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Encyclopaedia Judaica

Persecution of the Jews: The Inquisition of the church against the Jews 1481-1834

How criminal Catholic "Christian" church and the criminal Pope justified anonymous allegations against the Jews and New Christians with torture, degradation, and burning - and confiscation of the property

from: Inquisition; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, Vol. 8

presented by Michael Palomino (2007)

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1. Introduction: The structure of the article "Inquisition"

<INQUISITION, special permanent tribunal of the medieval Catholic Church, established to investigate and combat heresy.

This article is arranged according to the following outline:

The Early institution
The Spanish Inquisition until 1492
From 1492: Portugal, Spain, in the Balearic Islands

End of the Inquisition in the Peninsula
Statistics: for Spain, for Portugal, records

The inquisition in the Portuguese Possessions: Goa, Brazil

The Inquisition in the Spanish Colonies
Mexico, Philippine Islands, Guatemala, Peru, New Granada, the Canary Islands

Elsewhere in Europe
Sicily, Malta, Sardinia,

Milan, Naples, Papal States,

Mantua, Venice, Tuscany

Procedure: Arrest and evidence, punishments (col. 1380)
the death penalty, the Autos-da-Fé [[Autodafe]]

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