Hitler's financiers
Party friends, homosexual friends, bankers from Wall Street, oil barons, Russian tsarists, ev. Frenchmen etc.
by Michael Palomino (2007, translation in 2010)
Indication by E. R. Carmin (in: Das schwarze Reich): "Hitler's rise to power neither was fateful nor irresistible"
(orig. German: "Hitlers Aufstieg zur Macht war weder schicksalhaft noch unaufhaltsam").
Hitler's NSDAP never got more than 37 %.
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(book review from: Zdral, Wolfgang: Financed rise of Adolf H. (orig. German: Der finanzierte Aufstieg des Adolf H.), by Ursula Seiler-Spielmann, www.zeitenschrift.org, 2005, magazine no. 47)
-- more web sites
-- Sutton: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, e-book:
NSDAP and Hitler always get foreign currency into their cash desks, and German government of Berlin simply is not capable to expel criminal foreigner Hitler from Germany. Hitler can make his career in Germany only because German politics of 1919 to 1932 is consisting of Prussian wimps.
Michael Palomino
November 2007
1. The funds of NSDAP 1919-1933: There were enormous sums
2. Sponsors - door opener - armament producer: overview with sources
3. Sponsors and door openers for Hitler 1919-1923
4. Money for Germany: Inflation of 1923 - reparation plans - Wall Street bankers installing their syndicates - and German industrials
5. Wall Street manipulators allowing stock market crash of 1929 - and also the following crises
6. Young Plan of 1930 - war manipulators of Wall Street finding their Hitler for "recovery" of Europe after the stock market crash
7. Cover-up of violence of SA and NSDAP in 1932 - election of 1933 and enabling statute
8. Bubbling financial sources for Hitler with his dictatorship since 1933
9. In 1945 nobody wants to have financed Hitler
1. The funds of NSDAP 1919-1933: There were enormous sums
In autumn of 1919 cash of NSDAP party consists of 7 Marks and 50 Cents. Hitler's efforts bring 700 Reichsmarks, not more.
The elections of 20 May 1928 only bring 12 mandates for Reichstag. After stock market crash of 1929 there are elections at 14 September 1930, and now NSDAP gets 107 mandates. But Hitler's NSDAP never gets more than 37%.
After the coup attempt of 1923 the whole funds of the party of 170,000 Goldmarks are confiscated, and NSDAP is prohibited until 1925. With this also some million Marks of depths are deleted. SA members have to beg for money in the streets. According to police report of Munich police local meetings of 1926 consist of 3,000 to 4,000 persons. In 1928 there are 60 to 80 members yet.
(In: Ian Kershaw: Hitler 1889-1936, Stuttgart 1998, p.376)
Finances are needed for
-- financing of mass movement
-- financing of a private army (SA) with rising memberships (numbers of members: 1924: 30,000; 1930: 80,000; 1932: 220,000; 1933: 400,000; 1934: appr. 4,000,000)
-- financing of propaganda inclusive major events with 100,000 participants
-- edition of a magazine "Ethnic Observer" (orig. German: "Völkischer Beobachter") first two times a week, then daily
-- purchase of luxury party headquarters, thousands of flags and two air planes.
Before takeover of power in the beginning of 1933 Gau headquarters partially have high dept mountains. Without help from abroad NSDAP never had come to power. And these sponsors were "not visible" for a long time. These were "not visible players" in the chess game of power.
2. Sponsors - door opener - armament producer: overview with sources
There are the actors helping to NSDAP (chronologically):
3. Sponsors and door openers for Hitler 1919-1923
Factor Wall Street: Wall Street bankers fostering Germany's rearmament since 1919
Since 1919 Wall Street was taking measures step by step for a rearmament of Germany. These were Wall Street bankers who were forming among others a German trust system.
(In: Antony C. Sutton (1925-2002): Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler; Seiler-Spielmann)
War debt in Treaty of Versailles was indicates so high so one could speculate that Germany would be able paying only the interests. By this one wanted to force the Central Powers under the command of world dominance and world finance. And France only wanted gold as reparations payments, that means Germany had been forced to export all goods first, and then had pays France in gold, but in these amounts this was not possible.
(E.R. Carmin: Das schwarze Reich)
[Add to this Germany had no colonies any more. So, also profits from the colonies were missing. This lead to a revanchist atmosphere and fostered right radical movements].
The German industrialist Krupp gave financial aid in 1919 already "to a reactionary group sewing the seed of Nazi ideology."
(In: Elimination of German Resources [for War": Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Military Affairs, United States Senate, Seventy-Ninth Congress], p.648)
Gustav Krupp, portrait
Dietrich Eckart's contacts for Hitler: "Observer" - lectures
Dietrich Eckart, portrait
Henry Ford, portrait
Bank house J.H. Stein, logo
Dietrich Eckart's contacts to Bechstein - personal gifts from Mrs. Bechstein for Hitler
As a young man Eckart was an experimental person with addiction of morphine and with nights on park benches. Now he is 21 years older than Hitler. Until 1920 he has written several plays. Eckart is founder member of NSDAP and since 1920 up to his death in 1923 he is head editor of "Ethnic Observer" (orig. German: "Völkischer Beobachter"). He is obsessive of racist doctrines, and he is also important giving ideological ideas.
(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietrich_Eckart)
Dietrich Eckart (poet, practitioner of black magic rites), a homosexual, is lending money to Hitler and is always opening Hitler a door to sponsors, e.g. to the couple Edwin and Helene Bechstein (piano factory); Helene Bechstein is educating Hitler to good manners, and to dress well, and gives him high amounts of money, is leaving him art objects as safety for credits with other sponsors etc. Dietrich Eckart has further contacts to abroad and is making available these contacts to Hitler (Seiler-Spielmann).
Eckart invented for example
-- the term "Third Reich" (orig. German: "Drittes Reich")
-- the "wakening call": "Germany wake up!" (orig. German: "Deutschland erwache!")
-- the "storm song" (orig. German: "Sturmlied") of SA.
(in: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietrich_Eckart)
At the end of 1920 / at the beginning of 1921 Hitler bought "Ethnic Observer" as a "propaganda weapon",
a little editor of Munich local newspaper "Munich Observer".
(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%B6lkischer_Beobachter)
Eckart was the person scraping up the two necessary credits of short of 120,000 Marks. But the magazine is in deficit, and Eckart always has to look for more money, and often he was shortly before bankrupt.
Dietrich Eckart, portrait
Ethnic Observer (Völkischer Beobachter), first edition, title page of 25 December 1920
Connection Eckart - Ford Europe president Anderson - Henry Ford's "birthday present" for Hitler's birthday
In 1919 already Eckart had got to know Warren C. Anderson. Anderson was Europe president of not so loved American" anti-Semitic car producer Ford. Soon, Ford gave much money to Hitler and his party. A picture of Henry Ford was hanging in Munich headquarter of NSDAP. Ford Works AG gave every year 50,000 RM as a "birthday present" to Hitler's private bank account at banking house J.H. Stein of Cologne, where also "Circle of Friends of Reichsführer SS" was permitted having a bank account.
Eckart died in 1923 because of a heart attack.
(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietrich_Eckart)
Ernst von Borsig - Hermann Aust - Gansser organizing a series of events for Hitler in Switzerland
Ernst von Borsig was possessor of a locomotive factory. When he heard Hitler during his first speech outside of Bavaria in May 1922 before National Club of Berlin (German: National-Club von Berlin) (in the public were bankers, big landowners, officers and professors), Borsig assured Hitler his support, and propaganda with more industrials. Other members of Borsig family could be found later in the resistance movement.
Ernst von Borsig, Borsig house at Chaussee Street 13 (before 6), Berlin
Ernst von Borsig, portrait
Ernst von Borsig, historic entrance gate to former locomotive factory in Berlin
Locomotive factory of Ernst von Borsig: A steam locomotive under construction in one of the big halls
In the following times the chief executive of a Munich malt coffee factory, Hermann Aust, arranged several meetings with Hitler and with Bavarian industrials. These were impressed and gave donations. A friend of Dietrich Eckart from Vorarlberg - called Gansser - was traveling to Switzerland in 1923 calling for donations for Hitler with Swiss well-to-do citizens. Hitler was invited for lectures and traveled home with a complete fee of 33,000 Swiss Francs (during inflation times foreign currency was worth a multiple).
(In: Seiler-Spielmann)
During his trip to Switzerland Hitler was also sighting Gotthard railway tunnel and realized the strategic importance of Swiss railway lines to Italy and Africa.
(In: Markus Heiniger: 13 reasons. Why Switzerland was not occupied during Second World War (orig. German: 13 Gründe. Warum die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht erobert wurde)
Money from French sources for Hitler
<Hitler is said having received donations from France in the early 1920s already. Anyway former Prussian finance minister Klepper assured in 1952 that he was shown a receipt of money amounts in Quai d'Orsay (French Foreign Office in Paris) by French agents. When French troops are occupying Ruhr Area in 1923 Hitler indeed is not being member of the Ruhr fight,
(Johannes Baur: Russian Colony in Munich 1900-1945 (orig. German: Die russische Kolonie in München 1900-1945), 1990, p. 143; Seiler-Spielmann)
and Konrad Heiden cannot stop himself telling this in his book "Adolf Hitler" of 1936: "In 1921 there was a strange French friendly tone in this party".>
(In: Konrad Heiden: Adolf Hitler, vol.1, Zurich 1936, p. 253 ff.; Seiler-Spielmann)Money from Royal Dutch Shell (Shell): Sir Henri Wilhelm August Deterding
Deterding was the boss of multinational oil enterprise Shell. Glyn Roberts, a biograph of Deterding, writes in his biography about Deterding ("The most powerful man in the world"), that Henri Wilhelm August Deterding was impressed of Hitler in 1921 already, and in these days already had donated him four million guilders by the agent George Bell.
(In: Glyn Roberts: The most powerful man in the world. The Life of Sir Henry Deterding; Seiler-Spielmann)
Henri Deterding, portrait
Shell, logos 1900-1995
"Diplomat" Dr. Max Erwin Richter and tsarist connections - and Thyssen
Max Erwin Richter was a Baltic German and diplomat for the Second German Empire in Turkey (observing genocide on Armenians in Erzerum), then in Germany, Sweden, and at the end of First World War in Riga. After wedding with the noble Mathilde he named himself "von Scheubner-Richter".
(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Erwin_von_Scheubner-Richter)
In October 1920 he got to know Hitler. He organized huge amounts of money for Hitler from Russian tsarist friends and from right-radical circles around Ludendorff. Richer organized tsarist meetings and founded two nonprofit organizations for provoking people for donations. There were present at his meetings among others the figureheads like
-- Bavarian aristocrat Freiherr Theodor von Cramer-Klett [1874-1937], represented Vatican in Bavaria, and was a lightning fascist
-- Grand Duchess, tsarina Viktoria Feodorowna [[Fedorowna, Fjodorowna, former Victoria Melita von Sachsen-Coburg and Gotha], selling jewels for Hitler, with his husband Kirill claiming to be the new tsar,
-- and Russian general Vasilij Biskupskij of tsarist army supporting any military action for a fall of Lenin's Bolshevism, because it's clear for him that this will be possible only in a military way.
