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The cross lie and 1 cherry tree - index

IT'S ALL A LIE: fantasy cross, fantasy cadaver, and terrorist "mission" propaganda - replace it by 1 cherry tree

Criminal fantasy cross of
                    criminal Church between Brislach and Laufen
                    (Switzerland) w text+crossed out   Swiss Penal Code (Schweizer
                    Strafgesetzbuch StGB)    Criminal fantasy cross with
                    criminal fantasy cadaver in gold at Mariastein
                    (Switzerland) w text+crossed out
Criminal fantasy cross of criminal Church between Brislach and Laufen (Switzerland) w text+crossed out [1]
Swiss Penal Code [2]
Criminal fantasy cross with criminal fantasy cadaver in gold at Mariastein (Switzerland) w text+crossed out [2]

by Michael Palomino (ab 2022)

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1. WHAT do crosses and hanged cadavers mean in public?  
Fantasy cross with fantasy cadaver on it is the symbol for criminal Church with violence and extortion without end

Criminal FANTASY cross of criminal
                              Church between Brislach and Laufen
                              (Switzerland) with text and crossed out

2. Delicts of the Church according to Swiss Penal Code (2022)  
The delicts of criminal Church in respect of FANTASY cross and FANTASY cadaver on the FANTASY cross according to Swiss StGB

Criminal FANTASY cross on Bettmeralp
                              in the canton of Valais in Switzerland
                              with text and crossed out    Swiss Penal
                              Code (Schweizer Strafgesetzbuch StGB)  

3. Comments: FINISH with FANTASY crosses and FANTASY cadavers in the landscape!  
Symbols for criminal associations and criminal associations are NOT ALLOWED - depictions of violence are NOT ALLOWED

Criminal FANTASY cross wiht a FANTASY
                            cadaver on it with text and crossed out   

4. Different crosses    
Celtic cross - Inca cross - Fake Christian cross - Red Cross, pharmacy cross, blue cross, etc.

Inca crosses with Mother Earth

Bye bye Christian Church terrorists!
Vatican is finished.
Trash brains are not going forward.


E-Mail 1: Kreuz in der Landschaft steht für kriminelle Kirche mit Kriminalität ohne Ende   

E-Mail 2:
