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Instructions for GB servicemen 1944

7) "What the Germans are like"

Instructions from the British Foreign Ministry for British Servicemen in Germany (November 1944)

Presentation by Michael Palomino (2014)


[Germans should "not be so similar" to the British]

WHEN you meet the Germans you will probably think they are very much like us.

They look like us, except that there are fewer of the wiry type and more big, fleshy, fair-haired men and women, especially in the north.

But they are not really so much like us as they look.

["Many good qualities" of the Germans (!!!)]

The Germans have, of course, many good qualities. They are very hard working and thorough; they are obedient and have a great love of tidiness and order. They are keen on education of a formal sort, and are proud of their "culture" and their appreciation of music, art and literature.

[Obedience is forced in Germany by force]

But for centuries they have been trained to submit to authority - not because they thought their rulers wise and right, but because obedience was imposed on them by force.

The old Prussian army - and the Nazi army too - set out intentionally to break the spirit of recruits. They were made to do stupid and humiliating things in order to destroy their self respect and turn them into unquestioning fighting machines.

[Supplement: Just the same violence in rituals in the "U.S." army
Just the same is performed in the "U.S." army with rituals in the "Marines", and also many initial rituals of universities or lodges are absolutely brute - that means that such rituals are "normal" for a fascist state so the leading circles are saving the "obedience" of the lower classes].

This method produced a formidable military force, but it did not produce good human beings. It made the Germans cringe before authority [p.25].

[This means: In Germany should have been a civil war in 1933 and 1934 for destroying the Nazis, and in the criminal "U.S.A." the racist upper classes should have been eliminated in 1776 already. England tried to eliminate the fascist "US" government in two wars, and in Germany there was no civil war at all...]

[The relation of the German population to Hitler and the political party NSDAP]

That [the destruction of self esteem] is one reason why they accepted Hitler. He ordered them about, and most of them liked it. It saved them the trouble of thinking. All they had to do was obey and leave the thinking to him. It also saved them, they thought, from responsibility The vile cruelties of the Gestapo and S.S. were nothing to do with them. They did not order them; they did not even want to know about them.

[Supplement: Hitler's political program was given him into his hands by the fraud of Versailles
Hitler was the only one who had the correction of the Versailles Treaty in his program and he was also executing these corrections. If Hitler had died at the beginning of 1939 then he had been celebrated as the renovator of Germany and would stand like this in the history books. Additionally the NSDAP and Hitler never reached more than 37%. The Berlin Minister of Interior could have sent Hitler back to Austria in 1932 yet because Hitler was a "criminal foreigner", but there was no moral courage - which is all concealed by the Churchill propaganda of course...]

The rape of Norway, Holland and Belgium was not their business. It was the business of Hitler and the General Staff.

That is the tale that will be told over and over again by the Germans. They will protest with deep sincerity that they are as innocent as a babe in arms.

[Churchill conceals the conditions of a dictatorship
Churchill's propaganda is concealing the conditions in a dictatorship. Resistance was punished with concentration camp, torture, and also with the death. All about resistance is concealed in this Churchill propaganda, and therefore the word "criminal" is justified for this propaganda booklet].

But the German people cannot slide out of their responsibility quite so easily. You must remember that Hitler became Chancellor in a strictly legal way. Nearly half the German electors voted for him in the last (comparatively) free election of 1933.

[Hitler's party NSDAP never had more than 37%
Hitler's NSDAP never got more than 37%. But Hitler had the correction of the Versailles Treaty in his program, and therefore the mistakes of 1919 made Hitler attractive. Churchill propaganda is also concealing the communist counter part in Germany. Hitler was a guarantee against communism and this was even welcomed in the English government].

With the votes of his Nationalist allies he had a clear majority. The Germans knew what he stood for - it was in his book [in the last chapter of Mein Kampf] - and they approved it.

[The Book "My Struggle" was hardly read and warning persons were ridiculed
The book "My Struggle" was mostly only in the book shelf but was hardly read, not at all up to the last chapter. Therefore also many warners who had read it up to the end were never taken earnest...]

Hitler was immensely popular with the majority of Germans.

[This counts only for August 1940 after the victory against France].

they regarded him as the restorer of German greatness.

