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Josef Nowak: Rhine meadow camp of Rheinberg

Chapter 2: Beatings at the beginning, beatings at the end

Lorry race with human freight -- foreign workers robbing German soldiers -- foreign workers blowing German heads of the prisoners on the lorries -- men over board is killed by other lorries -- black "Amis" deliberately killing during the transport already -- cattle trader Nussbaum

from: Josef Nowak: Seeded on the field. War prisoner in the home land.
(Mensch auf den Acker gesät. Kriegsgefangen in der Heimat)

translated by Michael Palomino (2013)
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[Racing black "Ami" lorry drivers with human freight]

The convoy of lorries is racing on the old National Road Nº 1. On this road were many transports of soldiers already in the last 1,000s and more years. But there was not such a transport in such a hurry yet. The niggers driving had a childish joy like fools pressing the guns. Perhaps they have the idea to be on the back of racing rhinoceroses in the steppe whereas until today no scientist has seen such a chase. The tires make their noise in the curves. It's no need to save the tires. A country which has so much rubber cannot loose the war. Breaking seems to be forbidden. And it's also clear why. There is no guard on board. During this fast race the only safety that no prisoner will take it's flight is the race itself. Springing down would be the safe death - as if someone would take a hand grenade put into his mouth.

A wonderful spring is coming in the country. This April is taking away all beautiful things which are predicted for May - as say the poets. The young seed is covering the dark earth like a fine gleaming robe. We see to the slope of the hill with the location of Eastern Forest (Osterwald) [p.26], a village with many steep roads and with many donkeys yet. This is the center of breeding donkeys in northern Germany. Only here? We are going on with the race. At the left side of a field there is a dead body of a horse rotting away. The animal has finished it's service and is in calm. At the forest edge there is the dead body of a tank. Also this dead body has finished it's service heading its canon into the air like a draw bar, so ridiculous. There cannot be more in this landscape about the glory of this war. It was as fast coming into this valley of Weser River thus it could not destroy anything here. The men with their assault guns could fire only seldom. The vehicles were so fast thus the bomb throwers had no tie to put down young forests and to destroy villages.

[Foreign workers robbing German farmers walking home - slapping the Germans on their heads]

Half an hour later perhaps the road shows more life. It seems that whole tribes are on the way as there would be Cimbrian and Teutonic peoples looking for new locations. Now these are French people, Belgium people, Dutch people, forced laborers all, they are busy for coming home now. They were stealing tractors from the barns, they were stealing the last horses from the stables and now they are on harvest wagons and on coaches. They are driving home to the west without rest. They are forming treks like the processional moths. They are singing, screaming, jumping as if they all had elastic bands in their joints. They have enough food. They robbed the German farmers their deposits. They [p.27] robbed also animals, calves and sheep.

They did not forget either that they are members of the victorious nations since some hours. Now they are taking action having stolen agricultural instruments like batons, flails and bean poles. With these long instruments they are shouting in their joy against the hated Germans hitting their heads. "Ail Itleer!" the French are screaming blowing on the heads on the lorry as if it would be mature grain. The Germans are not moving, because the cannot move on the lorries. They would not do also when they could. They have the dull feeling that all this is part of the end. Therefore they keep upright like trees.

[Man over board and killed by the next lorry - marching German soldiers]

From time to time a soldier is cut from the lorry and is falling down on the road like a pole. This is bad luck. On the road his is run by the following lorries, is crushed, is crunched. He was not a guard in Auschwitz, he was not a burner of bodies in Theresienstadt, he was not a torturer of Buchenwald. He only lost the war and will get his fine. No one is keeping the falling one. He only would also fall with him. The question is if he would keep him when he would not fall himself. All this miserable humanity is full of catalepsy which is blocking their brains morally with a morally paralyzing effect.

I am watching to the side a little bit down to the street. I am really astonished. There [p.28] are German soldiers marching in peace home. Without rifle, without gun, but with full rucksacks they are pilgrimming to the west and to the east. Nobody thinks to take them prisoner. There is no order. The sergeant having the honor to lead our transport also sees the German soldiers. He is shifting his chewing gum from the left to the right side in his mouth and is spitting sometimes a good portion of saliva on their caps. He does not think about to stop his convoy. Only we on the lorries are already taken prisoner. Our line of destiny is just another one.

[Again blows on German heads - the Dutchman]

There is a giant Dutch man swinging a giant instrument. He wants to hit my head in the north eastern corner of the lorry. When this blow will come then I am under the earth. Half a second later the next instrument is passing my head. And nothing remains than bloody puree that one never show to any bride or child. The tulip cultivator or cheese trader or whatever he is, he has more muscles than brain. He does not understand anything of weapon techniques. He has no idea that he has to calculate the velocity of is and my lorry, he has no idea that the side angle is always slower, and the height angle is always faster changing the more approached is the midpoint. IN short words, he dies not understand anything from flak instructing. Thus he is only striving softly my back of the head. It was not [p.29] my hour to fall from the lorry.

