Gerhard Wisnewski: Lügen im Weltraum [Lies in Space].
Knaur 2005
In the years 1960s "USA" had a difficult political position
because of Sputnik working over the "USA". And at the same
time Walt Disney and Wernher von Braun were propagating a
"moon program" without knowing how it should be carried out
in practice and without the technical knowledge. The
engineers for the "space capsules" under leadership of Bob
Gilruth all come from the board for remote controlled
unmanned flying objects in Virginia.
To talk back to Gagarins first "space flight" (which had
been a parachute jump) the military structured NASA answered
with two airdrops. The "US" propaganda presents the
astronauts Shepard and Grissom as the "first 'Americans' in
space". The play with the truth - as it was made with
Gagarin - is going on.
And for the whole time one has to consider that the "Soviet
Union" was financed by "American" banks. The "USA" financed
their own official enemy which was never an enemy but was
only an enemy in the propaganda to have a reason for more
armament projects.
beginning of 1961
government does not want dead astronauts as the "Soviet
The "Presidnet's Science Advisory Committee" (PSAC) of
president Kennedy begins to study the Mercury capsules
(Wisnewski, p.84), because the aim is that there will be no
deads in space like in the "Soviet Union". The balance of
the Mercury Redstone program indicates more and more that
manned flights would be impossible because of the high
failure rates of the Redstone rocket.
(In: Swenson / Grimwood / Alexander: This New Ocean. A
History of Project Mercury. NASA publication-4201; NASA
History Series, 1989, S.347; Wisnewski, p.85).
Kennedy is very worried about that the first human in an
"American" upper atmosphere capsule could be a tragic hero
and could die during the flight.
(In: Thompson, Neal: Light This Candle; N.Y. 2004, S.249;
Wisnewski, p.85)
22 March 1961
The "solution" for a perfect flight of Alan Shepard seems
to be found
Hugh L. Dryden, according to Wisnewski a "honoured man" of
the "American" rocket technique, indicates during a
conference in the White House that there would be "no
unjustified risks" any more concerning the Mercury Redstone
flights. But in fact every start of a Redstone rocket is
more or less an unjustified risk until now (Wisnewski,
Suspicion: There is organized an unmanned Mercury Redstone
flight with the claim Shepard would sit in the capsule, but
the capsule will be empty (Wisnewski, p.85).
12 April 1961
Gagarin is presented as "first human in space" - the memo
for a "moon landing" by Wernher von Braun for Kennedy
[Every thinking human with functioning eyes of a level of
the fourth primary school can see from the Gagarin fotos
that Gagarin is in a parachute suit and not in a space suit.
But Kennedy does not mind].
The reaction in the "USA" about the alleged "first man in
space" Gagarin who was only a parachute jumper is clear now:
Now the hour of the moon plans of Disney and von Brown is
coming. Now the propaganda work is intensified (Wisnewski,
p.79). Kennedy is asking which counterstrike against the
"Soviet Union" could be announced. Von Brown answers in a
memorandum that the "Soviets" could only be defeated by a
complete, manned moon landing [flight back inclusive]. A
manned laboratory in the high atmosphere would be too less.
(In: Ordway / Stuhlinger: Wernher von Braun. Crusader for
Space; Malabar 1996, S.170; Wisnewski, S.79-80).
But at this time a "moon landing" is a completely not
unpredictable adventure (Wisnewski, p.81) [and a moon
landing is impossible until today (2010)].
Kennedy wants to undertake all that the "USA" will not have
to deplore dead astronauts. Kennedy thinks about a live
television broadcast of the starting space vehicle
(In: Thompson, Neal: Light This Candle; N.Y. 2004, S.259;
Wisnewski, p.85).
21 April 1961
Defeat on Cuba - desaster at the Bay of Pigs
The trial of the "US" militarists to occupy Cuba end in a
great defeat. The propaganda damage for the capitalistic
"USA" is enormous. And because of this "USA" cannot afford
dead astronauts at all now (Wisnewski, p.85).
beginning May 1961 / short before Shepard's parachute jump
No anxiety from a Shepard parachute jump (propaganda says:
Shepard flight)
Shortly before the Shepard flight the mood is changing. The
President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) suddenly is
confident concerning Shepard's flight (Wisnewski, p.86).
