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Josef Nowak: Rhine meadow camp of Rheinberg

Chapter 14: Medicine with a splint

Hairdresser - shaving - paramedics without instruments - ear doctor with a splint - dentist with splint - "Ami" comparing German prisoners of wars with the Hitchcock films about German concentration camps - presumption about the systematic "American" mass murder against the Germans

from: Josef Nowak: Seeded on the field. War prisoner in the home land.
(German: Mensch auf den Acker gesät. Kriegsgefangen in der Heimat)

translated by Michael Palomino (2013)
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[Hair dresser and shaving - wrinkles in the face seem to be ditches]

I was saying already that there was no fixed point of time from which on the Americans were not considering us any more as an encircled mass of brown rats being condemned to die by hunger. There were some indications that we had been rated higher in a modest way. Benefits began to shower down on us.

Can be that the film crew had lost their interest to see us. One day the American commander was ordering that every prisoner had to have his hair cut and had to be shaved. Hair dressers come out! This they were shouting by their megaphones. There was no answer. The next day they were shouting again, but now with the addition that the Figaros did not only receive instruments like scissors and shaving razors, but they would also get a salary in form of food. Some hundred scissors, some hundred shaving razors were distributed. What an incredible mass of new weapons! What a mass of murdering instruments! I was thinking about my little nail file and could not understand why the Americans had been cured from their lethal anxiety.

[A similar procedure calling simple objects as a weapon is going on since September 11, 2001 - also a Zionist crime].

It turned out that the guild of barbers were well represented in all camps. The hair dresser rooms were installed with boxes and with old chairs which had been [p.129] confiscated outside somewhere. And now the wild people were making their queues. Their head were similar to the ones of brushy street dogs (mongrels) which had been lost since months in the drain.

Now any prisoner had the opportunity being sitting on a chair like a civilized human being for half an hour or longer. He had to learn this again and did not at all feel well with it.

Lather (foam of soap) did not remain white a long time, was not even yellow or browny, but became simply black like the fur which was coming out when the barbers were cutting the brushwood driving their scissors making their swaths. The skin of the face was rough, crusted, packed in clay. Streams of dirt were flowing down the cheeks in all colors. The last dirt from home land, the dust of the destroyed wooden architecture [of the destroyed German towns] was also with it. As the water supply had bettered a little bit it was even possible to wash the own face after shaving, washing it the first time since four or five weeks. Who wants to know this? After all - the entry into civilization was performed now. This commander has earned to be a honorary member of the barber's guild.

We were mirroring our faces in the water baskets. Hello, these were we now! We were recognizing ourselves at once, but we had wrinkles in our face [p.130] which could almost have been called ditches. Architecture of the bones of the face had to be studied well. Only the nose was hardly emaciated, but all other parts of the face were only with bones and skin, a kind of leather, full of cracks as if it had been an old bark in the forest.

[Torture by criminal "Americans": military hospital tents without medical instruments]

About at the same time big military hospital tents were installed in the camps. They were protecting the ill persons from sun and rain and also from the wind a little bit. German medical doctors were working with the science of the 20th century and with instruments of first Stone Age. Any healer in the African jungle had a better equipment. But the medical doctors here had good hands and even more goodwill. They were making their diagnoses, were helping with their limited forces where they could, and were pastoring the affected intensively. With this existence without any varnish of culture one could conceive fast that the profession of the medical doctor came from the guild of the priests, and it's a fact that a medical doctor is fulfilling also the function of a priest yet. The most important blessing was given by the German doctors provoking that the American colleagues were bringing the seriously ill persons to the military hospitals.

Aside the military hospital tents in the camps also central stations were installed where specialists were working. Dentists after all were armed with tools thus they could tear teeth [but for sure without anesthesia]. But this was the only thing they could do [p.131].

Internists, eye doctors or otolaryngoligists had only the possibility to give good advice and nothing else. Where a pill could help there was a pill sometimes.

[Blocked ears because of lack of liquid]

In the camp of Rheinberg there were thousands of affected prisoners suffering a strange ear trouble but it turned out as relatively easy. The organism was paralyzed by hunger, and it was not capable either to put out the excretions from the ears. Thus the excretions were always harder and harder and was like a cork blocking the eardrums provoking that people were absolutely deaf soon - and provoking headaches.

Just accidentally I got to know that there was an "ear clinic" somewhere. Thus I was presenting myself at the gate of the camp and was waiting half a day for the moment that an "American" soldier would come bringing me to the doctor. I was waiting during several days for nothing at the gate. Obviously the "American" soldiers had no will to care about my health. But I did not give up my hope as others did. One morning the gate was open. I walked out on the large camp's street. There were two guards with steel helmets, everyone with a machine gun around his neck. I became very proud now getting more volume in my face like a pumpkin in autumn. I never had rated myself to be such a dangerous warrior. How terrible guys we should be when anyone of us came together with two machine guns aside the guards? Were we [p.132] gorillas being capable to tear the famous lone fighters from Texas into pieces with our own hands only?