How long is is that I had received blows like this? Twenty two years. A short time after the change of government, during spring 1933. Men stormers from SA units were marching with their ridiculous popular radios on their heads following a swastika flag through the town. As I was suffering of political rheumatism in the right shoulder I considered the window of a jewelry shop in a stiff way. And then blows with fists and sticks followed. I had not greeted them with my hat. It was my guilt. I should not have shown my back to them in this demonstrative way. Additionally I had had enough time to emigrate [to go away].

Education, that's what it is? There where are blows with sticks, there also will grow the educators fast. But for what I get Dutch beatings today? Perhaps only by the reason to get a better image of all the events in the Third Reich in my soul. There were beating in the beginning, and there were beatings at the end. Only the nationality of the bully men did change. But all other things remained the same. When we had an idea that then in November 1938 when I was persecuted and was interrogated by Himmler's secret state police for hours looking for a little reason to bring me to a concentration camp, when we had had the idea that seven years later a Dutch bully man would try [p.30] to stamp me posthumous to a national socialist, we had laughed until we had fallen from the chairs probably. Be blessed your bully boys and beaten people! Don't think, you beating Dutchman that I had been especially angry against you. I did not suffer. You were suffering above all because of your green stupidity. For your primitive brain it was enough to blow on a skull only because it was a German skull. When you had this book once in your hands then think if you have achieved in those times to eliminate another German soldier from the lorry killing him. Perhaps you are, brother from Holland, a Wallonian reformed Christ from Haarlem or Utrecht. And perhaps your victim was a reformed Confessing pastor from Germany who - with his weak forces - was keeping together his loyal group which was always getting smaller and smaller bewaring them to serve to the logo of the animal. And when you had some nights without sleep then, I really wish this for you.

[Again man over board - black "American" lorry drivers racing regardless killing deliberately German prisoners of war]

More and more is lasting this race. What I was frightening since a long time already was happening then. The lorry before us did not have a high railing. There were only some woods. A sharp right curve during the wild race provoked that the woods were not withstanding the pull any more breaking apart. Bodies were in the air. Were there two, three or four? One crashed with [p.31] his head at a wall. The other ones are already under the wheels of the next lorries. They lost the war. The war did loose them. It's like in 1525 when Martin Cronthal was reporting in his chronicle of Würzburg abut the big killing of farmers. One life had less value than the life of a hen. Somebody will take the bodies and bury them. Somebody will heal the cripples when it's worth - in some way. Our drivers had no consignment note in which the freight was registered. They did not even know the numbers of people exactly being transported. Thus there was no responsibility for any freight. yes, when they had stolen a hen from the captain's stable -

[A cow and a wagon - the memory of a Jewish cattle dealer Nussbaum (walnut tree)]

Now we pass a little wagon, highly charged, and the animal pulling the wagon is a cow with energy yet. But in some time the wagoner will be forced to make big decision concerning the cattle. Flesh or force for work, that will be the question. Also this poor wagon is going westward. My man is leading the cow at the head collar. He looks very Jewish. God knows how he managed to survive the catastrophe of Israel. I congratulate him. To what is he remembering me, this Jewish man's head with such an old face? Some kilometers later I remember it. He was remembering me to a Jewish cattle dealer [p.32] Nussbaum who was living in my street. He was a wealthy and decent man. He was making his business with several cars. But one day - perhaps in summer of the year 1933 - I saw him sitting on an old horse cart with a cow pulling it having purchased the cow from a farmer. some weeks later I saw him again. This time he was with a cattle pulling it at a head collar. He was in clothes like a bank attorney. Because he had no bad clothes. I was greeting him friendly, stayed aside with him, was speaking some words with him. He was pleading that I should leave him for not bringing him into danger. "My God", I told him, "you are living here yet? go for goodness sake to Paris as a cleaner of boots, or to London as a peddler. All will be better than this what awaits you here. Believe me, I was reading the whole literature of this brown Twilight of the Gods. There is some epidemic attacking the brains. There will not be a thunder storm, there will be a series of thunder storms. Devil is living in Germany and nobody knows when it will be catched." I never saw my neighbor again. I hope he was following my advice and now he is planting mandarins in Palestine.

[One has to know: The Jewish Zionist organizations organized with the Hitler regime the antisemitic laws for driving the European Jews all to Palestine with Palestine offices without end in Berlin and in other German and European towns. This tactic to expel Jews to Palestine is proved in many ways and is adored already in the booklet "The Jewish State" of Mr. Herzl].

We left National Road 1. Suddenly we were stopping near Detmold. Here [p.33] seems to be a detention camp of a big shape. There will also be some food for us. There is a long discussion at the gate. Then the niggers are coming back to the lorries in a bad mood. We are going on the race leaving our dinner always to the west for reaching a shelter for this first night in imprisonment [p.34].

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