Kath. 1b2.
Zeugin Toos Nijenhuis über Alfrink+Johannes-Paul
II+Schneerson, Prinz Bernhard, Kardinal Alfrink, Prinz
Philipp etc.
Zeugin Toos Nijenhuis aus Holten
(Holland) gegen die Satanisten Kardinal Alfrink,
Prinz Bernhard, Prinz Philipp, Oberrabbi Schneerson,
Satanisten-Papst Johannes-Paul II etc. - Kriminelle,
katholische Satanisten-Eltern organisieren mit einem
Vikar Folter und Gangbang-Vergewaltigungen an
Kindern ab 4 Jahren - satanistische Partys im
Waldschloss bei Holten mit einem satanistischen Arzt
ab 5 Jahren - Gangbang-Vergewaltigungen und Folter
ab 6 Jahren in Schlössern - der Kardinal Alfrink organisiert
Kinder mit seinem Privatflugzeug für die
satanistischen Gangbang-Folter-Partys in der
ganzen Welt (Wales, Schottland, Bayern, Arabien,
Australien etc.) - Stromfolter bis
zur Bewusstlosigkeit - die beiden Ehemänner
verkaufen ihre Kinder ebenso an die Satanisten -
Opferrituale mit Kindermord durch Scheiterhaufen im
Wald - Polizei oder Staatsanwaltschaft greifen nicht
Katholische Kirche=ORGANISIERTES
VERBRECHEN - ist alles mit Drogengeld aus der
Vatikanbank finanziert
Opfer Toos Nijenhuis [1] - Kriminell-pädophiler Täter
Kardinal Alfrink (1900-1987, Holland) [2] -
Kriminell-pädophiler Prinz Bernhard von Holland, Portrait
[5] -
Zwolle 7.5.2013: Die Zeugenaussage von Opfer
Toos Nijenhuis: Satanismus der hohen Eliten mit Dressur von
Kindern ab 4 Jahren - satanistische Feste ab 5 Jahren mit
Vergewaltigung+Folter in Schlössern
SATANISMUS KIRCHE: Opfer Toos Nijenhuis (Holland) berichtet:
Gangbang-Vergewaltigungen ab 4 Jahren, Folter,
Freimaurer-Rituale in Schlössern, Kindermorde etc. - Video
2h28min. (ab dann nur noch Widerholungen) - Zusammenfassung:
Am 7. Mai 2013 machte Toos Nijenhuis in Zwolle vor
Journalisten ihre Zeugenaussage über ihren erlittenen
Missbrauch. Toos Nijenhuis wurde in Holland Opfer des
Satanismus. Sie wurde von ihren Eltern quasi "verkauft" und
erlitt Massenvergewaltigungen ab 4 Jahren, zuerst durch
Familienmitglieder (Gangbang-Vergewaltigungen durch Vater,
Onkel, Grossvater etc.), dann durch hohe Bischöfe, Kardinäle,
Päpste, Prinzen etc., immer assistiert von einem "Arzt" Dr.
Ridek, mit "Orgasmus-Schulung" ab 5 Jahren (z.B. eine
Geburtszange). Vergewaltigungen und Orgasmus waren stehts von
Folter begleitet. Die satanistischen Rituale fanden zuerst
immer in Schlössern im Wald statt, immer mit Vergewaltigung,
sexuelle Stimulation und Folter in allen Variationen.
Ausserdem berichtet Zeugin Nijenhuis über jährlich einmal
stattfindende Freimaurerrituale mit Erektionstests. Wenn der
Penis eines Täters beim Anblick der kindlichen Schamlippen
nicht hart wurde, dann galt der Täter als bestrafungswürdig
und musste sterben. Die Mädchen wurden dort auch mit Hunden
gejagt und ausgelacht. Täter waren in Holland u.a. Prinz
Bernhard und ein Kardinal Alfrink. Das Opfer Toos Nijenhuis
wurde auch nach Grossbritannien in Schlösser entführt, um dort
an satanistischen Festen der "hohen Elite" (Royals)
missbraucht und gefoltert zu werden. Täter waren u.a. Prinz
Philipp (Mountbatton) und Oberrabbi Schneerson. Dort in
Schottland auf Fort Williams wurden die nackten Mädchen nicht
nur mit Hunden gejagt, sondern auch getötet und gegessen
(Kannibalismus) oder den Hunden zum Frass vorgeworfen. In
Deutschland im Schloss Hohenschwangau feierten kriminelle,
deutsche Bischöfe mit Papst Johannes-Paul II. und Oberrabbi
Schneerson ihre Gangbang-Vergewaltigung am Kind. Kardinal
Alfrink entführte das Opfer auch nach Saudi-Arabien mit
Gangbang-Vergewaltigungen an 5 Abenden hintereinander, oder
nach Australien für Folterstudien. Während des Fluges nach
Australien wurden Kinder aus dem Flugzeug geworfen und das
Opfer Toos Nijenhuis wurde dazu ausgewählt, dabei zuzusehen.
Statt zur Polziei zu gehen und die Eltern anzuzeigen und
Schutz zu suchen, entwickelte Opfer Toos Nijenhuis ein
Stockholm-Syndrom zum "Arzt" Dr. Ridek, der sie mit
Medikamenten und Zahlungen vor dem Tod gerettet haben soll.
Als Opfer Toos Nijenhuis selbst Mutter wird, muss sie erleben,
dass auch ihre Ehemänner wieder die Kinder missbrauchen und an
satanistische Kreise verkaufen, u.a. an die Polizei (!). Als
der erste Ehemann das Geld der Ehefrau für seinen Hof
"verwenden" will, reicht sie die Scheidung ein. Auch der
zweite katholische Ehemann verkauft die Kinder an
satanistische Kreise, bis hin zum Zusehen bei einer
satanistischen Hinrichtung von Kindern mit Scheiterhaufen. Die
Trennung von den kriminellen, katholischen Kreisen und die
Hinwendung zu Mutter Erde gelingt nicht. Das Interview vom 7.
Mai 2013 ist ein einziger Hilferuf im Namen von 1000en durch
die kriminelle Kirche und durch die kriminellen
Freimaurer-Eliten missbrauchten und getöteten Kindern. Das
Interview geht 2 Stunden 20 Minuten, dann werden ein kleines
Schloss bei Holten (Holland) und ein Opferplatz in einem Wald
gezeigt. Ab 2 Stunden 28 Minuten kommen nur noch willkürlich
zusammengeschnittene Widerholungen.
Video 1: Kurzer Ausschnitt (14min.54sek.)
Inhalt: Einleitung (1'26'') - Interview in Zwolle 7.5.2013
(ab 1'35'') - Kindsmissbrauch ab 4 Jahren gemäss Bibel 1.
Gebot für einen jüdischen "Gott" (1h35''-4'47'') - die
hilflose Stellung auf dem Bauch (4'47''-6'39'') -
Orgasmusschulung mit Geburtszange (6'39''-8'57'') - NL,
Schloss bei Holten: Freimaurer-Ritual: Wenn Freimaurer
keine pädophile sind, müssen sie sterben (8'57''-11'45'')
und: Kinder werden mit Hunden gejagt, Täter Prinz Bernhard
und Kardinal Alfrink (11'45''-14'51'')
Opfer Toos Nijenhuis [1]
Originaler Titel: Dirty little secret, aus dem Kanal
RevMichelleHopkinsMann, publiziert am 17.12.2013
Video: SATANISMUS KIRCHE: Opfer Toos Nijenhuis (Holland) -
Vergewaltigungen ab 4 Jahren (englisch) (14'54'')
Einleitung: Papst Benedikt musste wegen einer
Klage wegen Kindsmissbrauch zurücktreten
Introduction: Pope Benedict had to resign
because of child abuse lawsuit
This is Rev. Michelle Hopkins (25''). Rome's last Pope was
defrocked (kicked out) for ritual sexual abuse (37''), murder
and satanic human sacrifice revelations??? Babies (44''). Our
current Pope [Francis I] the 'HEAD OF THE JESUITS' - Pope
Francis I (50''), the seet of priests most well known for
these Satanic rites??? (56'') - This is the dirty little
secret of the Papacy (1'5''). -- An important announcement
from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and
State, Holland (1'16''). Child sacrifices and trafficking in
Holland: An Eyewitness comes forward (1'26''). Zwolle,
Holland, 7 May 2013 (1'35'').
Opfer Toos Nijenhuis (Holland) berichtet vom
ersten Missbrauch mit 4 Jahren: Ritual für einen
kriminellen, jüdischen "Gott" - Familie mit Kirchenleuten
Victim Toos Nijenhuis (Holland) reports the
first abuse with 4 years: ritual for a criminal Jewish "God"
- family with clergy men
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: When I was 4
years old, I wouldn't be the oldest from the whole family, and
it's a Church ritual (Survivor of ritual sexual abuse and
torture...) (1'45'') from what is in the bible, the first
[amendment]: She should be offered to God (1'53''). It was 14
or 15 May when I was 4 years old (2'0'').
Text table: Mel Ve (Reporter1) & Kevin Annett (Reporter2)
speak to Toos Nijenhuis. An introductory clip to the worst
story you have ever heard... (2'0'').
(Beautiful bell music from a criminal Satanic Church can be
heard) (2'7'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And then
they put me on my stomach on the table (2'14''), and the vikar
he put his fingers in my vagina, and it was bleeding (2'25'').
And then my - my grandfather did it, not put his fingers but
his penis and they know worsening in (2'39''), and then my
oncle did the same, and it took an hour before they were
already in the hole (2'54''). It was a blanket I was on
laying, but it was totally red (3'2''). My grandfather, he
played the figure before holy sacrifice (3'18''), and I was
broken (3'27'').
Last I have to say: I had to go more than once a week to my
grandfather's house to myself abuse time, then he raped me
(3'50''), and also my oncle did the same to me, and sometimes
it was in the bedroom, sometimes it was in the what the cows
were (4'1''). --
Reporter 1 (woman): Your grandpa and uncle and
all connected to them, they were involved in this ritual rape
abuse - what is the connection (4'14'')? What is? Who is?
Isn't it like a Freemasons or Counts or Satanic organization?
(4'22'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: For me it's - it's so the
Church (4'36'') -
Reporter 2 (man) asks: Use of the vicar, was
present at the ceremony (4'39''). How did you know that it was
the vicar? Were they calling him by that name or did you
recognize him (4'47'')? -
Das Kind wird für den Kindsmissbrauch
gebrochen: Die hilflose Stellung auf dem Bauch
To break the child for sexual abuse: the
helpless position on the stomach
Toos Nijenhuis: I know, wait (4'52''). Try to
bring you to put you - it was the position that you are unable
to do things (5'4'') and to make you -
Partner Casper: to feel guilty - yea, to feel
guilty (5'11'').
5 years old: doctor supports child abuse with clitoris
orgasm - instruction for the parents - abuse is going on by
the mother
Toos Nijenhuis: When I was a five yers old, my -
the house doctor did come who always also gave me the pills
for after the ritual (5'25''). And he learned my -
(5'38''). Then he bound me on the table and gave me
electricity (5'45''), to my fingers or hands and feet etc.
(5'53''). Afterwards, when that was done, I was always naked
(6'0''), he stimulated the interest to give me a clitoral
orgasm (6'9''). So, torturing and orgasm go together (6'15'').
And that was he came three times to teach my parents, and then
it was my mother might to do it (6'27''). -
Reporter 1 (woman) asks: So your mother used to
give you an orgasm? (6'33'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (6'34'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): Your mother was sexually
abusing you too? (6'38'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (6'39'').
Das Training für die Freimaurer: Die
Geburtszange in der Vagina provoziert Orgasmen - der Test
für die Freimaurer, ob sie pädophil sind oder nicht
The training for the Freemasons: the metal
duck in the vagina provokes orgasms - the test if Freemasons
are pedophiles or not
Toos Nijenhuis: They - my mother trained me, and
it was a training for to - to - for the Freemasons, for an
examination, a kind of examination (6'56''), if it comes
through or not, if they are really pedophile (7'5'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): an initiation
Toos Nijenhuis: nearly, and that was about five
six kilometers from our home, there was a small castle
(7'16''), in the wood, in the forest (7'19'').
(Foto: A place where children are raped, tortured and
sacrificed...) (7'20'') -
And they brought me in one hour, I was six years old (7'25'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Let's talk about the castle
in the forest (7'28''). -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The house doctor, he was
- he was the one who took me there, then he put an -
Reporter 2 (man): torture pig - reporter 1
(woman): that thing he put into the vagina when you go to the
gynecologist (7'51'') -
Victim Toos Nijenuis: Yea (yes) (7'51'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): old metal duck (7'54'') -
Partner Casper: Yes (7'54''). -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: How do you call it?
(7'57'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): A duck, a duck (7'58''). -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: He put a duck in my
vagina, and then he stimulated, and that was, yea, so I got an
orgasm (8'11''). And the one who couldn't, who didn't get an
erection, fell down in a - there was somewhere in a - there
was one hole in the circle, and then that hole went open and
he felt out through it (8'34''), and they are - during that
falling - how it was exactly done, I don't know (8'40''), but
they - the men get got out of his home (8'48'') -
Reporter 1 (woman) asks: Just because he didn't
get an erection looking at you having the stun to you?
(8'52'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: yea (yes) +partner: mhm
(yes) (8'53''). -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They cancel (8'56'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): They throw him down the hole
(8'57''). -
Holland, Schloss bei Holten: Wenn Freimaurer
keine Pädophile sind, müssen sie sterben
Holand, castle near Holten: Ritual in a
castle: When Freemasons are not pedophiles, they must die
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They went downstairs and
the man, they had to necrophily with that dead body (9'6''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): So what we got is - so the
other men had to do what with her? (9'12'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis+partner: mhm (yes)
(9'14''). -
Reporter 2 (man): What did he do exactly?
(9'16'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: To penetrate him
(9'25''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): Really? (9'27'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis [makes vomiting gesture]
(9'30''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): not from behind? Yea, it's
ok (9'33''). -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And then the one who
didn't come through that act, could not penetrate, had to come
to me again, because then I was upstairs or there (9'52''),
and they put a cross knife in my - the doctor did it, the doc
- or the devil? - in my vagina (10'3''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): So it was appointing down
out, not inside, it was apointing out? (10'11'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, the blade was out
there (10'13''). It was not to give me pain, it was to make
the penis from him [makes a gesture of cutting a penis]
(10'22''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, clarified. So, the man
who didn't want to penetrate necrophilia, had to then come to
you (10'28''), you had a blade inside of you? -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: nickt. -
Reporter 1 (woman): And what happened? (10'34'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: He had to penetrate me
again, and that gave that his penis was splitting up
(10'41''), and that did happen in different places, also in
the south of Holland in Limburg, this was in Eisz, a small
castle (10'53''). There they brought me, and there were more
men together, they put me naked on a table, to play with me
(11'5''), and to... and afterwards stay, they brought me to a
torturing room where I was also tortured (11'12''). It was not
only a torture, and they did not only rape me, but also
(11'38''): In Eisz it was also a dog, o, raped me (11'43'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Sorry? (11'44'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis+partner: A dog (11'45'').
NL Schloss bei Holten: Nackte Kinder werden
mit Hunden gejagt - Prinz Bernard, Kardinal Alfrink etc.
NL castle near Holten: Hunting naked children
with dogs - Prince Bernard, cardenal Alfrink etc.
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And on that castle where
the Freemason's examination was (11'55''). They were also -
this was in the forest, they had some hunting, they hunted
(12'8''). We had to save us (12'12''). What I remember: I was
naked, hunting with dogs, not with a gun or - but it was an -
they were on horses (12'27''). There were - that was it -
Prince Bernard (12'43'') -
Reporter 2 (man): Cardinal -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Alfrink (12'46'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): How did you spell that?
(12'50'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: A-l-f-r-i-n-k (12'54'').
Reporter 2 (man): He was a Catholic cardenal? -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yess - eh yea
(13'4''). -
Reporter 2 (man): And the Prince Bernard? -
Reporter 1 (woman): Yes, Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, the man who set up Bilderberg (13'9'') - and the
World Wild Life Federation (13'13''). -
Reporter 2 (man): How old were you when this
happened? (13'16'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: About 9, 9, 10 years old,
7 (13'24''). During that whole period it happened (13'26'').
It was not only in that forest (13'32''). But they put the
dogs to hunt us - then, when you could not go, and there was
the clamer [?] to my feet, the dogs stayed, and they
were laughing and putting jokes (13'55''). But with me, they
put me to England, to Wales, Scotland (14'0''). -
Reporter 2 (man): Who took you? -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The doctor (14'5'').
Reporter 2 (man): To upset parties in Wales,
and... (14'11'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: In the Caernarfon Castle,
and nearby Fort Williams in Scotland (14'17'').
Final of the film
TEXT: Our current Pope the 'HEAD OF THE
JESUITS' the sect of priests most well known for these Satanic
rites??? (14'21'')
TEXT: Our current Pope the 'HEAD OF THE
JESUITS' the sect of priests most well known for these Satanic
rites??? (14'39'')
Speaker: This is Rev. Michelle Hopkins. Thank you for watching
and God bless. (14'51'')
Video 2: Das ganze Interview 2h20' - Schloss
bei Holten+Scheiterhaufen im Wald 2h28' - Wiederholungen
-- Interview am 7. Mai 2013 mit Zeugin Toos Nijenhuis in
Zwolle vor Journalisten
-- erste Gangbang-Vergewaltigungen durch Vater, Onkel,
Grossvater etc. mit 4 Jahren, mit Ritual mit Vikar auf einem
-- immer assistiert von einem "Arzt" Dr. Ridek, mit
"Orgasmus-Schulung" ab 5 Jahren (z.B. eine Geburtszange).
-- Vergewaltigungen und Orgasmus und Folter werden kombiniert
-- die satanistischen Rituale fanden zuerst immer in
Schlössern im Wald statt, immer mit Vergewaltigung, sexuelle
Stimulation und Folter in allen Variationen.
-- Freimaurerritual mit Ziegenbock und Erektionstests: Wenn
der Penis eines Täters beim Anblick der kindlichen Schamlippen
nicht hart wurde, dann galt der Täter als bestrafungswürdig
und musste sterben.
-- Die Mädchen wurden dort auch mit Hunden gejagt und
ausgelacht. Täter waren in Holland u.a. Prinz Bernhard und ein
Kardinal Alfrink.
-- Das Opfer Toos Nijenhuis wurde auch nach Grossbritannien in
Schlösser entführt, um dort an satanistischen Festen der
"hohen Elite" (Royals) missbraucht und gefoltert zu werden.
Täter waren u.a. Prinz Philipp (Mountbatton) und Oberrabbi
Schneerson. Dort in Schottland auf Fort Williams wurden die
nackten Mädchen nicht nur mit Hunden gejagt, sondern auch
getötet und gegessen (Kannibalismus) oder den Hunden zum Frass
-- In Deutschland im Schloss Hohenschwangau feierten
kriminelle, deutsche Bischöfe mit Papst Johannes-Paul II. und
Oberrabbi Schneerson ihre Gangbang-Vergewaltigung am Kind.
-- Kardinal Alfrink entführte das Opfer auch nach
Saudi-Arabien mit Gangbang-Vergewaltigungen an 5 Abenden
hintereinander, oder nach Australien für Folterstudien.
Während des Fluges nach Australien wurden Kinder aus dem
Flugzeug geworfen und das Opfer Toos Nijenhuis wurde dazu
ausgewählt, dabei zuzusehen.
-- Statt zur Polziei zu gehen und die Eltern anzuzeigen und
Schutz zu suchen, entwickelte Opfer Toos Nijenhuis ein
Stockholm-Syndrom zum "Arzt" Dr. Ridek, der sie mit
Medikamenten und Zahlungen vor dem Tod gerettet haben soll.
Als Opfer Toos Nijenhuis selbst Mutter wird, muss sie erleben,
dass auch ihre Ehemänner wieder die Kinder missbrauchen und an
satanistische Kreise verkaufen, u.a. an die Polizei (!). Als
der erste Ehemann das Geld der Ehefrau für seinen Hof
"verwenden" will, reicht sie die Scheidung ein. Auch der
zweite katholische Ehemann verkauft die Kinder an
satanistische Kreise, bis hin zum Zusehen bei einer
satanistischen Hinrichtung von Kindern mit Scheiterhaufen.
-- Die Trennung von den kriminellen, katholischen Kreisen und
die Hinwendung zu Mutter Erde gelingt nicht. Das Interview vom
7. Mai 2013 ist ein einziger Hilferuf im Namen von 1000en
durch die kriminelle Kirche und durch die kriminellen
Freimaurer-Eliten missbrauchten und getöteten Kindern. Das
Interview geht 2 Stunden 20 Minuten, dann werden ein kleines
Schloss bei Holten (Holland) und ein Opferplatz in einem Wald
gezeigt. Ab 2 Stunden 28 Minuten kommen nur noch willkürlich
zusammengeschnittene Widerholungen.
Nijenhuis 4h (Holland) - Vergewaltigungen ab 4 Jahren
(englisch) (4h6'53'')
NL Holten: Die Vorbereitung für die
Opferung an einen "Gott" in der Scheune des Onkels
NL Holten: Preparation for the sacrification for a
"God" in the hall of the uncle's barn
NL Holten: Massenvergewaltigungen mit 4 Jahren - 1
Stunde Gangbang durch Familienmitglieder
NL Holten: Multiple violation with 4 years - 1 hour
gangbang by family members
NL Holten: Der Arzt (Dr. Ridek) instruiert die
Eltern, wie die Töchter zu foltern sind
NL Holten: The "doctor" (Dr. Ridek) is teaching the
parents how to torture the daughters
NL Holten: Die Abrechnung mit dem kriminellen
NL Holten: The final with the criminal raping father
NL Schloss bei Holten: Das
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss
NL castle near Holten: The Freemason's initiary
ritual in the castle
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss: Der Arzt
als Ziegenbock [Ganomed]
The Freemason's initiary ritual in the castle: the
doctor as a bock [Ganomed]
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss:
Orgasmusstimulation mit der Gyni-Zange
The Freemason's initiary ritual in the castle:
Orgasm stimulation with the gynocology tongue
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss: Der Tod für
Männer, die beim Anblick kindlicher
Geschlechtsorgane eines Mädchens keine
Erektion bekommen
The Freemason's initiary ritual in the castle: Death
for men not getting an erection looking to female
girl's genitals
Vier Jahre lang Freimaurer-Ritual mit Kinder-Yoni
und Männern, die erigieren müssen
Four years long Freemason's ritual with child yoni
and men who have to get an erection
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss: Mord und
The Freemason's initiary ritual in the castle:
murder and necrophilia (23'6''-25'56'')
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss: Wer keine
Nekrophilie kann, wird mit einem Messer "belohnt"
The Freemason's initiary ritual in the castle: who
cannot necrophilia is rewarded with a knife
Holland: Folterzentrum Albado [?]: Strom-Folter an
Zehen, Fingern, Klitoris - auch mit Morphium
Holland: Torture center Albado [?]: Torture with
electricity on toes, fingers, clitoris - also with
Holland Limburg Schloss Eisz [?]: Folter,
Gangbang-Vergewaltigung und Vergewaltigung durch 1
Holland Limburg Eisz [?] Castle: torture, gangbang
rape and a dog was raping
Entführungen nach Wales (Schloss Caernarfon) und
Schottland (Fort Williams)
Hijacking to Wales (Caernarfon Castle) und
Schottland (Fort Williams)
Entführung nach Schottland Fort Williams: Mit
Oberrabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Hijacking to Scotland Fort Williams: with chief
rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
GB Wales: Schloss Caernarfon: Jagd auf Kinder in den
GB Wales: Caernarfon Castle: chasing children in
(36'14''-36'48'') Schottland Fort Williams:
Stromfolter mit Fesselung im Swimming Pool bis zur
Scotland Fort Williams: torture with electricity
with bound hands and feet in a swimming pool up to
be unconscious
Schottland Fort Williams: Arzt Ridek+Schneerson+Lord
Mountbatten (Prinz Philipp)
Scotland Fort Williams: doctor Ridek+Schneerson+Lord
Mountbatten (Prince Philipp)
Wie Toos Nijenhuis Personen erkennt: Der Körper sagt
es ihr
How Toos Nijenhuis can recognize persons: her body
is telling it to her
Schottland Fort Williams: Spiegelsaal+Zeitmaschine,
um das Gehirn der Opfer zu verwirren
Scotland Fort Williams: mirror hall+time machine to
confuse the brain of the victims
Satanistische Freimaurer: Opfer werden ab 4 bis 12
Satanic Freemasons: victims are abused from 4 until
Schottland Fort Williams: Folter mit Nadeln unter
Fingernägeln+Zehennägeln - bei blockiertem Mund
Scotland Fort Williams: Torture with needles under
finger nails+toe nails - with a blocked mouth
Die satanistische Freimaurer-Elite filmte zum Teil
die Folter
Satanist Freemasons' elite partially was filming the
Schottland Fort Williams:
Kinderjagd+Kindermorde+Kinderfleisch essen
Scotland Fort Williams: Hunting children+killing of
children+eat children's meat (cannibalism)
Toos Nijenhuis überlebte - wegen eines Liebhabers -
Bischof von Münster+Arzt Ridek
Toos Nijenhuis survived - because of a lover -
bishop of Muenster+doctor Ridek
Kannibalismus in Fort Williams: Kinder werden
gezwungen, andere Kinder zu essen
Cannibalism in Fort Williams: children are forced to
eat other children
Arzt Ridek will die Liebe des Mädchen wieder haben -
das kalte Leben der Freimaurer
Doctor Ridek of Muenster wants to get the love of
the girl again - the cold life of the Freemasons
Der Fantasie-"Jesus" im Leben - Rabbi Schneerson
foltert und vergewaltigt Kinder
Fantasy "Jesus" in life - rabbi Schneerson torturing
and raping children
(50'11''-51'45'') Kardinal Alfrink foltert Opfer
Toos speziell aus Rache gegen Dr. Ridek
Cardinal Alfrink torturing victim Toos especially as
a revenge against Dr. Ridek
Deutschland: Schloss Hohenschwangau: Mit Bischöfen,
Papst Johannes-Paul II, Oberrabbiner Schneerson
Germany: Schloss Hohenschwangau: with bishops, pope
John Paul II, supreme rabbi Schneerson
Deutschland: Schloss Hohenschwangau: Oberrabbi
Schneerson mit Kinderfolter: Urin, Faustschläge,
Mund blockiert, Vagina-Folter
Germany: Schloss Hohenschwangau: Supreme rabbi
Schneerson with torture of children: urine, fist
blows, mouth is blocked, vagina torture
Deutschland: Schloss Hohenschwangau:
Gangbang-Vergewaltigung durch Bischöfe samt Papst
Johannes Paul II + Oberrabi Schneerson - und Folter
Germany: Hohenschwangau Castle: gangbang rape by
bishops with pope John Paul II+supreme rabbi
Schneerson - and torture
Schloss Enz [?]: Folter mit Schlangen
Castle Enz [?]: Torture with snakes
Saudi-Arabien: Alfrink+Schneerson+Dr. Ridek etc.
Saudi Arabia: Alfrink+Schneerson+Dr. Ridek etc.
