The Meaning of the Swastika: Buddhism in Tibet: Creation, origin of space, truth and eternity - Native Americans in America (Navajo etc.): Genesis - Teutons: Odin with Sun - Hindus in India: Lucky Charm, Promise - Jainism in India: Rules of Life - More General Buddhism: happiness and prosperity - Nestorians: sun, fire, light - Ancient Greece: mediation between heaven and earth, or fire - Phenicia: sun - coins: flying horse, etc. - Europe from the 19th century: lucky charm, talisman - the hack cross (Nazi swastika of the Third Reich with the aggressive color combination black-red-white): racist state and military state with mass destruction in the sense of the satanist-Zionist Rothschild NWO - swastikas after 1945: Shitzerland and buildings - the Museum of Art in Zionist Tel Aviv -- Dec. 31, 2017: Comment for rehabilitation of swastika: Third Reich were only 12 years - and Zionists wanted a burning Germany - calculating with all the deportations since 1941
Swastikas as a symbol of origin (creation story) on a headband of the Navajo - The Art Museum in Tel Aviv is built in the form of a swastika (swastika) - swastika as a lucky charm or promise painted on a cow, India
Map, where the swastika was distributed in Europe, Africa and Asia, Yale University 1898 - the aborigines of the "USA" are missing on the map [overview 09]
- Tibetan practice: swastika (swastika) = symbol of the eternal, indestructible truth [77]
by Michael Palomino (2017)
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The different meanings of the swastika from culture to culture
1. The Swastika in Buddhism in Tibet: "Origin of the Universe" and "eternal, indestructible yruth" (since 16,000 BC)
Tibetan Buddhism (16,000 BC): Swastika = symbol of the "origin of the universe" (scoop) - stands for "eternal, indestructible truth"
Tibetan Buddhism since 16,000 BC: The swastika has the meaning of the "origin of the universe" and of the "eternal, indestructible truth" [1b]
The accompanying music is with singing bowls from Tibet, which reflect the creative process and the truth in the universe with the original sound vibrations:
"Tibetan Practices, 16,000 BCE
The old Tibetan spiritual school "Yungdrung Bön" is said to be over 18,000 years old. Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche, called the first Buddha, was said to have been born in 16,017 BCE in the Zhang Zhung kingdom of western Tibet, or Olmo-Iungring. The Zhang Zhung word "Yungdrung" means "eternal". "Bön" means "practice". This sacred image represents the origin of the universe, the neutral state.
"Yungdrung" sacred symbol stands for the Eternal Everlasting Truth.
Could this 18,000 year-old Tibetan tradition be the roots of the Chinese five elements?"
2. Swastika in Buddhism: "Eternity"
Video: Tibetan Singing Bowls, State of Alpha, Healing, Harmonized Chakras, Relaxation (1h50min.39sec.)
(original: Tibetischen Klangschalen, Bundesland Alpha, Heilung, Harmonisierte Chakren, Entspannung)
In the Buddhist culture, a swastika means "eternal existence", simply "eternal", "eternity" [web03].
"In buddhist culture the swastika means eternal."
Other websites cite the swastika for general Buddhism as a symbol of happiness and prosperity, see below.Video: Chinese Buddha Chants - Best for Meditation (29min.45sek.)
