Encyclopaedia Judaica
Fantasy Zionist literature bibliography
No precise distinction between Fantasy Israel and Fantasy Zionism - bibliographies - press and periodicals - newspapers and contents - encyclopaedias and lexicons - journals, research institutes, and archives
from: [[Fantasy]] Zionism; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 16
presented by Michael Palomino (2008 / 2019 / 2023)
3 fantasies - but Mother Earth is REAL
Moses is a fantasy - nothing could be found of him. The proofs are in the book: The Bible unearthed - link. So, Jewry is a fantasy, and also the Jewish calendar is a fantasy. Also Jesus is a fantasy: nothing could be found, but it's a code fantasy with the numbers 3,12,13 and 33 - link. Therefore, Christiandom is a fantasy, and also the Christian calendar is a fantasy - and the Vatican is a criminal pedophile satanic drug money laundering bank mafia - link with videos - link with news. Also Muhammad is a fantasy: nothing could be found, and the name "Muhammad" was used only since 850, not in 600 - link. Therefore also the Muslim calendar is a fantasy. Peace and healings and instructions how to handle the planet are with Mother Earth - Mother Earth is REAL and everybody can learn it: http://www.med-etc.com - have a good day. - Michael Palomino, May 12, 2019
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Fantasy Zionist madness says that Fantasy Jewry would be a "nation" which is never possible because Fantasy Jewry is just one of the three fantasy religions Fantasy Jewry, Fantasy Christianism and Fantasy Islam. Add to this the Fantasy Muslims were never asked if a "Jewish State" would be built. But many Fantasy Jews believed the Fantasy Zionists warmongers, called "Zionists" with it's Fantasy Herzl booklet "The Jewish State". Fantasy Zionism is legal until now (2019) and their Fantasy books like "The Jewish State" from Fantasy Herzl are not forbidden...]]
[All kind of literature - no precise distinction between literature about Fantasy Israel and Fantasy Zionism - mixture makes classification difficult]
[[Fantasy]] Zionist literature developed in many languages: German (Rome and Jerusalem by Moses Hess), Hebrew (Derishat Ziyyon (Ẓiyyon) by Zevi (Ẓevi) Hirsch Kalischer and the articles of D. *Gordon), and gradually in many other languages, not only in countries with large Jewish populations. It also appeared in many forms, from thick volumes to leaflets and periodicals issued at various intervals (dailies, weeklies, monthlies, yearbooks, collections commemorating special occasions, etc.). The variety of form is reflected in the variety of genre: feature writing, essays, chronicles, belles letters in all its forms (fiction, plays, poetry, etc.), historical research and documentation, and so forth. [[Fantasy]] Zionist literature covers the period from the 1860s to the present and, including all the books, leaflets, articles, and so on, encompasses millions of items.
A difficulty in cataloging this wealth of material is that in (col. 1155)
the early days of Hibbat (Ḥibbat) Zion [["Love of Zion"]], the border between [[Fantasy]] "Zionist" material and works on [[Fantasy]] Erez Israel in general was very vague, and this lack of a clear distinction between the two categories was not overcome in later years. Even after the establishment of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel it was difficult to draw a distinct line between literature on the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] state and writings on the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement. Throughout the existence of [[Fantasy]] Zionist literature, therefore, the terms, "Hibbat (Ḥibbat) Zion", "Zionist movement", "Erez (Ereẓ) Israel", and the "State of Israel", have been viewed as loosely synonymous, although the special scope of each concept was clear. Thus it is difficult to differentiate bibliographically between the history of the yishuv from the beginning of the 1880s and the history of the movement and [[Fantasy]] political Zionism.
This overlapping in concepts is inevitably reflected in the majority of the works cited below. Characteristic is the subtitle of a recent platform for research, which is entitled Ha-Ziyyonut: Me'assef le-Toledot ha-Tenu'ah ha-Ziyyonit ve-ha-Yishuv ha-Yehudi be-Erez Yisrael ("Zionism: Journal of the History of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Movement and the Yishuv in [[Fantasy]] Erez Israel", vol. 1, 1970). The same problem of exact definition exists in the bibliography Esrim Shenot Medinat Yisrael ("Twenty Years of the State of Israel", 1970) by A. Neuberg, in which much [[Fantasy]] Zionist material is found, and the index volumes titles Palestine and Zionism (all these items are discussed below).