Max Erwin Richter / Max Erwin von Scheubner-Richter, portrait, arranging mediation between Hitler and tsarists, and also with Thyssen
Victoria Feodorowna, Russian tsarina and Grand Duchess
Kirill Wladimirowitsch, Russian throne claimant in exile
Vasilij Biskupskij, mediator of contacts between Hitler and Russian tsarists in Paris, believing that only a military victory against Moscow is bringing down Bolshevism
The tsarist funds were enormous. Hitler meant that Richter would be irreplaceable. Richter also arranged the meeting between Hitler and Thyssen. In 1939 Biskupskij quantifies the help of Richter for NSDAP of 500,000 Goldmarks.
(In: Johannes Baur: Die russische Kolonie in München 1900-1945, 1990, S. 143; Seiler-Spielmann)
For Hitler Richter was not only a sponsor and fundraiser, but Richter told Hitler also of genocide of Armenians. This may have been a model for the methods of Holocaust. In August Hitler referred specially to discrimination methods in Turkey: "Who speaks today of Armenians yet?" In 1923 at Hitler's coup attempt Richter was shot. His name is cited in the list of honored victims in the prefix of My Struggle (Mein Kampf).
(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Erwin_von_Scheubner-Richter)
Fritz Thyssen, portrait
Fritz Thyssen, factory area with smelting works of about 1900
Thyssen, logo
Biskupskij for himself also was a fundraiser bringing money from tsarists in Paris, with local Russian Commerce, Industry and Trade Association. Members were the managers and oil magnates Denisov, Nobel and Gukasov. They had saved big sums from Russia in 1917. With the prospect being able occupying the oil fields of Caucasus the tsarists opened their money bags.
(In: Johannes Baur: Russian Colony in Munich 1900-1945 (orig. German: Die russische Kolonie in München 1900-1945), 1990, p. 226; Seiler-Spielmann)
Hanfstaengl - a right radical pianist
Dr. Ernst Hanfstaengl was a studies pianist. He was also called "Putzi". He had a German father and an "American" mother, and he had graduated at Harvard University and had pianist skills. In New York he managed an "American" branch of an art publishers house which belonged to his family. He had also composed some soccer songs for Harvard already. After First World War he returned to Munich in 1922 and was excited of Hitler's demagogy, and he himself was exciting NSDAP and Hitler with his piano playing. Hanfstaengl introduced Hitler into Munich high society and helped buffing up Hitler's reputation. Among Hanfstaengl's friends there were Hanns Heinz Ewers and Kurt Lüdecke. But not only that:
-- Hanfstaengl was composer of the songs for the brown shirts
-- Hanfstaengl was composer of the songs for Hitler Youth
-- and Hanfstaengl was sponsor for the review "Ethnic Observer" ("Völkischer Beobachter").
(In: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Hanfst%C3%A4ngl (2007)
Ernst Hanfstaengl ("Putzi"), pianist of many governments, mediator of contacts for Hitler, and composer of Nazi songs
Because of his fluent English and his circle of friends to higher society in England and in "USA" Hanfstaengl became manager of foreign press of NSDAP [in 1925 appr.]. His piano playing was further on an important factor for keeping a good friendship with Hitler.
(In: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Hanfst%C3%A4ngl (2007)
Bisexual playboy Kurt Lüdecke 1922Kurt Lüdecke was a bisexual playboy, a sexual extortionist, and an adventurer with big funds abroad safe from inflation. First time he met Hitler was in August 1922 at a speed when Hitler was shouting against "Jewish Bolshevism". Since then Lüdecke was swarming for Hitler's point of view and opened him his funds. All in all Führer party got 130,000 Mark from Lüdecke, and Lüdecke invited Hitler also to feudal dinners.
(In: Polizeiakte in: Ernst Deuerlein (Hrsg.): Der Hitler-Putsch, Stuttgart, S. 546)
Kurt Lüdecke had Mussolini as his model and also maintained a little private army which was the model for SA. Lüdecke was who was establishing the first SA units, with uniforms and with weapons from black market and with training in Munich forests. He was SA commander until he was so much abroad that he handed over the command to Hermann Göring.
Kurt Lüdecke (right) and Hitler (left)
Lüdecke establishing the contact between Mussolini and NSDAP
Lüdecke opened new contacts for Hitler, contacts of persons of power who also donated money, e.g. Mussolini, whereby Mussolini always was afraid about South Tirol which could be claimed back. But Mussolini gave money, and by this South Tirol was not claimed back.
(In: Kurt Lüdecke: I knew Hitler, London 1938, p. 133; Seiler-Spielmann)
And because NSDAP resigned to South Tirol NSDAP became a friend of Mussolini, and Mussolini liked giving donations for NSDAP.
(In: Werner Maser: Der Sturm auf die Republik (Engl.: The storm to the republic), Düsseldorf 1994, p.351; Seiler-Spielmann)
The precise sums cannot be determined any more. Munich mail service and Bavarian Messenger (German: Bayerischer Kurier) report about Mussolini's donations. They are speaking of 50,000 Goldmarks.
(In: Werner Maser: Der Sturm auf die Republik (Engl.: The storm to the republic), Düsseldorf 1994, p.401; Seiler-Spielmann)
German ambassador in France, André-François Poncet, confirmed these donations in his memoirs, as also SS general Wolff did, chief of personal staff of Heinrich Himmler and highest police commander in Italy.
(In: James u. Suzanne Pool: Hitlers Wegbereiter zur Macht (Engl.: Who financed Hitler?), 1979, p.260 ff.)Prussian Prime Minister Otto Braun declared that Mussolini had donated to Munich NSDAP 18 million Marks by a Swiss bank account.
(In: Saturday Evening Post of 31 July 1941; In: Pool Hitlers Wegbereiter zur Macht (Engl.: Who financed Hitler?), 1979, p. 443; Seiler-Spielmann)
Mussolini, profile
Swiss flag: Swiss banks are helping always, for example for mediation of Mussolini donations to NSDAP...
1923: Hitler's foreign currency coming from all over the world - and NSDAP activities
On the climax of German inflation of 1923 NSDAP had pots of money, foreign currency like dollars, Czech crowns, Dutch guilders, French francs etc.
(In: Görlitz: Sponsors of Power (orig. German: Geldgeber der Macht); Seiler-Spielmann)
In 1923 NSDAP had at most 100,000 inscribed members, and this currency funds surely were not from them. But NSDAP expended considerable efforts for it's propaganda requiring big funds. These were for example chartered trains, big entourages, field duty services, attacks on neighbor cities, equipments for punitive expeditions, a huge propaganda with posters and flyers, full time propagandists. All this was NSDAP repertoire.
(In: Emil Julius Gumbel: Verschwörer. Zur Geschichte und Soziologie der deutschen nationalistischen Geheimbünde 1918-1924 [English: Conspirators. About history and sociology of German Nationalist secret associations 1918-1924], p.24; Seiler-Spielmann)
Foreign currency in NSDAP counters: "US" dollars
Foreign currency in NSDAP counters: Czech crowns, here a coin of 1928
Foreign currency in NSDAP counters: Dutch guilder, here a coin of 1931
Foreign currency in NSDAP counters: French Francs, here a banknote of 1919
[And also Swiss Francs may have been in NSDAP counters].
Fritz Thyssen - loyal sponsors - 1923
Fritz Thyssen was one of the well known and richest persons of heavy industry in German Reich. Thyssen got to know Hitler in 1923. Mediator was General [Erich] Ludendorff who prised Hitler as the only hope for Germany. Thyssen was so impressed by Hitler so he gave him 100,000 Goldmarks, a huge sum during hyper inflation times.
(In: Henry Turner: Faschismus und Kapitalismus in Deutschland [Fashism and capitalism in Germany], Göttingen 1972; Seiler-Spielmann)
Erich Ludendorff, general, portrait
Fritz Thyssen, portrait
1923: Missed coup attempt - and help of Hanfstaengl for Hitler
Dead victim of the missed coup attempt was among others
-- the "diplomat" Max Erwin Richter.
(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Erwin_von_Scheubner-Richter)
After this missed coup attempt in 1923 "Putzi" Hanfstaengl was fleeing to Austria for a short time. Hitler himself was hurt and was fleeing to Hanfstaengl's house in Uffing before Munich. Hanfstaengl's wife Helene is said having preserved Hitler from committing suicide. At the and Hitler was detained in Hanfstaengl's house.
-- Hanfstaengl was sponsor for the publication of My Struggle (orig. German: Mein Kampf)
-- Hitler was godfather of Hanfstaengl's son Egon
-- Hanfstaengl claimed having invented the shouting "Sieg Heil" (English: "Victory Hail").
(In: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Hanfst%C3%A4ngl)
Lüdecke establishing the contact to Henry Ford
When Hitler was imprisoned in Landsberg, he not only dictated Mein Kampf (My Struggle) and gave interviews to Hearst press, but Hitler gave Lüdecke the order for making fundrising for NSDAP in the "USA". Later Hitler always denied having received money from abroad.
(In: Faksimile in Lüdecke: I knew Hitler, p.176)Lüdecke - on his trip to the "USA" in January 1924 - met on the steamer "America" the Hitler swarmers Siegfried and Winifred Wagner (son and daughter-in-law of the composer). Lüdecke commended himself as a Hitler friend, and the Wagners assured helping fundrising. Lüdecke himself had worked for Henry Ford before as a private detective in New York. Now Lüdecke was invited again by Henry Ford, but money was shifted only when also the Wagners appeared. Ford liked to give money for liberation of Germany from the Jews and from the communist-Jewish clique of communism. Ford was one of the essential persons in French ferric syndicate and shifted high sums several times from German Bank in Saarland to NSDAP. In the process about Hitler's coup attempt and financing of NSDAP in summer of 1924 justice was convinced at the end that there had been three big sums from German Bank from Saar territory - from Henry Ford.
(In: Karlheinz Deschner: Moloch (orig. German: Der Moloch; Seiler-Spielmann)
Kurt Lüdecke (right) and Hitler (left)
Siegfried and Winifred Wagner
Henry Ford, portrait
Shifting of debts according to Dawes Plan of 1924
4. Money for Germany: Inflation of 1923 - reparation plans - Wall Street bankers installing their syndicates - and German industrials
[After inflation times which had been driven by German industrials to get rid of all debts - and at the same time keeping their private fortunes abroad - there was instigated a big pseudo action "helping" Germany for financial recovery. But contrary was coming: German industry was depending more and more depending from "America", and Wall Street banks made more and more profits with it].