Among others there is Edward C. Welsh, the manager of the
National Aeronautics and Space Council, spreading an
unshakable confidence. And he insists on the early date for
the flight which will be a great success (Wisnewski, p.86).
But the Redstone rocket has not changed and it's balance
says that almost 2/3 of the starts are launch failures. The
rocket is not working reliably. For a manned flight the
condition would be a long series of perfect test flights,
but this condition is missing (Wisnewski, p.86). When there
is a Redstone start nobody can say if the rocket will
function or not. According to the statistics the answer is:
Rather not (Wisnewski, p.86-87).
5 May 1961
Alleged official first suborbital "space flight" by Alan
Astronaut Alan Shepard is officially said to be the first
"American" in an atmosphere ship ("space ship") in "space"
(Wisnewski, p.86). Shepard is said having started in a
Mercury space vehicle on a Redstone rocket from launch pad 5
at Cape Canaveral (Wisnewski, p.89).
The propaganda says it was a short flight, a suborbital
flight in the high atmosphere (propaganda says: "space
flight") wit a distance of only some 100 miles, and it was
not at all an orbit round the Earth.
Wisnewski, p.86,89)
After 15 minutes and 28 seconds the flight is said to have
ended by the landing capsule 302 miles from the launch pad,
100 miles in the North of the Bahamas in North Atlantic.
(In: Thompson, Neal: Light This Candle; N.Y. 2004, p.256;
Wisnewski, p.86).
According to NASA Shepard is said having flown
-- 187 km high
-- 303 miles wide
-- 15 minutes and 28 seconds long (Wisnewski, p.89).
At the landing point already recovery helicopters of the
aircraft carrier "Lake Champlain" are waiting. The
helicopter takes the astronaut in a rescue ring with the
capsule under him and bring both to the aircraft carrier
(Wisnewski, p.86). After many propagandistic defeats this
"space flight" is again a victory for the "USA" against the
"Soviet Union". The "flight" is like a tranquillizer for the
Ego of the "American" people (orig.: "Balsam auf dem Ego des
amerikanischen Volkes.")
(In: Thompson, Neal: Light This Candle; N.Y. 2004, p.261;
Wisnewski, p.88)
Propaganda pictures for the media:
Mercury 1 with the capsule Freedom 7 and
astronaut Shepard

1 with the capsule "Freedom 7": Shepard after the
splashdown on the helicopter rope.
NASA foto no. S61-02723

1 with capsule Freedom 7: Shepard is welcome on
the aircraft carrier Lake Champlain.
NASA foto no. S88-31380
But according to the balance of launch failures with
Redstone rockets there is even more the suspicion that the
capsule was empty (Wisnewski, p.86).
of a parachute scenario:
Considering the great risk there is following suspicion:
-- first a capsule with Alan Shepard was put into a cargo
aircraft to a height of about 10 km
-- in the state monopolized television of that time a rocket
with an empty capsule was shown which had started earlier
with success
-- then at the "right time" in the timetable the capsule
with Alan Shepard was dropped out of the cargo aircraft
-- and by this Alan Shepard and his capsule have
landed perfectly in the sea].
If astronaut Alan Shepard was sitting in the capsule on the
rocket which was shown in TV is not proved. There is always
a cut possible from the inner foto to the outer foto. But
what is sure is that President Kennedy claims the "success"
for himself. Since this time propaganda and research are
going hand in hand (Wisnewski, p.86).
Alan Shepard's triumph at Washington
Shepard's triumph ceremony at Washington with President
Kennedy is a triumph for the whole nation. Kennedy and
Shepard are passing 250,000 people (Wisnewski, p.88),
[with TV broadcast and mentioning the "flight" in the
"American" history books etc.].
So, Kennedy gave his "answer" to Khrushchev to the Gagarin
parachute jumper, because Shepard has landed in a space suit
after all and not in a parachute suit. The N.Y. Times
describes the jubilations at Washington as the greatest
since the end of the Second World War 1945 (Wisnewski,
Now also the shares of the arms industry are rising, among
others IBM and McDonnel Douglas etc. Now also the
shareholders are satisfied [and it could be that also
members of the "Soviet" regime are shareholders].
