of the Jews: The inquisition of the church against
the Jews 1481-1834. Index
How criminal Catholic "Christian" church and the criminal Pope justified anonymous allegations against the Jews and against New Christians with torture, degradation, and burning - and confiscation of the property from: Inquisition; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 8 Content 1. Introduction 2. Inquisition 1233-1492 3. Inquisition in Spain 1481-1492 4. Inquisition since 1492: Inquisition in Portugal 5. Inquisition since 1492: Inquisition in Spain 6. Inquisition since 1492: Inquisition on the Balearic Islands 7. The end of the Inquisition in Portugal in 1821 and Spain 1834 8. Statistics of the inquisition for Spain and Portugal 9. Records about the inquisition in Spain and Portugal Inquisition in the Portuguese colonies 10. The inquisition in the colonies of Portugal: Goa 1546-1812 11. The inquisition in the colonies of Portugal: Brazil 1579-1822 and in Africa The Inquisition in the Spanish Colonies 12. The inquisition in the colonies of Spain: Mexico 1528-1820 13. The inquisition in the colonies of Spain: Philippine Islands 1593-1649 14. The inquisition in the colonies of Spain: Guatemala 15. The inquisition in the colonies of Spain: Peru 1539-1806 16. The inquisition in the colonies of Spain: New Granada 1614-1782 (Columbia, Venezuela and Caribbean) 17. The inquisition in the colonies of Spain: Canary Islands 1504-1820 Inquisition elsewhere in Europe 18. Inquisition elsewhere in Europe: Sicily 1451-1782, Malta, Sardinia 1492-1708 19. Inquisition elsewhere in Europe: Milan, Naples, Papal States 20. Inquisition elsewhere in Europe: Mantua, Venice, and Tuscany 21. The methods of inquisition Bibliography
GENERAL, AND SPAIN: -- E. van der Vekené: Bibliographie der Inquisition (1963) -- H. C. Lea: History of the Inquisition of Spain, 4 vols. (1906) -- E. N. Adler: Auto de Fe and Jew (1908) -- Baer, Urkunden, index -- Baer, Spain, index -- C. Roth: History of the Marranos (1932) -- C. Roth: The Spanish Inquisition (1938) -- B. Braunstein: The Chuetas of Majorca (1936) -.- B. Ilorca: La Inquisición en España (1946) -- H. Beinart: Anusim be-Din ha-Inkevizizyah (1965) PORTUGAL: -- A. Herculano de Carvalho: History of the Origin and Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal (1926) -- A Baião : A Inquisição em Portugal e no Brasil (1921) -- J. L. D'Azevedo: Historia dos Christãos Novos Portugueses (1922) -- A. J. Teixeira: Antonio Homem e a Inquisição (1902) -- N. Slouschz: Ha-Anusim be-Portugal (1932) AMERICA: -- J. T. Medina: Historia del Santo Oficio en Cartagena de las Indias (1889) -- J. T. Medina: Historia del Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición de Lima (1956) -- J. T. Medina: La Inquisición en el Rio de la Plata (1945) -- J. T. Medina: La Imprenta de Bogotá y la Inquisición en Cartagena de las Indias (1952) -- J. T. Medina: Historia del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición en Chile (1952) -- J. T. Medina: Historia del Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición de México (1905) -- H. C. Lea: The Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies (1908) -- A. Toro: Los Judíos en la Nueva España (1932) -- Mariel de Ibáñez: La Inquisición en México durante el siglo XVI (1946) -- E. Chinchilla Aguilar: La Inquisición en Guatemala (1953) -- A. Wiznitzer: Jews in Colonial Brazil (1960) -- S. B. Liebman: A Guide to Jewish References in the Mexican Colonial Era, 1521-1821 (1964) -- S. B. Liebman: The Enlightened: The Writings of Luis de Carvajal, el Mozo (1967) -- L. García de Proodián: Los Judíos en américa (1966) -- B. Lewin: La Inquisición en Hispanoamérica (1962) -- B. Lewin: Los Judíos bajo la Inquisición en Hispanoamérica (1960) (col. 1407) |