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Encyclopaedia Judaica

Theodor Herzl 02: Negotiations

Negotiations with Muhammad Fantasy Constantinople, the German Jesus Fantasy kaiser, and the Jesus Fantasy British - Uganda plan - Russian Moses Fantasy Jews only want Fantasy Palestine

from: Herzl, Theodor; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 8

presented by Michael Palomino (2008 / 2019)

3 fantasies - but Mother Earth is REAL
Moses is a fantasy - nothing could be found of him. The proofs are in the book: The Bible unearthed - link. So, [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewry is a fantasy, and also the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish calendar is a fantasy. Also Jesus is a fantasy: nothing could be found, but it's a code fantasy with the numbers 3,12,13 and 33 - link. Therefore, Christiandom is a fantasy, and also the Christian calendar is a fantasy - and the Vatican is a criminal pedophile satanic drug money laundering bank mafia - link with videos - link with news. Also Muhammad is a fantasy: nothing could be found, and the name "Muhammad" was used only since 850, not in 600 - link. Therefore also the Muslim calendar is a fantasy. Peace and healings and instructions how to handle the planet are with Mother Earth - Mother Earth is REAL and everybody can learn it: http://www.med-etc.com - have a good day. - Michael Palomino, May 12, 2019

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<Political Activities.

[1896: Herzl with the uncle of Jesus Fantasy kaiser from Germany]

[[Moses Fantasy]] Herzl lost no time in entering upon his political activities. On April 23, 1896 - upon the intervention of the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Rev. W. *Hechler - he was received by [[Jesus Fantasy]] *Frederick, the [[Jesus Fantasy]] grand duke of Baden and uncle of the German [[Jesus Fantasy]] kaiser, William II. The grand duke became a supporter of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist cause, and through his good offices [[Moses Fantasy]] Herzl established contact with the [[Jesus Fantasy]] kaiser in 1898.

[1896: Muhammad Fantasy Constantinople: negotiations with the Muhammad Fantasy grand vizier - plan of financial help and an independent Moses Fantasy Jewish state]

In June 1896 Herzl made his first trip to [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Constantinople and, with the help of [[Jesus Fantasy]] Michael Nevlinski, a Polish diplomatic agent, met with the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] grand vizier. He submitted a proposal according to which the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews would undertake to correct the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Ottoman Empire's grave financial situation in return for which the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] sultan would relinquish his rule over Erez Israel [[Land of (Fantasy) Israel]] and agree to the country's becoming an independent [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish state.

[Question for a Moses Fantasy Jewish vassal state - question of a Moses Fantasy Jewish autonomy]

When this proposal was rejected, [[Moses Fantasy]] Herzl asked for permission to create a [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish state under the suverainty of the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] sultan (i.e., a vassal state); at a later date (from the end of 1898) this request developed into a demand for a charter for dense and concentrated [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish settlement in [[Moses Fantasy]] Erez Israel that would enjoy autonomy and the right of self-defense - a demand which Herzl was to pursue steadfastly for the rest of his life. On his way to [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Constantinople, Herzl was given a warm reception by the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish communities of Serbia and Bulgaria.

[No support for the Moses Fantasy Zionist Herzl plan by London Moses Fantasy Jewry - the organization of the Moses Fantasy Jewish mass migration to Palestine - Moses Fantasy Zionist congresses - Herzl Zionist newspaper "The World"]

On a trip to [[Jesus Fantasy]] London, he was acclaimed by the East End [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews, but failed in his attempts to gain the support of the leaders of British [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewry, the Hovevei Zion there, and the *[[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish Colonization Association (ICA). [[Moses Fantasy]] Baron Edmond de *Rothschild, whose support would have been the key to the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish leadership and the [[Zionist]] Hovevei Zion in Western Europe, also rejected Herzl's appeal for support. In the crucial interview between Herzl and de Rothschild on July 18, 1896, the latter rejected Herzl's ideas on the grounds that it would be impossible to organize the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish masses.

