Encyclopaedia Judaica
There are many Moses Fantasy Herzls with their Moses Fantasy Zionist booklets...
Moses Fantasy Zionists and their products: Hezl, Elhanan Leib Levinsky - Edmund Eisler - Edward Bellamy with Max Austerberg-Verakoff and Henry Pereira Mendes - Jacques Bahar - Hillel Zeitlin - Shalom Ben-Avram - Boris Schatz
from: [[Fantasy]] Zionism: Utopias; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 16
presented by Michael Palomino (2008 / 2019 / 2023)
3 fantasies - but Mother Earth is REAL
Moses is a fantasy - nothing could be found of him. The proofs are in the book: The Bible unearthed - link. So, Jewry is a fantasy, and also the Jewish calendar is a fantasy. Also Jesus is a fantasy: nothing could be found, but it's a code fantasy with the numbers 3,12,13 and 33 - link. Therefore, Christiandom is a fantasy, and also the Christian calendar is a fantasy - and the Vatican is a criminal pedophile satanic drug money laundering bank mafia - link with videos - link with news. Also Muhammad is a fantasy: nothing could be found, and the name "Muhammad" was used only since 850, not in 600 - link. Therefore also the Muslim calendar is a fantasy. Peace and healings and instructions how to handle the planet are with Mother Earth - Mother Earth is REAL and everybody can learn it: http://www.med-etc.com - have a good day. - Michael Palomino, May 12, 2019
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The indication by Encyclopaedia Judaica that these racist Zionist booklets only would be "utopias" is a lie and is playing down the case: These racist Zionist booklets are the state's program of racist Zionist Israel and of it's racist Zionist political parties and governments of Jerusalem, until today (2008). These racist Zionist booklets are the base of the Middle East Conflict, and until today (2008) these racist Zionist booklets are not forbidden...]]
The article:
[The racist "Herzls" with books propagating a racist "Jewish State": Herzl with "The Jewish State" and "Oldnewland"]
<In the initial stages of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist movement, the border line between programmatic and utopian writing was blurred. Moreover, [[Fantasy]] Zionist authors and publicists often consciously made use of the utopian form in order to visualize the end product and thereby prove the feasibility of [[Fantasy]] Zionism.
[[Fantasy]] Herzl's Der Judenstaat [[The Jewish State]] is a classic example of a book in which [[Fantasy]] Zionist ideology and utopian visions are present. In a letter to Moritz *Guedemann (August 22, 1895), [[Fantasy]] Herzl writes of the book:
"I can now say why it is no Utopia ... There have been plenty of Utopias before and after Thomas More, but no rational person ever thought of putting them into practice. They are entertaining, but not stirring" (Complete Diaries I, 235-6). [[Racist]] Herzl's novel Altneuland [[Oldnewland]], which was the most famous [[Fantasy]] Zionist utopia, had a great deal in common with the program presented in Der Judenstaat. Altneuland sought to indicate the way in which [[Fantasy]] Herzl visualized the realization of [[Fantasy]] Zionism - a Jewish state in which technology would be developed to the highest degree and in which the Jewish intelligentsia would find unlimited opportunities. The new culture, however, would be essentially a European culture, based on a medley of languages and devoid of distinctive Jewish character. It is thus nut surprising that Ahad (Aḥad) Ha-Am, to whom the continuity of Jewish culture was the essence of [[Fantasy]] Zionism, was outraged by the book. [[Racist]] Herzl envisaged that the Jewish state would become a reality by 1923, 20 years after the publication of Altneuland.
[More fantasies of a racist "Jewish State"]
Another [[Fantasy]] Zionist utopia, Massa le-Erez (Ereẓ) Yisrael bi-Shenat Tat ("A Journey to Erez (Ereẓ) Israel in the Year 5800 (2040)", 1893), by the Hebrew writer Elhanan Leib *Levinsky, which preceded Altneuland by ten years, reflects the [[Fantasy]] Zionist dream of East European Jewry, rooted as it was in Hebrew culture. The Hebrew language and the fostering of Hebrew culture occupy a central place in the book, and Ahad (Aḥad) Ha-Am's vision of Erez (Ereẓ) Israel becoming the spiritual center of the Jewish people reaches fulfillment.
In Ein Zukunftsblick [[A View Into Future]] by Edmund *Eisler (written in 1882 and published anonymously in 1885) both the political and cultural visions of the Jewish sate are found. The novel describes the Jewish exodus from Europe and the creation of the state of "Judah" in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]], which has Hebrew as its official language; the fledgling state is attacked by its neighbors, but vanquishes them all. Eisler even had a nightmare vision of Germany. He exchanged correspondence with [[Fantasy]] Herzl on the subject of his book. In the main, the book reflected the background of European anti-Semitism and the pogroms in Russia.
Edward Bellamy's book Looking Backward, 1887-2000 had a profound influence on [[Fantasy]] Zionist utopias. One example (col. 1151)
was a utopia of [[Fantasy]] political Zionism by Max Austerberg-Verakoff, Das Reich Judaea im Jahre 6000 (2241), published in 1893. The author, a non-Jew (although possible of Jewish origin), envisaged a mass exodus of Jews from Europe, their settlement in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]], and the founding there of a [[Fantasy]] Jewish state with Hebrew as its official language. He discusses the attitude of the [[Fantasy]] Jewish state toward the European power that had been guilty of persecuting the Jews ([[Jesus Fantasy]] Russia) and the relations between the citizens of the Jewish state and the Jews who stayed behind in the Diaspora. Austerberg-Verakoff also established contact with [[Fantasy]] Herzl.
