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Instructions for GB servicemen 1944

12+13) "Do's" and "Don'ts"

Instructions from British Foreign Ministry for British Servicemen in Germany (November 1944)

Presentation by Michael Palomino (2014)



[Alcoholic Churchill's propaganda comes with behavior rules]

[What one should do - the "do's"]

REMEMBER you are a representative of the British Commonwealth.

[Alcoholic Churchill never was aware of this and never performed a therapy in alcoholism...]

KEEP your eyes and ears open.

[For this the German language course should have been in Britain already].

BE SMART and soldierly in dress and bearing.

[But there was never an allied soldier helping to arrange the ruins helping the rubble women].

AVOID loose talk and loose conduct.

[Because the truth about the Anglo-Saxon race should not come out].

BE FIRM AND FAIR in any dealings with Germans.

[But Churchill never excused for the bombing of Dresden but he went on walking with his pitbull...]

KEEP GERMANS AT A DISTANCE, even those with whom you have official dealings.

[Otherwise the secrets about the Illuminati and Zionist maneuvers would come out...]

STEER CLEAR of all disputes between German political parties.

GO EASY on Schnaps.

[Advise of an alcoholic Churchill...]

REMEMBER that in Germany "venereal diseases strike at every fourth person between the ages of 15 and 41." [p.49]

[Alcoholic war disease in Churchill's brain torching 50% of the German towns by fire storms during the last 6 months of the war without any strategic sense is never mentioned...]


[The "don'ts"]

DON'T sell or give away dress or equipments


DON'T be sentimental. If things are tough for the Germans they have only themselves to blame. They made things much worse for the innocent people of the countries they occupied.

[The big lie: Eisenhower prolonged the war - not Hitler
Of course this is a LIE again because Eisenhower with Roosevelt were deliberately prolonging this war by 2 years for bombing Germany into ruins, and Eisenhower wanted deliberately that Berlin was taken by the Red Army. Only therefore since 1944 hunger in France and in the Benelux countries was coming up - in Holland also by a railway strike which was proclaimed by the Dutch government in London].


DON'T believe German accounts of the war or the events that led up to it. The Germans got their ideas on these subjects from lying propaganda.

[Thus Germans are prohibited to think logically?
With this order the alcoholic Churchill orders that Germans could not think logically as if the Versailles Treaty of 1919 and all financing of rearmament by the fascist "U.S.A." had never been].


DON'T fall for political hard-luck stories.

[Thus English should never learn about German war history?
The alcoholic Churchill does not want to know about what he was doing with his support of Soviet Union and with refugee treks. The English soldiers should just never be informed that the Anglo-Saxons were financing this German Nazism and that they were manipulating the Third Reich against Soviet Union. When Germany had been given back some colonies in Africa then the Russian campaign had never been...]


DON'T believe tales against our Allies or the Dominions. They are aimed at sowing ill will between us.

[Never believe a German?
Churchill wants to save with this method the British world wide dominance with it's criminal Anglo-Saxonism - 20 Holocausts in the Victorian Empire have to be concealed, and all torched German towns...]


DON'T be taken in by surface resemblances between the Germans and ourselves.

[Alcoholic Churchill does not want to celebrate common elements but only his Anglo-Saxonism
Churchill wants to inhibit friendships between English and Germans in any case, as it seems because he means having failed as a war minister in 1919, and because the world race of Anglo-Saxons should not be "softened": Anglo-Saxons want to go on dominating Germany as they do since England is existing...]


DON'T go looking for trouble [p.50].

[The trouble is made already by torching German towns with mass murder without end - and more criminal things about Anglo-Saxonism could come out like the Rhine meadow camps and dismantling intact German industries for provoking more famine and mass murder by hunger with millions...]

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