Now it is
like this: Every Saturday and Sunday there
is a bigger group of Agent Orange victims in
the War Remnants Museum present showing also
cases in the wheel chair without any walking

Big group of Agent Orange victims, every
Saturday and Sunday in the War Remnants
Museum of HCMC (former Saigon)
In this group of a Saturday
also were two wheel chair cases with
crippled grown arms and legs. The assistance
indicated that to these persons a peace of
the upper bone would miss and the arms could
only be moved with the muscles.
Add to this the
crippled legs provoked an absolute inability
for walking, and therefore the Agent Orange
victim on the following photo depends on a
comprehensive assistance. But his mental
capacity and his language abilities were
100%, and this man also could speak English.

Agent Orange victim in a wheel chair in the
War Remnants Museum of HCMC 01, on Saturdays
and Sundays

Agent Orange victim
in a wheel chair in the War Remnants Museum
of HCMC 02, on Saturdays and Sundays

Agent Orange victim
in a wheel chair in the War Remnants Museum
of HCMC 03, on Saturdays and Sundays

Agent Orange victim
in a wheel chair in the War Remnants Museum
of HCMC 04, on Saturdays and Sundays

And there was a second
victim in a wheel chair without capacity
of walking.
Agent Orange victim in a wheel chair in
the War Remnants Museum of HCMC 05, on
Saturdays and Sundays
Moreover there are photos in the Internet
showing Agent Orange victims without eyes.
And on this Saturday I could detect that
just the pianist had no eyes.

Pianist without eyes 01 in the War Remnants
Museum of HCMC, on Saturdays and Sundays

Pianist without eyes
02 in the War Remnants Museum of HCMC, on
Saturdays and Sundays |
Solidarity and no solidarity - Vietnam
the Agent Orange victims there is a 100%
solidarity. Everybody is helping to
everybody with it's skills. And one has to
know that Many Agent Orange victims have
died already during their childhood or
during their youth, and the graves are
uncounted. Add to this many Agent Orange
victims are not registered until today
because they are nursed clandestinely in
the huts in the countryside and the state
does not know anything about it. In the
countryside the shame to have a
handicapped child is bigger than the plead
for help.
and now there are the producers of this
Agent Orange which was used during Vietnam
War leaving a huge amount of genetic
damage in the population of Vietnam. These
sinners are "U.S.A." and Germany where the
dioxin was produced in the Boehringer
company with a leader called Mr. von
Weizsäcker. These sinners are NOT helping
ANYTHING until today (2013). It seems that
both governments of "U.S.A." and of
Germany are afraid to see the damage they
have caused in Vietnam War which is
lasting until today. Because dioxin is
having it´s damaging effect UNTIL TODAY

Boehringer Company in Ingelheim
(Germany) was producing the dioxin which
was shipped to Vietnam directly for
being added to Agent Orange by "U.S."
military forces [web02]
That means:
Vietnam War NEVER ENDS.
Also the jungle remains destroyed being
sprayed by Agent Orange with dioxin
And this destructive effect also counts
for the destroyed jungle of Vietnam,
Cambodia and Laos, where is hardly growing
anything in the destructed zones, but
landslides are destroying the landscape
more and more [web03].
We can conclude: The official end of the
war of 1975 is a giant lie because with
the chemical effect of Agent Orange this
Vietnam War NEVER ENDS. Can criminal
"U.S.A." and Germany be aware of that?
Where are the state visits? Where are the
Ministers of Foreign Affairs? Where are
the foundations? Where is solidarity?
Where for example is Bill Gates? Where is
a German pair of Ministers? Until now
unfortunately nowhere...
Compensation was given to the victims from
"U.S.A." and from the German side: 0
Estimations claim that
there are up to 3 million Agent Orange
victims to deplore until today (2013)
And with this kind of warfare with genetic
manipulative weapons there were also other
wars, not with Agent Orange, but with
"American" Uranium bombs in Iraq, in
Fallujah. Therefore also Iraq War NEVER