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Instructions for GB servicemen 1944

14) "Security note"

Instructions from British Foreign Ministry for British Servicemen in Germany (November 1944)

Presentation by Michael Palomino (2014)



[Churchill means: Germans="dangerous" working in the "underground"]

IF there is no open fighting in the part of Germany in which you find yourself you may think that there is no longer any special need for security.

This is not the case. Germans must still be regarded as dangerous enemies until the final Peace Settlement has been concluded and after the occupation of Germany has ended.

Security is therefore as important as ever. In battle, breaches of security may cost men's lives; under conditions behind the line the danger is not so immediate. Such breaches, will, however, assist those Germans who are working underground against us, and, make no mistake about it, there will be plenty of them.

[No peace treaty with Germany until 2014 - the perverse and criminal Anglo-Saxons have always a German "zone"
For Churchill the war never ends. This is proved here again. When the Anglo-Saxon race is manipulating continental Europe without end and thinking in a bad manner about Germany so Germans remain an "enemy" until today (2014) for this cruel Anglo-Saxon race of England and "U.S.A." Just the Germans themselves don't know because they think that the German Constitution ("Grundgesetz") would be like a peace treaty - but this is NOT the case because the Grundgesetz is only provisional until the peace treaty is made and the national constitution is approved by a people's vote which NEVER WAS. So Germany is an Anglo-Saxon occupied zone until today (2014) and most of Germans don't know about this. But the Anglo-Saxons with CIA, Pentagon, NATO, NSA and JSOC know well that Germany is not a country but it is "their zone" where they can operate what they want... Thus the Anglo-Saxons are really perverse bastards in manipulating continental Europe and 80% of the German press is printed by CIA so the broad German population is manipulated without end. Considering Germans as "enemies" gives these bastards more "possibilities" in the German "zone" for example steering their wars in the Middle East or chemtrails from their military bases in the German "zone" - payed by German tax payers (!!!)]

[Churchill fears "German tricks"]

You will have read in this book all about the character of the Germans, and will know what to expect from them, especially from the Nazi elements.

[Churchill's propaganda claims to be complete of course - what a LIE (!!!)]

Your attention should therefore be firmly and continually fixed on the following points with regard to which the necessity for security remains paramount:

1. [There will be] Attempts by propaganda and agents to secure sympathy for the German people and to convince you that they have had a raw deal.

[Churchill conceals the deliberate prolongation of war from 1943 to 1945 and the expulsions
This "bad luck" was provoked by the criminal western allies deliberately by prolonging the war deliberately by 2 years with the goal to worsen the bad luck for Germany with the atomic bomb - which did not work - because the atomic bomb came too late...]

2. [There will be] Attempts by propaganda and agents to create ill-feeling [p.60] between us and our Allies, and in particular to stir up anti-Russian feeling.

[Well, fascist "U.S.A." were rearming the Third Reich and since 1942 also Soviet Russia at the same time...]

3. [There will be] Attempts to sabotage, and to injure the Allied Forces in Germany.

[But the criminal allies are the culprits even dismantling yet intact industries in Germany robbing it abroad provoking famine and further mass murder...]

4. [There will be] Attempts to obtain information as to the movements, dispositions and activities of our Forces, and other information of a military nature, such as advance information of projected operations, search parties, raids and similar intentions.

[Just the Nuremberg Process 1945-1946 is that criminal basing only on faked copies and faked testimonies so there is no reason to suspect Germans of spying activity].

[For the criminal alcoholic Churchill Germans are an "enemy" also after the war]

[It seems incredible but this criminal alcoholic Churchill is appealing on for fighting the Germans]:

In order to combat this, you should constantly bear in mind the following:

Be careful what you say - not only to civilians, but in their hearing. Many more Germans than you think understand and speak English.

Be guarded in what you say on the telephone. Remember that a telephone line is never private.

Remember that propaganda will be used in many forms - some crude and obvious, but much of it subtle and difficult to recognise.

Don't be too ready to listen to stories told by attractive women. They may be acting under orders.

[Spying by attractive women is a "normal" manner of spying in the "Anglo Saxon" and Russian way of life...]

Pay especial attention to security of documents, and don't leave letters and private diaries lying about. Although apparently harmless, they may contain information of value to the enemy [p.61].

[Churchill: Germans are "subjects" also after 1945 yet, and sabotage and murderers - and vigilance and determination is needed]

Report any suspicious characters at once to your Unit Security Officer or to a Field Security Officer.

If you have to check identity documents, be scrupulously thorough in assuring yourself that the bearer is all that he claims to be. And finally never leave weapons or ammunition unguarded. Remember the saboteur and the assassin.

Life in Germany will demand your constant vigilance, alertness and self-confidence. Each one of you has a job to do. See that you carry it through, however irksome it may seem, with goodwill and determination. The more thorough we are now the less likely are we to have trouble in the future.

[The complete idiot and alcoholic Churchill spoke to his soldiers...]

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