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Josef Nowak: Rhine meadow camp of Rheinberg

Chapter 18: Black brother, a gentleman

German watches are new currency -- white racist "Amis" often defrauding the Germans - black "Amis" paying the price -- white racist "Amis" destroying food parcels - black "Amis" distributing food parcels - black guards in the camp of Rheinberg were good men

from: Josef Nowak: Seeded on the field. War prisoner in the home land.
(German: Mensch auf den Acker gesät. Kriegsgefangen in der Heimat, 1956)

translated by Michael Palomino (2013)
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[German watches are the new currency]

In the cap of Rheinberg there was no relationship between "American" soldiers and German prisoners but beating people or beaten people, but this kind of relationship stopped after some time early already. During the other time the "Americans" were behaving to us like about British big merchants in Hongkong to the Chinese servants. No, this is not right. We were ranging far under the servants. We were not even noticed, not given any look, not given any name. But as long as we possessed some watches there was a commercial traffic. And there were more commercial items, and not so expensive, like Knight's Cross, German Crosses in Gold, shields of Narvik, of Crete, of Crimea.

The matter with the watches was again presenting an enigma to us we could not solve. Our superstition that the "Americans" would be a rich and overfed nation with all technical achievements and consumer goods up to the excess, this idea was breaking down. The "Americans" were hunting our watches like the polecat the hens. Are there no watchmakers behind the ocean, are there no watchmakers between Point Borrow [coast of Texas] and Cap Horn, are there no watch factories? And when there are no watch factories, being incapable to produce watches, where have gone the national [p.166] and the international boards of trade? Is it not possible to import watches in bigger quantities? The fact that the Russians were greedy for our chronometers  can be understood. But that the country of boundless possibilities was not capable to arm his soldiers with watches, this was a surprising fact for us. Look here, the old continent and even the damned country of the Germans were worth something yet. Here seemed to be the home land of the watch. What were Babitt, Roosevelt, Eisenhower without us? These people, the mighty personalities of the world, did not even know how late it was when we did not send watches to them. We could not recover during a long time from this blow which smashed our illusion.

[Watches at the fence = 100 cigarettes - much fraud by white racist "Amis" - black "Amis" often pay the price which was made out]

All watches not having been confiscated during the capture were sold at the fence of Rheinberg. A well made and decorative watch cost 100 cigarettes. According to "American" currency this was six to ten marks according to the German currency of those times about 10,000 marks. Conferred to the worth of currency of the dollar the watch had a value of 80 or 100 or even 150 marks. Even with half of the price it had been for 400, 600, 1,000 cigarettes yet. Thus it was a mean fraud, a shameless exploitation of a human emergency situation and passion. How this commerce was coming up? The "Americans" were showing the cigarettes, and the German showed his watch. Between them were a least [p.167] four meters of high wire fence. After having shown the merchandise, the commerce was managed by good faith. The "American" was throwing 20 or 40 cigarettes, the German was throwing his watch. Then the"American" was catapulting his remaining cigarettes - or not. I could watch several times as an eye witness that the prisoners got only half or only one third of the price which had been made out before. Then the defrauded person was leaving, mostly without one word, was having a glance passing the fence to the dirty winner outside. But this winner was very tough normally. One had also to consider that the "Americans" were dealing here with the scum of humanity following the orders of their press and radio news. They were much not more intelligent and had not more power of judgment than the followers of Hitler.

But the Negroes were enthusiastic merchants. They were baring their teeth when they were seeing an especially beautiful watch. They were paying a higher price, some times even the double than their white comrades. One time I could see when such a brown man - perhaps with his ancestors in eastern Africa - was making a watch business with 150 cigarettes. There were coming 40 cigarettes first, and the watch was landing at the other side. Then the Black was finishing his athletic activity. He had no cigarettes any more, made a sad but consoling face and was indicating that [p.168] the next morning at the same time he would be there delivering the rest.

And God only knows, he came! He was even paying ten more cigarettes as default interest. One cigarette of them was given to me then, also when the person receiving the cigarettes did not know me at all.

Black brother - damn it all! You are a gentleman, you were giving us courage, men with a black skin and with a white conscience! Dark honest man you are! I never saw a white debtor coming back. But of your group I have seen many. And therefore, black brother, it was many years later in Hanover on the exhibition when I was sitting with your group when the merchants of all countries were in the main restaurant and nobody wanted to have to do with you anything. When you are acting always so honorful like in Rheinberg, then the honorful black merchant has to be praised. Black brother, you did not beat us, you did not insult us, you did not betray us, you did not steal. Later I saw you in Frankfort, in Kassel, in Eichenberg in a time when there was no Marshall Plan yet. In those times you were helping old German mothers carrying suit cases to the train. You even gave the seat for them when white soldiers were spreading their legs over three or even four seats. Black men, in Rheinberg you were even giving us food - but accompanies with a little joke of course - but this is forgiven [p.169].

[The parcel play - criminal "Americans" placing latrines against parcels - white criminal "Americans" destroying parcels - black "Americans" distributing the food of the parcels]

Near Camp E there was a road which was used by women and daughters of Rheinberg bringing parcels with bread, sausage, fruits and potatoes throwing the parcels over the fence. The "Americans" wanted to stop this activity in vain. As they were too lazy working during the day and night guarding the fence there were parcels coming over the fence every day. But of course it was as if there had been the apostle distributing food for 5,000 persons with five barley breads and with two fishes: Lord, what will this be for so many people?

They wanted to stop this postal service and an "American" representative of the "American" culture had a genius idea. He had a row of toilets installed on the fence just in the position that the women and girls were greeted with the naked bottom of the prisoners when they wanted to do us a favor. But also this dirty Devil's art was not leading to any success. The human had just the force not to see what was not needed to see. And thus this innovative head could not reach his goal.

The fence had been installed doubled. Between the two fence walls was a corridor for the guards. When the women did not have the force now to throw the parcel over the two obstacles then the parcel was in the corridor. The white "Americans" normally were destroying these charitable gifts trampling them into the dirt putting their heel on it making a doubled turn on it [p.170]. But when a black man came he was collecting the parcels and was throwing them to our side or was taking them with him to the machine gun tower where the feeding of the carnivores was organized. Amid into the caos of the hungry men the black mailmen were throwing the sandwiches now. Perhaps they were reminded of greedy crocodiles when they saw how the men were coming out of the mass jumping and tearing the sandwiches even in the air already having devoured them before coming down to the earth again.

[Criminal white "American" is a destructive animal]

If it's not clear yet what to think about the white representatives of culture why the respect for the white man has sunk so fast in the black populations, then he may take such sceneries of Rheinberg as a base for his investigations. Also here on German soil of Lower Rhine the dominance of the big powers over their colonial population was crashing like a house of cards. And when the black soldiers of "America" are loosing more and more their feeling of racist minority - and this loosing procession is positive and I grant this very well to them - then the blacks had really passed a good training in Rheinberg [p.171].

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