Dara (Saudi-Arabien): Folter von Oberrabbi
Schmerson: auf Kinder urinieren und kacken -
Gangbang-Vergewaltigung am Abend 5 Tage lang
Dara (Saudi Arabia): Torture by supreme rabi
Schmerson: urinating and cacking on children -
gangbang rape every evening 5 days long
Blutgruppe - blood group
Saudi-Arabien: Gangbang-Vergewaltigung und
Stromfolter bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit
Saudi Arabia: gangbang rape and torture with
electricity up to be unconscious
Saudi-Arabien: Rabbi Schneerson "holt" das Opfer in
der Nacht aus dem Schlaf - Folter in der Nacht
Saudi Arabia: Rabbi Schneerson "takes" the victim in
the night from the sleep - torture in the night
Saudi Arabia: captivation+electricity
torture+gangbang rape
Saudi-Arabien in der Wüste: Folter in einer Röhre -
Todesangst - Kardinal Alfrink uriniert auf Kinder
Saudi Arabia in the desert: torture in a tube - fear
of death - cardinal Alfrink urinating on children
Deutschland: Schloss Hohenschwangau
Germany: castle Hohenschwangau
Deutschland: Schloss Hohenschwangau: Entdeckung
eines zweiten Eingangs
Germany: Schloss Hohenschwangau: detection of a
second intrance
Saudi-Arabien+Deutschland: 11 Jahre alt
Saudi Arabia+Germany: 11 years old
NL Holten: Der Missbrauch wurde mit 12 durch ein
Ultimatum an den Arzt Ridek gestoppt: Schluss jetzt
oder töte mich
NL Holten: Stopping the abuse with 12 by an
ultimatum to doctor Ridek: stop it now or kill me
NL Holten: Arzt Ridek verliert eines seiner Kinder -
und zieht dann weg - und wird angeblich von einem
Patienten umgebracht
NL Holten: doctor Ridek loosing one of his children
- and leaving - and is killed by one of his patient,
they say
Australien: Die Reise mit Alfrink nach Melbourne
Australia: The trip with Alfrink to Melbourne
Australien: Der Flug mit Alfrink mit
Satanistenritual: Kindermorde, indem sie aus dem
Privatflugzeug geworfen werden
Australia: the flight with Alfrink with satanist
ritual: killing children kicking them out of the
private airplane
Melbourne (Australien): Fesselung+Peitschenfolter
mit Lederhemd im Folterbunker mit dicken Wänden
Melbourne (Australia): captivation+torture with a
wip with leather shirt in the torture bunker with
thick walls
Melbourne (Australien): Folter mit Eisenplatten an
den Füssen
Melbourne (Australia): hidden iron plates on feet
Melbourne (Australien): Folter mit
Fesselung+Gartenschlauch in Anus
Melbourne (Australia): torture with
captivation+garden hose in the anus
Melbourne (Australien): Kameras+Filmaufnahmen im
Folterbunker - für Folter-Kinderporno oder so
Melbourne (Australien): cameras+filming in the
torture bunker - for torture child porn or so
Der Folterbunker in Australien: Freimaurer bilden
Leute im Foltern aus
Torture bunker in Australia: Freemasons are
educating people in torturing people
Melbourne (Australien): Folterkeller mit
Pool+gefesselten Kindern+Ratten
Melbourne (Australia): torture cellar with
pool+captivated children+rats
Melbourne (Australien): Fesselung auf dem Gyni-Stuhl
und Stromfolter bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit
Melbourne (Australia): Being captivated on the
gynecologic chair and electric torture up to being
Melbourne (Australien): Wasserfolter
Melbourne (Australia): Water torture (water
Melbourne (Australien): Nadelfolter+Folter mit
Hängen am Seil bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit
Melbourne (Australia): Needle torture+torture
hanging on the rope up to unconsciousness
Melbourne (Australien): Eine Talk Show im
Melbourne (Australia): A talk show in the torture
NL Holland: Jugendzeit des Opfers: Arzt hat andere
Freundin - Arzt Ridek schmierte wahrscheinlich den
Vater, damit Toos nicht getötet wird
NL Holland: Youth time of the victim: doctor has
other girlfriend - doctor Ridek probably bribed the
father so Toos would not be killed
5 eigene Kinder - 4 von 1 Mann - Scheidung - Prozess
gegen die Mutter
5 own children - 4 from 1 man - divorce - lawsuit
against the mother
NL Holten: Ehemann (Katholik) verkauft die Kinder
wieder an den Satanismus von Alfrink
NL Holten: Husband (Catholik) selling the children
again to Satanism of Alfrink
NL Holten: Vergewaltigung durch den Freund mit 17 in
NL Holten: Rape by the boyfriend with 17 in Holland
1 Jahr in Österreich: Gesundes Leben ohne
1 year in Austria: healthy life without Alfrink's
NL Holland: Die Kinder und Anzeichen von Missbrauch
im Kindergarten durch die Polizei
NL Holland: The children and signs of abuse in
kindergarden by the police
NL Holten: Eine Scheidung arrangieren mit einem
Vater, der Kinder an die Polizei verkauft und das
Geld der Ehefrau in seinen Hof investieren will
NL Holten: Arrange the divorce with a father who
sold children to the police and who wants to invest
the money of the bride into his farm
Gerichtsprozess scheitert: Der Kinderhändler-Vater
wollte die Kinder in "seinem Haus" haben
Court trial without success: The child selling
father wanted the children to have in "his house"
NL Holten: Vater mit Landwirtschaft - die Mutter
will wegen Dr. Hamer nach Spanien auswandern
NL HOlten: The father with agriculture - the mother
wants to emigrate to Spain for Dr. Hamer
NL Holten: Katholische Väter missbrauchen
katholische Töchter - die Kinder von Toos Nijenhuis
- und die Mutter soll schuldig sein (!)
NL Holten: Catholic fathers abuse Catholic daugthers
- the children of Toos Nijenhuis - and the mother is
blamed guilty (!)
NL Holten: Der andere Gerichtsfall gegen den Vater,
der seine Tochter beim Kartenspiel verkauft
NL Holten: The other court case against the father
selling his daughter by playing cards
Freimaurer: Der grosse Zusammenhang mit diesen
Missbräuchen und Folterungen: Menschen den Willen
brechen - und Kontrolle über erpressbare Politiker
Freemasons: The big picture of all this abuse and
torture: break the people - and to have control over
blackmailable politicians
Die Massnahmen gegen die kriminelle Oberklasse
The measures against criminal upper class
NL: Schloss bei Holten
Castle near Holten
NL Holten: Kindermorde im Wald am Scheiterhaufen bei
lebendigem Leib - Kinderopfer
NL Holten: child killings in the forest at stake
alive - child victims
Video Transkript
TEXT: Mel Ve & Kevin Annett speak to Toos
of the family Nijenhuis (12'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): Thank you for coming in today, you are
very brave to come and tell the story (22''). Ahm, I would
like you to first introduce yourself to my audience getting
your story (30'').
TEXT: Toos of the family Nijenhuis, age 54,
mother of five children (33''):
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ahm, my name is Toos, my family is ...
(39''), and I live in Trondheim, I am 54 years old (48''),
ahm, I have 5 children, and I've done the best for them
(1'5''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, we will start from the beginning
NL Holten: Die Vorbereitung für die Opferung
an einen "Gott" in der Scheune des Onkels
NL Holten: Preparation for the sacrification for a "God" in
the hall of the uncle's barn
PHOTO: farm house of grand parents (1'56'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I was four years old, I
was the eldest from the family (1'17''), and - it's a church
ritual, from what is in the Bible - the first [amendment]: She
should be offered to God (1'53''). It was 14 or 15 May when I
was 4 years old (1'36''). It was in February, and they - my
mother told me there was a meeting with my family in the farm
house of my grand parents (1'56''). And she said: It will be a
kind of guee [?],first if you a bath and then afterwards we
play a game (2'8''). And there - when we arrived there, then
it was not in the kitchen, but there is a bigger, nice room
and hall, my aunts and uncle, not the uncles who, it was only
the small family (2'26''), the sisters of my mother, and
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And my grandfather and
grandmother were there, and the - (2'36'')
NL Holten: Massenvergewaltigungen mit 4 Jahren
- 1 Stunde Gangbang durch Familienmitglieder
NL Holten: Multiple violation with 4 years - 1
hour gangbang by family members
Reporter 3 (man): Eh - vicar - (2'39'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The vicar (2'40''). He
did also kid me, and my mother had already undone my clothes,
so I was naked (2'50''), and she put a towel around me, and
then they were singing church songs with the whole family
(3'6''), and the vicar he gave me a [blow] to my neck
[gesture: hit the neck with the left hand] so it was a little
bit unconciousness (3'16''). And then they put me on my
stomach on the table (3'27''). And the vicar, he put his
fingers in my vagina (3'31'') and it was bleeding (3'34'').
And then my grandfather did it, put his fingers in and then
his penis, and it was worsening (3'48''). And then my uncle
did the same, and - it took an hour (4'3''). Before they were
ready in the hall, it was a blanket, a white blanket I was on
laying, but it was totally red (4'11''). And then, after it
was done, it put me in the bath (4'21''), there was a small
bath, that was done by my - my mother, bath again (4'33'').
The - my grandfather, he payed the figure for his holy
sacrificing me, and I was [D German]: kaputt (5'1''). -
Reporter 2 (man): broken (3h10'46'').
xxx vicar (3h11'20'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: broken (5'3'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then my mother put my
clothes on me, and we went with the vicar in his car to my
home and to my bed, and the doctor gave me some paybalisium
pills (5'36''), morphium (5'38'') - it was phyll types, or a
few days in bed (5'44''), and afterwards, I had to go once a
week to my grandfather's house to myself abuse (5'57''). He
raped me, and my uncle did the same to me and sometimes it was
in the bedroom, sometimes it was where the cows were (6'11'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Who were your grandpa and
uncle and all connected to them, they were involved in this
ritual rape and abuse (6'22'') - what is the connection
(6'24'')? - What is - who is - is it as like a Freemason's or
cults or Satanic organization? (6'31'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: For me it's - it's from
the Church and - yea it's... (6'53'') -
Reporter 2 (man): I am sorry: which Church?
(6'53'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Protestants of Holland,
Netherlands have all the Churc (7'0'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): The Netherlands Protestant
Kerk (7'8'')? -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It's nearly the same
(7'9''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): So the Dutch Church which
initially was Protestant (7'17''). -
Reporter 2 (man): Did you use at the vicar who
was present at the assembly? How did you know that it was the
vicar, or were they calling him by that name, or did you
recognizing him, or...? (7'30'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Wait wait (7'35'') -
Reporter 2 (man): Ok, yea - yea - ok (7'37'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok. You used to go to your
grandpa once a week, he used to rape and abuse you, take it
from there - ok (7'40'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And when I was 5 years
old, I had to bring my little, or the younger sisters, they
are years younger than I am (7'52''), also to my reparts and
to - I had to see, did it to her, also the same what he did to
me, when I couldn't open I couldn't nothing (8'9''). Try to
bring you to put you in that position that you are unable to
do things and to make you (8'23'') -
Partner Casper: feel guilty (8'24'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya (yes), feel guilty
NL Holten: Der Arzt (Dr. Ridek) instruiert die
Eltern, wie die Töchter zu foltern sind
NL Holten: The "doctor" (Dr. Ridek) is teaching the parents
how to torture the daughters
Folter mit Strom - und Orgasmusstimulation mit
Finger oder Mund - und Missbrauch durch den "Arzt" Torture with electricity - and orgasm stimulation with
fingers or mouth - and abuse by the "doctor"
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And after that time, I
was five years old, my - the house doctor did come, who always
also gave me the pills, when - after the ritual (8'53''), and
he learnt my - or he tought my parents how to torture me with
electricity (9'7'').
Then he bound me on the table and gave me electricity
(9'13''), through my fingers or hands and feet etc. (9'18'').
Afterwards when that was done, I was always naked (9'29''), he
stimulated the clitoris to give me a clitoral orgasm (9'38'').
So, torturing and orgasms should go together (9'41''). And
that was he came three times to teach my parents, and then it
was my mother might to do it (9'54''). -
Reporter 1 (woman) asks: So your mother used to
give you an orgasm? (10'0'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (10'1'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): Your mother was sexually
abusing you too? (10'4'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (10'5''). They did
not only with the fingers but also with the mouth - that was
also four years ago that I saw those pictures from her
(10'21''). But I could'nt get the connection with all thouse
other things that came the last years (10'28''). But - I asked
three times that the doctor did it to me, he also sexually
abused me or he penetrated me with his penis (10'42'').
Gegenwehr des Kindes wird mit Strom-Folter und
Vergewaltigung des Vaters bestraft Resistence of the child is punished with torture with
electricity and with rape by the father
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then: I wasn't always
willing to my mother, and once, I refused the whole thing
(10'58''), and she was angry but she could not do the things
that be that day (11'6''). And then, my father came home after
working, and she told him what - what I did (11'15''): that it
didn'd function that da (11'18''), and then after we had
dinner, we had dinner and my sister was in bed, he bound me on
the table and they hurt me so much (11'30''), the electricity
(11'31''). I... it was really too much (11'49''). My mother
told him to stop it (11'58''). And he stopped it when I was
nearly there (12'7''). He brought me up to my bedroom but I
was totally - and he raped me (12'24''). It was so much
Reporter 2 (man): Do you need a break, you are
ok? (12'38'') - Do you need a stop for room [?] this?
(12'41'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yes (12'42'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): ok (12'43'') - [long pause]
NL Holten: Die Abrechnung mit dem kriminellen
NL Holten: The final with the criminal raping
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: All those things they
were tought to me, they all told: my father was a good father
(13'10''). But: I was scared (13'15''). Four years ago, I was
telling him, or I rolled it out I didn't know everything he
did to me ...., I gave it him to read it (13'32''), and he
said: 'No, I didn't do it, no' (13'34''), and then I told him
that he tried to kiss with the tongue my oldest daughter
(13'43''), and then he said: 'Out, you are outed, out of
here!' (13'45'') - and then I knew, and then, I saw also the
thing I was in my earlier younger days (13'55''), so afraid
off, because of his sat [?] (13'59'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Right, set it back to the
childhood (14'8''). How long did this go on for, and tell more
about the details, where is thi place these things
happened (14'15'').
NL Schloss bei Holten: Das
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss
NL castle near Holten: The Freemason's initiary ritual in
the castle
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: What I told you already,
they, my mother trained me, and it was a training for to - to
- eh - for the Freemasons (14'32''), for - to a connection of
examination, a kind of examination (14'37''): if they come
through or not, if they are really pedophile (14'45''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): This was an initiation?
(14'46'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Nearly, and that was
about five six kilometers from our home, there was a small
castle (14'56''), in the wood, in the forest (14'59''). And
they brought me in one hour, I was six years old (15'5'').
Before that happened, my father sold me to the director from
the factory where he was working (15'17''), and to the house
doctor, where - they worked together (15'21'').
There was a really - when I was 6 years old, we had no shower
at home, for washing ourseves, we had a kind of... (15'33'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Basin (15'37''). -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea, and there we were
washing (15'41''). But in this factory there was a shower, and
on saturday, he took me there (15'45''), but I only knew the
shower and nothing more, so (15'49''). There, it happened more
- I don't - didn't know it any more - And then, there was
another room nearby, there was a small massage couch (16'7''),
for the examination from the doctor so (16'10''), and they are
- I give - or I got something to drink [a date rape drug
drink], so I didn't know anything exactly or to be willing to
do (16'22'').
Reporter 2 (man): Do you remember the manes of
the people? The name of the doctor? (16'31'') -
xxx vicar Israel
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The house doctor he was a
Ridek, and - the director I don't know, I don't know - the
vicar was Israel, Domini Israel (16'45''). -
Reporter 2 (man): Domini Israel (16'47'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Vicar or pastor priest is
all "reverend" - it's ..... people - ehm, let's talk about the
castle in the forest (16'57''). -
im Schloss: Der Arzt als Ziegenbock [Ganomed]
The Freemason's
initiary ritual in the castle: the doctor as a bock
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The house doctor, he was
the one who took me there (17'6''), and it was - there was a
tower (17'11''). And in the tower it was a round tower
(17'15''). There was a kind of that [her hands show a distance
of apr. 80cm] - or I was bound on it naked (17'23'').
Ritual in Ku-Klux-Klan-Kleidern mit einem Ziegenbock
[Ganomed] Ritual with clothes like Ku Klux Klan with a bock [Ganomed]
The doctor, he was - there there were - eh - men in - or
persons - in white clothes or white blankets they had covered
or they covered their naked body (17'38''), with caps like
this [her hands show pointed caps like Ku Klux Klan has]
(17'41''), and only cope here [she shows with her fingers
round eyes] (17'45''), but only the doctor he was like a - a
bock (17'50''), [she shows horns with her hands] for me it was
a bock, probably also a daddle, I don't know (17'54''), but I
always say 'it was the bock' [Ganomed] (17'56''), -
Repotert 1 (woman): Yea (yes)
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And he he was, that was
not in white, that was in brown [Ganomed], it was not white
(18'7''), and they went in a circle around me walking
(18'12''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): Because a tows roud [?],
around the wall, in a position (18'15'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Mhm (yes) (18'15'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (18'16''),
im Schloss: Orgasmusstimulation mit der
Freemason's initiary ritual in the castle: Orgasm
stimulation with the gynocology tongue
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And then he put a
[gesture: instrument with two sides].
Reporter 1 (woman): That thing he put into, when
you go to the ginecologist, called little duck [speculum]
Partner Casper: Little duck yea (18'37'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: How do you call it
Reporter 1 (woman): We call it a duck (18'40'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: A duck (18'41'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: He put a duck in my
vagina, and then he stimulated, and that was so, yea, I got an
orgasm (18'54'').
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss:
Der Tod für Männer, die beim Anblick kindlicher
Geschlechtsorgane eines Mädchens keine Erektion
The Freemason's initiary ritual in the
castle: Death for men not getting
an erection looking to female girl's genitals
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And the one who couldn't,
who didn't get an erection, fell down in a - there was
somewhere in a - there was one hole in the circle, and then
that hole went open and he felt out - eh - through it
(19'17''), and they are - during that falling - how it was
exactly done, I don't know (19'25''), but they - the men get
got off of his home (19'29'') - ahm -
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, just because he didn't
get an erection looking at you (19'35'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: yea (yes) (19'35''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): having the stun to you?
(19'36'') -
Partner Casper: mhm (yes) (19'37'')
Reporter 1 (woman): They cut on his penis and
throuth him down the hole? (19'40'') - Ok, what happened to
him? (19'43'')
Reporter 2 (man): Sorry, who - who, how exactly
did that happen? How did they cut it off and who cut it off?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I don't know exactly
Partner Casper: With a rope - with a rope
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), they had a
rope, yea, there was a rope on their (20'3'') - .... there was
a certain system, that - it - if they didn't get an erection
Partner Casper: By the fall (20'15'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: By the fall it was
Reporter 1 (woman): Pulled off (20'17'')
Partner Casper: Pulled off (20'17'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (20'19'') - it
is - 'mm (20'22'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But to me, it is - fff -
it sounds down, it was down, it was not that terrible, because
I had such terrible tings already before, because my parishy,
it - there was no one (20'36''). Only the doctor was cunt [?],
because I had to work together, to cooperate (20'45''). And it
- it sounds - ok - but, if I didn't cooperate... (20'58'').
And - when the circle was going on, when the men were moving,
the bock and me, we - we had eye contact and we knew who was
going (21'8'').
Vier Jahre lang Freimaurer-Ritual mit
Kinder-Yoni und Männern, die erigieren müssen
Four years long Freemason's ritual with child yoni and men
who have to get an erection
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: We - we we - after I have
done that work for four years, during four years, then - then
my, then the girl was other .... (21'22'').
Reporter 1 (woman): So, are there a lot of these
castles here in Holland where this does on? (21'29'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I'm not in - in it any
more, so I cannot say it, I don't know (21'35'').
Reporter 1 (woman): .... German boy, there are?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I think they are still in
that system, or there are still those systems to test the
upper class of the Freemasons (21'49'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Harbin [?] the car, the
places, castle, where you were abused, you know where it is?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yes I know it that area,
exactly, I know it, where it is and I know those - where it
happend much more - there are (22'2'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Which? In the guard side of
Holland? To different places were you taken anyway? (22'5'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yes, I know all the
places, or a lot of places where I was taken, and not only in
Holland and (22'12''), I will - this movie is not finished
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, great (22'16'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: For me that was - the
story with the house doctor, because he talked me, I was a
kind girl (22'29''), and I was - he loved me so, that was his
way to make me cooperate or to work with him (22'35''). And,
because I didn't have anyone who - I could rely on, and who
was there for me, he gave me the pills for not feeling so much
pain (22'52''), It was - in that night we slept together
(22'55''), and he put the arm around me (22'58''), so, we
worked together (23'6'').
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss:
Mord und Nekrophilie
The Freemason's initiary ritual in the
castle: murder and necrophilia (23'6''-25'56'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And when the man was
falling down in a kind of cellar, afterwards he was dead
(23'17''). And: Then the whole group of men went down the
stairs (23'26''). Not me, but later, the doctor, he showed me
the whole system, how it functions (23'36''). It was as if you
were (23'39'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Dependence, battles, hold we
you (23'45'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: That was from a sex - sex
still my then the the year... (23'52'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Let's say, you are here
"Charlama" [?] (23'54'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (23'54'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, and you thought he was a
boyfriend (23'56'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (23'57''). It's
very strange (24'3''). But - there is still a feeling for him
(24'7'') and it's [gesture: something split].
Reporter 2 (man): Is he still alive? (24'12'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, no, he died very -
very - in a very bad, strange - but that is that guns [?]
(24'18''). Because it's - I don't - I know the idea because of
drug story which come up... (24'22''),
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, well (24'26'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: So, eh, they went
downstairs, there are the men (24'33''), they had to do
necrophilia with that dead body (24'38'').
Reporter 1 (woman): That's the one you got is:
So the other men had to do that with him? (24'43'')
Partner Casper: Mhm (yes) (24'41'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ooouu (24'44'')
Reporter 2 (man): What did they do exactly?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: To penetrate him
Repoter 1 (woman): Really? (24'58'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: [makes vomiting gesture]
(25'1''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): From behind? Yea, it's ok
(25'4''). -
Reporter 2 (man): When they - did you watch it
happen or did the doctor tell you? (25'15'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ah - I - it's strange but
- ah - I've seen it (25'28'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (25'30'')
Reporter 2 (man): When they - I just have one
other question with her with her (25'33''). When they were
doing that, were they saying anything or were they in it? Or
they were just doing it? (25'38'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Saying I don't know
(25'41''), I cannot say it, I - amidst it was silent
Reporter 2 (man): Ok (25'46'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Was there ever in these
rituals any kind of chanting or burst red or was it just a
pure act? (25'53'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Correct pure act
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (25'56'').
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss:
Wer keine Nekrophilie kann, wird mit einem Messer "belohnt"
The Freemason's initiary ritual in the
castle: who cannot necrophilia is
rewarded with a knife
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And then the one who
didn't come through that act, or could not penetrate, had to
come to me again, because then I was upstairs or they
(26'11''), and they put a cross knife in my - the the - the
the, the doctor did it, the doc - or the devil? - in my vagina
(26'22''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): So it was appointing down
out, not inside, it was appointing out? (26'28'')
Partner Casper: Mhm (yes) (26'29'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok. (26'30'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, it was in (26'32'').
Partner Casper: No, it was inside. The knife was
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The knife was also - but
it was - eh special it was not for me the pain for, it was for
the man (26'42'').
Reporter 1 (woman): We are trying to ask you in
which direction? Did the handle go in first, or the blade?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, the blade was out
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (26'49'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It was not to give me
pain, it was to make the penis from the [gesture: cut a penis]
(26'58''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, clarified. So, the man
who didn't want to penetrate necrophilia, had to then come to
you (27'5''), you had a blade inside of you? -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: nods. -
Reporter 1 (woman): And - what happened?
(27'10'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: He had to penetrate me
again, and that gave that his penis was splitting up
Reporter 1 (woman): Did they - he know what he
was doing? Did they chow [?]? (27'20'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis [gesture: shaking the head
- "no"] (27'25'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, my goodness (27'26'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis to her partner: It's
terrible (27'29'').
Partner Casper: You need a break (27'31''). It's
time? Ok (27'34'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok. He - you are doing very
well, ok? (27'39'').
Partner Casper: You want a break? [To reporter
2]: Can you bring her some drink? (27'41'')
Reporter 2 (man): You want some juice? (27'43'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I drink water [she drinks
a cup of a water] (27'47'').
Reporter 1 (woman): A tough story - oh
(27'51''), you are very brave tell you about this bio mist,
it's all the tougher to have to listen to (27'58'').
Partner Casper: What did not come out, are the
details, and keep the control (28'3'').
Repoter 1 (woman): It's all right, you are doing
so well (28'8''). Are you ready? (28'11'') - Say, you and the
relationship with the doctor, let's talk about more (28'18'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Because those
examinations from the Freemasons, that was not very often,
that was once a year or I don't know it (28'30''), they did
not take place in a league [?] - but - ehm, ey (28'49'') - ey
- the doctor, it was my father who sold me more often to the
doctor and he took me to different places - in Holland
Holland: Folterzentrum Albado [?]: Strom-Folter an Zehen, Fingern,
Klitoris - auch mit Morphium
Holland: Torture center Albado [?]: Torture with electricity on toes, fingers,
clitoris - also with morphium
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Eh - he ["doctor" Ridek]
brought me to nearby Albado [?], that was also a torturing
center (28'58''). There were - they - it was a - it was in a
house, and they were different, it was a corridor, and, and
then there were different rooms in it (29'17'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And there - I was also
tortured when - with electricity (29'22''). It was so hard
with electricity, what they put up me (29'27''), and not only
on my feet or on my fingers, but also in my clitoris, was very
often, or in the vagina (29'35''). Most of times they - they
hit me then - eh - a woman - all to confeit [?] (29'46''). And
afterwards - and there was a man in black - the only - with a
mask (29'55'') - .... always .... also a black shoot, or a
k-board [?] - or sometimes a k-bit - it was... [?] (30'3'').
And then, there were two or three men (30'8''), but it was
always, always that the doctor he was with them (30'12''). But
I didn't know it. I didn't know that he was one of the
torturerers at that time, he wouldn't torture and rape before
it was over (30'21''). They brought me to another room and I
got - there was the doctor, they gave me some morphium or
other things to (30'30''), to relieve the pain (30'33'').
Holland Limburg Schloss Eisz [?]: Folter,
Gangbang-Vergewaltigung und Vergewaltigung durch 1 Hund
Holland Limburg Eisz [?] Castle: torture, gangbang rape and
a dog was raping
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And that did happen in
different places, also in the South of Holland in Limburg
(30'43''), this was in Eisz [?], a small castle (30'47'').
There they brought me, and there - there were more men
together, they - they put me naked on a table, to play with me
(30'58''), and to... and afterwards they, they brought me to a
torturing room where I was also tortured (31'7''). There -
there were also... (31'15'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Were there other children
involved? (31'17'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, I would like to
Reporter 1 (woman): O, sorry (31'21'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It was not only - eh - a
torture, and there were not only men, who raped me, but also
(31'32''): In Eisz it was also a dog, o, raped me (11'43'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Sorry? (31'37'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis+partner: A dog (31'38'').
Partner Casper: A dog (31'39'').
NL Limburg Schloss Eisz [?]: Nackte
Kinder werden mit Hunden gejagt - Prinz Bernhard, Kardinal
Alfrink auf Pferden etc.
NL Limburg Eisz [?] Castle: Hunting
naked children with dogs - Prince Bernhard, cardenal Alfrink
on horses etc.
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And on that castle where
the Freemason's examination was (31'49''), they were also - it
was in the forest, they were - they had some hunting, they
hunted (32'2''). We had to save us (32'08''). Me and also my
sister and there were more (32'11''). What it was at night, it
was dark (32'14'').
Reporter 2 (man): What did they exactly on the
hunting? (32'16'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: What I remember: I was
naked, it was cold (32'28''), and I - they there was a - on my
feet, I - I put my feet in a clam, or a (32'38'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes) (32'39'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: So I couldn't go on any
longer (32'41'').
Reporter 2 (man): Sorry on a what? (32'43'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Like a B trap - a clam
Reporter 2 (man): Right, you had a trap on here
- ok(32'49'').
xxx Prince Bernhard (33'17'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ah - and they - it was
hunting with dogs, not with a gun or - but it was an - they
were on horses (33'7''). There were - that was it - Prince
Bernhard (33'17'') -
PHOTO: Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands
Reporter 1 (woman): Ah! Prince Bernhard
(33'20''), the former chainer (33'22'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The Cardinal Alfrink
(33'23'') -
Reporter 2 (man): Cardinal (33'25'').
Victim Toos Nijenuis: Alfrink (33'26'').
Reporter 1 (woman): How did you spell that?
(33'27'') -
PHOTO: Cardinal Alfrink (33'28'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: A-l-f-r-i-n-k (33'33'').
Reporter 1 (woman): A-l-f-r-i-n-k (33'36''). -
Reporter 2 (man): He was a Catholic cardenal?
(33'41'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yess - eh yea
(33'42''). -
Reporter 2 (man): And the Prince Bernhard?
(33'45'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): Yes, Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, the man who set up Bilderberg (33'47'') - and the
World Wild Life Federation (33'53''). -
Reporter 2 (man): How old were you when this
happened? (33'55'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: About 9, 9, 10 years old,
7 (34'4''). During that whole period it happened (34'7''). It
was not only in that forest (34'10''). But they put the dogs
to hunt us - and then, when you could not go, and there was
that clamer on my feet (34'26''), the dogs stay, where it
doesn't - they were laughing and putting jokes (34'36'').
Reporter 2 (man): How many men did this?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: What I know or what I see
is two men, but probably there were more, I don't know
Reporter 1 (woman): Were there other children
involved? (34'47'') - Or were there any child? - Or were the
others with you? (34'50'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I know that I heard
crying crying (34'52'') and screaming, and it was my sister
(34'55''). And she didn't take part of us on those hunting
parties (35'1'').
Entführungen nach Wales (Schloss Caernarfon)
und Schottland (Fort Williams)
Hijacking to Wales (Caernarfon Castle) und Schottland (Fort
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Good, with me, they put
me to England, to Wales, Scotland (35'7''). -
Reporter 2 (man): Who took you? (35'9'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The doctor (35'11'').
Reporter 2 (man): To concert hunting parties in
Wales, and... (35'17'').
xxx Caernarfon Castle in Wales (35'23'')
Fort Williams in Scotland (35'23'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: In Caernarfon
Castle [in Wales], and nearby Fort Williams
in Scotland (35'23'').
PHOTO: Caernarfon Castle in Wales (35'19'')
Entführung nach Schottland Fort Williams: Mit Oberrabbi Menachem Mendel
Hijacking to Scotland Fort Williams: with chief rabbi
Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Reporter 2 (man): Did you see any Cardenal or
the Prince in Scotland and Wales to? Or were there other
people? (35'39'')
xxx Menachem Mendel Schneerson, upper rabbi of the Jewish
people (35'49'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: In Scotland, there was a
Menachem Mendel Schneerson (35'46''), the upper rabbi of the
Jewish people (35'49'').
[Toos Nijenhuis is checking some documents on the table and
shows to Reporter 2 the written name of this Schneerson, a
child sex rabbi].
