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Encyclopaedia Judaica

Fantasy Zionist congresses 1896-1968

Here you see how the Fantasy Zionist Jews are organizing their world wide mafia against the Fantasy Muslims - and the national Fantasy Zionist Jewish madness is going on (2019)...

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971):
                              [[racist]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1097:
                              The Eighteenth [[racist]] Zionist
                              Congress, Prague 1933. Courtesy J.N.U.L.
                              Photo Collection, Jerusalem. Photo Neckar,
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1097: The Eighteenth [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congress, Prague 1933. Courtesy J.N.U.L. Photo Collection, Jerusalem. Photo Neckar, Prague
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971):
                              [[racist]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1171:
                              "Shekel" certificate from
                              Warsaw, 1912. Payment of this token sum
                              entitled the bearer to elect delegates to
                              the [[racist]] World Zionist Congress.
                              Courtesy Central Zionist Archives,
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1171: "Shekel" certificate from Warsaw, 1912.

Payment of this token sum entitled the bearer to elect delegates to the [[Fantasy]] World Zionist Congress.  Courtesy Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem

from: [[Fantasy]] Zionism; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 16

presented by Michael Palomino (2008 / 2019)

3 fantasies - but Mother Earth is REAL
Moses is a fantasy - nothing could be found of him. The proofs are in the book: The Bible unearthed - link. So, Jewry is a fantasy, and also the Jewish calendar is a fantasy. Also Jesus is a fantasy: nothing could be found, but it's a code fantasy with the numbers 3,12,13 and 33 - link. Therefore, Christiandom is a fantasy, and also the Christian calendar is a fantasy - and the Vatican is a criminal pedophile satanic drug money laundering bank mafia - link with videos - link with news. Also Muhammad is a fantasy: nothing could be found, and the name "Muhammad" was used only since 850, not in 600 - link. Therefore also the Muslim calendar is a fantasy. Peace and healings and instructions how to handle the planet are with Mother Earth - Mother Earth is REAL and everybody can learn it: http://www.med-etc.com - have a good day. - Michael Palomino, May 12, 2019

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Fantasy Zionist madness says that Fantasy Jewry would be a "nation" which is never possible because Fantasy Jewry is just one of the three fantasy religions Fantasy Jewry, Fantasy Christianism and Fantasy Islam. Add to this the Fantasy Muslims were never asked if a "Jewish State" would be built. But many Fantasy Jews believed the Fantasy Zionists warmongers, called "Zionists" with it's Fantasy Herzl booklet "The Jewish State". Fantasy Zionism is legal until now (2019) and their Fantasy books like "The Jewish State" from Fantasy Herzl are not forbidden...]]


the highest authority in the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization;created by [[Fantasy]] Theodor *Herzl.

None of the previous attempts to convene general assemblies of the Jewish national movement, some of which were successful and some abortive, succeeded in creating an instrument similar in scope or nature to the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congresses. Herzl's aim in convening the Congress was

"to close the [[Fantasy]] Zionists and to unify their endeavours ... the Congress will show what [[Fantasy]] Zionism is and wants."

His other aim - to establish "the national assembly of the Jewish people" - was realized by many of the Congresses that took place both before and after his death. The problem of the location of the Congress was not confined to the First Zionist Congress alone. [[The First Zionist Congress should be hold in Munich, but anti-Zionist Orthodox rabbis who realized the war trap against the Fantasy Muslims by the madness of racist Zionism were against the Zionist Congress and racist Herzl had to go to racist Basle, and racist Basle served many times in favour to racist Herzl]]. Several of the Congresses encountered problems in this sphere until the 23rd Congress, which met in Jerusalem (all subsequent Congresses have been held in Jerusalem). Previous venues were Basle, London, The Hague, Hamburg, Vienna, Carlsbad, Zurich, Prague, Lucerne, and Geneva. During the periods of the Ottoman regime and the British Mandate over Palestine, it proved impossible to hold the Congress in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]].

The First [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in Fantasy "neutral" Basle under Fantasy Zionist president Herzl 1897]

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]]
                          Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1165-1166. The members
                          of the first racist Zionist Congress in Basle
                          of 1896
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1165-1166. The members of the first Fantasy Zionist Congress in Basle of 1896

["Unification" and programmation of the Fantasy Zionist movements of western and eastern Europe with racist "political" Zionism]

The location of the First [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congress was to have been Munich, Germany, but due to the opposition of the community and the *Protestrabbiner [[protest rabbis]], it was transferred to [[racist "neutral"]] Basle and held on Aug. 29-31, 1897. The historical importance of the Congress lies in the formulation of the [[Fantasy]] *Basle Program and the foundation of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization, which united [[Fantasy]] West and [[Fantasy]] East European Zionists in both an organizational and programmatic sense.

Up until that time the [[Fantasy]] East European Hovevei (Ḥovevei) Zion (see *Hibbat (Ḥibbat) Zion) engaged in settlement activities in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]], and they now accepted [[Fantasy]] political Zionism as well. The approach termed [[Fantasy]] political Zionism, an essential problem debated at the [[Fantasy]] Congress, was raised and defined by [[Fantasy]] Herzl himself. The settlements founded to date had indeed proved the ability of the Jews to farm the land. The Jewish problem, however, could only be solved by large-scale migration and settlement of the country, which could be effected only with international assistance and recognition.

By the Third [[Fantasy]] Congress this was expressed in the term "charter". The means and goals of [[Fantasy]] political Zionism were formulated in a key sentence, possessing four subclauses, the [[Fantasy]] Basle Program.

[Reports about Fantasy Jewish communities worldwide - cultural questions - motives - language "Congress German"]

The First [[Fantasy]] Congress also devised a schedule that was followed by all subsequent Congresses: reports on the situation of [[Fantasy]] Jewish communities in the Diaspora (at the first Congresses, the famous speeches of Max *Nordau), lectures on Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] and settlement activities, and debates on cultural questions, which were extremely stormy at the first few Congresses. [[Fantasy]] Herzl acted as the chairman of the Congress (as he did at all Congresses until his death) and was also elected president of the  [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization.

The Congress made a tremendous impression on both Jews and non-Jews throughout the world. [[Fantasy]] Herzl himself summarized the importance of the First Congress thus:

"I no longer need to write the history of yesterday [the day on which the Congress opened]; it is already written by (col. 1164)

others. ... Were I to sum up the Basle Congress in a word - which I shall guard against pronouncing publicly - it would be this: At Basle I founded the Jewish State" (Herzl's diary, Aug. 30, Sept. 3, 1897: Complete Diaries, ed. by R. Patai, 2, 580-1).

Hayyim Nahman (Ḥayyim Naḥman) *Bialik even published a poem entitled "Mikra'ei Ziyyon (Ẓiyyon)" in honor of the First Congress (for English translations see Goell, Bibliography, 489-90, no. 237).

A full list of the participants in the First [[Fantasy]] Congress with biographical and bibliographical details was compiled by H. Orlan in Herzl Year Book, 6 (1964-65), 133-52. There is a vast literature on the First [[Fantasy]] Congress including Warum gingen wir zum ersten Zionistenkongress? [[Why did we go to the first Zionist Congress?]] (1922), in which 32 participants recount the motives which prompted their participation in the first [[Fantasy]] Congress, and Sefer ha-Congress (1923, 1950), an anthology edited by Leib Yaffe.

The official language of the first [[Fantasy]] Congresses was German (the minutes were published in this language until the beginning of the 1930s and after that in English). The language spoke from the rostrum was, for many years, also mostly German, but since many delegates spoke a kind of Yiddishized German it was nicknamed "Kongressdeutsch" [["Congress German"]].