[Remembering Ahlten: when Germans made prisoners of "American" parachutes]

Now I was smiling myself. I thought of the day when in [the village of] Ahlten [near Hanover] we had hit a Fortress II ["American" bombing air plane]. 11 persons were coming out in about 8,000 meters of height. Then they were coming down on their white parachutes like tender puppets in the air. Some men wanted to land near our battery.

-- My boss said: Bring the guys here to me.

I started my operation to execute the detention of the boys. I had not even any sidearm rifle and there was no other weapon at all, no cutting weapon, no thrust weapon, no firearm. Completely without weapon I was collecting my Canadians who had all a machine gun, a pistol and presumably some other murdering weapons. But the coming down and the success to take the flight from a crematory in the air had demoralized the air crew members. They were following me like castaways who had found ground under their feet again. I was not even confiscating any gun at all from them. I was leading the queue and they were following me honestly.

[The ear doctor with a splint]

The ear doctor was a nice young man. First he shouted at me as if I would be guilty that the earwax of the prisoners had to be taken out from their heads in quantities of kilos. But then he soon noticed during our vivid conversation [p.134] that I was one of the well educated soldiers. He shared a cigarette with me he had received as a doctor's salary and then he pleaded having a little bit of time for him. He told he would become mad only cleaning ears every day. I pleaded him to forgive that also I only could offer him a portion of earwax and there was no other illness to offer, no inflammation of the middle ear or any other interesting illness. We were talking about literature then, about university town we knew, about our professional future, about that what was the future of our country. Then he was sighing and excusing that he had only some sad handicraft like instruments and therefore the treatment would hurt. He had nothing that a well smoothed splint for cleaning my ears. But God knows, he was doing his job very well, and as all is relative on Earth, also the wellbeing I felt just delivered and redeemed.

[Remembering Bemerode: army bread with a stone in the Third Reich - dentist with a splint]

Such a smoothed splint I had seen already working. One day [during the war] there was a stone in a Hitler army bread and I lost a pivot tooth thus I had to go to the dentist. The boss [of the flack tower in Bemerode] gave me also three Russians who also were suffering tooth pain. I was sent to a staff surgeon, but the Russians had to be content with a medical petty officer. He was passing the mouths of the guys with a splint. He asked them if there were tooth pains, if there were stomach pains, if there were gallbladder inflammations [p.134] or renal pelvis inflammations, and then the military officer (corporal) of medicine gave every time the stereotype answer:

-- You should not eat so much then you will not be ill either.

[Remembering Bemerode: other prisoners came from Poland, France, Russia - and helping them was punished by martial law]

In those times I was a simple cannoneer. When I would damage to my petty officer then there had been hard consequences. When I would meet him today again I would make a lawsuit against him not regarding any costs for the process. The Russians were half soldiers one could say, half allies, presumably by hunger. In this medical station also Polish and French prisoners of war had come, people with more pride, but with less hunger than the Russians. They got parcels from the Western world. They could dispose of many packages of cigarettes. Normally the Russians were heading for any cigarette butt like hawks hunting for their pray like young hens. But the Poles and the French were cynically forming their lips. They were standing on any cigarette butt drowning it deep in the dirt punishing the Russians. On the way home I was sitting with my Russians in the front of a lonely pub in the roadside ditch after I had brought a glass of beer for everyone. And everyone also received a cigarette. When one had catched us then I had been torn to a military tribunal after all and the Russians had been transfered to the feared basic camp for a re-education [p.135].

[Rumor: naked presentation for the Red Cross - extortion of criminal "Americans" rejecting food - ill persons with red skin parts should not be seen by the Red Cross]

I think that the German doctors in Rheinberg had good humor otherwise they had not survived this time without being mad of their profession. One day there was the order that a Swiss medical commission would come following an order of the International Red Cross controlling Rheinberg. Obviously there were some rumors about the camp of Rheinberg in the world. The administration seemed to be worried and wanted to organize an answer. When we had to line up, 30,000 men in our camp, then we thought first it would only be an extraordinary cattle counting. But we got the order to return to our earth holes for coming back naked as God had made us lining up again. We were looking at each other hesitating a moment - but was there any purpose for a rebellion? When there would be a rebellion a punishment would follow withholding food. This was the constitution of the American administration for discipline, and this measure was applied many times.

We were obeying and were filing up in a queue of 12 files, naked, everybody could see it, and we were waiting for the new events coming there. The captains of the groups of hundred were called. Then was communicated that there would be a medical investigation. And there also was one. Two German medical doctors had installed at the beginning of the queue of twelve files of naked human beings. Then the snakes were crawling passing by and were [p.136] watched,were inspected, and were stopped from time to time. Here and there one mas was taken out and put aside. What were these men looking for? The number of separatists was rising and rising. They all had eczemas, inflamed or red locations on their skin. In one word, they had what the Swiss experts should not see at all. Our medical knowledge was only a basic one. Later the medical doctor told me the secret. The elected people had dreadful spots of hunger on their body.