Reporter 2 (man): Ok - thank you (36'10'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Things are getting an answer
GB Wales: Schloss Caernarfon: Jagd auf Kinder
in den Gängen
GB Wales: Caernarfon Castle: chasing children in corridors
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And - in Caernarfon
[the castle in Wales], they hunted in the castle, in the - in
the corridor (36'33''),
Reporter 3 (man): Corridors always? (36'42'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Really? In the castle?
That's interesting (36'48'').
Schottland Fort Williams: Stromfolter mit Fesselung im
Swimming Pool bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit
Scotland Fort Williams: torture with electricity with bound
hands and feet in a swimming pool up to be unconscious
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And nearby Fort
Williams, that was terrible, that was horror
(36'57''). It was not only hunting, it was - there was a
special water basin (37'5''), in a huge building (37'8'').
Reporter 1 (woman): O sorry, what was that
again? (37'8'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: A water basin (37'10'').
Reporter 1 (woman): A water basin, ok (37'12'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea? And there was a kind
of a [gesture: flat roof] an aparat oven (37'22'').
Reporter 3 (man): An appliant (37'24'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And - they bount me
there, naked (37'31''), my arms like this [showing the hands
up together], and my feet like this [showing the feet
together], and there was [around the belly area] an iron
Reporter 3 (man): Bar? (37'40'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: An iron bar? And first
they put me right up, and then they let me slowly down in the
water and [they] put electricity in the water, so (37'53'').
And I couldn't - and then, they put electricity and on, and
afterwards, they took me up and then turned my... (38'8'').
They put me with my hand in the water (38'20'') - they liked
to see me struggle (38'30'') - but it was not kind with him
(38'41''). Then, they put my whole body on electricity and put
me in the water basin up to here [gesture: the level of the
neck] (38'51''). And then - puaaa - they put again electricity
(38'59''). Until - I could not breathe any more (39'10''). I
was "dead" [unconscious] (39'12''). That is so
terrible (39'19''). They took me out, and I layed on the
ground, as if I was "dead" [unconscious]
(39'28''). - [long pause] -
Schottland Fort Williams: Arzt
Ridek+Schneerson+Lord Mountbatten (Prinz Philipp)
Scotland Fort Williams: doctor Ridek+Schneerson+Lord
Mountbatten (Prince Philipp)
xxxSchneerson (39'54'')
Lord Mountbatten (39'57'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: That was with my doctor,
with Schneerson (39'54''), and with Lord
Mountbatten (39'57'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Lord Mountbatten? (39'59'')
PHOTO: Lord Mountbatten (39'59'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya (yes) (40'0'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (40'1'').
Wie Toos Nijenhuis Personen erkennt: Der
Körper sagt es ihr
How Toos Nijenhuis can recognize persons: her
body is telling it to her
Reporter 2 (man): Did you ah - at that time you
could ever reckognize them later? (40'10'') Is that how you
know? (40'13'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ah - when I see a
picture, I feel it (40'15'').
Reporter 2 (man): Yea (yes) (40'16'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: You can lay a lot of
pictures and then I say: no, that is not, no he not, with him
I have nothing to do (40'22''), and now [with another photo]:
Oh! I know [him]! It is one of them (40'26''). And it is my
body (40'29'') [she makes signs with her right hand like a
heart is pumping].
Reporter 2 (man): Oh, I know (40'29'').
xxxMountbatten (40'33'')=Prince Philipp (40'37'')
Reporter 1 (woman): The Queen's husband, the
Queen of England's husband is a Mountbatten (40'33'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), I know
Reporter 1 (woman): Prince Philipp
(40'37''). Ok, ok, carry on (40'40'').
Schottland Fort Williams:
Spiegelsaal+Zeitmaschine, um das Gehirn der Opfer zu
Scotland Fort Williams: mirror hall+time machine to confuse
the brain of the victims
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But there was more there
- there was like in an other tall [castle?] - eh eh eh - in
the film, you have the - people go in a kind of glass
(40'55'') - they are coffin? - or - (40'57'') - and then you
go to another time (41'1''), or another in turning in another
(41'5''). You know the film .... (41'6'')?
Reporter 1 (woman): Yes (41'8'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then, you see it, they go
in a glass - eh (41'12'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Ya (41'13'')
Reporter 3 (man): Glass chamber (41'15'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis+reporter 1 (woman): Yea
(yes) (41'16'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then you go to another
place and another time (41'20''). Or you turn into another
Reporter 2 (man): This happened to you?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Not exactly, but they
they - they put some - they put me in such a thing [gesture:
coffin] or it's like that (41'36''), but you get something on
your head to - it's not - (41'40'') - it doesn't hurt but it
gives a feeling - I know that I (41'48'') - at that time I
thought I would not that we do change my - my my my brain or
my mind (41'56''), but you cannot stop it, it it (42'0''), and
it's also - my son tells the same stories that they do a kind
of electrode (42'6''), or kind of thing to make your change
your remembering or change your (42'19'') - I don't know
exactly what it is, it is an instrument to change your - your
personality (42'27'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Crux (42'27'')
Reporter 2 (man): Why it was happening to you,
or why did they do that to you? (42'30'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I - one thing is that I
should not remember me (42'34'').
Reporter 2 (man): How hold were you there ?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ten or eleven (42'44'').
Satanistische Freimaurer: Opfer werden ab 4
bis 12 missbraucht
Satanic Freemasons: victims are abused from 4 until 12
Reporter 1 (woman): How long was this abuse
going on for? (42'46'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It stopped when I was 12
years old (42'50''), but I get not down whole stories, so
there come only short stories (42'56'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Short, carry on (42'56'').
Partner Casper: The stories are only short
Reporter 1 (woman): .... We carry on (43'2'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yes - ehm - I already
told about the water bace and the bording put me in (43'11'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes) (43'12'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And afterward I was
nearly dead (43'14'').
Schottland Fort Williams: Folter mit Nadeln
unter Fingernägeln+Zehennägeln - bei blockiertem Mund
Scotland Fort Williams: Torture with needles under finger
nails+toe nails - with a blocked mouth
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I was - I was several
times - several times - there are - at the same time - I don't
know but (43'26'') - they bound me also on a table and put
needles under my finger nails (43'34''). It was - and not only
under my nails, but also - or not only under my fingers - it
was also under my toe - toes [nails] (43'46''). Pffff
Reporter 1 (woman): What was the point of doing
that? (43'54'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It was - they like to see
you - ah - that you cannot go away and go to - mrrr - but you
cannot scream because they put always something in your mouth
(44'10''), or tape [something] to open your mouth (44'13'').
Die satanistische Freimaurer-Elite filmte zum
Teil die Folter
Satanist Freemasons' elite partially was filming the torture
Reporter 2 (man): Were they studying you with
their people taking notes, or were they just doing this?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehmm - ah - I don't know
Partner Casper: Ok (44'28'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I know that - but that
will come in [the castle of?] yaguar [in Australia in the
torture bunker?], they filmed everything (44'33''): They
filmed the torturing, and there is a secret room where the
hights their films (44'40''). But here I don't know, I only
know what they did to me (44'45'').
Schottland Fort Williams:
Kinderjagd+Kindermorde+Kinderfleisch essen (Kannibalismus)
Scotland Fort Williams: Hunting
children+killing of children+eat children's meat
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: When I was about 10 years
old - on - in in in - in Scotland, there was also a hunting
(45'6''), and there was hunting with more and more children
(45'13''). They... (45'23'') - [pause of speaking] - it was
terrible (45'25'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): What happened to the
children? (45'26'') - Would they ever cought and killed?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They were killed
(45'33''). And also - ehm - on the [NL Dutch]: stringerwerk
[rope?] [?] where I first had the - were the stocking but
hunting [?] (45'43''). The children were killed, the
sort I'm sssss - what they do the same with when they hunt on
rabbits or - animals (46'2''), they eat them. They took the
theme (46'4'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Did you say that you see
they killed the children and eat them? You have seen? (46'7'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (46'7''). I
have to - (46'9'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Tell us the truth (46'15'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Or they - gave it to the
dogs (46'18'') - or both (46'20'').
Toos Nijenhuis überlebte - wegen eines
Liebhabers - Bischof von Münster+Arzt Ridek
Toos Nijenhuis survived - because of a lover - bishop of
Muenster+doctor Ridek
Reporter 1 (woman): Why were you never cought
and killed? (46'22'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I had my protector, I
think, my lover - hm (46'31'').
Reporter 1 (woman): What is your...
xxx Bishop from Muenster (46'56'')
doctor Ridek is one of the torturing men (47'4''-41'')
Victim Toos Nienhuis: I tell you once more, it
is - he was - when I was 10 years old, I suddenly became
aware, that was in near, not so far away from where I live
[Holten] (46'47''), eh - he - ehm, the Bishop from
Muenster tortured me during an evening (46'56'') -
they were all in black, they were both and had only [gesture:
the eyes free], or they wore a mask [gesture: with only the
eyes free], I saw only their eyes (47'4''). And after a
torturing, there was my doctor [Ridek] again,
but I saw that he had - who had also a mask, it was the
pressure from the mask on his face (47'17''). So, I - I got
such a great shock that he was one the torturing man
(47'23''). I could not love him, I could not love him
(47'28''), I had sex with him, but not the way it was before
(47'32''). Before I had the idea he was my lover - he wasn't
Reporter 2 (man): May I ask you about the
children who were killed or hunted? How were they killed?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I was not - I only - I
was - most of the times I was apart (48'2'') - they hunted me
but only with the dogs (48'5''), not with the [gesture:
shooting with pistol] (48'8'')
Reporter 2 (man): Did they use guns on their
hunting the other children? - Any weapon? (48'12'')
Kannibalismus in Fort Williams: Kinder werden
gezwungen, andere Kinder zu essen
Cannibalism in Fort Williams: children are forced to eat
other children
xxx child meat (48'12'' - 49'2'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I cannot give an answer.
I only know that there were children who we had to eat, or
[gesture: long parts, arms, legs] (48'21'').
Reporter 2 (man): There were dead children? You
saw that they were dead? (48'25'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: That was only [a] part of
the child what we saw, I didn't see them the whole part there
[the whole body] (48'31''). I knew that it was from a child
Reporter 2 (man): Ok (48'34'').
Reporter 1 (woman): So you were forced to eat
child meat? (48'40'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: [gesture: yes] (48'42'')
Reporter 1 (woman): How do you (48'43'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It was always the same
time at 10, 11, 10, 11 (48'48''). - [pause of speaking] - ....
too much (49'2'').
xxx Fort William (49'10'') (49'14'')
Reporter 2 (man): Especific in Fort William?
(49'10'') In Scotland? (49'12'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: There was also hunting
Reporter 2 (man): In Fort William (49'14'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Or nearby for a film
(49'16''). There was torturing, there was electricity and
hunting (49'22''). - [pause of speaking] -
Arzt Ridek will die Liebe des Mädchen wieder
haben - das kalte Leben der Freimaurer
Doctor Ridek of Muenster wants to get the love of the girl
again - the cold life of the Freemasons
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm, I was talking about
that mask (49'37''), that the doctor was not any longer
(49'43''). I know (49'47''). And that made for me the whole
thing no was (49'53''), because he [the doctor] tried to get
my love again (49'57''). He was not used to have now, not have
to have the warmth of one of authom [?] (50'4''). It's a very
isolated life they live, very cold life to live (50'11'').
Der Fantasie-"Jesus" im Leben - Rabbi
Schneerson foltert und vergewaltigt Kinder
Fantasy "Jesus" in life - rabbi Schneerson torturing and
raping children
xxxSchneerson tortured victim Toos and then violated victim
Toos (51'0'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And, he - when I was six
years old, I would always go to Jesus (50'28''), that has been
a very long time that I have that intention (50'33''). Go to
Jesus and be as Jesus, helping people (50'40''). Also love
your enemy (50'46''). I remember, I have seen, where it was -
that Schneerson had also tortured me and then
he had sex with me (51'0''), and I put mam [?] around him, it
was - I - I felt this lonely life and his, sometimes it's a
very strange situations and (51'17''), I don't know, probably
is that also my life so, why I have survived, I don't know
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes) (51'27'')
Liebesgefühle zum Arzt Ridek kommen wieder Love feeling with the doctor Ridek return again
xxx doctor loves Toos and also Toos him (51'45'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But with the doctor, I
don't know when the - the - then for me, again I loved him,
because at the end, there was a loving feeling to each other
again (51'41''), and not only from him to me (51'45'').
Kardinal Alfrink foltert Opfer Toos speziell aus Rache gegen
Dr. Ridek
Cardinal Alfrink torturing victim Toos especially as a
revenge against Dr. Ridek
xxx Kardinal Alfrink mit Folter gegen Opfer Toos (51'54'')
Dr. Ridek liebt Toos (51'54'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But the cardinal
Alfrink, the bishop from Utrecht, he became aware
of Dr. Ridek loved me (51'54''), and that was
a thing he could not - he was chess [chess fighter mentality]
- that's so mornous, a woman feeling (52'6''), a thing, they
could not handle it, so - I was tortured from him badly
afterwards (52'15''), after he became aware that there was a
relation between the doctor and me (52'20'').
Deutschland: Schloss Hohenschwangau: Mit
Bischöfen, Papst Johannes-Paul II, Oberrabbiner Schneerson
Germany: Schloss Hohenschwangau: with bishops, pope John
Paul II, supreme rabbi Schneerson
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They brought me to - to
the South of Germany (52'26''), there are the two castles from
the kings or the, yea, the kings of Bayern [Bavaria]
(52'33''). And ehm - Hohenschwangau (Hohenschwangau) is one of
it (52'38'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Hohenschwangau
[Neuschwanstein] is a great castle in the South of Germany
(52'47''). And - and there are, were different bishops from
that - ehm - part of the country (52'57''). There was also the
pope John Paul II (53'8'').
Reporter 1 (woman): John Paul II (53'9'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (53'10'').
Reporter 2 (man): Polish pope (53'11'').
xxx Menachem Schneerson (53'18'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (53'12''). And
Schneerson (53'16''). Menachem Mendel Schneerson
(53'18''). And my doctor [Ridek] (53'20'').
Reporter 2 (man): This castle is near Munich?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: This was (53'30'')
Partner Casper: Yea (yes), near München
xxx Füssen (53'31''-40'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Near München, Füssen
[town of Füssen, link]
(53'32''). Füssen, it is 2km from Füssen away. It's totally to
the - ehm - Austrian border (53'40'').
xxx Ratzinger (53'42'')
Repoter 2 (man): Ratzinger was from Munich
(53'42''). [Cardinal Ratzinger became later Pope Benedict
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea, interesting (53'44'').
xxx bishop from Muenster (53'52'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Mhm (yes) (53'44''), I
don't know every name, I only new of him (53'49''). And also
the bishop from Muenster was there - ehm
Reporter 1 (woman): That is: all bishops - you
got all bishops? All and the Pope? (53'57'')
Victim Toos Niejnuis: Bishops [probably with
Ratzinger], and the pope, and the upper rabbiner, the upper
rabbi, the boss [Schneerson] (54'4'')
xxx rabi Schneerson with other bishops in South German castles
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: That was Schneerson
Reporter 1 (woman): That is interesting
(54'10''). All together? (45'11'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), all together -
so (54'13'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (54'13'').
Reporter 2 (man): How were they doing it?
Deutschland: Schloss Hohenschwangau: Oberrabbi
Schneerson mit Kinderfolter: Urin, Faustschläge, Mund
blockiert, Vagina-Folter
Germany: Schloss Hohenschwangau: Supreme rabbi Schneerson
with torture of children: urine, fist blows, mouth is
blocked, vagina torture
xxx Oberrabi Schneerson (54'15 - 55'14'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They - they were - I -
pfff - oh - they put jokes on me. They tortured me again
(54'33'') - [pause of speaking] - ah - Schneerson,
he urinated on me (54'42''), I had to drink his urine
(54'46''), I - ah - once he put me on a table naked, on my
hands and my knees (54'58''), and then there was something, I
don't know exactly what it was (55'4''), he put it on my mouth
like this [gesture: tearing her lips to a large strip]
Reporter 1 (woman): Oh (55'9'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And then took me
backwards [gesture: fist against her chinn] (55'14''). - And
then, he put his hands in my vagina, so I could not [gesture:
she could not scream], it was here completely blocked
[gesture: mouth was blocked] (55'29'').
Reporter 2 (man): This was the ah - who was that
again? (55'37'') Who did that again? (55'39'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Schneerson
Reporter 2 (man): Schneerson
Deutschland: Schloss Hohenschwangau:
Gangbang-Vergewaltigung durch Bischöfe samt Papst Johannes
Paul II + Oberrabi Schneerson - und Folter
Germany: Hohenschwangau Castle: gangbang rape
by bishops with pope John Paul II+supreme rabbi Schneerson -
and torture
Reporter 1 (woman): What about the pope [John
Paul II] ? Was he really he did? (55'49'') Do you (55'50'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They all raped me
(55'51''). It was - not one of them who didn't do anything
(55'55''). They - they did all - pfff (55'58'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Did they all torture you as
well? (56'0'') - Did they make turns or together in a group or
was it one by one? (56'6'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, it was a group
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (56'8'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And then they put jokes
on me and - tsss - that - thaaa (56'12'')
Reporter 2 (man): They put what on it? [?]
Reporter 1 (woman): Jokes (56'16'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Jokes (56'17'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Teestering (56'18'') - the
torture (56'22'')
Reporter 2 (man): Ok (56'21'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ah - I was nothing for
them (56'28'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes) (56'29'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They found me a toy and
they liked to see to use it - they .... that (56'48'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes) (56'39'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: All around bleeding in
Germany, also in the South (56'58''). It was not always with
electricity, they put me in a place where - [NL Dutch]:
nieren - nieren [?] (57'15'')
Reporter 3 (man): Enz [?] (57'18'')
Schloss Enz [?]: Folter mit Schlangen
Castle Enz [?]: Torture with snakes
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Enz (57'19'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes) (57'20'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They let you - I was on a
chair, and it was with snakes and with eggs (57'28'') and all
terrible things to make you bvbvbvbvbvbv [shivering of
anxiety] (57'31'').
Saudi-Arabien: Alfrink+Schneerson+Dr. Ridek
Saudi Arabia: Alfrink+Schneerson+Dr. Ridek
xxx cardinal Alfrink in Saudi Arabia (57'31''-1h0'2'')
swine Schneerson in Saudi Arabia (57'31''-1h0'2'')
doctor Ridek (57'31''-2h0'2'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Another time, they took
me to - to Saudi Arabia (57'51''), [location of] Dara [Ad Dara
- link],
nearby (57'57'') - there was a - on the first thought, it is
not so bad (58'6''). There were more children, but I had to go
to a seperate room (58'10''), and - yea, also Schneerson
was there (58'19''), cardinal Alfrink, and - eh
- doctor Ridek, he was always there (58'27''),
he was always with me (58'28''). I was naked and I - there was
a table and close, three men (58'40''). Schneerson was in the
middle (58'42''). There was cardinal Alfrink
[she shows her left arm to the left side], but he had also
another name (58'50''): I know that it was with an A, his
first name, and Solide Bistelfeld [?] was his
family name (59'1''). And there was Dr. Ridek [she shows her
right arm to the right side] (59'4''). Then Schneerson
- Ridek told me, that - or he had told me that
I had to do all the things they asked me so I should not
suffer so much (59'21''). That was very bad (59'23''). I had
to [she is bowing like an Asian servant] make a... (59'32'').
Reporter 3 (man): fall down (59'35'').
Dara (Saudi-Arabien): Folter von Oberrabbi
Schmerson: auf Kinder urinieren und kacken -
Gangbang-Vergewaltigung am Abend 5 Tage lang
Dara (Saudi Arabia): Torture by supreme rabi Schmerson:
urinating and cacking on children - gangbang rape every
evening 5 days long
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I had to fell down and
Schneerson he went behind me and put his finger in my vagina
and he pfft turned me on the ground and then he urinated on me
and cacked on me (59'52''). It is - it was always [the sense
of the action was]: You are nothing, you are nothing
And it was 5 times that they are in 5 days that they - they
had - during the day they had meetings, those men (1h0'19''),
they had all the things to do, and in the evening I was their
toy to play with (1h0'25''). Then, normally I was alone, there
were no other children (1h0'31'').
Reporter 2 (man): Did - did - I am sorry: You
had a room for yourself? (1h0'38'') - Where were they [and]
you kept? (1h0'40'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, it was for myself, it
was a room like this and there was a bed (1h0'44''). It was
not - when they were not there, it was not so bad (1h0'49'').
Reporter 2 (man): When you were inside, the
other children: were they Arab children or other? What kind of
ethnic children were there? (1h1'0'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: [shaking her head] (no)
(1h1'0''). I've not - I want to see children and then I went
through that home, but I don't know what - but they were not
from - from Africa, they were not like (1h1'9'').
Reporter 2 (man): They were going [?] children?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (1h1'11'').
Blutgruppe - blood group
Reporter 1 (woman): Get to know: What
blood type are you? (1h1'14'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: What blood type?
Reporter 1 (woman): Yes, do you know? (1h1'17'')
- I, AB negative (1h1'19'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I am the most...
(1h1'21'') - I have this here (1h1'23'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Yes, just have an interest
[Toos Nijenhuis takes some documents and then they speak Dutch
about A, AB and 0+ which is the general blood group].
Reporter 1 (woman): It's significant (1h1'55'').
It could be significant as why you survived (1h1'59''). So I
would like to make it out, you could find that afternoon
please (1h2'2'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I think or for me, it was
because of the doctor (1h2'7'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (1h2'8'').
xxx Schneerson (1h2'8''-1h2'37'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And also Schneerson,
although it is very - you cannot imagine that he is - but at
the end, the - when I was in Nagua [Dominican Republic? - link]
(1h2'19''). He sent me there, Mendel Schneerson,
but he also was the one who - all the others that I should
have to, survive so - ehm - they did (1h2'34'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (1h2'37'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Do I not allow to kick
Reporter 1 (woman): What is special about you
that they were not allowed to kill you? Do you know?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: This is very very old,
it's not from this life (1h2'49'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (1h2'51'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: That is, what I - when
you asked me now, that's my answer (1h2'58'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Makes sense, ok (1h3'0'').
Carry on (1h3'3'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And - that will come
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok - all right - carry on,
free way (1h3'10'').
Saudi-Arabien: Gangbang-Vergewaltigung und
Stromfolter bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit
Saudi Arabia: gangbang rape and torture with
electricity up to be unconscious
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Eh - I was in Saudi
Arabia, and pfff - they - they - they - it was family night
torturing - they they give electricity to my clitoris
(1h3'26''), to my vagina (1h3'27''), to my hands and feet
and... (1h3'31''). I was bound and they - pfff - penetrated my
vagina (1h3'39''), it was [she is shaking her head]
Reporter 1 (woman): How long were you inside in
Saudi Arabia? (1h3'48'')
Victim Toos Nijenuis: I was there two times, but
once I was there for 5 days (1h3'59''), and the last torturing
it was very, very terrible (1h4'6''), because - ehm - it was
with electricity (1h4'14''). I was hang on, or they hanged me
by the ancles and my wrist (1h4'23''). So - at the - there was
a - they they they - eh - drought me out (1h4'30''). No that
was - and they put electricity on me (1h4'41''). So it was a
crank for my muscles to come like this - eh - there was - ah -
pain (1h4'53''). And then when I was unconscious
- they let me fall - pff - on the ground and then I was - I
didn't believe any more (1h5'8'').
Reporter 1 (woman): How did you survive?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I don't know - every time
(1h5'26''), I felt to freeze again (1h5'28''), good, there is
- the last story is - there was the [gesture: hanging rope]
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, carry on (1h5'37'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Drill (1h5'38'').
Saudi-Arabien: Rabbi Schneerson "holt" das
Opfer in der Nacht aus dem Schlaf - Folter in der Nacht
Saudi Arabia: Rabbi Schneerson "takes" the victim in the
night from the sleep - torture in the night
xxxdoctor Ridek (1h6'15'')
Schneerson (1h6'15'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Drill, yea (yes)
(1h5'38''). I would like to have it, ha! (1h5'41'') - It would
be my cover to understand (1h5'48''). Saudi Arabia was very
bad (1h5'59''). In the night, I was with [doctor] Ridek,
and in the evening, but when we slept, sometimes Schneerson
took me and he was torturing me me - in the night (1h6'15'').
A'! (1h6'16'')
xxx doctor Ridek (1h6'24-1h7'20'')
Partner Casper: Tell, that it was Ridek to
watch, and then (1h6'24'').
Saudi Arabia: captivation+electricity torture+gangbang rape
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea, the last time, ehm -
he did know, before that's very bad with the cheering me out
and gave me electricity (1h6'34''). Ehm - the time before he
had to - eh - to hit me with a - a wipe [whip] and to give me
also a - a - a - a - a stake electricity (1h6'48''), although
I - or I was bount it and I could not - and the other stayed
and raped me [gangbang rape] (1h6'53''). Ah, it
wasss pffff... - and that last time, when I was on my wrists
and ankles (1h7'1''), and with that electricity, Ridek
- it was to to to - ehm - ddz - to pay him back what he have
with me (1h7'15'') to to - [NL Dutch]: afeikenen (1h7'20'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (1h7'20'')
Reporter 3 (man): Pay back (1h7'20'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (1h7'20''). So
- eh - I saw his tears in his eyes when they did it to me
(1h7'25''), he could not stand it also, that they did,
he also did their fix to me (1h7'30''). But that was too much
Saudi-Arabien in der Wüste: Folter in einer
Röhre - Todesangst - Kardinal Alfrink uriniert auf Kinder
Saudi Arabia in the desert: torture in a tube - fear of
death - cardinal Alfrink urinating on children
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then, another time they
brought me to Saudi Arabia (1h7'48''), and then, I was brought
to the - what was that? [NL Dutch]: woestijn - desert
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: There was a pipe or a
thing, a hole in the ground (1h8'4''). And Ridek.
It was with Schneerson, and again with Alfrink
(1h8'10''), and with Ridek (1h8'12''). Those
three men again in front of me (1h8'16''), and Ridek, he had
to let me in a pipe, so here [gesture: level of the throat],
(1h8'20''), yea (yes), and then [gesture: fill the tube] sand
in the pipe, so, I could not move, I could not... (1h8'26'')
Reporter 1 (woman): So you heard about the
ground? (1h8'27'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (1h8'28'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (1h8'29''). - [long pause
of speaking] -
xxx Alfrink pissing on the victim with open mouth (1h9'16'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Neiiii (1h8'35''). It was
also to pay him back that he had driven (1h8'49'') - if he
didn't do it - they wanted to kill me - if he did it
(1h8'56''), they probably killed me (1h8'57''), there was no
way out (1h9'0'') - [pause of speaking] - and Alfrink,
he pissed on me (1h9'16''), and by open my mouth, so badly on
the more, to survive (1'9'27''). After three hours, a man
came, he was sent from Ridek (1h9'40'') to bring me back
(1h9'45''). Then it took me hours, that desert (1h9'53''). -
[pause of speaking] -
Reporter 1 (woman): Take a break (1h10'22'').
Deutschland: Schloss Hohenschwangau
Germany: castle Hohenschwangau
Reporter 2 (man): How do you spell that castle?
The castle of South Germany? Is there with an "H"? (1h10'29'')
Partner Casper: Schwangau (1h10'33'').
Reporter 2 (man): The name of the castle?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Schwangau (1h10'36'') -
Reporter 2 (man): Schwan... (1h10'37'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I can write it
(1h10'39'') [she stands up going to Reporter 2 writing the
name "Hohenschwangau"]
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Hohenschwangau
Partner Casper [gives the name on a paper]:
Hohenschwangau (1h10'45'').
Reporter 2 (man): Hohenschwangau (1h10'47''). -
And that's where you saw the Pope and all these others?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (1h10'52'').
Reporter 2 (man): That's the name of the castle?
- Ok (1h10'56'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis [comes back sitting on her
chair taking a drink] (1h10'58''-11'10'').
Deutschland: Schloss Hohenschwangau:
Entdeckung eines zweiten Eingangs
Germany: Schloss Hohenschwangau: detection of a second
Partner Casper: Maybe tell the story how you
discovered that it was the uncle (1h11'18'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), we were on
holiday last year in South Germany (1h11'21''), and there are
very famous castles - eh - from all of the world they come to
see those castles (1h11'30''). Ehm, a lot of people, and if
you know, what happened there, it's - it's a little bit...
Partner Casper: Yea (yes) (1h11'37'')
xxxCasper (1h12'7'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (1h11'40'').
Ehm - but when we did came there - I - I - I - although, 4
years ago, I was there and it didn't trigger me, (1h11'51''),
but now, and there are two castles near to each other
(1h11'55''). And the one, I say how - I have never been there,
but in the Hohenschwangau, I was (1h12'0''). I - I - I went -
we were there, it was - from one side we did come to -
to the intrance. And I told Casper [her partner] (1h12'7''):
There is another intrance (1h12'8''). You can go so, and there
it severe [?] (1h12'3'').
Partner Casper: You came back .... (1h12'13'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And when we took the
other away, I told him already how it was (1h12'22''). And I
didn't have a very good holiday, oh - no, because I didn'd
sleep at night (1h12'29''). And I had a lot of stomach pain
and (1h12'31''). One week afterwards, I had a pain on my back
as one put a burning cigar on my back (1h12'43''). It was
burning (1h12'47'').
