Persecution of the Jews in 52 chapters: Scrolls of Fire

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Abba Kovner

Scrolls of Fire. A nation fighting for it's life.

[Prosecution of the Jews in 52 chapters]

Kovner / Reisinger: Scrolls of Fire, cover in
                    English  Kovner / Reisinger: Scrolls of Fire, cover in

Presentation from Michael Palomino

Written by Abba Kovner, paintings by Dan Reisinger.
Translated by Shirley Kaufman with Dan Laor. Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem 1981.

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Foreword about the prosecution of the Jews by Michael Palomino

The church as main culprit

The work describes on 52 pages 52 stations of the international persecution of the Jews. The original book (70 times 100 cm) is in Beth Hatefutsoth. The English translation could be bought in Nahum Goldman Museum of the Jewish diaspora in Tel Aviv.

The work gives a base of the dimension of the worldwide persecution of the Jews, partly without reason, partly in a senseless fight about "holy hills", "holy towns" and about general allegations of a murder of "Jesus".

Church was the driving force of the antisemitism. The church is antisemitic until now, even though the Vatican is preaching peace again and again. The "holy bible" is a war book until now.

Thinking on this I always have the thought that the aggressive texts of the "holy books" should be cancelled, that means a complete revision of all "holy scriptures" with adaption to human rights: a pacifistic bible revision, a pacifistic Talmud revision, a pacifistic Koran revision.

Ticket for Goldman Museum of Jewish Diaspora
                    "Beth Hatefutsoth" (1996)
Ticket for Goldman Museum of Jewish Diaspora "Beth Hatefutsoth" (1996)

Some facts are missing

-- there is never mentioned how people of another belief have helped the Jews

-- there is not mentioned either how different groups of Jews have hindered each other in their development

-- according to Prof. Israel Finkelstein (director of the archaeological institute of the university of Tel Aviv) the first temple has not existed because there has never been found any relict of it (recommendation: book from Israel Finkelstein / Neil A. Silberman: The Bible Unearthed, Munich 2002)

-- according to the Gorbachev documents the holocaust had it's center not in Auschwitz but considerably in bunker constructioning in the Third Reich itself after the transportation back to the Reich.

The conjuration of a martyrdom has to be seen very critical as well because it is provoking the fight and peace work is missing. About Jewish life in Israel after 1946 the book is silent.

And it's a general question if a religion can be seen as a nation. It seems this cannot be logic. Jews are a belief community as Christians and Muslims, too.

The fotos can be seen also in big versions.

Michael Palomino (2005 / 2008)

Dan Reisinger 1: Destruction First
Destruction of the First Temple [according to Prof. Finkelstein there was no First Temple].
Weeping of a Prophet:
Destruction of the First Temple, 586 B.C.E.

[According to Prof. Israel Finkelstein this temple has never existed because not one single remnant could be found].

All night seas of flame raged above the Temple Mount, and Jeremiah walked with the exiles, weeping with them. Until he left them to go back to Jerusalem, because he wanted to console the remnant who stayed behind.

The exiles saw him leaving, and they sobbed:
"Our father, Jeremiah, what will become of us?"

Jeremiah answered and said unto them:
"I swear by heaven and earth, if you had wept one tear while you were in Zion, you would not have been exiled!"

Dan Reisinger 2: Babylon Exile 597-458
Babylonian Exile
The Elegy and the Echo:
onian Exile, 597-458 B.C.E.

We were not there. But this poem followed us wherever we went into exile:

"By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion."

We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.

For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying: "Sing us one of the songs of Zion."

How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?

Brave Men Could Save Us:
The Decrees of Antiochus Epiphanes: The Revolt of the Maccabees, 168 B.C.E.

Dan Reisinger 3: Revolt of the Maccabees
The Decrees of Antiochus Epiphanes; The Revolt of the Maccabees
Foreign rule in the land of our Fathers is as cruel as the grave. The land seemed like alien soil to us when Antiochus decreed we must follow the laws of the gentiles, desecrate the Sabbath and the holidays, and forsake the Torah. The people of Israel vowed not to eat unclean food or to desecrate the Holy Covenant, and they chose to die.

Then the King sent for Mattathias, the Priest, and demanded that he obeys the decree.

Mattathias answered:

"Even if all the conquered people, obeying the King, abandon the ritual of their fathers and accept the King's decree, I and my sons and my brothers will keep to our Covenant."

And his son Judah Maccabee rose up and was joined by all his brothers and all the followers of his father. And they fought the war of Israel. And they saved us. And their memory will be blessed forever.

A Stiff-Necked People:
A Statue in the Temple: The Decree of Caligula, 40 C.E.

Dan Reisinger 4: Statue affair with
                          Caligula 40
A Statue in the Temple; The Decree of Caligula 40 C.E.
The decree of Caesar came like thunder on a bright day, and the land trembled. Because Caligula commanded us to accept his divinity, and to place his statue in the Temple in Jerusalem. And we rose, a multitude, and went up to Acre where the governor of Syria and Israel was stationed. Thousands of us stood in the square and said to Petronius:

"Governor! You can put the statue in the Temple only after all our people are dead!"

And we lay there under the dome of heaven forty days and forty nights, thousands of people. These were the days of harvest in the land. And the governor did not dare to carry out the decree of the King.

And when an order finally came from Rome to cancel the edict, he left us alone, at least for a while.

Dan Reisinger 5: Destruction of the
                          Temple 70
The Destruction of the Second Temple 70 [according to Prof. Finkelstein the only one]
This Night:
The Destruction of the Second Temple, 70

[According to Prof. Israel Finkelstein this was the only Jewish temple which existed].

All night seas of flame raged above the Temple Mount. And the soldiers of Titus went on burning all the buildings of the Temple until the whole square was a blaze of fire.

And the upper city still stood. And when the three towers of Herod's Palace were breached, after five months of siege, the Romans could shout in triumph over a city defiled in its own blood, filled with people starved to death and slaughtered by the sword, embers and heaps of ashes.

On the ninth of Av the First Temple was destroyed. And on the ninth of Av the Second Temple was destroyed. And the poet saw the dawn rising above the hearth of Jerusalem:

"Our Temple was deserted and our altar
destroyed and our Sanctuary demolished,
and our harp stopped and our song was dumb."

Dan Reisinger 6: Fall of Masada 73
The Fall of Masada 73
The Rock and the People:
The Fall of Masada, 73

All night flames raged above Masada. And when the Roman soldiers came storming over the ramps piled up against the smoldering fortress, not even one of the defenders surrendered. The Jews lay on the ground where they had died, each man beside his wife and sons, embracing one another in love.

And ten men, who had clearly been chosen by lot to slay those left from each household, were also stretched out on the earth, shoulder to shoulder, the hand of the last one still holding a knife.

And there was no one among the besieged who lacked the courage for this deed. And the number of the dead was nine hundred and sixty.