One of the most powerful bankers of the world, J.P. Morgan, meant by founding a bankers committee under leadership of "American" banker Charles Gates Dawes it would be possible to develop a program for paying reparations. The allies ("USA", "SU", England, and France) determined this bankers committee, and Dawes should correct the faults of Versailles now. In 1924 Dawes developed his Dawes Plan, got Nobel Peace Prize for this in 1925, and from 1925 to 1929 he was vice president of "USA" at the same time. "USA" gave credit to Germany, and with this credit Germany should pay back old war debts to "USA" and to others. The "others" again (Italy, Belgium, France, and England) could pay back their war debts to "USA", but with a high interest rate for Germany. That's why all liked giving credit to Germany, but problems were not solved in Germany itself with it.
(E.R. Carmin: Black Reich (orig. German: Das schwarze Reich); Seiler-Spielmann)
For a reorganization of German Reichsbank and for a stabilization of German currency, the banker Charles G. Dawes suggested a loan of 800 million Goldmark.
(In: Karlheinz Deschner: Moloch (orig. German: Der Moloch); Seiler-Spielmann)
At the end the points of Dawes plan were financial and military ones:
1. allied troops had to leave Ruhr Area
2. reparations payments were for the first year 1 bio. Marks, then the payment should rise to 2,5 bio. Marks each year
3. reorganization of Reichsbank under allied control
4. Germany should receive credit from abroad (above all from "USA")
5. transports, consumers' taxes and customs can be integrated into the calculations of the reparations.
(In: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawes_Plan)
Dawes plan 1924-1930, scheme. The interests Germany has to pay are not mentioned...
John Pierpont Morgan (J.P. Morgan), profile with top hat, 1928
Charles Gates Dawes, portrait, vice president of "USA" under CoolidgeBetween 1924 and 1931 Germany got credit from the "USA" for about 33 bio. Marks, and payed reparations of approximately 36 bio. Marks. In fact there were payed only 3 bio. Marks of reparations. The rest of 33 bio. Marks were credits. But the bankers were the winners with interests, charges, and with provisions.
There were only some "American" banks giving credits to Germany, above all from New York:
(E.R. Carmin: Das schwarze Reich (English: Black Reich); Seiler-Spielmann)
These 3 bio. Marks were payments in form of products produced with foreign capital.
-- Dillon, Read & Co.
-- Harris, Forbes & Co.
-- National City Company
These three banks were giving almost 75% of the whole amount, and they made a big profit with it.
Other banking houses were
-- Speyer & Co.
-- Lee, Higginson & Co.
-- Guaranty Company of New York
-- Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
-- Equitable Trust Company.
The "US" bankers had Germany in their hands. Charles G. Dawes was president of the allied bankers committee. Owen D. Young was from Morgan Bank and at the same time he was president of electricity giant General Electric Company. He developed with Dawes the concept. In 1929 Young followed as a director of New Yorker Federal Reserve Bank to be the president of the bankers committee, with personal support of J.P. Morgen himself. Morgan was taking turns with T.W. Lamont, a partner of Morgan and T.N. Perkins, a banker with Morgan connection. According to Quigley "US" delegation principally was a J.P. Morgan delegation using the seal of the "USA" playing with Germany's finances so the bankers got their profit of it. In the experts committee was among others president of Reichsbank Hjalmar Schacht, and Carl Voegler from United Steel Works (Vereinigte Stalwerke) developing rearmament later.
(In: Antony C. Sutton (1925-2002): Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, p.8,41)
President of the "USA" was Calvin Coolidge (3 August 1923 until 3 March 1929). He considered the credits for Germany as normal "business".
(In: Karlheinz Deschner: Moloch (orig. German: Der Moloch); Seiler-Spielmann)
Connections between "American" bankers and German industry: the same persons - the trusts in Germany
The "American" bankers were the directors of the companies at the same time being members of German trusts which supported later Hitler for power. The "contribution" of "American capitalism" for preparation of NSDAP take-over of power and for the wars under Hitler was "certainly crucial".
(In: Antony C. Sutton (1925-2002): Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, p.7; Seiler-Spielmann)The Dawes loans were used for consolidation of three big trusts:
-- IG Farben (up to 200 plants, appr. 400 German and 500 foreign participations)
-- Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft (AEG, English: General Electric Association)
-- Vereinigte Staalwerke (English: United Steel Works, almost all German Iron, Steel and Mining Companies).
IG-Farben, logo
AEG logos
The trust of Vereinigte Staalwerke (English: United Steel Works) contained at it's fusion of 1926:
-- Thyssen (26%)
-- Phönix (26%)
-- Rheinische Stahlwerke (Rheinstahl, English: Rhine Steel) (8.5%)
-- Rhein Elbe companies (39.5%)
oo Deutsch-Luxemburgische Bergwerk- und Hütten-AG (English: German Luxembourg Mining AG)
oo Bochumer Verein und Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG (English: Bochum Association and Gelsenkirchen Mining AG).
(http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vereinigte_Stahlwerke_AG (2007)).
These trusts are founded by "American" loans.
(Antony Sutton; Seiler-Spielmann)
Since the middle of the 1920s the two German trusts IG Farben and United Steel Works (Vereinigte Stahlwerke) are dominating chemistry and steel market.
In two of three trusts [which ones?] there were "American" financiers in the supervisory boards. The trusts clearly had the function to make Germany able for war as fast as possible.
(In: James Stewart Martin: All honorable men; Seiler-Spielmann)
since 1924: Wall Street banker Roosevelt wants to capitalize on German inflation by European Venture
After the installation of Dawes Plan, Roosevelt, in these times a banker of Wall Street, tried to capitalize on German hyper inflation of 1923 by a speculation enterprise "United European Venture". Wall Street banker Owen Young was the most important sponsors for this project. So, the bankers additionally abused State's foreign affairs by their personal concerns.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, portrait 1933
Owen Young, portrait
1925: Hitler is a free man again looking for new industrial sponsors - Stinnes family and Ethnic Observer (German: Völkischer Beobachter)
In 1925 the family of big industrialist Hugo Stinnes donated for Ethnic Observer (German: Völkischer Beobachter) which had not been edited any more since 1923.
(In: Antony C. Sutton (1925-2002): Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, chapter 7;
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%B6lkischer_Beobachter (2007)
Hugo Stinnes, portrait
Also in 1926 after it's readmission Hitler's NSDAP was looking for new sponsors yet.
(Zdral; Seiler-Spielmann)
1927-1938: Emil Kirdorf making propaganda for Hitler and NSDAP - circular - and donations
Emil Kirdorf, portrait with sailor's hat
In autumn of 1927 Hitler is speaking in several private circles with economic leaders and illustrating his aims. At one of these meetings in Essen there is Emil Kirdorf listening Hitler the first time. Then Kirdorf becomes a member of NSDAP meaning that Hitler would be the "salvation for fatherland".
(In: Emil Kirdorf: Memories (orig. German: Erinnerungen) 1847-1930, private edition, Düsseldorf appr. 1930; Seiler-Spielmann).
Kirdorf was a typical contact mediator for Hitler. Kirdorf was almost 80 years old, a coal magnate. He had a feudal point of view of work, and for this he was also called "chimney baron" (German: "Schlotbaron"). He played his connections for Hitler and made Hitler socially acceptable before the industrials and before the German population. Kirdorf was stating officially for the Nazis and was giving "immense" financial support.
(In: Henry Ashby Turner Jr.: Fascism and capitalism in Germany (orig. German: Faschismus und Kapitalismus in Deutschland), 1972; Seiler-Spielmann)Kirdorf also gave Hitler donations privately, e.g. with bounced checks 40,000 Marks when Hitler was thinking about suicide already. All in all Kirdorf gave about 100,000 Marks.
Kirdorf inspired that Hitler would note his thoughts about economy and management and later should distribute these thoughts among his friends and circles. Then this circular was given from hand to hand secretly whereby the content of the circular was differing much from the polemics with which Hitler normally was manipulating his public. With the world view of "My Struggle" (orig. German: Mein Kampf) this flyer was not at all compatible. He spoke
-- not at all from expropriations
-- not at all against interest slavery
-- not at all against Jews, whereby only the "International Jew" and Marxism were mentioned.
This was a manipulated flyer manipulating the industrials throwing sand into their eyes, and Hitler partly succeeded.
After a critical article against capitalism in the NS newspaper "The New Front" (orig. German: "Die neue Front") against North Rhine-Westfalian Coal Syndicate (orig. German: Rheinisch-Westfälisches Kohlesyndikat) Kirdorf left NSDAP in 1928
(August Heinrichsbauer: Schwerindustrie und Politik, Essen 1948, p.39 ff.; Seiler-Spielmann)
but was guest of honor at NSDAP party convention of Nuremberg in 1929 and collecting for mining industry 5-600,000 Reichsmark for NSDAP from 1930 to 1933 - all this in the background. After Hitlers taking over of power in 1933 Kirdorf applied again for membership of NSDAP...
(August Heinrichsbauer: Schwerindustrie und Politik, Essen 1948, p.39 ff.; Seiler-Spielmann)Fritz Thyssen: Purchasing properties for NSDAP - a political fund of "Ruhrlade" financing the party
Fritz Thyssen, portrait
In 1928 Thyssen gave 300-400,000 Marks for pompous party headquarters in Munich. This money was camouflages as a credit given by a Dutch bank "Voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V." [Shipping Trade Bank] in Rotterdam. The Nazis never payed back anything. Thyssen presented himself at political Nazi events, tried to convince other economic magnates in little circles, and was financing and organizing the popular petition against Young Plan. Add to this Thyssen distributed money in Hitler's circles, sometimes 50,000, sometimes 100,000 Marks.
But one of his "greatest" deeds was convincing the exclusive circle of "Ruhrlade" - consisting of 12 influential and financially strong industrials - installing a political fund alimenting parties and some politicians. The sums were considerable between 1.2 and 1.5 million Marks every year.
(In: Henry Turner: Fascism and capitalism in Germany (orig. German: Faschismus und Kapitalismus in Deutschland], Göttingen 1972; Seiler-Spielmann)At the beginning the funds were given to bourgeois and right parties, since September 1930 also to NSDAP.
5. Wall Street manipulators allowing stock market crash of 1929 - and also the following crises
World economic crises because of overproduction in 1929
This stock market crash gave it's signals since a long time already. Since 1919 "USA" had been in a steady economic growth, among others because of ruined Europe which had to purchase at the "USA" - of course with "American" credits, for a doubled profit. But soon Europe could produce itself, and Russia delivered cheap corn. So, "USA" was on full deposits and "American" farmers could not pay back their big credits for their exorbitant investments. Since 1925 intelligentsia waited was waiting for this crash. But instead of warning stock market was "blown up" artificially up to 1929, and almost the whole population of "USA" had it's money in misguided highly rated commercial papers.