As a rule, the bibliographies dealing with [[Fantasy]] Zionism are listed in Shunami's Bibliography of Jewish Bibliographies (1965), but not all the material on this subject is found under the headings "Zionism" or "Zionist" in the index (p.990), and a considerable amount of relevant material is found in other divisions. Bibliographical attention was first paid to the subject of [[Fantasy]] Zionism at the end of the 19th century, even before the advent of [[Fantasy]] Theodor Herzl. Practical efforts intensified with the advent of [[Fantasy]] political Zionism, especially when newspapers throughout the world began to display an interest in [[Fantasy]] Zionism. At a meeting of Russian members of the "Actions Committee" in Minsk, following the Minsk Conference (1902), it was decided to charge G. Belkowsky with the task of publishing a comprehensive bibliography on [[Fantasy]] Zionism. The book came out in Russia under the title Uzazatel literatury o sionizme (St. Petersberg, 1903). It did not cite the names of the editors of the bibliography, which Belkowsky revealed after many years in a detailed article on this project (Haolam, Sept. 10, 1942, p. 425). The work listed over 4,000 entries in a variety of languages, in three categories:
(1) [[Fantasy]] Jewish nationalism;
(2) [[Fantasy]] Zionism: Theory and Practice; and
(3) Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]].
The second of the three parts, which was to appear later and include literature in Hebrew and Yiddish, was not published because of the conditions in czarist Russia at the time. Hebrew works on [[Fantasy]] Zionism were recorded afterward by William *Zeitlin in his bibliography Bibliotheca Sionistica (Frankfort, 1909; reprint from ZHB, vols. 12-13, 1908-09; includes works from 1852 to 1905).
At the same time a bibliographical project of vast dimensions on Palestine, entitled Die Palaestine Literatur, began to be carried out under the editorship of Peter Thomsen. Up to 1971, six volumes had been published, covering the literature from 1895 to 1939 (although the title page of the sixth volume states that it goes down to 1944). This series was published in [[racist kaiser (!)]] Germany from 1908 to 1956 (the beginning of the sixth volume includes a biography of Thomsen). Material on [[Fantasy]] Zionism is found only in the first four volumes and in the section on contemporary [[Fantasy]] Palestine; a vast amount of material is listed in several languages (inter alia, bibliographies other than those recorded by S. Shunami).
Since 1944 many bibliographies have appeared, some of a general nature and some devoted to various bodies and (col. 1156)
institutions of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement and [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization. Among the latest general and detailed bibliographies that include [[Fantasy]] Zionist literature in various languages is Bibliografiah Ziyyonit (Ẓiyyonit) (1943), by Abraham Levinson (with the cooperation of N.M. Gelber), which lists 2,400 entries in 17 languages. Bibliographical notations have been added to each section of Yizhak (Yiẓḥak) Gruenbaum's work Ha-Tenu'ah ha-Ziyyonit (Ẓiyyonit) (vols. 1-4, 1942-54) by G. Kressel (1-2) and Israel Klausner (3-4).
With the establishment of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel, Sophie A. Udin published an important bibliographical listing in English entitled "A List of References Leading to the Establishment of the State of Israel" (in The Journal of Educational Sociology, 22:3 (Nov. 1948), 239-47). Finally The State of Israel (1948-68), by Assia Neuberg, contains much material on [[Fantasy]] Zionism in a variety of languages (1970).
Any bibliography, no matter how complete, is by its nature unable to be entirely up-to-date in recording the continuous publication of works each year. Therefore annual bibliographical listings are included in various yearbooks: the American Jewish Yearbook, the Palestine Yearbook, the Zionist Yearbook, the Jewish Book Annual, etc. The most complete and correct ongoing bibliographical listing, however, is that published in each edition of the bibliographical quarterly of the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem, Kirjath Sepher, in the section on "Zionism, Erez Israel, the State of Israel", which covers material published in [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel and abroad.
The [[Fantasy]] Zionist Archives in Jerusalem have published a bibliographical bulletin in various forms and at irregular intervals since 1936 (mimeographed). A vast amount of material on [[Fantasy]] Zionism can also be found in the many bibliographies on personalities active in the field; these are listed in the section "Personal Bibliographies" in Shunami. The same is true of bibliographies on institutions and organizations within the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement, e.g., Madrikh Bibliografi le-Sifrut Ziyyonit-Datit (Ẓiyyonit-Datit) ("A Bibliographical Guide to Literature on Religious Zionism", 1960), by Yizhak (Yiẓḥak) Raphael, which goes beyond the field defined in its title and also includes articles in periodicals and the press, and Ha-Po'el ha-Mizrachi be-Erez (Ereẓ) Yisrael (1968), by Yosef Salmon, which also includes articles.