Partner Casper: Burning spot (1h12'47'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea, it was evident, it
felt as it, somebody did it to me (1h12'52''). And afterward
there was a big crust (1h12'56'').
Reporter 3 (man): Ahm (1h12'57'').
Reporter 2 (man): Yea (yes) (1h12'57'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I think scarve
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, yes (1h13'4'').
Saudi-Arabien+Deutschland: 11 Jahre alt
Saudi Arabia+Germany: 11 years old
Reporter 1 (woman): Let's go back a bit as you
moved as a child, at this castle, Saudi Arabia (1h13'13'').
How old were you in your timeline? What age, do you know?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Me?
Reporter 1 (woman): In the story (1h13'22'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: In the story on 11 years
old (1h13'23'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Still eleven? (1h13'24'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes (1h13'25'').
NL Holten: Der Missbrauch wurde mit 12 durch
ein Ultimatum an den Arzt Ridek gestoppt: Schluss jetzt oder
töte mich
NL Holten: Stopping the abuse with 12 by an ultimatum to
doctor Ridek: stop it now or kill me
Reporter 1 (woman): How many more years did this
abuse go on for? (1h13'30'') - after 11? (1h13'32'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: At 12 it stopped
Reporter 1 (woman): It stopped, why? (1h13'35'') Das Ultimatum an den Arzt: Schluss jetzt oder tötet
mich The ultimatum to the doctor: stop it now or kill me
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Because - ehm - I - I
wanted to go to the doctor's house (1h13'55''), he is in hour
town, in our village (1h14'0''). Eh - I sometimes used to go
there (1h14'4''). So be tortured and blabla with him [?]
Reporter 1 (woman): You went by yourself?
Victim Toos Nijenhius: Or I was asked - I don't
know exactly (1h14'13''). That there is - and it's also on the
paper: there is a secret rule in that house (1h14'19''). It's
especially built for such of things (1h14'23''). And I was
there, and I told him: "If you love me, then don't touch me
any more (1h14'36''). And if you don't love me, then kill me
(1h14'45''). I cannot go further nid with this way, you did
too much." (1h14'48'') And he didn't torture me, and he didn't
kill me .... (1h14'59'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes) (1h15'4'').
Reporter 2 (man): Did ah - what happened to him
when he decided not to torture you any more - did anything
happen to him? Was it so? (1h15'12'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It was the last time we -
we met - 'ahm (1h15'23'') - he could not - that the the - the
last two years, he could not do the work he did before
(1h15'33''), he did was - there was a change in him
(1h15'37''). He - I know also another man as a torturing man
(1h15'50''), he is not only that man (1h15'52''). He is also
broad with (1h15'55''). I know also men gone to love me
(1h16'4''). How will you go? I said to Casper. But Ridek is
still inside of my heart (1h16'22''). It's strange, but it's
the way it is (1h16'25''). - [long pause of speaking] -
PHOTO: home of "the Doctor" in Holten, Holland,
with a secret room discovered during renovations (1h16'38'').
NL Holten: Arzt Ridek verliert eines seiner
Kinder - und zieht dann weg - und wird angeblich von einem
Patienten umgebracht
NL Holten: doctor Ridek loosing one of his children - and
leaving - and is killed by one of his patient, they say
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I know the old family's
strange stories in the village about this man (1h16'43''). At
the end of that he lived in that village, he left at 1972 and
he was a house doctor (1h16'57''). And he went to another part
of Holland (1h17'1'') to become a FEMA doctor or to - to -
that's the lower degree (1h17'8''), and he was at that time -
or he lost also one of his children (1h17'16''). It was by an
accident. But I have the question if it was an accident
(1h17'21''). I think it put a lot of questions on him
(1h17'24''). And he was broken (1h17'29''). Also the last part
of - that was in the village (1h17'34'').
Reporter 2 (man): So, what was the location
approach? (1h17'38'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Holten, H-h- (1h17'42'').
Reporter 3 (man): H-o-l-t-e-n (1h17'44'').
Partner Casper: Genau, Holten (1h17'47'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: So, and when he was it
the doctor for - (1h17'56'')
Reporter 3 (man): [NL Dutch]: old o leere dat
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm,
Reporter 3 (man): Kung Fu, Kung Fu in position
[?] (1h18'6'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes), ok (1h18'8'').
Head doctor (1h18'9''), yea (yes) (1h18'11''). Like a chief,
surgeon chief, chief surgeon in general (1h18'15''). Was he
head doctor, would that be correct? (1h18'17'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No (1h18'18''), no no, he
is only controlling if you are - if you can go to work or
Reporter 3 (man): No, he is a guy from control's
written to work or not (1h18'29''). He is the award
Reporter 1 (woman): Ah, ok (1h18'33'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But it's a lower degree
as a house doctor (1h18'37''). So, they put him more aside
Der Arzt wird - offiziell - von einem ausländischen
Patienten umgebracht - die Meldung in der NWO-Presse The doctor is - official version - killed by a patient
from abroad - the news in the NWO press
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: After a few years, there
was a - an a - in a paper, it was in the national paper, that
there was a doctor killed by one of his patients (1h18'52''),
they shoot or they put him - ah - a knife, he died
(1h18'57''), that it was a very strange story and...
Reporter 2 (man): Is that who he died?
(1h19'0'') - Or he was killed by one? (1h19'2'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I don't know, I wasn't
- that is was in the paper and also what is told in the
village (1h19'6'').
Reporter 2 (man): What you .... ? (1h19'8'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: He didn't live not for a
long time any more, I don't know exactly (1h19'16'').
Reporter 2 (man): So it would have been in the
1970s - yea (yes) (1h19'21'').
Reporter 1 (woman): So the patient didn't kill
him? or did? (1h19'25'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I was not there. I don't
know. If I haven't seen it, I cannot say - what the paper said
Reporter 1 (woman): So the paper said that he
was killed by a patient (1h19'34'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Right right (1h19'34'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Interesting. Do you know who
the patient is? (1h19'38'') - Or they say? (1h19'42'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Eh - eh - from abroad
someone, not from Holland (1h19'46'').
Reporter 1 (woman): O God, it's interesting
Reporter 2 (man): Now what did you say, about 2
years after - so 19... (1h19'51'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Two years after he went
from that village away (1h19'56'') and he went to another
part, he went to Alende [?] (1h20'1'').
Reporter 3 (man): He lived in until 74? Or 74 /
75 to prononagy [?] (1h20'5'')
Australien: Die Reise mit Alfrink nach
Australia: The trip with Alfrink to Melbourne
Die Eifersucht von Kardinal Alfrink hörte nicht auf Jealousy of cardinal Alfrink did not stop
xxx Alfrink still jealous against Dr. Ridek also when Dr.
Ridek is not there any more (1h20'27'')
Schneerson (1h20'36'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But - ah - after
alienation was over - eh - that Alfrink he was
still jealous (1h20'27''). And he and Schneerson they setted
me to - to Melbourne, to Australia (1h20'36'').
Reporter 2 (man): After he died? or (1h20'39'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, it was when I was 12
years old (1h20'44'').
Reporter 2 (man): Ok (1h20'46'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: That was the last
watching but it was (1h20'50'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Did you travel on your own
to Melbourne, Australia? (1h20'56'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No (1h20'56'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Who went with you?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Alfrink (1h20'58'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (1h20'59'').
xxx Schneerson (1h21'14'')
Alfrink is a cold wall (1h1h21'30''-1h22'20'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Alfrink,
he was a very bad man (1h21'3''). That - they are all dead,
but there are degrees (1h21'7''): Every day it was not that
bad, Schneerson was, and is, or was, he is also
dead (1h21'14''), he was bad, but I - I - I - I found that
[with Alfrink] there was a - for him there was a missing
thing, or he missed a lot (1h21'28''), I was in that cold,
isolation (1h21'30'').
Reporter 1 (woman): So cardenal Alfrink
was the worst? Was it most? (1h21'32'') the evil?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Alfrink was
nothing, nothing, nothing, totally nothing
(1h21'35''), not even a man (1h21'37'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Boy (1h21'37'') - not even a
man, you think he was [NL Dutch]: besetzt (fanatic) - maybe?
xxx doctor Ridek (1h21'58'')
Schneerson (1h22'17'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I don't know, ah - but
for him - with him, there is also in that part with the desert
(1h21'50''). Ridek was - that was
confession and (1h21'58''), Schneerson he
- he had a kind of listless [lustlos] for me (1h22'6''), it
was - although before he pissed and cacked on me, but it was -
at that time he (1h22'17''). But Alfrink was
nothing, there was near [she shows with her hand a wall].
Australien: Der Flug mit Alfrink mit
Satanistenritual: Kindermorde, indem sie aus dem
Privatflugzeug geworfen werden
Australia: the flight with Alfrink with satanist ritual:
killing children kicking them out of the private airplane
xxxAlfrink private flight to Australia in a private airplane
killing children kicking them out of the airplane
Reporter 1 (woman): Let's go to Melbourne.
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Number 1: Ehm - I would
like to tell about Alfrink (1h22'28'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yes (1h22'29'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes). It is
strange but when I - uh - eh - in the airplane, and I don't
know what kind of airplane it exactly was, but (1h22'44'') and
how high it was when we were flying (1h22'49''), but but that
thing did happen, because when we last time flew together to
Norwegian (1h22'56'') - ah - it was very bad for me, because
it very battered me on the time when I flew with Alfrink in an
airplane (1h23'4''). And - not me, but there were
children, out - thrown out (1h23'14'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Off the plane (1h34'17'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It is - it is
Reporter 1 (woman): Where did they land?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Aha (1h23'26'').
Reporter 2 (man): This was a private plane there
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya (yes) (1h23'28'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (1h23'29'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They always fly with
private flights (1h23'31'').
Reporter 1 (woman): You flew always all the time
with a private plane? (1h23'34'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Hm, I don't know
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (1h23'36''). And they
just threw that children or they abused them on the plane and
then were just throwing them out? (1h23'42'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis ]makes a gesture of
vomiting, signification is forced "blow jobs"].
Reporter 1 (woman): It's ok, take your time
(1h23'47''). - [long pause of speaking]
Alfrinks Clique foltert Toos: Toos muss beim Kindermord im
Flugzeug zuschauen Alfrink's clique torturing Toos: Toos has to watch the
child murder in the airplane
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: What I remember is that
they found out me to see (1h24'15''). Amid a talent, so well,
but I don't know what I (1h24'24'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes). - [pause of
speaking] - Do you know why they threw the children out?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It's only a toy
(1h24'45''). It's only a mourning and it's nice to hear them
scream (1h24'55''), to see to feel, it's up (1h25'0'').
Partner Casper: But he has from August pits [?]
also used to let the ours who are with them - eh - to fly [?]
Victim Toos Nijenhuis+reporter 1 (woman): Yea
(yes) (1h25'13'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Scare them (1h25'18'').
Partner Casper: They how witness, and if they
tell (1h25'21'')
Reporter 2 (man): They are guilty too, so - so
they have to be quiet (1h25'24'').
Partner Casper: Yea (yes) (1h25'25''). That's
what she heard (1h25'30''). - [Long pause of speaking] -
Melbourne (Australien):
Fesselung+Peitschenfolter mit Lederhemd im Folterbunker mit
dicken Wänden
Melbourne (Australia): captivation+torture with a wip with
leather shirt in the torture bunker with thick walls
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then - no more. It was a
huge building, it was square (1h25'58''), what I'm remembering
that it was dark, when I came there (1h26'2''). It is brown
but it can be also grey (1h26'5''), it's with thick walls, so
you cannot hear and scream for help or... (1h26'13''). It
doesn't come through it (1h26'15''). There or I had to put my
clothes out and I had to take a black leather shirt
on me (1h26'36''). And then, I was in the room, but they bound
me on my stomach on a table (1h26'43''). And then they hit me
with a - wipe, is it? (1h26'47'')
Reporter 1 (woman): A what? (1h26'48'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: A wipe (1h26'49'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Whip (1h26'50'').
Reporter 2+3 (men): Whip (1h26'50'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Whip (1h26'51'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Why you were dressed it
later on your stomach - ok (1h26'57'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: So you cannot see it
later on (1h27'0''). It'sssss - you feel it (1h27'4'').
Reporter 2 (man): Was Alfrink doing that too?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: There were different men
(1h27'13''), there in that room they were in black with a mask
(1h27'20''), and the black, normal, black shoes, not a kape or
something like that (1h27'24''). They were dressed in black
(1h27'29''). But they whiped me - and the tsss - was also like
- only my eyes were free (1h27'38''), and crying and crying
and I nearly - ah - (1h27'43'') - I could not breathe - oh -
it was terrible (1h27'53''). That was - you know - and then
they brought me to another room, a white room, where there was
a bed (1h28'6''). There I could recover for a while, little
break, then somebody did come - came to me and brought me to
another room (1h28'19''), and there I was bound on a table
again (1h28'26''), and then, they put very heat hoho iron -
yea, iron [NL Dutch]: platen (1h28'40'').
Reporter 3 (man): Hidden iron plates (1h28'44'')
Melbourne (Australien): Folter mit
Eisenplatten an den Füssen
Melbourne (Australia): hidden iron plates on feet
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The other day they put
hidden iron plates on my feet (1h28'49''). A! Ufff, I could
not speak nothing because they [gesture: mouth was shut]
(1h28'58''). - [pause of speaking] - It was always still -
they could not stand it any more (1h29'12''), or you became
unconscious (1h29'14''). Then they brought me back to that
white room, put a - a - a cream on my feet, so it was not so
painful any more, so I could walk (1'29'39'').
Melbourne (Australien): Folter mit
Fesselung+Gartenschlauch in Anus
Melbourne (Australia): torture with
captivation+garden hose in the anus
Then they put me again on the table, and I was naked again
(1h29'49''), and with a [NL Dutch]: tuinslang (1h29'53'')
Reporter 3 (man with strong voice): gardening
hose (1h29'54'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Gardening hose, put on my
anus - into my anus - and they opened the water until...
[gestures: caughing+heart in panic] (1h30'10'').
Reporter 1 (woman): O good God (1h30'11'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Mm! That was that,
with... (1h30'20''). They they do everything (1h30'25''). But
you don't get scars of it. It doesn't connect scars
(1h30'36''). When that was over, they brought me back to that
recovering room (1h30'56'').
Melbourne (Australien): Kameras+Filmaufnahmen
im Folterbunker - für Folter-Kinderporno oder so
Melbourne (Australien): cameras+filming in the torture
bunker - for torture child porn or so
Reporter 2 (man with soft voice): You used that
you have been filmed - this was already there? (1h30'59'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (1h30'0'').
Reporter 2 (man): This has all being filmed?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: This is all filmed
Reporter 2 (man): Everything that happened?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya. In every room is a
camera (1h31'5'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: In every room is a camera
Reporter 2 (man): Ok (1h31'6'').
Der Folterbunker in Australien: Freimaurer
bilden Leute im Foltern aus
Torture bunker in Australia: Freemasons are educating people
in torturing people
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It is an education -
education bunker for [D German]: Forschung (science)
Reporter 1 (woman): So they usually...
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They learnt torture me,
they make torture research (1h31'19'').
Reporter 2 (man): How do you - how do you know
that, that they were teaching people? (1h31'22'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I know it (1h31'23'').
Reporter 2 (man): Yea (yes)? Might that people
to say that? Were there people in uniform? Were there people
in white shirt? (1h31'30'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Eh - I - probably I hear
it, or I heard it, it's it's - they train the people there
(1h31'35''), you know - to do it - differently (1h31'40'').
Reporter 2 (man): Right (1h31'41'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And to know, what is your
- how far you can go (1h31'47'').
Partner Casper: Yea (yes) (1h31'48'')
Melbourne (Australien): Folterkeller mit
Pool+gefesselten Kindern+Ratten
Melbourne (Australia): torture cellar with pool+captivated
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And then, they have a
cellar there, with water in it (1h32'0''). Baaa - it was half
dark, it was very cold water (1h32'14''). And - there are a
wooden pillars in it, and they [the children] are bound to the
pillar (1h32'24''). So you cannot move (1h32'25''). And there
were more children in it (1h32'27''), two children
(1h32'29''). One was already dead, and the other one - there
are [NL Dutch]: ratten (1h32'36'').
Reporter 3 (man): Rats (1h32'36'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: rats in it, and they are
hungry (1h32'39'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): Ou (1h32'43'') - [Long pause
of speaking] -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And there were special
fishes in it (1h32'53''). A younger boy or he was younger than
me, the reds were ill, and the other was already dead
(1h33'8''). It was red water (1h33'13'').
Reporter 2 (man): Was he still alive when .... ?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The one - one of them was
still alive (1h33'18'').
Reporter 2 (man): Was he worried about what
would come? (1h33'21'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: What? (1h33'21'')
Reporter 2 (man): How old? (1h33'22'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: 8 or 9 years (1h33'27'').
It was very cold. I never knew if you will survive it or not
(1h33'41'') - and - ah - those rats! (1h33'34'').
Reporter 2 (man): Was there a camera in there,
too? (1h33'49'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (1h33'50''). I
don't know why they lived. I pray. After a time, I went out of
it, he took me out (1h34'13''). There was horror - veveveveve
(1h34'16'') - Then the second - or other there - .... - the
sixt - there was always a torturing and then recovering, a
torturing and a recovering (1h34'34'').
Melbourne (Australien): Fesselung auf dem
Gyni-Stuhl und Stromfolter bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit
Melbourne (Australia): Being captivated on the gynecologic
chair and electric torture up to being unconscious
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then, after the
recovering, they brought me to a white (1h34'40'') - it was
like an operation, and there was a [NL Dutch]: gynecologische
bock (1h34'49'').
Reporter 1 (woman): What? A gynecologist chair
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), and there I
had to put my legs and then they bound my legs (1h35'2'') -
the - and my arms also (1h35'8''). Then, I got electricity on
my feet, my hands and my vagina (1h35'15''). And that is -
kill, I was [hand gesture: end] unconscious
(1h35'25''). Then, after the torturing, they brought me back
to the recovering (1h35'36'').
Melbourne (Australien): Wasserfolter
Melbourne (Australia): Water torture (water boarding)
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The next torturing was -
there was a water basin and I had to len [?] my stomach again,
and it put my head in the water (1h35'50''). tja, I nearly
drownd - was wrong. They - I - I - pfuu - I got water, because
I could not breathe any - or I had to breathe but there was no
air (1h36'5''). - [long pause of speaking] -
Melbourne (Australien): Nadelfolter+Folter
mit Hängen am Seil bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit
Melbourne (Australia): Needle torture+torture hanging on the
rope up to unconsciousness
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The last - after I was
recovered then - I saw [NL Dutch]: strop (1h36'34'')
Partner Casper: rope (1h36'35'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: A rope (1h36'36''). There
was a room (1h36'39''), that was the room, where I was first
also in - the first time I was in it (1h36'43''). And now, the
last time, I went again in it, but the - the - the - the floor
was not the way, it was the fur style [?] (1h36'49''), it was
[with] fine needles (1h36'53''). So it was: your feet - you
could not - they had my hands like this [gesture: bound on the
back] (1h37'0''), I had to walk, but - this was a .... - after
a while, they put my hands free and so I could go on knees and
hands (3h1'39''). So it - it was hot. The pressure was not the
same as when I was with my whole body on my feet (1h37'18'').
And in front of me there was the rope hanging [gesture:
vertical rope in front of the eyes], and there was a kind of
stage (1h37'37'') where I had to go upon before I can go to
the rope (1h37'42'') and I was - .... rope, because I climed
to go (1h37'46''). I went on my knees and my hands (1h38'2'')
- to that stage. I climbed on me then [?], I thought, I -
because also there were the needles - de - de - de - de
- painful, things on the floor (1h38'16''), but that rope it
was oiled, so I could not [hand gesture: fist] (1h38'24'')
Partner Casper: Escape (1h38'25'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (1h38'26'').
How you can [gesture: brain is not working well]. It's it's
terrible (1h38'30'').
Reporter 2 (man): What is with the rope then?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then, I had to put that
rope around my neck, and it bounded, they they till I nearly
was dead [unconscious], and then - fffffu
(1h38'49''). It was so glanced, if I had the rope around me,
here, it - 'e! - it sounds very silly what it is (1h39'3''),
because - there is nobody, there is nobody to protect you
(1h39'8''). - [pause of speaking] -
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (3h3'44''). Right
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And they do it, they did
it, three times that way, and then it was over (1h39'32''). It
was over. I could go. Then they brought me to that boys room
to recovering (1h39'38''). I was ugly - [pause] - I don't
know, if I had been there 3 days shorter or longer (1h40'6'').
Australien: Aufenthalt im Kinderspital Australia: Stay in the child hospital
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But the then, after the
time, they brought me to a child hospital (1h40'12''). And in
the child hospital, there were children, there was also me,
and I don't know if those children were from the same
torturing as a - what I was (1h'40'23''), os - or if they were
from Melborne, I don't know (1h40'27'').
Reporter 2 (man): Was there a mother?
xxx Nick (1h40'39'')
Lions Club, Round Table Club, Rotary Club (1h40'39-1h41'16'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Or nearby. It wasn't
there - and at certain time - then, Nick came
in (1h40'39''). He was again from a Lion Club or [from] a
Round Table, such type of group (1h40'47''). And he was - ehm
- (1h40'49'')
Reporter 2 (man): Sorry, I didn't .... Club of
what? (1h40'52'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Lion Club or Round Table
Club (1h40'55'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Lions Club or Round Table,
that is Rotary (1h40'58'').
Reporter 2 (man): Oh, Rotary (1h40'59''). How
did you know? Did they have their buttons? (1h41'2'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, but he was - eh - he
gave presence to the children (1h41'6''),
Reporter 1 (woman): Well, that's all real Lion's
Club or Round Table or related to Bilderberg and all of that,
it's all cops organizations for networking cops (1h41'16'').
Melbourne (Australien): Eine Talk Show im
Melbourne (Australia): A talk show in the torture bunker
xxx Kennedy
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And what tased me, was
Kennedy (1h41'19''). And he was one of the plan, who I storm,
or who I worked his voice (1h41'25''), also in the bunker
(1h41'28'') - in a talkshow (1h41'31'').
Reporter 2 (man): How old was he? (1h41'32'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: What he was? Hm - haaa -
hm, I was young, so it's... (1h41'40''), ahm, 45 or 40
Reporter 2 (man): Yea (yes), right (1h41'46'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And then, I was - or they
call - electricity (1h41'58'').
NL Holland: Jugendzeit des Opfers: Arzt hat
andere Freundin - Arzt Ridek schmierte wahrscheinlich den
Vater, damit Toos nicht getötet wird
NL Holland: Youth time of the victim: doctor has other
girlfriend - doctor Ridek probably bribed the father so Toos
would not be killed
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, so, you come out with
being a 12 years old (1h42'0'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (1h42'2'')
Reporter 1 (woman): All right (1h42'3''). -
Let's talk a little bit how the period coming out, how you
recovered, how your doctors to be a tenager? (1h42'8'') - Did
you suppress it where you were your whole life? (1h42'11'') -
Has this just come out recently in your mind? (1h42'13'') -
Let's talk a little about that (1h42'14'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It was all gone, it was
not - I was not - eh - away of all those things (1h42'22''),
or I was - after, when I was out of it (1h42'25''). Because,
also one or two years later, I saw the doctor with another
woman in a root - eh in the forest walking (1h42'37''), it was
[hand gesture: finished] - no (1h42'43'').
Partner Casper: No feelings (1h42'46'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No feelings, it was say
good bye and nothing else (1h42'49''). But, when I was 12
years old, the doctor - I cannot prove it - but for me, he had
payed my father to keep me out of the whole scene (1h43'10'').
He would protect me (1h43'14''). And that's why I did came out
(1h43'19''). And, it's still a feeling for that man
5 eigene Kinder - 4 von 1 Mann - Scheidung -
Prozess gegen die Mutter
5 own children - 4 from 1 man - divorce - lawsuit against
the mother
Reporter 1 (woman): And your brothers and
sisters and mother are they in this? (1h43'30'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ah - I have one sister,
she is - what I know - from my two youngest children, she is
still in it and doing things with - also with my children
Reporter 1 (woman): Doing things to them
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), for torturing
and also sexual things (1h43'54'').
Reporter 1 (woman): She was abused with you, and
now she is becoming an abuser (1h43'58'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya (yes) (1h43'59'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (1h43'59''). So, your
kids are in it? (1h44'3'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: One and half years ago,
Carnacy (Carmen), the youngest one, and she is not - she is
not the same father as the other four have (1h44'20''). Ehm -
but she would always, after Marie Force, she was not the type,
because she is warm outer (1h44'35'').
Reporter 1 (woman): You have got 5 children
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I have got 5 children
(1h44'37''). And she is 5 years younger than the youngest one
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (1h44'37'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: from my ex husband
(1h44'42''). Ehm - after the divorce, my ex husband tryed to
keep me in the town where we were living in (1h44'56''). And I
thought, that it was because she would have his whole family
together (1h45'3''). Although if there were problems with the
children or going to school and all those things (1h45'10''),
it was always my work and he did only his thing and that was
it (1h45'13''). But after the divorce it was ethicly - it was
already he told with -ehm - social workers and when - I cannot
describe (1h45'31'')
Reporter 3 (man): with social services
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I tried to keep me there
- and he - em - eh - started a court case against me to hit
children (1h45'48'') in his house - and there was the child
protection service (1h45'54'') - ehm - to do an investigation,
if I was a good mother (1h46'3''). And because of German
medicine, they tried to get my children away from me because I
should not go to a doctor when they were ill of something, I
get (1h46'15''). Now I've - one year - one week ago I read the
report from the child protection service and there he says
after a few months when - ehm (1h46'36''), because, they also
didn't investigation in how he was funcioning, and that was
not what he would like to have, so (1h46'43''), then he - ehm
- if all things were settled and he saw that I didn't went
away, then he sent the child protection service that it could
stop - that he would not to go on with the court case against
me (1h47'05'').
And if [when] they asked him afterwards, if the children were
often ill, or if they had to go to a doctor or if he did? - No
- Or if they were healthy and there was no doctor's health
needed (1h47'19''), so, it was only to keep to the children
there to..., and now I, what I - what Carmen told me one and
half years ago (1h47'32''), and still things are coming, that
he was sexual abusing them (1h47'45''). I had never thought,
because I thought that I was the one who has problems on
sexual things (1h47'54''): I couldn't feel anything at things,
I was cold and, that - for me, when I have sex with my ex
husband or later or another man, there was no feeling and no
orgasm was only when I was having a fantasy (1h48'17'') with
the system I did came out of, only I didn't know it exactly
(1h48'23''). But I could only have an orgasm if [when] I was
thinking of raping and people looking at me (1h48'29''). So,
it was terrible force (1h48'33''). Now I can tell it, I am out
of it, I don't need those bad fantasies (1h48'42''). - [long
pause] -
Reporter 1 (woman): That's it (1h48'50'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, that is one [NL
Dutch]: paar (several) of I thought 'I was - I was guilty'
(1h48'56''). Ya, I - I was not - I real woman - I didn't feel
a real woman - and it was always one of more, I have special
purposes in my life (1h49'13''). One of my purposes to be a
whole - a woman (1h49'23''). Totally or not - pars - not
functioning (1h49'27'').
NL Holten: Ehemann (Katholik) verkauft die
Kinder wieder an den Satanismus von Alfrink
NL Holten: Husband (Catholik) selling the children again to
Satanism of Alfrink
Reporter 1 (woman): Let's talk a bit about your
husbands (1h49'37''). How were they involved? And how did your
kids being dragged into this? (1h49'41'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: My husband - I was -
Reporter 1 (woman): The first or second husband
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: That's the first husband,
I was playing the organ in the Catholic Church, in another
small village nearby where we live (1h49'58''). And he was
also one of the young men who went to the Church (1h50'5'').
And - ehm - he was - eh - doing some work in the Church - as a
- not priest - but reading things from the Bible, if [when]
the priest was not here (1h50'19''). Ehm - we did ride on
horseback and that was also his hobby (1h50'26''). I was a
cyclist, he did also cycling, so there were a lot of things
where we met each other and - and so, we kept there
(1h50'48''). And: It was not my great love (1h50'53'').
Partner Casper: He was also a family friend
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: He was - yes -
first, he was with my my my sister, it was my sister's
boyfriend (1h51'3''), and then she finished, and after a
while, he came (1h51'8'')
Partner Casper: Hm - can you tell from your
first friend - that was not so short (1h51'10'')
Reporter 2 (man): This is the sister who later
on became an abuser? (1h51'16'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (1h51'17'').
Reporter 2 (man): Was this her boyfriend first?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya (1h51'19'').
xxxcardinal Alfrink (3h29'55'')
Reporter 2 (man): Was this Church under the
control of the cardinal Alfrink? (1h51'26'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Aha! - It was
xxx reporter 2=Kevin (1h51'31'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Good question Kevin
Reporter 2 (man): Ok (1h51'33'')
Reporter 1 (woman): That's where the connection
is (1h51'35'').
Partner Casper: Yea (yes) (1h51'36'').
Reporter 1 (woman): That was through the Church
connections again - and that's how the children got drought
into (1h51'44'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis [nodding] (1h51'45'').
Reporter 1 (woman): It was the ex husband?