<To get the European countries into Gold dependence Federal Reserve Bank finally began to shift American Gold to Europe of a value of 500 million Dollars, above all to England.
At 9 August 1929 the event came: Federal Reserve Bank raised bank rate, and after two and a half months at 24 October 1929 the bubble collapsed: Black Friday. E.R. Carmin commented in a snappish way: "Within a shortest time there were gone 160 bio. dollars of commercial papers (whole Second World War - cost the "USA" "only" 200 bio.). This means: The money of course had not simply gone, but in a noble way national wealth had only changed its owner.">
(orig. German:
<Um die europäischen Länder an die Goldkandare zu bekommen, begann die Federal Reserve Bank schliesslich, amerikanisches Gold im Wert von 500 Millionen Dollar nach Europa, und da vor allem nach England zu transferieren.
Am 9. August 1929 war es soweit: Die Federal Reserve Bank erhöhte den Diskontsatz, und zweieinhalb Monate später, am 24. Oktober 1929, platzte die Blase: Schwarzer Freitag. E. R. Carmin bemerkte bissig: "Binnen kürzester Zeit waren an die 160 Milliarden Dollar an Wertpapieren futsch (der ganze Zweite Weltkrieg - kostete die USA "bloss" 200 Milliarden). Das heisst: Das Geld war natürlich nicht einfach futsch, vornehm ausgedrückt hatte das Volksvermögen mal eben die Besitzer gewechselt.">
(Carmin; Seiler-Spielmann)
NSDAP raging against stock market crash - commission against the planned Young Plan
By stock market crash all parties of the middle and all Liberals were blamed. Unemployed people wanted a right for work, and there was a war atmosphere against international high finance and against communists.(Karlheinz Deschner: Moloch (orig. German: Der Moloch); Seiler-Spielmann)
At 9 July 1929 chairman of DNVP - Hugenberg - together with Theodor Duesterberg, Franz Seldte (both from "Steel Helmet" (orig. German: "Stahlhelm"), Heinrich Class (All German Association, orig. German: Alldeutscher Verband) and Hitler (NSDAP) - is forming "Reich's commission for German popular petition against Young Plan" (German: "Reichsausschuss für das deutsche Volksbegehren gegen den Young-Plan"). They called for a "law against enslavement of German population" with penal servitudes of the signers of Young Plan.(In: http://www.weimarer-zeit.de/hg/hg_html/hg2944.html (2007)
Cry for help of media baron Hugenberg to the "USA" in 1929 - and Adolf Hitler is corrupt
Alfred Hugenberg, portrait
Hugenberg, owner of about 40 German newspapers (with "Ethnic Observer" (German: "Völkischer Beobachter"), the daily party newspaper of NSDAP, some editors and the biggest German film association "Ufa", he wrote a circular to 3,000 "US" millionaires with the appeal to avoid the threatening chaos in Germany because in the other case there would be the danger of war with "Soviet Union". But "Soviet Union" at these times not at all was a danger of war yet. But he said that a rearmament of Germany would be inevitable because Russia would not stay weak with industrialization performed in these times, and the only party having armament in it's program was Hitler's NSDAP. Armament in a big style was a good facility for the "US" millionaires and their steel trusts to bring economy in a new move. For this there was a puppet wanted: corrupt Adolf Hitler.
(In: Karlheinz Deschner: Moloch (German: Der Moloch)
6. Young Plan of 1930 - war manipulators of Wall Street finding their Hitler for "recovery" of Europe after the stock market crash
Reparation payments according to the Young Plan of 1930 - afflux to NSDAP and election victories until 1933
Owen Young, portrait
Young Plan of "commercial expert" Owen D. Youngfrom 1930 required 37 annual rates of 2.05 bio. Goldmarks and 22 more annual rates of 1.65 bio. Goldmarks as reparation payments. Young Plan was adopted by German Reichstag on 18 March 1930 and came into effect on 17 May 1930 retroactively for 1 September 1929. In 1988 - after 59 years - the reparation duties should have an end. The payments should be in gold and not in goods any more. So, a new ruin of Germany was foreseeable. Germany should be occupied by "American" capital [by "US" credits given to Germany for paying the reparation payments] and the immovable German assets [buildings] should be put in pledge to the "USA".(Seiler-Spielmann)
Young Plan during the economic crises provoked by "USA" was the right provocation giving the right parties a propaganda instrument making propaganda for their parties and for an abolishment of Weimar Republic. German elite headed to NSDAP now supporting a new national movement against ruin of Germany. For Hjalmar Schacht Young Plan was one of the main reasons of the rise of NSDAP. According to Schacht banker Owen Young was one of the worst manipulators of foreign policies and he was responsible for rise of NSDAP.
Hitler's NSDAP now became the first time a party which had to be taken seriously: In 1928 there were only 0.8 million votes, after publication of Young Plan in September 1930 there were 6.3 million, in 1932 13.7 million, in 1933 17.2 million votes for NSDAP. And now the masses of the industrials, of the bankers, and of the big landowners began asking Hitler for protection inhibiting a drive of impoverished middle class to the left in NSDAP. They wanted to help Hitler for power, but they did not want that Hitler had too much power. For this service Hitler required donations - and he got them. Since the end of 1929 party donations came in amply.
(Karlheinz Deschner: Der Moloch; Seiler-Spielmann)
Dr. Abegg formulated: "Industrials from heavy industry are thinking first at their best business: armament. But for carrying through armament people who are not interested in armament have to be brought down first. These persons are Chancellor of the Reich Müller, Brüning, and Schleicher, and socialist government of Prussia (SPD; Center and DDP - Prime Minister - Otto Braun, Social Democrat). For this process bringing these persons down there is needed a puppet and a demagogue who is loved by the masses. This man was Adolf Hitler."
(orig. German:
"Die Schwerindustriellen denken natürlich zuerst an ihr bestes Geschäft: die Aufrüstung. Um aber die Aufrüstung durchzusetzen, müssen die nicht am Rüstungsgeschäft interessierten Reichskanzler Müller, Brüning und Schleicher, sowie die sozialistische Regierung Preussens (SPD, Zentrum und DDP - Ministerpräsident = Otto Braun, Sozialdemokrat) gestürzt werden. Dazu braucht man einen Strohmann und einen Demagogen, der das Volk anzog. Dieser Mann ist Adolf Hitler.")
Thyssen reacting to Young Plan: Propaganda for "reasonable National Socialists"
Fritz Thyssen, portrait
After the election success of NSDAP in September 1930 Thyssen could succeed convincing "Ruhrlade" members - after skepticism and resistance of the economic leaders - that there should be help for the "reasonable" national socialists making conditional NSDAP from economic donations. And now there were funds.
Thyssen's propaganda for NSDAP was relentless now. On 27 January 1932 Thyssen organized for Hitler a meeting of the "Industry Club" (orig. German: "Industrieklub") in Düsseldorf. After Hitler's speech in front of the elite of "Ruhr barons" (members were the banks, the editors, and the economic lawyers) the ice was broken and there were new streams of funds from heavy industry coming to the NSDAP counters. At the same time Hitler was playing the honest man, resigned to the well experienced campaign slogans for the masses (as e.g. protest against interest slavery, the dictation of the state over the companies, or the disappropriation of some economic sectors), he resigned mentioning his anti Jewish point of view, and he mentioned skillfully the concerns and troubles of economic leaders. He avoided at any rate any radical impression. Thyssen continued with his lobby work and donated according to a self-estimation totally appr. 1 million Marks.(Seiler-Spielmann)
1930: Foundation of the "Bank for International Settlements" ("BIS")
It was an idea of Schacht to found the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), another step for more control of the banks over (political) business of the world. Professor of Georgetown, Carrol Quigley, called it "a world system of financial control, in private hands, and capable controlling the political system of any country and capable controlling the world's economy."
Antony Sutton estimates that the politicians are kept like dogs by the true rulers of the world - the Misters of the Money, and the politicians are made ductile by a system of carrot-and-stick.(Seiler-Spielmann)
1 July 1931: Young Plan is ceased - but the right wave does not stop
On 1 July 1931 already (among others as a consequence of world economic crises) Young Plan with the agreed payments were ceased by Hoover moratorium. There was another session of reparations conference at Lausanne on 9 July 1932 with an agreement that Young Plan was abrogated.(Seiler-Spielmann)
[But the right propaganda wave could not be stopped any more].
Money from John Foster Dulles for Hitler's NSDAP
John Foster Dulles and Schroeder Bank gave Hitler essential credits enabling Hitler's takeover of power.
(Report of "US" senator Pepper from Florida of October 1944; In: Karlheinz Deschner: Moloch (orig. German: Der Moloch); Seiler-Spielmann)
1929-1933: Financial negotiations between Hitler, "US" bankers and oil barons in Berlin for a future takeover of power
The first thought was in the [racist] "USA": In summer 1929 the president of Federal Reserve Banks and representative of Royal Dutch (Shell) and representative of Standard Oil Rockefeller jun. and others were considering if Hitler would be accessible for "American" money. At the end banker Warburg got the order to test this. As a return service Hitler should be allowed an aggressive policy against France without communicating this.
NSDAP always had financial troubles and accepted negotiations with the [racist] "Americans". "Highest" [absolutely racist] circles of "USA" were lodging in Berlin Adlon hotel having negotiations with Hitler from 1929 to 1933. From the [racist] "USA" there were present banker Warburg as a trustee of New Yorker banking house Kuhn, Loeb & Cie., and there was a group of "American" oil finance. On German side there were taking part at the negotiations: Hitler, Göring, Gregor Strasser, von der Heydt [banker and art collector], and a Berlin lawyer von Loewenfeld.
Agents of longtime Prussian minister of interior Carl Severing (between 1928 and 1930 he was minister of interior of the Reich) were watching the negotiations between Hitler and the [absolutely racist] "US" bankers in Berlin Adlon hotel since 1929.
"American" and German racists in private circle in Adlon hotel of Berlin 1929-1933
Adlon hotel in Berlin
Adlon hotel in Berlin, the lobby in 1910
Henri Deterding, boss of Royal Dutch Shell, portrait
John Davison Rockefeller senior, boss of Standard Oil, portrait
John Davison Rockefeller junior, portrait
Max Warburg, boss of banking house Kuhn, Loeb & Cie., portrait
Hitler 1930, portrait
Hermann Goering, portrait 1930 ca.
Gregor Strasser, profile, 1930
Hitler indicated at the negotiations
<that he could do all with the unemployed when he only would get uniforms and food for them... In this way he will make enough pressure on France... All would depend on the money... US high finance should surely have an interest that he, Hitler, would take over the power, because otherwise they had not given him already 10 million Dollars... When he could get 500 million Marks from US high finance, so he would have "finished in six months".