The Second [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist "neutral" Basle under Fantasy Zionist president Herzl 1898 - Switzerland is Rothschild money island of continental Europe]

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]] Zionism,
                  vol. 16, col. 1169-1170: the Second [[racist]] Zionist
                  Congress in Basle, 1898. [[Racist]] Theodor Herzl is
                  speaking. Courtesy Central Zionist Archives,
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1169-1170: the Second [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congress in Basle, 1898. [[Fantasy]] Theodor Herzl is speaking. Courtesy Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem

[Slogan to "conquer the communities" - Fantasy Jewish Colonial Trust set up]

The second meeting of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congress was held in [[racist "neutral"]] Basle on Aug. 28-31, 1898. In his opening address, Herzl called on the [[Fantasy]] Zionists to "conquer the communities", a slogan which later led to the program of "work in the present", i.e., in the Diaspora, in order to deprive various assimilationists of their self-appointed role as spokesmen of the Jewish people. At this Congress the foundations were laid for the *Jewish Colonial Trust and David *Wolffsohn was placed in charge of implementing the project. Leo *Motzkin, who had just returned from Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]], presented a detailed report on the situation of both the new and the old yishuv [[Jews in Palestine before 1948]]. A group of [[Fantasy]] Zionist Socialists demanding representation for the Jewish proletariat in the leadership of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization made their first appearance at this [[Fantasy]] Congress. [[Fantasy]] Herzl was opposed to splitting the precariously united [[Fantasy]] Zionist camp. The struggle between the "political" and "practical" [[Fantasy]] Zionists had been set aside at the First Congress, and the resolution to establish the [[Fantasy]] Jewish Colonial Trust further narrowed the gap between the two camps.

[[This was the start for official Fantasy Jewish colonialism with a special Fantasy Jewish Colonial bank against the Fantasy Muslims...]]

The Third [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist "neutral" Basle under Fantasy Zionist president Herzl 1899 - Switzerland is Rothschild money island of continental Europe]

[Collaboration questions with Turkey or with other racist powers for emigration waves to Fantasy Palestine - Fantasy Jewish racist settlements should go up to Syria]

Held in [[racist "neutral"]] Basle on Aug. 15-18, 1899, the Third [[Fantasy]] Congress opened with a report by [[Fantasy]] Herzl of his meetings with [[Fantasy]] Kaiser William II in Constantinople (Oct. 18, 1898), and Jerusalem (Nov. 2), in addition to a casual meeting at Mikveh Israel. While these meetings produced no practical results, their demonstrative value, in the presentation of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist case before the head of a great power, was immense. There was a great deal of debate about the exact meaning of the "charter", first mentioned by [[Fantasy]] Herzl, and the significance of the term "public law" in the [[Fantasy]] Basle Program, i.e., whether the intent was a license from all the powers or only from Turkey.

[[Fantasy]] Herzl was persuaded to accept the latter interpretation. It was also resolved that the [[Fantasy]] Jewish Colonial Trust would confine its settlement activities to Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] and Syria. The "practical" [[Fantasy]] Zionists failed in their attempts to gain the Congress' approval for initiating [[Fantasy Jewish Zionist]] settlement activities before obtaining the "charter", and the theoretical debates on cultural matters, which occupied several [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congresses from the Second on, continued. [[Fantasy]] Herzl was preoccupied with political activities, and everything outside this sphere was thrust aside.

The Fourth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist Jesus Fantasy Empire London under Fantasy president Herzl 1900 - Switzerland is Rothschild money island of continental Europe]

[Fantasy Zionist Herzl prizing Jesus Fantasy racist "Free England" - Romanian Jewry in danger and racist Herzl's reaction - Fantasy Jewish workers in Fantasy Palestine]

On Aug. 13-16, 1900, the Fourth [[Fantasy]] Congress was held in [[racist Empire]] London. The reason for choosing [[racist Empire]] London as the location of this Congress was given by [[Fantasy]] Herzl in his opening speech as follows:

"England, great England, free England, England looking over all the seas, will (col. 1167)

understand our aspirations. From here the [[Fantasy]] Zionist idea will take its flight further and higher, of that we are sure."

The Congress bore the imprint of the severe crisis in Rumanian Jewry, with many thousands forced to leave the country and those remaining behind subject to pressure and harassment. [[Fantasy]] Herzl viewed the persecution of Rumanian Jewry as further proof of the urgent necessity for a [[Fantasy]] Zionist solution. Since the "charter" was still a distant prospect, matters demanding immediate attention came to the fore. The position of the Jewish workers in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] was also brought up at this Congress.

[[The Jews in danger in Romania and Herzl's call for emigration to Palestine seem to be coordinated...]]

The Fifth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist "neutral" Basle under Fantasy Zionist president Herzl 1901]

[Racist Herzl presenting his dialogue with the sultan - report of the Jewish Colonial Trust - young "Democratic Fraction" with "Jewish renaissance" culture concept - racist "Jewish National Fund (JNF) set up]

Herzl presented this [[Fantasy]] Congress, held in [[racist "neutral"]] Basle on Dec. 26-30, 1901, with the greatest of his achievements - an interview with the sultan. He also presented a report on the initial activities of the Jewish Colonial Trust. These achievements, however, did not satisfy many of the delegates, especially a group of young men who organized the [[Fantasy]] *Democratic Fraction. They advanced the concept of [[Fantasy]] Zionism as an internal Jewish renaissance and demanded serious attention to the problems of Jewish culture, instead of concentrating solely on political activities, which they regarded as sterile. The main achievement of this Congress was the establishment of the [[Fantasy]] *Jewish National Fund (JNF) on the lines proposed by Hermann *Schapira at the First Congress.

The Sixth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist "neutral" Basle under Fantasy Zionist president Herzl 1906 - Switzerland is Rothschild money island of continental Europe]

[Fantasy Jesus people against Fantasy Moses people: Reaction on Kishinev pogrom of 1905 - vote on Uganda Scheme - the anti-Uganda Fantasy Zionists loosing and leaving the hall]

In accordance with a resolution taken at the Fifth [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, the Sixth took place two years after its predecessor (on Aug. 23-28, 1903, in [[Fantasy]] Basle) instead of one, as had been the practice. This was the last Congress in which [[Fantasy]] Herzl participated and was also the stormiest and most tragic.

While the "charter" was as far as ever from [[Fantasy]] Herzl's grasp, the pressure for a solution to the Jewish problem was mounting, particularly after the shock of the Kishinev pogrom in the spring of the same year.

[[Anti-Semitism was raising now because racist Zionism called Jewry more and more a "nation". By this all other nations could attack now the Jews as a "nation" when there were some problems in any state. And it seems that sometimes Fantasy Zionist activists were provoking anti-Semitism or even collaborating with racist regimes against Jewish populations so the Fantasy Zionists could call for more Jewish emigration to Palestine, with the aim for a "Jewish State"...]]

This situation gave rise to "temporary solutions", such as the *El-Arish project, to which [[Fantasy]] Herzl devoted much of his energies and with whose results he was bitterly disillusioned. In spite of the Kishinev pogrom, [[Fantasy]] Herzl had visited Russia, where he met Minister of Interior Plehve. He also received an official offer from the [[racist Empire]] British government, which  was willing to allocate a territory for [[Fantasy]] Jewish settlement in Uganda, East Africa. At the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, [[Fantasy]] Herzl advanced this proposal for serious examination, while simultaneously emphasizing that "our views on Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] cannot and will not be subject to change. Uganda is not Zion and will never be Zion. This proposal is nothing more than a relief measure, a temporary means of allaying distress."