(1h51'45''). He sold your kids into this? That's your
knowledge? (1h51'48'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: How he - haa - it was
first, I don't know, if he, he worked also in it - I think
(1h52'3''). But also my father, and I don't know in which
connection they are together (1h52'8''). Ehm - it's a -
because when you are out of it, you see - and when you see
what did happen (1h52'21''), it's it's not everyday, but
every week nearly, or nearly every other week week - there is:
oh, no? I know why that is said or done (1h52'33''), or why
that first did come (1h52'38''), and so, I didn't have a
camera to see the all things there (1h52'42'').
NL Holten: Vergewaltigung durch den Freund mit
17 in Holland
NL Holten: Rape by the boyfriend with 17 in Holland
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But, what Casper said in
the night first, I thought it was my first time I had sex with
17 (1h52'56''), it was not my first time, it was a boyfriend,
I was in love with then, I - ehm - lived with my grandmother
(1h53'10''), the one who was also in the ritual (1h53'16''),
and then - ehm - she lived - because my uncle was first
sleeping with her after my grandfather died and they had
already sold their farmhouse (1h53'28''), and they went to a
village and had their house there (1h53'30''), my grandfather
died, my oncle was there with my grandmother, but he married -
and she was alone and asked if my grandhood [?] come to be and
live with her (1h53'43''), and they did not want to, and I
said, I - I will go, I have lived only one year with her
(1h53'52''), and when I lived a few months with her, I - I got
a boyfriend from an - he was living not near by (1h54'3'') -
and at the time the postulate in the evening, and he said: 'I
- can I stay with you? - I lost my train and ah - missing my
train ya, that was something' (1h54'15'') - and he stayed with
me - and I would not have sex at that time, with him, and he -
he raped me (1h54'29'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And therefore I felt
guilty, I had always the idea I - .... - that I would only
have sex with the man I love - but after marry, not before
(1h54'45''). So, it was, I - for me, it was a great trauma
Partner Casper: When you went to embarrass?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I went afterwards...
Partner Casper: It was also - they know them
also (1h55'2'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Because - yea (yes) - I
don't know (1h55'5''). You will think, if they know him I
don't know - ehm - I could not get rid of him (1h55'13''). I
couldn't - but he always tried to to keep me in his scrape [?]
hands (1h55'21''). It took 2 years before that relation was
over (1h55'27''). I - and I think now I had so less self
awareness and (1h55'36'').
Partner Casper: How old were you when you met
your first husband in the church? (1h55'42'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: 'Mm - 20? (1h55'44'').
But at that time I only knew him, and it was, I was 23 years
old when we got a relation (1h55'56''),
Reporter 2 (man): Ok (1h55'57'')
1 Jahr in Österreich: Gesundes Leben ohne
1 year in Austria: healthy life without Alfrink's Church
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Because I also lived 1
year abroad in Austria (1h56'2''). That was a great time. I
should never have come back (1h56'6''). And I - it was
strange. In Austria - [in Holland] I had always hair which
came out, and (1h56'23'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Is it falling out?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), and problems
in my [NL Dutch]: darm (1h56'28'')
Reporter 3 (man): Ahm - digestion? (1h56'31'')
Reporter 2 (man): Digestion? (2h56'33'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), and in Austria
no problem, nothing, and when I did came back [to Holland],
after one month [after the coming back], it was all back
(1h56'40''). So, there was such a cribbeling on all the things
NL Holland: Die Kinder und Anzeichen von
Missbrauch im Kindergarten durch die Polizei
NL Holland: The children and signs of abuse in kindergarden
by the police
Annemarie, Carmen, Caroline - Dr. Harder
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: With my first husband, we
married in 1985, and after 2 years I was pregnant (1h56'58''),
in 1987 the eldest daughter was born (1h57'5''),
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, that's Annemarie
Reporter 2 (man): Hm? (1h57'16'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Annemarie (1h57'17'').
Reporter 2 (man): Annemarie is the eldest
(1h57'18''). Yea (yes) (1h57'19'').
xxx children: Annemarie - Carvin - Marioline - Dirk Young -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And after one year,
Carvin was born (1h57'24''), and after two years, Marioline
was born (1h57'33''), and after another 2 years, Dirk Young
was born (1h57'37''). Ehm - and Annemarie, at four years, when
she was in the [NL Dutch]: kleuterschool (1h57'53'') -
Reporter 3 (man): Kinderhort (1h57'55'') -
Reporter 1 (man): Kindergarden (1h57'56'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Kindergarden? - Ok,
kindergarden - ok - ehm - she was - eh - there was a doctor
play with another - with a girl (1h58'9''), and she - that
girl put a - a - a - an injection - a (1h58'16'') -
Reporter 1+3 (woman+man): injection (1h58'17'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: into her vagina
Reporter 1 (woman): With the needle? (1h58'21'')
xxx Dr. Hanefon (1h58'41'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Not with the needle, only
with the syringe (1h58'24''). And - I - once she got very ill
and - ka ka ka - with much caughing (1h58'35''), and then I
phoned Dr. Hanefon - German medicine - and then I told him
(1h58'41'') or I asked him: 'What what what is this? Can you
help me?' (1h58'45'') - Something what is very shocking - has
been very shocking for her what gives her another feel
(1h58'54''). Ehm - and Caroline and Annemarie in the shower,
they were looking at each other's vaginas and genitali
(1h59'6''). And so, then he told me: 'Did something happen?' -
I said: 'I don't know' (1h59'18''), and then I watched
Annemarie, when she was in the - laying in bed (1h59'24''),
and every evening she was masturbating (1h59'28''). I asked
her what - how that did come and what - she did not say it,
and she told me: she was thingking I was asking if she was
thinking about special things when she was doing that
(1h59'49''). She said: 'Yes, I am thinking that the police is
doing things with me.' (1h59'54'') - Strange at that age
Partner Casper: What is - what is once more -
she was four years? (2h0'5'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: She was 4 years
Reporter 1 (woman): She is 4 years, and she is
doing this (2h0'8'')
Mit Zeichnungen wird der Missbrauch bei der Tochter
aufgedeckt By drawing the abuse of the daughtrer is discovered
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: She was 4, 5 years, I was
pregnant from Dirk with 5 years when Dirk came out (2h0'14'').
And then I asked her: 'What did happen?' [She answered]: 'I
cannot tell you, mama, I cannot tell you' (2h0'19'') - At the
end, I asked her: 'Can you draw it, probably were things all
who what did happen?' (2h'26'') - And then she drawed it,
the places where it was, that was in school
(2h0'32''), where the dolls are, and there was a special
place where she was laying on that girl dildo things with her
(2h0'42''). And also in the house where the girl lived
(2h0'46''), she was neighbor playing with this other
more often, and then she did also those things to
Annemarie (2h0'53'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm - I asked Dr. Harder
[Hanefon?] 'What should I do?' (2h1'2'') - He told me,
the best thing is that she should not see that girl any more
and put her out of that school (2h1'9'') because that school
lets sex and things happen, it was a - a - a man, washing the
kindergarden (2h1'17''). It's - I don't know, but it's...
Reporter 1 (woman): What? (2h1'23'')
Partner Casper: Mhm (2h1'23'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then she went to another
school, and at the beginning sometimes she saw that girl and
she said: 'Oh, that's always not again' - a special word she
used - triggering me, but than she was remembering these
things (2h1'41''). But after a while, she became very ill, and
first, that was a sign that she had so much problem with that
sexual things (2h1'50''). She could nearly breath, she had
very - and that is, when you djum [?] medicine, that is the
localization in the brain, where the coronar vein is located
which has to do with the sexual frustration (2h2'8''), and
sexual abuse (2h2'10'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm - so I've thought, we
have solved it, it's over (2h2'17''). But the third one,
Marilan, when I see films from Dirk Young, when he was
born, she is also laying there - at 2 years (2h2'30'').
Ah - u my God (2h2'33''). 'Helena', doctor Hamer
[Hanefon?] said, 'Annemarie must have shown it to her, or done
it to her, there must be' (2h2'42''). Now I don't know if it
has been and, but it can also be my ex husband, as I see what
he has done to Carmen (2h2'50''). And she was later, also with
her elder sisters (2h2'55''). On this far, so I asked:
'Annemarie have you done that things?' (2h3'3''). 'Mariuline,
have you?' - 'No' - 'No' - Now, I don't know (2h3'12''). I
cannot spy on children and I don't really know (2h3'15'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: At Caroline, was
always... (2h3'20'')
Partner Casper: Tell the reaction of the husband
- the ex husband (2h3'24'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: O yea, he was - that was
- because I put alone on the school, I've lent to the police,
I've been to the director from the school, to a [German]:
Vertrauensperson (2h3'40'') - a special person which is
involved in such a things rendering such a things in a school
Reporter 1 (woman): [not understandable]
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Came from town to town,
to tell that such things did happen in school, I fed on paper
when I had to talk the mayor (2h3'55''), ehm - and yet, my ex
husband, he says: 'Nothing it happened. When children do with
each other, it's not - you are a little bit [hand gesture:
crazy] (2h4'11''). Ya...
Reporter 2 (man): Maybe,
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: So... (2h4'19'')
Partner Casper: Then afterwards, has she - and
that was an an - that was arranged that the children would be
forced - the children would have sex on weekends with
secretary (2h4'36''). His place was very strict in the -
in the - between - he was very strict with his role picking up
the children (2h4'44'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Normally he didn't care
very much of them, and then, at that time, then, he was always
- he would like to have them more (2h4'55'') and also during
the week half a day on Wednesday when you have an afternoon
off (2h5'1''). Then he was - ya (2h5'5'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Was he abusing the children
at that time? (2h5'7'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I was not with them, and
they will not tell me, because they are still in (2h5'10'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): What do you think?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I think so yes
Reporter 1 (woman): So, your kids are still in
this now. Have you tried to get them out? (2h5'18'')
NL Holten: Eine Scheidung arrangieren mit
einem Vater, der Kinder an die Polizei verkauft und das Geld
der Ehefrau in seinen Hof investieren will
NL Holten: Arrange the divorce with a father who sold
children to the police and who wants to invest the money of
the bride into his farm
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: We have - Carmen, the
youngest one, I have to tell the whole story because otherwise
it goes (2h5'35''). After the divorce, because - ehm - family
did not function with my ex husband and... (2h5'42'') - he has
a head farm of page [?], and it was not my thing to have those
(2h5'47'') - animals kept for (2h5'52'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm - he went that
direction [hand gesture: right side], I went that direction
[hand gesture: left side], show - on a special time - after
the time - I go to - I did go to a lawyer and ask her
(2h6'8''): Who - how can I arrange a divorce, or to stay with
him (2h6'13''), but - and also he wants to make more the
farmer bigger, and to invest all the money - and this is also
my money (2h6'21''), and I would not have whole my life the
bank in my neck (2h6'27''). So that was also part of the
divorce that I didn't want to have that thing behind me
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And he was very angry -
he was always angry, he beat me, to my [NL Dutch]: erop
[everywhere], to my heaven [conciousless] (2h6'44''). Eh -
after a two years, the divorce was done, and then he started
with the court case against me (2h6'57''),
Reporter 2 (man): Would he understand that you
divorce? (2h6'59'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: He was absent (2h7'1'').
Reporter 2 (man): In what year did you divorce?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: 1995 (2h7'6''). And I
went away - I stayed there, because - ehm - then, he every
time did come back: 'O I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't want you
to - to hurt you, I want don't want to to hurt or to see the
children - or - ehm - don't want the children to see me this
way and - ehm - stay with me' (2h7'31''). So, I went, really
ran away in 1996 (2h7'39''), one and half a year after the
divorce was done (2h7'46'').
Reporter 2 (man): Did you ever tell him that you
were telling other people that thought that he was abusing the
children? (2h7'51'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, I didn't think it, I
only found his reaction strange (2h7'56''), but my whole
family is strange, I used to such - yea, I not used to know
people (2h8'3'').
Reporter 2 (man): Where were they are?
Reporter 2 (man): You need some normal people!
Gerichtsprozess scheitert: Der
Kinderhändler-Vater wollte die Kinder in "seinem Haus" haben
Court trial without success: The child selling father wanted
the children to have in "his house"
xxx first husband=Gerd (2h8'45'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: With him it was always
strange, with my father after the divorce, or before the
divorce, no after the divorce (2h8'22''), ehm - my husband, or
my ex husband, threat me to evel to make a court case against
me (2h8'29'') to get the children to his side or in his house
(2h'8'33''), and I found with my father, I found - it was my
friend, so I phoned him and asked him: 'Can you not help' - or
I told him that - ehm - Gerd was - ehm - thinking about that
court case (2h8'45''), and I said:
'You see, he is crazy, I - he should not do it, and I will
talk with him' (2h8'51'') - and after a month, I got the
papers from the court case that he done it - had done it
(2h8'58''). And then I phoned him a phone: 'You did - you
didn't do, what your sex you will do?' (2h9'3'') - He said: 'I
didn't say anything, I don't know anything' (2h9'7''), de de -
it was so... it was so... and then - it was very confusing
Reporter 2 (man): He began to wakeup, to what
was happening by this, another things? Or how did you... -
this is crowdy! (2h9'19'')
NL Holten: Vater mit Landwirtschaft - die
Mutter will wegen Dr. Hamer nach Spanien auswandern
NL Holten: The father with agriculture - the mother wants to
emigrate to Spain for Dr. Hamer
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Since Carmen. Since in
this farm 1 and half a year after - I always thought, there
was the divorce (2h9'25''), we have been undercover undercover
undercover [she looks around if the word is right] (2h9'30'')
- yea undercover one and half year with - ehm - after the
divorce I was living in a township, and the farm from my ex
husband was 2km out of it (2h9'42''). Then - ehm - and I would
like to go to Spain, because doctor Hamer from
German medicine lives there (2h9'49''), to go far away, to be
with friends together to help each other (2h9'54''), and - ehm
- and that was what he would not like me to do (2h10'0''), so,
and when the whole thing was arranged that - when he thought I
would stay here (2h10'7''), then - ehm - I was inside us -
arranging my things, for Spain (2h10'16''). [Geheimdienst Opus Dei?] arrangiert einen
Alfrink-Spanier als "Nachbar" [Opus Dei Secret service?] arranging an Alfrink Spanish
man as a "neighbor"
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But, ehm - I think my
phone was listned [spyed] because I was the one in Holland who
was working coming near to doctor Hamer
(2h10'28''), and because in June 1970, 1997, suddenly a man
was red [?] my neighbors and he came from Spain. He told them,
and he was looking for a woman (2h10'44''), because he had no
woman and he was - had lost his other - his doughter
from 27 years old, suddenly died on cancer (2h10'55''). And he
was now arranging after the - the - the (2h10'58'')
Reporter 2 (man): Funeral (2h11'0'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Funeral, and - ehm - so -
my neighbor wife did come to me and said: 'Toos, is it not a
person for you, too? (2h11'14'') Probably, if you would like
to go there and... ?' (2h11'19'') - And then he came to me and
we talked and I thought: 'Hm, if I would go away, this is' - I
have praying so much, I thought it was my help .... about -
but it wasn't (2h11'35''). He - after a few weeks - we got a
relationship and cargo was pissed on (2h11'46''),
Der Wechsel nach Süd-Holland und Dauerflucht auf
Campingplätzen: Belgien-Deutschland-Holland - zweiter
Ehemann Vim ist "grosse Figur" bei den Satanisten Change to South of Holland and flight on camping sites:
Belgium-Germany-Holland - second husband Vim is "big figure"
in Satanist circles
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm - we went away to the
South of Holland (2h11'53''), because my - my ex husband
became aware that I had a new relationship and probably would
go to Spain (2h11'59''), eh - we asked the school if we could
have holiday a few weeks or 2 weeks earlier (2h12'6''), and
that was not a problem, they said me (2h12'9''), so we went to
the South of Holland and when we were there on a camping place
- ehm ehm, ah (2h12'18'') - after a few days, we came back in
the evening and then the man from the camping place told us -
there was a certain - I don't know his name any longer - but -
was informing him, if - or asking the man from the camping
place (2h12'34''), if we were, and if - ehm - he was searching
for us (2h12'40''). That man, we don't know, so, go away, and
then we - to go all of things - we had two cars with us and
some clothes and went over the Belgium border (2h12'55'').
Stayed there on a camping place for 1 and half week, and then
go to Germany to check here [D German] später (later) to South
of Germany (2h13'6''), nearby Hohenschwangau (2h13'8''). And
then to Belgium back - and in Holland, we had to sold our cars
because all my money was run after half year (2h13'18''). And
a private investigator was - found us after Carmen was born,
Carmen was born in Chulten [?] in South of Holland
Der Kinderhändler-Vater hat viel Geld von Toos geraubt The childtrafficker father stole much money from Toos
xxx second father=Vim
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then we were back in
Holland, and already had one car sold, and Vim - ny [?] of the
father (2h13'45''), he was often away and he had taken a lot
of my money (2h13'52''), it was he himself, I think here not,
only would like me to be without money afterwards (2h13'59'').
And he - when the private investigator - it was sent for -
from my sister and the woman who was scared (2h14'11''),
married with - he was my earlier friend (2h14'16''), and
after, I divorced you, fairy tale - I know she is one of the
torturing people (2h14'26''), it was given not so than we do
it [hand gesture: circle with both arms] from that way, but
the children we should have (2h14'36''), and that is because
Carmen's father is one of the biggest one in the whole system
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, we asked you, sorry
NL Holten: Katholische Väter missbrauchen
katholische Töchter - die Kinder von Toos Nijenhuis - und
die Mutter soll schuldig sein (!)
NL Holten: Catholic fathers abuse Catholic daugthers - the
children of Toos Nijenhuis - and the mother is blamed guilty
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Eh - after the
investigator had found us, I phoned the police, to keep, or to
get Carmen's father, and he is - he is being in prison
(2h15'3''). Give he yes be [?], there was a court - eh - there
was a court case (2h15'7''), but some court cases are not
real, they are... (2h15'12'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: So I have to form myself
now, it - it - it has been for it will be a court case and
also while he - in 1989 - in 1998 - ehm (2h15'31'') - are ad
juring that - at the cover the father from Carmen (2h15'36''),
he had also sexually abused my oldest daughter (2h15'40'').
When I became aware of that, I told him to stop it, and 6
years later my second - my third daughter told me also, I had
asked her several times, if he abused also her (2h15'59''),
she refused it (2h16'2''). But when she was 12 years old, she
told me: 'Yes, the last month when we were undercover [?]
(2h16'8''), he also abused her (2h16'11''). So they tried to
put that on my guilt, they say [that] I am guilty for it that
he abused them (2h16'24'').
Polizei und Gerichtsfall Police and court case
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Mmm - in 1999, I went to
the police to - eh - to tell the police what's the name of the
.... of my oldest daughter (2h16'40''). And that is on paper -
[NL Dutch]: anhefte (2h16'44'').
Reporter 1 (woman): A foul charges - at the
police (2h16'54'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya, and the police told
me: 'You can try to get it a court case (2h17'5'') - but I
don't know if it has a sense, because it's her word against
his word, and it will be a very difficult case.' (2h17'14'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And, at that time, the
children were young (2h17'17''), Annemarie was 12 years old
and Carmen was a baby (2h17'22''). So, I had to rent a lot of
things, starting a new life with 5 children (2h17'30''). Ehm -
and Annemarie also grief with 'Let it be this way'
(2h17'35''), it is there with the police, we can always - I
have the numbers from the case, we can always take it up and
let it be a court case (2h17'44''). Ehm - Miolen had not told
me that she would neither a court case until now, it it had
not been a court case (2h17'53'').
NL Holten: Der andere Gerichtsfall gegen den
Vater, der seine Tochter beim Kartenspiel verkauft
NL Holten: The other court case against the father selling
his daughter by playing cards
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: When the other court case
was against him, just after he was in 19... - when the private
investigator (2h18'5''), has - ehm - found us, ehm - at that
court case I have been spoken to his older daugther
(2h18'15''), to Vim [second husband] night offs all the
daughter (2h18'18''). From whom he had told me that she was
there, not she was alive, and he had sold her (2h18'25''), or
- ehm - when he played card, she was... (2h18'33'') [gesture:
give something away]
Reporter 2 (man): Yea (yes), out figured any
Reporter 1 (woman): She was a gambling game
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea, so the police had
wait to protect her for other man (2h18'45''). And now I
think, that must be also in the police files, with the case at
that time from me, it had been - it had - could - had been a
very good court case (2h18'57''), but I didn't know it, or I -
if I had known the things I know now, it would have been
another way of it (2h19'7'').
Freimaurer: Der grosse Zusammenhang mit diesen
Missbräuchen und Folterungen: Menschen den Willen brechen -
und Kontrolle über erpressbare Politiker haben
Freemasons: The big picture of all this abuse and torture:
break the people - and to have control over blackmailable
Reporter 1 (woman): Ya, just - ehm - I think we
should finish with this focus, that has been a very long
interview (2h19'13''). I want to ask you: You have been
through all this abuse and torture, as a child, your family
has gone through it (2h19'19''), what do you think it's really
all about - in a bigger picture? (2h19'22'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: To me - first to make
people - ah - (2h19'33'')
Reporter 1 (woman): finished (2h19'36'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Break them - ehm - eh -
also the people control over (2h19'46''), because I was in the
investigations with the Freemasons to keep control over the
the the the more of - very important people (2h19'55'') - by -
ehm - eh (2h20'0'')
Partner Casper: The upper class (2h20'3'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), the upper
class to - to have things against them and to have perfiles in
that class (2h20'9''). The few are grown up - a real grown up
does not do those things (2h20'15'').
Die Massnahmen gegen die kriminelle Oberklasse
The measures against criminal upper class
xxx Reporter 2 (man) is called Kevin (2h20'21'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Do you have any questions
Kevin? (2h20'21'')
Reporter 2 (man): What do you want to see to
happen if you like to see something happen? (2h20'24'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Hm
Reporter 2 (man): Honestly (2h20'27'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: He (2h20'31'') - stop it
first, but - and then - it's not so easy (2h20'39''). It's
very difficult, that - to - the one, or the the the ones who
have the control over all this system to... (2h20'52'')
NL: Schloss bei Holten
Castle near Holten
Satanistenkirche in NL: Schloss 1 bei Holten Satanic Church in NL: castle 1 near Holten
TEXT: After the interview, Toos took us to see
various places where she was abused (2h20'54''), including
this castle hidden in the forest near her childhood home
3 PHOTOS: castle near Holten hidden in the
forest near childhood home (2h21'2''-18'').
NL Holten: Kindermorde im Wald am
Scheiterhaufen bei lebendigem Leib - Kinderopfer
NL Holten: child killings in the forest at stake alive -
child victims
TEXT: We were also taken to particular spot in
the forest where Toos claims her daughter had been abused, and
several young girls murdered and potentially buried...
-- PHOTOS with reporters walking (2h21'33'')
-- PHOTOS with location in the wood (2h21'37'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Now look at this [showing on
the stake site] (2h21'40''): Sudden deliberty (2h21'45'').
Reporter 2 (man): Where do you think did that
happen? (2h21'50'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Carmen was here - ehm -
with two or three other girls, the other girls are or put
together (2h22'3'') - one is - they they put (2h22'7'')
Reporter 2 (man): Gas to burn the body?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, she was alive
Reporter 2 (man): When she was alive
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: One is - ehm - beaten to
death with - ehm ehm - sticks (2h22'20''), and the third one,
I don't know at this moment what happened to her but -
(2h22'26'') but Carmen, she was very scared, she could not -
she could not say anything (2h22'30''), she was so .... laying
and (2h22'32'') - after that, there were a lot of - she told
that were about 20 people here around her, one of them was my
father (2h22'40''), and one of them was a - her
father? And her father [second husband Vim] he raped her
afterwards (2h22'47'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Here, on the spot?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis is only shivering
Reporter 2 (man): And this was - you said - two
years ago? (2h22'54'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Once she was, yes clow
[?], that was two and half year ago (2h22'59''), that was
around the November (2h23'3'').
Reporter 2 (man): Yea (yes) (2h23'3'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: November, 2000...
Reporter 2 (man): 2010? (2h23'8'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: 2010 (2h23'9'').
Reporter 2 (man): November 2010 (2h23'10'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Wow - so there is anything
else you would like to say? (2h23'18'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Not now (2h23'22'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes) - interesting to
see is how this all looks very deliberty layed down, like this
all remarks something (2h23'31'').
Reporter 2 (man): Yea (yes), those are not
natural there on (2h23'35'').
Reporter 1 (woman): No (2h23'34'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They have been aligned
Reporter 2 (man): Did - ahm - after they died,
did she afterwards bury here or somewhere else? (2h23'45'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Carmen she doesn't know -
no (2h23'46'').
Reporter 2 (man): Just remembers with backs or
bury here (2h23'49'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: That she was died
(2h23'53''). First they bound them on a tree or on a stake - I
don't know (2h24'1''). She was pushed to go away (2h24'9'').
And he told me that - ehm - all what happened to her, it
doesn't matter any more, because it was too terrible
(2h24'18''), and she felt also guilty herself that she let
such things happen to her (2h24'23''). And she had never told
me and normally she told everything to me and this thing and
all the things (2h24'32'') that did happen to her, she could
not tell them to mama (2h24'36''). Was a very hard time for
her - ok (2h24'45'').
[Daughter could draw it!]
Satanistenkirche: Folter mit offenen Augen, die man nicht
mehr schliessen kann: Kinder Dirk, Annemarie und
Caroli Satanist Church: Torture with open eyes which cannot be
closed any more: children Dirk, Annemarie and Caroli
Toos Nijenhuis talks about her son:
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: You have to - have some
tape for to open - to held these eyes open (2h24'51''), to
have to look forward what is happening in front of him
(2h24'55''), so he could not close his eyes (2h24'58''). The
house was in his neck, so he had to stay there and that was
also with two of my other children (2h25'8''), Annemarie and
Caroli (2h25'9''), they were with him, they had to see the
same (2h25'14'').
[There are shouts of a group of people from about 200m
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (2h25'15'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The better - stop now
Reporter 2 (man): Have you got some spill of the
ground for the configurations? (2h25'37'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): Perhaps we could some pickup
TEXT: A few meters away, there was a pile of
branches deliberatedly stacked, in the middle of the forest,
off the main path, with no apparently obvious reason, and
approximately, the size, necesary to cover a body..
Reporter 2 (man) [is digging with his fingers in
the ground]: It's really loose (2h25'46'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Mm, the soil is right
here, the the the the soil is like this (2h25'50'').
Reporter 2 (man): That's a normal dig [is going
on digging with a stick a hole of about 20cm diameter and 20cm
deep] (2h25'58''): Still - curious (2h25'58'').
[All is loose earth, no roots nor stones, like ashes, nothing
can be found] (2h26'7''-22'').
Reporter 1 (woman): A bed it can get up high,
you can be probably see some kind of information on the ground
Reporter 2 findet einen Ohrschmuck eines Kindes Reporter 2 finds a jewel of a girl
Reporter 2 (man) [with a jewel of a girl in his
hand]: Show that to her, maybe ship (2h26'48''), she can
reckognise that (2h26'52'').
TEXT: This was clearly a trinkel that belonged
to a child... (2h26'53'') - found in this strangely placed
pile of branches (2h26'57'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: This was found here
Reporter 4 (man): Did he make a picture of that
to remember that? (2h27'1'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Show it (2h'27'3'').
PHOTOS of a burning site:
-- jewel of a girl in a pile of wood in the forest (2h27'4'').
-- Zoom of the girl's jewel 1 (2h27'8'').
-- Zoom of the girl's jewel 2 (2h27'12'').
-- The sacrifice site in the forest (2h27'16'').
-- Victim Toos Nijenhuis pointing on the sacrifice site 1
-- The sacrifice site in the forest zoom (2h27'24'').
-- Victim Toos Nijenhuis pointing on the sacrifice site
-- The sacrifice site in the forest (2h27'32'').
-- Victim Toos Nijenhuis with 2 reporters, persons from the
side (2h27'38'').
-- Victim Toos Nijenhuis with 2 reporters, persons frontal
with their faces (2h27'40'').
TEXT: A special thank to Carol Annett, Ger,
Casper and Richard Ve for their assistance in obtining this
information (2h27'47'').
Wiederholungen - repetitions
Wiederholung: Saudi-Arabien: Folter in einer
Röhre mit Sand als Rache gegen Arzt Ridek
Repetition: Saudi Arabia: Torture in a pipe with sand as a
revenge against doctor Ridek
xxx Doctor Ridek+Schneerson+Alfrink with sand pipe torture
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: There was a pipe or a
hole in the ground (2h28'1''). Doctor Ridek, it was with
Schneerson, and again with Alfrink, and Ridek, those three men
again in front of me (2h28'12''), and Ridek, he had to let me
in a pipe, so here [hand gesture: only the head looked out]
yea (yes), and then sand in the pipe (2h28'19''). So, I could
not move, I could not (2h28'24'').
Reporter 1 (woman): So you heard about the
ground? (2h28'23'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (2h28'24'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (2h28'25'').
xxx Alfrink pissing on the victim with open mouth (2h29'13'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Neiiii (2h28'31''). It
was also to pay him back that he had driven (2h28'47''). If we
didn't do it, they wanted to kill me (2h28'51''). If he did
it, it probably killed me (2h28'54''). There was no way out
(2h28'57''). And Alfrink, he pissed on me (2h29'13''), by open
my mouth (2'29'15''). So nearly on the more (2h29'19'') to
survive (2h29'23''). About 3 hours (2h29'28'').
A man came, he was sent from Ridek (2h29'37'') to bring me
back .... to desert (2h29'51'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Take a break (2h30'17'').