Hitler indicated that also the communists would be "dead" and proclaimed that he would - after the elections of 1930 - also eliminate the Socialists, by elections or with force. Eventually also an arrestment of Hindenburg, Schleicher, Papen, or Brüning could be considered, but all would cost money, and the money which had come from USA until this moment was consumed.>
(In: Karlheinz Deschner: Moloch (orig. German: Der Moloch); Seiler-Spielmann)
Shortly after unexpected election victory of 1930 there were rolling the first millions from abroad, and they were rolling on up to Hitler's takeover of power at the end of January 1933, according Dr. leg. Wilhelm Abegg these were all in all approximately roughly 150 million Marks. An employee of Dr. Abegg, Gelpke, controlling financial traffic of the participations and financial traffic between Switzerland and Germany, he knew that SA and SS got a big part of their arms from abroad. But telling the truth would mean to risk one's life.
Supervizing NSDAP in Prussia - but the coward Prussian authorities are not acting
Only after unexpected election victory of Hitler on 14 September 1930 Dr. Abegg - state's secretary of Prussian federal state government in Berlin - got the power to make inquiries about Hitler's foreign financial sources. Adlon hotel and other objects were put under observation now. The lists of the guests were controlled, and the corresponding "dialog partners" of NSDAP were found.
Later the inquiry result came to the Abegg archives of Zurich, but it cannot be found any more there.
At the end of 1931 Prussian minister of interior Severing ordered his state's secretary Dr. Abegg to make some inquiries about Hitler's past life and about his financial sources. The money for the Nazi propaganda came "only from abroad, above all from the "USA"." And a big part of the weapons for SA and SS also were from abroad.
(Karlheinz Deschner: Moloch (orig. German: Der Moloch); Seiler-Spielmann)
[So there was agitating a foreigner called Hitler (Hitler was an Austrian) with foreign money with foreign weapons in Germany. And Prussian government accepted all this, and also the Reich's government accepted this! So, one can speak of schizophrenic mental disease in German government circles. The mentally ill governments let agitate a mentally ill agitator...]
Add to this there was coming out that Hitler could dispose of a secret fund.
And: "In summer 1930 Prussian police made out that the membership fees of NSDAP and the fees of German industry were going down considerably. But despite of this Hitler could organize election propaganda for the elections of September 1930 in an extended way which had been unknown in Germany until this moment. This money only could be from abroad, above all from the USA."
(orig. German:
"Im Sommer 1930 stellte die preussische Polizei fest, dass die Mitgliederbeiträge der NSDAP, sowie die Beiträge aus der deutschen Industrie stark zurückgingen. Trotzdem war Hitler im Hinblick auf die Septemberwahlen 1930 in der Lage, mit einem bisher in Deutschland unbekannten Aufwand Wahlpropaganda zu machen. Dieses Geld konnte nur aus dem Ausland, insbesondere den USA, stammen.")
These statements are proved by an alleged document of Baden-Wuerttemberg "German Community" (orig. German: "Deutsche Gemeinschaft") and it was published only in 1950. The Community had precise documents, and won a process which was made. But this cannot be verified.
At the end of 1931 Prussian state's secretary Dr. Abegg is said having got an order from [Prussian] minister [of interior Carl] Severing to clarify the past of Hitler, and to get information about his financial sources from abroad. As it seems there was the question to expel Hitler because he was not a German citizen yet, or to put Hitler to justice. The following persons are said having involved in these plans: Chancellor of the Reich Brüning, General von Schleicher, and later also noble minister without portfolio Hans Schlange-Schöningen (DNVP = German National Folks Party, German: Deutsch-Nationale-Volks-Partei) who was changing later to the resistance movements against Hitler, and also a so called Mr. Passarge shall have been involved.
Allegedly police was observing a furniture van which was always driving through Germany, and in which allegedly was Hitler's private archive, with Hitler's bank documents of the years of 1929 and of 1931. Hitler is said having had a secret fund with full authority. "The result of our investigation was for Hitler absolutely incriminating, and if the material had been presented to Reich's President the President had had no other choice but putting Hitler to justice."
The wimps of Prusia who did not want to control criminal NSDAP and the criminal foreigner called Hitler
Carl Severing 1930 appr., a coward Prussian Interior Minister who did not fulfill his task stopping criminal activities of NSDAP and of a foreigner called Hitler
Heinrich Brüning, a coward Imperial Chancellor not fulfilling his task to stop criminal activities of NSDAP under leadership of a foreigner called Hitler who is agitating in Prussia with foreign money and foreign weapons
General Kurt von Schleicher, portrait, a coward lieutenant-general, minister of defense in 1932, chancellor 1932-1933, he did not fulfill his task stopping criminal activities of NSDAP and of a foreigner called Hitler
Hans Schlange-Schöningen, portrait of a coward minister without portfolio who had had much time stopping criminal activities of NSDAP and of a foreigner called Hitler
[One could mean that the wimps of Prusia had had homosexual relationships to NSDAP considering that they tolerated so much violence and foreign money in the country. Perhaps there would be much results in a referring research. One has to consider that Hitler not only was an Austrian, but his trick was that he was a "stateless" person. So, one could have taken him to prison with his illegal operating SA easily. This would have provoked some riots for 2 or 3 months, but this could have been the end of it].
The industrials financing Hitler's NSDAP are above all from stupid "USA"
At the beginning of the 1930s there were some meetings between Hitler (or his agent Hjalmar Schacht and/or Rudolf Hess) and German industrialists. Mainly there are directors of trusts with "American" involvement or possession.
"Except for Thyssen and Kirdoff, in most cases they were the German multi-national firms — i.e., I.G. Farben, A.E.G., DAPAG [German American Petrol AG], etc. These multi-nationals had been built up by American loans in the 1920s, and in the early 1930s had American directors and heavy American financial participation."
(Antony C. Sutton (1925-2002): Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, chapter 7
1931: Royal Dutch Shell (Shell): Wieder Henri Deterding
Henri Deterding, boss of Royal Dutch Shell, portrait
Deterding moved his domicile to Nazi Germany to expand his oil business in Europe.
(Antony Sutton)
Roberts indicates also that Deterding had donated the Nazis big funds considering that he would be in a better position on German oil market. There were indications of funds of up to 55 million pounds.
(In: Glyn Roberts: The most powerful man in the world. The Life of Sir Henry Deterding)
But these events about Deterding are not proved in Sutton's work.
1932: rumors about money from France for Hitler
Money for Hitler from France?
There were reproaches without proofs no 11 January 1932 that French armament factory Schneider-Creuzot had financed Hitler [considering more armament orders].
(Antony Sutton: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler; Chambre des Députés - Debats, 11 February 1932, p. 496-500)
There was the statement of Paul Fauré in these times in French journal "Le Journal" that Hitler had received 300,000 Swiss Golden Francs. But Sutton could not verify this.
(Antony Sutton: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler; Le Journal)
7. Cover-up of violence of SA and NSDAP in 1932 - election of 1933 and enabling statute
1932: Brüning protecting violence of SA and NSDAP - document destruction in favor of it's own ruin
In 1932 yet one would had been able to take measures against foreigner Hitler and the Nazis. But Chancellor of the Reich Heinrich Brüning from Center Party let destruct the evidence which was presented to him in 1932 by Prussian Prime Minister Braun. In these papers NSDAP was qualified as "subversive against the republic, treasonous connection". By this document destruction Brüning sabotaged - this can be presumed - the last possibility to take penal measures against Hitler and the Nazis [and by this he put Germany in an "American" phase of a new frontier against "Soviet Union", and this communism also was financed by the "USA"...].
Heinrich Brüning, portrait. Brüning had had the power to prohibit NSDAP a second time, but this coward did not do it
E. R. Carmin [author of Black Reich, orig. German: Das schwarze Reich] indicates about the "rise" of NSDAP: "Hitler's rise was neither fateful nor irresistible."
In May 1932 so called "Kaiserhof Meeting" took place with Schmitz from IG Farben, Max Ilgner from American IG Farben, [Louis Leisler] Kiep from Hamburg America Line, and with Diem from German Potash (or Potassium Carbonate)-Trust. In this meeting there were fundraised over 500,000 Reichsmark and were shifted in favor of Rudolf Hess to German Bank.
Schmitz from IG Farben, portrait
Max Ilgner from IG Farben, portrait
Weak NSDAP at the beginning of 1933
NSDAP of the beginning of 1933 is absolutely weak. A tax adviser of NSDAP is indicting on 2 January 1933 at Berlin tax office that this party will only be capable to pay it's taxes giving up it's independence. This shows that even contributions of over one million members could not be enough for Hitler's needs, and only more donations from economy could moderate financial plight.
(Karlheinz Deschner: Der Moloch; Seiler-Spielmann)
Election of Roosevelt at 4 March 1933: Wall Street was playing with
At this time privates were controlling central banks of "United States" already, also in Germany, in France, and in England. "US" President Hoover blamed Wall Street that he had not been reelected. Wall Street wanted Roosevelt and also got him.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933, portrait, President tanks of Wall Street. Roosevelt was a banker himself...
The election of Hitler - and destruction of resistance by enabling statutes
Hitler and Hindenburg, handshake of two fools who believed both in a German "final victory", 1933
<As E.R. Carmin [Black Reich, orig. German: Das schwarze Reich] stresses Hitler "did not take over power by a revolutionary mass movement, but by back stage intrigues he was called Chancellor of the Reich, and this was a time when his political movement had passed it's climax already and economic and political factors were diminishing already - before they had pushed his rise. In his party there was discord, and Hitler played at the end of 1932 even with the thought to put an end to his life by shooting".>
(orig. German:
<Wie E. R. Carmin [Das schwarze Reich] es herausstreicht, hat Hitler "nicht an der Spitze einer revolutionären Massenbewegung die Macht ergriffen, sondern er ist vielmehr durch Hintertreppen-Intrigen zum Reichskanzler ernannt worden, und zwar zu einem Zeitpunkt, als seine politische Bewegung bereits ihren Gipfelpunkt überschritten hatte und die wirtschaftlichen und politischen Faktoren, die seinen Aufstieg begünstigt hatten, bereits schwanden. In der Partei herrschte Zwietracht, und Hitler spielte Ende 1932 sogar mit dem Gedanken, sein Leben mit einer Kugel zu beenden".>
8. Bubbling financial sources for Hitler with his dictatorship since 1933
1933: Hitler confiscating documents at Abbegg's office - 1934: Confiscation of documents in General Schleicher's office and murder of Schleicher couple
Archivist of former Zurich Abegg archive stated:
"In spring 1933 [...] Hitler [...] induced [...] a house search in the Berlin flat of Dr. Abegg when Dr. Abegg was on a trip in Switzerland, and the file "Hitler" was confiscated. About one year later on the occasion of Röhm coup SS got the order for a house search in General von Schleicher's house confiscating the duplicate of the file "Hitler". During this action General Schleicher and his wife were assassinated.>
(orig. German:
<Hitler [...] liess [...] im Frühjahr 1933, als Dr. Abegg nach der Schweiz verreist war, in der Berliner Wohnung von Dr. Abegg durch die SS eine Hausdurchsuchung machen, wobei das Dossier "Hitler" beschlagnahmt wurde. Etwa ein Jahr später, anlässlich des Röhm-Putsches, erhielt die SS den Auftrag, bei General von Schleicher eine Hausdurchsuchung zu machen, und das Doppel des Dossiers "Hitler" zu beschlagnahmen. Bei diesem Anlass sind sowohl General Schleicher als auch seine Ehefrau ermordet worden.>)
[When Prussia had taken drastic measures against this criminal foreigner Hitler as Hitler had taken drastic measures against the democratic forces later, so much would not have happened. Democracy did not fight against a criminal stateless foreigner without passport since 1925...]
The donations to NSDAP of the "American" leaded trusts in Third Reich since 1933
Wall Street, street sign with "American" flags. During economic crises the warmonger are afloating again
Since 1933 support of Wall Street for Hitler's regime was just well starting. And "American" companies presented technical know-how for reconstruction of Wehrmacht. Financial and technical support for Germany by Wall Street was not at all accidentally, and was not at all shortsighted.
(In: Antony C. Sutton (1925-2002): Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, the whole book)
<In these times when Hitler had have drowned again he gets enormous sums from high finance. "There is precisely documented evidence for an other role of international bankers and industrials financing the Nazi party and the Folk's party for the elections of March 1933", Antony Sutton writes. "The total of three million Reichsmarks was payed by prominent companies and businessmen, and this money was washed by an account on Delbrück Schickler Bank and handed out to Rudolf Hess - made available for Hitler and his NSDAP." This donation meeting had been performed on 20 February 1933 in Göring's home who was president of Reichstag at this moment.>
(orig. German:
<In dieser Zeit, da Hitler genauso gut auch wieder hätte untergehen können, erhält er die grosszügigsten Summen vom Grosskapital. "Es gibt unwiderlegbare dokumentarische Beweise für eine weitere Rolle der internationalen Bankiers und Industriellen bei der Finanzierung der Nazipartei und der Volkspartei für die Wahlen im März 1933", schreibt Antony Sutton. "Die Gesamtsumme von drei Millionen Reichsmark wurde von prominenten Firmen und Geschäftsleuten bezahlt, welche passenderweise über ein Konto der Delbrück Schickler Bank gewaschen und dann in die Hände von Rudolf Hess übergeben wurde - zur Verfügung Hitlers und dessen NSDAP." Dieses Spendengeld-Treffen hatte am 20. Februar 1933 im Heim von Göring stattgefunden, welcher damals Reichstagspräsident war.>)
Reichstag fire on 27 February 1933 - and the eternal search for the arsonists
<Just one week later on 27 February 1933 Reichstag is burning. The arsonists are coming by a tunnel which has got it's beginning just in the house of an old Hitler friend and Hitler fundraiser, Ernst "Putzi" Hanfstaengl. The big fire of Reichstag is used as a pretext abrogating the constitutional rights and installing the absolute power by Enabling Act.>
(orig. German:
<Nur eine Woche später, am 27. Februar 1933, brennt der Reichstag. Ein Tunnel gewährt den Brandstiftern Zugang zum Reichstag, und dieser beginnt just in jenem Haus, in dem sich ein alter Hitler-Spezi und Geldbeschaffer namens Ernst "Putzi" Hanfstaengl aufhält. Das Reichstagsfeuer selbst wird schliesslich von Hitler als Vorwand benutzt, um die konstitutionellen Rechte abzuschaffen und via Ermächtigungsgesetz die absolute Macht zu übernehmen.>)
After the election the Reichstag fire of 27 February 1933 came just at the "right" moment to abolish democracy and to give the industrials the possibilities they needed for their profits: 0 resistance. Of course this tunnel leading from Reichstag directly to the house of Ernst "Putzi" Hanfstaengl is a main factor for suspicions.
According to the records of files there is a testimony of Adolf Rall that SA leader Karl Ernst had "given an order to his SA men sneaking by the tunnel into Reichstag and making fire by a special phosphorous tincture. This tincture only had to be distributed, and it inflamed by itself after a while. Ernst is having said that there should be pretext to eliminate the Marxists." Rall was a professional criminal and was telling around this story in prison. "Karl Reineking worked as a judicial clerk in Berlin-Tegel prison and got this story told by Rall. Reineking just had been excluded from SA and it seemed he wanted to rehabilitate himself. He allegedly informed Ernst immediately, and Ernst destroyed the statement's protocol." Rall finally was murdered by Reineking and his group. Another witness was "eliminated"...
The alleged culprit van der Lubbe was contradicting himself. Police estimated that there had been combustive agents, and house inspector Alexander Scranowitz indicated that there was fire from the beginning at different places at the same time. At the end many claim that van der Lubbe alone had set the fire, and this proud communist van der Lubbe also claims this, but practically this is not possible because he did not even know the building, and he hardly could have succeeded setting fire at different places at the same time in darkness and having fled in the right time. So, there must have been a group setting the fire, could be a communist group, or a national group.
(In: Klaus Wiegrefe: "Reichstag fire is a signal from God" (orig. German: "Der Reichstagsbrand ist ein von Gott gegebenes Signal"); In: http://www.stock-channel.net/stock-board/showpost.php3?p=14965&postcount=2 (2007)
"Green light" for war industry after the Reichstag fire
Now the Third Reich industrials have "green light" with big profits. The trusts [IG Farben, Steel Works, AEG] helped NSDAP to power, [and the "American" bosses and bankers have kept Hitler on power] and the trusts installed armament. And the Wall Street bankers knew precisely what they did. This is clear reading "American" pres articles since 1933. The claim that Wall Street had not seen where Germany was drifting is an absolute lie - according to Sutton. The Wall Street bankers supported Nazism, and they were not too shy to get their personal benefits of it.
(In: Antony C. Sutton (1925-2002): Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler; Seiler-Spielmann)
German Bank (Deutsche Bank), logoGerman Bank was also giving support to war industry since 1918 and since 1933 - like the Wall Street bankers. There was no difference.(In: OMGUS [Office of Military Government US-Zone]: Inquiry against German Bank 1946/47 (German: Ermittlungen gegen die Deutsche Bank 1946/47); Seiler-Spielmann)
<Before the war in the years of 1937 and 1938 the trusts of IG Farben and United Steel Works produced 95% of German explosives! And it has to be shown again: The production of synthetic benzine and of explosives - both cannot be missed in a war - were controlled by two trusts founded under Dawes Plan with Wall Street loans.
The funds for NSDAP were declared as Adolf Hitler donation. There were e.g. the following sums in RM as contributions and other donations to National Socialists of IG Farben from 1933 to 1945
Guided tour of Thyssen with Hitler in a Thyssen factory
Donations of IG Farben to NSDAP 1933-1944
xxxxxx1933xxxxxx 3,584,070
1934 4,020,205 1935 4,515,039 1936 4,960,636 1937 5,467,626 1938 8,156,315 1939 7,539,857 1940 7,471,620 1941 8,057,982 1942 13,436,201 1943 8,588,650 1944
Nazi follower Emil Kirdorf
(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Kirdorf; http://www.answers.com/topic/order-of-the-german-eagle)
Emil Kirdorf, portrait with sailor's hat
1934 could reenter NSDAP again. His main reason was supporting NSDAP against Marxism. The workers should not be involved in class fights any more, but they should be integrated all into an "ethnic community". Joseph Goebbels noted on 15 November 1936 that Kirdorf had cleared bill debts for Hitler, with 100,000 Marks.
For Kirdorf Hitler was a "national legend". He let celebrate Führer birthdays with torchlight processions. At 8 April 1938 he got the Grand Cross of Eagle Order in Gold for his 90th birthday shortly before his death of 13 July 1938 with a state funeral.
Thyssen-Hitler, visit of a factory in Ruhr Area in a Thyssen factory of United Steel Works 1935
Gustav Krupp has got a "big deal" with Hitler
Gustav Krupp, portrait
-- in 1933 Gustav Krupp becomes chairman of board of trustees of Adolf Hitler donation of German economy
-- in 1937 Gustav Krupp becomes martial economy leader (orig. German: Wehrwirtschaftsführer)
-- in 1940 Gustav Krupp gets the golden party medal of NSDAP
-- Gustav Krupp lets deploy himself by NSDAP leadership for propaganda purposes.
(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Krupp_von_Bohlen_und_Halbach (2007)
"US" ambassador Dodd in Berlin 1933 mentioning loans for 1 bio. Dollar by John Foster Dulles for Hitler
<Former American ambassador in Berlin, William E. Dodd, noted in his diary that the banks represented by Dulles had given loans to Germany of one billion Dollars at the end of 1933.>
(orig. German:
<Der ehemalige amerikanische Botschafter in Berlin, William E. Dodd, notiert in seinem Tagebuch, dass die von Dulles vertretenen Banken schon Ende 1933 Deutschland Anleihen im Wert von einer Milliarde Dollar gewährt hätten.>)
(In: Karlheinz Deschner: Der Moloch)
But Dulles is not a stubborn stroller running after Hitler. He was managing a branch of legal consulting company Sullivan & Cromwell with an office in Berlin. He recognized fast the brutal intentions of Hitler's regime, closed down the office in Berlin in 1935 leaving Nazi Germany until 1945.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Foster_Dulles, 2007)
William Dodd, portrait of an "American" ambassador
Sullivan and Cromwell (Sullivan & Cromwell), logo
John Foster Dulles, head of a branch of legal consult enterprise Sullivan & Cromwell in Berlin until 1935, portrait
1933: Hanfstaengl sorted out from NS leadership and landing at Roosevelt government in 1942
Ernst Hanfstaengl ("Putzi"), pianist of many governments and mediator of contacts for Hitler, and since 1942 with Roosevelt government
In 1933 Hanfstaengl did not fit any more into the scheme of NSDAP and there were quarrels between Hanfstaengl and Goebbels. So, Hanfstaengl was dismissed from Hitler's staff. After his divorce in 1936 and after a defamation of Unity Mitford in 1937 the connexion to Hitler broke totally. Add to this according to Speer memories Goebbels claimed that Hanfstaengl had made derogative remarks about German soldiers in Spain, and as a punitive action Hitler had issued a pretended order installing Hanfstaengl in Spain as a parachutist for being an agent for Franco. After a pretended urgent landing of the plane in Leipzig Hanfstaengl took the consequences, fled to Switzerland, let come his son and then fled to England where he was imprisoned as a "foreigner of the enemy" in 1939. So, he landed in a camp in Canada. In 1942 he was appointed from "USA" to work for the "S project" for Roosevelt collecting information about 400 Nazi leaders. Well, Hanfstaengl knew a lot and about Hitler alone wrote 68 pages for OSS ("Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler", 1943). In 1944 Hanfstaengl was handed over to England again and could get back to Germany after the end of the war.
