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Josef Nowak: Rhine meadow camp of Rheinberg

Chapter 5: Delayed introduction

Comparison of the comrades in the Hitchcock films about Dachau, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen -- philosophy about sky, earth and hell - an invented "collective guilt" and the guilt of the criminal allies as criminal like the SS

from: Josef Nowak: Seeded on the field. War prisoner in the home land.
(German: Mensch auf den Acker gesät. Kriegsgefangen in der Heimat)

translated by Michael Palomino (2013)
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[A field is destroyed by people marching in - comparison of German concentrations camps with the Hitchcock-films about Dachau, Buchenwald, and Sachsenhausen]

Perhaps I should not send this little book into the world of misunderstandings without an introduction.

The introduction is coming just to the right time. The camp of Rheinberg is just beginning to exist with our arrival. Until now it's a clover field yet, a cattle meadow, a carrot field, something like this whatever. But in history it will always have the same reputation like Dachau, like Buchenwald, like Sachsenhausen [p.59].

[Supplement: The dead bodies in the Hitchcock films are probably German bodies from the Rhine meadow camps which were transported in whole Germany from camp t camp for the films of Hitchcock about Bergen Belsen, Dachau, Buchenwald, and Sachsenhausen etc. German concentration camps and their Jewish captives were controlled by the Red Cross AND by the Zionists and they always had enough food because they were important for the Wehrmacht, and partly they got even more food than the civil population].

[Philosophic thoughts about sky, earth and hell]

In the Middle Ages the physical wisdom was very limited yet also when the British Franciscan Roger Bacon had suggested already to open the eyes and not reading the books of Aristoteles but to study nature detecting the motor car and the air plane. After all Bacon had foreseen these technical inventions in the 13th century already. But his horizon was not going so far to foresee also the hydrogen bomb, otherwise he had cared Aristoteles more. Despite of the low knowledge of these days the cosmos was well ordered. Sky was on the top as the house of the angels and of the holy spirits, and below was hell as the house of the devil and the damned. But in the [p.59] middle was Earth, a intermediary station, a fighting place, a location of suffering for mankind. Sky and hell were eager to win more territory and winning the unhappy children of Eva. Any mortal person had God and Evil in his breast, the force, the good thing, the power to do the bad thing. There were no national borders, no racial border lines, only original sin and mercy of heritage. And both were in the heart of the human beings.

Modern area had learnt to laugh about sky and hell. But the peace between, Earth, was new - and one has to confess - not less ordered. There were good and evil nations, noble and not noble races, there were supermen and subhumans, there were blessed and damned populations. It was the worst and at the same time the most stupid form of predestination doctrine of with the heads were made stupid ever since. At the other side all has been presented in a very simple way now - as Jakob Burckardt was teaching. One only had to have a passport of a person, in some cases also the passport of the ancestors, one only needed to hear his mother's language and one knows already where this aristocrat or criminal was belonging to.

[The invented "collective guilt" and the criminal allies]

We had had our trip to Rheinberg being considered the sons of Devil. Never ever since a bigger reunion of scapegoats had been organized in history. As our only piece of luggage we had the collective guilt of a complete population on our backs [p.60].

[Most of the deads shown as deads in German concentration camps are dead bodies from the Rhine meadow camps under mass murderer Eisenhower. The collective guilt is turning thus against the criminal "Americans"].

During the Middle Ages the governments were fishing some non-believers from the masses from time to time roasting them. But now there was the definition that whole populations were of non-believers. When all was a mass, how shouldn't present themselves non-believers in masses? It was our order to hold a heavy reflection. During the Middle Ages the non-believer was only punished in a hard way when he did not want to confess his guilt, but for us our willingness to confess our gilt was for nothing. Because being so stupid to confess the guilt and repenting before the terrestrial judges had put himself into danger of a revenge. The inner willingness of propitiation this was ok yet, but the shown willingness had been a foolishness. To this willingness the modern climate was too rigid. Therefore it was coming down more and more with consumption. and with all the dead people it was lost at the end. Because we were not even dismissed from the captivity of the devil for being given to a group of archangels. We were in a trap in the wire fences of cc jailers.

[Criminal "Americans" are behaving like German SS]

We were addicted to believe in the understanding that the human shame we had behind us was as big as one had to be ashamed of it having survived it. But soon we recognized that there was a new shame coming up which had to be survived. The balance of justice which had worked so long with wrong weights was moving up and down like in a storm looking for the new balance. The fraudulent caricatures were beginning to be true again. There was a dreadful suspicion coming up from the [p.61] rubble of our souls. The winners who were watching us in our barbed wire cages were really very similar to us. The difference was only that they had machine guns and we not, that they were eating full meals every day and we were shrinking every day by hunger.

I don't hate Americans. What for one should hate them? Because they are just that stupid, that dreadful, that arrogant like we had been? Because they were so credulous and naive also in killings? How one had driven them to commit such a collective revenge as in Rheinberg?

[Hecatombs and pastors]

Later, many years after my war imprisonment I had a heavy evening with a catholic pastor. He had had a time in a jail in Wolfenbüttel [near Braunschweig, region of Hanover] leading some hecatombs [some 100s] of killable victims to the guillotine. This had been before April 1945. Some weeks later I had a heavy evening with another catholic pastor. He had a stay in the penal workhouse in Hameln leading groups of condemned persons to the gallows. This had been after April 1945. The killing devices had been the same, gallows and scaffold. That's why there was not much difference between the two reports of both pastors. But the passports of the executed people were different. One was killing persons because of other categories.

Our will for an investigation of our conscience - as a representative work about our population - was stopping fast in Rheinberg. Old and new horror was melting before our eyes thus the picture of a bloody [p.62] swamp was produced reaching the mankind up to his knee and hips. We conceived that not the wisdom of the statesmen was needed, not the study of law of the judges was needed, but simply the omniscience of God was needed to decide how many recruits of Hitler were in the hands of the winners, how many bearers of the humanity would be in our groups.

And there was just a colonel or a captain executing an order of just a minister separating the sheep from the scapegoats presenting himself in the position of a Jesus. We are sons of God, fair-minded and loved. You are the black group of Luzifer. And now we want to organize a hell's court a little bit.

No, we did not hate the Americans. We have no hatred against them also today also when there is Rheinberg between Berlin and Washington. We were having the idea already in those times - whereas nobody had the will to express it - that all this nonsense on Earth would revise by itself one time [p.63].

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