Wiederholung: Schloss Hohenschwangau
Repetition: castle Hohenschwangau
Reporter 2 (man): Whats the name of that castle? (2h30'23'') -
That castle in South Germany, it's with an "H"? (2h30'28'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: What "H"? (2h30'29'')
Person from the public: Schwangau (2h30'30'').
Reporter 2 (man): The name of the castle (2h30'31'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Schwangau (2h30'32'').
Reporter 2 (man): Hohenschwan... (2h30'37'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), [she goes round the table]
Partner Casper [gives a paper with the name on the table]
Reporter 2 (man): Are these the letters? (2h30'50'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya (yes) (2h30'51'').
Reporter 2 (man): That's the name of the castle? Ok
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ok (2h30'54''). .... desert (2h31'2'').
[Pause of speaking]. It's ok (2h31'29'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Take a break (2h31'30'').
Wiederholung: Schloss Hohenschwangau
Repetition: Castle Hohenschwangau
Reporter 2 (man): What is of that castle? (2h31'36'') - That
name of the castle in South Germany, it's with an "H"?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: What "H"? (2h31'41'')
Person from the public: Schwangau (2h31'43'').
Reporter 2 (man): The name of the castle (2h31'45'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Schwangau (2h31'46'').
Reporter 2 (man): Hohenschwan... (2h31'47'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Nei, the name is Schwangau (2h31'50'').
I can write it (2h31'51'') [she goes round the table]
(2h31'53''). Schwangau (2h31'55'').
Partner Casper [gives a paper with the name on the table]
Reporter 2 (man): Hohenschwangau (2h31'57''). And that's where
you saw the Pope all those others? (2h32'2'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya (yes) (2h32'2'').
Reporter 2 (man): That's the name of the castle? Ok
Victim Toos Nijenhuis [comes back sitting on her chair and
takes a drink]. (2h32'17'')
Wiederholung: Die Schlösser in Süddeutschland
in Bayern
Repetition: Castles of South of Germany in
Partner Casper: You can tell the story how you have
discovered, that it was the uncle (2h32'25'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), that it was the uncle in
South Germany (2h32'32''). And, there are very famous castles
- eh - from all of the world they come to see those castles
(1h32'40''). Ehm, a lot of people, and did you know, what
happened there, it's - it's a little bit
Partner Casper: anxious (2h'32'50'')
xxxCasper (2h12'7'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (2h32'54''). But when we did
came there, I - I - I - although, 4 years ago, I was there, it
didn't trigger me, (2h33'01''), but now - and there are two
castles near to each other (2h33'05''). And the one, I have
never been there, but in the Hohenschwangau, I was
(2h33'09''). I - I - and when we were there, it was from one
side we did come to - to genfest (2h33'16''), I told
Casper [her partner] (2h33'17''): There is another intrance
(2h33'19''). You can go so [hand gesture: around something]
and you can (2h33'22'').
Partner Casper: around and around
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (2h33'24''). When we took all
the way, it was the way, I told him already about how it was
(2h33'29''). And I didn't have a very good holiday, up now,
because I didn'd sleep at night (2h33'39''). And I had a lot
of stomach pain (2h33'41''). And one week afterwards, I had a
pain on my back as it was I put a burning cigar (2h33'53'').
Wiederholung: Familienkonstellation
Repetition: family conditions
And I thought, he would have his old family together
(2h33'58''). Although there were problems with the chidren or
going to school, all those things (2h34'5''), it was always my
work and he made only his thing (2h34'8''). And that was it
(2h34'9''). But after the divorce it was already he told with
social workers and
Reporter 3 (man): with social services (2h34'28'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I tried to keep me there - he started a
court case against me to get the children (2h34'38''). And in
his house, and there was the child protection service
(1h34'49'') to do an investigation, if I was a good mother
(2h34'58''). And because of German medicine, they tried to get
my children away from me because I should not go to a doctor
when they were ill of something, I get (2h35'10''). Now I've -
one year - one week ago I read the report from the child
protection service and there he says after a few months when -
ehm (2h35'31''), because, they also didn't investigation in
how we were functioning, and that was not what he would like
to have (2h35'38''), so then he - ehm - if all things were
settled and he saw that I didn't went away, then he sent the
child protection service that it could stop, that he could not
go on with the court case against me (2h35'59'').
And if [when] they asked him afterwards, if the children were
often ill, if they had to go to a doctor or if they did know
or if they were healthy and there was no doctor's help needed
(2h36'13''), so, it was only to keep to the children there,
and now I, what I would come and told me one and half years
ago (2h36'28''), and still things are coming, that he was
sexual abuse in them (2h36'38''). I had never thought, because
I thought that I was the one who has problems on sexual things
(2h36'49''): I couldn't feel anything and things [break of
speaking] (1h37'7'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The last - after I was covered - I saw
a strop (2h37'16'')
Partner Casper: rope (2h37'17'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: A rope. There was a room (2h37'19''),
there was the room where I was first also in - the first time
I was in it (2h37'26''). And now, the last time, I went again
in it, but the - the - the - the floor was not the way, it was
styling (2h37'35''), it was with fine needles (2h37'36''). So
it was with new fees, they had my hands like this [gesture:
bound on the back] (2h37'42''), I had to walk, but - after a
while, they put my hands free so I could go on knees and hands
(2h38'1''). Or they - it was hot. The pressure was not the
same as I was with my home for me on my feet (2h38'14''). And
in front of me there was the rope hanging [gesture: vertical
rope in front of the eyes], and there was a kind of stage
(2h38'19'') where I had to go upon before I get on to the rope
and was we can't because I climed to go (2h38'29''). I went on
my knees and my hands (2h38'45'') - to that stage. I cried on
me then, I thought, I - because also there were the needles -
de - de - de - de - painful, things on the floor
(2h38'59''), but that rope it was oiled, so I could not [hand
gesture: hold on the rope] (2h39'5'')
Partner Casper: Hold (2h39'6'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (2h39'7''). How you can
[gesture: brain is not working well]. It's so terrible
Reporter 2 (man): What is it the rope then? (2h39'17'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then, I had to put that rope around my
neck, and it bounded, they till I nearly was dead, and
then - fffffu (2h39'32''). It was so glanced, if I had
the rope around me, here, it - 'e! - sounds very silly what it
is (2h39'43''), because - there is nobody, there is nobody to
protect you (2h39'52'').
Wiederholung: Nadelfolter auf dem Tisch
Repetition: needle torture on the table
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They bound me also on a table and put
needles under my finger nails (2h40'1''). It was - and not
only under my nails, but also - or not only under my fingers -
it was also on my toe - toes [toe nails] (2h40'13'').
Reporter 1 (woman): What was the point of doing
that? Was it to teaching... ? (43'53'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It was - they like to see
you - ah - that you cannot go away and torture - when you
cannot scream because they put always something in your mouth
(2h40'35''), or tape [something] to open your mouth
Wiederholung: Die Elite filmt zum Teil die
Folter - z.B. bei Fort William in Schottland
Repetition: Elite partially was filming the torture - for
example near Fort William in Scotland
Reporter 2 (man): Were they studying you with
their people taking notes, or were they just doing this?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehmm, I don't know
Partner Casper: Ok (2h40'54'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I know that - that it
will come in [the castle of] yaguar [?], they filmed
everything (2h40'59''): They filmed the torturing, and there
is a secret room where the hights their films (2h41'5''). But
here I don't know, I only know what they did to me
Wiederholung: Schottland Fort Williams:
Kinderjagd+Kindermorde+Kinderfleisch essen (Kannibalismus)
Repetition: Scotland Fort Williams: Hunting
children+killing of children+eat children's meat
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: When I was about 10 years
old, o - o - in - in Scotland, there was also a hunting
(2h41'31''), and there was hunting with more and with more
children (2h41'38''). They... (2h41'39'') - It was terrible
Reporter 1 (woman): What happened to the
children? (2h41'52'') - Would they ever cought and killed?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They were killed
(2h42'0''). And also - ehm - on the [NL Dutch]: stringerwerk
[rope?] [?] where I first had the - were the stocking but
hunting [?] (2h42'9''). Ehm - the children were killed,
the sort I'm sss - what they do the same was when they hunt on
rabbits on (2h42'25''). Animals, they eat them. They took the
theme (2h42'31'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Did you say that you see
they killed the children and eat them? You have seen?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (2h42'34''). I
have to - (2h42'35'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Tell us the truth
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Or they - gave it to the
dogs (2h42'44'') - or both (2h42'46'').
Wiederholung: Toos Nijenhuis überlebte - wegen
eines Liebhabers - der Arzt Ridek
Repetition: Toos Nijenhuis survived - because of a lover -
doctor Ridek
Reporter 1 (woman): Why were you never cought
and killed? (2h42'49'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I had [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: Saudi-Arabien mit Stromfolter
Repetition: Saudia Arabia with electricity torture
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: So .... I saw his tears in his eyes
when they did it to me (2h43'5''), he could not stand it also,
that they did, he also did their fix to me (2h43'11''). But
that was too much (2h43'13'').
Then, another time they brought me to Saudi Arabia
(2h43'27''), and then, I was brought to the - what was that?
.... (2h43'35'')
Reporter 3 (man): .... (2h43'36'')
Wiederholung: Saudi-Arabien: Folter in einer
Röhre - Todesangst - Kardinal Alfrink uriniert auf Kinder
Repetition: Saudi Arabia: Torture in a tube - fear of death
- cardinal Alfrink urinating on children
xxxRidek (2h43'50'')
cardinal Alfrink (2h43'50'')
Schneerson (2h43'50'')
doctor Ridek (2h43'52'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: There was a panic for, I
think a hole in a garage (2h43'43''). There was Ridek.
It was with Schneerson, and again with Alfrink
(2h43'50'') and with Ridek (2h43'52''). Austery
men again in front of me (2h43'55''), and Ridek, he had to let
me in a pipe so here [she shows with her right hand the level
of her throat] (2h44'0''), and then sand in the pipe, so I
could not move, I could not... (2h44'5'')
Reporter 1 (woman): So you heard about the ground? (2h44'7'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes)
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (2h44'8'').
xxx Alfrink pissing on the child vitim (2h44'56'')
Ridek let save Toos by a third person (2h45'7''-24'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Taaa... - it was also to
pay in bed, that he Truben (2h44'24'') - if he didn't do it -
they wanted to kill me and he did it (2h44'35''), they
probably killed me (2h44'37''), there was no way out
(2h44'40''), and Alfrink, he pissed on me
(2h44'56''), and by open my mouth, so badly on the more, cruz
of five (2h45'7''). After three hours, a man came, it was sent
from Ridek (2h45'20'').
Partner Casper: To
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Bring me back (2h45'24''). Two one
hours, desert then (2h45'32'').
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Vergewaltigung durch
den Freund mit 17 in Holland
Repetition: NL Holten: Rape by the boyfriend with 17 in
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: "Time, with him, he raped me
(2h45'57''). And therefore I felt guilty, I had always the
idea I - that I would have only have sex with the man I love -
but after marry, not before (2h46'13''). So, it was, I - for
me, it was a great trauma (2h46'21'').
Partner Casper: When you were embarrassed? (2h46'25'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I went afterwards... (2h46'28'')
Partner Casper: It was also they know them also (2h46'30'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Because - yea (yes) - I don't know
(2h46'33''). I don't think, if they know him, I don't know -
ehm - I could not get rid of him (2h46'41''). I couldn't - but
he always tried to keep me in his screep hands (2h46'50''). It
took 2 years before that this relation was over (2h46'55''). I
- and I think now, I had so less self awareness then
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Der erste Ehemann in
der Kirche
Wiederholung: NL Holten: The first husband in the Church
Partner Casper: Tell about your first husband, how old you
were (2h47'10'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: 20 (2h47'12'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But at that time I only knew him, it
was, I was 23 years old when I got a relation (2h47'24''),
Reporter 2 (man):
Wiederholung: 1 Jahr in Österreich
Repetition: 1 year in Austria
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Because I also lived 1
year abroad in Austria (2h47'30''). That was a great time. I
should never come back (2h47'34''). And I - it was strange. In
Austria - [in Holland] I had always hair which came out, and
Reporter 1 (woman): Is it falling out?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), and problems
in my [NL Dutch] darm (2h47'57'')
Reporter 2+3 (man): Digestion? (2h47'59'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), and in Austria
no problem, nothing, and when I came back [to Holland], after
one month [after coming back], it was all back (2h48'9'').
There was such a cribbeling on all the things (2h48'14'').
Wiederholung: Holland: Die Kinder und
Anzeichen von Missbrauch im Kindergarten durch die Polizei
Repetition: Holland: The children and signs of abuse in
kindergarden by the police
Annemarie, Carmen, Caroline - Dr. Harder
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: With my first husband, we
married in 1985, and after 2 years I was pregnant (2h48'26''),
in 1987 the eldest daughter was born (2h48'32''),
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, that was Annemarie
Reporter 2 (man): Hm? (2h48'39'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Annemarie (2h48'40'').
Reporter 2 (man): Annemarie is the eldest
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) - and after one
year, Carvin was born (2h48'52'') [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: 1 Jahr in Österreich
Repetition: 1 year in Austria
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And I - it was strange. Austria - [in
Holland] I had always hair which came out, and (2h49'9''
Reporter 1 (woman): Was it falling out? (2h49'10'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), and problems in my Darm
Reporter 2+3 (man): Digestion? (2h49'18'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), and in Austria no problem,
nothing, and when I came back [to Holland], after one month
[after the coming back], it was all back (2h49'27''). So,
there was such a cribbeling on all the things (2h49'32'').
Wiederholung: Holland: Die Kinder und
Anzeichen von Missbrauch im Kindergarten durch die Polizei
Repetition: Holland: The children and signs of abuse in
kindergarden by the police
Annemarie, Carmen, Caroline - Dr. Harder
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: With my first husband, we
married in 1985, and after 2 years I was pregnant (2h49'45''),
in 1987 the eldest daughter was born (2h49'52''),
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, that's Annemarie
Repoter 2 (man): Hm? (2h49'59'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Annemarie (2h49'59'').
Reporter 2 (man):
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Annemaire is the eldest (2h50'0'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) - and after one
year, Carvin was born (2h50'11''), and after two years,
Marioline was born (2h50'19''), and after another 2 years,
Dirk Young was born (2h50'24''). Ehm - and Annemarie, at four
years, when she was in the kindergarden, she was - eh - there
was a doctor play with another - with a girl (2h50'57''), and
she - that girl put a - a - a - injection - a (2h51'2'') -
Reporter 1+3 (woman+man): injection (2h51'4'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: into her vagina
Reporter 1 (woman): With the needle? (2h51'8'')
xxx doctor Hamer (1h58'41'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Not with the needle, only
with the syringe (2h51'11''). And - I - once she got very ill
and - ka ka ka - with much caughing (2h51'23''), and then I
phoned Dr. Hamer from medicine and I told him (2h51'28'') or I
asked him: 'What is this? Can you help me?' (2h51'33'') -
Something what is very shocking for her giving another feel
(2h51'40''). Ehm - and Caroline and Annemarie in the shower,
they were looking at each other's vaginas and genitals
(2h51'53''). [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: Melbourne (Australien):
Repetition: Melbourne (Australia): torture with a wip
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I had to put my clothes out and I had
to take a black leather shoot on me (2h52'13''). And then I
was in a room (2h52'15''). But he bound me on my stomach on a
table (2h52'18''). And then they hit me with them (2h52'21'').
A wipe (2h52'25'').
Reporter 1 (woman): A wip (2h52'26'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Wip (2h52'28'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Where you dressed it later on your stomach
- ok (2h52'32'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: So you cannot see it's later on it
(2h52'34''). It's your - you feel it (2h52'38'').
Reporter 2 (man): Was Alfrink doing that too? (2h52'41'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: There were different men (2h52'49''),
there in that room there were in black with a mask
(2h52'56''), and the black, normal black shoes, not a kape or
something like that (2h53'2''), dressed in black (2h53'5'').
They wiped me - the tsss was also like - only my eyes were out
free (2h53'13''), and crying and crying and I nearly - ah -
(2h53'18'') - I could not breathe, it was terrible
(2h53'27''). That was - you know - and then they brought me to
another room, a white room, there was a bed (2h53'41''). There
I could recover, for a wile, little break, then .... came to
me and brought me to another room (2h53'55''), and there I was
bound on a table again (2h54'2''), and then, they put very
need or iron - iron (2h54'16'').
Reporter 3 (man): Hidden iron plates (2h54'20'')
Wiederholung: Folter: Eisenplatten an den Füssen mit einer
Creme kombiniert Repetition: Torture: iron plates on the feet with a cream
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The other day they put hidden iron
plates on my feet (2h54'25''). A! Ufff, I could not speak
nothing because they [gesture: mouth was shut] (2h54'33''). It
was always still - they could not stand it any more
(2h54'48''), or you became unconscious (2h54'50''). [Cut of
the movie].
Wiederholung: NL: Spätfolgen durch sexuellen
Kindsmissbrauch kombiniert mit Folter
Repetition: NL: long term consequences by sexual abuse of
children combined with torture
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I had never thought, because I thought
that I was the one who has problems on sexual things
(2h54'56''): I couldn't feel anything, I was cold, for me,
when I have sex with my ex husband or later or another man,
there was no feeling and no orgasm was only when I was having
a fantasy (2h55'20'') with system I did came out of, only, I
didn't know it exactly (2h55'25''). But I could only have an
orgasm if I was thinking of raping and people looking at me
(2h55'31''). So, it was terrible force (2h55'35''). Now I can
tell it, I am out of it, I don't need those bad fantasies
Reporter 1 (woman): That's it (2h55'52'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Now, that is one paar of I thought 'I
was guilty' (2h55'59''). Ya, I was not - I real woman - I
didn't be a real woman, and it was always one of more, I have
special purposes in my life (2h56'15''). One of my purposes to
be a whole woman (2h56'24''). Totally not - partially is not
functioning (2h56'29'').
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Ehemann (Katholik)
verkauft die Kinder wieder an den Satanismus von Alfrink
Repetition: NL Holten: Husband (Catholik) selling the
children again to Satanism of Alfrink
Reporter 1 (woman): Let's talk a bit about your husbands
(2h56'39''). How were they involved? And how did your kids
being dragged into this? (2h56'43'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: My husband - I was -
Reporter 1 (woman): The first or second husband
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: That's the first husband,
I was playing the organ in the Catholic Church, in another
small village nearby where we live (2h57'0''). And he was also
one of the young men who went to the Church (2h57'7''). And -
ehm - he was doing some work in the Church - as a not peace
birds - reading things from the Bible, if the priest was not
here (2h57'19''). Ehm - we did ride on horseback and that was
also his hobby (2h57'29''). I was a cyclist, he did also
cycling, so there were a lot of things whre we met each other
- and so, we kept there (2h57'50''). [cut of the movie].
Wiederholung: Schottland Fort Williams: Jagd
auf Kinder
Repetition: Scotland Fort Williams: hunting children
xxx Fort William (49'10'') (49'14'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It was too much
Reporter 2 (man): Especific in Fort William?
(2h58'10'') In Scotland? (2h58'12'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: There was also hunting
Reporter 2 (man): In Fort William (2h58'15'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Or nearby for a film
(2h58'18''). There was torturing, there was electricity and
hunting (2h58'23'')
Arzt Ridek will die Liebe des Mädchen wieder
haben - das kalte Leben bei den Freimaurern
Doctor Ridek wants to get the love of the girl again - the
cold life of Freemasons
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm, I was talking about
that mask (2h58'35''), that the doctor was not any longer
(2h58'43''). I know (2h58'47''). And that made for me the
whole thing no was (2h58'55''), because he [the bishop] tried
to get my love again (2h58'58''). He was not used to have
them, not have to have the warmth of one of authom [?]
(2h59'6''). It's a carry isolated life they [the bishops] live
and very cold life to live (2h59'13'').
Der Fantasie-"Jesus" im Leben - und
Liebesgefühle für Arzt Ridek
Fantasy "Jesus" in life - and love feelings for doctor Ridek
xxxSchneerson tortured victim Toos and then violated victim
Toos (3h0'1'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And, he - when I was six
years old, I would always go to Jesus (2h59'27''), that has
been a very long time that I have this intention (2h59'34'').
Go to Jesus and be as Jesus, helping people (2h59'41''). Also
love your enemy (2h59'47''). I remember, I have seen, where it
was - that Schneerson also tortured me and then he had sex
with me (3h0'1''), and I put mam [?] around him, it was - I -
I felt this lonely life and his, sometimes it's a very strange
situations and (3h0'17''), I don't know, probably is that also
my life so, why I have survived, I don't know (3h0'25'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes) (3h0'28'')
Liebesgefühle zum Arzt Love feeling with the doctor
xxx doctor loves Toos and also Toos him (51'45'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But with the doctor, I
don't know when I for me, again I loved him, because at the
end, there was a loving feeling to each other again
(3h0'42''), and not only from him to me (3h0'44'').
Kardinal Alfrink foltert Opfer Toos speziell
aus Rache gegen Dr. Ridek
Cardinal Alfrink torturing victim Toos especially as a
revenge against Dr. Ridek
xxx Kardinal Alfrink mit Folter gegen Opfer Toos (51'54'')
Dr. Ridek liebt Toos (51'54'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But the cardinal
Alfrink, the bishop from Utrecht, he became award of Dr.
Rideik [cut of the movie]
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The last - after I was
covered - I saw a [NL Dutch]: strop (3h0'52'')
Partner Casper: rope (3h0'54'')ç
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: A rope. There was a room
(3h0'57''), there was the room, there was the room where I was
first also in - the first time I was in it (3h1'4''). And now,
the last time, I went again in it, but the - the - the - the
floor was not the way, it was styling (3h1'13''), it was with
fine needles (3h1'14''). So it was your feet you could not
stay with hands like this [gesture: bound on the back]
(3h1'22''), I had to walk, but - after a while, they put my
hands free and so I could go on knees and hands (3h1'39''). Or
they - it was hot. The pressure was not the same as I was with
my whole body on my feet (3h1'52''). And in front of me there
was the rope hanging [gesture: vertical rope in front of the
eyes], and there was a kind of stage (3h1'58'') where I had to
go upon before I get on to the rope and I was we can't because
I climed to go (3h2'8''). I went on my knees and my hands
(3h2'24'') - to that stage. I cried on me then, I thought, I -
because also there were the needles - de - de - de - de
- painful, things on the floor (3h2'37''), but that rope it
was oiled, so I could not [hand gesture: hold on the rope]
Partner Casper: Escape (3h2'45'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (3h2-46''). How
you can [gesture: brain is not working well]. It's it's
terrible (3h2'51'').
Reporter 2 (man): What is with the rope then?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then, I had to put that
rope around my neck, and it bounded, they they till I nearly
was dead, and then - fffffu (3h3'10''). It was so
glanced, if I had the rope around me, here, it - 'e! - it
sounds very silly what it is (3h3'22''), because - there is
nobody, there is nobody to protect you (3h3'30'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (3h3'44''). Right
(3h3'47''). And they do it, they did it, three times that way,
and then it was over (3h3'53''). [cut of the movie]
And then they brought me to another room, a white room, where
there was a bed (3h4'6''). There I could recover, for a wile,
little break, then somebody came to me and brought me to
another room (3h4'20''), and there I was bound on a table
again (3h4'27''), and then, they put very need of a war
(3h4'36''), iron, iron (3h4'41'').
Reporter 3 (man): Hidden iron plates (3h4'44'')
Folter: Eisenplatten an den Füssen mit einer Creme
kombiniert Torture: iron plates on the feet with a cream
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The other day they put hidden iron
plates on my feet (3h4'50''). A! Ufff, I could not speak, I
could nothing because they [gesture: mouth was shut]
(3h4'58''). It was always still - they could not stand it any
more (3h5'13''), or you became unconscious (3h5'15''). Then
they brought me back to that white room, put a - a - a cream
on my feet, so it was not so painful any more, so I could walk
Then they put me again on the table, when I was naked again
(3h5'50''), and with a Handschlag (3h5'54'')
Reporter 3 (man with strong voice): gardening house (3h5'55'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Gardening house, put on my anus - into
my anus - and they opened the water until [gestures:
caughing+heart in panic] (3h6'11'').
Reporter 1 (woman): O good God (3h6'12'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Mm! That was that, with... (3h6'21'').
They they do everything (3h6'27''). But you don't get scars of
it. It doesn't connect Arsch (3h6'37''). When that was over,
they got back to that recovering room (3h6'51''). [cut of the
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Die missbrauchten
Kinder von Toos Nijenhhuis
Repetition: NL Holten: the abused children of Toos Nijenhuis
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And she was later, also
with her elder sisters (3h6'58''). On this far, so I asked,
Annemarie has done that things (3h7'7''). None of your line
have you, no - no - I don't know (2h3'12''). I cannot spy on
children and I don't really know (2h3'15'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: At Caroline, was
always... (3h7'26'')
Partner Casper: Tell the reaction of the husband
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: O yea, he was - that was
- because I put alone on the school, I've lent to the police,
I've been to the director from the school, to a
Vertrauensperson (3h7'42'') - a special person which is
involved in such a things rendering such a things in a school
Reporter 1 (woman):
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Came from town to town,
such things did happen in school, I fed on paper that I had
had to talk the mayor (3h8'0''), ehm - and yet, my ex husband,
he says: 'Nothing it happened. When children do with each
other, it's not - you are a little bit [hand gesture: crazy]
(3h8'13''). Sooo...
Partner Casper: Then afterwards, has she - that
was arranged that the children would be forced - children
would have sex on weekends with secretary (3h8'39''). He was
very strict in the - in the - between - he was very strict
with rope picking up the children (3h8'48'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Normally he didn't care
very much of them, and at that time, then, he was - he would
like to have them more (3h8'58'') and also during the week
half a day and see on Wednesday when you have an afternoon off
(3h9'4''). Then he was (3h9'6'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Was he abusing the children
at that time? (3h9'9'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I was not with them, and
they will not tell me, because they are still in (3h9'14'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): What do you think?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I think so yes
Reporter 1 (woman): So, your kids are still in
this now. Have you tried to get them out? (3h9'21'')
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Eine Scheidung
arrangieren mit einem Vater, der Kinder an die Polizei
Repitition: NL Holten: Arrange the divorce with a father who
sold children to the police
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: We have - Carmen, the
youngest one, I have to tell the whole story because otherwise
it goes (3h9'35''). After the divorce, because family did not
function with my ex husband and... (3h9'43'') - he has a head
farm homepage, and was not my thing so have those (3h9'50'').
Animals kept for (3h9'52''). [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Die erste
Gangbang-Massenvergwaltigung mit 4 Jahren
Repetition: NL Holten: The first gang bang violation with 4
totally red (3h9'55''). And then, after it was done, it put me
in the bath (3h10'4''), there was a small bath, that was done
by my - my mother (3h10'17''). My grandfather, he payed the
figure for his holy sacrificing me, and I was kaputt
(3h10'45''). -
Reporter 2 (man): broken (3h10'46'').
xxx vicar (3h11'20'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then my mother put my
clothes on me, and we went with the vicar in his car to my
home and to my bed, and the doctor gave me some paybalisium
pills (3h11'20''), it was phyll types, all the few days in bed
(3h11'25''), and afterwards, I had to go once a week to my
grandfather's house to myself abuse (3h11'41''). [cut of the
-- uncle cycling away (3h11'49'')
-- farm house (3h11'52''+3h11'53'')
Then he raped me (3h11'44''), and [also] my oncle did the same
to me, and sometimes it was in the bedroom, sometimes it was
in the what the cows were (3h11'54''). --
Reporter 1 (woman): Who were your grandpa and uncle and all
the connected to and involved in this ritualistic rape and
abuse? (3h12'6'') - What is the connection (3h12'10'')? What
is? Who is? Isn't it like a Freemasons or Counts or Satanic
organization? (3h12'16'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: For me it's - it's from
the Church and it's... (3h12'28'') -
Reporter 2 (man): I am sorry: which Church?
(3h12'36'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Protestants of Holland,
Netherlands (3h12'41'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): The Netherlands Protestant
Kerk (3h12'45'')? -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It's nearly the same
(3h12'56''). -
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Kinder mit Anzeichen
von Missbrauch
Repetition: NL Holten: Children with signals of abuse
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then she went to another
school, and at the beginning sometimes she saw that girl and
she said: 'Oh, that's always not again' - a special word she
used - 'triggering me' but than she was remembering these
things (2h1'41''). But after a while, she became very ill, and
first it was a sign that she had so much problem with that
sexual things (2h1'50''). She could nearly breath, she had
very - and that is, when you djum [?] medicine, that is the
localization in the brain, where the coronal then is located
which has to do with the sexual frustration (2h2'8''), and
sexual abuse (2h2'10'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm - so I've thought, we
have solved it, it's over (2h2'17''). But the third one,
Marilan, when I see films from Dirk Young, when she was
born, she is also laying there at 2 years (2h2'30''). Ah
- u my God (2h2'33''). Helena, doctor Hamer said: 'Annemary
must have shown it to her, or done it to her, there must be'
(2h2'42''). Now I don't know if it has been and, but it can
also be an excitement, as I see what he has done to Carmen
(2h2'50''). And she was later, also with her elder sisters
(2h2'55''). On this far, so I asked: 'Annemarie have you done
that things?' (2h3'3''). 'Mariuline, have you?' - 'No' - 'No'
- Now, I don't know (2h3'12''). I cannot spy on children and I
don't really know (2h3'15'').
