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Josef Nowak: Rhine meadow camp of Rheinberg
Chapter 23: Because we are all human beings
War propaganda -- mass murder and rescues by the "Americans" depending on the situation -- industries and mass murder by criminal allies -- confession of an NS judge -- English zone in winter without mass death -- Fleisler's brother Dr. Freisler -- British concentration camps -- murders without investigation -- Jewish shops in Hanover -- examples of usury -- criminal British in the British zone -- whole Schleswig Holstein is a camp -- communists -- British murdering an SS medical doctor -- yellow star - German star -- Anglo Saxons committing their crimes in groups -- guilty allies
from: Josef Nowak: Seeded on the field. War prisoner in the home land.
(German: Mensch auf den Acker gesät. Kriegsgefangen in der Heimat, 1956)
translated by Michael Palomino (2013)
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[War propaganda with faked photos are like grenades having effect for decades]
It was just good sometimes when humans are hindered by bad conditions to confuse the word with an artillery bullet.
A tube is filled fast, a grenade is fired fast blasting somewhere, one does not know if it was successful hitting the target or not. Also when there is some killing with it there is no prosecution neither of the gun nor of the person who shot.
But when there is a word spoken or written, then it can be that generations are discussing and are erasing with it. During the First World War there were rumors about German soldiers having cut children's hands, and this rumor was wandering like a ghost in international literature during decades. The same happened with another rumor about babies in 1914 stating that Russians had fixed babies at the gates of farms being nailed in Eastern Prussia. In the meantime everyone and almost by own experience it's well known that the soldiers of both nations have just another behavior when they see little children distributing the content of their rucksacks, Russians, Germans, and "Americans".
["American" mass murder in the Rhine meadow camps - "American" rescue of Germans at Elbe River from the Soviet zone]
The allies wanted to tame us first by hunger, wanted to decimate us, wanted to contain us. But before organizing any moral rebellion the first ships with food came in [p.207].
For sure western allied delivered many German prisoners of war to the Russians. But it's also sure that the same quantity of Germans were taken to the west against the demand of the Russians. There are also enough testimonies for the fact that they permitted the flight of the Germans over Elbe River and that they were even risking their lives for bride and children also passing the river.
["American" and British destruction of industries - and reconstruction - the allegory of the bridge as life - criminal allies committing a mass murder]
For sure the allies did break the force of the German industries with their bomb, then the industrial plants were paralyzed and then they were dismantled. But then - with the funds of Marshall Plan - they did revive the same industries again and helped to install another new economical life which was honorful for the international community.
Thus the moment of birth is already the word of yesterday as the age is often the theater of two days ago. Prophets like Dostojewski, Donoso Cortez, Jakob Burckhardt are thinking in big eras normally. They take the truth and their wisdom from the past into the future. Humans not being a prophet can only be cautious evading that his judgments are not only corrected in one, two or ten years, but often are simply eliminated. He has to know that the bridge on which he is walking has got a [p.208] beginning, a middle, and an end. The tension in the middle is the strongest one, but the bow of the bridge is based on the beginning and on the end. Now the person well watching the beginning, the middle and the end could be not as fair as God himself, but he will not to be so unjust as in the moment when defiance of the victory or of the defeated is dominating him. Therefore the people of the camp of Rheinberg can think about 1945 without hatred [the ones who have survived]. Therefore they even can ask for the concealed sense of this terrible exam. In any case they left the camp as converted persons, also the "Americans" who were abusing anything of their power and responsibility as a winner. I don't believe that the inmates of the Rheinberg camp are willing to accept general judgments against other peoples and human beings without objection.
[Mass murder against German prisoners of war was a project by Zionist Eisenhower and in the background he was covered by the Zionist clique of Baruch and Morgenthau and this mass murder was wanted. Eisenhower denied any relief supplies for the Rhine meadow camps and thus 750,000 German prisoners were killed in the "American" zone, in the "French" zone later one more time 250,000. The Canadian historian James Bacque made investigations in different archives and found proofs for this high rate of deads under "American" and French rule in Germany from 1945 to 1948. Book: "Other Losses"].
[Remembering: the confession of an NS judge in a holiday home of the evangelic confessional church]
In the Third Reich I had lived in a holiday home for some time. The woman owner was a member of the Evangelic Confessional Church. She only had like-minded people, only enemies of the dictator and of his violent regime. Here one did not have to conceal his thoughts. One day a director of a province court was coming. He was mistrusting me first like a sheepdog and came slowly nearer asking me one day if he could come to me one evening. I agreed. Three hours he was with me and was silent. This silent talk was repeated [p.209] several times. Then I knew his problem, I knew what was almost suffocating this man. He was a judge in the service for the dictator. Later he was also talking. He was the President of the People's Court. He did not have the force nor the courage to say no for being a common soldier in a penal company or to die in a concentration camp. Of course he was a weak and mean person. But he should be judged by the persons who did it otherwise. I mean - as Maria Stuart had said - that only kings are pairs, thus also this person can plead for being condemned only by one of the pairs coming from the same situation in a penal company having suffered a concentration camp. Persons not having reached this high moral rank should better be silent. This director of a province court could not sleep any more by his death sentences he had called only following the words of the law. But he was rating himself as a murderer now.
