Encyclopaedia Judaica
Racist Zionist Socialist Workers' Party
Foundation in 1905 - territorialists - leaders in 1905 revolution - fantasy of "free territory" - rivals and joining parties - developments and formation of the United racist Zionist Socialist Worker's Party in 1917
from: Zionist Socialist Workers' Party; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 16
presented by Michael Palomino (2008 / 2019)
3 fantasies - but Mother Earth is REAL
Moses is a fantasy - nothing could be found of him. The proofs are in the book: The Bible unearthed - link. So, Fantasy Jewry is a fantasy, and also the Fantasy Jewish calendar is a fantasy. Also Jesus is a fantasy: nothing could be found, but it's a code fantasy with the numbers 3,12,13 and 33 - link. So, Christiandom is a fantasy, and also the Christian calendar is a fantasy - and the Vatican is a criminal pedophile satanic drug money laundering bank mafia - link with videos - link with news. Also Muhammad is a fantasy: nothing could be found, and the name "Muhammad" was used only since 850, not in 600 - link. Therefore, also the Muslim calendar is only a fantasy. Peace and healings and instructions how to handle the planet are with Mother Earth - Mother Earth is REAL and everybody can learn it: http://www.med-etc.com - have a good day. - Michael Palomino, May 12, 2019
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Racist Zionist madness says that Jewry would be a "nation" which is never possible because Jewry is a religion. Add to this the Arabs were never asked if a "Jewish State" would be built. But many Jews believed the Jewish racist Zionists and warmongers, called "Zionists" with it's racist Herzl booklet "The Jewish State". Zionist racism is legal until now (2008) and their racist books like "The Jewish State" from racist Herzl are not forbidden...]
[Territorialist group since 1905 - leaders and activists in revolutionary times of czarist racist Russia in 1905]
(or S.S., the initials of "Zionists-Socialists" in Russian), [[racist Zionist]] territorialist group in Russia founded at a conference held (interrupted as a result of the arrests of its participants) in Odessa, in January-February 1905. The party was the outcome of the rift between two conflicting tendencies in *Po'alei Zion in 1903-04, and though efforts were made to unite the separate groups into a united [[racist]] Zionist Socialist party, the ideological differentiation led to three distinct trends:
[[1]] territorialist,
[[2]] autonomist, and
[[3]] Erez-Israel-centered (Ereẓ Israel [[Land of Israel]]-centered).
There were also differences on the participation of Jewish socialists in the revolutionary struggle in Russia.
Among the leaders and activists of the party were: N. *Syrkin, J.W. *Katzky-Bertholdi, the brothers Jacob and Joseph *Lestschinsky, G. *Abramowitz (Avrahami), J. Chernikhov (Danieli), M. Rashkes, M. *Litvakov, A. *Yoffe, M. *Shatz-Anin, S. *Niger, the brothers David and Moses Gepstein, J. *Pat, D. *Lvovich, B. Zelikovich (M. Gutman), Samuel *Weizmann, and A. Sokolovski. B. *Dinur (Dinaburg), B. *Katznelson, A. *Harzfeld, M.D. *Remez (Drabkin), as well as S. *Mikhoels, A. Leyeles *Glanz, and Elisha *Rodin, who belonged to it during various periods.
In its foundation statement the party adhered to *territorialism, (col. 1179)
arguing that the essence of [[racist]] Zionism was its "social economic content", and not "the revival of the Jewish land, Jewish culture, and Jewish tradition". Therefore, "there is no organic link between Zionism and Palestine." Because the S.S. had had rejected the purely autonomist principle of "Sejmism", the supporters of the *Vozrozhdeniye group rapidly seceded from it.
[Support for the racist Zionist "Jewish territorialist organization"]
The party participated in the Seventh [[racist]] Zionist Congress (summer 1905), after which it left the [[racist]] Zionist Organization, supporting the Jewish territorialist organization founded by I. *Zangwill.
The first proper convention of the party was held in Leipzig (March 1906) and decided to change its name, but it postponed it until the establishment of a Jewish world socialist organization. a minority within the party did not support its extreme anti-Erez Israel stance.
[The fantasy of a "free territory" for the Jews]
The S.S. viewed the future of the Jews in the Diaspora with extreme pessimism and saw an urgent need for a radical solution for fear of catastrophe. The party did not believe in "national cultural autonomy" of the Bundist type, nor in the national-political autonomism of the Sejmists. The absence of a "national economy" and "acute, social-economic and national-political pressures" were leading to the constant impoverishment of the Jewish masses and their "cultural sterility". The formula "non-proletarization" evolving into "non-industrialization", explained the abnormal conditions of the Jewish proletariat and its restriction to small industry and craftsmanship.
Thus it could not be "the real bearer of the socialist ideal".
