WHEN Germany is defeated, Hitler and his gang of Nazi
leaders will be swept away but it will not be possible to
make a clean sweep of the millions of Germans who have at
some time worn the Nazi badge. The system will leave a
deep mark on German life, and if you are to understand the
Germans you must know some thing of how it worked.
[The "Leader" according to Churchill]
Germany under the Nazis is a "totalitarian state". Hitler
is the Dictator, or "Führer" (Leader). He not only doubles
the parts of president and chancellor; he is supreme
law-giver, supreme judge, head of the civil service,
commander-in-chief of the armed forces and leader of the
Nazi Party. The Cabinet is there merely to advise him; the
parliament (Reichstag) is there merely to hear his
decisions and applaud. His position is more despotic than
that of King John in England, before Magna Carta limited
his powers more than 700 years ago.
[Supplement: Churchill is concealing the lodges and
the Zionists - and Hitler had also weak points as a
1st Since about 1650 England is dominated by the Free
Mason lodges, also "U.S.A." since 1776, and the power of
lodges in the Anglo-Saxon area is even much more despotic
because it's absolutely invisible and inconspicuous. This
means that the First World War and also the Second World
War were wars of lodges. Additionally since the 1890s the
Anglo-Saxon area is contaminated with Zionists - which is
concealed here again for not bringing British soldiers to
self doubts.
2nd A dictator can loose the survey easily because he
cannot control all his domains. Just this happened also to
Hitler, and his direct submitted staff members were often
misleading him too, for example with faked indications of
force levels (indicating 1,000 but the reality was only
100), or with faked projects (promises of "wonder
weapons"), or Hitler was setting the wrong priorities
(e.g. a jet bomber).
3d The fact is that Russia should have been occupied from
the left and from the right side from Germany and Japan at
the same encircling Russia in this way, but this is also
concealed by Churchill in this handbook. When in 1940
Japan was breaking away as a military ally against Russia
- as a reaction to the Hitler Stalin Pact of 1939 -
Hitler should have ended "all the exercise against Russia"
already. The German population knew mostly about this
because they knew what is a Napoleon - but all this is
hidden to the English soldier again for not provoking
questions why England never talked anything about the weak
points of a leader's state but Churchill was only
spreading fear...]
[State governors]
At the head of each of the 15 States into which Germany is
divided is one of Hitler's yes-men These state governors
(Reichs-Statthalter) appoint the provincial officials;
they, on their part, appoint the provincial officials;
they, on their part, appoint their subordinates and so on
down to the smallest employee. No one can be a state or
municipal servant in Nazi Germany unless [p.17] Hitler and
Hitler's yes-men are convinced of his loyalty to
But that is only half the story.
The Nazi Party [NSDAP]
Side by side and interlocking with the Nazi Government is
the Nazi Party. The Party has its own network of officials
from the Gauleiter, who controls one of the 42 gaus into
which Germany is divided for purposes of Party
organisation, down to the Blockwart with the modest job of
ruling a block of flats.
Although the same man is often both a government official
and a Party official, the functions of the government and
the Party are theoretically distinct.
The Party's main concern is to keep the people's faith and
enthusiasm for Hitler at boiling point and to turn on the
heat for any who are still luke-warm. The function of the
government is to carry out Hitler's decrees in practice
and run the country on the lines he has laid down.
The national army is, of course, in the service of the
government, but the Party has a private army for its own
purposes. This Party army is called the S.A.
(Sturm-Abteilungen = Storm Troops). But in 1934 there was
friction between the S.A. and the regular army and Hitler,
who wanted to win the regular army's [p.18] support,
massacred many of the leading S.A. men (including their
commander, Captain Röhm).
[Supplement: SA also exists in the fascist "U.S.A.":
Such purges are also in other states. Criminal CIA for
example is operating simply with "tragic accidents"
against disliked truth fighters instead of applying the
public shooting. Such "tragic accidents" were suffering
General Patton in 1945 or many truth seekers during the
faked "moon landing" program in the 1960s. And the latest
development of the fascist "U.S.A." is the installation of
an "American" SA with JSOC (Joint Security Operations
Command) since the 1980 which were operating in Columbia
in the 1990s and which were developed to a secret killing
army since Iraq war and Afghanistan war since 2003...]