The music in Buddhism is delicate and tender with a variety of content - here's an example:
3. "USA": swastikas as the base of the creation story for the Navajo natives (aborigines, primary nation)
The Navajo associate with the swastika their creation story with the constellation "Big Bear". Quote:
"They saw the swastika as an image of the rotation of the constellation Big Bear around the polestar and as a symbol of their mythical prehistory: In it four chiefs were sent in each direction to find a better form of government than their own." [web01]
(original German: "Sie sahen die Swastika als Abbild der Rotation des Sternbilds Großer Bär um den Polarstern und Sinnbild einer mythischen Vorgeschichte: Darin seien vier Häuptlinge in jede Himmelsrichtung gesandt worden, um eine bessere Regierungsform als die eigene zu finden." [web01])
Navajo aborigine, swastika as a symbol of Navajo's creation story in the center of a cloth pattern [3] - on a headband [4] - on a dress, worn by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis [5] - on a rug [6]
Navajo natives, swastika as a symbol of the Navajo creation story on a wool carpet in the center [7] - on a bracelet [8] - on a teaspoon [9] - on a bracelet with an eagle [10] - on a pendant with Swastika, sun and arrows [11]
Navajo native weaving a rug with swastikas [12] - swastikas in a carpet [13] - swastika in a weaving [14] - basketball team with natives (navajo?) in the 1920s with swastika shirts [15]
4. "USA": swastikas as creation story of other natives (primary nations)
The swastika is also the basic symbol for the creation stories of other native primary nations, e.g. the Hopi aborigines [web01]:
"For the Hopi, the migratory and return routes of their ancestors formed a large swastika, which aligned to the right of the earth's movement, to the left, which corresponded to the sun." [Web01]
(original German: "Für die Hopi bildeten die Wander- und Rückwege ihrer Vorfahren eine große Swastika, die rechtsgerichtet der Bewegung der Erde, linksgerichtet der der Sonne entsprach." [web01])
Swastikas as a symbol of creation story on stone drawings of the indigenous people in the "USA" [16] - on a wicker basket of the Maidu [17] - in the Hopi on a bowl, 1300 BC. [18] - with the Apaches in a wicker bowl [19]
5. The swastika around the world since the last ice age
Survey 01 on Swastikas (Swastikas, Hack Crosses) 12,000 years old, Mezine, Ukraine - Survey 02: from the Ukraine from the Ice Age - Survey 03: from ancient cultures
Survey 04: swastikas from the Saxon and Anglo-Saxon area - 05: in the Celtic area - 06: old
Swastikas (Swastikas) Overview 07: in the English, Irish and Welsh language areas - Overview 08: old, and at the end of the Third Reich
Survey 9: about swastikas with their different meanings
6. Europe: megalithic cultures with swastika (swastika energy vortex)
Excavations in Bulgaria have found this swastika whirl pendant:
Swastika pendant from Slatina, Bulgaria, about 8000 years old [89] - close up [90]
Survey 01 on Swastikas (Swastikas, Hack Crosses) 12,000 years old, Mezine, Ukraine - 02: from the Ukraine from the Ice Age - 03: from ancient cultures
8. India: Swastikas (Swastikas) in Hinduism as a "good luck charm" or "promise"
Hinduism with swastikas (swastikas as symbols of happiness and good life) painted on a cow, India [23]
India: Swastika = "it brings well-being" - "lucky charm" - "promising object"
The next website claims that the swastika is said to have been around since 2553 BC. exist (Tibet seems unknown here). The Indian Sanskrit word "swastika" can have different meanings: well-being, good luck, or promise [web02].
"The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit, meaning any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote good luck.
It is composed of "su" - meaning "good, well" and asti "to be" svasti thus means "well-being". The suffix -ka either forms a diminutive or intensifies the verbal meaning, and svastika might thus be translated literally as
-- "that which is associated with well-being", corresponding to
-- "lucky charm" or
-- "thing that is auspicious"." [web02]
Further information about the swastika in Hinduism goes much further:
-- In Hinduism the symbol of the Swastika comes as second only after the first one, Om, and this swastika symbol is used in the beginning of almost all religious celebrations, embodies the rotating forward motion of the sun and means joy, light and life
-- In the Vedas (Dharma) the swastika is a wheel with four spokes, and the hook lines symbolize the rotation or the ceremonial fire yajna - the swastika "marks in the Vedas the Sun God Surya, in the Puranas the chakra of the god Vishnu and one of the eight yoga seats - and: the swastika is also the sign of the god Ganesha
-- the swastika symbolizes the eternal cycle of birth and death (Samsara)
-- The swastika is considered a sign of reincarnation
-- A swastika is considered a promise of happiness at festivities (weddings, etc.) to worship the goddess of luck: Lakshmi [web01].