This rejections and the reason given for it, more than any other single factor, prompted [[Moses Fantasy]] Herzl to embark upon the organization of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish people in order to create a [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish state in [[Moses Fantasy]] Erez Israel. He promoted this idea with great vigor, and on March 6, 1897, in a preliminary conference attended by representatives of Hovevei Zion societies in [[Jesus Fantasy]] Germany, [[Jesus Fantasy]] Austria, and [[Jesus Fantasy]] Galicia, Herzl's proposal to convene a general [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist congress was accepted. In spite of the widespread resistance to the idea of holding a congress, found even among members of Hovevei Zion, Herzl succeeded in calling the congress as the first national assembly of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews striving for the renaissance of their people. For dissemination of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist idea Herzl founded a weekly, Die *Welt [["The World"]] the first issue of which appeared on June 4, 1897, with Herzl as its editor in chief. Herzl also provided the required finances for the paper.

[[The Muhammad Fantasy Arabs are not mentioned, not asked, and Muhammad Fantasy Arab anti-Semitism and eternal war are not taken into consideration]].

The [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Organization.

The First [[Moses Fantasy]] *Zionist Congress, held in Basle [[Basel]] on Aug. 29-31, 1897, was the first interterritorial gathering of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews on a national and secular basis. The congress adopted the program of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist movement, which came to be known as the *Basle Program, and established the World [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Organization as the political organization of the "[[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish people en route"
[["Moses Fantasy Jewish people under way"]].

[[Moses Fantasy]] Herzl chaired the First [[Moses Fantasy]] Congress (as he did the five subsequent congresses held in his lifetime) and was elected (col. 412)

president of the World [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Organization, retaining that office until his death. In spite of a heart disease, which grew worse as a result of overwork and strain, and notwithstanding the attacks upon him by opponents within the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Organization and outside of it, Herzl persevered in his dedication to two principal aims:

"The establishment of a national home for the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish people in Erez Israel [[Land of Fantasy Israel]]", as formulated in the Basle Program, with the agreement of the Powers and of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Turkey to be achieved by diplomatic negotiations;

and building and strengthening the World [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Organization in order to create an instrument that would carry weight in the political and financial negotiations with external factors and would be capable of carrying out the settlement of Erez Israel.

Shortly after the Congress, Herzl made preparations to establish the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist bank (the *[[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish Colonial Trust) which was to have a share capital of £ 2 million and would provide the financial basis for his negotiations with the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Turkish government. He assumed that upon the successful conclusion of these negotiations, subsidiaries to the bank would be established and would serve as the economic instruments required to develop the country and organize migration and settlement.

[[The Muhammad Fantasy Muslim  Arabs gave their reaction to this Herzl Moses Fantasy Zionist movement: They founded newspapers and big parts did not at all agree with the Moses Fantasy Jewish invasion plans which was the first step of an Muhammad Fantasy Arab anti-Semitism. The non-Zionists did not take earnest the Moses Fantasy Zionists because the big part of the "Holy Land" was desert or swamp and the newcomers were given desert land so there were irrigation systems required. But the Moses Fantasy Zionist fantasy did not give up]].

[Banks and fund-raising]

The Second [[Moses Fantasy Zionist]] Congress (Aug. 28-30, 1898) passed an official resolution on the founding of the bank, which took place in March 1899. The bank's seat was London. In 1903 a subsidiary of the bank was established in Jaffa under the name Anglo-Palestine Co. (which eventually became the Bank Leumi Le-Israel).

The great [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish banks, however, whose owners opposed political [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionism, did not take part in the financial effort, and as a result the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Organization was able to raise only £ 250,000 of share capital. Compared to any sum previously raised by [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist societies, this was a considerable amount; but its significance paled beside the tremendous tasks allotted to the bank in Herzl's program. His failure to gain the sympathy and active support of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish capitalists became the greatest obstacle to Herzl's (col. 413)

political work and was perhaps the main reason for his lack of success in achieving his major aims, although he did score some partial successes.

[1898: Herzl's talk with Jesus Fantasy kaiser William II - foreign minister Bernard von Buelow and the kaiser object to Moses Fantasy Zionism - heavy resistance of Moses Fantasy Jewish bankers, liberal Moses Fantasy Jews, and Moses Fantasy Jewish newspapermen to Herzl's Moses Fantasy Zionism]

Shortly after the Second [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Congress, Herzl, with the help of the grand duke of Baden, succeeded in gaining the sympathy of Kaiser William II for the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist idea. At the end of September 1898 the kaiser informed Herzl through Philip Eulenburg, the German ambassador in Vienna, that on the occasion of his forthcoming visit to the Holy Land, he was prepared to grant Herzl an audience in Jerusalem. This was preceded by an earlier meeting with the [[German Jesus Fantasy]] kaiser in [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Constantinople on Oct. 18, 1898 (when Herzl was on his way to Erez Israel), at which the kaiser promised to recommend the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Organization to the sultan and to accept the sponsorship of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish Land Company for Syria and Palestine which Herzl was about to found.