Hitler's body-guard, the S.S. (Schutz-Staffel=Black
Guards), a more carefully selected and better drilled body
of thugs, then took the place of the S.A. as Hitler's
personal armed force on the home front.
[Supplement: SS was loved in the German population until
1939. During the first war times from 1939 to 1940 this SS
was turning out as a killer gang and after spreading this
fact with murdering actions in Poland, Benelux States and
in France this SS was more and more rejected by the
population. From 1941 the recruitments for this SS were
mostly executed by force. Of course these details are
concealed by the British Foreign Ministry for presenting
the British soldiers the Germans as a kind of a killing
gang of SS from 1939 to 1940].
The notorious Gestapo (Geheime Staats-Polizei=Secret State
Police), which is responsible for hunting down opponents
and killing them or breaking their spirit in concentration
camps, is also one of the pillars of Hitler's strength.
[Supplement: During the armed occupation of Germany from
1945 to 1950 the allies were applying just the same
methods when not even worse].
[NSDAP did absorb everything]
All other political parties, and also trade unions,
co-operative societies, even boy scout troops and
religious organisations for children and young people,
were abolished or taken over by the Nazi Party so that no
German, man, woman or child, could escape their influence.
When you reach Germany, this evil system will be swept
away, but the German people will find it hard to get rid
of much of the Nazi creed.
[Supplement: All arguments concerning the war speaking for
the Germans will be rated as "Nazi belief". This is the
strategy of the allies which have prolonged the war and
which have destroyed the German towns deliberately. In
this way the war against Germany never stops for the
Anglo-Saxon allies...]
[The book of "My Struggle" ("Mein Kampf")]
Hitler's crude and violent beliefs, few of them original
in German thought, are laid down in his book, "Mein Kampf"
(My Struggle), which all Germans are supposed to have
[Supplement: "My Struggle" was hardly read - and
warners were ridiculed
1st Hitler did copy the racist content only from the
racist "philosophers" from the "U.S.A." Already Josiah
Strong in his work "Our Country" was adoring the idea of a
1,000-Year Empire. Of course this fact is concealed as
also the fact that these "U.S.A." of 1945 are absolutely
fascist and racist yet.
2nd The book of "My Struggle" which consists of two
volumes (vol. I of 1923 and vol. II of 1925) is the most
purchased or given book in Germany but the rarest read
one. And only the readers knew that in the last chapter of
volume 2 a "German Campaign" against Russia is described
just with the procedure before how it was in 1939 and
1940. And the ones who have read this book and were
warning from Hitler's war intentions were ridiculed...]
According to Hitler the State is something above the
[p.19] people. The individual must give up his rights, his
liberties, his beliefs, even his religion, for what is
held to be the good of the State. But Hitler claims that
the Germans are a very special people; they are not only
Aryans (by which he apparently meant natives of Northern
Europe); they are also the Master Race, and their destiny
is to rule and lead all other nations.
[Supplement: "U.S.A." and the master race
Just the same was stated by the racist "philosophers" of
the "U.S.A." with Burgess, Fiske, Hosmer, and Adams.
Especially Mr. George B. Adams was spreading in the 19th
century already that the Anglo-Saxons would be a "world
race". And Hitler was only copying this. He had read
enough racist literature during the time in Vienna].
The natural enemies of the Master Race are Non-Aryans
(Jews), Bolsheviks and Plutocrats. By "Plutocrats" the
Nazis generally mean ourselves and the Americans.
[Of course Hitler never admits that he only copied from
"American" racists. In Mein Kampf he is explicitly stating
that he is only copying racial laws of the "U.S.A."].
[Churchill laughing about the "stab in the back" of 1918]
Since it is obviously impossible for a Master Race to have
been beaten in battle, the Nazis teach that the German
armies were not defeated in 1918; Germany wold have won,
they say, if the Jews, Bolsheviks and other "traitors"
inside the country had not "stabbed her in the back".