[No mass death in Winter 1945 in the English zone under Patton - the brother of Dr. Freisler committing suicide]
After the breakdown a British general - I cannot mention his name because he had such a decent behavior that we were only very sad when he was dying [Patton?] - this general had a speech in the local parliament in the town [of Hanover?]. He was asking the deputies of the local council if they also had provided enough coffins for next year when the big dying process would begin. The British general never was coming to me for a visit like the German judge in the night for speaking about his torture he was suffering of [p.210]. In 1942 I did not damn this German. In autumn 1945 I did not want to damn the English. Because probably his government has suggested to him to arrange a necessary deposit of coffins for the awaited famine. Additionally - the town had not problem with coffins. Winter was not becoming so bad as the general had feared. Some weeks after this speech the axis of world wide politics was beginning moving.
When we - during the Third Reich - were liberating persons from penal workhouses and from concentration camps, then also National Socialists were helping. With these assists of help was also the lawyer Dr. Freisler, the brother of the notorious Roland Freisler. His brother had weaker nerves committing suicide later.
[Liberation of Germans from British concentration camps]
After 1945 we were also organizing liberations of innocents from British concentration camps. One of the affected inmates was my family doctor. He had committed the crime of being a staff member in some office of the party of NSDAP. English officers and petty officers were helping much for this liberation action. A Jewish sergeant was also involved. He let disappear documents. Perhaps Israeli National Socialists [Zionists] will get a fury when they get this detail. After all - this National Socialist medical doctor had been a model for healing also ill Jews and ill prisoners of war in the Third Reich [p.211].
[Examples of actions without thinking]
[Remembering: murder of a German catholic journalist in 1943 only because he had the same name of an NS colonel (Standartenführer)]
All good standards, all instructions are failing when we are watching the humans and his kind. And generalizations should not be copied also when they have become historical already.
When on June 30, 1943 and on the following days Röhm and his friends were murdered by the order of Hitler, then also a catholic journalist, Guido Schmidt, was killed. His guilt was only having the same name like a colonel of the SS (Standartenführer) which was on the murdering list of the dictator.
[1945: the house of a German architect is confiscated by the British because his name was like one on the black list]
After the breakdown the house of an architect was confiscated in my town and was given to the Poles. The bride of the robbed man was loosing her nerves and was voluntarily committing suicide - when this can be called voluntarily [she would have been violated and killed by the Poles probably]. The guilt of the architect had been only the point that he had just the same name like a person which was on the black list of the allies. One can see, the parallels are just the same.
[Remembering: Hanover of 1943 is above all there destroyed where Jewish business houses were]
On November 10, 1938, I was visiting the town of Hanover. There were heaps of broken glass in front of Jewish shops. Synagogues had been blast. In those times I had only the darkest ideas about what we would be forced to pay for these sins.
In September 1943 the center of Hanover was burning. And the worst destruction was committed where the Jewish shops had been before. My ideas were fulfilling. If the affected people [p.212] were more guilty than the Jews five years before is an open question.
[Examples of usury]
Once again and again I get a fury thinking about the "Americans" how they were purchasing precious watches for just some shabby cigarettes from German prisoners of war.
One year later I saw how German farmers were making commerce with hungry Germans exchanging their wedding rings for some shabby potatoes - - -
[1938: Jews were driven through Hanover]
In the morning after Chrystal Night Jewish men were driven through my town [of Hanover]. In this group of Jews was an old deputy of medicine. His son should get a Nobel prize later. The Jews were without shaving and without suspenders driven through the streets to the jail. It was a deplorable scenery how they were holding their trousers and how they were running stumbling.
["Education" in the GB zone 1945-1950: criminal British sergeant insulting and beating Germans systematically during interrogations]
Some years later British military police was organizing interrogations. A sergeant was interrogating every German if he had been a member of NSDAP. When the interrogated answered with a no, then the sergeant blamed him to be a German swine, a liar, a coward Nazi rascal. If the interrogated said yes, then the sergeant was hitting him with the fist into the face. When the affected was wearing glasses, then the sergeant liked hit job especially to smash the glasses down having enjoying the situation how the half blind was looking for orientation now. When the hit person had injuries and blood was coming out from his mouth or nose, the order of [p.213] of the sergeant was to take out the shirt cleaning the floor with it. Should I add yet that it was just a Jewish sergeant who helped a detained National Socialist to get another glasses?
[1945: Whole Schleswig Holstein is a prisoner's camp - without barbed wire]
Not in any case there were camps for the prisoners of war as in Rheinberg. The English administration was handling Schleswig Holstein especially just blocking the whole province. Thus the whole province was defined as a prisoner of war camp and the former warriors could move freely without barbed wire but watched by the officers.