(In: Thompson, Neal: Light This Candle; N.Y. 2004, p.262;
Wisnewski, p.262)
NASA responsible for the "American psychological
From this moment NASA is responsible for the "American
psychological orientation". According to John Pike (director
of the Space Policy Project at the Federation of American
Scientists) the main purpose of the NASA is to conduct the
"American psychological orientation" of the "American"
"Concerning NASA the main purpose is mainly that we feel
well to be 'Americans'." (Wisnewski, p.88)
So, NASA has not a scientific leadership, but is a
manipulation machinery in terms of the "psychological
orientation" (Wisnewski, p.88).
[It's known that also stock quotations are connected with
this "psychological orientation"...]
Next flight candidate for a mercury capsule is astronaut
Virgil Grissom
Grissom names his prepared space capsule like the "American"
liberty bell at Philadelphia "Liberty Bell 7" (Wisnewski,
2 with the capsule "Liberty Bell 7": Grissom gets
into the capsule. NASA claims that this would be
the entrance for the flight, but probably the foto
is from a training. NASA foto no. S61-2886
8 May 1961
Memo from NASA and McNamara for a "moon landing program"
A memorandum by the NASA administrator James E. Webb and the
Secretary of State McNamara for Vicepresident Johnson to
give to President Kennedy says that success in space would
be the "symbol for the technological and organizational
power of a nation". So, Webb and McNamara propose to
the President of the "USA" to make plans for "manned moon
landings from Earth within this decade".
(In: Ordway / Stuhlinger: Wernher von Braun. Crusader for
Space; Malabar 1996, p.171; Wisnewski, p.81).
25 May 1961
speech: Announcement of the moon landing program
Kennedy claims the world dominance by space:
"Now it is time to take longer
strides--time for a great new American enterprise - time for
this nation to take a clearly leading role in space
achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our
future on earth."
Wisnewski, p.81-82).
The Kennedy speech is opening all doors of funds for the
moon plans of Disney and von Braun (Wisnewski, p.79).
Because the technical quantum jump shall be performed within
9 years. This is an absolutely mad postulation. Kennedy
knows his postulation is covered by his government, and
doubts about the Gagarin flight are not permitted and are
forbidden to be discussed (Wisnewski, p.82).
contradiction of Wernher von Braun: Now the "moon" is
coming first before a station in the atmosphere?
By the memorandum for Kennedy Braun gives up his own order
now also officially to build an atmosphere station ("space
station") first as a starting point to the moon. The safety
of Braun to go for a "moon landing" directly without having
realized an atmosphere station gives a strange and a non
logic effect (Wisnewski, p.80).
of the astronauts concerning the moon project
Also the astronauts have doubts about a "moon landing"
(Wisnewski, p.83). The astronauts are wondering how a "moon
landing" should be realized (Wisnewski, p.88). Alan Shepard
realizes during talks with NASA responsibles that "also the
brightest and the best heads of NASA had not the slightest
idea how to reach the moon", a distance of 250,000 miles
(380,000 km).
(In: Thompson, Neal: Light This Candle. The Life And Times
of Alan Shepard; N.Y. 2004, p.333; Wisnewski, p.83)
Alan Shepard means Kennedy has gone "mad".
(In: Thompson, Neal: Light This Candle; N.Y. 2004, p.269;
Wisnewski, p.88)
NASA flight director, Christopher Kraft, has no idea. Fact
is: Until May 1961 the Redstone rockets for manned space
flights have a failure quote of 57 %: 20 of 35 testing
starts have failed. For example: There is flying away the
rescue tower before the start and the tower tears out the
parachute of the capsule (Wisnewski, p.83) so the wind is
blowing up the parachutes and the whole rocket is
threatening to fall down (Wisnewski, p.83-84), and the
technical staff has to think about to empty the tanks
(Wisnewski, p.84).
(In: Thompson, Neal: Light This Candle. The Life And Times
of Alan Shepard; N.Y. 2004, p.191-192)
The astronauts make their own thoughts if the plan for a
"moon flight" would be a suicide mission.