The vote on the *Uganda Scheme was as follows: 295 in favour, 178 against, and 98 abstentions.

[[It seems the thinkers who did not want any confrontation with the Fantasy Muslims in Palestine had a great victory]].

At first those opposed to the scheme left the hall, headed by Jehiel *Tschlenow, but were persuaded to return by [[Fantasy]] Herzl personally, who appealed to them not to destroy the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization. The Uganda Scheme overshadowed all other matters at the Congress, such as Franz *Oppenheimer's lecture on cooperative settlement, a program that was implemented some years later in the settlement Merhavyah (Merḥavyah). Approximately one year after this Congress, [[Fantasy]] Herzl died.

The Seventh [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist "neutral" Basle under leadership of Fantasy Zionist Nordau 1906 - Switzerland is Rothschild money island of continental Europe]

[Uganda Commission report - Uganda Scheme rejected - split and Fantasy Jewish Territorial Association set up - Wolffsohn elected a Fantasy Zionist Congress president - change of the center to Cologne]

The [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, held on July 27-Aug. 2, 1905 [[must be: 1906]], in [[Fantasy]] Basle, was opened by its new president, Nordau, who delivered a eulogy on [[Fantasy]] Herzl. Immediately afterward, a stormy debate on the Uganda proposal broke out. Opposition to the scheme had grown with the return of the commission of inquiry and its negative report on conditions in Uganda, which it found unsuitable for Jewish mass settlement.

[[But the conditions in Palestine in the desert were not better. The Jewish Fantasy Zionist madness went on...]]

Despite the opposition of the Territorialists, who were supported by [[Fantasy]] *Po'alei Zion, the Congress resolved to reject finally the Uganda Scheme and the notion of settlement anywhere except in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Fantasy Land of Israel]] and its immediate vicinity. The Territorialists, headed by [[Fantasy]] Israel (col. 1168)

*Zangwill, withdrew from the Congress and the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization and founded the [[Fantasy]] Jewish Territorial Association (see *Territorialism). A resolution to the effect that practical settlement activities would not be delayed until public rights had been obtained, but would begin at once, was then passed.

Otto *Warburg, who was to become the moving spirit of [[Fantasy]] practical Zionism, made his first impressive appearance at this Congress. He emphasized the political value of limited [[Fantasy Jewish]] settlement and the need for introducing it in a systematic way. In place of Nordau, who refused to accept the position, Wolffsohn was elected chairman of the Executive which was equivalent to the head of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization. The center of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement moved from Vienna to Cologne, where [[Fantasy Zionist leader]] Wolffsohn lived.

The Eighth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in NL HOlland The Hague under Fantasy Zionist president Wolffsohn 1907]

[Call for Fantasy Jewish Zionist settlements in Fantasy Palestine also without any legal "charter" - foundation of the Fantasy Palestine Office in Jaffa in 1908]

In accordance with [[Fantasy]] Herzl's tradition of keeping the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement in the public eye, this Congress met at The Hague on Aug. 14-21, 1907, while the Second International Peace Conference was taking place there. The struggle between political and practical [[Fantasy]] Zionists was resolved by the decision that [[Fantasy Jewish Zionist]] settlement activity in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] should not be delayed until after the receipt of the "charter". On the contrary, planned small-scale settlement, not exceeding the limits of the [[Fantasy]] Basle Program, was to precede the charter, which would thus be obtained on the strength of these "small" achievements.

Wolffsohn was the mediator between the two camps. As [[Fantasy]] Herzl's close friend and loyal disciple, on the one hand, and a sober man of affairs, on the other, he was eminently suited to this function. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann's famous speech on "synthetic Zionism" merged political and practical [[Fantasy]] Zionism into an organic whole and laid a common foundation for both camps. He stated:

"We must aspire to a charter, but our aspiration will be realized only as a result of our practical work in Erez Israel."

As a result of this approach, the [[Fantasy]] *Palestine Office was founded in Jaffa in 1908 to direct the work of [[Fantasy Jewish Zionist]] agricultural settlement on behalf of the [[Fantasy]] World Zionist Organization. The office was headed by Arthur *Ruppin.

The Ninth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist kaiser (!) Hamburg under Fantasy Zionist president Wolffsohn 1909]

[Fantasy Zionist hopes after the Young Turks revolution - opposition against presidentship of Wolffsohn - Fantasy Zionist settlement activities of "practical" Zionists]

Held in Hamburg on Dec. 26-30, 1909, this was the first Congress to meet in [racist kaiser] Germany.The (col. 1169)

hope that the attitude of the Turkish government toward [[Fantasy]] Zionism would change after the revolution of the Young Turks, which had taken place in the previous year, was expressed by both [[Fantasy Zionist leaders]] Wolffsohn and Nordau.

A very strong opposition to [[Fantasy]] Wolffsohn's leadership emerged at this Congress and was led by [[the Fantasy Zionist leaders]] Menahem *Ussishkin, Weizmann, and Nahum *Sokolow and joined by representatives of the workers in Erez Israel, appearing for the first time at a [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congress. They were united in their opposition to the "commercial" approach to the settlement activities, which evaluated every project by its economic efficiency. The decision to begin cooperative settlement according to the Oppenheimer plan was a great concession to the "practical" Zionists, representatives of Po'alei Zion, and the workers of Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]]. Wolffsohn was finally reelected president of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization and chairman of the Executive, which also included Warburg and [[the Fantasy Zionist leader from Holland]] Jacobus *Kann. Friction over Wolffsohn's methods, which were also criticized by the [[Fantasy]] political Zionists as not close enough to those of [[Fantasy]] Herzl, did not come to an end with the closing session of this [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress.

The Tenth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist "neutral" Basle under Fantasy Zionist president Wolffsohn 1911]

[Victory of "synthetic" Fantasy Zionism - resignation of Fantasy Zionist president Wolffsohn - session in Hebrew - new Fantasy Zionist leading group Warburg, Hantke, Levin, Jacobson, and Sokolow - new center racist kaiser Berlin]

This [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, held in [[racist "neutral"]] Basle on Aug. 9-15, 1911, earned the name of "The Peace Congress" for ending the quarrels and friction of the "Cologne period" and bringing total victory to the realistic [[!!]] [[Fantasy]] "synthetic" trend in [[Fantasy]] Zionism. In his opening address, which contained the announcement of his resignation, [[Fantasy Zionist president]] Wolffsohn gave his blessings to the period of [[Fantasy]] Zionist history about to commence after the "Vienna period" and his own "Cologne period". Detailed discussion of practical activity in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] and Hebrew culture took place. For the first time in the history of the Congresses, a whole session, led by Ussishkin, was conducted entirely in Hebrew. The relations with the Fantasy Muslims was also discussed in a speech by Shelomo *Kaplansky. The [[Fantasy]] Zionist headquarters were transferred from [[racist kaiser]] Cologne to [[racist kaiser]] Berlin, and the new leadership consisted of the [[Fantasy Zionist]] president Otto Warburg and Arthur *Hantke, Shemaryahu *Levin, Victor *Jacobson, and Sokolow.

[[With racist synthetic Zionism concept of racist Herzl to purchase first the land and then install Jewry in Palestine was abandoned]].