Press and Periodicals
[Racist Zionist and anti-Zionist articles]
The press and periodicals, Jewish and non-Jewish, in all languages, contain much important material on the history of the Hibbat (Ḥibbat) Zion movement [[Love of Zion movement]], [[Fantasy]] political Zionism, and everything pertaining to Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] over the past generations, from first-hand documentation (statements, press releases) to news items, commentary, reaction, essays, and research. Periodicals of all sorts, issued at varying intervals, whether published by official institutions of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization or its [[Fantasy]] sympathizers or by those opposed or openly hostile to [[racist madness of]] Zionism, reach into the thousands; and recent research has led to the conclusion that periodical literature attacking [[racist madness of]] Zionism - whether published by Jews or non-Jews - is no less important for the study of [[Fantasy]] Zionism than the publications of official [[Fantasy]] Zionist organs or [[Fantasy]] Zionist sympathizers.
[The first articles of the 1860s and 1870s: generally against the racist Zionist madness - some racist Zionist newspapers in Europe]
In the beginning the scope of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist press was limited, in direct relation to the size of the movement itself. In the 1860s and 1870s, the Jewish press, in all languages, was generally hostile, or at least apathetic, to the Jewish [[Fantasy]] nationalist movement, with the exception of the Jewish Chronicle in [[racist Empire]] England, Der Israelit [[The Israelite]] and Die Juedische Presse [[Jewish Press]] in [[racist kaiser]] Germany, The Occident in the [[criminal racist]] United States, and the Hebrew Ha-Maggid (Prussia). A pioneer of [[Fantasy]] Zionist journalism in Germany was Selbstemanzipation [[Self Emancipation]], edited by N. Birnbaum, and its successor Zion, edited by H. Loewe and Willy Bambus (until Bambus came into conflict with [[Fantasy]] Herzl before the First [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congress). Then [[Fantasy]] Herzl began (col. 1157)
to publish the weekly Die Welt [[The World]] (in German), which later became the first official organ of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization. Afterward organs of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist organizations in various countries began to appearing a number of languages. Over the years [[Fantasy]] Zionist newspapers have been established wherever a [[Fantasy]] Zionist organization functioned, and some non-Zionist newspapers became pro-Zionist or tempered their opposition [[after Balfour Declaration of 1917]].
At the same time, however (and until World War I), the Jewish press that was not particularly sympathetic toward [[Fantasy]] Zionism - from the Orthodox and Reform movements to the leftist parties in eastern Europe - was also a substantial force. The change in their attitude came about gradually, as the achievements of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement and the yishuv [[Jews in Palestine until 1948]] became more noticeable [[by illegal immigration on Jewish occupied land]] and, by the outbreak of World War II, the future of the Jews in Europe grew darker and darker. Finally, a radical change in attitude came about during and after the Holocaust, which practically reversed the situation that had existed during the 1860s and 1870s: a very small minority of the press remained opposed to the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement and the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel [[without official borderlines and the majority were devoted to them to one degree or another. Because of this change in attitude, it was practically unnecessary for the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement to maintain its own organs, although such a press does continue to exist in many countries.
[[The Fantasy State of Israel was founded with the mental base of Herzl's indication in "The Jewish State" that all Fantasy Muslims would be driven away and enslaved as was the fate of the natives in the criminal Fantasy Jesus "USA". And this book is legal until now...]]
The Hebrew press holds a unique position. Even when it was employed to preach the doctrines of the Haskalah and indifference toward [[Fantasy]] Jewish nationalism and [[Fantasy]] Zionism, the Hebrew language was, by its very nature, a kind of living bridge to Erez Israel. After the illusions of the Haskalah [[enlightenment]] in eastern Europe had been destroyed, therefore, the Hebrew press was the most loyal instrument of the Hibbat (Ḥibbat) Zion movement and afterward of [[Fantasy]] political Zionism, each paper expressing a difference in orientation.
[Anti-Zionist Hebrew press]
Sharp opposition to [[Fantasy]] Jewish nationalism and [[Fantasy]] Zionism in the Hebrew press was inconsequential compared to the overwhelming majority of pro-Zionist publications. The opposition began with Ha-Emet, a socialist-oriented paper edited by A.S. Liebermann, and after a number of years it was also expressed in extreme Orthodox circles, thus appearing at opposite poles of the spectrum. Over the years this opposition has taken various forms (today as the pro-Arab Israel Communists, Rakah (Rakaḥ), and the *Neturei Karta, respectively). An impressive symbol of the developments discussed above was the development of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist leadership and its expression in the press and Hebrew literature through such personalities as Lilienblum, Ahad- (Aḥad)-Ha-Am, Sokolow, and many others.