And when the amazed conquerors came upon the scene, one of the soldiers said:

"The rock and the people have become one."

Dan Reisinger 7: Diaspora Rebellion
The Diaspora Rebellion 115-117
Their Blood Ran Down to the Sea:
The Diaspora Rebellion 115-117

All night seas of flame raged in Alexandria, in Cyrene, and in Salamis because the Jews, with unbelievable daring, at the same time and in different countries, attacked the Greeks who persecuted them.

The Jewish rebels fought their stubborn war for two years. They overcame the garrisons throughout Cyrenaica, Egypt, and Cyprus, and dispersed them. Until the legions of Emperor Trajan were summoned, and the revolt was suppressed with terrible cruelty.

And so many Jews were slain by the sword that their blood ran down to the sea.

Dan Reisinger 8: Bar Kokhba Revolt
Bar Kokhba Revolt 132-135
All the Proud Sons of Your People:
Bar Kokhba Revolt, 132-135

Every night seas of flame raged over a thousand cities and villages in Judea, the Galilee and Samaria. A leader of the Jews had arisen, Simeon Bar Kokhba, who held up the banner of revolt and minted coins for the freedom of Jerusalem.

From near and far the Roman Empire rushed fourteen Legions against small Judea. And Bar Kokhba fought them and conquered almost fifty fortresses in the first year. He destroyed the twenty-second Legion completely.

Three and a half years passed, and the battles grew fiercer until the strength of the nation gave out. Betar fell and Bar Kokhba was killed with all his men.

1800 years later a Hebrew poet said:

"Wells of strength will be in you
and streams of your people's proud sons
whose ancestors wrestled with God
and took His blessing with a strong hand."

Dan Reisinger Conversion of the Jews 135
The Moment of Conversion 135

Transgress and Suffer Not Death:
The Moment of Conversion, 135

In the marketplace of Hebron, near the tamarisk of Abraham, they sold masses of Jewish captives into slavery. There were so many that they exchanged a Jew for a horse.

The land of Judea became a waste. The Temple Mount was plowed under, and the nation, twice defeated in war, was denied entrance to the city for which it had staked it life.

And the Emperor Hadrian forbade the observance of the commandments because he wanted to root out every custom that distinguished Israel from the other nations.

At that time the sages gathered secretly in the attic of the house of Nithza in Lydda, and discussed all night whether a Jew might be allowed to break the laws under duress so as not to be killed. Opinions differed. There were those who said: "He should live by the commandments - not die for them." Finally they decided: He may transgress and not suffer death. Except in the case of idolatry, incest, and murder.

Dan Reisinger: 10 Martyrs 135-138
The Ten Martyrs (1) 135-138
The Ten Martyrs:
The Ten Martyrs (1), 135-138

[Martyrdom has to be seen very critical. Sometimes its better to wait some years for a good solution without dead persons].

When they took Rabbi Akiva and flayed his flesh with iron combs, it was time to recite the Shema. He raised his head and spoke out of his suffering:

"Just is the Lord Whose work is perfect."

His students trembled:

"Rabbi! How can you!"

He said to them:

"All my life I felt uneasy about that phrase 'with all thy soul' - even if He takes away thy soul - and I said 'When will I have the chance to use it?' Now that I do, should I not?"

Rabbi Akiva drew out the last word of the Shema until his soul departed.

And the Ones I Go On Remembering:
The Ten Martyrs (2), 135-138

Dan Reisinger 11: 10 Martyrs 135-138
The Ten Martyrs (2) 135-138
After they had executed Rabbi Judah ben Dama and Rabbi Hananiah ben Hakhinai, they took Rabbi Yeshevav, the scribe, who was almost ninety years old. His students wept and said:

"Rabbi, what will happen to the Torah?"

He answered them:

"My sons, the Torah will be forgotten. If only I could lay down my life for this generation."

They said to him:

"Rabbi, what will happen to us?"

He said to them:

"Cling to each other and love peace and justice - perhaps there is hope."

And the worst of all deaths was decreed for Rabbi Hananiah ben Teradyon. They wrapped him in a scroll of the Torah and surrounded him with wet twigs, so his soul could not escape swiftly. The stiff-neckedness of the Jews amazed their persecutors. Caesar said: Great is the lamb who stands among seventy wolves.

Dan Reisinger 12: Persecutions of the
                          Byzantines in Syria 486-507
Persecutions of the Byzantines in Syria 486-507
Without Mercy:
Persecutions of the Byzantines in Syria, 486-507

When they announced to Emperor Zeno that they had burned the main synagogue of the Jews in Antioch, and the monks and the mob had set fire to the bones of those who were buried next to the house of prayer, Caesar called out:

"Why did you not burn the live Jews together with the dead?"

And Jerome, one of the founders of the Christian Church, who had studied the Torah and Hebrew with the sages of Lydda, sowed seeds of hatred:

"Jews," he said, "are wretched people, not deserving of mercy."

A Fire Consumed Your Home:
The Destruction of Jewish Communities in Southern Arabia, 624

Dan Reisinger 13: Destruction in Arabia
The Destruction of Jewish Communities in Southern Arabia 624
And the last fortress during the wars of Mohammed against the tribes of Israel was Kuraitah, near Medina, a settlement where the Jews grew palm trees. The courageous people of Kuraitah did not have time to strengthen their fortifications before the forces of the Moslems stormed them.

For fourteen days the Jews resisted, and when they were defeated, Mohammed gave the order to massacre the defenders. Mohammed stood in the square and watched as the heads of six hundred of the elders of the community were cut off in the marketplace of Medina in one day.

And after them, the rest of the men of the community died for their faith; only one man saved his life by converting to Islam.

And an anonymous woman poet, a daughter of Kuraitah, wrote this elegy:

"Murdered by the nobles of Kuraithah,
swords of the Moslems, and spears -
a cruel disaster. Pure water
will turn bitter in our mouths. I wish I could have
ransomed my soul for this people without peer."

Dan Reisinger 14: First Crusade slaughter
The First Crusade 1096
Slaughtered and Dragged Naked:
The First Crusade, 1096

In the one thousand and twenty-sixth year of our exile, strangers arose, Frenchmen and Germans, severe, restless, and bitter people, dedicated to liberate the tomb of their Messiah in the Holy City from the Moslems. And as they passed through the Jewish villages, they said to one another:

"Behold, we have gone a long way and the Jews dwell among us. Let us first take revenge upon them, let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may no longer be remembered."

All night seas of flame raged in every place where the First Crusade passed. From Rouen in Normandy all the way to Jerusalem, they murdered the Jews. And in the communities of the Rhine eleven hundred were sacrificed in one day.

The year was 1096 - we hoped it would bring consolation and relief; instead there was agony and grief.

Daughter of my nation, wrap yourself in your agony.
Don't let yourself stop, don't silence your eyes.
The son is slaughtered, the father praises God.
Whoever sees such things can only weep.