[Because in 1919 France and England had robbed Germany from all colonies and cables, and because about 20% of the German territory was "given" to the neighboring states].

They welcomed the abolition of unemployment

[this was managed with classical anti cyclical measures with infrastructure works, nothing special]

although they knew that it arose from conscription and rearmament.

[Lie of Churchill: unemployment going down with infrastructure works - only since 1939 armament industry
Unemployment was reduced by infrastructure works mostly. There was only little work for the Wehrmacht until 1939 whereby the "U.S.A." had direct seats in the German management boards and was essentially involved into the installation of the NS armament industry. In many cases in just some minutes the production machinery for civil products was changed into an armament production machinery. Of course the Churchill propaganda does not want to mention this whereas Churchill knows about...]

After the fall of France most Germans supported his military [S.26] conquests with enthusiasm. It was only when they felt the cold wind of defeat that they discovered their consciences.

[More lies of Churchill: The majority of Germans knew what is a "Napoleon"
It can be estimated that 60% of the German population knew what had happened to Napoleon, and since July 1941 they knew that also Hitler would become a second Napoleon. Churchill's propaganda is hiding this of course because Churchill wants to present "the Germans" never as thinking beings but as fighting animals which are in fact the "Amis" bombing and torching half of Europe between 1943 and 1945 DELIBERATELY...]

The Mind of the German

The Germans adore military show.

[Also this is a LIE again. Most of Germans don't want to have anything with war and military, but in a dictatorship there is no other possibility, and resistance is punished with jail, camp or torture or even death].

[Churchill: Germany is full of uniforms]

In Nazi Germany everyone has a uniform.

[Also this is a lie. Churchill's propaganda is absolutely CRIMINAL].

If it isn't the uniform of the Army, Navy or Air Force, it is that of the S.A., S.S. or some other Party organisation.

[Uniforms exist also in England and in the fascist "U.S.A."
Well, in the criminal "U.S.A." people of military and paramilitary units are also in uniforms. Propaganda against German uniforms by the Churchill propaganda is just a precise provocation so all people in Germany can be hijacked to the Rhine meadow camps who are also in civil uniforms like mail, police or fire brigade because they also have "uniforms"].

Even the little boys and girls have been strutting about in the uniform of the Hitler Youth or the Union of German Girls.

[Youth fight organizations have their origin in ENGLAND which is hidden again by Churchill's propaganda of course...]

Such uniforms may still impress the Germans, but they will not impress you.

[German police should not be limited]

He [the British soldier] will have no authority over British troops, but you should do nothing to make more difficult any task he may be allotted by the Allies.

[English soldiers do not have to respect German uniforms - but should behave "correctly"]

The uniforms you will respect are those of the British and Allied forces.

It is important that you should be smart and soldierly in appearance and behavior. The Germans think nothing of a slovenly soldier.

[Churchill and the purpose of the doctrine of the "master race"]

You will run across Germans who are genuinely ashamed of being Germans. Even before Hitler made Germany universally hated, they had a sense of national inferiority. They felt that other nations, like the British [p.27], Americans and French, were somehow ahead of them. There is little doubt that Hitler realised this, and used his theory of the Master Race to overcome it. He tried to make the Germans think well of themselves, and he overdid it. There will be some - especially the young ones - who have swallowed the tale that they are members of the Master Race, and are therefore our superiors.

[What Churchill conceals: "U.S.A." were believing in the Anglo-Saxon "world race" since 1870 already
"U.S.A." and England were declaring themselves in 1865 to the Anglo-Saxon "World Race". Hitler was just copying the racist "U.S." "philosophers" (see the books by Fiske: "Manifest Destiny"; Hosmer: "A Short Story of Anglo Saxon Freedom" etc.). Now there is just the difference that the Anglo-Saxon rulers with their joy of destruction between 1942 to 1945 will be presented as the "winners"...]

There is no need to say much more about German brutality;

[Well, "brutality" is also spread in England and in racist "U.S.A.", in the Victorian Empire with 20 Holocausts, and in the "U.S.A." with genocides without end since 1776 during 200 years!]

It has been unmistakably revealed in the Nazi methods of governing and of waging war.