After the interview, Herzl proceeded to Erez Israel [[Land of (Fantasy) Israel]], where he was enthusiastically received by the settlers of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish colonies (*Mikveh Israel, *Rishon le-Zion, *Nes Ziyyonah, and *Rehovot). At Mikveh Israel the kaiser and his entourage made a special stop in order to greet Herzl, who was waiting for them at the school entrance.

[Jerusalem 1898: Herzl meeting the German Jesus Fantasy kaiser - foreign minister Buelow blocks Moses Fantasy Herzl]

The official meeting of the [[German Jesus Fantasy]] kaiser with Herzl and his associates took place on Nov. 2, 1898, in the kaiser's tent camp on the outskirts of Jerusalem. The meeting was a disappointment to Herzl. His lack of success was due mainly to the influence of the [[German Jesus Fantasy]] foreign minister, Bernard von Buelow, who in turn had been impressed by the opposition of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish bankers, the liberal [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews, and the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish newspapermen to the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist movement. In his reply to Herzl's address, the [[German Jesus Fantasy]] kaiser did say that he welcomed the efforts of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist movement to restore Erez Israel [[Land of (Fantasy) Israel]] and that he would give the matter further thought; in fact, the kaiser no longer evinced any serious interest in the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist movement, nor did his government pay any attention to it.

[[The motives of the objection to Herzl's Moses Fantasy Zionism like Muhammad Fantasy Arab anti-Semitism and the Jesus Fantasy Church as the main reason of anti-Semitism are never mentioned]].

[1901: Herzl's talks with the sultan: Herzl has not enough money to help the Muhammad Fantasy Turkish financial situation - Muhammad Fantasy Turkish proposal for Moses Fantasy Jewish settlement in Mesopotamia - no success of negotiations]

Herzl's direct political efforts in Constantinople were also fruitless. With the help of A. *Vambery, who had close links with the sultan's court, Herzl was received by the sultan on May 17, 1901. He made a strong impression on the sultan, and the latter suggested that he submit concrete proposals for the improvement of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Turkey's financial situation. As before, Herzl was unable to obtain the required capital from the wealthy [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews, and no progress could be made in the negotiations with the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Turkish government.

In February 1902 Herzl was again invited to Constantinople, this time as the sultan's guest, although he did not meet with the sultan himself. He was offered a permit for [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish settlement in various parts of the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Ottoman Empire, especially in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), in return for ameliorating the Empire's financial plight; Erez Israel [[Land of Fantasy Israel]], however, was specifically excluded from the proposal, and Herzl rejected it.

Another invitation from the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Ottoman government came in July 1902; again, as on previous occasions, no progress was made. Finally Herzl decided to branch off in a new direction and embarked upon his political contacts with Great Britain.

[[As it seems the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Turkish government wanted to settle the Moses Fantasy Jews in less dangerous regions and did not want to see the traffic lines broken between the Middle East and Africa along the Mediterranean coast line. But Herzl Moses Fantasy Zionism did not bother the danger that a new Israel should be installed right at a place where all big invasions went through from the Middle East and from the African side...]].

Negotiations with [[Jesus Fantasy]] Great Britain.

[1900: Fourth Moses Fantasy Zionist congress in London - Lord Rothschild for Moses Fantasy Jewish settlement in the Empire: Cyprus or Sinai Peninsula]

From the very beginning of his political activities, Herzl had been aware of Great Britain's importance in the realization of [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist aims. This was one of the reasons for his plan to establish the Society of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews in Britain and for the incorporation of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish Colonial Trust and the Anglo-Palestine Company, as well as the *[[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish National Fund (founded by the Fifth Congress in 1901), as [[Jesus Fantasy]] British companies.