Dan Reisinger 15: Mainz Affair 1096
The Mainz Affair 1096

Can There Be Pain Like Mine?
The Mainz Affair 1096

At midday, Emicho, the oppressor of the Jews, came to the gate of the city of Mainz with all his army. And when the Jews saw the huge mob, a great army in front of them, they clung to their Creator and prepared for battle, all of them, adults and children. With Rabbi Kalonymos, the Parnas at their head, they went out to fight the bearers of the cross and the burghers.

And the enemies triumphed, capturing the city gate, though the battle continued until midnight. At midnight the archbishop of the town sent a messenger to Rabbi Kalonymos, offering to save him and his entire community. When they did not believe him, he gave them his oath.

The messenger led them across the Rhine River in boats and then took them to the archbishop's castle.

But the next day the archbishop told them:

"I can't save you because your God has forsaken you. Accept our faith or suffer for the sins of your forefathers!"

Filled with bitterness, Rabbi Kalonymos brandished a knife and threw it at the archbishop. That day the whole community died in the Sanctification of the Name. And in their last moments, they cried out with one voice:

"Look down from heaven and see
what we have done to keep Your Name
and our name free."

Dan Reisinger 16: Second Crusade
                          Persecution of the Jews 1146 and Blois Affair
Second Crusade 1146; Blois Affair 1171

We Are Witnesses:
nd Crusade, 1146; Blois Affair, 1171

Eliezer ben Nathan, the liturgical poet, was born in Mainz. He saw his people shattered:

"So You, God, have deserted us and left us
more than a thousand years in sorrow.
You have deprived our souls of peace,
we die for You all day like slaughtered sheep."

Rabbi Ephraim ben Jacob, the liturgical poet, was born in Bonn. He was thirteen when he escaped with the entire community of Cologne to the fortress of Wolkenburg, where the Jews fought for their lives during the second Crusade.

At the age of thirty-eight he described the terrible massacre of the Jews of Blois; and when he was almost seventy he commemorated the people of Wuerzburg and Speyer in a Book of Memory:

"I will write a Book of Memory
To record the pain
and evil persecutions that we suffer
God has saved us for His sake
In His mercy He will take
revenge on those who shed our blood He will make
the Temple new again in Zion."

Dan Reisinger 17: Persecution of the Jews
                          in Germany 1180
Persecutions in Germany, 1180

Mina, Gitele, Zipporah:
ions in Germany, 1180

In every church love reigns - where does hatred come from?

The rabble caught Gitele from Aschaffenburg first. And when she refused to be baptized in the cursed waters, they took her to the river and drowned her. Then they caught Mina from Speyer, as she was leaving town, and demanded that she deny the living God. When she refused, they chopped off her ears and her toes.

And there was a woman named Zipporah who, late in life, gave birth to a son named Isaac. When enemies surrounded her house, and she saw a knife in her husband's hand, she cried out:

"My lord, do not raise your hand against the boy, slaughter me first, let me not look upon the death of the child!"

Then the lawless mob struck them with axes, and Zipporah died screaming. Can You restrain Yourself in the face of such things, oh God?

Oh Your Brother's Blood Cries From the Maghreb:
Decrees of Conversion in Islamic Lands, 1146

Dan Reisinger 18: Decrees of Conversion
                          in Islamic Lands 1146
Decrees of  Conversion in Islamic Lands, 1146
When the Almohades conquered Sijilmassa in Morocco, they gathered the Jews of the city and demanded that they convert to Islam. They negotiated with them for seven months, and during all that time the Jews fasted and prayed.

Afterwards the commanders returned, and the Jews refused to obey them. Then one hundred and fifty of the finest in the community of Sijilmassa, affirming the Oneness of God, were cruelly killed.

As to the news of what happened in the remaining communities of the Barbary States - whoever hears it, his ears will tingle.

There followed years of emergency, decrees and conversions in Jewish communities throughout Africa, and thus the words of the prophet were realized:

"Such as are for death, to death, and such as are for the sword, to the sword; and such as are for the famine, to the famine; and such as are for the captivity, to the captivity."

"Oh I will lament:
The community of Sijilmassa,
city of sages and scholars,
Marrakesh the exalted,
her finest murdered,
the whole congregation of Fez
banished from sight,

Oh I will lament:
Sebta and Meknes,
darkness covered their light,
Tlemcen and Dra,
struck by the sword,
Tunis and Sousse
the holy praying to the Lord,

Sons of Gabes and Tripoli,
pouring blood in streams,
The heavens did not hear
Their cries, their screams.

Mine eye, mine eye runneth down with water."

My Ancestors Were in York:
The Third Crusade, Pogroms of the Jews in England 1190

Dan Reisinger 19: Third Crusade Pogroms
                          against Jews in England 1190
The Third Crusade, Pogroms of the Jews in England, 1190
... And these things must be handed down to each generation. How a great and good country became a field of slaughter:

On February 6th, the Jews were massacred in Norwich.
On March 6th, in Stamford.
On the 18th, in Bury St. Edmunds, Lincoln, and Lynn.
And on the day of the King's coronation,
the Jews of London were sacrificed.

Crowds in England hurried to join those aroused by the Crusade and, before they reached Jerusalem, demonstrated their valour on the Jews. Many English noblemen felt some compassion at the terrible massacre, but did nothing to prevent the bloodshed.

Josce, a leader of York, managed to bring his people inside the walls of the castle, where they were besieged by their enemies for three days and three nights. When they saw there was no one to save them, five hundred of the persecuted decided to die for the Sanctification of God's name.

In the Castle of York You are with us now and forever.
We bound the Sabbath and our bodies together
with threads of linen.
And with a seven-branched menorah we shed light
upon the Oneness of Your Name and our last night.

The Covenant of the Doves:
Sanctification of the Name by Whole Communities during the Period of the Crusades

Dan Reisinger 20: Mental Resistance
                          Against the Persecution during the Crusades
Sanctification of the Name by Whole Communities during the Period of the Crusades.
Why has Israel been compared to a dove?

As the dove does not struggle when it is slaughtered,
so Israel does not struggle when it is slaughtered
in the Sanctification of the Name.

[This is only partly right: A dove flies away when danger is coming].

Here is the order for the Sanctification of the Name which Jews decided should be practised by every Jewish man:

When they want to torture you and question you and make demands of you, this will be your answer:

What do you ask of me? I am a Jew. I will be a Jew. And I will die as a Jew.
A Jew.
A Jew.
A Jew.

Here I am ready and willing to offer myself and my flesh and my veins and my blood to all the cruel and bitter tortures for the sake of Your Oneness.

And for the sake of Your people Israel.

The Calendar:
13th Century Pogroms preceding the Black Plague

Dan Reisinger 21: Black Plague Pogroms
                          13th Century
13th Century Pogroms preceding the Black Plague
[For the medicine of that time there was no explanation of the black plague and the Jews were the scapegoat while Jews also have been killed by the plague. In this context the Jews were also blamed to have poisoned wells and other things. But the black plague had been brought from Asia to Europe by the rats on the Italian crusade ships which were in horrible conditions...]