One day there was a bigger group of German prisoners of war on a farm where a movie had been shown. Just at the end of the event the owner of the farm was coming home from his war captivity.
-- What is going on here with this people on my farm? the German said. They all should be behind barbed wire!
German officers had a high reputation, had something to say yet. This was good for the farmers having come home. Otherwise he had been struck to death.
[1945: Communists in important positions - since 1949 positions against communists]
After the war the British and the "Americans" were calling many the Communists for getting important political positions. It was rated a special recommendation having been in "America" in an "Anti Fascist" camp, or in Russia in a "Communist friendly" soldier's association of the generals Paulus and von Seydlitz. But some years later [p.214] the recommendation had become a charge. One woman being married with a prisoner of war from the Seydlitz group and being divorced from him was not permitted to emigrate to "America" joining her parents who had already emigrated. By her marriage she had got a penalty for life.
How the judges were handling the victims after the attack of July 20, 1944, is well known. The "Führer" [leader Hitler] had even ordered a meat hook.
[British criminal "allies" executing an SS medical doctor]
The pastor of the penal workhouse of Hameln was telling me another story. There was - after 1945 - a former medical doctor of SS. He had been condemned to death. Men of the Evangelic Church were working hard for reaching an amnesty for him. They were even visiting the British head quarter. Death by hanging - this was the verdict. The man condemned to death was standing under the gallows already and the rope was already moving over his head when he got the news that the head quarter had permitted a prison holiday for him. He was passing the same as Dostojewski had to stay. Fjodor Michailowitsch was sent to Siberia for ten years. The medical doctor of S was sent to the gallows four weeks later again - and this time he was hanged.
[Yellow star - German star]
In the Third Reich Jews had to wear a yellow star. Sudeten German women were reporting me that after the breakdown until to the expulsion they had to wear a German star [p.215].
[Anglo Saxon tactic of criminal "Americans" and British: committing crimes in groups without responsibles]
For sure it is a feature of the Germans that they never miss an opportunity for making new enemies. But did the others miss such opportunities?
For sure the German as a single person, the "American" or the English as a single person, are not constructed in the way that they are breeding mean actions and crimes. But when humans are coming in masses - well, also this can be understood. Committing nonsense, then one wants to commit it at least in a big group thus no one can be appointed for being the responsible one.
[Criminal "Americans" and English are so guilty like the NS dictatorship - may be even more]
Hopefully another cognition is not so sure, just this that the humans are not bettering by catastrophes - contradicting any other confirmation from priests - that progress is excluding a return, that the humans remain without change and that only their sins of love are more individual or collectively committed.
We in Rheinberg had much time to think. And also after this time remained some years yet to concern about ourselves and about others. We came to Rheinberg really as minority complexes with two legs. We were the rubble of world history who had to be ashamed to death. But in this camp we were having the first moments of our new existence. The "Americans" did provoke that we were upright again. First they put us in the mud with our faces, and then they [p.216] put us on our feet upright again [the ones who had survived the horror of the Rhine meadow camps]. They did not hesitate to present themselves to be the same shit, the same degenerated clan. We are thankful for them and for their honesty today yet. The rest we could see ourselves in those times or later that there were great persons with great ideas with them, proper characters and valiant guys.
Brutality we experienced in Rheinberg did balance the facts, had the effect that our not balanced picture of humans was corrected for getting the balance again. Therefore there is no settlement neither with the "Americans" nor with the English. [Guilt by mass murder is much more by the "Americans" and British than of the NS state in fact considering that the Hitchcock films about German ccs are faked]. Perhaps they are going on now like we are: People cannot conceive what happened, but the things are conceiving the people. We were conceived, in an unclear way first, unspeakable. Now it's not so hard any more to find words. Because the universe disgorging it's wool, the dead leaves, blown and collected by the wind when we came to Rheinberg, to Wickrath, to Remagen, has become human once again, humans seeded on the field, for a short wile buried shifting away the earth with young force winning light [p.217] [for those who survived the Rhine meadow death camps].
[Supplement: Mass murder of 6 million Germans in remaining Germany and another 5 million Germans killed in Eastern Europe during peace times 1945-1950
Analysis about Rhine meadow camps can be found in the book of James Bacque "Other Losses", and analysis about the postwar area can be found in the book of James Bacque "Crimes and Mercies". 1 million Germans died in the Rhine meadow camps, and during the postwar area another 5 million Germans were killed by hunger in remaining Germany, above all German refugees were affected. Eisenhower deliberately rejected any help fro abroad letting starve the Germans. The turnaround to more reasonable rule came after the blockage of Berlin by Stalin - which was provoked by the foundation of racist Zionist Israel together with "U.S." CIA. Another 5 million Germans died or were killed before their flight or during their flight from Eastern Europe from Eastern Prussia, Poland and CSSR to remaining Germany. All this is concealed by the world wide media because these world wide media are dominated by criminal racist Zionists. This mass murder is the work of the "U.S.A." and not of the English who never wanted to split Germany. And a war tribunal would really be appropriate for these criminal "U.S.A."].
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