IF we leave the extreme Nazi ideas out of account, the
basic German view of the British is something like this:
The British do not work so hard as the Germans or take
their work so seriously.
[Just Mr. Churchill with his propaganda against Germans
does not take his work seriously - this is really
The British do not organise as well as the Germans. (In
fact the German tends to over-organise; this war has shown
that our organisation, when we really get down to it, is
just as thorough and more flexible).
But on the whole the Germans admire the British. The
efforts of the German Propaganda Ministry to stir up
hatred against us have not been, in spite of the R.A.F.
[Royal Air Force] raids, a great success. It is probable
that of all the occupying troops of the United Nations we
and the Americans will be the least unwelcome.
Even Hitler had a grudging respect for us, as he admitted
in "Mein Kampf". He envied us the British Empire and
admired the national qualities that went to building it up
- imagination, enterprise and tough endurance. He thought
we had grown decadent and lost them. Our fighting forces -
and the civilians at home - have proved the contrary.
[Supplement: Hitler wanted to exterminate Communism
together with England
Hitler wanted that England wold go with Germany against
Russia, above all when Japan was lost as a partner against
communist Russia. This is concealed in the English
propaganda but is proved several times in the book by
Valentin Falin "Second Front". It's even possible that the
"U.S.A." were approving that England will go with Germany
against Russia for destroying communism in another
lightning war ("Blitzkrieg") of 8 to 12 weeks].
[Churchill: Germans mean that British would be "fair"]
Germans believe we have other national virtues. They think
that we are fair, decent and tolerant and that we have
political common sense [p.33].
[Well, English show their "fairness with 20 Holocausts
in the Victorian Empire and fascist "U.S.A." genocides
without end since 1776
England and "U.S.A." are without mercy with 20 Holocausts
in the Victorian Empire (see the book by Davis "Late
Victorian Holocausts". In Germany both England and
"U.S.A." were organizing just a big Holocaust against
Germans with 12 million deads between 1945 and 1950 in the
Rhine meadow camps and refugee treks, among others also in
the British zone, worst in the "American" zone. Because
British know what would be a revenge. The Holocaust
between 1943 and 1945 with the bombings of German town was
just the foreplay. "U.S.A." are very well experienced in
genocides exterminating other cultures, and until today
they are celebrating this rite with
CIA+Pentagon+NATO+NSA+JSOC. Thus "U.S.A." have become a
fascist "pack" - mostly supported by England].
Now that the Nazi dream of world-conquest has been
shattered, these homely qualities look all the more
attractive, and many Germans would probably say today that
their ideal of the new Germany is something like Britain.
[Supplement: England have world wide dominance with their
Empire, and "U.S.A." have defined future world wide
dominance with "Manifest Destiny"]
Hitler wanted to part the world in India with Japan. But
Hitler was only copying from the Anglo-Saxon literature!
World wide dominance was a fact for England with the
Empire, and fascist "U.S.A." were following with the essay
"Manifest Destiny" - just a popular fascist "American"
Nazi literature, legally to have in the book shops...]
[Churchill: Soldiers as representatives - not provoke
While you are serving in Germany you are representatives
of Britain. Your behavior will decide their opinion of us.
It is not that we value their opinion for its own sake. It
is good for the Germans, however, to see that soldiers of
the British democracy are self-controlled and
self-respecting, that in dealing with a conquered nation
they can be firm, fair and decent. The Germans will have
to become fair and decent themselves, if we are to live
with them in peace later on.
But the Germans have another pet idea. They claim that we
are nationally akin to them, they call us their "cousins".
This is part of their theory of the superiority of the
Northern races.
[Also this statement against Germans is a LIE:
Anglo-Saxons in the "U.S.A." were even claiming the German
origin in Teutoburg Forest deriving a "world race" from
this, see the essay by Fiske "Manifest Destiny", and see
Hosmer's book: "A Short Story of Anglo Saxon Freedom".