The Eleventh [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist kaiser Vienna under Fantasy Zionist president Wolffsohn 1913]

[Herzl line abandoned - institutions and settlement reports - Hebrew University in Jerusalem]

The demonstrative absence of Nordau at this Congress, held in [[racist kaiser]] Vienna on Sept. 2-9, 1913, (col. 1170)

was a silent protest against the abandonment of [[Fantasy]] Herzl's line. Arguments about the body in charge of the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Jewish Colonial Trust took place with the Executive and with Wolffsohn and his associates. Ruppin presented a detailed report on the first settlement activities on behalf of the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Palestine Office. This report, together with Levin's survey of 30 years of settlement in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]], were an indirect tribute to "small-scale" deeds. On the suggestion of [[the Fantasy Zionist leaders]] Weizmann and Ussishkin, it was resolved to establish a Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Bialik made an impressive appearance at the closing session. Wolffsohn, who was the president of the Eleventh Congress, died a year afterward.

[[From 1914 to 1920 during the First World War and in the time of the war in Poland, Ukraine, and Russia there were no Fantasy Zionist Congresses]].

The Twelfth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [under Fantasy Zionist president Weizmann in CSSR Carlsbad 1921]

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism,
                          vol. 16, col. 1101: WIZO delegation to the
                          Twelfth [[racist] Zionist Congress, Carlsbad,
                          1921. Left to right: Miriam Marks, Miriam
                          Sacher, Redith Eder, Rebecca Sieff, Mrs.
                          Weisberg (standing), Lady Samuel Romana
                          Goodman, Esther Feiwel, Henrietta Irwell,
                          Ethel Solomon. Courtesy Central Zionist
                          Archives, Jerusalem.
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1101: WIZO delegation to the Twelfth [[racist] Zionist Congress, Carlsbad, 1921.

Left to right: Miriam Marks, Miriam Sacher, Redith Eder, Rebecca Sieff, Mrs. Weisberg (standing), Lady Samuel Romana Goodman, Esther Feiwel, Henrietta Irwell, Ethel Solomon. Courtesy Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem.

[The changes from 1914 to 1921 - the war trap of Fantasy Palestine since 1919]

No previous [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress had met in a period so sharply distinguished from the preceding one. This was the first [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress after World War I. It was held in Carlsbad on Sept. 1-14, 1921, after the following crucial events had taken place: the *Balfour Declaration, the British conquest of Palestine, the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, mass pogroms against Ukrainian Jews, and the [[Fantasy]] London Zionist Conference (1920), at which the *Keren Hayesod [[United Israel Appeal: the central fund raising organization for Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel]] was founded.

[[Addition: more changes and the war trap of Palestine since 1919
The racist Russian Zionist center had changed from Russia to New York, and New York became the world wide active Jewish center since 1919. Since 1915 the Fantasy Muslims had got weapons from racist Empire England to fight the Turkish troops. The Fantasy Muslims were no underdog any more and could defend themselves. This put an end to the racist Herzl project of a Fantasy Jewish Empire and to enslave the Fantasy Muslims. Principally racist Zionism had to come to an end by this situation. But not the Fantasy Zionist madness went on because Jewish Legion troops came to Palestine and Fantasy Zionist Jewish terror organizations like Haganah was founded with the experienced Fantasy Zionist Jewish soldiers, fighting against Fantasy Muslims and racist Empire English Mandate government at the same time, occupying territories and valleys, setting up over-night settlements with armed defense against the Fantasy Muslim military groups, organizing illegal Fantasy Zionist Jewish immigration to the illegal occupied territories etc. This was called "practical Zionism". Fantasy Muslims organized their resistance groups, and racist Empire England sent over 20.000 troops to "control" the situation which could not be controlled without giving up the madness of Fantasy Jewish Zionism. But the Fantasy Zionist madness went on. By this, since 1919 Palestine converted into a hot spot of civil war, and no one of the racist upper class said the truth that the racist Herzl madness of Jewish nationalism claiming that Jewry would be a "nation" and needed a "land" should be given up. Jewry is not a "nation" but a religion. But the Fantasy Zionists lead the Jews more and more into the war trap of Palestine against all Fantasy Muslims up to the aim of a "Greater Israel" from Nile to Euphrates according to 1st Mose chapter 15 phrase 18, always with the old racist Herzl idea that the Fantasy Muslims could be driven away as the natives in criminal racist "USA". It should not come like this, because the Fantasy Muslims now were armed and later had their oil allies...]]

[Racist Zionist center "America" - Fantasy Zionist leader Brandeis - change of Fantasy Zionist center from Berlin to racist Empire London]

During this period the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement in America had begun to come to the fore, and the [[Fantasy Zionist]] *Brandeis group [[from criminal racist "USA", Brandeis was member of "US" governmental justice]]  had clashed with [[Fantasy Zionist]] Weizmann's leadership at the [[racist Empire]] London Conference.

The [[Fantasy]] Zionist leadership had also been transformed. The "Berlin period" had come to an end with the defeat of [[racist kaiser]] Germany in World War I, and the group that had obtained the Balfour Declaration, led by [[the Fantasy Zionist leaders]] Weizmann and Sokolow, had transferred the [[Fantasy]] Zionist world center to [[racist Empire]] England.

[Racist Zionist leader duo Weizmann-Sokolow - Fantasy Muslim riots since Balfour Declaration - claims for Fantasy Jewish settlement in Palestine - land purchase question in Jezreel Valley - Fantasy Zionist Jewish workers]

At the London Conference, [[Fantasy Zionist leader]] Weizmann was elected president of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization and [[Fantasy Zionist leader]] Sokolow president of the Executive. In addition, the first years after the Balfour Declaration had been marked by anti-Jewish riots in Jerusalem (1920) and Jaffa (1921).

[[The Fantasy Muslim militants protested against the Balfour Declaration and against illegal Fantasy Zionist Jewish immigration. The Fantasy Muslims knew what was written in racist Herzl booklet "The Jewish State" that they should be driven away and enslaved, and they began with a systematical fight]].

[[Racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann delivered a report on the political activities of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization during the war and called on the Jewish people to assist in building Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]]. Ruppin brought the acquisition of large tracts of land in the Jezreel Valley before the Congress for approval and was opposed by the directorate of the JNF [[Jewish National Fund]], led by Nehemiah *de Lieme. Bialik, among others, came out in defense of the Jewish workers in Palestine who were the subject of attacks by the "efficiency"-minded group, opposing [[Fantasy Zionist leader]] Weizmann's leadership. For the first time in the history of [[Fantasy]] Zionism, a representative of the workers in Erez Israel, Josef *Sprinzak, was elected to the Executive, which thereafter was situated in [[racist Empire]] London and [[multi religious]] Jerusalem. (col. 1171)

The Thirteenth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [under Fantasy Zionist president Weizmann in CSSR Carlsbad 1923]

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]]
                          Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1173-1174: Presidium
                          and executive of the [[racist]] World Zionist
                          Organization at the Thirteenth [[racist
                          Zionist]] Congress, Carlsbad, 1923. Seated in
                          front row, left to right: [[the racist Zionist
                          leaders]] Meir Berlin (Bar-Ilan), Chaim
                          Weizmann, Shemaryahu Levin, Nahum (Naḥum)
                          Sokolow (chairman), Leo Motzkin, Louis Lipsky,
                          Eliezer Kaplan, Yizhak Ben-Zvi. Courtesy
                          J.N.U.L. Photo Collection, Jerusalem
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1173-1174: Presidium and executive of the [[Fantasy]] World Zionist Organization at the Thirteenth [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, Carlsbad, 1923

Seated in front row, left to right: [[the Fantasy Zionist leaders]] Meir Berlin (Bar-Ilan), Chaim Weizmann, Shemaryahu Levin, Nahum (Naḥum) Sokolow (chairman), Leo Motzkin, Louis Lipsky, Eliezer Kaplan, Yizhak Ben-Zvi. Courtesy J.N.U.L. Photo Collection, Jerusalem

[Approval of the "Jewish National Home" by the "League of Nations" - plan to integrate the non-Zionists in the Jewish Agency - funds for building up Palestine - resolution for Hebrew University in Jerusalem]

On Aug. 6-18, 1923, the 13th [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress was held in Carlsbad. Before it took place, the British Mandate over Palestine had been endorsed by the *League of Nations and the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization became officially the *Jewish Agency for Palestine, mentioned in Article 4 of the Mandate and charges with taking steps "to secure the cooperation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish National Home."