Another [[Fantasy]] Zionist utopia inspired by Bellamy was Looking Ahead (1899) by Henry Pereira *Mendes. A native of [[Jesus Fantasy]] England, Mendes settled in the [[criminal Jesus Fantasy]] United States and for several decades played an important role in the cultural life of American [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewry. He was one of the first American Jews to respond to [[Fantasy]] Herzl's call, and his book expresses the essence of the [[Fantasy]] Zionist vision: the [[Fantasy]] Jewish state and Jerusalem, its capital, would be the center of world peace, and by the creation of the state, the nations of the world would redress the wrongs they had perpetrated against the Jews throughout the ages. There is also a description of the mass exodus of Jews to Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]]; those who stay behind are enjoined to be loyal citizens of their countries, without losing awareness of the temporary nature of their residence outside of Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of (Fantasy) Israel]].
At the height of the *Dreyfus trial (1898), a utopian extravaganza, "Anti-Goyism in Zion", was published in Siècle, a Parisian journal, in March 1898; it later appeared in [[the racist Zionist German newspaper]] Die Welt in German translation (April 1898) and was also published in Hebrew (1954). Its author was Jacques Bahar, who represented Algerian Jewry at the First [[Fantasy]] Zionist Congress. His work, written under the impact of manifestations of French anti-Semitism (which also had its repercussions in Algeria), describes a "Dreyfus trial" taking place in the Jewish state, with "Anti-Goyism" playing the role of European anti-Semitism. He makes the point that in the Jewish state tolerance would prevail and a phenomenon such as the anti-Semitism that dominated the Paris scene of 1898 would be unthinkable.
Two utopias describe a [[Fantasy]] Jewish state bearing the name "Israel". One, written by the Hebrew author Isaac *Gernhof, describes the ascent of the poor and downtrodden Jews to Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]], where they create an independent state to which they give the name the [[Fantasy]] State of Israel. The book is called Shenei Dimyonot ("Two Ideas") - one being the reality as experienced by the author, the other his vision of the Jewish state.
The second utopia that refers to the [[Fantasy]] Jewish state as the [[Fantasy]] State of Israel was the work of the Hebrew-Yiddish writer Hillel *Zeitlin. Written in 1919 under the name In der Medinas Yisroel in Yor 2000 (Yidd.: "In the State of Israel in the year 2000"), it reflects the tremendous impact of the Balfour Declaration upon the Jewish masses. The author foresees the establishment of the state and its growth and development. The work appeared in serial form in Der Moment, the [[racist Zionist]] Warsaw Yiddish daily, but was never completed.
The Balfour Declaration also inspired Komemiyyut ("Upright"), a comprehensive work written in Russia in 1920-21 by the Hebrew author Shalom Ben-Avram and published shortly thereafter in the quarterly Ha-Tekufah. This utopia contains an astounding accurate vision of mass aliyah, the founding of the [[Fantasy]] Jewish state, and the Jew at last straightening his back in the young and vibrant state.
During the British Mandatory period (1918-48), a number of utopias were published in Hebrew (as Yerushalayim ha-Benuyah by Boris *Schatz, 1924). They often reflect the contemporary situation - the struggle for Jewish labor and the opposition to the Mandatory regime. When the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish state is founded, the problems are foreseen as solved and all unjust decrees abolished.
[G.K.]> (col. 1152)
[[It was just the contrary: The problems were more and more because the Muhammad Fantasy Arabs could for sure accept a Jewish religious center with the Moses Fantasy, but never can accept a "Jewish State", and never want a partition of Fantasy Palestine, and never want to give way for a Jewish Empire of "Greater Israel" as the Fantasy Zionists have it in their plans. Fantasy Palestine turned not into a peace island, but into an eternal war region, called Middle East Conflict. It's strange that the Muhammad Fantasy Arabs are never mentioned in the article...]]
20.3.2013: Truman nahm 2 Millionen Dollar Schmiergeld, um Fantasie-Israel zu bewilligen
aus: PRAVDA TV: General Eisenhower`s “Death Camps”: Der geplante Tod von 1 Mio. deutscher Soldaten (Videos)
<Wussten Sie, dass Eisenhower in dem Jahrbuch seiner Militärschule als der “schreckliche schwedische Jude” bezeichnet wurde?Es ist nichts verkehrt daran, schrecklich, ein Schwede oder ein Jude zu sein, aber diese sinnlose Abschlachtung von Goyim (Nicht-Juden, Heiden) und sein Aufstieg zur Präsidentschaft lässt vermuten, dass er tatsächlich ein “Crypto-Zionist” war.>
<Texe Marrs machte interessante Bemerkungen über Truman, wie das dieser:• 2 Millionen Dollar Schmiergeld angenommen haben soll, um Israel zu einer Nation zu machen.
• Der Präsident mit den engsten Beziehungen zu Zionisten, und zugleich von ihnen umringt, war Clinton.>
<Zionistische Agenten legen gute Informationen als Köder aus um Sie auf ihre Seite zu ziehen und um dann Wahrheit mit Täuschungen zu vermischen.>
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Sources |
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): [[Fantasy]] Zionism: utopias, vol. 16, col. |
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