Is there any pain like our pain?
Is there any calendar like ours?

Sivan - The murdered of Frankfurt, in the first year of the sixth millenium, 1241.

Av - The murdered of Kitzingen, 1243.

Tishri - The murdered of Ortenburg, in the state of Bavaria.

Tammuz - The murdered of Pforzheim, neighboring Speyer.

Nissan - The murdered of Koblenz, 1256.

Iyar - Seventy burned men of Sinzig, in the region of Koblenz.

Av - The murdered of Arnstadt, in the state of Thueringen [Thuringia].

Nissan - The burned men of Mellrichstadt, in the state of Franconia.

Passover - The murdered of Mainz on the seventh day of Passover and in Cracow on the same day, 1283.

Nissan - The murdered of Rockenhausen.

Heshvan - The burned of Munich, 1285.

Tammuz - The murdered of Weissenburg, in Alsace. The murdered of Trerbach, the murdered of Lechnich and Kirn. The murdered of Kemeno, next to Duesseldorf. The murdered of Bonn.

Av - The murdered of Muenster.

Elul - The murdered of Siegburg.

Tishri - The murdered of Logostein.

Adar - The murdered of Bernkastel by the Moselle River. The murdered of Altenhar in the district of Cologne.

For the sake of these holy people we shall be granted salvation and comfort, and He will gather our outcasts with upraised hands.

A Song of Degrees:
Destruction of 140 Communities in the time of the tyrant Rindfleisch 1298

Dan Reisinger 22: 140 Jewish Communities
                          Destructed under Rindfleisch 1298
Destruction of 140 Communities in the time of the tyrant Rindfleisch, 1298
Ninety souls wailed and sighed
in bitterness, "We're pure," they cried.
"Why do you shed our blood? Take all
the tings we own, but not our souls."

One wretch said, "Your only chance
to go on living is to be
like us, accept our faith. If not,
then we decree that you must die."

The tortured chosen people gave
their answer: "Let a chair of honor
carry us to heaven. God will hide
us in the shadow of his hand."

A scoundrel watched and anger leaped
in him until he set a fire
around the capital, and heaped
the wood to make the flames go higher.

Bones shuddered while the priests rejoiced
to see the smoke that curled around
the Jews as men and women turned
into a burning sacrifice.

Ninety souls were on the altar,
voices rising in the fire
with a blessing, "Hear O Israel!"
high above the flames, and higher.

And the Land of Your Enemies Will Destroy You:
The First Expulsion from France, 1306

Dan Reisinger 23: Expulsion of the Jews
                          from France 1306
The First Expulsion from France, 1306
And King Philipp the Fair banished all the Jews from his kingdom. And he took whatever they had, their money and gold, chattels and land. Those communities were great in wisdom and in number; they had exalted the Torah. Now they were banished, naked and stripped of all their possessions.

"They took me from school, tore off my shirt,
dressed me in garments of exile.
In the midst of my studies they turned me out
of my father's house and my homeland.
A young boy, and cheated,
from gentile to gentile,
from kingdom to nation I passed,
not knowing the language, outcast.

If You are a Father, where is Your love?
If You are a Master, where is Your pride?
How can You witness the loss of Your faithful?
God! Where can I turn to, where can I hide?

Dan Reisinger 24: Black Plague
                          Persecution of the Jews in Mainz 1348
The Black Plague, 1348

Mainz - A Noble Heritage:
The Black Plague, 1348

And the Jews came together to fight for their lives. When they saw that they could not depend on the grace of nations, three hundred young men rose up and collected weapons of war. The entire congregation of Mainz was with them. And they fought against their enemies and felled almost two hundred of them.

For five days the besieged held off the lawless army. And when they saw the land collapsing under their feet, they set fire to their houses.

The evil reached the communities of Oppenheim, Frankfurt, Erfurt and Cologne, and the Jews behaved like their brothers in Mainz. In Worms twelve leaders were the first to fight and the first to die. They are buried in a common grave which is still to be found in the cemetery of Worms. And recalling this event, we say in the Penitential Prayers (Selihot):

"When you behold
The robbing of the poor, the cries of the needy,
The murders at sword-point by the evil and greedy -
Can You restrain Yourself Oh God?"

Dan Reisinger 25: Persecution of the Jews
                          because of Blackc Plague 1348-1352
Years of the Black Plague, 1348-1352
The Vale of Tears:
Years of the Black Plague, 1348-1352

"I cry unto my God
who answers to my need,
to You alone I plead.

Be my help against the ones
who throw me to the ground.
They set themselves
against me all around.

How great my foes, how many those
who beat me down, who rob me!
How many rise against me!
How many fall upon me!"

"My son, do not say that ignorant mobs have done it. That it was only a people caught up in madness who heaped tens of thousands of Jews, old men and babies, men and women, on bonfires in three hundred cities in Europe. Or that people driven by terror were seeking a scapegoat. Jews also were terrified and died from the dreadful plague."

A black hatred of Israel preceded the plague. Ardent preachers encouraged it. Bells of churches called for blood after prayers. The mobs formed themselves into regiments. And over them were various leaders and rulers who looked the other way. Some of them even helped.

Dan Reisinger 26: Riots throughout Spain
                          against Jews 1391
Riots throughout Spain, 1391

The Day All My Neighbors Attacked Me...
Riots throughout Spain, 1391

"Children of my people, weep with me among the ashes and embers. For seventy holy communities in Castile and thirty-six in Aragon, for tens of thousands of our brother executed during the Spanish exile in the year 1391.

We got up one morning and the crowned community of Seville did not exist; there was no trace of the splendid community of Majorca.

Because the Jews of Spain were destroyed by the gentiles: priests and nobles, the fiest leaders of the town and its inhabitants, the villagers, the mob, the foreign sailors - on that day all my neighbors attacked me.

Our daughters were raped. The murdered were dragged by their legs. They were hanged on trees and abandoned.

I saw our brothers who fought for their lives and were killed in the Sanctification of the Name. I saw the Marranos , Jews who converted. I saw those who escaped to Africa with nothing.

I was a small child and I fled to Barcelona, but the evil reached there.

God did not answer our cry. And there is no one to answer, no one to care.

Creator of the world, where are your wonders,
your zeal and your strength?
To whom have you abandoned your flock
in this vast desert?"

I Would Be Amazed by Daylight:
The burning of Jews in German cities, pogroms in Poland, blood libel in Trent, 15th Century

Dan Reisinger 27: Pogroms in Germany,
                          Poland and Blood Libel in Trent 15th Century
The burning of the Jews in German cities, pogroms in Poland, blood libel in Trent, 15th Century
I am the man who saw the tyrant John Capistrano, a small, miserable looking creature, who set fire to innumerable souls. He was an emissary of the Pope and the monks, and the mob followed him, inventing blood libels in Silesia and all the German states.