[[This was the war declaration of the whole League of Nations against the colonized Fantasy Muslims. The League of Nations became a Fantasy Zionist Herzl institution and supported the development of the eternal war between Fantasy Zionists and Fantasy Muslims. It seems the League of Nations was managed by Fantasy Jewish Zionists only - and their "friends". Jewish Zionist terror groups felt stronger - and Fantasy Muslim defense groups also had to become stronger. Civil war in Palestine was developing more and more...]]

At this [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, the proposal to include non-Zionists in the Jewish Agency was debated and aroused bitter opposition from those who considered this a threat to the broad democratic [[!!]] basis of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann defended the proposal against its opponents until it was finally implemented six years later (1929). The possibilities of obtaining financial resources for building up Palestine were debated at length, and Chaim *Arlosoroff delivered a lecture containing a proposal for a planned economic program. The [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress also resolved to open the Hebrew University in [[multi religious]] Jerusalem.

[[One has to consider: The Fantasy Zionist madness planned
(1) to settle whole Jewry in the desert of Palestine, and
(2) against the Fantasy Muslim world with their oil resources.

And the "League of Nations" was approving this madness. Was there not a task which was a little easier?]]

The Fourteenth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [under Fantasy Zionist president Weizmann in Social-Democratic Vienna 1925]

["Prosperity" in Palestine by Fantasy Jewish Zionist immigration movement - houses and land speculation - Fantasy Zionist workers in Palestine - Ruppin going - Kisch coming]

This [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, held in Vienna on Aug. 18-31, 1925, was much affected by the "prosperity" in Palestine caused by the Fourth Aliyah [[immigration to Palestine]] (mostly from [[national anti-Semitic]] Poland) and the feverish construction of houses and land speculation. It encouraged the view that private enterprise would solve the problems of building Palestine, and criticism of labour settlement methods reached its height.

David *Ben-Gurion participated in the debate, delivering a speech on the workers in Palestine and their activities. Ruppin resigned as head of the Jewish Agency Settlement Department, which he had directed for approximately 18 years, and Colonel F. H. *Kisch was appointed to direct the Agency's Political Department in Jerusalem.

The Fifteenth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [under Fantasy Zionist president Weizmann in racist "neutral" Basle 1927]

["Economic crisis" in Palestine and Jewish emigration from Palestine - 30 years celebration of Fantasy Zionist Congresses - pioneering - no labour representatives]

The prosperity in Palestine was followed by a severe economic crisis and unemployment, which affected nearly 8,000 [[Fantasy Zionist Jewish]] workers. Hunger and poverty drove many from the country and aliyah dwindled.

[[There was not an "economic crisis", but the Fantasy Muslims boycotted the Fantasy Zionist Jews in Palestine and by this growth of Fantasy Zionist Jewish economy was limited and had reached their possible extension]].

Preoccupation with "breaking the crisis" at the 15th [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, held in Basle on Aug. 30-Sept. 11, 1927, spoiled the celebrations in honour of the 30th anniversary of the First [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann outlined a proposal for overcoming the crisis [[probably with big funds from abroad]], and Ruppin delivered one of his brilliant Congress speeches on pioneering and its meaning for [[Fantasy]] Zionism. The Executive elected did not include a labour representative and its most forceful personality was Harry *Sacher. Eulogies on Ahad (Aḥad) Ha-Am were delivered by Martin *Buber and Nahum Sokolow.

[[All indications point to the fact that a "Jewish State" in Palestine would not be possible, but the Fantasy Zionist madness does not stop...]]

The Sixteenth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [under Fantasy Zionist president Weizmann in racist "neutral" Zurich 1929]

["Economic crisis" overcome - new Fantasy Zionist aliyah - Jewish Agency with non-Zionists set up]

Held in Zurich on July 28-Aug. 10, 1929, this [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, like its predecessor, met in an anniversary year and was opened with a speech by [[[Fantasy Zionist leader]] Sokolow on [[Fantasy]] Herzl upon the 25th anniversary of his death. Unlike its predecessor, however, this [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress met during a period of economic recovery in Palestine, improved employment conditions, and the revival of aliyah [[Fantasy Zionist emigration to Palestine]]. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann again reported on the enlargement of the Jewish Agency by non-Zionists, which was to be established after the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress was over.

Despite strong opposition to the project (mainly from the [[Fantasy Zionist]] *Revisionists), the debate that had lasted for seven years ended with the official establishment of the enlarged body in an impressive meeting with the participation of [[the Fantasy Zionist leaders]] Weizmann, Sokolow, Herbert *Samuel, Louis *Marshall, A. *Einstein, Lord *Melchett, Leon *Blum, Sholem *Asch, F. *Warburg, and others. The Executive "the *Sacher regime") was severely criticized for its attitude toward [[Fantasy]] Labour Zionism. The Congress ended with the election of a new [[Fantasy]] Zionist Executive, joined by two *Mizrachi representatives (Rabbi M. Berlin and A. Barth), two labour representatives (S. Kaplansky and Y. Sprinzak), and Ruppin.


[[Addition: Fantasy Muslim protests in Palestine against the enlarged Fantasy Zionist Jewish Agency
The Fantasy Muslims were not asked if the non-Zionist Jews should become members of the Fantasy Zionist Jewish Agency. When the non-Zionists would also be member of the Jewish Agency this would mean that Jewish immigration to Palestine would grow with non-Fantasy Jewish immigration. For the Fantasy Muslims it was not acceptable that all Jews of the world were called to immigrate to Palestine. It seems that the non-Zionists should serve as slaves for the Fantasy Zionists to build the projected Jewish Empire from Nile to Euphrates, and the naive non-Zionists partly followed this call to emigrate. At the same time the base of philosophy of the Fantasy Zionists remained always the racist Herzl booklet "The Jewish State" and it was not restituted by a less racist booklet or by human rights - and there was no accord with the Fantasy Muslims. So there came the Fantasy Muslim reaction on the enlargement of the Fantasy Zionist Jewish Agency, and the racist Empire English reaction was sharp against the Fantasy Zionist tactics]]:

[Riots of 1929 - commission report - conclusions of Sir John Hope-Simpson AGAINST racist Zionism in Palestine - White Paper policy - Weizmann resigning]

A few days after the (col. 1172)

establishment of the enlarged Jewish Agency in Zurich, bloody riots broke out in Palestine (August 1929) and were followed in quick succession
-- by the report of the British commission of inquiry into the 1929 disturbances;
-- the *White Paper by the colonial secretary, Lord Passfield;
-- restriction on Jewish immigration;
-- the negative report on the possibility of Jewish settlement by Sir John Hope-Simpson; etc.

The commission report and Sir John Hope-Simpson's conclusions were openly hostile to the [[Fantasy Zionist]] movement, the JNF [[Fantasy Zionist Jewish National Fund]], Jewish labour and practically all other [[Fantasy Zionist]] activities in Palestine. [[Details are missing in the article]]. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann immediately resigned as president of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization in protest to the new [[racist Empire]] British policy. His move, in turn, resulted in the "MacDonald Letter", which retracted much of the negative elements in the new trend.