(Thompson, Neal: Light This Candle. The Life And Times of
Alan Shepard; N.Y. 2004, p.182; Wisnewski, p.84)
But the "USA" cannot afford any dead astronaut like the
"Soviet Union" because "America's" astronaut Shepard and all
other candidates are established as national heroes already
before the flights, children and families inclusive. A
launch failure or the death in the atmosphere would have a
national depression effect (Wisnewski, p.84).
21 July 1961
Alleged official suborbital atmosphere flight ("space
flight") of Virgil Grissom
Grissom has studied engine construction, space engineer and
is test pilot (Wisnewski, p.97).
Grissom is said having started in a high atmosphere capsule
(propaganda says: "space capsule") "Mercury" planted on a
Redstone rocket from launch pad 5 at Cape Canaveral, like
Alan Shepard before (Wisnewski, p.89).
Grissom is said having made an upright flight and nothing
more, like Alan Shepard. According to the NASA propaganda
Grissom is said having recognized
-- the Banana River
-- the Indian River
-- something which looks like a runway
-- West Palm Beach (Wisnewski, p.89).
Grissom is said having flown
-- 190 km high (compare the flight of Alan Shepard: 187 km
-- 302 miles wide (compare the flight of Alan Shepard: 303
-- 15 minutes and 37 seconds long (compare the flight of
Alan Shepard: 15 minutes 28 seconds long) (Wisnewski, p.89).
According to Wisnewski this similar data indication of NASA
(from: are not
believable because flights which are this similar are not
possible (Wisnewski, p.89).
strange landing of Grissom in the sea - covered trial of
After reaching the sea during the landing the capsule is
opening from alone by a little blast (Wisnewski, p.89) but
Grissom has not done anything or handled the safety lever
because when the level would spring back there would be an
injury on Grissom's hands. The capsule is opening without
any deed of Grissom and begins to fill with water so Grissom
has to safe himself into the sea with his astronaut suit.
The rescue helicopter is first worrying about the capsule
and leaves Grissom swimming. When Grissom reaches almost the
capsule and the rescue ring of the helicopter the helicopter
is suddenly flying away (Wisnewski, p.90). The pilot also
cuts all ropes with the capsule and lets drop down the
capsule. Only shortly before drowning astronaut Grissom is
rescued from the sea.
(In: Zornio, Mary C.: Detailed Biographies of Apollo I Crew
- Gus Grissom; NASA History, Updated 3 Feb 2003; Wisnewski,
Mercury 2 with the capsule "Liberty Bell
7": Almost a catastrophe at Grissom's splashdown

2 with capsule "Liberty Bell 7": The helicopter
tries in vain to rescue the capsule. But it
seems that the capsule is more important than
Grissom! NASA foto no. S61-2826.

on the aircraft carrier USS Randolph. NASA foto
no. S61-2894
The press greedy for sensations hat it's
propaganda fotos from an alleged suborbital flight
and Grissom "in space". But probably it only was
an airdrop as in training, respectably with
Grissom it was more than training...
to open the capsule from the outside?
Another mechanism to burst open the capsule is with a lever
from the outside when a fighting diver had opened a little
flap and had torn on a T formed holder. But there has never
seen a diver coming from a helicopter who had sprung into
the sea and had approached to the capsule (Wisnewski, p.91).
the helicopter pilot Jim Lewis said
The pilot Jim Lewis claims later that there was a "problem
with the engine" indicated by a warning light (Wisnewski,
p.90-91) and the pilot Lewis allegedly had to prevent that
the helicopter would fall on Grissom.
(In: Zornio, Mary C.: Detailed Biographies of Apollo I Crew
- Gus Grissom, NASA History, updated 3 Feb 2003; Wisnewski,
Add to this the capsule had been full of water and was too
heavy for the helicopter, pilot Jim Lewis maintained
(Wisnewski, p.91).
On the rescue ship USS Randolph no engine problem of the
helicopter can be found.
(In: Newport, Curt: Lost Spacecrafts. The Search for Liberty
Bell 7; Burlington 2002, p.86; Wisnewski, p.91)
puts the blame on Grissom
NASA puts the blame on Grissom and maintains he had burst
open the capsule before it was time, despite of the proof
that there was no hand injury from the lever. NASA generally
says Grissom had "bungled" it (Wisnewski, p.91).