In order to obtain the support of [[Jesus Fantasy]] British statesmen and public opinion for [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionism, Herzl held the Fourth [[Moses Fantasy Zionist]] Congress in London. With the help of the journalist L.J. *Greenberg, Herzl established contacts with the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British government. At the beginning of June 1902, he was invited to London to testify (col. 414)

before the Royal Commission for Alien Immigration (i.e., the immigration of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews). On this occasion he met with [[Jesus Fantasy]] Lord Rothschild, the head of the London branch of the family, who opposed the idea of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish settlement in Erez Israel but was interested in settling [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews in parts of the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British Empire. In his testimony before the [[Jesus Fantasy Satanic]] Royal Commission, Herzl stated that the problem of alien ([[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish) immigration into Britain would be solved if the [[Jesus Fantasy Satanic]] British government were to offer a territory for the independent settlement of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews.

Although the aim of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Movement, as defined in the Basle Program, was the establishment of a National Home in Erez Israel, under special circumstances, when the need arose to extend urgent help to the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish masses, the movement would consider itself obliged to try to alleviate the lot of persecuted [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews in some other manner - without abandoning its program and principles. On the day following his public testimony, in a talk with the chairman of the commission, Herzl revealed that in his reference to a territory for the settlement of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews, he had in mind Cyprus and the Sinai Peninsula, which were areas under [[Jesus Fantasy]] British protection and were close to Erez Israel [[Land of (Fantasy) Israel]].

Several years before Herzl's attention had been drawn to these areas by Davis *Trietsch. Now that his negotiations with the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Turkish government had come to naught, Herzl considered it appropriate to approach to the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British government with a proposal for a charter for [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish settlement of these areas. He hoped it would thus be possible to make an early start on a settlement project - a demand that was being raised with growing urgency by various groups in the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Organization in view of the lack of progress in the political sphere. He also hoped that the settlement of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews in the vicinity of Erez Israel would bring about concessions on the part of the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Ottoman government.

[The Sinai commission - negative negotiations with the Jesus Fantasy British side]

On Oct. 22, 1902, Herzl met with Joseph Chamberlain, the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British colonial secretary. The latter rejected the proposal for the settlement (col. 415)

of Cyprus, but expressed a favorable attitude toward the settlement in the Sinai Peninsula and recommended it to the foreign secretary, Lord Landsdowne. On Dec. 18, 1902, the [[Jesus Fantasy Satanic]] British Foreign Office asked Herzl to send a commission to the Sinai Peninsula, adding a promise that if the commission were to submit a favorable report, the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British government would support the proposal before the Egyptian government.

The commission was promptly dispatched, and in its report stated that settlement of Sinai and *El-Arish was feasible, provided the Egyptian government would agree to the diversion of substantial quantities of water from the Nile Valley to these areas. After protracted negotiations by Herzl, Greenberg, and A.E.W. *Goldsmid with the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British high commissioner Lord Cromer, and the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Egyptian government, the latter rejected the proposal; as a result, the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British government also withdrew its support. (col. 416)

[[There is no indication of the reasons of the negative result]].

1903: The Uganda Scheme.
Supplement: Stupid Herzl did not want Uganda with minerals and diamonds
Uganda in Africa is full of minerals and oil and diamonds - the stupid Herzl did not want it!!!
See Mosad Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mining_industry_of_Uganda
See about diamonds in Uganda: https://www.quora.com/Are-there-diamonds-in-Uganda

[Uganda instead of Cyprus negotiations - Kishinev pogrom 1903 (Jesus Fantasy Christians against Moses Fantasy Jews) - speculations and tactics with Muhammad Fantasy Turkey]

In a talk between Greenberg and Chamberlain, on May 20, 1903, Greenberg, following Herzl's instructions, again raised the proposal of settlement in Cyprus. Chamberlain did not think that Cyprus was suitable for autonomous [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish settlement and proposed instead an area in East Africa (Uganda, now part of Kenya). Chamberlain had already hinted at this plan in his conversation with Herzl on April 23, 1903, and Herzl had rejected it. In the meantime, however, the horrifying reports of the Kishinev pogrom (1903) had highlighted the sorry state of East European [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewry and the urgent need to provide relief.

[[Moses Fantasy]] Herzl now felt justified in continuing his negotiations with the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British government, even on the basis of Chamberlain's East Africa proposal, for political, tactical, and practical reasons. He believed that the establishment of close ties between the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Organization and the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British government would result in the political recognition of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish people by the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British and would thus facilitate the full realization of [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist aims.