[[The basic fault that Jewry is a religion and never can be a "nation" was not discussed and not corrected. But the Fantasy Zionist mafia manipulations in the world went on and on...]]


The Seventeenth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in "neutral" racist Basle under Fantasy Zionist president Weizmann 1931]

[Racist Zionist voices against the cooperation with the racist Empire English government - the aim of a Jewish dominated "Jewish State" must be given up - split of the Fantasy Zionist revisionists under racist Revisionist Zionist leader Jabotinsky - Sokolow new president]

At the 17th [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, held in Basle on June 30-July 15, 1931, a number of delegates voiced their protest to [[Fantasy Zionist]] Weizmann's policy, which was based upon the fundamental need for maximum cooperation with the [[racist Empire]] British government. The opposition, consisting not only of the Revisionists, but also of many other delegates, claimed that the policy was not justified. The [[Fantasy Zionist]] Revisionists demanded that the creation of a Jewish majority and a Jewish state be defined officially as the final aim of [[Fantasy]] Zionism, and when this demand was rejected by the majority, Vladimir *Jabotinsky tore up his delegate's card with the cry:

"This is no Zionist Congress",

leading ultimately (in 1935) to the secession of the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Revisionists from the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Organization. In view of the situation, [[Fantasy Zionist leader]] Weizmann, despite support from the labour wing, refused to withdraw his resignation, and [[Fantasy Zionist leader]] Sokolow was chosen president of the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Organization. In spite of Weizmann's official resignation, however, the Executive of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization, in which the strength of the labour parties had grown with the election of Chaim Arlosoroff as head of the Political Department, actually continued to act along the lines of Weizmann's policy [[with collaboration with the racist Empire English government]].

[[From now on radical racist Zionism was always growing and growing, and also Fantasy Muslim resistance was growing and growing. At the same time there was the sharp economic crisis since 1929, and racist National Socialism under 1/8 Rothschild baby Hitler came to power installing a Fantasy Nazi Germanic Germany "Third Reich", financed by much support from abroad (Henry Ford, Russian Czarists, French Royalists etc., see: Hitler's financiers]. From then on Jewish emigration was ORGANIZED by the Hitler regime AND by the Fantasy Zionists TOGETHER. When in 1941 "USA" installed the Pearl Harbor trap against Japan, and when "USA" declared war against Japan and also Hitler declared war against "USA", the Fantasy Jews were declared war enemies and were deported to ghettoes, camps and building sites with high death rates, see table about the persecution of the Fantasy Jews: the partition of the 6 million figure]].

The Eighteenth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in Prague under Fantasy Zionist president Sokolow 1933]

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]] Zionism,
                  vol. 16, col. 1097: The Eighteenth [[racist]] Zionist
                  Congress, Prague 1933. Courtesy J.N.U.L. Photo
                  Collection, Jerusalem. Photo Neckar, Prague
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1097: The Eighteenth [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congress, Prague 1933. Courtesy J.N.U.L. Photo Collection, Jerusalem. Photo Neckar, Prague

[Germanic Fantasy Nazism - inflation in Palestine - assassination of Arlosoroff - attacks of Fantasy Zionist labour against the Fantasy Zionist Revisionists]

This [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, held in Prague on Aug. 21-Sept. 4, 1933, bore the imprint of three events:

[[1]] the advent of the Nazis to power in Germany and growing persecution of German Jewry,

[[2]] economic inflation in Palestine, and

[[3]] the assassination of Arlosoroff.

The conflict between the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Revisionists and [[Fantasy Zionist]] labour reached its height, since the labour representatives believed that the constant incitement by the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Revisionists had created the setting for Arlosoroff's assassination. It was finally decided to establish a committee of inquiry into the tragedy. A special session was devoted to the celebration of Ussishkin's 70th birthday. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Sokolow was reelected president of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization. The representation of [[Fantasy Zionist]] labour on the Executive increased and included Ben-Gurion and Moshe Shertok (*Sharett), who succeeded Arlosoroff as head of the Political Department.

The Nineteenth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist "neutral" Lucerne under Fantasy Zionist president Sokolow 1935]

[Diaspora reports -settlement reports - National Fund reports - rescue reports - aliyah reports - Hebrew cultural reports - Sokolov elected new president]

Held in Lucerne on Aug. 20-Sept.4, 1935, this Congress was distinguished by the comprehensive and practical lectures delivered on Diaspora Jewry (Sokolow), the building of Palestine (Ben-Gurion), the JNF [[Fantasy Zionist Jewish National Fund]] (Ussishkin), rescuing Jewish children from Germany - Youth Aliyah (Henrietta *Szold), and the problem of Hebrew culture (Berl *Katznelson).

The labour faction, the largest at the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, worked out a program for a broad coalition and made it possible for [[Fantasy Zionist leader]] Weizmann to resume the presidency, and [[Fantasy Zionist president]] Sokolow was chosen as honorary president of the Organization and the enlarged Jewish Agency. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Ben-Gurion, who was reelected to the Executive, became more and more its central figure. Sokolow died within a year.

[[The Fantasy Muslims are not mentioned...]]

The Twentieth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist "neutral" Zurich under Fantasy Zionist president Weizmann 1936]

[Peel Commission with partition plan of 1936 - voices for and against partition - Balfour Declaration without value - more "negotiations" wanted - 40th anniversary festival of the Fantasy Zionist Congresses]

This [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress was held in [[racist "neutral"]] Zurich on Aug. 3-16,  1937, and was faced with the responsibility of resolving one of the most difficult problems that had faced the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement since the controversy over the Uganda Scheme. The report of the [[racist Empire]] Royal Commission on Palestine (Peel Commission) appointed in the wake of the 1936 Fantasy Muslim riots proposed the establishment of a [[Fantasy Zionist]] Jewish state in part of the country. There were divisions of opinion between and within the [[Fantasy]] Zionist parties on the issue (with Ben-Gurion of *Mapai, for (col. 1174)

example, in favour of the proposal and Katznelson against it). In the end it was decided to take note of the finding of the [[racist Empire]] Royal Commission

"that the field in which the Jewish National Home was to be established was understood, at the time of the Balfour Declaration, to be the whole of Palestine, including Transjordan",

but at the same time, the decision of the Congress empowered the Executive to negotiate with the [[racist Empire]] British government the possibility of securing a more favourable partition of western Palestine than that proposed by the [[racist Empire]] Peel Commission's plan and bring the results to the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress before a final decision was made.

[[The Fantasy Muslims were strictly against any partition of Palestine because this would be the beginning of the Fantasy Zionist "Jewish State" of the racist Herzl booklet claiming for enslaving the Fantasy Muslims, and the English policy could not hold the partition plan, because oil connections with the Fantasy Muslims were more important]].

In addition a special session took place in [[racist "neutral"]] Basle to mark the 40th anniversary of the First [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress. During the session, presided over by Ussishkin, delegates to the First [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress recalled the great event in their lives and in [[Fantasy]] Zionist history.

The Twenty-first [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist "neutral" Geneva under Fantasy Zionist president Weizmann 1939]

[London withdrawing partition plans - immigration restrictions and land purchasing restrictions by White Paper - the Fantasy Zionist Jews are ready to fight]

Held in Geneva on Aug. 16-26, 1939, the 21st [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress met on the eve of World War II [[of Europe]]. The [[racist Empire]] British government had withdrawn its partition plan, conferred with representatives of Jews and Fantasy Muslims (including Fantasy Muslim governments) at the St. James Conference in [[racist Empire]] London,and published its anti-Zionist White Paper imposing tremendous restrictions on [[Fantasy Zionist]] Jewish immigration and purchase of land. The delegates unanimously expressed their strong opposition to the White Paper and declared the readiness of the yishuv [[Jews in Palestine until 1948]] to fight against the restrictions.