Partner Casper: What is - what is once more -
she was four years? (3h12'55'')
Reporter 1 (woman): She is 4 years, and is doing
this (3h13'1'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: She was 4, 5 years, I was
pregnant from there with 5 years when Dirk came out
(3h13'7''). And then I asked her what did happen. [She
answered]: 'I cannot tell you, mama, I cannot tell you'
(3h13'12'') - At the end, I asked her: 'Can you draw it,
probably were things who were with her?' (3h13'20'') - And
then she drawed it, the places where it was, that was in
school (3h13'25''), where the dolls are, and there was a
special place where she was laying on that girl dildo things
what they are (3h13'34''). And also in the house where the
girl lived (3h13'38''), she was neighboring playing with this
other often, and then she did also those things to Annemarie
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm - I asked Dr. Harder
'What should I do?' (3h13'55'') - He told me, the best thing
is that she should not see that girl any more and put her out
of that school (3h14'1'') because that school lets sex and
things happen, it was a - a - a man, washing the kindergarden
(3h14'10''). It's - I don't know, but it's...(3h14'14'')
Reporter 1 (woman): What? (3h14'15'')
Partner Casper: Mhm (2h1'23'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then she went to another
school, and at the beginning sometimes she saw that girl and
she said: 'Oh, that's always not again' - a special word she
used - 'triggering me' but than she was remembering these
things (3h14'34''). But after a while, she became very ill,
and first it was a sign that she had so much problem with that
sexual things (3h14'43''). She could nearly breath, she had
very - and that is, when you djum [?] medicine, that is the
localization in the brain, where the coronal then is located
which has to do with the sexual frustration (3h15'0''), and
sexual abuse (3h15'4'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm - so I've thought, we
have solved it, it's over (3h15'9''). But the third one,
Marilan, when I see films from Dirk Young, when she was
born, she is also laying there at 2 years (3h15'23'').
Ah - u my God (3h15'26''). Helena, doctor Hamer said:
'Annemary must have shown it to her, or done it to her, there
must be' (3h15'34''). Now I don't know if it has been and, but
it can also be an excitement, as I see what he has done to
Carmen (3h15'42''). And she was later, also with her elder
sisters (3h15'48''). On this far, [cut of the movie]
Widerholung: NL Holten: Erster Kindsmissbrauch
mit 4 Jahren
Repetition: NL Holten: First child abuse with 4 years
Reporter 1 (woman): Your grandpa and uncle and
all connected to them, they were involved in this ritual rape
abuse (3h15'58'') - what is the connection (3h16'0'')? - What
is - who is - is it as like a Freemason's or cults or Satanic
organization? (3h16'7'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: For me it's - it's from
the Church and - ya it's... (3h16'26'') -
Reporter 2 (man): I am sorry: which Church?
(3h16'28'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Protestants of Holland,
Netherlands (3h16'33'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): The Netherlands Protestant
Kerk (3h16'41'')? -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It's nearly the same
(3h16'45''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): So the Dutch Church which
initially was Protestant (3h16'51''). -
xxx vicar
Reporter 2 (man): Did you use at the vicar who
was present at the assembly? How did you know that it was the
vicar, or were they calling him by that name, or did you
recognizing him, or...? (3h17'3'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Wait wait (3h17'8'') -
Reporter 2 (man): Ok, yea - yea - ok
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok. You used to go to your
grandpa once a week, he used to rape and abuse you, take it
from that - ok (3h17'19'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And when I was 5 years
old, I had to bring my little, or the younger sisters, they
are years younger than I am (3h17'28''), also to my reparts
and to - I had to see, did it to her, also the same what he
did to me, when I couldn't open I couldn't nothing
(3h17'40''). Try to bring you to put you in that position that
you are unable to do things and to make you (3h17'57'') -
Partner Casper: feel guilty (3h18'0'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya (yes), feel guilty
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Der Arzt Ridek
instruiert die Eltern, wie die Töchter zu foltern sind
Repetition: NL Holten: The "doctor" Ridek is teaching the
parents how to torture the daughters
Wiederholung: Folter mit Strom - und Missbrauch
durch den "Arzt" Repetition: Torture with electricity - and abuse by the
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And after that time, I
was five years old, my - eh - the house doctor did come, who
always also gave me the pills, when after the ritual
(3h18'28''), and he learnt my - or he tought my parents how to
torture me with electricity (3h18'40'').
Then he bound me on the table and gave me electricity
(3h18'47''), to my fingers or hands and feet etc. (3h18'54'').
[cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: Saudi-Arabien: Stromfolter
Repetition: Saudi Arabia: electricity torture
xxx doctor Ridek (3h18'53''-3h19'50'')
Partner Casper: Ridek to watch (3h18'53'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea, the last time, ehm -
he did know, before that's very bad with the cheering me out
and gave me electricity (3h19'6''). Ehm - the time before he
had to - eh - hit me with a - a wipe and to give me also a - a
- a - a - a stake electricity (3h19'19''), although I - or I
was bount it and I could not - and the other stay and raped me
(3h19'24''). Ah, it wasss pffff... - and that last time, when
I was on my wrists and ankles (3h19'33''), and with that
electricity, Ridek - it was to to to - ehm -
ddz - to pay him back what he have with me (3h19'45'') to to -
afeikenen (3h19'48'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (3h19'50'')
Reporter 3 (man): Pay back (3h19'50'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (3h19'51'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Eh - so I saw his tears
in his eyes when they did it to me (3h19'56''), he could not
stand it also, that they did, he also did their fix to
me (3h20'2''). But that was too much (3h20'4'').
Then, another time they brought me to Saudi Arabia
(3h20'19''), and then, I was brought to the - what was that?
.... (1h7'57'')
Reporter 3 (man): .... (1h7'57'')
Wiederholung: Saudi-Arabien: Folter in einer
Röhre - Todesangst - Kardinal Alfrink uriniert auf Kinder
Repetition: Saudi Arabia: torture in a tube - fear of death
- cardinal Alfrink urinating on children
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: There was a panic for, I
think a hole in a garage (3h20'35''). There was Ridek.
It was with Schneerson, and again with Alfrink
(3h20'41''). Those three men again in front of me (3h20'46''),
and Ridek, he had to let me in a pipe still here [gesture:
level of thethroat], so (3h20'51''), and then sand in the
pipe, so, I could not move, I could not... (3h20'56'')
Reporter 1 (woman): So you hear about the
ground? (3h20'57'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (3h20'58'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (3h20'59'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It was also to pay him
back, that he truben [?] (3h21'17'') - if he didn't do it -
they wanted to kill me - if he did it (3h21'26''), they
probably killed me (3h21'29''), there was no way out
(3h21'31'') - [pause of speaking] - and Alfrink,
he pissed on me (3h21'47''), and by open my mouth, so badly on
the more (3h21'53'') [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Katholische Väter
missbrauchen katholische Töchter - die Kinder von Toos
Nijenhuis - und die Mutter soll schuldig sein (!)
Repetition: NL Holten: Catholic fathers abuse Catholic
daugthers - the children of Toos Nijenhuis - and the mother
is blamed guilty (!)
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: For instance, he abused
Daun (3h21'56'').
Polizei und Gerichtsfall Police and court case
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: In 1999, I went to the
police to - eh - to tell the police what' the name of it, done
to my oldest daughter (3h22'12''). And that is on paper - [NL
Dutch]: anhefte (3h22'16'').
Reporter 1 (woman): A foul charges - at the
police (3h22'26'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya, and the police told
me: 'You can try to get it a court case (3h22'34'') - but I
don't know if it has a sense, because it's her word against
his word, and it will be a very difficult case.' (3h22'45'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And, at that time, the
children were young (3h22'50''), Annemarie was 12 years old
and Carmen was a baby (3h22'54''). So, I had to rent a lot of
things, starting a new life with 5 children (3h23'1''). Ehm -
and Annemarie was also grief with 'Let it be this way'
(3h23'7''), it is there with the police, we can always - I
have the numbers from the case, we can always take it up and
let it be a court case (3h23'16''). Ehm - Miolen had not told
me that she would neither a court case until now, it it had
not been a court case (3h23'25'').
Wiederholung: NL: Der andere Gerichtsfall
gegen den zweiten Vater, der seine Tochter beim Kartenspiel
Repetition: NL: The other court case against the second
father selling his daughter by playing cards
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: When the other court case
was against him, just after he was in 19... - when the private
investigator (3h23'37''), has - ehm - found us, ehm - at that
court case I have been spoken to his older daugther
(3h23'47''), to Vim night offs all the daughter (3h23'50'').
Or from whom he had told me she was there, not she was alive,
and he had sold her (3h23'57''), or - ehm - when he played
card, she was... (3h24'3'') [gesture: give something away]
Reporter 2 (man): Yea (yes), out figured any
Reporter 1 (woman): She was a gambling game
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea, so the police had
wait to protect her for other man (3h24'15''). And now I
think, that must be also in the police files, with the case at
that time from me, it had been - it had - could - had been a
very good court case (3h24'30''), but I didn't know it, or I -
if I had known the things I know now, it would have been
another way of it (3h24'40'').
Wiederholung: Der grosse Zusammenhang mit
diesen Missbräuchen und Folterungen: Erpressbare Politiker
Repetition: The big picture of all this abuse and torture:
to have blackmail against politicians
Reporter 1 (woman): Ya, just - ehm - I think we
should finish with this focus, that has been a very long
interview (3'24'44''). I want to ask you: You have been
through all this abuse and torture, as a child, your family
has gone through it (3h24'51''), what do you think it's really
all about? (3h24'54'')
Wiederholung: 1 Jahr in Österreich
Repetition: 1 year in Austria
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Austria - [in Holland] I
had always hair which came out, and (3h25'1'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Was it falling out?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), and problems
in my [NL]: darm (3h25'7'')
Reporter 3 (man): Ahm - digestion? (3h25'9'')
Reporter 2 (man): Digestion? (3h25'10'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), and in Austria
no problem, nothing, and when I did came back [to Holland],
after one month [after the coming back], it was all back
(3h25'19''). So, there was such a cribbeling on all the things
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Die Kinder und
Anzeichen von Missbrauch im Kindergarten durch die Polizei
Repetition: NL Holten: The children and signs of abuse in
kindergarden by the police
Annemarie, Carmen, Caroline - Dr. Harder
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: With my first husband, we
married in 1985, and after 2 years I was pregnant (3h25'37''),
in 1987 the eldest daughter was born (3h25'44''),
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, that was Annemarie
Reporter 2 (man): Hm? (3h25'49'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Annemarie (3h25'50'').
Reporter 2 (man): Annemarie is the eldest
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) - and after one
year, Carvin was born (3h26'03''), and after two years,
Marioline was born (3h26'11''), and after another 2 years,
Dirk Young was born (3h26'16''). Ehm - and Annemarie, at four
years, when she was in the kindergarden, she was - eh - there
was a doctor play with another - with a girl (3h26'48''), and
she - that girl put a - a - a - injection - a (3h26'55'') -
Reporter 1+3 (woman+man): injection (3h26'56'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: into her vagina
Reporter 1 (woman): With the needle? (3h27'0'')
xxx Dr. Hanefon - German medicine (3h27'20'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Not with the needle, only
with the syringe (3h27'3''). And - I - once she got very ill
and - ka ka ka - with much caughing (3h27'15''), and then I
phoned Dr. Hanefon - German medicine - and I told him
(3h27'20'') or I asked him: 'What is this? Can you help me?'
(3h27'24'') - Something what is very shocking - has been very
shocking for her - give her another feel (3h27'31''). Ehm -
and Caroline and Annemarie in the shower, they were looking at
each other's vaginas and genitals (3h27'45''). And so, then he
told me (3h27'53'') [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Ehemann (Katholik)
verkauft die Kinder wieder an den Satanismus von Alfrink
Repetition: NL Holten: Husband (Catholik) selling the
children again to Satanism of Alfrink
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Totally or not - not
functioning (3h28'0'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Let's talk about your
husbands (3h28'7''). How were they involved? And how did your
kids being dragged into this? (3h28'11'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: My husband - I was -
Reporter 1 (woman): The first or second husband
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: That's the first husband,
I was playing the organ in the Catholic Church, in another
small village nearby where we live (3h28'27''). And he was
also one of the young men who went to the Church (3h28'35'').
And - ehm - he was doing some work in the Church - as a not
peace birds - reading things from the Bible, if priest was not
here (3h28'47''). Ehm - we did ride on horseback and that was
also his hobby (3h28'56''). I was a cyclist, he did also
cycling, so there were a lot of things whre we met each other
- and so, we kept there (3h29'18''). And: It was not my great
love (3h29'22'').
Partner Casper: .... was also a family friend (3h29'26'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: He was first - yes, he
was with my my my sister, it was my sister's boyfriend
(3h29'34''), and then she finished, and after a while, he came
Partner Casper: Hm (3h29'39'').
Reporter 2 (man): This is the sister who became
an abuser? (3h29'47'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (3h29'47'').
Reporter 2 (man): Was her boyfriend first?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya (3h29'50'').
xxxcardinal Alfrink (3h29'55'')
Reporter 2 (man): Was this stretch under the
control of the cardinal Alfrink? (3h29'55'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It was (3h29'58'').
xxx reporter 2 is Kevin (3h30'3'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Good question Kevin
Reporter 2 (man): Ok (1h51'33'')
Reporter 1 (woman): That's where the connection
is (3h30'5'').
Partner Casper: Yea (yes) (3h30'6'').
Reporter 1 (woman): That was through the Church
connections again - and that's how the children got drought
into (3h30'12'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: nickt (3h30'12'').
Reporter 1 (woman): It was the ex husband?
(3h30'15'') - He sold your kids into this? That's your
knowledge? (3h30'18'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: How he - it was first, I
don't know, if he, he worked also in it - I think (3h30'32'').
But also my father, and I don't know in which connection they
are together (3h30'38''). It's a - because when you are out of
it, you see - and when you see what did happen
(3h30'52'') [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: Der Wechsel nach Süd-Holland und
Dauerflucht auf Campingplätzen: Belgien-Deutschland-Holland Repetition: Change to South of Holland and flight
without end on camping sites: Belgium-Germany-Holland
Carmen was born in the South of Holland (3h30'59'').
Wiederholung: Der Kinderhändler-Vater hat viel Geld von
Toos geraubt Repetition: The childtrafficker father stole much money
from Toos
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: In Holland, and already
had one car sold, and Vim nine of the father (3h31'8''), he
was often away and he had taken a lot of my money (3h31'14''),
himself, I think here not, he would like me to be without
money afterwards (3h31'21''). And he - when the private
investigator - it was sent for - from my sister and the woman
who was scared (3h31'33''), married with - he was my earler
friend (3h31'38''), and after, I divorced you, fairy tale - I
know she is one of the torturing people (3h31'48''), it was
given not so than we do it [hand gesture: circle with both
arms] from that way, but the children we should have
(3h31'58''), and that is because Carmen's father is one of the
biggest one in the whole system (3h32'04'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok, we asked you, sorry (3h32'8'').
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Katholische Väter
missbrauchen katholische Töchter - die Kinder von Toos
Nijenhuis - und die Mutter soll schuldig sein (!)
Repetition: NL Holten: Catholic fathers abuse Catholic
daugthers - the children of Toos Nijenhuis - and the mother
is blamed guilty (!)
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Eh - after the
investigator had found us, I phoned the police, to keep, to
get get Carmen's father, and he is being in prison
(3h32'24''). Give he yes he, there was a court - eh - there
was a court case (3h32'28''), but some court cases are not
real, they are... (3h32'33'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: So I have to wait for
myself now, it - it - it has been for it will be a court case
and also while he - in 1989 - in 1998 - ehm (3h32'50'') - are
juring at - at the cover the father from Carmen (3h32'58'').
He had also sexually abused my oldest daughter (3h33'2'').
When I became aware of that, I told him to stop it, and 6
years later my second - my third daughter told me also, I had
asked her several times, if he abused also her (3h33'20''),
she refused it (3h33'23''). But when she was 12 years old, she
told me: 'Yes, the last month when we were an acupher [?]
(3h33'29''), he also abused her (3h33'33''). So they tried to
put that on my guilt, they say [that] I am guilty for that he
abused them (3h33'45'').
Wiederholung: 1 Jahr in Österreich
Repetition: 1 year in Austria
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Because I also lived 1
year abroad in Austria (3h33'58''). That was a great time. I
should have never come back (3h34'5''). And I - it was
strange. In Austria - [in Holland] I had always hair which
came out, and (3h34'21'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Is it falling out?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), and problems
in my [NL Dutch] darm (3h34'28'')
Reporter 2+3 (man): Digestion? (3h34'29'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), and in Austria
no problem, nothing, and when I came back [to Holland], after
one month [after coming back], it was all back (3h34'38'').
So, there was such a cribbeling on all the things (3h34'45'').
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Die Kinder und
Anzeichen von Missbrauch im Kindergarten
Repetition: NL Holten: The children and signs of abuse in
Annemarie, Carmen, Caroline - Dr. Harder
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: With my first husband, we
married in 1985, and after 2 years I was pregnant (3h34'57''),
in 1987 the eldest daughter was born (3h35'4''),
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: No, that was Annemarie
Reporter 2 (man): Hm? (3h35'9'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Annemarie (3h35'10'').
Reporter 2 (man): Annemarie is the eldest
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) - and after one
year, Carvin was born (3h35'22''), and after two years,
Marioline was born (3h35'31''), and after another 2 years,
Dirk Young was born (3h35'36''). Ehm - and Annemarie, at four
years, when she was in the kindergarden, she was - eh - there
was a doctor play with another - with a girl (3h36'8''), and
she - that girl put a - a - a - an injection - a (3h36'13'') -
Reporter 1+3 (woman+man): injection (3h36'17'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: into her vagina
Reporter 1 (woman): With the needle? (3h36'20'')
xxx Dr. Hanefon
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Not with the needle, only
with the syringe (3h36'23''). And - I - once she got very ill
and - ka ka ka - with much caughing (3h36'35''), and then I
phoned Dr. Hanefon - German medicine - and then I told him
(3h36'40'') or I asked him: 'What what what is this? Can you
help me?' (3h36'44'') - Something what is very shocking - has
been very shocking for her what gives her another feel
(3h36'51''). [Cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: Melbourne (Australien):
Nadelfolter+Folter mit Hängen am Seil
Repetition: Melbourne (Australia): Needle torture+torture
hanging on the rope
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I had to walk, but -
after a while, they put my hands free and so I could go on
knees and hands (3h37'4''). Or they - it was hot. The pressure
was not the same as I was with my whole body on my feet
(3h37'12''). And in front of me there was the rope hanging
[gesture: vertical rope in front of the eyes], and there was a
kind of stage (3h37'18'') where I had to go upon before I get
on to the rope and I was we can't because I climed to go
(3h37'27''). I went on my knees and my hands (3h37'43'') - to
that stage. I cried on me then, I thought, I - because also
there were the needles - de - de - de - de - painful,
things on the floor (3h37'57''), but that rope it was oiled,
so I could not [hand gesture: hold on the rope] (3h38'3'')
Partner Casper: Escape (3h38'5'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (3h38'6''). How
you can [gesture: brain is not working well]. It's it's
terrible (3h38'11'').
Reporter 2 (man): What is with the rope then?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Then, I had to put that
rope around my neck, and it bounded, they they till I nearly
was dead, and then - fffffu (3h38'29''). It was so glanced, if
I had the rope around me, here, it - 'e! - it sounds very
silly what it is (3h38'41''), because - there is nobody, there
is nobody to protect you (3h38'49'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (3h39'3''). Right
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And they do it, they did
it, three times that way, and then it was over (3h39'13''). It
was over. I could go. Then they brought me to that boys room
to recovering (3h39'26''). I was ugly - [pause] - I don't
know, if I had been there 3 days shorter or longer
Wiederholung: Australien: Aufenthalt im Kinderspital Wiederholung: Australia: Stay in the child hospital
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But the then, after the
time, they brought me to a child hospital (3h39'54''). [cut of
the movie]
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Katholische Väter
missbrauchen katholische Töchter - die Kinder von Toos
Nijenhuis - und die Mutter soll schuldig sein (!)
Repetition: NL Holten: Catholic fathers abuse Catholic
daugthers - the children of Toos Nijenhuis - and the mother
is blamed guilty (!)
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They say [that] I
am guilty for that he abused them (3h40'2'').
Polizei und Gerichtsfall Police and court case
In 1999, I went to the police to - eh - to tell the police
what' the name of the .... of my oldest daughter (3h40'10'').
And that is on paper - [NL Dutch]: anhefte (3h40'18'').
Reporter 1 (woman): A foul charges - at the
police (3h40'28'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ya, and the police told
me: 'You can try to get it a court case (3h40'36'') - but I
don't know if it has a sense, because it's her word against
his word, and it will be a very difficult case.' (3h40'47'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And, at that time, the
children were young (3h40'51''), Annemarie was 12 years old
and Carmen was a baby (3h40'56''). So, I had to rent a lot of
things, starting a new life with 5 children (3h41'3''). Ehm -
and Annemarie also grief with 'Let it be this way' (3h41'9''),
it is there with the police, we can always - I have the
numbers from the case, we can always take it up and let it be
a court case (3h41'18''). Ehm - Miolen had not told me that
she would neither a court case until now, it it had not been a
court case (3h41'28'').
Wiederholung: NL: Der andere Gerichtsfall
gegen den zweiten Vater (Vim), der seine Tochter beim
Kartenspiel verkauft
Repetition: The other court case against the second father
(Vim) selling his daughter by playing cards
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: When the other court case
was against him, just after he was in 19... - when the private
investigator (3h41'39''), has - ehm - found us, ehm - at that
court case I have been spoken to his older daugther
(3h41'49''), to Vim night offs all the daughter (3h41'53'').
Or from whom he had told me she was there, not she was alive,
and he had sold her (3h41'59''), or - ehm - when he played
card, she was... (3h42'5'') [gesture: give something away]
Reporter 2 (man): Yea (yes), out figured any
Reporter 1 (woman): She was a gambling game
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea, so the police had
wait to protect her for other man (3h42'17''). And now I
think, that must be also in the police files, with the case at
that time from me, it had been - it had - could - had been a
very good court case (3h42'31''), but I didn't know it, or I -
if I had known the things I know now, it would have been
another way of it (3h42'41'').
Wiederholung: Der grosse Zusammenhang mit
diesen Missbräuchen und Folterungen: Erpressbare Politiker
Repetition: The big picture of all this abuse and torture:
to have blackmail against politicians
Reporter 1 (woman): Ya, just - ehm - I think we
should finish with this focus, that has been a very long
interview (3h42'47''). I want to ask you: You have been
through all this abuse and torture, as a child, your family
has gone through it (3h42'53'') [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: Schottland Fort Williams: Folter
mit Nadeln unter Fingernägeln+Zehennägeln - bei blockiertem
Repetition: Scotland Fort Williams: Torture with needles
under finger nails+toe nails - with a blocked mouth
Wasserfolter Water torture
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And afterward I was
nearly dead (3h42'56'').
Nadelfolter Needle torture
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I was - I was several
times - several times - there are - it was at the same time -
I don't know but (3h43'8'') - they bound me also on a table
and put needles under my finger nails (3h43'15''). It was -
and not only under my nails, but also - or not only under my
fingers - it was also under my toe - toes [nails] (3h43'28'').
Reporter 1 (woman): What was the point of doing
that? Was it to teaching... ? (3h43'35'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: It was - they like to see
you - ah - that you cannot go away and got to - move - because
you cannot scream because they put always something in your
mouth (3h43'50''), or tape [something] to open your mouth
Widerholung: Schottland Fort Williams: Die
Elite filmt zum Teil die Folter
Repetition: Scotland Fort Williams: Elite partially was
filming the torture
Reporter 2 (man): Were they studying you with
their people taking notes, or were they just doing this?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehmm, I don't know
Partner Casper: Ok (3h44'8'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I know that - that it
will come in [the castle of] yaguar [?], they filmed
everything (3h44'14''): They filmed the torturing, and there
is a secret room where the hights their films (3h44'20''). But
here I don't know, I only know what they did to me
Wiederholung: Schottland Fort Williams:
Kinderjagd+Kindermorde+Kinderfleisch essen (Kannibalismus)
Repetition: Scotland Fort Williams: Hunting
children+killing of children+eat children's meat
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: When I was about 10 years
old, in in in - in Scotland, there was also a hunting
(3h44'46''), and there was hunting with more and more children
(3h44'53''). They... (3h44'54'') - [pause of speaking] -
Reporter 1 (woman): What happened to the
children? (3h45'7'') - Would they ever cought and killed?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They were killed
(3h45'14''). And also - ehm - on the [NL Dutch]: stringerwerk
[rope?] where I first had the - were the stocking but hunting
[?] (3h45'23''). The children were killed, the sort I'm
sss - what they do the same was when they hunt on rabbits on
animals (3h45'43''), they eat them. They took the theme with
Reporter 1 (woman): Did you say that you see
they killed the children and eat them? You have seen?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes) (3h45'49''). I
have to - (3h45'50'') [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: Schottland Fort Williams: Nackte
Kinder werden mit Pferden gejagt - Prinz Bernhard, Kardinal
Alfrink etc.
Repetition: Scotland Fort Williams: Hunting
naked children with horses - Prince Bernard, cardenal
Alfrink etc.
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: We had to save us
(3h45'55''). Me and also my sister and there were more
(3h46'2''). What it was at night, it was dark (3h46'5'').
Reporter 2 (man): What did they exactly on the
hunting? (3h46'7'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: What I remember: I was
naked, it was cold (3h46'18''), and I - they there was a - on
my feet, I - I - I put my feet in a clam, or (3h46'25'')
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes) (3h46'30'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: So I couldn't go on any
longer (3h46'32'').
Reporter 1 (woman): A trap clam (32'45'').
Reporter 2 (man): Ok (32'52'').
xxx Prince Bernard (3h47'7'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And they - it was hunting with dogs,
not with a gun or - but it was an - they were on horses
(3h46'58''). There were - that was it - Prince Bernard
(3h47'7'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): Ah! Prince Bernard
(3h47'11''), the former chainer (3h47'13'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The Cardinal Alfrink
(3h47'14'') -
Reporter 2 (man): Cardinal (3h47'16'').
Victim Toos Nijenuis: Alfrink (3h47'17'').
Reporter 1 (woman): How did you spell that?
(3h47'18'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: A-l-f-r-i-n-k
(3h47'24''). -
Reporter 1 (woman): A-l-f-r-i-n-k (3h47'27''). -
Reporter 2 (man): He was a Catholic cardenal?
(3h47'31'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yess - eh yea
(3h47'33''). -
Reporter 2 (man): And the Prince Bernard?
(3h47'36'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): Yes, Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, the man who set up Bilderberg (3h47'39'') - and
the World Wild Life Federation (3h47'44''). -
Reporter 2 (man): How old were you when this
happened? (3h47'46'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: About 9, 9, 10 years old,
7 (3h47'54''). During that whole period it happened
(3h47'57''). It was not only in that forest (3h48'1''). But
they put the dogs to hunt us - and then, when you could not
go, and there was the clamer [?] to my feet, the dogs
stay, and they were laughing and putting jokes (3h48'26'').
Reporter 2 (man): How many men did this?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: What I know or what I see
is two men, but probably there were more, I don't know
Reporter 1 (woman): Were there other children
involved? (3h48'37'') - Were there any child or were the
others with you? (3h48'41'') -
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I know that I heard
crying crying (3h48'43'') and screaming, and it was my sister
(3h48'46''). And she didn't take part of us on those hunting
parties (3h48'52''). [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: Satanistenkirche in NL:
Kindermorde im Wald am Scheiterhaufen bei lebendigem Leib
Repetition: Satanic Church in NL: child killings in the
forest at stake alive
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And her father he raped
her afterwards (3h48'57'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Here, on the spot?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis is only shivering
Reporter 2 (man): And this was - you said - two
years ago? (3h49'4'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Once she was, yes clow
[?], that was two and half year ago (3h49'9''), was around the
November (3h49'13'').
Reporter 2 (man): Yea (yes) (3h49'13'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: November, 2000...
Reporter 2 (man): 2010? (3h49'17'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: 2010 (3h49'17'').
Reporter 2 (man): November 2010 (3h49'10'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Wow - so there is anything
else you would like to say? (3h49'28'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Not now (3h49'33'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Interesting to see is how
this all looks very deliberty layed down, like this all
remarks something (3h49'42'').
Reporter 2 (man): Yea (yes), those are not
natural there on (3h49'44'').
Reporter 1 (woman): No (3h49'45'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They have been aligned
Reporter 2 (man): Did - ahm - after they died,
did she afterwards bury here or somewhere else? (3h49'54'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Carmen she doesn't know -
no (3h49'56'').
Reporter 2 (man): Just remembers with backs or
bury here (3h49'59'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But she was - died
(3h50'3''). First they bound them on a tree or on a stake - I
don't know (3h50'11''). She was pushed to go away (3h50'14'').
And he told me that - ehm - all what happened to her, it
doesn't matter any more, because it was too terrible
(3h50'27''), and she felt also guilty herself that she let
such things happen to her (3h50'32''). And she had never told
me and normally she told everything to me and this thing and
all the things (3h50'42'') that did happen to her, she could
not tell them to mama (3h50'46''). Was a very hard time for
her - ok (3h50'54'').