Furthermore, the publication of the *Uganda Scheme might induce [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Turkey to make far-reaching concessions with regard to [[Moses Fantasy]] Erez Israel, in order not to forego the support of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish capital, which would presumably be at its disposal if [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Turkey were to agree to autonomous [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish settlement in Erez Israel.

Finally, from a practical point of view, Herzl (col. 417)

regarded the Uganda Scheme as a means of converting the hasty flight of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews from Russia into an organized migration to a country that would eventually serve as an auxiliary project to the main center in Erez Israel. His decision about Uganda did not prevent Herzl from continuing efforts aimed directly at securing Erez Israel for [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish settlement.

[since 1903: negotiations with the Jesus Fantasy Russians for influence on Constantinople]

On Aug. 5, 1903 Herzl left for [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russia to attempt to alleviate the situation of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews in the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Czarist Empire and to gain [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russian support in Constantinople for the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist proposals over Erez Israel. He had two meetings with the Russian minister of the interior, V. Plehve, in the course of which he was promised that the Russian government would intervene with the sultan on behalf of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist program. On this trip Herzl was accorded a tumultuous welcome by Russian [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews, especially in Vilna.

While Herzl was still in Russia, on Aug. 14, 1903, Greenberg was handed a statement by the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British government to the effect that if the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Organization were to send a commission to East Africa, and if that commission were to locate an area suitable for [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish settlement there, the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British government would be prepared to permit the establishment of an autonomous [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish colony in the area headed by a [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish governor under [[Jesus Fantasy]] British souverainty.

[[The Blacks and native peoples of East Africa seem not to be asked]].

[1903: The Moses Fantasy Jewish delegates reject the Uganda plan and want Jerusalem]

With the approval of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Executive (the "Actions Committee"), Herzl submitted the Uganda Scheme to the Sixth [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Congress, held in Basle on Aug. 22-28, 1903. In his opening address Herzl made it quite clear that the Scheme would not affect the ultimate aim of [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionism, and that for the time being all that was required was a decision to investigate the proposal. Nevertheless, the proposal roused vehement opposition and caused great excitement at the congress, especially among the Russian delegates, who regarded it as a betrayal of Erez Israel.

When, in spite of their opposition, the congress approved the creation of a committee to advise the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Executive on the dispatch of a survey commission to East Africa, the "nay-sayers" staged a walkout. In a frank talk with the dissidents, Herzl proved to them that he had at no time relented his efforts in behalf of Erez Israel, which was and would forever remain the goal of [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionism, and thus succeeded in preventing a split in the movement. At the final session of the congress, in which all the delegates took part, Herzl solemnly declared "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning."

[Talks about Palestine and Uganda at the same time - the Russian Moses Fantasy Jews persist on Palestine excluding the Uganda plan]

When the congress was over, Herzl lost no time in resuming his political efforts in behalf of Erez Israel. He exchanged letters with Plehve and the latter sent appropriate instructions to the Russian ambassador in Constantinople. Herzl also made new proposals to the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Turkish (col. 418)

government and in January 1904 met with the pope, the king of Italy, and members of the Italian government. All these activities, however, brought no concrete results. He also persisted in the negotiations with the [[Jesus Fantasy]] British government, making an unsuccessful attempt to revive discussion of the El-Arish plans. The unrelenting struggle waged against him by the opposition in the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist movement (led by M. *Ussishkin and Y. *Tschlenow) make it difficult for him, for tactical reasons, to renounce the Uganda Scheme officially, despite his personal desire to do so.

The reconciliation that had been achieved at the congress was of short duration. Ussishkin, who had been in Erez Israel [[Land of Fantasy Israel]] at the time of the congress, called for a meeting of the Russian members of the Executive. The conference took place at *Kharkov in November 1903 and decided to send a delegation to Herzl to demand a written commitment that he was abandoning the Uganda Scheme completely and would not entertain any proposal for settlement outside of Erez Israel. Herzl refused to receive officially the delegation that was to serve him the ultimatum. After several months of fierce struggle in the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist press and in mass meetings, Herzl convened the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist General Council (the "Greater Actions Committee") in order to settle the controversy.

