8 June 1967: "Liberty" case: Jesus Fantasy "USA" wanted the occupation of whole Muhammad Fantasy dominated Middle East
Criminal Lemnitzer - Satanic Jesus Fantasy NATO lets bomb an own NATO ship "USS Liberty" by IL Moses Fantasy bombs and torpedoes (June 8, 1967) - Soviet Union spy ship is filming all - no success for a big occupation of Muhammad Fantasy dominated Middle East
USS Liberty before the attack of 8 June 1967 [1]
USS Liberty after the attack of 8 June 1967 [2]
Little chronology
by Michael Palomino (2010 / 2019)
from: Video: 3). USS Liberty White House-sanctioned attack, June 8, 1967 - TERRORSTORM excerpt (5'40'')
3 fantasies - but Mother Earth is REAL
Moses is a fantasy - nothing could be found of him. The proofs are in the book: The Bible unearthed - link. So, Jewry is a fantasy, and also the Jewish calendar is a fantasy. Also Jesus is a fantasy: nothing could be found, but it's a code fantasy with the numbers 3,12,13 and 33 - link. Therefore, Christiandom is a fantasy, and also the Christian calendar is a fantasy - and the Vatican is a criminal pedophile satanic drug money laundering bank mafia - link with videos - link with news. Also Muhammad is a fantasy: nothing could be found, and the name "Muhammad" was used only since 850, not in 600 - link. Therefore also the Muslim calendar is a fantasy. Peace and healings and instructions how to handle the planet are with Mother Earth - Mother Earth is REAL and everybody can learn it: http://www.med-etc.com - have a good day. - Michael Palomino, May 12, 2019
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Video: 3). USS Liberty White House-sanctioned attack, June 8, 1967 - TERRORSTORM excerpt (5'40'')
Video: 3). USS Liberty White House-sanctioned attack, June 8, 1967 - TERRORSTORM excerpt (5'40'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSyMBDq5efg - YouTube Channel: jerepah (upload April 8, 2009)
See how the criminal fantasies with Satanic 1 God religions of Moses and Jesus are playing war against the fantasy of Muhammad - it's just CRAZY.
6 June 1967
6 day war - Fantasy Israel is occupying more territory for a "Greater (Fantasy) Israel"
8 June 1967: Fantasy Jesus President Johnson tries to sink an own ship by bombing as a pretext occupying the whole Fantasy Moses and Fantasy Muhammad Middle East
The details:
1960s: Jesus Fantasy man Mr. Lemnitzer invents new maneuver tactics for new Satanic Jesus Fantasy NATO wars
At the beginning of the 1960s after Cuba crisis Fantasy Jesus general chief of staff Lemnitzer invents several scenarios to begin a war. One of the "scenarios" is letting crash a remote controlled Jesus Fantasy Boeing airplane blaming a Rothschild Gulag Communist state for the crash. Another possibility is sinking an own ship and blaming the enemy for this so the enemy could be attacked.
June 8, 1967: The elected maneuver: sink an own ship of Satanic Jesus Fantasy NATO and blame Muhammad Fantasy Egypt
On 8 June 1967 the second version is tried out in front of the Moses Fantasy Israeli coast. It is a maneuver to enlarge the war against the Muhammad Fantasy Arab world. Criminal war Jesus Fantasy president Johnson and criminal, Jewish racist Moses Fantasy Zionist government in Jerusalem made a secret agreement that a Jesus Fantasy NATO "American" war ship should be sunk and the crew should be killed. Moses Fantasy Egypt should be blamed for the sinking of the ship and by this the Jesus Fantasy "USA" should have the possibility to enter the war for an occupation of the whole Muhammad Fantasy Middle East. [Criminal Jesus Fantasy "USA" and Moses Fantasy Zionist racist regime in Jerusalem wanted to realize their "Greater Israel" according to the first Fantasy book of Fantasy Mose, chapter 15, phrase 18].
Israeli Moses Fantasy air raid WITHOUT flag against the Jesus Fantasy ship "USS Liberty" with BIG "US" flag
The criminal Jesus Fantasy war president Johnson and his Jesus Fantasy foreign minister McNamara - who since 1964 were already committing mass murder in Vietnam War - let bomb the Jesus Fantasy "American" war ship "USS Liberty" of Satanic NATO that was marked with a big "American" flag on the rear end. The Jewish racist Moses Fantasy Zionist bombers were bombing the ship with the aim to sink the "USS Liberty". The Jewish racist Moses Fantasy Zionist Mirage 3 fighter bombers were not marked with any flag, so the crew did not know from came the attack. The Jewish Moses Fantasy pilots had the order from the Jewish Moses Fantasy racist Zionist regime to bomb the "American" ship, with napalm and white phosphor bombs. The Moses Fantasy pilots recognized the Jesus Fantasy "American" flag, but then they obeyed to the criminal Moses Fantasy Zionist government of Jerusalem. The ship was burning for hours.