13. Swastikas in Ancient Cultures of Western Asia![]()
Hinduismus mit Hakenkreuzen (Swastikas als Glückssymbole) an einem Tempeleingang, Indien [24] - im Zentrum einer Tempeldecke, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Indien [25] - an den Seiten von Ganesha, Indien [26]
Hinduism with swastikas (swastikas as symbols of happiness) at a temple entrance, India [24] - in the center of a temple ceiling in the town of Jaipur, province of Rajasthan, India [25] - at the sides of Ganesha, India [26]
Hinduism with swastikas (swastikas as symbols of happiness) in a Krishna pattern [27] -
India, bell-tree with swastika (Swastika as a sign of truth and eternity) [28]
- The "left-angled form" is said to have negative energy ("counterclockwise in the view of populations in India"), according to certain circles, to have a negative effect, to be the symbol of the goddess Kali and provoking sunset, decline of life, night, mischief and death [ web01].
Hinduism: Shrine with the goddess Kali with swastika, certain circles in the Indian culture say
this would be in the negative direction, town of Varanasi, India [29]
9. India: Swastika in Jainism as a sign of creation
Jainism: rules of life with points and swastika [30] - represented in one person [31] - Jainism: Mahavira with swastikas [32]
The swastika in Jainism
- represents the creation with a four-part world: Gods (Heaven) - People - Animals - Underworld (Hell)
- humanity should be divided into four parts: monks, nuns, male lay people, female lay people
- represents the four infinite characteristics of the soul: knowledge, perception, happiness, energy [web01].
The swastika is also the symbol of the seventh of 24 "Tirthankara" [web01].
Since 1974, the symbol is accepted by all Jains and is a basic representation of the learning systems [web01].
10. China and Southeast Asia with Buddhism: swastika (wan) symbolizing happiness, abundance, prosperity, long life - and the sun
In China, swastikas are called "wan" and are symbolizing happiness, abundance, prosperity, long life, infinity. Combined with the character of "fu" for a bat (chiroptera), "ten thousandfold luck" is interpreted. Empress Wu Zetian then explained the sign "wan" in a circle symbolizing the "sun". Rooftops of Buddha temples are decorated with swastikas. On maps, Buddha temples are marked with a swastika [web01].
Buddhist swastikas (as symbols of happiness) in a meditation rug in Tibet [33] - in the center of a pattern of flowers [34] - as an ornament at the Shaolin Monastery, China [35] - as an ornament at the Kuta Bali Temple [36]
Buddhism with swastika (swastika as energy vortex for creation) in the center of a mandala [37] - in an "eternal knot" in an ornament on a cupboard [38] - Buddhism with swastika (Swastika as energy vortex or lucky symbol) combined with the sign of "Om" [39]
Buddhism with swastika (as a symbol of luck or energy vortex for creation) in the center of an ancient decoration, Nha Trang, Vietnam [40] - Buddhist Swastika [41] - Buddhism with swastikas (Swastikas in the center as a creation vortex) is called "eternity" [42]
Buddhism with swastika (as lucky symbol, vortex of energy of creation or eternity), 8 pieces in one door, China [42] -
Grave urn with Vedic swastika, China [43]
Swastikas on Chinese Buddha figurines are a sign of the heart of Buddha or of Buddha nature. In the Song dynasty (960-1276), the swastikas on Chinese Buddha statues appear not only on the forehead, but also on the chest, on the hand or on the heels [web01].
Buddha with swastika (Swastika as a sign of the heartfelt Buddha nature) on the chest [44]
11. Nestorian: Swastika = sun, fire, light
"In Nestorian art, the swastika symbolizes the turning sun, the fire or the light." [web01]
(original German: "In nestorianischen Kunstwerken symbolisiert die Swastika die sich drehende Sonne, das Feuer oder das Licht." [web01])
12. Where do the rattlesnakes in swastika form belong to?
Where does the swastika with the swastika in form of rattlesnakes belong? Means renewal [45]
SBowl of the Sumerians (6000 BC) with swastika in the center [46] - in the center of a plate of Mesopotamia [47] - swastika on an amphora [48] - Hittites: swastikas in both directions (the web site says as a symbol of immortality) in an ornament [49]
There could no other interpretation being found.