The meeting took place in Vienna on April 11-12, 1904, and in the course of its stormy proceedings Herzl was able to convince the council that he had remained faithful to [[Moses Fantasy]]
Erez Israel and managed to appease the opposition. Thus he succeeded in safeguarding the unity of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist Movement, and this was to be his final great contribution to the movement.

These fierce struggles, added to his incessant efforts in behalf of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Zionist cause, aggravated Herzl's heart condition, and as soon as the meeting was over he left for Franzensbad (now Frantiskovy Lazne), the Bohemian spa, for treatment. He did not recover  and returned to Vienna. Shortly afterward, he left for another spa, Edlach near Semmering, where he was afflicted by pneumonia and died on July 3, 1904.> (col. 419)

[[Also the Russian Moses Fantasy Jews seem to have neglected any Muhammad Fantasy Arab existence and Muhammad Fantasy Arab counter movement to a Moses Fantasy Jewish invasion in the Middle East. Enthusiasm made them blind, and the main cause for Russian anti-Semitism, the Russian orthodox Jesus Fantasy Church, is not mentioned]].

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Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Theodor Herzl, vol.
                    8, col. 411-412
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Theodor Herzl, vol. 8, col. 411-412
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Theodor Herzl, vol.
                    8, col. 413-414
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Theodor Herzl, vol. 8, col. 413-414
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Theodor Herzl, vol.
                    8, col. 415-416
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Theodor Herzl, vol. 8, col. 415-416
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Theodor Herzl, vol.
                    8, col. 417-418
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Theodor Herzl, vol. 8, col. 417-418
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Theodor Herzl, vol.
                    8, col. 419-420
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Theodor Herzl, vol. 8, col. 419-420

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Negotiations with Muhammad Fantasy Constantinople, the German Jesus Fantasy kaiser, and the Jesus Fantasy British - Uganda plan - Russian Moses Fantasy Moses Fantasy Jews only want Fantasy Palestine -- 1896: Herzl with the uncle of Jesus Fantasy kaiser from Germany -- 1896: Muhammad Fantasy Constantinople: negotiations with the Muhammad Fantasy grand vizier - plan of financial help and an independent Moses Fantasy Jewish state -- Question for a Moses Fantasy Jewish vassal state - question of a Moses Fantasy Jewish autonomy -- No support for the Moses Fantasy Zionist Herzl plan by London Moses Fantasy Jewry - the organization of the Moses Fantasy Jewish mass migration to Palestine - Moses Fantasy Zionist congresses - Herzl Zionist newspaper "The World" -- Organizations and banks -- 1898: Herzl's talk with Jesus Fantasy kaiser William II - foreign minister Bernard von Buelow and the kaiser object to Moses Fantasy Zionism - heavy resistance of Moses Fantasy Jewish bankers, liberal Moses Fantasy Jews, and Moses Fantasy Jewish newspapermen to Herzl's Moses Fantasy Zionism -- Jerusalem 1898: Herzl meeting the German Jesus Fantasy kaiser - foreign minister Buelow blocks Moses Fantasy Herzl -- 1901: Herzl's talks with the sultan: Herzl has not enough money to help the Muhammad Fantasy Turkish financial situation - Muhammad Fantasy Turkish proposal for Moses Fantasy Jewish settlement in Mesopotamia - no success of negotiations -- Negotiations with [[Jesus Fantasy]] Great Britain. -- 1900: Fourth Moses Fantasy Zionist congress in London - Lord Rothschild for Moses Fantasy Jewish settlement in the Empire: Cyprus or Sinai Peninsula -- The Sinai commission - negative negotiations with the Jesus Fantasy British side -- 1903: The Uganda Scheme.      Supplement: Stupid Herzl did not want Uganda with minerals and diamonds -- Uganda instead of Cyprus negotiations - Kishinev pogrom 1903 (Jesus Fantasy Christians against Moses Fantasy Jews) - speculations and tactics with Muhammad Fantasy Turkey -- since 1903: negotiations with the Jesus Fantasy Russians for influence on Constantinople -- 1903: The Moses Fantasy Jewish delegates reject the Uganda plan and want Jerusalem -- Talks about Palestine and Uganda at the same time - the Russian Moses Fantasy Jews persist on Palestine excluding the Uganda plan --