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Instructions for GB servicemen 1944

6) NS Germany: "What the war has done to Germany"

Instructions from the British Foreign Ministry for British Servicemen in Germany (November 1944)

Presentation by Michael Palomino (2014)



[The destruction of the German towns: mass murders by the criminal allies]

THE Germany you will see is a very different place from the peace time Germany.

If you come in from the west you will enter the most-bombed area in Europe. Here the destruction is many times greater than anything you have seen in London, Coventry or Bristol. Compare these figures: in eleven months (September, 1940, to July, 1941) the Germans dropped 7,500 tons of bombs on London - we dropped nearly 10,000 tons on Duisburg in two attacks between Saturday morning and Sunday morning, the 14th to 15th October, 1944. In western towns from Hamburg south through the industrial Ruhr and Rhineland - with Essen, Düsseldorf, Duisburg and many other centers - and east to Nuremberg and Munich, you will see areas that consist largely of heaps of rubble and roofless, windowless shells. Cities like Berlin and Hanover in Central Germany will be no better off.

In all these places communal life has been broken up. Mass evacuations have been carried out, not only of children, but of the grown-up population. Only those remained who were needed to staff such factories as could still operate, and to run the civil defense, salvage, police and other essential services. As fast as [p.22] repairs were made, the R.A.F. [Royal Air Force] blasted them and added to the earlier destruction.

Tens of thousands of Germans have been killed or injured in these raids, hundreds of thousands have lost their belongings and could not replace them because of the shortage of goods.

[Churchill is concealing the military absurdity of town bombings - and even conceals the missiles V1 and V2
Churchill's propaganda is boasting about many bombs, but is concealing that the bombing of towns is absolutely useless as a war strategic operation, and 50% of the town bombings were performed from October 1944 to May 1945 only whereas the German Wehrmacht was only fighting on German territory yet. At the same time the handbook is concealing the German V1 and V2 missiles representing a new dimension of war and the allies had hardly any mean against this because these missiles were shot from mobile ramps at the end].

The biter Bit

[Town bombings as a "revenge"]

In Western and Central Germany you will find a war area of bleak poverty and devastation. The Germans have been well and truly paid for what they did to Warsaw, Rotterdam and Belgrade.

[Now Churchill is concealing the deliberate prolongation of war from 1943 to 1945
There is not only the fact that the destruction of towns are without military strategical sense, but Eisenhower was even prolongating the war deliberately from 1943 to 1945 which is also concealed here. Eisenhower was stopping his generals Patton and Montgomery who could have bewared Berlin from the Soviets. And Eisenhower was just waiting for the atomic bomb against Germany...]


But the German people have had other things to bear. Probably more than three and a half million German soldiers have been killed in action and another million severely wounded [data of 1944].

[Food in NS Germany]

The suppl of food for German civilians was restricted even before war began so that they could have "guns instead of butter". During the war their rations have been a good deal lower than ours; they have had much less meat, bread and milk and the quality of the food was inferior.

[Bread was mixed with wood powder].

[Hunger and exhaustion - no starvation death in NS Germany's civil population yet]

Many of the people you will see in the towns may be under-nourished, though not starving like the people of Poland and Greece.

[Supplement: starvation death is coming only with the allied 1945-1950: 12 million
As long as the allies are not there yet there is no starvation. But during the post-war area from 1945 to 1950 6 million German refugees die and 5 million Germans of the normal population die, and 1 million German soldiers die in the Rhine meadow camps. There are even hunger demonstrations, also in the British zone in Hamburg. The Zionist goal with Eisenhower was to kill 20 million more Germans, and 12 million were reached. And England was partly collaborating but not as much because the focus of this genocide was executed by the racist criminal "Americans" under mass murderer Eisenhower, just one Holocaust more, now against the Germans, in the "American" zone. Unfortunately it was like this. People not knowing the real truth about Eisenhower yet can read the books of the Canadian historian James Bacque "Crimes and Mercies" and about the Rhine meadow camps especially "Other Losses"].

On top of all this the German workers who remained in industry; and the millions of women who [p.23] were drafted into the factories, have been worn out by long hours of hard work, which often followed sleepless nights in air-raid shelters. You must therefore expect to find a population that is hungry, exhausted and on the verge of despair.

[The fact is that Eisenhower is waiting for the atomic bomb and therefore he is doing everything to prolong the war, and Churchill's propaganda is hiding this].

[The political party of NSDAP did also "useful jobs"]

You will probably find that public services and supplies are working very imperfectly, and it will be urgently necessary to get them going again. Apart from the partial breakdown due to bombing and defeat, the collapse of the Nazi Party will mean that a good deal of routine work is left undone, for in addition to their main task of regimenting their fellow-Germans, the local Nazi officials have done many useful jobs of organisation and relief.

[Just this NSDAP was organizing public kitchens so after bombings no starvation broke out - but when the allies came this system was stopped because the criminal allied wanted starvation and death for the Germans also after the war. That's the fact about the allies. Of course this allied crime provoked that many Germans only thought in a positive way about "the party" at the end...]

[The invented story of kidnapped foreigners on NS territories]

To complete the picture, you are likely to find bands of foreign workers trying to make their way home, mostly men and women who were carried off to Germany and forced to work there as slaves of the German war-machine. By the end of the war there will be millions of these foreign workers - Russians, French, Poles, Czechs, Belgians, Italians and others - working in Germany. Prisoners of war, of whom Germany has several millions, will also have to be collected from camps, farms and factories and sent back to their homes [p.24].

[Supplement: Details about the foreign workers coming by their own will until 1942 for working for Reichsmark

1st Many of the foreign workers came from 1939 to 1942 by their own will to Germany for working in Germany for Reichsmark with the perspective that a victory against Russia would be possible in 8 or 12 weeks

2nd The conditions for the foreign workers in NS Germany were worsening then with the senseless allied bombing attacks against towns because instead of hitting armament industries and fuel production the criminal allies were concentrating on civilly used centers of town and they were proudly presenting their destruction work among each other how many towns were "torched" already. Just the British Air Force was hardly performing any strategic attack against armament industries, transport routes and fuel production plants, but this changed only under the command of Eisenhower whereby Eisenhower was also continuing with the destruction of towns

3d Foreign workers in NS Germany had to follow the rules and prohibitions for them which was near to slavery sometimes. This was hardly told during the recruiting process in the home land.

4th Foreign workers in concentration camps in war important production procedures got partly higher food rations than the civil population.

5th Foreign workers did express their resistance against the NS regime then manipulating products thus cartridges etc. were produced but did not work then.

6th In 1945 after the end of the war the foreign workers of the west European states were forming little treks marching to their home land. Sometimes they robbed German farmers or were even hitting German soldiers when the soldiers were transported on "American" lorries to the Rhine meadow camps. Many of the foreign workers of the east European states did not want to go back to their home land because it was communist under the Moscow regime now but they stayed in Germany, above all Polish workers in the Ruhr area. The Russian war prisoners were sent back to Russia against their will where they were interned for another 10 years into the Gulag (the minimum penalty) because of contact with the enemy].

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