[One has to consider that Grissom is a studies mecanic, an
airplane engineer and test pilot (Wisnewski, p.97). How
should it be possible for an airplane engineer opening the
door too early before the rescue helicopter is coming? This
does not seem to be possible, but the lies of the NASA
responsibles are very well possible...]
At the end NASA believes something had provoked the extern
opening mechanism. The cover can have been lost during the
opening of the parachutes and a parachute rope can have
become entangled on the T handle and by this the opening
mechanism could have provoked (Wisnewski, p.92).
since 1967
After the Apollo 1 accident Grissom is celebrated as
"America's second man in space" also in a memorial at Spring
Mill State Park.
[The impossibilities and contradictions seem not to be
"interesting" for the "US" authorities].
In 1999 only, there is a precise question coming up:
20 July 1999
capsule from the "flight" of the 21th July 1961 is coming
to the surface - without heat protection shield

with the place of discovery of "Liberty Bell 7",
found off Great Abaco Island.
On 20 July 1999 Grissom's capsule "Liberty
Bell 7" is coming to the surface (Wisnewski, p.92).
The detection team is financed by private TV station
"Discovery Channel".
With robots the capsule is found and lifted to the surface.
The corrosion is removed within 6 weeks. The capsule is
disassembled completely, every part is cleaned and at the
end the 20.000 parts are reassembled. The capsule stands in
the museum.
According to the website personal items from Grissom are
-- a survival knife
-- a cigarette butt
-- shark repellent
-- 45 dimes from a roll Grissom brought on board as
Some aluminium parts were totally destroyed by corrosion so
they had to be replaced by new aluminium parts.
[So, there is the question: How can survive a cigarette butt
over 30 years in salty sea water, when aluminium parts are
totally destroyed by corrosion? And Grissom was
According to Wisnewski there is officially found:
-- documents
-- money
-- Grissom's personal parachute
-- Grissom's safety belts
-- a pencil (Wisnewski, p.92).
[There is a question how paper documents can survive that
long in salty sea water. The documents must have been made
of metal].
Also the cause for the opening of the capsule is officially
not found, and also the blasted airlock not either.
"There was no report about the external mechanism. The
blasted airlock was not found."
(orig.: "Über den Zustand des externen Auslösemechanismus
wurde nichts mitgeteilt. Die abgesprengte Luke wurde nicht
gefunden." (Wisnewski, p.92)
And another thing is curious: Any remnant of the heat
protection shield is missing though the rest of the capsule
is in a good condition.
(In: Newport, Curt: Lost Spacecraft. The Search for Liberty
Bell 7; Burlington 2002, p.173; Wisnewski, p.93)
Now NASA is inventing all possible claims who the heat
protection shield made of beryllium could have dissolved on
the sea's ground in a depth of 500 m. But beryllium is a
especially non-corroding material:
-- with a great stability against damp air
-- the high gloss polished surfaces are in fact not changing
by the time
-- beryllium has no reaction with water, even not during red
-- beryllium is oxidizing with air only up from 600°C.
(In: Rutherford: Lexicon of the elements;; Wisnewski, p.93).
So, there is the question how on the sea bottom 5,000 m
under the sea's surface could have been electrolytic
processes with beryllium (Wisnewski, p.93).
question about the cigarette butt: It was a plant worker?
During the restoration process a plastic cup and a cigarette
butt were recovered. The cigarette butt and the plastic cup
could not have come from Grissom himself because he was
non-smoker. The restoration team believes they were placed
in the capsule during the manufacturing at the McDonnell
plant. A plant worker leaved the items between the linings
of the capsule and by this they are said having survived 38
years in the salty sea water.
(Jim Winnings; In:
question about cigarettes, coins and the documents:
Souvenir coins? - document's survival unrevealed
The capsule was analyzed at the "Kansas Cosmosphere and
Space Center". The report from says:
<Theyve had a few surprises turn up amidst the relics.
Among them - a cigarette butt and a plastic cup. It is
"highly unlikely" the articles were Grissom's, said museum
director Max Ary. Someone who helped build or prepare the
spacecraft for flight probably left them behind, he said.