[The same "brutality" is managed in the "U.S." army with the Marines, today also in the "American" SS called JSOC etc.]

[War propaganda with murder of children]

But you may think it strange that the Germans are at the same time sentimental. They love melancholy songs; they easily get sorry for themselves; even childless old couples insist on having their Christmas tree. German soldiers would play with Polish or Russian children, and yet there are enough authentic reports of these same children being shot or burnt or starved to death.

[War reports are mostly propaganda for "hosing" the enemy. Zionists did this against Germany with their propagandist Ehrenburg in a skillful way].

This mixture of sentimentality and callousness does not show a well-balanced mind.

[Education of German soldiers and their mind
German soldiers were precisely mentally educated what was possible and what not. And then they controlled each other. But with the racist white "Americans" it's working in another way: Their self esteem is only basing on the shooting gun and in the extermination of 20 million natives robbing them the whole continent...]

The Germans are not good at controlling their feelings. They have a streak of hysteria.

[Hysteric alcoholic Churchill and his hysteric character
Just the contrary is the case, and the alcoholic half Jew Churchill cannot control his feelings. But when all German towns are bombed into ruins only damaging the civil population then it's clear that a certain hysteric behavior is spreading against these criminal allies of England and of the "U.S.A."...]

You will find that Germans may often fly into a passion if some little thing goes wrong.

[This indication is only a diversionary maneuver. Precision is worth the work. But the Anglo-Saxons have killed 20 million natives in "America", and in Germany another 20 million should be killed and they reached "only" 12. These are the facts the Anglo-Saxons want to hide...]

How Hitler moulded them

Hitler set to work, for his own purposes, to cultivate these weaknesses and vices of the German character [p.28].

He wanted his Nazis to be still more brutal because he thought that in this way he could terrify the German nation, and other nations too, into submission. Tens of thousands of young men in the S.S. have been systematically trained as torturers and executioners. Some went mad in the process, but others reached a point where they can commit any atrocity with indifference or even with pleasure.

[Supplement: Atrocities of the allies of England and "U.S.A." 1943-1950
The same atrocities were executed by the criminal allies from 1943 to 1950 in Germany bombing civil towns for nothing, then installing the Rhine meadow camps, rejecting aid deliveries from the Red Cross, deliberately provoking hunger and starvation with 5 million deads, provoking refugee treks with 6 million deads etc. The racist English and "Amis" are just the same killer animals, and already before the English were the same killer animals in the Victorian Empire (see the book of Davis: "Late Victorian Holocausts", and in the "U.S.A." with a genocide to about 20 million natives and members of primary nations].

[Churchill warns from NS spies - but the British are the worst peepers of all in the world]

Ordinary members of the public have been taught to spy on each other.

[This is the same in England under Churchill and in the "U.S.A:" under the Zionist Roosevelt and also under Stalin. The principle spy in those times is the mailman].

Little boys and girls in the Hitler Youth have been encouraged to denounce their parents and teachers if they let slip some incautious criticism of Hitler or his government.

[These methods were also applied in East Germany of GDR, and it seems strange that also in the fascist "U.S.A." these methods become normal since 2001...]

The result is that no one in Nazi Germany can trust his fellows, friendship and family affection have been undermined, and thousands of anti-Nazi Germans have been forced to pretend - even in their own homes - that they admire the men and principles which in their hearts they despise. Lying and hypocrisy became a necessity.

[This is the case under any war regime, is nothing special. Special is only that this Churchill propaganda is indirectly stating that in England it would not be like this only blaming "the Germans"...]

[Churchill about NS diplomacy which would have it's base only on breach of confidence]

Hitler's own breaches of faith - especially in his dealings with other nations - were represented as skillful diplomacy. The Germans admired his success and came to admire his methods.

[Also this general statement is a LIE because there was a big resistance in NS Germany - which is NEVER mentioned by the Churchill propaganda of course...]

Worst of all, perhaps, it has been drummed into German children in the schools and Hitler Youth [is] that might is right, war [is] the nest form of human activity and [p.29] Christianity [would be] just slushy sentiment.