[First World War? - What Churchill is concealing:
ammunition strike, 14 Points, the fraud of Versailles of
1919 and the robbed colonies and territories
In 1918 the Socialists and Communists in Germany were
thinking that the war should come to an end now because of
the hunger in the country. They were organizing an
ammunition strike and forced the German army to an
armistice with France in this way. This maneuver is called
a "stab in the back". Then a communication with the
"American" President Wilson resulted in the agreement of
14 Points when the German army would retreat to the German
border lines. Then the peace negotiations of Versailles
followed where France with Clémenceau and other agents
were "hosing" the "American" President heavily thus
Clémenceau could decide over Germany what he wanted. Thus
the defeat of Germany was not militarily but on the table
in Versailles where Germany had no right to speak at all.
All injustice of the Treaty of Versailles was a motivation
for the German population then to join right radical
political movements. Churchill is hiding all this to the
English soldier because Churchill does not want to upset
the English soldier with the fact that Germans also could
think and that France had committed big crimes against
Germany creating the initial point for the Second World
[Churchill: Germans are not friendly and not fair - and
Churchill does not want to accept other customs than the
The Christian virtues of kindness and justice are thought
to be unworthy of the Master Race, and the Nazis have
tried to uproot them. This involved Hitler in a conflict
with the churches. He not only tried to suppress the
Protestants and Catholics, but also encouraged the Nazis
to invent semi-pagan religions of their own.
[Supplement: Hitler meant that the state would take the
function of the Church introducing welfare and at the end
since 1942 even recycling was introduced. Hitler was
introducing old Germanic customs who everybody can
celebrate enjoying them. But the Church remained for big
parts a center of resistance against war - what
Churchill's propaganda is concealing again of course.
Churchill's propaganda even claims generally that Germanic
customs would be "wild". What are Celt customs then? But
now Churchill is speaking about Jewry]:
[Churchill: anti-Semitism should be a "complex" of the
It seems strange that such wild ideas could impose on a
European nation in the 20th century, but woven into
Hitler's doctrine are many deep-seated [p.20] German
"complexes", such as hatred of the Jews, a desire to
domineer over others and a readiness to believe that they
themselves are being persecuted.
[Supplement: Hatred of the Jews was ARRANGED with the
Zionists for chasing the European Jews to Palestine!!!
1st This "Hatred of the Jews" was installed by the
government and was arranged with the criminal Zionists for
hunting the European Jews to Palestine. Just after the
laws against the Jews were installed in the NS state the
first Palestine offices of the criminal Zionists were
opening and the Jews could even take a part of their money
and belongings to Palestine to Tel Aviv (see the Ha'avara
Agreement etc.).
2nd The "complex" of being persecuted counts above all for
the German population in the old monarchy of Vienna
(K&K monarchy) where also Hitlers comes from.
3d The chase of Jews since 1933 in Germany was arranged
also by the high lodges where the Zionists also have their
seats - which are always concealed by Churchill. German
Jews were rated the "best human material" for Palestine
for the foundation of a "Great Israel". Churchill knows
about all this bus is concealing everything].
[Churchill's propaganda claims "perverted ideas" by
Germans and "cruel realization" - the "high Nazis"
enriching themselves]
Who, you may ask, are these Nazis, who go in for such
perverted ideas and cruel practices?
In the early days, there were some misled idealists among
them, but the leaders are wicked and ambitious men, who
have used their power to enrich themselves by plundering
first their fellow Germans and then other nations. In this
way they have become fabulously wealthy. They stand
outside and above German law; they have been answerable
for their crimes to no one but Hitler, and he encouraged
them [p.21].
[Churchill is concealing any Nazi connection with
Switzerland: "High Nazis" shifting their fortunes to
South "America"
Since August 1944 since the Conference of Strasbourg these
NS leaders shifted millions of values to Switzerland and
then to South "America". Of course all this is hidden by
Churchill's propaganda that all this was proceeded by the
"nice help" of the Swiss government (Von Steiger,
Rotmund). Because this collaboration of Switzerland with
the NS regime should only come to the international
surface in the 1990s (see the book by Jean Ziegler: "Die
Schweiz, das Gold und die Toten" (Switzerland, Gold and
Deads), and the book by historian Markus Heiniger "13
Gründe. Warum die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht
erobert wurde" (13 reasons. Why Switzerland was not
occupied during Second World War). All this information
about collaboration is concealed to the English soldier
again. During the summer 1945 Switzerland was a "holiday
camp" for "American" soldiers and the "Americans"
purchased Swiss wristwatches...]