Walking with a little language
book can provoke much sympathy with Vietnamese
people, and people want to teach spelling at once
because spelling in the book is often indicated in a
wrong way (like in Thailand). But one has to make
attention because Vietnamese from North Vietnam have
another spelling with many words than South
Vietnamese, and therefore learning Vietnamese can be
very, very complicated...
Museums in HCMC
-- opening times of museums in HCMC are very bad
with a lunch break almost in any museum
-- some museums in HCMC (for example the Women's
Museum) have partly only texts in Vietnamese and
this is very sad because the message is missing for
any tourist.
War Museum about Vietnam
Criminal "U.S.A." with it's chemical war with Agent
Orange and other Agents destroying jungle and
harvests brought a huge amount of data which can
hardly be presented in a museum. War Museum shows
only some aspects of Vietnam War. The visitors are
hardly reading the texts, and therefore the message
is hardly transmitted. Unfortunately there is no
book about the museum, no guide book, and also no
big leaflet, and this is more or less unintelligible
because this would be a stable income for the state
and a demonstration of solidarity for Vietnamese
War Museum in HCMC was founded in 4 September 1975
and was renamed several times: It was called
-- first "Exhibition House for US and Puppet Crimes"
-- then from 1990 on "Exhibition House for Crimes
for War and Aggression"
-- then (after the retreat of Vietnamese troops from
Cambodia) in 1994 the "U.S." embargo was lifted
against Vietnam
-- and since 1995 the museum is called "War Remnants
The structure of War Museum in Ho Chi Minh City
-- war museum contains a museum court with some war
"tools" like original tanks, helicopters, arms,
bombs and air planes, but a B-52 is missing
-- at the entrance of the museum's building there is
a stand with handicraft where Agent Orange victims
are selling who have only a little damage, for
example a little hyposomia not hindering selling and
assistance work with clients
-- every Saturday and Sunday also more damaged Agent
Orange victims are presented there, with an
assistance, for example a pianist without eyes, a
hyposomia person with deformed and missing bones
-- the first big hall in the 1st floor shows
connections of Vietnam War
-- in the second floor are the hall with Agent
Orange victims with touching texts and photos, and
there is also an exhibition about more connections
of Vietnam War with rifles, mines etc.
In 1945 Vietnam had an independence war against
French colonialism, but already since 1945 "U.S.A."
were intervening with financial support and weapon
Ho Chi Minh Museum
-- Ho Chi Minh Museum has a wonderful terrace with a
view on Sai Gon River, and the entry really is not
only worth the museum but also the romantic museum's
-- Ho Chi Minh Museum also has a very rich gift shop
with tourist books about Ho Chi Minh City also with
a map of the town, and with handicrafts, very
Women's Museum in HCMC
Ho Chi Minh City has also a "Women's Museum",
and this is really something special in the world.
This museum is honoring women of Vietnam with a
general section with clothes, jewelry and
activities. And in the upper floor Vietnamese women
are honored who have helped during Vietnam War, for
example transporting goods and weapons, or women
pioneer troops for ferries and bridges, cooking and
caring and healing etc. The museum is huge and
unfortunately some texts are only in Vietnamese so
the message is lost for the tourist.
Also the Women's Museum has got a big terrace with a
view over the big museum's court with a monument for
a special Vietnamese woman who was resisting against
racist French colonialists in a very special way: Vo
Thi Sau. Also the street has her name where the
museum has got it's site.
Medicine museum
-- medicine museum in HCMC is a jewel and does not
only contain medicine but also contains a little
collection of Yoni and a huge ceramic collection
with medical vessels
-- additionally this medicine museum contains many
wonderful wooden carvings.
Ton Duc Than Museum
-- politician Ton Duc Than was one of the
politicians with Ho Chi Minh
-- the museum contains a rich collection of objects
and photos of Ton Duc Than, but also a very
important hall with photos and texts about prison
island of Con Dao.