14. Swastikas in Europe: vessels and objects: symbol of mediation between heaven and earth - or fire
Ancient Greece: swastika - the mediator symbol and symbol for fire
"In ancient Greece, the swastika [...] was a symbol that connects heaven and earth, with the right arm pointing to the sky and the left to the earth." [WEB05]
Another website says that in ancient Greece the swastika was the symbol of the fire [web06].
15. Phenicia: swastikas symbolize the sun![]()
In ancient Greece, the swastika should also have been the symbol of the fire [50] - Greek goddess Artemis with a double swastika, Crete, 900 BC. [51] - Pendant with swastikas, Etruscans 700 BC. [52] - Greek vase with swastikas [53]![]()
Greek-Roman vase with a swastika (Swastika as a sign of the union of heaven and Earth, or the fire) [54]
Greek-Beotic bowl with swastika (swastika as a sign of the connection between heaven and earth, or fire) [55]
Greek-Minoan gold bowl with swastika (swastika symbolizing the connection between heaven and earth, or fire) [56]
Greek helmet with swastikas (swastika symbolizing the connection between heaven and earth, or fire) [57]
The new meander technique in Greek ornamentation with swastikas
From 900 BC the meander ornaments are used, which automatically create swastikas:
Ephesus, swastikas in temple ornaments showing meanders [58], from 900 BC. [web07]
"It was used by the Phoenicians as a symbol of the sun and it was used as a sacred symbol by the priestesses." [web05]
(original German: "Es wurde von Phöniziern als Symbol der Sonne verwendet und es wurde als ein heiliges Symbol von den Priesterinnen verwendet." [web05])
16. Swastikas on coins
The swastikas in the meander ornaments
Greek antiquity invented the meandering ornaments, where swastikas are formed automatically:
7,000-year-old coins with swastikas (swastikas, symbol of the union of heaven and Earth, or the fire) [59]![]()
Coin, sporty man with buffalo head and swastika on the back [60] - swastika on a coin with a flying horse, Corinth, Greece - swastika here is a stylized, flying horse [61] - swastika on a coin with Ariadne, Knossos, Crete, 450-375 BC. [62]
17. Swastikas in Ancient Greece in ancient floor mosaics
As the new research proves (Zillmer: Columbus came last, oroginal German: Kolumbus kam als Letzter), the Roman Empire is an invention of the Rome Church to make Rome a "great past" and to promote the gay and criminal Vatican. In reallity as "Romans" were called Greek soldiers abroad. And there is another reality: Ancient Greek is Old High German. So if a mosaic is called "Roman", then it is to be understood to be from a later Greek time.
Swastikas (swastikas as symbols of the connection between heaven and earth, or fire) in a mosaic in a "Roman villa", Valladolid, Spain [63] in Nîmes, France [64] - in a mosaic in a "Villa Romana de Tejada in Quintanilla de la Cueza in the province of Palencia, Spain [65]
Swastikas (swastikas as symbols of the connection between heaven and earth, or fire) in mosaics in Pompei 1,2,3 [66,67,68]
Swastikas (swastikas as symbols of the connection between heaven and earth, or fire) in a "roman" (late Greek) mosaic in Cologne [69] in Hadrian's mension [70]
18. Antique waystones with swastikas
Bosnia, milestone with swastika (swastikas as symbols of the connection between heaven and earth, or fire) [71]
19. Swastikas in churches in church floors and church windows
Swastika pattern in the church floor of the Siena Cathedral [72] - swastika pattern in the church floor of San Giorgi Braida in Verona [73]
Swastika on the outside wall of the church of Kruszwica, Poland (German: Kruschwitz) [74] - Swastikas on the church ceiling in Lalibela, Ethiopia [75] - ç window lattice in swastika form, Lalibela, Ethiopia [76 ]
20. Since 18th century: swastikas in Europe - just a fashion
In Europe the swastika became popular from the 18th century onwards and from the 19th century certain groups are inventing that it would stand for "Arian race":