Forty-one were burned in the city of Breslau;

thirty-six in the market-place of Berlin;

a whole community was burned in Liegnitz.

And all because of the libel of the desecration of the host. Only the community of Fuerth summoned enough courage to stand up to him, and they drove his forces out of the city.

There was a libel against the Jews of Trent who were accused of killing a Christian boy in order to bake Passover matzot from his blood. The Jews were cruelly tortured to death, and the supposed victim was made into a saint. At that time the light of the Renaissance shone in the land of Italy. I would be astonished by daylight shining for all. For you and for me, it grows dark!

Dan Reisinger 28: Expulsion of the Jews
                          from Spain 1492
The Expulsion from Spain 1492

Land! Do Not Hide My Blood!
The Expulsion from Spain, 1492

At the beginning of the month of Adar, 1492, the days of joy and splendor were over. There was great fear in our houses because the decree of expulsion had been written and signed.

And when the order was issued by the King and Queen, our people came from all sides and assembled at the gates of the Palace. They cried out and pleaded, but there was no voice, no one to answer, no one to hear.

The words of the great and powerful Jewish leaders, Don Isaac Abarbanel and Don Abraham Senor, were of no help. The decree was truth and reason was a lie.

On the seventh of Av, close to the date of the fall of the two Temples, the last Jews left Spain - 250,000 of them. About 50,000 of them went to North Africa, almost 150,000 went to Portugal, a few went to Italy and Avignon. Many wandered as far as the Ottoman Empire.

They say that thousands sailed to the ends of the earth, and there is no way of knowing how many of them drowned in the depths of the sea. Our homes and our property in Spain were given to the monasteries. All our cemeteries were turned into pastures for cattle. Land, do not hide my blood!

Dan Reisinger 29: Expulsion of the Jews
                          from Portugal 1496
The Expulsion from Portugal 1496
Their Staffs in Their Hands:
The Expulsion from Portugal, 1496

In nights of darkness and obscurity, processions of miserable refugees kept passing before us. They were given a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp, and they began to tell us the story of the great and terrible expulsion of the remainder of our Spanish brethren who fell from bad to worse and were driven from Portugal.

Our Rabbi Shimon died then in the Sanctification of the Mane. Everyone who did not leave by the end of the first year was forced to convert. Twenty thousand of the people of Israel were imprisoned in Lisbon and baptized by force.

We and our children escaped by the skin of our teeth, and we ate grass. And because of the bitter could that autumn, because we had no clothing for the freezing weather and no houses in which to dwell, we dug holes in the garbage and lowered our bodies into them. And this is only a tiny fragment of the suffering, the hardships along the way, of a world that had gone mad:

"Our father, is this our reward?
Who is the Father who raised His sons to take His vengeance on them?
Whose is the blazing wrath and rage that now is poured upon them?
We sit on this earth and weep."

Dan Reisinger 30: Burning of Talmud and
                          other Jewish Books in Italy 1553-1559
Burning the Talmud in Italy, 1553-1559
Our Talmud Was Burned:
Burning the Talmud in Italy, 1553-1559

[When you read Talmud it's clear that it is a book which condemns and demonized other religions. So at least a Talmud revision according to human rights should be done...].

It seems there never was such weeping by people mourning the loss of their dear ones, as by Jews lamenting the death of their Book.

On Sunday of the New Year, 1553, Pope Julius III decreed that the Talmud should be outlawed and burned. When the agents of the Inquisition reached Rome, Venice and Cremona, they did not discriminate between the Talmud and other books. Every Hebrew book was removed from Jewish homes and thrown onto the fire in the Campo dei Fiori in Rome -

Go - wearing sackcloth.
Cry - for the light of the Torah and its crown.

Throughout our exile the decrees were harsh. We were used to humiliations, expulsion and death. But in the face of the auto-da-fe of books, a whole nation felt that those who besieged it wanted to take away its soul!

And as we mourned, we said:
"Behold, it is better to be killed by the sword than to be desolate without the Torah."

The Lights Have Gone Out:
16th Century Passion Plays that caused the pogroms

Dan Reisinger 31: Passion Plays 16th
                          Century in Europe Provoking Pogroms
16th Century Passion Plays that caused the pogroms
He who has a heart should listen and watch closely: with musical instruments and choirs of shadows the hatred of Israel swells on the stage -

In Rome and other cities in Italy, Switzerland and Germany, religious plays about "Jesus" and his Crucifixion are performed.

Year after year the stage is set in the cathedral square or before the stairs of the church. The canopies are lit by a river of fireworks and torches, and the streets of the Jews go dark.

Some of the plays describe the life of Jesus; others, his wounds. In a choir of shadows they go on singing day and night until the words are no longer heard, only the sharp sound of hatred.

And when the lips of a man with nothing to say still stammer -

"His blood!
His blood!"

- then the mob cries out:

"On them and their sons!"

And it pierces the homes of Jews like a knife.

To the Ends of the Earth:
A Page from the Notebook of the Marranos - The Burning of the Marranos, 16th and 17th centuries [up to Central and South "America"]

Dan Reisinger 32: Massacres against
                          Marranos 16th and 17th centuries in Spain,
                          Portugal, Mexico, Peru
The Burning of the Marranos, 16th and 17th centuries
Gracia da Orta,
a famous scientist in the Portuguese colony of Goa, died in 1568. Twelve years after his death his body was removed from its grave and brought to "trial" by the Inquisition, charged with observing the Jewish commandments in secret. His corpse was burned and his ashes thrown into the ocean.

Francisca Nunez,
sister of Admiral Carvajal, escaped from Spain. She was caught in Mexico, and was set on fire with her four children in 1596.

Francisco de Silva,
a doctor, returned to Judaism secretly. He was caught and burned in Lima, Peru, 1639.

Antonio Homem,
grandson of the Spanish Marrano doctor Moses Bueno of Oporto, was burned in Coimbra, 1624.

Isaac de Castro
was caught in Recife, Brazil, and was turned over to the Inquisition in Portugal. He was burned in Lisbon in 1647.

April 11, 1649, the citizens of Mexico City heard the last cry of 109 Marranos from the fire:

"Hear Oh Israel, The Lord Our God, the Lord Is One!"

On the Edge of Annihilation:
Massacres of Jews by the Cossacks, Poles, Russians and Swedes, 1648-1666

Dan Reisinger 33: Massacres 1648-1666
Massacres of Jews by the Cossacks, Poles, Russians and Swedes, 1648-1666
Every night seas of flame raged upon the houses of Israel in the bloody wake of the Cossacks. After the tyrant Chmielnicki, may he be cursed, stormed the city of Nemirov, another tyrant, Krivonos, advanced on the community of Tulchin, at the head of 10,000 men.