The "historical necessity" for realizing the concept of territorialism was linked to the actual flow of Jewish mass emigration, which occupied a central place in the party's ideology. The Jewish emigration, flowing to developed countries and towns, would reach a saturation point. It would be compelled to change its direction toward agriculture, toward a compact settlement, which would foster "the concentration of the Jewish masses in a free territory."
Once political rights would be won this evolution would lead to the formation of a "Jewish national economic organism". This concept lacked, however, any indication as to the role to be played by the party in the realization of Jewish territorialism.
[Racist Zionist Social-Democratic Marxist party - rival to the *Bund - Jewish territorialist workers party joining in 1907]
The party regarded itself as a [[racist Zionist]] social-democratic Marxist party, supported active participation in the revolutionary struggle of Russia, but did not see any organic link between it and the aims of territorialism. In the revolution of 1905-06 its influence reached a peak and it became a factor second in importance only to the *Bund, which regarded it as a serious rival. The party also struck roots in Poland, especially in *Czestochowa (J. *Kruk and A. *Syngalowski). It claimed to have 27,000 members and played an active role in Jewish *self-defense and in the trade-union movement. In 1907 it was joined by the Jewish territorialist workers' party, the successor of the "Minsk trend" of Po'alei Zion.
There was also a "S.S. League Abroad". The party maintained relations with sister organizations in the [[criminal racist]] United States (the "Zionist territorialists", led by N. Syrkin, B. *Zuckerman, and A. Goldberg), [[racist Empire]] England, and Argentina. The S.S. participated in the Congress of the Second Socialist International at Stuttgart (1907) on a consultative basis, but it was not accepted as a member of the International.
In the reaction years, after the abortive revolution of 1905-06, the S.S. declined greatly in importance and was abandoned by a number of its leaders. Its slogan became "regulation of emigration" (Vilna Convention, 1908), hence its initiative for the calling of a World Emigration Congress, the project of an emigration bank, and its participation in the congresses of the Jewish Territorial Organization.
[Yiddish in the racist Zionist Socialist Worker's Party - participation at Jewish communities since 1911 - approval of autonomism since 1915]
The S.S. stood for Yiddishism. At its fourth conference (1911) it decided to participate in the life of the Jewish communities, (col. 1180)
while at the fifth conference (March 31-April 1, 1915), it adopted, for the first time, a positive position on autonomism. The S.S. participated in the activities of the
-- *ORT [[ORT: Organization for Rehabilitation through Training, or: Society for Crafts and Agricultural Labor]],
-- the *Society for the Promotion of Culture among the Jews of Russia, and the
-- *OZE [[OSE / OZE: Obshchestvo Zdravookhraneniya Yevreyev]].
[WW I and revolutions in Russia - admission of "national autonomy" in 1917 - foundation of the United Jewish Socialist Worker's Party in June 1917]
During World I the S.S. adopted an anti-war attitude (fifth conference, 1915) and was opposed to participation in the patriotic war-industrial committees in [[czarist racist]] Russia. After the February 1917 Revolution it substituted in its name the word "territorialist" instead of "Zionist", and adopted - at its sixth conference (April 1917) - the program of [[racist Jewish]] national autonomy. Thus the road was open for a union with the Sejmists and the establishment of the *United Jewish Socialist Workers' Party (Fareynigte [[Yidd.: United]]; June 1917).
Several former members of the S.S. were prominent for their role in Jewish settlement in the Soviet Union (e.g., I. Golde and Y. Liberberg). The organs of the S.S. included:
-- Khronik fun der Tsionistish-Sotsialistisher Arbeter Partey [[Chronicle of the Zionist Socialist Worker's Party]] (1905)
-- Forverts [[Forward]] (Warsaw, 1905-06);
-- Der Nayer Veg, Unzer Veg [[The New Path - Our Path]] (Vilna, 1906-07),
-- Der Shtral [[The Ray]], 2 vols. (1907-08), and
-- Tsukunft [[Future]] (1913).
-- A. Kirzshanski: Der Yidisher Arbeter [[Yidd.: The Yiddish Worker]], 2-4 (1925-28), index
-- B. Borochov: Ketavim, 1-3 (1955-66)
-- Sotsialistisher Teritorializm [[Yidd.: Socialist Territorialism]] (1934), 43-51, 79-115, 140-8
-- A.L. Patkin: The Origins of the Russian-Jewish Labor Movement (1947), 222-8
-- M. Gutman: Royter Pinkas, 1 (1921), 152-73
-- B. Katznelson: Ketavim, 5 (1947), 382-5
-- B. Dinur: Be-Olam she-Shaka (1958), 303-60
-- M. Katz: A Dor Vos Hot Farloyrn di Moyre (1956), 54-57, 156-67, 195-216
[[The Arabs are not mentioned in this racist Zionist article. It seems that the Arabs do not count for racist Zionists...]]
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Sources |
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1179-1180 |
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[racist]] Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1181 |
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