The German doctors had been ordered only controlling this. We saw more things. We saw poor racks of human nature, we saw emaciated and dry figures without flesh on their bones. They only were hungry bodies and the skeleton was gleaming. One could believe that the bones had a sound with every step they walked. Most men had reached the lower limit of weight which could be bearable. They were more similar to dead leaves of a vineyard than to living organisms.

[Comparison: criminal "Americans" comparing German prisoners of war with faked Hitchcock films about German concentration camps]

Some Americans were standing with the German medical doctors. I don't know if they were followers of healing arts. When one of our medical doctors was pointing at a really poor example showing a grim face which had no red spots on the skin but would not need four coffin bearer when dying but only two, then one of the [p.137] fat "Americans" said that his skin would glitter like a plucked fattened goose:

-- Is it so bad? In Hitler's concentration camps the people looked even worse.

[respectively the faked Hitchcock films about German cc show just German prisoners of war from the Rhine meadow camps presented as Jews].

[Nowak suspecting mass murderer Eisenhower]

We had seen really one of the murderers here, a revenger, a butcher. He could elect his title himself. Was this the sense and purpose of the camp of Rheinberg to revenge the Hitler's shame committed to innocents revenging to other innocents? There was this mad question again. Was all this happening following an order from the general staff? Or one alone had decided to act violating the law, one who had enough power for it? And when it had been like this, could he order to hundreds of subordinate people - as a public authority in the Third Reich - to execute a crime? Could he force them to obey against all human right? And the subordinate, they let force each other? Where was the difference with it?

[Swiss Red Cross NEVER came - Eisenhower blocking the Red Cross is not considered by Nowak]

Swiss never came by the way, not in those times and never at all. They were neglecting their duties as all other neutral countries. But should they be torn to justice by this? Their population was consisting also only of humans and first had forgotten just lots of things.

We were putting our clothes again and were continuing suffering hunger. The elected were added again. And the false alarm had passed.

["From time to time" an ambulance service]

But from time to time seriously ill persons were [p.138] brought to an American military hospital. I could see as one of them - he had been a petty officer in my battery - was coming back within some weeks and had been healed. He had had dysentery. Coming back to our camp he had just a strange look, flaming, anxious, almost non-believing. It was as if he was looking back over his shoulder in a timid way looking at the gravedigger who was digging his grave already. He needed a long time until he accustomed that he was here, that he was living, that he was a healed person. This man told me from his time in the military camp. He could not honor enough the American doctors, the paramedics, the nurses. All had been done what had been possible in modern medicine. One had treated the ill persons better than patients who were paying the highest rates for first class. One had given them food which was bringing them up on their feet within a short time overcoming all hunger damages. I heard the same from many other inmates of military hospitals. When I had put down their words I had filled more than one glorious chapter for the "American" army.

I never could get the solution with these contradictions. There must be reasons for this. Was one of the reasons that the medical doctors could be expected less than other humans executing a Morgenthau Plan? Or was it a caos in the winner's administration provoking all this, a caos which was also in the system of the defeated? Me [p.139] myself as a prisoners I never got to know the other "Americans". I was never shifted into a military hospital. I remained in Rheinberg. My fate was to receive the Morgenthau Plan at first hand. i would like to read a book about it one time what the "Americans" had thought in Rheinberg in those times and why they were not acting in another way. But can it be expected from a policy of false tracks that the policy itself will stop their stupidities in the general sectors? [p.140]

[Supplement: mass murder by Zionist Eisenhower by the order of Zionist clique of Baruch and Morgenthau - fraud by Hitchcock

Nowak's presumption that a systematic mass murder on Germans had been committed by the "Americans" is right: Eisenhower was executing deliberately a mass murder against Germans in the Rhine meadow camps in the "American" zone in Germany killing 750,000 German prisoners of war, and 250,000 were killed in French camps in the French zone which was installed in July 1945. Look the book of James Bacque: Other Losses. During 4 years Eisenhower and the allied administration was rejecting practically all aid delivery killing additionally 5 million more Germans, above all German refugees from Eastern Europe coming from Poland, CSSR and from Hungary to remaining Germany. See the book of James Bacque: Crimes and Mercies. The emaciated Germans and the bodies of the Germans were used by Hitchcock in combination with films about Jews in German concentration camps presenting the emaciated Germans and German bodies as Jews systematically. This fraud is not perceived until today (2013). Eisenhower and Hitchcock ware acting on the order of the supreme Zionists Baruch and Morgenthau. After coming home to the "U.S.A." Zionist Eisenhower was even proud having killed so many Germans after the war. And the whole "American" administration had collaborated for this making their careers under Eisenhower. The mass murder against Germans under Eisenhower is NOT reported by the world wide press until today (2013) - because criminal Zionists are controlling the media until today (2013) - as also Wikipedia is controlled by them].

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