Hitler did only copy from there, and Churchill knows for
sure about this, but the Churchill propaganda wants only
to blame "the Germans" so no friendship will be - all is a
LIE and his propaganda is not stopping after 1945...]
the likeness, if it exists at all, is only skin-deep.
deeper you dig into the German character, the more you
realise how different they are from us. So don't be
taken in by first impressions.
[Supplement: differences between English and Germans:
naturism and tea
Here are some differences: English are very inhibited what
Germans are not so because Germans are the pioneers for
nudism in a unity with nature what English just cannot do
because they are so stubborn. English are more the peepers
and the spies even laughing against naturism feeling happy
guarding their intellectual level without meditation being
trapped in the ghost of Mr. Bean. To the contrary the
Germans do not know much about tea because Germany was
never a big colonial power].
The Germans think of the Americans much in the same way as
they think of us, but they do not know them so well and
many of their ideas come from Hollywood [p.34] films,
which were once very popular in Germany. That is why they
think, for instance, that all Americans are rich. Their
first idea of the American troops as "amateur" soldiers
has been completely disproved by battle experience.
[Churchill is hiding: Hollywood is manipulating
also the English and the "U.S.A."!!!
The populations of England and "U.S.A." are just tricked
by Hollywood as also Germans in Germany are deceived].
[Churchill: Subhumans in the NS Empire: Russians and
The Germans' attitude to the Russians is quite different.
Under Hitler they have been taught to regard the Russians
as sub-human. The purpose of this was to remove any
scruples they might have had about the barbarous methods
of German warfare on the Russian front. The Soviet
citizen, Hitler said, was less than a human being, so no
treatment could be too cruel for him. The "Bolsheviks"
were bracketed with the Jews as Enemy of Mankind No. 1.
When the Red Army began to advance Hitler redoubled this
propaganda. He hoped to frighten his troops and the
civilians at home into resistance to the death. And to
some extent he succeeded. .
[Supplement: subhumans in the Victorian Empire
In the English colonial Empire it was just the same:
English were treating the natives as subhumans. There are
proofs for 20 Holocausts in this Victorian Empire, see the
book by Davis: "Late Victorian Holocausts". But Churchill
is concealing everything of this...]
[Supplement: help of the "U.S.A." for communists
War propaganda is propaganda and should evoke energies so
the victory would be easier. Fascist "U.S.A." were helping
Stalin since 1942 and were saving Communism from it's
extermination and then they were bombing Germany into
ruins with Ehrenburg's war propaganda against Germans.
Since 1946 the western "allies" were discussing if one had
"slaughtered the wrong pig" when Stalin was unifying the
two political parties of Communists and Socialists into
one party of SED forcing the one party state in the east
German zone...]
The severity of the Red Army's fight for liberation is
easy to understand.
Hitler, running true to form,
attacked Russia while the pact of friendship he had made
with her was still in force; he has spurred on his
soldiers and S.S. to commit atrocities more barbarous than
anything in modern history - except their own record in
[About the atrocities of the Anglo-Saxons see above -
Churchill's lies never stop and are covered with Chinese
He has spurred on his soldiers and S.S. to commit
atrocities more barbarous than anything in modern history
- except their own record in Poland.
[Supplement: Anglo-Saxons and their genocides
Genocides are just "normal" for Anglo-Saxons in the
"U.S.A." and in the Victorian Empire with atrocities
without end against natives and primary nations with
reservations and concentrations camps. This was just a
model for Hitler! Of course this is concealed by
Churchill's propaganda...]
Ever since the Germans invaded Russia in 1941 [p.35],
their propaganda has been spreading baseless scares about
the "Bolshevik menace". The aim was perfectly clear - it
was to drive a wedge between us and our Russian ally.
Remember this if the Germans try to spread stories against
the Red Army [p.36].
[The truth is: England always wants a strong Germany -
but the world wide dominance for England
It's just the other way round: England and the Victorian
Empire had a big fear from Bolshevism and England always
welcomed a strong Germany for having a protection against
Russia. But when Germany becomes too strong then England
is manipulating everything against Germany. This psycho
terrorism of the Anglo-Saxon governments does not stop
until today because the Anglo-Saxons want to go on with
their world wide dominance...]