The Poles made a pact with the Jews to stand together.

And two thousand Jews entrenched themselves in the fortress of Tulchin to fight the Cossacks, but the Polish nobles betrayed their allies and broke their pledge. The Jews were left alone and went on fighting until their strength gave out.

And in the city of Uman Jews fought for their lives alone. They stood against the enemy until morning when they were put to death cruelly. The Cossacks stripped off their skin and threw their severed limbs to the dogs. Children were killed at their mothers' breasts, or roasted alive on spits over the fire.

And this was only the beginning of the great conflagration. We were on the edge of annihilation.

All the sons of my people are stabbed
the cities are full of their blood.

Of Children Who Were Captured:
The Decree of the Cantonists in Russia, 1827-1854

Michael, the father of your grandfather, was celebrating his tenth birthday when he was kidnapped from the arms of his parents and sentenced to twenty-five years of service in the Russian Army. It was the third day of Chanukah in the year
Dan Reisinger 34: Decree of the
                          Cantonists in Russia, Robbed Children
The Decree of the Cantonists in Russia, 1827-1854
when tens of thousands of Jewish children were taken from their homes and transported in convoys. Michael was put in a convoy of 3,900 children, some of them two years younger than he. They were led on foot for hundreds of miles until they reached their place of exile in Siberia.

They marched the children ten hours a day, and the soldiers accompanying them beat them with whips. One-third of them died on the way; many were taken to hospitals unconscious. In makeshift camps along the way, the children were ordered to kneel for hours in the mud, and the officer commanded:

"Those who want to convert to Christianity - step forward!"

And they covered their heads with sacks and threw them down from a high tower, while the officer at the bottom declared:

"Those who want to convert to Christianity - step forward!"

And they baptized them in the river, and the officer in front of the laughing mob screamed:

"Those whose Jewish souls are still with them - will sleep with pigs in their pen!"

[As Talmud condemns all other religions as "pigs", Jews are condemned as "pigs" here].

When Michael reached Kazan and was put into the barracks, he was ten years and five months old. The soldiers discovered the four-fringed garment (arba-hacanfot) on his body, they set fire to the fringes, and burned the child's eyelids with them.

And he refused to taste pork all the years of his slavery.

The father of your grandfather, my son, fell as a hero in defense of Sevastopol, in a war not his, and was not buried in a Jewish grave.

[For Jews it's forbidden to eat pork. This is written in the Mose books as an alienation from other former religions where pork was a holy animal].

Dan Reisinger 35: Blood Libel in Damascus
Blood Libel in Damascus, 1840
I Have Nothing but My Own Blood:
Blood Libel In Damascus, 1840

The blood libels that spread throughout the Christian countries of Europe did not take root in the East until the middle of the nineteenth century. There were many decent people who believed this abomination was alien to the spirit of Islam. And when the Pasha of Damascus raised his hand against the Rabbi and threatened to cut off his tongue at once, unless he revealed the names of Jews who had murdered a Christian and used his blood for the Passover matzot, our Rabbi Jacob Antibi was stunned and tried to respond with honest words:

"It's a lie. I have nothing but my own blood!"

Our Rabbi could not imagine the magnitude of the threatening catastrophe. On the holy Sabbath Jews were compelled to open the graves in the cemetery.

Their houses were broken into. Heads were smashed. Elders of the community were dragged off to prison. The fingernails of the tortured were torn out. The limbs of seventy men who were interrogated were crushed, and those who did not die were forced to give false testimony. He is the hero of the Damascus Affair.

Dan Reisinger 36: Trials in Yemen against
                          Jews and Discrimination
Trials in Yemen, 19th and 20th centuries
Feet To One Side:
Trials in Yemen, 19th and 20th centuries

[In Muslim world the law was very different from time to time, mostly tolerant, but some sultans were very intolerant, to the point of destructioning of churches and synagogues and pogroms].

"Jews are not permitted ... to ride astride animals, but must keep their feet to one side."

Suffering and humiliation were the lot of the Jews of Yemen during their exile. The rulers were cruel, issuing decrees of conversion and destroying synagogues.

In the year 1818 there were pogroms in the city of San'a. And heroic young men rose up among us and fought back. Ten of them, may their memories be blessed, were caught and beheaded in the square. And evil men made shoes out of the Torah Scroll.

The decrees concerning orphans are memorable for their terror. In 1928 an old law was revived permitting Moslems to take every Jewish child, son or daughter, orphaned from its parents, and to convert them to the religion of Mohammed. And anyone who hid an orphan was liable to forfeit his life.

The cries of the tortured rose from the gallows square:

"Hear O Israel, Oh Lord our God, here we are for the massacre!"

Dan Reisinger 37: Pogrom in South Russia
Pogroms in South Russia, 1881-1883

Storms in the South:
Pogrom in South Russia, 1881-1883

[A state's crises is the reason to blame the Jews and to rob and to kill them in order to reform Russia t a modern state. And church is cooperating...]

And behold a great dark terror. From one end of Russia to the other, a wave of pogroms. Huge mobs attacked our houses with overwhelming fury.

They got drunk before nightfall. Priests blessed them as they set out.

The slogan - "Beat the Jews and Save Russia!" - was provided by the intelligentsia, and police gave them immunity.

They were ready -
And we waited for them every night:

15. April Yelizavetgrad
20. April Kishinev
27. April Kiev
1. May Minsk
2. May Balta
3. May Odessa

... Worse than anything was the waiting for the pogrom.

At four in the morning while I was still in my bed, I heard my grandmother's voice:

"Nahum! Where can we take the orphans? They are coming to slaughter us all!"

My little sister and I were orphans. Uncle Nahum said:

"We won't hide in the shed!"

Uncle Nahum was an enormous man, famous for his courage. He went out in the yard and attempted to fight for his life. The lawless mob immediately finished him with iron bars.

Dan Reisinger 38: Kishinev Pogroms 1903
Pogroms in Kishinev, 1903
On The Slaughter:
Pogroms in Kishinev, 1903

"Sky! Beg mercy for me!
If there's a God in you, a way to Him
I have not found -
Pray for me!
My heart is dead, no prayer is on my lips,
I'm helpless, and there's no more hope -
Till when ... how long ... will when?"

Dan Reisinger 39: Self-Defense During the
                          pogroms 1905
Self-Defense During the pogroms 1905

Blowing of the Shofar:
Self-Defense During the Pogroms, 1905

[Russia had the peasant's revolution in 1905, and with every revolution one more act against Jews was done].

The bundles were lying in front of us on the ground because in times of fire we were always ready. Once again there was great fear and Jewish homes in Russia shook in the wind. All their suffering in their faces, parents looked at their children.

Questions gnawed at every heart: Where could we escape to? Where could we take the children? When would it start?

