from: Numerus clausus; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 12
presented by Michael Palomino (2007 / 2019)
3 fantasies - but Mother Earth is REAL
Moses is a fantasy - nothing could be found of him. The proofs are in the book: The Bible unearthed - link. So, Jewry is a fantasy, and also the Jewish calendar is a fantasy. Also Jesus is a fantasy: nothing could be found, but it's a code fantasy with the numbers 3,12,13 and 33 - link. Therefore, Christiandom is a fantasy, and also the Christian calendar is a fantasy - and the Vatican is a criminal pedophile satanic drug money laundering bank mafia - link with videos - link with news. Also Muhammad is a fantasy: nothing could be found, and the name "Muhammad" was used only since 850, not in 600 - link. Therefore also the Muslim calendar is a fantasy. Peace and healings and instructions how to handle the planet are with Mother Earth - Mother Earth is REAL and everybody can learn it: - have a good day. - Michael Palomino, May 12, 2019
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Numerus clausus against Moses Fantasy Jews in Czarist Jesus Fantasy Russia until 1917
<In Czarist [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russia. During the first half of the 19th century, the policy of the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian government toward the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews, as formulated in the statutes concerning the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews ("polozheniya") of 1804, 1835, and 1844, was to attract the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish youth to [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian schools. This ambition encountered strong opposition from the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish masses who regarded education in these schools as a step toward the alienation of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish youth from its people and its religion. They also viewed the network of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish state schools established by the government to promote general education among the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews with suspicion. In 1853 there were 159 [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish pupils in all the secondary schools of [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russia (1.3% of the total student roll), while in the universities there were a few dozen. On the other hand, the maskilim advocated education in the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian schools as a means of rapprochement with the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian people.
[Privileges for educated Moses Fantasy Jews under czar Alexander II]
During the reign of Alexander II, a radical change occurred in the attitude of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews, especially those of the middle and upper classes, toward the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian schools. This was due to the privileges granted to educated [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews (extension of the right of residence in 1865; important concessions with regard to military service in 1874).
[since 1880: Moses Fantasy Jews partly dominating the secondary schools and entering the upper class]
In 1880 the number of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish pupils in the secondary schools rose to 8,000 (11.5% of the total) and in the universities to 556 (6.8% of the total). These numbers increased yearly. In the educational region of Odessa (which included southern [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russia) the proportion of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish students rose to 35.2% and in the region of Vilna (Lithuania) to 26.7%. A [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian-[[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish stratum of intelligentsia concentrated in the liberal professions - medicine, law, and journalism. The members of these professions soon became aware of growing competition from [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews.
A propaganda campaign was instigated against the admission of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews into the class of the intelligentsia; this was sparked off in 1880 by a letter to the editor entitled Zhid Idyot ("The [[Moses Fantasy]] Jew is Coming") which was published in the widely influential newspaper Novoye Vremya.
[Local numerus clausus in Jesus Fantasy Russia - since 1887 official limits of 10%, 5%, 3%, and locally 0% - since 1905 also against converted Moses Fantasy Jews]
Of their own initiative, higher and secondary schools in various parts of the country began to restrict the admission of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews within their precincts. This coincided with the general policy of the government of Alexander III which sought to prevent the admission of children of the poorer classes into the higher and secondary schools. It was claimed that the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish students introduced a spirit of rebellion and revolution into the schools and thus had a deleterious influence over their [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christian fellow students.
In July 1887 the Ministry of Education decided that the proportion of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews in all secondary schools and higher institutions subject to its jurisdiction was not to surpass 10% in the towns of the *Pale of Settlement, 5% in the towns outside it, and only 3% in the capitals of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Many schools were completely closed to [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews.
In time, this regulation also spread to schools which were under the supervision of other government ministries (ministry of communications, ministry of finance, etc.). There were individual cases, after the Revolution of 1905, where the restrictions and admission prohibitions were also applied to converted [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews.
[Moses Fantasy Jewish methods that their children can go to schools: Baptized and converted families]
These restrictions were introduced during a period when masses of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish youth were besieging the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian schools, and had severe repercussions on [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish life. Only those who had obtained the highest marks and distinctions were likely to be admitted to [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian secondary and high schools. There were naturally instances of bribery and corruption, or parents who baptized their children so that they could (col. 1264)
enter the schools. Secondary school graduates began to convert for this end, and during the years 1907 to 1914 this became commonplace. The [[Jesus Fantasy]] Lutheran clergyman Piro of Finland became known for selling baptismal certificates at a low price to all those who desired them ("pirovtsy"). The [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish national and Zionist movements fought this phenomenon. These regulations also resulted in the emigration of thousands of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish youths to study at the universities of Western Europe (Switzerland, Germany, France, etc.).
[[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish students formed the majority of the "[[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian" colonies in the university towns of the West. In 1892 the number of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish pupils in the secondary schools had decreased to 5,394 (7% of the pupils). [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish youths took advantage of the possibility of completing their studies by means of external examinations. In [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish society, the "extern" made his appearance, who studied under the guidance of private teachers and then sat for the state examinations.
[Anti-Semitic examiners let fail many Moses Fantasy Jews from their diploma - limits to external students]
The [[Jesus Fantasy]] anti-Semitic examiners were severe and failed many of them. In 1911 it was decided that the numerus clausus would also apply to external students, and since the number of non-Jewish external students was very limited this system was brought to an end.
[since 1905: New numerus clausus with limits 15%, 10%, and 5% - no numerus clausus for Moses Fantasy Jewish girls]
During the period of the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian Revolution of 1905, when autonomy was granted to the institutions of higher learning, the numerus clausus was abolished, but immediately upon the repression of the Revolution the practice was restored. The proportion, however, was increased (to 15% in the Pale of Settlement, 10% beyond it, and 5% in the capital cities). Accordingly, the number of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish pupils in the secondary schools rose to 17,538 (9.1% of the pupils), and of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish students at the universities to 3,602 (9.4%).
In the overwhelming majority of secondary schools for girls, the numerus clausus was not introduced. In 1911 about 35,000 [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish girls studied at [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian secondary schools (13.5% of the pupils). In the educational region of Vilna (Lithuania) the proportion of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish girl pupils rose to 49%, in the region of Warsaw to 42.7% and in the regions of Kiev and Odessa to 33.3% (these four educational regions encompassed the whole of the Pale of Settlement).
[Creation of a Moses Fantasy Jewish school system against the numerus clausus - abolished numerus clausus since 1917]
The numerus clausus served as an impetus for the establishment of private [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish secondary schools, several of which evolved the beginnings of a national [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish education.
All restrictions on the admission of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews to the secondary schools and institutions of higher learning were abolished with the Revolution of February 1917. In 1919, during the brief period when the armies of *Denikin (the "White Army") gained control of large regions of southern [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russia, the numerus clausus was temporarily reinstated in many towns under their control.
[Y.S.]> (col. 1265)
CZARIST [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russia:
-- Dubnow, Hist Russ, index
-- L. Greenberg: [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews in [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russia: The Struggle for Emancipation (1965)
-- S. Baron: [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews under [[Jesus Fantasy]] Tsars and [Communist Rothschild]] Soviets (1964)
-- J. Kreppel: [[Moses-Fantasie]]-Juden und [[Moses-Fantasie]]-Judentum von heute (1925), para. 77, 501-4
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