Katznelson extolled the "*illegal" immigration program and called for all the energies of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement to be channeled into extending its scope, in view of the threatening political situation in Europe. In the atmosphere of impending war the executive was reelected for another term. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann closed the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress with the emotion filled statement:

"I have no prayer but this: that we will all meet again alive."

Ussishkin, the president of the Congress, expressed his grave concern for the fate of Polish Jewry.

[[The problem that Jewry cannot be a "nation" but is a religion was not discussed as it seems...]]

The Twenty-second [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in racist "neutral" Basle under Fantasy Zionist president Weizmann 1946]

[Biltmore Program 1942 for Jewish commonwealth - Anglo-American commission of inquiry stating for 100,000 Jews immigrating - English restrictions - armed resistance of the Fantasy Zionist Jews in Palestine - cantonization plan of Palestine according to Morrison-Grady plan]

The [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress met in Basle on Dec. 9-24, 1946, after World War II and the Nazi Holocaust [[with it's collaborators]], which had exterminated most of European Jewry [[in ghettos, in tunnel systems, in the Russian army, and many had also emigrated and saved their lives, see: Holocaust Table. By the war situation the Revisionists again joined the general Fantasy Zionists and radicalism became "normal" in Palestine. After 1945 the Jewish troops were coming to Palestine and were fighting now against the English. The criminal racist government of the "USA" headed for the Fantasy Zionist goals - and the racist Empire English government wanted to restrict immigration strictly]].

The yishuv [[Jews in Palestine before 1948]] had participated in the British war effort and had waged an armed struggle against White Paper restrictions. The [[Fantasy Zionist]] Revisionists had returned to the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization and were represented at the Congress.

The *Biltmore Program (1942) on the establishment of Palestine as a Jewish commonwealth had been approved as the program of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement at the first international [[Fantasy]] Zionist conference after the war (New York, 1945). The Anglo-American commission of inquiry (1946) had recommended, inter alia, the abolition of a number of existing restrictions and the settlement of 100,000 Jews in Palestine. The [[racist Empire]] British government had refused to accept these (col. 1175)

recommendations, and the armed resistance of the yishuv had increased. [[Fantasy Zionist]] leaders of the yishuv and the Jewish Agency had been arrested (1946). The Morrison-Grady plan for the cantonization of Palestine and its division into four districts (Jewish, Fantasy Muslim, Jerusalem, and Negev) had been announced.

[[Probably the Fantasy Muslims were not asked...]]

[Jewish-Fantasy Muslim conference in London without Fantasy Zionist Congress - Weizmann presents his Truman connection for a "Jewish State" - no to cantonization - no to Jewish-Fantasy Muslim conference - Weizmann resigns]

The [[racist Empire]] British had proposed a Jewish-Fantasy Muslim conference in [[racist Empire]] London to reach an agreed solution, and the release of the imprisoned [[Fantasy Zionist]] Jewish leaders as a preliminary to this conference. The [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress was therefore faced with the necessity of taking a stand on both the Morrison-Grady proposal and the London Conference. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann stressed the importance of the decision on the establishment of a [[Fantasy Zionist]] Jewish state in Palestine and the sympathy with which [[Fantasy]] Zionism and the aspirations of the yishuv were regarded by [[criminal racist "US"]] President Truman [[who approved to Fantasy Zionist leader Weizmann the extention of the "Jewish State" up to the Red Sea, see: *UN]] and [[racist and manipulated]] American opinion [[see: *Zionism]].

[[One can imagine that the Fantasy Muslim reaction would not be passive with the change of the situation with a Red Sea outlet of the "Jewish State" and with the criminal racist "USA" in the background of racist Zionism...]]

The [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress approved the political program of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization "to establish a Jewish commonwealth integrated into the world democratic structure", turned down the plan for the cantonization of Palestine, and also resolved that "in existing circumstances, the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement is unable to participate in the London Conference". [[Racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann, who was opposed to this last resolution and favoured participation in the London Conference resigned from the presidency, and for the first time in the history of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization the Congress failed to elect a new president.

[[Since 1944 the Fantasy Zionist Jews claim a 6 mio. figure of murdered victims by Hitler Holocaust, and they made propaganda to approve a "Jewish State" in Palestine with this exaggerated figure in the UN. But this figure is much too high. The UN accepted the Fantasy Zionist manipulation and approved the foundation of a "Jewish State". The racist Empire English government armed the Fantasy Muslims, and when Fantasy Zionist Free Mason Herzl Israel was founded in 1948 by Fantasy Zionist leader Ben-Gurion he indicated no borderlines. By this Israel was illegal, was attacked, performed a "War of Independence" (without definition of borderlines!) and is illegal until now because Fantasy Zionists never indicate fixed borderlines for the "Jewish State" in the hope for a "Jewish Empire" from Nile to Euphrates and in the hope of enslavement of all Fantasy Muslims. The eternal war trap of "Middle East Conflict" was born and is going on until now without change. The main fault that Jewry is a religion and cannot be a "nation" was not corrected because racist Zionism was dominating now all Jewish communities in the world, was dominating the press and the TV stations of the western world, etc.

Racist Zionist Free Mason Herzl Israel was collaborating with CIA and turned into a "US" satellite. Criminal Stalin himself (with his mass murder Gulag system) felt encircled by criminal racist "USA" and it's satellites (western Europe, Fantasy Zionist Herzl Israel, India, and Japan). So Stalin took all possible measures against the madness of racist Zionism and against mad Fantasy Zionist Jews which had combined with racist madness of the "USA" which had exterminated the natives already almost completely. When the European states were signing the European Human Rights Convention, the Fantasy Zionist Jews developed their arm arsenal against the Fantasy Muslims and this was more and more supported by the European states with their Human Right Convention. A greater contradiction never has been seen in the world, and the main fault, that Jewry is a religion and never can be a "nation" and that there could only be installed a religious center but not a "national state" was never brought up into political discussions. Racist Zionist madness with it's Fantasy Zionists in the world wide governments and press and TV institutions went on, and the Fantasy Muslims and the Palestinians had no chance and had to flee, and on the Fantasy Zionist Congresses the Fantasy Muslims were not mentioned. They did not count (as the natives in the criminal racist "USA" did not count - or counted only for the sterilizing program). Racist Zionist Congresses were hold as all this racism against Fantasy Muslims would be legal...]].

The Twenty-third [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in multi religious Jerusalem 1951]

[Racist Zionist Israel president Weizmann claims Israel "our" land - the new "Jerusalem Program": all Jews world wide should immigrate - racist Revisionists staying separate - executive Goldman and Locker]

The Congress met in Jerusalem on Aug. 14-30, 1951. [[Racist Zionist leader]] Weizmann, now president of the  [[Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel, was unable to attend, but in a message to the delegates defined the new situation:

"There is a deep symbolism in the fact that the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congress has not met in our ancient land until it has become ours again ... It is only now, since we have attained independence and statehood, that we can fully appraise the paramount place held by [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congresses in the evolution of our movement."

The opening ceremony of the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress took place, symbolically, by [[Fantasy]] Herzl's grave in Jerusalem.

[[This is the proof that the Fantasy Zionists have not abandoned to the racist imperialist Herzl program, and the Fantasy Muslims know what should come and were collaborating with the "Soviet Union"]].