The team, scouring through the 50 pounds of muck that was
removed from the spaceship, also found 52 Mercury-head
dimes. Ary thinks they were gathered in a roll of paper and
stashed in the capsule as souvenirs -- not for Grissom, but
for workers, and maybe even other astronauts. Many of the
dimes have initials and other notches in them presumably to
serve as identifying features.
Arys favored finds are Grissoms world map, his checklist (on
which the astronaut carefully recorded the positions of
dozens of switches inside the capsule until he was
interrupted by the abrupt departure of his door) and the
metal cap that covered the hatch detonator.>
[And now there remains the impossibility that documents made
of paper shall have survived in the salty sea water for 38
years. How is this possible, stupid "USA"?].

3 years tour for the
But instead of clearing up all contradictions,
the capsule "Liberty Bell 7" makes a 3 years
tour through the towns of the "USA", and
Grissoms brother, Lowell Grissom, is presenting
the capsule...
( |
suspicion: Airdrop from a cargo aircraft with Shepard and
Because beryllium has no reaction on the sea bottom there is
the urgent suspicion that the capsules never had any heat
protection shield. So there is another fact that a capsule
without heat protection shield cannot have flown in the high
atmosphere with a perfect landing at the end because it had
died down during re-entry into the dense lower atmosphere.
So the suspicion that Grissom's capsule without heat
protection shield had been dropped by a cargo aircraft
becomes more and more real. The same is with Alan Shepard's
"flight" (Wisnewski, p.93).
and Grissom's "flights" are missing in the flight calendar
of the Encyclopaedia Astronautica
The suspicion of the airdrop is confirmed by the flight
calendar of the Encyclopaedia Astronautica. This proud
Encyclopaedia maintains having listed all starts of Redstone
and Jupiter rockets. But on the days of the alleged
"flights" of Alan Shepard (5 May 1961) and Grissom (21 July
1961) any entry for a start of a rocket is missing
(Wisnewski, p.93). Instead there are entries for 24 March
1961, 18 May 1961, 6 July 1961 and one entry in August
( (31.3.2005);
Wisnewski, p.94).
[This means that there was no flight of a rocket in the days
of Shepard and Grissom and all is a big lie. In September
2006 both flights are registered in the list].
evidence for a lie scenario on the state's TV about
Shepard and Grissom - parachute airdrops
The contradictions concerning the both flights of Shepard
and Grissom are this strong that the following scenario
could be possible:
-- on the monopolized TV was shown a film about a perfect
start which was before
-- Shepard and Grissom were in a capsule in a cargo aircraft
and were dropped over the landing point, so the capsules
were going down with parachutes normally (Wisnewski, p.93).
[This way it had been in training always before, and by this
the similar flight data would be possible...]
Gagarin atmosphere flight was a lie - the atmosphere
flights of Shepard and Grissom were also a lie
Compared with Gagarin the "USA" has concealed the lie a
little bit better: The astronauts weared space suits with
helmets and had no parachute suits without helm or without
All in all the procedures of the first "space flights" were
very similar. Also on the "American" side the illusion is
quite clear when on the day of the alleged flight from the
spaceport at Cape Canaveral has not even listed a start of a
rocket. This comparison of the flight data can also be
performed of boys of the fourth class of a primary school.
Also in this case the journalists have absolutely failed and
they believed all without putting or reporting the slightest
logic question. According to the stupid journalists the
lexica are wrong until today.
The really proof for the lied flights is the capsule found
in 1999 without any heat protection shield. This is the
confirmation of the illusion. The missing protection shield
is not discussed in the "USA"...
This is NOT a conspiracy theory, stupid journalist, but
these are facts.
Mercury "Freedom 7"
-- Shepard on a helicopter rope, foto no.: S61-02723:;
-- Shepard
on the aircraft carrier Lake Champlain, foto no.:
Mercury "Liberty Bell 7"
-- Grissom entering the capsule "Liberty Bell 7": foto
no.: S-61-2886:;
-- failure of rescue of the capsule foto no.: S-61-2826:;
-- Grissom on board of the aircraft carrier "USS
Randolph", foto no.: S61-02894:;
-- map: Place of discovery of the capsule 1999:
-- Lowell Grissom presenting the capsule Liberty Bell 7: