THE most interesting fact about German history is that
did not exist as a nation until 1871. Before then it
consisted of a number of states each with its own court,
its own laws and customs barriers. Much the largest of
these states was Prussia.
The credit (if one can use the word) for uniting these
various kingdoms and grand duchies belongs to a Prussian
[All social systems being installed under Bismarck like
the foundations of insurances etc. are concealed].
Between 1864 and 1871 he engineered three aggressive but
successful wars against Denmark, Austria and France, and
these victories so impressed the other German States that
they entered a confederation under Prussian leadership.
This confederation was called the German Reich, and the
King of Prussia became German Kaiser (Emperor).
[One can ask: Why France was so weak? And also the own
English racism with concentration camps in the Empire is
[Germany should have been a big colonial power? - Lies
of Churchill misinforming the English soldier]
The vices of militarism and aggressiveness, often thought
to be peculiar to the Prussians, soon infected the whole
of Germany. The Germans acquired colonies, chiefly in
Africa; they challenged British sea power by building a
powerful fleet. And in 1914 they thought they were strong
enough to enforce an unchallenged supremacy in Europe. In
alliance with Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria they
fought and lost the First World War [p.12].
[Well, the German colonies were only a little share of the
English Empire, and since 1914 England was performing it's
blockage - and in the English Empire about 20 genocides
were committed. But the British soldiers is not allowed to
know about all this].
[The Treaty of Versailles with all robberies of
colonies and territories and payments without limits is
After the defeat of 1918 Germany went through a sort of
revolution. This revolution was largely lath and plaster,
but was accepted by the Germans because they are used to
political shams. Some of the politicians of the German
Republic, who succeeded the Kaiser in 1918, meant well:
they established a parliamentary system which gave to the
ordinary German more individual freedom from then to 1933
than before or since. But behind the scenes the real power
still remained in the hands of the generals, the great
industrialists and landowners and the professional civil
servants. they waited and watched for a chance to assert
[1919-1933: More hidden than described
Churchill's propaganda is CONCEALING the complete Treaty
of Versailles with the robbery of all German colonies,
cables, German territories, seats in international
organizations, and in 1923 the Ruhr area was occupied -
and all these events were arguments for the revanchists
bringing Hitler's party to the surface].
The chance came with the rise of Adolf Hitler.
Rise of Hitler
This ex-corporal of the First Great War was not even a
German, but an Austrian who had fought in a German
[It was always possible to get rid of this Mr.
Hitler by the Ministry of Interior as a criminal
foreigner. Such an action England, the "U.S.A." and also
the Zionists did never support!]
At first he was considered rather a joke, but his party,
the National socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi for
short), gained millions of supporters during the great
slump of 1930-32. He promised the workers a form of
socialism; he promised the industrialists more power and
bigger profits; he promised both that he would wipe out
the Versailles Treaty and create a single "Great German"
State. The Nationalist Party (Junkers - that is, feudal
landowners - generals and industrialists) believed they
could use the Nazis to restore their [p.13] old
privileges. So they persuaded the President, Field Marshal
von Hindenburg, to make Hitler Chancellor of the Reich.
This was in January, 1933.
[Churchill is concealing: NSDAP was financed from
abroad, and this NSDAP never had over 37%
Churchill know exactly what he is hiding. All financing of
the NSDAP from abroad is hidden: from Russian tsarists,
from French royalists, from Shell, and above all from Ford
and more industrials from the criminal "U.S.A." (also from
the Bush family). Without foreign donations this NSDAP had
closed in 1932. And Hitler never had more than 37%. Mr.
Churchill is well informed about all this...]
[Asserting power with terror by SA - and the "U.S."
industrials are promoting this terror]
To secure his election in March [1933], Hitler engineered
the Reichstag fire and by attributing it to the Communists
made it the excuse for a reign of terror. But the
elections in March did not give Hitler's party a clear
majority, in spite of the flood of propaganda let loose in
his favor from platform, press and radio; the
Nationalists, however, supported him, and to make doubly
sure he arrested various members of opposition parties who
might have voted against him.
[All these political maneuvers were "welcomed" greatly by
the "American" industrials!]
His next act was to pass a bill which ended parliamentary
government and made him Dictator of Germany.
[Also this step was greatly "welcomed" by the "American"
industrials, with them also grandfather Bush].
Then he began to "discipline" the country. Law was
suspended. Jews, Communists, Socialists, Liberals - anyone
who had publicly opposed him - were hunted down by
Hitler's private army, the Strom Troops, shot, beaten to
death or systematically tortured in concentration camps.
aim was so to terrorise the German people that no one
would dare to resist him by deed or word.
In spite of these bestial cruelties some Germans were
brave enough to carry on the struggle against Hitler, but
their power was small and most were killed, beaten into
acquiescence, or forced to leave the country [p.14].
Meanwhile the army was rapidly growing; in 1935
conscription was reintroduced; the industrialists began to
make great profits out of re-armament, the Junkers had
their privileges confirmed, and the Nazis enriched
themselves by plunder and confiscation.
[Churchill is concealing that the complete industrial rise
is financed by "U.S.A." and the "Americans" mostly had
also seats in the management boards of German industrial
companies controlling everything. An analytic research
about this is the book of Wolfgang Zdral: Der finanzierte
Aufstieg des Adolf H. (Financed rise of Adolf H.)].
[Churchill's propaganda: All Germans should have been
for war]
Political Smash and Grab
When Hitler had established his power in Germany he began
to carry out his plan for conquering other nations.
was a plan which appealed to the Germans.
[Also this general statement is a big lie: The big
majority of the Germans never wanted any war but in this
system of dictatorship there was only a "blind obedience"
which came from Bismarck times yet. And the industrials of
the "U.S.A." and Shell were waiting for new eastern
territories for winning new markets...]
In March, 1938, German troops occupied Austria. In
September, 1938 at Munich, the British and French Prime
Ministers, who knew their countries were quite unprepared
for war, reluctantly agreed to the Nazi annexation of
important border areas of Czechoslovakia, where many of
the people were of German speech. In March, 1939, the rest
of Czechoslovakia was occupied - a flagrant breach of
Hitler's promise to Mr. Chamberlain only six months
[Supplement: The annexation of Austria was longed since
In the case of Austria this is an "annexation" which was
awaited by the Austrians since 1871 already, and above all
since 1919, but France had ordered a prohibition of
annexation. The occupation of Czechia was probably an
agreement with the "American" industrials - with
grandfather Bush].
It was now obvious to everyone that Hitler's dreams of
conquest knew no bounds. His next victim was to be Poland.
Prussia had held parts of Poland for a hundred and fifty
years until, in 1918, the Poles at last won back their
freedom. Now Hitler resolved to enslave them again. The
British and French Governments solemnly warned him that an
attack on Poland wold bring both countries into the war
Hitler, drunk with easy successes, did not believe that we
would fight. He thought we were too "decadent". On 1st
September, 1939, he seized the Free City of Danzig, his
armies entered Poland and the Second World War had begun
[Well, Danzig was 95% German. But there are more details]:
[Concealed details about the partition of Poland from
The flowing details come among other from the book by
Valentin Falin "Second Front":
1st The partition of Poland with the Hitler Stalin Pact
was arranged in August 1939 and the secret agreement about
the partition of Poland was known in all high diplomatic
circles after some days already. These diplomatic circles
did conceal everything to the world wide public what
Hitler and Stalin were working there.
2nd During six months Poland had time to decide if it
wanted to go with Germany against Russia or with Russia
against Germany. The peaceful solution keeping the country
free of war with a status quo was never considered.
3d Poland wanted the march against Berlin and was
calculating that Germany would be suddenly in a two-front
war. Faked news then also stated that France had invaded
the Black Forest in southern Germany which turned out as a
fake. The Polish government had not expected the
cowardness of France and England and had accepted a war
with Germany. When England and France had attacked Germany
in September 1939 already with all their means then it had
been possible to surrender the German militarists. But
England and France were keeping calm in a coward way and
in 1940 they even accepted the occupation of the Benelux
states and of France - most of it's part without any
4th The partition of Poland was a calculation of the
western powers to develop a big war in Europe for
destroying Germany at the end.
5th The partition of Poland brought the Russian border
line about 300 km more to the West which meant principally
and strategically a heavy deterioration for Germany.
6th Thus one can see what Churchill is concealing in this
matter and how the British are manipulated against the
German population].