Vostok cult
The "SU" propaganda commercialized the Vostok atmosphere
ships and the name "Vostok" with a variety of marketing
Some examples:

There are Vostok watches,
e.g. the model "Amphibia 200 M". this watch is
said to be waterproof to a water depth of 200 m.
Vostok cult, logo.

Vostok model kit. |

cult : The parts of the model kit.
It seems
significant that during my research about Vostok (2006) I
could detect that the Western libraries hardly have literature about the
Vostok atmosphere program. It seems after the alleged
"moon landing" of the "American" astronauts in the
simulation centers of Langley and Houston and in the photo
manipulation studios of CIA at Langley the Vostok
atmosphere flight was superfluous for the Western
libraries. But Vostok atmosphere ships were the
precondition for the "American" atmosphere flight and the
"American" propaganda machinery.