[Supplement: The Russian campaign was an arrangement with the "high lodges" and should last 8 to 12 weeks
The facts are others: Church was blessing Hitler's weapons. The Russia campaign should last only 8 to 12 weeks driving Russia and Communism back behind the Ural mountains. The complete world wide diplomacy did know about this and supported this and only Stalin was alone fulfilling the treaties with Germany. But the Russian campaign was a failure at the end of 1940 already when Japan and Stalin concluded a non-aggression treaty (see the book by Valentin Falin: Second Front). Since 1942 the "U.S.A." were supporting Germany and Russia together bombing Germany into ruins "hosing" Germany and enabling Soviet Russia bombing Germany from the eastern side at the end. This is the "noble action" of the "U.S.A." whereby not one single German bomb hit any town of the "U.S.A."...]

[Churchill: Germans should be "robots" - English soldiers should be "attentive"]

By cramming children's minds with Nazi ideas and preventing any other ideas from reaching them, Hitler hoped to breed a race of robots after his own heart. We cannot yet judge to what extent this inhuman plan has succeeded.

So you will not be surprised if the German proves to be less like us than he appears at first sight.

This does not mean that all Germans are liars, hypocrites and brutes. Even Nazi methods of education have not been so successful as all that; but it does mean that the national character of the Germans has worsened a good deal under Nazi influence. Be on your Guard. When you deal with Germans you must be on your guard.

[Churchill blaming Germany having "tricked" England (???)]

We were taken in by them after the last war: many of us swallowed their story about the "cruel" Treaty of Versailles, although it was really far more lenient than the terms they themselves had imposed on Russia only a year before; many of us believed their talk about disarmament and the sincerity of their desire for peace. And so we let ourselves in for this war, which has been a good deal bigger than the last.

[Churchill is concealing again: The "U.S.A." were rearming the Third Reich
Rearming in NS Germany was managed by "American" companies with direct seats in the German management boards as a control measure for the repayment of reparation treaties. Churchill must have known this but Churchill's propaganda is hiding it who was in fact rearming Germany: Fascist "U.S.A." created in Europe a fascist state as their puppet. The same is happening in 2014 with Ukraine again...]

[Churchill claiming that Germany wants a Third World War]

[In broad letters the Churchill propaganda is claiming this now]:

There are signs that the German leaders are already making plans for a Third World War. That must be prevented at all costs.

[The truth: Anglo-Saxons want the Third World war for world wide dominance - proofs without end
Well, a "Third World War" is demonstrably wanted by the criminal fascist "U.S.A." and their Anglo-Saxon allies England, Canada and Australia etc. "U.S.A." were exterminating about 20 million natives with genocides. Zionist fascist "U.S.A." was prolonging the Second World War with a "tour in Africa" by 2 years for bombing Europe waiting for the atomic bomb against Germany which came too late. "U.S.A." were also bombing Japan into ruins whereas Japan never touched the "American" continent. Since 1948 there is an eternal war in the Middle East, Korea was bombed into ruins, Vietnam was bombed into ruins and was contaminated with Agent Orange with the argument of "domino effect" - but communism was also financed by just the same criminal "U.S.A.". Caribbean and Columbia were terrorised for years by the fascist "U.S.A." under the pretext of fighting drug plantations - but Bush family itself are masters in drug dealing over oil platforms in the Caribbean and in Mexico! And since 2001 the fascist "U.S.A." have the Third World War and since 2014 against Russia. Without "U.S.A." there are 80% LESS wars in the world. Thus one can see what the Anglo-Saxon Churchill propaganda is concealing. The whole sense with all this is to destroy competitors and nothing else...]

[Churchill: German resistance will consider the "British" as liberators]

When you get to Germany it is possible that some [p.30] civilians will welcome your arrival, and may even look on you as their liberators from Hitler's tyranny. These will be among the Germans who consistently opposed Hitler during his years of success. Not that they made speeches against him or committed sabotage: any who did that are unlikely to be alive to welcome you. But there are many who kept their own counsel and passively opposed Hitler all along.