Secret commands summoned crowds from the outskirts of the city and the surrounding villages. The mob was armed with iron chains, hooks, axes and rifles; soldiers and officers rode at their head. Our older brothers met together in a hideout, and a rumour gave them some hope: the regiments of Bar Kokhba would fight for us in time of need.

That night I was at Heder with the other boys, and the Rabbi was teaching us the Chapter starting, "And these are the generations ..."

Excited by what I'd seen that day I was deep in thought, and when my turn came to read my portion, these words came from my mouth unintentionally: The voice is Esau's voice, but the hands are the hands of Jacob ... At once I lowered my eyes, afraid that the Rabbi would slap my face because of the mistake. But the Rabbi was silent for a long time. Suddenly his eyes glowed.

"My son," he said, "the words of a child belong to our Father in heaven, may they be fulfilled!"

At that moment there were shots outside, and at the same time we heard the broken sounds of the shofar, and this time it was the signal for self-defense, calling the Jews to fight for their lives.

Dan Reisinger 40: Pogroms in Ukraine
Petlyura Pogroms, 1919

Out of the Depths:
Petlyura Pogroms, 1919 [pogroms in Ukraine]

[Russia was governed by a Jewish clique under Lenin and Stalin, and because the colonial powers were not able to give way for a foundation of Israel, Jewish organizations were founded with a heavy answer by the Europeans with pogroms and discrimination. In Ukraine many pogroms were organized when Poland had conquered Kiev for some months and the Russian troops won back to the Vistula River before Warsaw].

Sarah Fuchs was a revolutionary in Russia, one of the bravest fighters in the ranks of the Socialist party, the "Bund". In 1919 she was nominated as the representative of the Committee on Aid for the people injured in the pogroms in Kiev.

In this capacity she crossed the length  and breadth of the Ukraine and saw how the Jewish villages were plundered. Suddenly flags fell, veils fell, and Russia looked at her with monstrous eyes. After she took detailed testimonies from the survivors of the massacre, she presented the report to the Central Committee.

"Comrades," Sarah tried to say, "I've seen the truth."

But the Comrades didn't understand.

Sarah Fuchs was twenty-eight. On that same day she drowned herself in the Dnieper River.

Her memory will be preserved with all our brothers and sisters who, in their death, commanded us to live.

Dan Reisinger 41: Deportation in Minsk
                          with separation of sun and father
Minsk Ghetto, 1941
Father, Father:
Minsk Ghetto 1941

[You have to know: Communism had been financed by the financiers of the "USA", and also the Third Reich. The plan of the Anglo-Saxon Free Masons with their centre in Scotland to get Europe destroyed and to have the "USA" as a leading power of the world was well completed. And Jewish refugees in the "USA" were working for them...].

It's five in the morning. People are being pushed out of all the yards. Driven by the shouts of the Germans, and their rifle butts, we go in confusion down to the street teeming with men, women, and children. Everyone tries to squeeze into the center of the crowd in order to get away from the police. The grown-ups carry large bundles, wrapped in bed sheets, on their shoulders. I am not crying, only holding tightly on to my father's hand. His hand is wet, and I hang on to him without making a sound. We march.

I can't see where because in front of me there are people with bundles on top of them. When I peek through the flap of my fahter's coat and see how tall and big he is, I'm not so scared, and I try to keep up with him, staying very close to his side. Suddenly there's a terrifying voice from the front of the line, in German, and the mass of people is split in two. My father's hands is wrenched from mine. Father!

Where is father?

Dan Reisinger 42: Train Deportating
                          Thirsty Jews 1942
Zaglembia, 1942

A Flake of Snow:
Zaglembia, 1942

[A train to the East had many different destinations, and Auschwitz was only one of them. Other destinations were the concentration camps in the Baltic States or in the augmented Romania or in the Ukraine. Some trains were several weeks on the way because deportation trains had the last priority].

We were moving swiftly [and we] past railroad stations and bridges, and ever since the morning it was clear to all of us that we were being taken to Auschwitz. But the people in the boxcars thought of only one thing - water, a little water. The death rattle of dying men was heard all around; people fainted but were left standing because there was no room to fall.

I was twelve years old, and my little brother next to me was sweating all over. With all my strength I shoved myself up toward the barred hatch, dragging him with me.

"Don't put your hand out, it's dangerous, child!" they warned me. But I tried again to grab a handful of snow from outside. I'll never forget the moment when I finally managed to scoop up some flakes!

I carried the snow in my cupped hands like a small wounded bird, and wanted to offer it to the lips of my brother. Other children stuck out their tongues, begging to lick the snow, but I gritted my teeth and pushed them away. And then I saw a woman feinting, with a baby at her breast. I gave her the last flake of snow, and my brother said:

"I'm not thirsty at all."

I kissed him, and we both burst into bitter tears. There was a long whistle. The train came into Auschwitz [and mostly the transported had been transported to further regions till Romania or the Baltic States].

[1943-1945 the Jews had been partly transported back from Eastern Europe into the Reich. Most of the Jews were employed in bunker constructioning with 10,000s of deaths].

Dan Reisinger 43: Kovno 1943
Kovno, 1943
The Chosen People:
Kovno, 1943

The rounding-up of the children went on from Tuesday to Saturday. Mothers tried to protect their babies. They were beaten until they bled, and the children were taken away.

The children were thrown on to freight cars. A mother, whose three children were brutally torn from her arms, screamed out, beside herself. She did not weep; it was a great howl that pierced the wind from one end of the platform to the other. Silencing all other voices by its terror, it was like the cry of a wounded animal. Even the Germans were shocked, and the officer told her:

"Climb quickly into the wagon and take out your child - "

Our breath stopped for a moment, and the officer added:

"But you have to choose one, do you hear, Jew, only one!"

When the mother climbed up to the freight car, the children stretched out their arms and held her. The three of them cried, "Mother, save us, mother!"

The mother froze. Everything blurred, and she was taken out of the car with empty hands.

Dan Reisinger 44: Proclamation of
                          Resistance 1942
Vilna Ghetto, January 1, 1942

Vilna Ghetto, January 1, 1942

Jews, we won't go like sheep to the slaughter!

Jewish youth, don't trust those who fool you.

Out of 80,000 Jews in the Jerusalem of Lithuania, only 20,000 remain ...

Whoever is taken through the gate of the ghetto will not come back again. All the ways of the Gestapo lead to Ponary. And Ponary is death. Hitler is plotting to wipe out all the Jews in Europe. It is the fate of Lithuanian Jews to be the first in line.

Let us not go like sheep to the slaughter! Indeed we are weak and without weapons, but the only answer to the murderer is Self-defense!

Brothers! It is better to die as free fighters than to live by the grace of murderers. We will defend ourselves! We will defend ourselves to the last breath!

Dan Reisinger 45: Beginning of the Revolt
                          in Warsaw Ghetto 1943
Warsaw, April 19, 1943

The Revolt of the Doves:
Warsaw, April 19, 1943

[Doves fly away when danger is coming - but the Jews could not go anywhere. The comparison that Jews should be doves is doubtful when you read the damnations in the "holy scriptures" of the Jews].

