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since 15 April 1961
"SU": Gagarin's promotion after the alleged "space flight"
Gagarin is stylized to a Lindberg of the 1960s.
Gagarin is promoted from a lieutenant to a mayor (Wisnewski, p.56) and he becomes "Hero of the Soviet Union".
Gagarin is traveling around the whole world and any step he is doing is controlled by guards. Any word he says is rehearsed and supervised. His large smile provokes admiration (Wisnewski, p.56). He has to present himself with peace doves representing the "SU" as a peaceful power (Wisnewski, p.57). By this Gagarin in fact is an ambassador of the "SU" (Wisnewski, p.56).
[Every person who can think more ore less can see now that the peace doves and the production of intercontinental rockets makes no sense, and also with the "USA" the chuing gums they are distributing to the population and the rockets against Russia does not make sense...]
Gagarin's traveling with a smile and a peace dove
The large smile of parachute jumper Yuri Gagarin
Smiling Gagarin with peace dove.
Gagarin cult: Reception at London Heathrow in July 1961
During the receptions and the celebrations there is much alcohol consumed. So, rumours say Gagarin would become an alcoholic and could not be a reliable pilot any more.
since 15.4.1961
"USA" use Gagarin as an argument for a billions worth "moon landing program"
(Wisnewski, p.12). The "USA" don't protest against the faked Gagarin "space flight" but use Gagarin as an argument for also having "heroes" in "space" like the "SU" (Wisnewski, p.42). The Gagarin idol is not attacked in the "USA". They also cannot afford any critic because this would endanger the relationships to the "SU" (Wisnewski, p.57-58).
The world press acknowledges Gagarin's flight also without fotos and admits it in their encyclopedias and school books (Wisnewski, p.42), also in the "USA", because the "US" government uses the Gagarin fake no as an argument to create the "moon landing program" (Wisnewski, p.43). In the following time the military machinery of the "USA" gets billions worth orders and they are satisfied (Wisnewski, p.13). "US" military people and "US" industry are enriching themselves by the "US" space program for years. The tax payer has to pay the race in space, "in the name of the national honour and safety" (Wisnewski, p.58).
[And by this the stupid "Ami" has to pay much for the lies: 40 billions "US" dollars. Judges for this are not available...]
Cover of Life magazine on 21 April 1961 with Gagarin an Khrushchev on Red Square. Life answers where would be the answer of the "USA".
("LIFE. 19 Pages on space. Inside Yuri's capsule - celebration in Moscow - impact on Washington - U.S. space future")
It's all a lie, but the lie sells well...
21 April 1961
"US" press is bothering about the space development in the "USA"
"Time" magazine reports about new projects of the "USA" in space.
and presents Gagarin as a new challenge.
[But Gagarin's helmet on the cover is something like a "kitchen helmet", and the inscription "CCCP" is missing].
Cover of Time magazine from 21 April 1961 with Gagarin with a milkboy helmet without inscription "CCCP". The mass and the stupid policy don't want do realize that something is wrong here. But the highest military people know about...
[The "Soviet" propaganda machinery is working at full speed. Critical voices have no change...]
Gagarin is also "granted" a crater "on the moon", and countless street names, squares, and countless ship names, as all other cosmonauts, too, but Gagarin gets especially many of them...
Gagarin cult: Gagarin salutes on the grave of Karl Marx in 1961. With this he follows the party-line and for the "USA" propaganda he serves as a welcomed target for a "new frontier"...
During the following years Gagarin officially serves as a tutor for other cosmonauts and becomes official representative of lieutenant general Nikolai Kamanin, the head of the "Soviet" atmosphere program commission ("space program commission")
since May 1961 approx.
"SU": The propaganda claims on the first flights had been flown dummies only
Afterwards the "SU" regime declares that on the first Vostok 3 flights had been only dummies and laboratory animals, e.g. dogs. During the landing the dummies are said having landed safe by ejection seat and parachute (Wisnewski, p.27).
According to Wisnewski this is not possible because the ejection seat has to be levered by hand and rockets are working under the ejection seat. The laboratory animals which are said having staid in the capsule had been exposed to a huge temperature and pressure and had never survived. And when they had survived healthy would have been affected heavily so the laboratory animals would not have been all right any more for any experiment (Wisnewski, p.27).
25 May 1961
Gagarin's Reception in Bulgaria
Picture sources
Gagarin cult: Commercialization of the person
-- the large smile of Yuri Gagarin:
-- Yuri Gagarin with peace dove:
-- Yuri Gagarin in London Heathrow:,8543,-10604692161,00.html
Gagarin on covers of the "American" press:
-- "Life" magazine 21 April 1961 with Gagarin and Khrushtshev:
-- "Time" magazine 21 April 1961:
Yuri Gagarin's reception at Prague
Airplane in Prague on the airfield
-- the airplane:;
-- Gagarin at the airplane's door:;
-- the spectator masses:;
-- close-up of the spectator masses::;
-- Gagarin with women spectators:;
Gagarin's triumph ride in Prague from the airport to the center
-- close-up of the car:;
-- air foto of the cars:;
-- Gagarin gets flowers:;
-- little flags:;;
-- air foto of the car parade, top:;
-- Gagarin with flowers and little flags:;
Gagarin cult: Objects
-- Gagarin cult: Decorations:
-- Gagarin cult: Gagarin on a Czech stamp:
-- Gagarin cult:Signature:
-- Gagarin cult: Ruble coins:;
-- Gagarin cult: Gagarin monument in Irkutsk:;
-- Gagarin cult: Stamp with laurel, "SU" 1961:
-- Gagarin cult: Gagarin on bottles:
-- Gagarin cult: Gagarin in a car Volga M21:
-- Volga M21:*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
-- Gagarin cult: Gagarin with aureole:
More trips of Gagarin
-- Gagarin salutes at a Marx monument:
-- Gagarin in Bulgaria: Y. Gagarine: Le chemin du cosmos. Le premier cosmonaute vous parle. Edition en langues étrangères, Moscou [1962], p.177