Lists of Newspapers and Indexes to their Contents
These two instruments of aid never kept up with the developments in the field of Jewish and [[Fantasy]] Zionist journalism. For decades lists of Jewish newspapers have appeared, both in various lexicons and separately. Comprehensive listings are the Tentative List of Jewish Periodicals in Axis-Occupied Countries (1947), covering the period between the two world wars, and Joseph Fraenkel's The Jewish Press of the World (1967), which reflects the situation after world War II. In this period, the distinction between [[Fantasy]] Zionist and non-Zionist publications has become blurred, and any comprehensive list of Jewish publications reflects principally [[Fantasy]] Zionist or [[Fantasy]] pro-Zionist publications (see also Hebrew *Press; for other lists of publications, including those prepared by Fraenkel, see Shunami, Bibliography, second edition, index).
More problematic is the task of getting to the vast amount of material in the press. Indexed of the press, long accepted as standard in the world at large, are still rather innovations inthe realm of the Jewish and Hebrew press. Only lately have really useful indexes come into being, but (col. 1158)
this venture is still in its infancy. One thing must be stressed in regard to material on [[Fantasy]] Zionism: it is not to be found under subject headings such as [[Fantasy]] "Zionism" and the like. Over the last generation [[racist madness of ]] Zionism encompassed the entire Jewish world and is thus to be found under thousands of other subject headings. Among the indexes included by Shunami and others that have been issued recently, the following deserve special attention:
(1) S.A. Udin and S. Landress (eds.), Palestine and Zionism (vols. 1-11, 1949-58) is organized according to a dictionary catalog (as are the two following works), so that "Zionism" is scattered among an abundance of sources; at the end of each volume of this important index to periodicals is a separate index to books and pamphlets, and it also covers material published in languages other than English from 1946 to 1956.
(2) Index to Jewish Periodicals, edited by Miriam Leikind, has been published in Cleveland, Ohio, since 1964 (seven volumes through 1970) and covers material from 1963 onward.
(3) Index to Ha-Po'el ha-Za'ir (Ẓa'ir), edited by Isa and G. Kressel (1968). The index to this weekly during the 50 years of its existence is essentially an index to all the events in the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement, the yishuv [[Jews in Palestine before 1948]], and the labor movement during this period and is the largest index of this kind (in its dimensions and number of entries - more than 100,000) that has yet been published in Hebrew. It is also worth noting that an event located in the index to one newspaper can easily be found, according to the dates, in the rest of the press.
(4) The quarterly of the Jewish National and University Library, Kirjath Sepher, lists (beginning with no. 21) with exactness the contents of periodicals on Jewish studies and important articles in the daily press. Anyone wishing to keep up with what is going on in all fields of Jewish studies or any one or set of fields therein must go over each and every issue; for the sake of expediency, however, Issachar Yoel has compiled the Index of Articles on Jewish Studies (for 1966ff.), which reviews the yearly output according to special categories, including Erez Israel, [[Fantasy]] Zionism, and [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel. It includes an index to the largest number of newspapers nad periodicals in this ramified field.
Encyclopedias and Lexicons of [[Fantasy]] Zionism
Every Jewish lexicon obviously contains much material on [[Fantasy]] Zionism, whether on personalities or [[Fantasy]] Zionist affairs [[well censored articles like the articles of Encyclopaedia Judaica]]. Nonetheless, throughout the decades the need was felt for a special lexicon of [[Fantasy]] Zionism, which would cover all aspects of this subject. The first attempt at this task, which still holds a position of major importance, was the lexicon published by the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Federation in [[racist kaiser]] Germany in 1909, Zionistisches A-B-C Buch [["Zionist A-B-C-Book"]]. The entries therein on personalities and [[Fantasy]] Zionist affairs are written with exactitude and provide a comprehensive picture of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization, through the end of the first decade of its existence. The participants inputting the volume together were the heads of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement in Germany and Austria.
The second venture into this field was the Leksikon Ziyyoni (Ẓiyyoni) (1924) of the Hebrew writer S.L. Zitron; however, it is restricted to [[racist Zionist]] personalities only.
A [[Fantasy]] Zionist lexicon (in Yiddish) of greater dimensions, whose intention was to cover personalities, [[Fantasy]] Zionist affairs, the names of settlements in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]], etc., began to come out in Warsaw under the title Tsiyionistisher Leksikon [[Zionist lexicon]], under the editorship of B. Zweibau; however, only one volume was published (1935; up to the middle of the letter "bet").