"In German speaking area, a heraldic symbol resembling the swastika has been called "swastika" since the 18th century [3]. In the 19th century, ethnologists discovered the swastika in different cultures of antiquity, some of which stylized it as a characteristic of an alleged race of "Aryans"." [web01]
(original German: "Im Deutschen wird ein heraldisches Zeichen, das der Swastika ähnelt, seit dem 18. Jahrhundert „Hakenkreuz“ genannt.[3] Im 19. Jahrhundert entdeckten Ethnologen die Swastika in verschiedenen Kulturen des Altertums. Einige stilisierten sie zum Merkmal einer angeblichen Rasse von „Ariern“." [web01])
Embroidery from Greece with a swastika in it's center (I thinkn here it can mean everything: creation, eternity, truth, or luck), 18th century [77]
"US" basketball club with swastikas on the shirts, 1910s [78] - Coca-Cola pendant in the form of a swastika [79] - swastikas in Hollywood, Clara Bow with swastikas in the 1920s [80] - English Empire, hatpin with swastika [81]
21. Europe 19th century: swastika = "lucky charm"
In the 20th century, the swastika in Europe was explicitly used as a symbol of luck:
Swastikas on elephants of the Danish brewery Carlsberg - after almost 100 years, the logo was changed in the 1930s because the NSDAP had takten the symbol [82] - English greeting card with swastika (swastika as lucky symbol) before 1939 [83] - "US" flag with Swastika combined as a lucky symbol [84]
England: Boy scouts coin with swastika (as lucky charm) with the inscription: "Good luck" [85,86] - England: coin as a talisman with the swastika (as a lucky charm) with the inscription: "Good luck", so was the "fashion" in Europe and "North America" from the 1910s to the 1930s [87,88]
And there are the other "lucky charms" on it: the horseshoe, the four-leaf clover, the elephant, etc.
"USA": Boy Scouts coin with swastika (swastika as lucky charm) with the inscription "Good luck", Chicago 1933 [89]
"USA": Boy Scouts coin with swastika (Swastika as lucky charm) with the inscription "Good luck", "USA" 1910s to 1930s [90]
22. Third Reich (3R): The hack cross (swastika in black on white ground in a red flag) in the Third Reich: Hitler steals the lucky symbol and makes it a "symbol of Germanic truth" or "sun wheel" for the Third Reich
In May 1919, a symbol for the party was discussed in the German Workers' Party DAP (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). The party member Friedrich Krohn (member of the Teutonic Order and the Thule Society) proposed the dextrorotatory black swastika and the flag in red and white colors. Krohn claimed that the Hack Cross was a talisman for luck and health, claiming a different meaning of rotation (counterclockwise: Happiness + Health - dextrorotatory: Downfall + Death). In the fall of 1919 Hitler urged in a speech to give the party a well-known symbol in order to counter the symbols of the communist-socialist-anarchic "internationals". [web01].
Hitler made his first drawings in 1920, which symbol would fit his "holy Germans", and he chose the well-known hack cross (Nazi swastica). At Hitler's request, the hack cross was now clockwise and with straight hooks. The hack cross flag of the Starnberg NSDAP was presented on May 20, 1920, which was then adopted by the entire NSDAP [web01].
Hitler turned his designs into swastikas for the "holy Germans" in 1920 [3R01] - the hack cross (swastika, shit cross) as a party badge as an armband [3R02]
"The folks movement interpreted the swastika anti-Semitic and racist. After this the National Socialists made a right-angled and 45 degrees inclined swastika and made it in 1920 to the characteristic of the NSDAP and inj 1935 to the central component of the flag of the German Reich." The thus changed, black, on a peak standing swastika was reinterpreted by NSDAP ideologues Rosenberg, Ley and Himmler as a symbol of the "organic, Germanic truth". The NSDAP ideologue Rosenberg described it in 1930 in his book "Myth of the 20th Century" [web01]:
"The symbol of organic Germanic truth is already undoubtedly the black swastika." - and he called the swastika "sun wheel". [web01]
(original German: "Das Symbol der organischen germanischen Wahr@ Ú <