Jesus Fantasy President Johnson is blocking "US" bombers against Moses Fantasy bombs
The crew of "USS Liberty" can send some emergency signals instead Jewish racist Moses Fantasy Zionist military command is blocking the radio traffic in the region of "USS Liberty". A Jesus Fantaasy "American" aircraft carrier of the 6th "US" fleet is near and wants to send two squadrons of jet fighters. But now the Jesus Fantasy war president Johnson and the Jesus Fantasy foreign secretary McNamara are intervening: They prohibit any help for "USS Liberty" giving order for a return of the "US" jet fighters with the aim that the Jesus Fantasy "USS Liberty" will sink. The order of criminal Jesus Fantasy war president Johnson was: "I want that god damn ship going to the bottom. No help. Recall the wings." The protests of the local commanders of the aircraft carriers have no success.
IL Moses Fantasy torpedoes against the Jesus Fantasy ship "USS Liberty"
Then also 3 Jewish racist Moses Fanatasy Zionist torpedo boats are coming and hit the "USS Liberty" with torpedoes so the ship in fact is in danger to sink. When the Jesus Fantasy "American" crew wants to save themselves with rescue boats also the rescue boats are attacked by the Moses Fantasy torpedo boats with the aim to murder the whole crew of Jesus Fantasy "USS Liberty" by massive machine gun fire because all the witnesses should be "eliminated". Dozens of "American" seamen of "USS Liberty" are killed, 100s are badly wounded.
International Waters - there comes a spy ship from Rothschild's Gulag Soviet Union filming all
The Jesus Fantasy ship is in international waters and by this the whole action is recognizable as a maneuver of the Jesus Fantasy "USA" and racist Moses Fantasy Zionist regime of Jerusalem. But now there is happening something that the Jesus Fantasy president Johnson and the racist Moses Fantasy Zionist government in Jerusalem have not foreseen: There comes a Russian Rothschild Soviet Gulag spy boat and is filming all. So this criminal "American" Zionist action has to be broken up after 3 hours, and the Jesus Fantasy "American" ship from Satanic Jesus Fantasy NATO has not sunk, and many Jesus Fantasy "American" soldiers survive. Criminal Jesus Fantasy war president Johnson and criminal Jesus Fantasy general chief of staff Lemnitzer remain without reason for entering the war and occupying the whole Muhammad Fantasy Middle East. The maneuver is going wrong and is presented to the public as a "regrettable error".
Jesus Fantasy survivors of "USS Liberty" and secrecy about the truth
The surviving Jesus Fantasy commander of the ship "USS Liberty", William L. McGonagle, affirms that his ship always was in international waters. At the same time the Jesus Fantasy survivors get the order to keep silence, and when they would say something there would be prison for life or death penalty. The Jesus Fantasy Commander McGonagle receives the Medal of Honor by the Congress, but only in secret. The Jesus Fantasy general chief of staff of the time before, Mr. Moore, is detecting all lies about this case later.
Criminal Jesus Fantasy Satanic NATO with fake war provocations without end: Pearl Harbor 1941 - Tonking 1964 - WTC 2001 - fake blame "weapons of mass destruction" against Muhammad Fantasy Iraq - fake blame of "nuclear plans" against Muhammad Fantasy Iran
The Jesus Fantasy Stupid States are absolutely criminal inventing reasons for wars, resp. it seems that the criminal energy in the Jesus Fantasy NATO Satanic Pentagon has no limits:
-- There was Pearl Harbor in 1941 with the ship Lusitania against Buddha Japan - but the attack of Pearl Harbor was known 10 days before.
-- There was the Tonking case in 1964 which was a lie against Vietnam.
-- There was 11 September 2001 which was a blasting operation of the two WTC towers with atomic bombs 70m under the floor.
-- There was the fake indication of weapons of mass destruction against Saddam Hussein which was a lie for entering and destroying Iraq.
-- There was the indication of nuclear plans of Ahmadinejad which are a lie against Iran etc. etc.
When will come the Nuremberg for these criminal Jesus Fantasy Satanic "USA"? When will stop criminal racist Moses Fantasy Zionism and when the phrase "Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates (1st book of Mose, chapter 15, phrase 18)" will be deleted?
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1960s: Lemnitzer's maneuver tactics for new war provocation -- June 8, 1967: The elected maneuver: sink an own Jesus Fantasy Ship and blame Muhammad Fantasy Egypt -- Israeli Moses Fantasy air raid WITHOUT flag against the Jesus Fantasy ship "USS Liberty" with BIG "US" flag -- Jesus Fantasy President Johnson is blocking "US" bombers against Moses Fantasy bombs -- IL Moses Fantasy torpedoes against the Jesus Fantasy ship "USS Liberty" -- International Waters - there comes a spy ship from Rothschild's Gulag Soviet Union filming all -- Jesus Fantasy survivors of "USS Liberty" and secrecy about the truth -- Criminal Jesus Fantasy Satanic NATO with fake war provocations without end: Pearl Harbor 1941 - Tonking 1964 - WTC 2001 - fake blame "weapons of mass destruction" against Muhammad Fantasy Iraq - fake blame of "nuclear plans" against Muhammad Fantasy Iran
Photo sources
[1] USS Liberty before the attack: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/06/24/why-really-the-uss-liberty-was-attacked-by-israel/
[2] USS Liberty after the attack: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/06/24/why-really-the-uss-liberty-was-attacked-by-israel/