Another Yiddish lexicon published in Warsaw, Yidisher Gezelshaftlekher Leksikon [["Yiddish Sociology lexicon"]], edited by Reuven Ben-Shem (Feldschuh),met a similar fate. Its first volume, which also included personalities, institutions, affairs etc., came out close to the outbreak of World War II and is preserved in only a few copies throughout the world.
It goes up to the middle of the letter "vav" and covers (col. 1159)
primarily Polish Jewry, but it is considered a [[Fantasy]] Zionist lexicon because of the wealth of [[Fantasy]] Zionist material covered therein.
In Palestine, Moshe Kleinman aspired to publish the Enziklopedyah le-Ziyyonut (Ẓiyyonut) (1947), but was prevented from issuing more than one volume (which goes up to the end of the letter "gimmel") by the conditions in the country and finally by his death.
Since 1957 Enziclopedyah shel ha-Ziyyonut ha-Datit (Enẓiklopedyah shel ha-Ẓiyyonut ha-Datit) (edited by Y. Raphael (assistant editor G. Bat-Yehudah), has been published in Jerusalem;it covers personalities only.
A large encyclopedic venture covering personalities is David Tidhar's Enziklopedyah le-Halutzei ha-Yishuv u-Vonav (Enẓiklopedyah le-Ḥalutzei ha-Yishuv u-Vonav), published from 1947 (19 volumes, which list biographies of personalities in Erez (Ereẓ) alphabetically, but the indexes to each volume and to the work as a whole facilitate locating an entry. This work contains a wealth of [[Fantasy]] Zionist material, especially in the latter volumes, which contain biographies of personalities in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] mostly from eastern Europe, the [[criminal racist]] United States, [[racist Empire]] England, etc.
The Leksikon la-Sifrut ha-Ivrit ba-Dorot ha-Aharonim (Aḥaronim), by G. Kressel,also contains entries on many [[Fantasy]] Zionist personalities.
A two-volume work in English, Encyclopedia of Zionism, covering both personalities and [[Fantasy]] Zionist events and affairs, was published in New York should also be made of the various Jewish Who's Who volumes in English, Hebrew, and other languages that have come out in [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel and abroad.
Journals, Research Institutes, and Archives
Material on research into the history of [[Fantasy]] Zionism is found in abundance in Jewish periodicals throughout the world. Especially rich in material are the official organs of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement (Selbstemanzipation, Die Welt, Juedische Rundschau, Haolam, etc.). Since the beginning of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement, however, the need for a special forum for [[Fantasy]] Zionist research has made itself felt. In 1905 a forum of this type appeared for the first time in [[racist kaiser]] Germany, known as Die Stimme der Wahrheit [[Voice of Truth]] and subtitled Jahrbuch fuer wissenschaftlichen Zionismus [[Yearbook for Scientific Zionism]] (edited by L. Schoen). The notation "the volume of the first year" expressed the intention to perpetuate this publication, which was not realized. Since then collections honoring the memory of [[Fantasy]] Herzl, for example, have turned in to platforms for [[Fantasy]] Zionist research: Theodor Herzl, A Memorial, edited by Meyer Weisgal (New York, 1929), and the Herzl-Jahrbuch, an annual for research on [[Fantasy]] Herzl and [[Fantasy]] Zionism, only one issue of which by T. Nussenblatt) was published (1933).
In [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] three collections were put out (one of which was in two volumes; 1950-56) under the title Shivat Ziyyon (Ẓiyyon); they were intended to become an annual (edited by a staff of editors), but publication ceased. In the United States, Raphael Patai published the Herzl Year Book (6 vols. 1958-65). In 1970 the first collection on the history of the [[Fantasy]] history of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement and the yishuv in Erez Israel, ha-Ziyyonut (Ha-Ẓiyyonut), was published under the editorship of Daniel Carpi.All these collections contain mostly research papers and documentary material.
Research institutes have been established at Tel Aviv University (named in honor of [[racist Zionist leader]] Chaim Weizmann) and the Hebrew University, Jerusalem (named in honor of Israel Goldstein). The former has already put out a number of books that investigate various aspects of the history of the yishuv and [[Fantasy]] Zionism. The largest and most important archive for the history of [[Fantasy]] Zionism throughout the world is the Central Zionist Archive in Jerusalem, but other archives are found in New York, in Bet ha-Tefuzot (ha-Tefuẓot) of the University of Tel Aviv, etc. See *Archives.
[G.K.]> (col. 1160)
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