On the eve of Passover the Warsaw ghetto was surrounded. From the lookout I watched the army advancing in columns beside the wall. I saw masses of gleaming helmets in the morning sun, and my heart seemed to stop. I pulled the pin of the grenade and threw it out of the window. From that moment every house in the Warsaw ghetto became a battle position.

From the windows, on every floor, fire was poured on the Germans and the Ukrainians. Deborah stood in the window above me. A soldier noticed her and shouted to his friend as if shocked:

"Look, Hans, a Jewish woman with a gun!"

They aimed their rifles at her, but Deborah was quicker. She threw a grenade at them, the only one she had.

Dan Reisinger 46: Ghetto Warsaw Burning
Warsaw, April 23, 1943
The Ghetto Burns:
Warsaw, April 23, 1943

Every night seas of flame raged and tongues of fire circled above the Warsaw ghetto. House after house collapsed, and the sky took on a frightening light. And nearby, beyond the wall, life continued as usual.

The citizens of the Polish capital went for strolls, amused themselves, and saw the smoke thick by day and a pillar of fire by night. There were some who dared to come close to the ghetto wall to get a better look at "how the Jews burn."

And when the wind carried the flames and set fire to a house on the other side of the wall, firemen rushed there at once. Only our fire has no one to put it out.

Dan Reisinger 47: Ghetto Warsaw in Flames
Mila 18, Warsaw, April 25, 1943

The Commander's Farewell:
Mila 18, Warsaw, April 25, 1943

... I don't know what to tell you. Something has happened that is beyond our most daring dream: the Germans have been driven out of the Ghetto twice.

... For three days the Ghetto has been trapped in flames. Tonight we are changing to guerrilla warfare.

... I can't describe our present conditions. Only a few will survive; everyone else will perish sooner or later. Our fate is sealed. In all the bunkers you can't light a candle for lack of air.

... Goodbye, dear friend, the last wish of my life has been fulfilled. I have been privileged to see Jewish defense in the Ghetto in all its greatness and glory.

Mordechai Anielewicz

[This "greatness and glory" is related to the damnations in the "holy scriptures" against all other religions, so the "greatness and glory" seem not to be so "great" and "glorious"...]

Dan Reisinger 48: Cracow without Jews
Cracow, 1944

Alone With Everyone:
Cracow, 1944

She stood in a familiar street, the end of her black braid between her fingers, and one arm clutching her doll. Her eyes went back and forth over the closed windows, and a stranger told her:

-- "There is nothing to look for, child." - "I'm looking for my city, Cracow."

-- "This is the city. Where do you want to go?" - "To our synagogue, the synagogue of the REMA."

-- "Who are you looking for in your synagogue?" - "My father, the cantor."

And he said to her:
-- "These houses, my child, are empty."

"So I'm alone," said the child, "I'm late. My brothers were all taken in the sealed cars."

Dan Reisinger 49: Forest of Partisans
The Forests of the Partisans, 1944

The Sound and the Fury:
The Forests of the Partisans, 1944

The winter of 1944 was nearing its end. The paths in the forest were thawing by day, and at night the earth was frozen again like sharp glass.

The Partisans who reached the entrance of the village under cover of darkness split into two groups, the Russian company taking up positions in the west and south, while the Jewish company dug in on the bank of the frozen river. There were seven minutes to go before the awaited signal.

The loud voices of the German soldiers slowly became silent behind the houses. Baruch and Uri had grown up among those wooden houses. They had played and dreamed in the alleys. In the woods near the old cemetery where they first experienced love, their families had been brought to be massacred.

A red flare was fired, and Zaytzev's group screamed all at once:

Forward comrades, for the sake of your homeland!

At the same moment, the voice of Baruch was heard loud and clear in Yiddish:

"For the sake of spilled blood, comrades, for our brothers!"

Uri released the pin and jumped to his feet. Words ceased. And he heard nothing else but the fire in front of him and the ice shattering under his feet.

Dan Reisinger 50: Candle of Anonymity
Europe 1945

The Candle of Anonymity:
Europe, 1945

On that day the remnant came out: two from a city, one from a village. A woman and her child came out of a bunker under the ruins. A man came out of a sewer. Survivors came out of the forests of the Partisans. The rescued came out of Auschwitz. In Europe the sun was shining - and the world was back on its course. They stood among heaps of ashes, a flaming stone in their hearts:

How mourn a city
Whose people are dead and whose dead are alive in the heart?

[One big part of the Jewish population had been killed in ghettos and camps by illnesses, another part had been forced to work to death in bunker constructioning, and another part had been deported by Stalin to Siberia with a high death toll, and another part had been killed by people smugglers, and another part had succeeded to survive or to flee. And Vatican had always a special agreement with Hitler, and this catholic Hitler is not excommunicated post hum until now...].

Dan Reisinger 51: Suffering after 1945
The suffering is going on..

The Scroll of Suffering That is Not Over

For the prisoners of Zion who have been continuously persecuted in the Soviet Union.

For Hebrew writers  murdered in concentration camps in Siberia because of the sin of their loyalty to the language of their fathers.

For teachers and their students guarding the culture of Israel, who were carried off to interrogations and torture.

For Jewish physicians, victims of a monstrous libel.

For the leading writers in the Yiddish language, beheaded in cold blood in Stalinist Russia while the ashes in the ovens of Auschwitz were still warm.

Their memory will be preserved in the Scrolls of Fire of the nation that fights for its life.

[Russia headed a warm policy towards the Jews with the hope a new Israel would be a Communist satellite. But when Jewish policy stuck together with CIA Russia turned all it's force against the Jews, also in inner Russia].

Dan Reisinger
                          52: Remembering after 1945
In memoriam

And Let Us Remember

The parachutists, emissaries from Israel, who were the first to come to the aid of the nation besieged in Europe, and who did not return.

And let us remember
the volunteers of the fighting Jewish Brigade,
the Jewish soldiers and officers in the armies of the Allies who fell in the war against Nazi Germany.

And let us remember
the anonymous illegal immigrants and their leaders who drowned in the sea with a vision of their homeland.

And let us remember
those who went to the gallows risking their lives for the freedom of Israel.

And let us remember
the daring spirit of the fighters of the Resistance and the soldiers of the Israeli Defence Forces on the battlefields.

And let each one of us remember
all those who fell in the battles of redemption and in their deaths commanded us to live.

[Fact is that Jews in the "USA" and in England were confronted with a heavy discrimination until the 1960s, not so at all in Germany since 1945. But this Anglo-Saxon discrimination is never mentioned.

Racism in Herzl's book "The Jewish State" vom 1896 with it's general judgment against Muslims as "barbarism" is never mentioned, too. Between Judaism and Islam a consequent peace work and a pacifistic revision of the "holy scriptures" is missing].

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