Wiederholung: NL Satanistenkirche: Folter mit offenen
Augen, die man nicht mehr schliessen kann Repetition: NL Satanist Church: Torture with open eyes
which cannot be closed any more
Toos Nijenhuis talks about her son:
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: You have to - you have
some tape for to open - to held these eyes open (3h51'1''), to
have to look forward what is happening in front of him
(3h51'4''), so he could not close his eyes (3h51'8''). The
house was in his neck, so he had to stay there and that was
also with two of my other children (3h51'18''), Annemarie and
Caroli (3h51'19''), they were with him, they had to see the
same (3h51'23'').
[There are shouts of a group of people from about 200m
Reporter 1 (woman): Ok (3h51'27'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: The better - stop now
Reporter 2 (man): Have you got some spill of the
ground for the configurations? (3h51'46'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): Perhaps we could some pickup
TEXT: A few meters away, there was a pile of
branches deliberatedly stacked, in the middle of the forest,
off the main path, with no apparently obvious reason, and
approximately, the size, necesary to cover a body..
(3h51'52''). [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: Deutschland Schloss
Hohenschwangau: Bischöfe samt Papst Johannes Paul II +
Oberrabi Schneerson vergewaltigen Kinder - und Folter
Repetition: Germany, Hohenschwangau Castle:
bishops with pope John Paul II+supreme rabbi Schneerson
raping children - and torture
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They mourn that.
All around bleeding in Germany, also in the South (3h52'14'').
It was not always with electricity, they put me in a place
where... (3h52'34'')
Reporter 3 (man): Enz (3h52'36'')
Wiederholung: Folter mit Schlangen
Repetition: Torture with snakes
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Yea (yes), they let you -
I was on a chair, and it was with snakes and with eggs
(3h52'43'') and all terrible things to make you bvbvbvbvbvbv
[shivering of anxiety] (3h52'48'').
Wiederholung: Saudi-Arabien:
Alfrink+Schneerson+Dr. Ridek etc.
Repetition: Saudi Arabia:
Alfrink+Schneerson+Dr. Ridek etc.
xxx cardinal Alfrink in Saudi Arabia (57'31''-1h0'2'')
swine Schneerson in Saudi Arabia (57'31''-1h0'2'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Another time, they took
me to - to Saudi Arabia (3h53'6''), [location of] Dara, nearby
(3h53'13'') - there was a - on the first thought, it is not so
bad (3h53'21''). There were more children, but I had to go to
a seperate room (3h53'26''), and - yea, also Schneerson
was there (3h53'35''), cardinal Alfrink, and -
eh - doctor Ridek, he was always there
(3h53'42''), he was always with me (3h53'44''). I was naked
and I - there was a table and close three men (3h53'56'').
Schneerson was in the middle (3h53'57''). There was cardinal Alfrink
[she shows her left arm to the left side], but he had also
another name (3h54'6''): I know that it was with an A, his
first name, and Solide Bistelfeld [?] was his
family name (3h54'16''). And there was Dr. Ridek
[she shows her right arm to the right side] (3h54'22''). Then
Schneerson - Ridek told me, that
- or he had told me that I had to do all the things they asked
me so I should not suffer so much (3h54'36''). That was very
bad (3h54'39''). I had to [she is bowing like an Asian
servant] like that (3h54'47'').
Reporter 3 (man): fall down (3h54'51'').
Wiederholung: Saudi-Arabien: Folter von
Oberrabbi Schmerson: auf Kinder urinieren und kacken
Repetition: Saudi Arabia: Torture by supreme rabi Schmerson:
urinating and cacking on children
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I had to fall down
(3h54'56'') [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Die Kinder und
Anzeichen von Missbrauch im Kindergarten durch die Polizei
Repetition: NL Holten: The children and signs of abuse in
kindergarden by the police
Annemarie, Carmen, Caroline - Dr. Harder
Partner Casper: His place [the father's place in
the family] was very strict in the - in the - between - he
[the father] was very strict with his role picking up the
children (3h55'5'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Normally he didn't care
very much of them, and then, at that time, he always - he
would like to have them more (3h55'15'') and also during the
week half a day on Wednesday when you have an afternoon off
(3h55'21''). Then he was - ya (3h55'23'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Was he abusing the children
at that time? (3h55'27'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I was not with them, and
they will not tell me, because they are still in (3h55'31'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): What do you think?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I think so yes
Reporter 1 (woman): So, your kids are still in
this now. Have you tried to get them out? (3h55'38'')
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Eine Scheidung
arrangieren mit einem Vater, der Kinder an die Polizei
Repetition: NL Holten: Arrange the divorce with a father who
sold children to the police
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: We have - Carmen, the
youngest one, I have to tell the whole story because otherwise
it goes (3h55'52''). After the divorce, because - ehm - family
did not function with my ex husband and... (3h56'1'') - he has
a head farm of page [?], and was not my thing to have those
(3h56'8''). Animals kept for (2h5'52'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm - he went that
direction [hand gesture: right side], I went that direction
[hand gesture: left side], on a special time - or after the
time - I - I go to the - I did go to a lawyer and ask her
(3h56'29''): Who - how can I arrange a divorce, or to stay
with him (2h6'13''), and also he want to make more the farmer
bigger, and to invest all the money - and this is also my
money (3h56'42''), and I would not have whole my life the bank
in my neck (3h56'46''). So that was also part of the divorce
that I didn't want to have that thing behind me
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And - eh - he was very
angry - he was always angry, he beat me, to my [NL Dutch]:
erop [everywhere], to my heaven [conciousless] (2h6'44''). Eh
- after a two years, the divorce was done, and then he started
with the court case against me (3h57'17''),
Reporter 2 (man): Did he understand that you
divorce? (3h57'18'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: He was absent
Reporter 2 (man): In what year did you divorce?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm - 1995 (3h57'27'').
And I went away - I stayed there, because - eh - then, he
every time did come back: 'O I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't
want you to - to hurt you, I want don't want to to hurt or to
see the children - or - ehm - don't want the children to see
me this way and - ehm - stay with me' (2h7'31''). So, I went,
really ran away [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Ehemann (Katholik)
verkauft die Kinder wieder an den Satanismus von Alfrink
Repetition: NL Holten: Husband (a Catholik) selling the
children again to Satanism of Alfrink
it was first, I don't know, if he, he worked also in it - I
think (3h58'2''). But also my father, and I don't know in
which connection they are together (3h58'7''). It's a -
because when you are out of it, you see - and when you see
what did happen (3h58'20''), it's it's not everyday, but every
week nearly, or nearly every other week week - there is: oh, I
know why that is said or done (3h58'32''), or why that first
did come (3h58'35''), and so, I didn't have a camera to see
the all things there (3h58'41'').
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Vergewaltigung durch
den Freund mit 17 in Holland
Repetition: NL Holten: Rape by the boyfriend with 17 in
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But, what Casper said in
the night first, I thought it was my first time I had sex with
17 (3h58'54''), it was not my first time, it was a boyfriend,
I was in love with then, I lived with my grandmother
(3h59'9''), the one who was also in the ritual (3h59'14''),
and then - ehm - she lived - because my uncle was first
sleeping with her after my grandfather died and they had
already sold their farmhouse (1h53'28''), and they went to a
village and had their house there (3h59'30''), my grandfather
died, my oncle was there with my grandmother, but he married -
and she was alone and asked if my grandhood come to be and
live with her (3h59'41''), and they did not want to, and I
said, I - I will go, I have lived only one year with her
(3h59'52''), and when I lived a few months with her, I - I got
a boyfriend from an - he was living not near by (4h0'2'') -
and at the time the postulate in the evening, and he said: 'I
- can I stay with you? - I lost my train and ah - missing my
train ya, that was something' (1h54'15'') - and he stayed with
me - and I would not have sex at that time, with him, he - he
raped me (4h0'28'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And therefore I felt
guilty, I had always the idea I - that I would only have sex
with the man I love - but after marry, not before (4h0'48'').
So, it was, I - for me, it was a great trauma (4h0'53''). [cut
of the movie]
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Die Kinder und
Anzeichen von Missbrauch im Kindergarten durch die Polizei
Repetition: NL Holten: The children and signs of abuse in
kindergarden by the police
Partner Casper: His place was very strict in the
- in the - between - he was very strict with his role picking
up the children (4h1'8'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Normally he didn't care
very much of them, and at that time, then, he was always - he
would like to have them more (4h1'15'') and also during the
week half a day on Wednesday when you have an afternoon off
(4h1'21''). Then he was - ya (4h1'23'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Was he abusing the children
at that time? (4h1'26'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I was not with them, and
they will not tell me, because they are still in (4h1'31'') -
Reporter 1 (woman): What do you think?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: I think so yes
Reporter 1 (woman): So, your kids are still in
this now. Have you tried to get them out? (4h1'38'')
Wiederholung: NL Holten: Eine Scheidung
arrangieren mit einem Vater, der Kinder an die Polizei
Repetition: NL Holten: Arrange the divorce with a father who
sold children to the police
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: We have - Carmen, the
youngest one, I have to tell the whole story because otherwise
it goes (4h1'51''). After the divorce, because family did not
function with my ex husband and... (4h2'0'') - he has a head
farm of page [?], and it was not my thingto have those
(4h2'7''). Animals kept for (4h2'10'').
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm- he went that
direction [hand gesture: right side], I went that direction
[hand gesture: left side], so, on a special time - after the
time - we - I go to - I did go to a lawyer and ask her
(4h2'29''): Who - how can I arrange a divorce, or to stay with
him (4h2'33''), and also he want to make more the farmer
bigger, and to invest all the money - and this is also my
money (4h2'42''), and I would not have whole my life the bank
in my neck (4h2'47''). So that was also part of the divorce
that I didn't want to have that thing behind me
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And he was very angry -
he was always angry, he beat me, to my [NL Dutch]: erop
[everywhere], to my heaven [conciousless] (4h3'5''). Eh -
after a two years, the divorce was done, and then he started
with the court case against me (4h3'17''),
Reporter 2 (man): Did he understand that you
divorce? (4h3'19'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: He was absent (4h3'20'').
Reporter 2 (man): In what year did you divorce?
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: 1995 (4h3'27''). And I
went away - I stayed there, because - ehm - then, he every
time did come back: 'O I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't want you
to - to hurt you, I want don't want to to hurt or to see the
children - or - ehm - don't want the children to see me this
way and - ehm - stay with me' (4h3'50''). So, I went, really
ran away [cut of the movie]
Wiederholung: Der Arzt Ridek will die Liebe
des Mädchen wieder haben - das kalte Leben der Freimaurer
Repetition: Doctor Ridek wants to get the love of the girl
again - the cold life of the Freemasons
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: Ehm, I was talking about
that mask (4h4'11''), that the doctor was not any longer
(4h4'13''). I know (4h4'16''). And that made for me the whole
thing no was (4h4'23''), because he [the bishop] tried to get
my love again (4h4'26''). He was not used to have them, not
have to have the warmth of one of authom [?] (4h4'34''). It's
a carry isolated life they [the bishops] live, very cold life
to live (4h4'41'').
Wiederholung: Der Fantasie-"Jesus" im Leben -
die Liebesgefühle zum Arzt Ridek kommen wieder
Repetition: Fantasy "Jesus" in life - love feelings to
doctor Ridek come again
xxxSchneerson tortured victim Toos and then violated victim
Toos (4h5'30'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: And, he - when I was six
years old, I would always go to Jesus (4h4'56''), that has
been a very long time and I have this intention (4h5'4''). Go
to Jesus and be as Jesus, helping people (4h5'10''). Also love
your enemy (4h5'15''). I remember, I have seen, where it was -
that Schneerson also tortured me and then he had sex with me
(4h5'30''), and I put mam [?] around him, it was - I - I felt
this lonely life and his, sometimes it's a very strange
situations and (4h5'46''), I don't know, probably is that also
my life so, why I have survived, I don't know (4h5'54'').
Reporter 1 (woman): Yea (yes) (4h5'56'')
Liebesgefühle zum Arzt Love feeling with the doctor
xxx doctor loves Toos and also Toos him (4h6'12'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But with the doctor, I
don't know when I for me, again I loved him, because at the
end, there was a loving feeling to each other again
(4h6'11''), and not only from him to me (4h6'12'').
Wiederholung: Kardinal Alfrink foltert Opfer
Toos speziell aus Rache gegen Dr. Ridek
Repetition: Cardinal Alfrink torturing victim Toos
especially as a revenge against Dr. Ridek
xxx Kardinal Alfrink mit Folter gegen Opfer Toos
Dr. Ridek liebt Toos und umgekehrt (4h6'12-4h6'50'')
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: But the cardinal
Alfrink, the bishop from Utrecht, he became award
of Dr. Ridek, he loved me (4h6'23''), and that
was a thing he could not - he was chess [chess fighter
mentality] - that's so mornous, a woman feeling (4h6'36''),
they could not handle it, so I was tortured from him badly
afterwards (4h6'45''), after he became award that there was a
relation between the doctor and me (4h6'50'').
Wiederholung: Deutschland, Schloss
Hohenschwangau: Freimaurer-Kindsmissbrauch mit Papst
Johannes-Paul II, Oberrabbiner Schneerson
Repetition: Germany, Hohenschwangau Castle: Freemason's
child abuse with pope John Paul II, supreme rabbi Schneerson
Victim Toos Nijenhuis: They brought me to [end
of the movie]
4 PHOTOS: farm house of the criminal Satanist
Catholic grand parents (1'56''-2'10'') PHOTO: Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands
(33'18'') PHOTO: Cardinal Alfrink (33'28'') PHOTO: Caernarfon Castle in Wales (35'19'') PHOTO: Upper Rabbi: Menachem Medel Schneerson
(35'46'') PHOTO: Hohenschwangau Castle (52'39'') PHOTO: home of "the Doctor" in Holten, Holland,
with a secret room discovered during renovations
(1h16'38''+1h16'44''). 3 PHOTOS: castle near Holten hidden in the
forest near childhood home (2h21'2''-18'').
-- PHOTOS with reporters walking (2h21'33'')
-- PHOTOS with location in the wood (2h21'37'') PHOTOS of a burning site:
-- jewel of a girl in a pile of wood in the forest (2h27'4'').
-- Zoom of the girl's jewel 1 (2h27'8'').
-- Zoom of the girl's jewel 2 (2h27'12'').
-- The sacrifice site in the forest (2h27'16'').
-- Victim Toos Nijenhuis pointing on the sacrifice site 1
-- The sacrifice site in the forest zoom (2h27'24'').
-- Victim Toos Nijenhuis pointing on the sacrifice site
-- The sacrifice site in the forest (2h27'32'').
-- Victim Toos Nijenhuis with 2 reporters, persons from the
side (2h27'38'').
-- Victim Toos Nijenhuis with 2 reporters, persons frontal
with their faces (2h27'40'').
Schneerson - schwere Verbrechen an Kindern bei Ritualen
Rabbi Schneerson wird von der Zeugin Toos
Nijenhuis aus Holland als Satanist beschrieben, mit
Teilnahme an satanistischen Ritualen, mit Kindsmissbrauch
und Kinderfolter, zusammen mit Papst Johannes-Paul II und
anderen Bischöfen im Schloss Hohenschwangau (Bayern), oder
zusammen mit Prinz Philipp in Schottland bei Fort William,
oder auch zusammen mit Kardinal Alfrink in
Saudi-Arabien etc.
Quelle ist das Interview mit der Überlebenden Toos
Nijenhuis "Dirty Little Secret of the Papacy" (2013 - 4h) -
Schneerson wird zwischen Minute 30 und 120 immer wieder als
Täter genannt. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_62VMQEfCU
Das Interview geht bis 2h27min., dann folgen nur noch
zusammengeschnittene Ausschnitte des Interviews.
Michael Palomino, Lima - Webseite:
Katholische Kirche=organisiertes Verbrechen -- 28.10.2013:
Krimineller Vatikan mit Kindsmissbrauch und Kindermorden
"Ich sah, wie Joseph Ratzinger ein kleines Mädchen tötete" -
Augenzeuge über ein Opferritual von 1987 bestätigt die
Berichte von Toos Nijenhuis aus Holland. -- Kindermorde in
einem französischen Schloss 1987 - Ratzinger+Alfrink+Prinz
Bernhard (Bilderberger-Gründer) -- Haftbefehl gegen
Ratzinger (Papst Benedikt) - er ist im Vatikan gefangen --
Vatikan mit Kinderritualen ist eine kriminelle Organisation
-- Vatikan-Agenten stören das Gericht und hacken Webseiten
-- Vatikan-Geheimdienst "Heilige Allianz" - Büro für
"schwarze Operationen" Sodalitium Pianum -- Die
Stellungnahme des ITCCS an die Welt: Die Macht des Vatikans
muss vernichtet werden -- Die Päpste sind Mörder und
Gehilfen bei rituellen Mordaktionen -- Zeugenaussage von
Toos Nijenhuis --
Einleitung: Papst Benedikt musste wegen einer Klage wegen
Kindsmissbrauch zurücktreten -- Opfer Toos Nijenhuis
(Holland) berichtet vom ersten Missbrauch mit 4 Jahren:
Ritual für einen kriminellen, jüdischen "Gott" - Familie mit
Kirchenleuten -- Das Kind wird für den Kindsmissbrauch
gebrochen: Die hilflose Stellung auf dem Bauch -- Das
Training für die Freimaurer: Die Geburtszange in der Vagina
provoziert Orgasmen - der Test für die Freimaurer, ob sie
pädophil sind oder nicht -- Wenn Freimaurer keine Pädophile
sind, müssen sie schwul werden -- Nackte Kinder werden mit
Pferden gejagt - Prinz Bernard, Kardinal Alfrink etc.
[1] Opfer Toos Nijenhuis: Video: SATANISMUS KIRCHE: Opfer
Toos Nijenhuis (Holland) - Vergewaltigungen ab 4 Jahren
[2] Kriminell-pädophiler Kardinal Alfrink:
[3] Kardinal Ratzinger in Rom am 12. September 1988:
[4] Kardinal Ratzinger als Papst Benedikt Februar 2013: AP
Photo/Alessandra Tarantino:
[5] Kriminell-pädophiler Prinz Bernhard von Holland,
Katholische Kirche=ORGANISIERTES VERBRECHEN -- Satanismus
03: Opfer hat überlebt: Toos Nijenhuis gegen Kardinal
Alfrink+Johannes-Paul II+Schneerson, Prinz Bernhard, Prinz
Philipp etc. -- Zeugin Toos Nijenhuis aus Holten (Holland)
gegen die Satanisten Kardinal Alfrink, Prinz Bernhard, Prinz
Philipp, Oberrabbi Schneerson, Satanisten-Papst
Johannes-Paul II etc. - Kriminelle, katholische
Satanisten-Eltern organisieren mit einem Vikar Folter und
Gangbang-Vergewaltigungen an Kindern ab 4 Jahren -
satanistische Partys im Waldschloss bei Holten mit einem
satanistischen Arzt ab 5 Jahren - Gangbang-Vergewaltigungen
und Folter ab 6 Jahren in Schlössern - der Kardinal Alfrink
organisiert Kinder mit seinem Privatflugzeug für die
satanistischen Gangbang-Folter-Partys in der ganzen Welt
(Wales, Schottland, Bayern, Arabien, Australien etc.) -
Stromfolter bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit - die beiden Ehemänner
verkaufen ihre Kinder ebenso an die Satanisten -
Opferrituale mit Kindermord durch Scheiterhaufen im Wald -
Polizei oder Staatsanwaltschaft greifen nicht ein --
Inhalt: NL Holten: Die Vorbereitung für die Opferung an
einen "Gott" in der Scheune des Onkels (1'7''-2'36'') NL
Holten: Massenvergewaltigungen mit 4 Jahren - 1 Stunde
Gangbang durch Familienmitglieder (2'36''-8'26'') NL Holten:
Der Arzt (Dr. Ridek) instruiert die Eltern, wie die Töchter
zu foltern sind (8'26''-12'43'') NL Holten: Die Abrechnung
mit dem kriminellen Vergewaltiger-Vater (12'43''-14'15'') NL
Schloss bei Holten: Das Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im
Schloss (14'15''-16'57'') Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im
Schloss: Der Arzt als Ziegenbock [Ganomed] (16'57''-18'16'')
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss: Orgasmusstimulation
mit der Gyni-Zange (18'16''-18'54'')
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss: Der Tod für Männer,
die beim Anblick kindlicher Geschlechtsorgane eines
orgasmisierten Mädchens keine Erektion bekommen
(18'54''-21'8'') Vier Jahre lang Freimaurer-Ritual mit
Kinder-Yoni und Männern, die erigieren müssen
(21'22''-23'6'') Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss:
Mord und Nekrophilie (23'6''-25'56'')
Freimaurer-Einführungsritual im Schloss: Wer keine
Nekrophilie kann, wird mit einem Messer "belohnt"
(25'56''-28'48'') Holland: Folterzentrum Albado [?]:
Strom-Folter an Zehen, Fingern, Klitoris - auch mit Morphium
(28'48''-30'33'') Holland Limburg Schloss Eisz [?]: Folter,
Gangbang-Vergewaltigung und Vergewaltigung durch 1 Hund
(30'33''-31'39'') Entführungen nach Wales (Schloss
Caernarfon) und Schottland (Fort Williams) (35'1''-35'19'')
Entführung nach Schottland Fort Williams: Mit Oberrabbi
Menachem Mendel Schneerson (35'19''-46'14'') GB Wales:
Schloss Caernarfon: Jagd auf Kinder in den Gängen
(36'14''-36'48'') Schottland Fort Williams: Stromfolter mit
Fesselung im Swimming Pool bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit
(36'48''-39'28'') Schottland Fort Williams: Arzt
Ridek+Schneerson+Lord Mountbatten (Prinz Philipp)
(39'28''-40'1'') Wie Toos Nijenhuis Personen erkennt: Der
Körper sagt es ihr (40'1''-40'40'') Schottland Fort
Williams: Spiegelsaal+Zeitmaschine, um das Gehirn der Opfer
zu verwirren (40'40''-42'44'') Satanistische Freimaurer:
Opfer werden ab 4 bis 12 missbraucht (42'44''-43'14'')
Schottland Fort Williams: Folter mit Nadeln unter
Fingernägeln+Zehennägeln - bei blockiertem Mund
(43'14''-44'13'') Die satanistische Freimaurer-Elite filmte
zum Teil die Folter (44'13''-44'45'') Schottland Fort
Williams: Kinderjagd+Kindermorde+Kinderfleisch essen
(Kannibalismus) (44'45''-46'20'') Toos Nijenhuis überlebte -
wegen eines Liebhabers - Bischof von Münster+Arzt Ridek
(46'20''-48'12'') Kannibalismus in Fort Williams: Kinder
werden gezwungen, andere Kinder zu essen Cannibalism in Fort
Williams: children are forced to eat other children
(48'12''-49'22'') Arzt Ridek will die Liebe des Mädchen
wieder haben - das kalte Leben der Freimaurer
(49'22''-50'11'') Der Fantasie-"Jesus" im Leben - Rabbi
Schneerson foltert und vergewaltigt Kinder (50'11''-51'45'')
Kardinal Alfrink foltert Opfer Toos speziell aus Rache gegen
Dr. Ridek (51'45''-52'20'') Deutschland: Schloss
Hohenschwangau: Mit Bischöfen, [Satanisten]-Papst
Johannes-Paul II, Oberrabbiner Schneerson (52'20''-54'15'')
Deutschland: Schloss Hohenschwangau: Oberrabbi Schneerson
mit Kinderfolter: Urin, Faustschläge, Mund blockiert,
Vagina-Folter (54'15''-55'41'') Deutschland: Schloss
Hohenschwangau: Gangbang-Vergewaltigung durch Bischöfe samt
[Satanisten]-Papst Johannes Paul II + Oberrabi Schneerson -
und Folter (55'41''-57'18'') Schloss Enz [?]: Folter mit
Schlangen (57'18''-57'31'') Saudi-Arabien:
Alfrink+Schneerson+Dr. Ridek etc. (57'31''-59'35'') Dara
(Saudi-Arabien): Folter von Oberrabbi Schmerson: auf Kinder
urinieren und kacken - Gangbang-Vergewaltigung am Abend 5
Tage lang (59'35''-1h1'11'') Blutgruppe
(1h1'11''-1h3'10'') Saudi-Arabien:
Gangbang-Vergewaltigung und Stromfolter bis zur
Bewusstlosigkeit (1h3'10''-1h5'38'') Saudi-Arabien: Rabbi
Schneerson "holt" das Opfer in der Nacht aus dem Schlaf -
Folter in der Nacht (1h5'38''-1h6'24'') Saudi-Arabien:
(1h6'24''-1h7'33'') Saudi-Arabien in der Wüste: Folter in
einer Röhre - Todesangst - Kardinal Alfrink uriniert auf
Kinder (1h7'33''-1h10'22'') Deutschland: Schloss
Hohenschwangau (1h10'22''-1h11'10'') Deutschland: Schloss
Hohenschwangau: Entdeckung eines zweiten Eingangs
(1h11'10''-1h13'4'') Saudi-Arabien+Deutschland: 11 Jahre alt
(1h13'4''-1h13'25'') NL Holten: Der Missbrauch wurde
mit 12 durch ein Ultimatum an den Arzt Ridek gestoppt:
Schluss jetzt oder töte mich (1h13'25''-1h16'38'') NL
Holten: Arzt Ridek verliert eines seiner Kinder - und zieht
dann weg - und wird angeblich von einem Patienten umgebracht
(1h16'38''-1h20'5'') Australien: Die Reise mit Alfrink
nach Melbourne (Australien) (1h20'5''-1h22'20'') Australien:
Der Flug mit Alfrink mit Satanistenritual: Zuerst
Kindsmissbrauch und dann Kindermorde, indem sie aus dem
Privatflugzeug geworfen werden (1h22'20''-1h25'30'')
Melbourne (Australien): Fesselung+Peitschenfolter mit
Lederhemd im Folterbunker mit dicken Wänden
(1h25'30''-1h28'44'') Melbourne (Australien): Folter mit
Eisenplatten an den Füssen (1h28'44''-1h29'39'') Melbourne
(Australien): Folter mit Fesselung+Gartenschlauch in Anus
(1h29'29''-1h30'56'') Melbourne (Australien):
Kameras+Filmaufnahmen im Folterbunker - für
Folter-Kinderporno oder so (1h30'59''-1h31'6'') Der
Folterbunker in Australien: Freimaurer bilden Leute im
Foltern aus (1h31'6''-1h31'48'') Melbourne (Australien):
Folterkeller mit Pool+gefesselten Kindern+Ratten
(1h31'48''-1h34'34'') Melbourne (Australien): Fesselung auf
dem Gyni-Stuhl und Stromfolter bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit
(1h34'34''-1h35'36'') Melbourne (Australien): Wasserfolter
(1h35'36''-1h36'5'') Melbourne (Australien):
Nadelfolter+Folter mit Hängen am Seil bis zur
Bewusstlosigkeit (1h36'5''-1h41'16'') Melbourne
(Australien): Eine Talk Show im Folterbunker
(1h41'16''-1h41'58'') NL Holland: Jugendzeit des
Opfers: Arzt hat andere Freundin - Arzt Ridek schmierte
wahrscheinlich den Vater, damit Toos nicht getötet wird
(1h41'58''-1h43'25'') 5 eigene Kinder - 4 von 1 Mann -
Scheidung - Prozess gegen die Mutter (1h43'25''-1h49'30'')
NL Holten: Ehemann (Katholik) verkauft die Kinder wieder an
den Satanismus von Alfrink (1h49'30''-1h52'42'') NL Holten:
Vergewaltigung durch den Freund mit 17 in Holland
(1h52'42''-1h55'57'') 1 Jahr in Österreich: Gesundes Leben
ohne Alfrink-[Fantasie]-Kirche (1h55'57''-1h56'45'') NL
Holland: Die Kinder und Anzeichen von Missbrauch im
Kindergarten durch die Polizei (1h56'45''-2h5'18'') NL
Holten: Eine Scheidung arrangieren mit einem Vater, der
Kinder an die Polizei verkauft und das Geld der Ehefrau in
seinen Hof investieren will (2h5'18''-2h8'13'')
Gerichtsprozess scheitert: Der Kinderhändler-Vater wollte
die Kinder in "seinem Haus" haben (2h8'13''-2h9'19'') NL
Holten: Vater mit Landwirtschaft - die Mutter will wegen Dr.
Hamer nach Spanien auswandern (2h9'19''-2h14'46'') NL
Holten: Katholische Väter missbrauchen katholische Töchter -
die Kinder von Toos Nijenhuis - und die Mutter soll schuldig
sein (!) (2h14'46''-2h17'53'') NL Holten: Der andere
Gerichtsfall gegen den Vater, der seine Tochter beim
Kartenspiel verkauft (2h17'53''-2h19'7'') Freimaurer: Der
grosse Zusammenhang mit diesen Missbräuchen und Folterungen:
Menschen den Willen brechen - und Kontrolle über erpressbare
Politiker haben (2h19'7''-2h20'15'') Die Massnahmen gegen
die kriminelle Oberklasse (2h20'15''-2h20-52'') NL: Schloss
bei Holten (2h20'52''-2h21'18'') NL Holten: Kindermorde im
Wald am Scheiterhaufen bei lebendigem Leib - Kinderopfer