[Supplement: Also the Germans don't hardly know about the collaboration of the Third Reich with the fascist "U.S." industrials
In 1944 also the German population does not know about the collaboration of the NS armament industry with the fascist "U.S.A." and they mean that the Anglo-Saxons would be the liberators. This picture is changing then from 1945 to 1950 when the allies are even dismantling intact industrial plants provoking starvation deliberately with 5 million dead Germans by starvation in rest Germany from 1945 to 1950. This is performed also in the English zone, but above all in the "American" zone under the eternally criminal "U.S." "Americans"...]

[Churchill about people in the German resistance who have survived - and flip-floppers]

As a rule they are loyal members of the political parties suppressed by Hitler, mostly workers, but often honest people of the middle classes. Or they are Catholics or Protestants, who have opposed Hitler because of his persecution of Christianity.

But many Germans will pretend they have been anti--Nazis simply because they want to be on the winning side. Among them will be many doubtful characters. Even those who seem to have the best intentions cannot be regarded as trustworthy; they are almost certain to have some axe to grind. That is one of the reasons why you have been instructed not to fraternise with the Germans.

[Well, in England and in the fascist "U.S.A." there are just the same kinds of "flip-floppers" - but this is concealed by Churchill's propaganda again...]

There are fanatical young Nazis - girls as well as boys - whose heads and hearts are still full of the vicious teachings they absorbed in the Hitler Youth. Their talk, if you ever heard it, might sound plausible and even rather fine, for Hitler's propagandists have naturally [p.31] dressed up his ideas to make them attractive to the young. But remember that the real meaning of Nazism is shown in its vile practices, not in its fair words.

[Remember the list of "cruel actions" committed by the criminal Anglo-Saxon allies from 1933 to 1950 - this list is long!
It's just "funny" what Churchill's propaganda is concealing all whereas Churchill must have known much of it:

-- the armament of the NS regime since 1933 is organized by the "U.S.A." and is massively supported and financed by them because the industrials of the "U.S.A." were hoping for "new markets" after a successful Russian campaign
-- in 1942 Eisenhower, Roosevelt and the Zionist Morgenthau clique were organizing deliberately a prolongation of the war from 1943 to 1945 with a "tour in Africa" bombing central Europe into ruins at the same time
-- additionally Eisenhower, Roosevelt and the Zionist Morgenthau clique wanted to prolong the war until the atomic bomb would be available against Germany but this bomb came too late
-- Eisenhower deliberately blocked his good generals Patton and Montgomery who had been able to save Berlin from the Red Army and from the violation and killing orgy
-- since April 1945 Eisenhower installed the Rhine meadow camps in the "American" zone for killing 1 million German soldiers just continuing the Anglo-Saxon tradition of Andersonville of 1865
-- between 1945 and 1950 the allies organized a starvation in Germany as it never had been before with 5 million Germans killed by starvation and at the same time the allies were living with 4,000 calories per day being supplied from the "U.S.A."
-- the allies organized the expulsion of one third of the German population with treks from eastern Europe with 6 million lethal victims
-- and in 1945 Eisenhower and Hitchcock were organizing a giant calumny against Germany with the claim that Germany had killed 6 million Jews: Hitchcock was filming the emaciated Germans and the German dead bodies in the Rhine meadow camps and then cut the films in a manner showing the German soldiers as Jews in German concentration camps claiming that Jews in Germany had died in German Wehrmacht uniforms - absolutely criminal - additionally the dead bodies in the Hitchcock movies never had any captive number tattoo - but this manipulation worker at the Nuremberg Process very well to destroy any reputation of Germany
-- and the fascist "U.S.A." - with England and Russia together - were collaborating "well" since 1945 in hiding the real locations of death for Jewish captives: ghettos and tunnel constructions were closed or destroyed where many Jews had died from 1942 to 1945, and in this way the real facts are concealed and hidden and the real memory is not possible until in the 1980s the history research was detecting more and more the tunnel systems...]

[Churchill's propaganda continues]:

And, quite possibly, you will some day run into one of the genuine thugs, one of the former killers or crooked Nazi bosses. He may try to throw his weight about, or he may cringe and try to curry favor. Such people really respect nothing but force.

The authorities will know how to deal with them.

[Well, unfortunately the German authorities are too generous yet and don't know how to deal with "U.S." mass murderers in the NATO system!]

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