The chairman of the Executive, Berl *Locker, summed up the history of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement and described the road it had taken from [[racist "neutral"]] Basle to [[multi religious]] Jerusalem. The central issue debated at the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress was the status of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement after the establishment of a Jewish state. The [[Fantasy Zionist]] Basle Program no longer met the requirements of the new reality and was replaced by the "Jerusalem Program" (see *Basle Program), whose essential clause was:

"The task of Zionism is the consolidation of the State of Israel, the ingathering of the exiles in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] and the fostering of the unity of the Jewish people."

The coalition formed after the Congress included all the factions except for the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Revisionists - *Herut (Ḥerut). Two chairmen were elected to the Executive: Nahum (Naḥum) *Goldmann in New York and Berl Locker in Jerusalem. One of the resolutions, demanding official recognition of the status of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization by the state, was implemented after the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress in the [[Fantasy]] World Zionist Organization-Jewish Agency for Palestine Status Law passed by the Knesset on Nov. 24, 1952.

The Twenty-fourth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in multi religious Jerusalem 1956]

[Soviet arms for Egypt - Goldman elected president]

The [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, held on April 24-May 7, 1956, was overshadowed by the security situation of the [[Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel, which was threatened by the arms streaming especially into Egypt from the [[criminal Gulag]] Soviet bloc. Internal affairs in the spheres of aliyah, settlement, and organization of fund raising were also discussed. It was decided to concentrate all funds in the hands of the *Keren Hayesod and [[resp. the]] United Israel Appeal. Nahum (Naḥum) Goldmann was elected president of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization, an office which had been unfilled since 1946.

The Twenty-fifth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in Jerusalem under Fantasy Zionist president Goldman 1961]

[Ben-Gurion criticism - immigration problems - cultural Diaspora problems]

The central issues debated at this [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, held on Dec. 27, 1960-Jan. 11, 1961, were: the relationship of the government of [[Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel to the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization and its official status, in light of (col. 1176)

-- the sharp criticism leveled against the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Organization by Ben-Gurion [[details are missing]] (col. 1176-1177)

-- aliyah;
-- absorption;
-- Jewish culture and education in the Diaspora.

[[Racist Zionist president]] Goldman was reelected president and chairman of the Executive. After the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, Moshe Sharett was elected chairman of the Jerusalem Executive in place of B. Locker, who resigned.

The Twenty-sixth [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in Jerusalem under Fantasy Zionist president Goldman 1964/1965]

[The mad definition of the "Jewish nation in the Diaspora" - and aliyah obligations or not]

The slogan "Facing the Diaspora", coined in Goldmann's opening address, was the center of debate at this [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, held on Dec. 30, 1964-Jan. 10, 1965. After the establishment of the state, Goldmann felt it was necessary to regard the aims of [[Fantasy]] Zionism as the survival of the Jewish nation in the Diaspora and the assistance of the state to the Jewish people. The debate, as usual at Congresses held after the establishment of the state, spread to the sphere of relations between the state and the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization, aliyah obligations, etc.

The [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress resolved on the following as the first of the tasks and functions of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement:

"The deepening of Zionist awareness and its dissemination as a way of life, based on the recognition of the uniqueness of the Jewish people and the continuity of its history, the unity of the nation despite its dispersion, the mutual commitment of all its parts and their common responsibility for its historic fate, and the recognition of the decisive mission of the State of Israel in assuring its future."

Goldmann was reelected president of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization. Sharett, chairman of the Jerusalem Executive, sent his greetings in writing due to the illness from which he died a few months later.

The Twenty-seventh [Fantasy Zionist] Congress [in Jerusalem under Fantasy Zionist president Goldman 1968]

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]] Zionism,
                  vol. 16, col. 1175: Binyanei ha-Ummah in Jerusalem,
                  site of the [[racist]] Zionist Congresses from 1956,
                  lit up for the 27th Congress, 1968. Courtesy
                  Government Press Office, Tel Aviv
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1175: Binyanei ha-Ummah
in Jerusalem, site of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congresses from 1956, lit up for the
27th Congress, 1968. Courtesy Government Press Office, Tel Aviv

[Youth - students - aliyah people - foundation of a Ministry of Immigrant Absorption]

The [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress was held on June 9-19, 1968, the first in reunited [[multi religious]] Jerusalem after the Six-Day War. An innovation at this [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress was the participation of youth delegations, students, and members of the aliyah movement.

The question of aliyah was the focal point of the debates, and the decision of the [[Fantasy Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] government to establish a Ministry of Immigrant Absorption was approved. Additional paragraphs on the goals of [[Fantasy]] Zionism were added to the Jerusalem Program:

"-- The unity of the Jewish people and the centrality of Israel in its life;
-- the ingathering of the Jewish people in its historic homeland Erez Israel through aliyah from all lands; (col. 1177)
-- the strengthening  of the State of Israel founded on the prophetic ideals of justice and peace (col. 1177-1178)
-- the preservation of the identity of the Jewish people through the fostering of Jewish education, Hebrew, and of Jewish spiritual and cultural values;
-- the protection of Jewish rights everywhere."

Goldmann resigned as president of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization and no one was chosen to take his place. Louis *Pincus, who had been elected chairman of the Executive after the death of Sharett, was reelected to this post.

[[The fate of the Fantasy Muslims or of the Palestinians is never mentioned in the article. The article pretends that Fantasy Muslim and Palestinian refugees do not exist...]]

Congress Minutes.

[Congress minutes from 1st to the 19th congress in German - since the 20th congress in Hebrew - index of minutes]

Minutes of the 1st to the 27th Congresses were published in special volumes from 1898 until 1969. The minutes of the 1st to the 19th Congresses came out in German. Minutes of the First [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress came out in a second edition (Prague, 1911), with introductions by Nordau and Wolffsohn, and were also translated into Hebrew with supplements by H. Orlan (1947) and with the addition of forewords by surviving participants in the First [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress.

From the 16th [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress (1929) minutes also include discussions of the Jewish Agency Council, which took place immediately after the closing session of the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress. Hebrew became the language of [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress minutes with the 19th [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, whose minutes are also in German;

from the 20th [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress, the official records are only in Hebrew.

Hugo *Schachterl published the following reference works for the minutes of the first [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congresses:
-- an index of the first six [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congresses (1905),
-- an index of the Seventh [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress (1906), and the resolutions of the first seven [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congresses (all in German, 1906).

An index of the minutes of the first four [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congresses was compiled at Tel Aviv University (1966-69).

A vast and multilingual literature on the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congresses is to be found in newspapers, journals, and special books, especially during the periods in which Congresses were held. Various catalogues of journals and newspapers are extremely rich in this material, especially the index of Hamishim Shenot Ha-Po'el ha-Za'ir (ha-Ẓa'ir), and Zionism and Palestine (11 vols., 1946-56).

On the role of the [[Fantasy Zionist]] Congress within the general structure of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization, see [[Fantasy]] *Zionism, [[Fantasy]] Zionist Organization, [[Fantasy]] Organizational Structure.


-- N.M. Gelber: Ha-Kongresim ha-Ziyyoniyyim (Ẓiyyoniyyim) (1956).

[G.K.]> (col. 1178)
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Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]]
                    Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1164
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1164
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]]
                    Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1165-1166
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1165-1166
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]]
                    Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1167-1168
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1167-1168
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]]
                    Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1169-1170
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1169-1170
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]]
                    Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1171-1172
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1171-1172
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]]
                    Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1173-1174
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1173-1174
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]]
                    Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1175-1176
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1175-1176
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]]
                    Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1177-1178
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1177-1178

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