Hanfstaengl claimed that he had alarmed Hitler and Göring about Reichstag fire.
CBS journalist William Shirer (until 1941 working in Germany) certifies Hanfstaengl a superficial mind.
(In: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Hanfst%C3%A4ngl)
During Second World War Hanfstaengl became a consultant of Roosevelt and of Hearst Press. In 1946 he came back to Germany and lived in Munich until he died on 6 November 1975.
(In: Seiler-Spielmann: http://sauber.50webs.com/kapital/index.html )
1930s: Kurt Lüdecke becomes special ambassador for "USA" - 1934: Kurt Lüdecke fleeing to "USA"
(In: http://www.fordteamkaernten.at/4ford_infos/infos/henry_ford.htm)
Kurt Lüdecke (right) and Hitler (left)
[Well, this flight may have been because of sexual reasons. A bisexual playboy could not be accepted any more in NSDAP leading staff after 1933].
More "US" companies for Hitler's armament
-- Standard Oil Company of John D. Rockefeller [for delivery of antiknock additive]
-- Opel: 100% an associated company of the "American" General Motors (GM), and GM itself is controlled by J.P. Morgan, for tanks production
-- Ford AG, an associated company of Henry Ford's Ford Motor Company in Detroit, for tanks production
Standard Oil Company, logo with crown
Opel logo
Ford logo
New Yorker banking houses controlling the "US" companies for Hitler's armament
Morgan banking house under J.P. Morgan, and Rockefeller Chase Bank, and a little part also by Warburg Manhattan Bank, are controlling the following "US" companies:
-- General Motors
-- Ford
-- General Electric (medicine technique, engines for air planes, industrial plant manufacturing, financing)
-- DuPont (plastics, explosives, electronics, food)
-- a "hand full of US enterprises who were connected closely with development of Nazi Germany"
(Antony Sutton, probably: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. 76 Press, Seal Beach 1966)
General Motors logo
Ford logo
General Electric, logo
DuPont, logo
Hitler giving return presents: tax exemption for "US" companies in the Reich - and a Nazi medal for Henry Ford
In 1936 the Nazis give tax exemption for Opel. By this General Motors can save money for more expansion of it's production. General Motors is also giving a return present reinvesting the profits in German industry. On 30 July 1938 Henry Ford is even honored for his work for National Socialism with a Nazi medal, the Big Cross of German Eagle.
(Antony Sutton: Wall Street and Rise of Hitler; Seiler-Spielmann)
Henry Ford receiving German eagle Nazi medal, 30 July 1938, for it's 75th birthday (born 30 July 1863)
Henry Ford, an eagle Nazi medal (here the Nazi medal for Charles Lindberg)
[Supplement: There were more gifts by Aryanizations
Add to this Hitler made more gifts for the industrials and his "friends" by Aryanizations. Uh, there were many gifts, and racists in "USA" and in Europe accepted all these gifts which were robbed from the Jews, companies, factories and apartment houses. Also "neutral" industrials in Switzerland accepted these presents...]
Henry Ford's special armament industry in Germany against Russia
In 1938 Ford AG in Berlin was inaugurating a Ford lorry plant producing exclusively for the Wehrmacht. Ford produced the Wehrmacht - also with forced laborer of SS. All in all Ford produced 78,000 lorries and 14,000 track vehicles for Wehrmacht. Up to the end of 1944 Ford works were spared from bombings, and then they only were harmed a little bit.
(In: Karlheinz Deschner: Moloch (orig. German: Der Moloch); Seiler-Spielmann)
Motor technology from "USA" for Hitler's Wehrmacht
<The trusts of Alcoa (Aluminium Company of America) and Dow Chemical (plastics, synthetic rubber, magnesium for light parts of warplanes) were collaborating very good with Nazi industry. And much of "American" technology was transferred. Bendix Aviation (aviation) where J.P Morgan's General Motors had the majority, delivered Siemens & Halske AG in Germany with data about automatic pilots and air plane instruments. In 1940 yet after the outbreak of the war Bendix Aviation was delivering complete technical data for starters of diesel engines and airplanes to Robert Bosch and gets royalties for this.>
(orig. German:
<Die Konzerne Alcoa (Aluminium Company of America) und Dow Chemical (Kunststoffe, synthetischer Kautschuk, Magnesium für Leichtbauteile von Kampfflugzeugen) arbeiteten eng mit der Nazi-Industrie zusammen. Dies schloss zahlreiche Transfers ihrer amerikanischen Technologie mit ein. Bendix Aviation (Luftfahrt), bei welcher die von J. P. Morgan kontrollierte General Motors einen Mehrheitsanteil hielt, belieferte die Siemens & Halske AG in Deutschland mit Daten über automatische Piloten und Flugzeuginstrumente. Noch 1940, also nach Kriegsausbruch, lieferte Bendix Aviation die kompletten technischen Daten für Anlasser von Dieselmotoren und Flugzeugen an Robert Bosch und erhält dafür Tantiemenzahlungen.>)
(Antony Sutton: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler; Seiler-Spielmann)
Robert Bosch, portrait and logo
[But also Stalin got tanks and technology from the "USA". We thank the "USA" for their organization of the European war and for the destruction of Europe, so the Europeans could purchase "American" products again reconstructioning Europe, with credits from "USA" of course...]
Gustav Krupp with forced laborers and detainees of concentration camps
Gustav Krupp, portrait
By the wars under Hitler the factory of Gustav Krupp had a further big rise and between 1940 and 1945 Krupp AG was employing appr. 100,000 forced laborer and detainees of concentration camps. After some heart attacks Gustav Krupp was retired since 1943 handing over the management of Krupp AG to his son Alfried Krupp. Because of his illness Gustav Krupp was unfit for Nuremberg Process.
(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Krupp_von_Bohlen_und_Halbach (2007)
Fritz Thyssen fleeing and landing in concentration camp - book "I Paid Hitler"
Fritz Thyssen, portrait
Fritz Thyssen wanted a "rise" of Germany, but without any persecution of the Jews and without war. Several times he insisted in vain for a release of persecuted Jews or family members of Jews, and there were tensions because of this with the Hitler regime since 1933 already. He rejected wars, and he rejected his presence at Reichtstag's session of 31 August 1939 giving a telegram hoping that any war could be omitted. After his emigration to Switzerland on 2 September 1939 he planned an emigration to Argentina to his daughter and son-in-law. On 1 October 1939 he wrote to Göring that he would come back to Germany only when there would be published that - when he had been present - he had voted against the war. Nazi regime is reacting with expatriation and with expropriation. After a visit with his dying mother and a collapse of his wife he was traveling to Cannes for recovery and was dictating there to the journalist Emery Reeves his book "I Paid Hitler". After the occupation of France Pétain first guarantees full protection for Thyssen against prosecution. But at the end of 1940 Pétain let deliver Thyssen to Gestapo. The Thyssen couple landed in "honorable captivity",(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Thyssen (2007)
first at the beginning of January in a mental home at Neubabelsberg near Potsdam, later in concentration camps in Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, and Dachau.(Seiler-Spielmann)
The book "I Paid Hitler" was published without Thyssens authority, and after 1945 Thyssen prevented a German translation. The allied released Thyssen only in 1948.(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Thyssen (2007)
9. In 1945 nobody wants to have financed Hitler
[Supplement: At Nuremberg process only Germans are condemned. These persons financing the world war are never condemned, and shit "Americans" are even installing the main judge Jackson. Now Jackson is selecting precisely only documents corresponding with the aim of a condemnation of Germany. At the same time the "USA" are blaming Switzerland as a main culprit in financing the Third Reich, and themselves the "USA" never confess anything in 1946, because "USA" are a member of the "winners"...]
1946: Manipulated Nuremberg Process - NO discussion about financing of Hitler
<Of course Hitler's foreign sponsors who had fostered Hitler were not at Nuremberg tribunal. Of course the documents of the Abegg archives were not permitted for Nuremberg war crimes trial. The delicate subject of support for Hitler by big financial powers of the USA was forbidden at the trial, and was forbidden even to be mentioned. When Hjalmar Schacht - who had cooperated with Hitler as a banker and as a politician, who had been Reich's minister for economic affairs until 1937, and who had been president of Reichsbank until 1939 - when this Hjalmar Schacht wanted to tell about financing of Hitler from abroad, he was put to silence very fast. "When Schacht" - this reported Neue Zürcher Zeitung on 2 May 1946 - "again indicated the point of view of foreign powers to Nazi government, and again indicated the support they had given to it, the tribunal decided that these facts had nothing to do with the case and would be illegitimate so...">
(orig. German:
<Selbstverständlich standen die Hitler so verhängnisvoll fördernden ausländischen Geldgeber nicht vor dem Nürnberger Tribunal. Selbstverständlich wurden die Dokumente des Abegg-Archives beim Nürnberger Kriegsverbrecherprozess nicht zugelassen. Das heikle Thema der Hitler-Unterstützung durch die grossen Finanzmächte der USA durfte unter keinen Umständen auch nur erwähnt werden. Als es der zunächst länger mit Hitler kooperierende Bankier und Politiker Hjalmar Schacht, bis 1937 Reichswirtschaftsminister, bis 1939 Reichsbankpräsident, zur Sprache bringen wollte, wurde er rasch zum Schweigen gebracht. »Als Schacht«, meldete die Neue Zürcher Zeitung am 2. Mai 1946, »wiederum auf die Haltung ausländischer Mächte gegenüber der Nazi-Regierung und auf die Hilfe, die sie ihr angedeihen liessen, zu sprechen kam, entschied der Gerichtshof, dass diese Dinge mit der Sache nichts zu tun hätten und daher unzulässig seien...«>)
(In: Karlheinz Deschner: Moloch (orig. German: Der Moloch)
Kilgore Committee stating essential financing of Hitler by Wall Street
After 1945 Kilgore Committee states that Wall Street had taken steps for rearmament of Germany step by step since 1918 already.
Kilgore Committee also states that German industrial Krupp supported reactionary group with Nazi ideology in 1919 already.
(In: Elimination of German Resources [for War: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Military Affairs, United States Senate, Seventy-Ninth Congress], p.648.)
1947: Wimp Brüning appealing for discovery of foreign Hitler financiers
In 1947 Brüning writes to the editor of German Rundschau a letter with the advice that foreign financing of Hitler should be discovered:
<Financing of the Nazi party - partly by persons from them one would not at all expect it supporting them - this is a chapter for its own. I never have spoken in public about this, but in Germany's interest this could be necessary to do and to discover it, as the same bankers tried to influence the "American" ambassador Sackett against my government in favor of the Nazi party in autumn of 1931.
One of the main factors with Hitler's rise - which I mentioned only passing by - was the fact that he had big funds from foreign countries in 1923 and later, and he was well payed for sabotage of passive resistance in Ruhr Area. Later he was payed for provoking unrests and to encourage revolutionary tendencies in Germany - by persons who had the idea that this could weaken Germany and this would provoke that a constant constitutional central government could be impossible by this. These persons who have tried to suppress these facts, they will be mislead believing that they could do this for ever.>
(orig. German:
<Das Finanzieren der Nazipartei, teilweise durch Menschen, von denen man es am wenigsten erwartet hätte, dass sie sie unterstützen würden, ist ein Kapitel für sich. Ich habe niemals öffentlich darüber gesprochen, aber im Interesse Deutschlands könnte es notwendig sein, es zu tun und aufzudecken, wie dieselben Bankiers im Herbst 1931 den amerikanischen Botschafter Sackett gegen meine Regierung zugunsten der Nazipartei zu beeinflussen suchten.Einer der Hauptfaktoren bei Hitlers Aufstieg, den ich nur im Vorübergehen erwähnt habe, war die Tatsache, dass er grosse Geldsummen von fremden Ländern 1923 und später empfing und gut für die Sabotage des passiven Widerstandes im Ruhrgebiet bezahlt wurde. In späteren Jahren wurde er bezahlt, um Unruhen hervorzurufen und revolutionäre Tendenzen in Deutschland zu ermutigen - von Männern, die sich einbildeten, dass dies Deutschland schwächen könnte und das Bestehenbleiben irgendeiner verfassungsmässigen zentralen Regierung unmöglich machen würde. Diejenigen, die so lange versucht haben, diese Tatsachen zu unterdrücken täuschen sich, wenn sie glauben, dass sie dies auf Dauer tun könnten.>
(Brüning in a letter to Dr. Rudolf Pechel, German Rundschau, 7, 1947)
Brüning appealed in 1947 for enlightenment of financing of Hitler from abroad. But he would have had the task to stop criminal NSDAP and foreigner Hitler before takeover of power yet, and by cowardice he did not do it.
In 1956 Rockefeller Chase Bank and Warburg Manhattan Bank are merging to Chase Manhattan Bank.
In 1957 Hanfstaengl is writing his memories with his book "Unheard Witness".
[And criminal "USA" are making their wars in the world also after 1945, and it does not stop until today (2010)...]
Closing words
The psychologists don't want to see that war is an illness. By this the psychologic associations are the worst wimps in this connection, because passivity of psychology allows wars.
Until today the bankers financing wars don't land in prison, and not even in psychiatry. Justice and psychiatry are failing word wide. But the wimps are earning their money very well en spite of their passivity. Why should one change anything when the salary is right?
We need a "Nuremberg" for criminal "USA", and an international political decision that war is an illness.
All in all it had been easy to stop Hitler: with an expulsion of Hitler, with a second prohibition of NSDAP, and with a detention of the foreign financiers.
Michael Palomino
Photo sources
-- Zdral, Wolfgang: "Der finanzierte Aufstieg des Adolf H.": http://sauber.50webs.com/kapital/index.html
-- Gustav Krupp: http://www.one35th.com/model/k5/k5_krupp.htm
-- Dietrich Eckart: http://www.accionchilena.cl/libreriapns.htm
-- Ernst von Borsig: http://www.landgut-borsig.de/geschichte/ein-einblick-in-die-geschichte.html
-- Max Erwin Richter / Max Erwin von Scheubner-Richter: http://sauber.50webs.com/kapital/index.html;
-- Victoria Feodorowna: http://www.royaltyguide.nl/families/windsor/windsor1.htm
-- Kirill Wladimirowitsch, portrait: http://www.russianimperial.com.au/index.php?s=73
-- Wladimir Biskupskij, portrait: http://www.historisches-lexikon-bayerns.de/artikel/artikel_44867
-- Fritz Thyssen, portrait: http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/biografien/ThyssenFritz/index.html
-- Hanfstaengl: http://www.kki.pl/piojar/polemiki/novus/hitler/hitl5.html
-- Henri Deterding: http://www.inghist.nl/Onderzoek/Projecten/BWN/lemmata/bwn2/deterding
-- Karl Lüdecke: http://www.chesshistory.com/winter/winter01.html
-- Mussolini: http://www.filosofiaedintorni.net/mussolini.htm
Foreign currency in NSDAP counters
-- Dollars: http://seemajoshi.wordpress.com/
-- Czech crowns of 1928: http://www.muenzen-hardelt.de/cz-10k28.jpg; http://www.muenzen-hardelt.de/verkauf.html
-- Dutch guilder of 1931: http://www.muenzauktion.com/franz/item.php5?id=736&curr=EUR;
-- France, French franc of 1919: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franc_sarrois;
-- Henry Ford: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford
-- Siegfried and Winifred Wagner: http://www.richard-wagner.com/w+h.htm
-- John Pierpont Morgan with topper hat:
-- Charles Gates Dawes: http://www.viewimages.com/Search.aspx?mid=3294573&epmid=1&partner=Google
-- Hugo Stinnes: http://www.stinnes.com/history.php
-- Emil Kirdorf: http://www.dhm.de/lemo/objekte/pict/f63_585/index.html
-- Alfred Hugenberg: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERhugenberg.htm
-- Owen Young: http://www.ge.com/company/history/bios/owen_young.html
-- John Davison Rockefeller senior:
-- John Davison Rockefeller junior: http://archive.rockefeller.edu/bio/jdrjr.php?printer=1
-- Heinrich Brüning: http://www.stefanjacob.de/Geschichte/Unterseiten/Zeittafel.php?Intern=6
-- John Foster Dulles: http://www.answers.com/topic/united-states-secretary-of-state
-- IG-Farben, logo: http://www.flegel-g.de/bilderberger-01.html
-- Frankreich, flag: http://www.yatego.com/werbung-marketing/flaggen-fahnen/14-12-06,3,,1,2
-- Wall Street street sign: http://www.worldofstock.com/closeups/BCO1207.php
-- Deutsche Bank, logo: http://www.gilthserano.de/tow/worldwide/markenwert-d.html
-- General Motors, logo: http://www.disneyfrontier.com/category/disney-parks/disney-world/epcot/
-- Ford, logo: http://www.wdr.de/themen/wirtschaft/wirtschaftsbranche/ford/051212.jhtml?pbild=1
-- General Electric, logo: http://www.jobvector.com/ger_detail_firm.php3?cid=4205
-- DuPont, logo: http://www.glasswebsite.com/divisions/laminating/profiles/dupont.asp
-- eagle Nazi medal for Henry Ford: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_German_Eagle
-- Standard Oil Company logo with a crown: http://www.oldgas.com/shoptalk/ubb/Forum4/HTML/001104.html
-- Opel logo: http://www.cp-automobile.at/main.htm
-- Alcoa, logo: http://www.alcoa.com/global/en/home.asp
-- Dow Chemical, logo: http://www.taleo.com/customers/customers-list.php
-- Bendix Aviation, logo: http://www.scripophily.net/benhelinc1.html
-- Siemens & Halske, logo: http://www.bungartz.nl/hist-siemens_d.html
-- Robert Bosch, portrait: http://www.stuttgart-tourist.de/DEU/stadt/beruehmtestuttgarter_930_DEU_HTML.htm
-- Bosch, logo: http://www.s-line.de/homepages/ebener/Bosch-100.jpg; http://www.s-line.de/homepages/ebener/B.htm
-- Ethnic Observer (Völkischer Beobachter), first edition under NSDAP 25 December 1920:
-- Ernst von Borsig, entrance gate to an old locomotive factory:
-- Ernst von Borsig, Borsig house at Chaussee Street no. 13 (before 6):
-- Ernst von Borsig, steam locomotive under construction: http://members.surfeu.de/hobbyuo/Alte_Borsig_GmbH.htm
-- Shell, logos: http://www.shell.com/home/content/at-de/shellweltweit/historie_shell/historie_shell_1_16072003.html
-- Thyssen, logo: http://www.kobo-wintergarten.at/thyssen.html
-- Thyssen, production area of 1900 appr.: http://www.dm-aktie.de/dmaktien/thyssen.html
-- Swiss flag: http://www.fiskus-gmbh.de/internet/fiskus/news/index.php
-- Dawes Plan, scheme:
-- Sullivan & Cromwell, logo: http://www.sullcrom.com/firm/
-- William Dodd, portrait: http://www.traces.org/williamdodd.html
-- Ludendorff:
-- AEG logos: http://www.mosne.lacab.it/art-design/dispense/scudero/B/dispensaB.html
-- Franklin Delano Roosevelt: http://www.historyplace.com/specials/calendar/march.htm;
-- Thyssen and Hitler in 1935 on tour in Ruhr Area:
-- Hotel Adlon in Berlin: http://www.fundus.de/pub/adlon_beteiligungsprofil.htm
-- Hotel Adlon in Berlin, entrance hall: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_Adlon
-- Hitler 1930: http://drfuture.jeeran.com/archive/2007/8/296316.html
-- Hermann Goering 1930 appr.: http://www.cwporter.com/nuremspa.htm
-- Gregor Strasser 1930: http://www.viewimages.com/Search.aspx?mid=3140221&epmid=1&partner=Google
The wimps of Prusia
-- Heinrich Brüning: http://www.stefanjacob.de/Geschichte/Unterseiten/Zeittafel.php?Intern=6
-- Carl Severing, Prussian minister of the interior: http://www.stmuk.bayern.de/blz/web/100083/01.html
-- General Kurt von Schleicher, portrait: http://www.answers.com/topic/kurt-von-schleicher
-- Hans Schlange-Schöningen, portrait: http://www.gdw-berlin.de/bio/ausgabe_mit-e.php?id=179
-- Hitler and Hindenburg, shaking hands: http://www.dinosoria.com/avenement_hitler.htm
-- Schmitz from IG Farben: http://www.bufata-chemie.de/reader/ig_farben/0503.html
-- Ilgner from IG Farben: http://www.bufata-chemie.de/reader/ig_farben/0503.html
-- Henry Ford is given eagle Nazi medal: http://www.orange-papers.org/orange-rroot540.html
Vocabulary (English-German) / Wortschatz (Englisch-Deutsch)
the Grand Duchess (die Grossfürstin)
the tsarina (die Zarin)
light parts (Leichtbauteile)
reparations payments (Reparationszahlungen)
Ethnic Observer (Völkischer Beobachter)
the sailor's hat (die Schiffermütze)