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The lie of the cross 03: comments: FINISH with FANTASY crosses and FANTASY cadavers in the landscape!
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Comment: FINISH with FANTASY crosses and FANTASY cadavers in the landscape!
My question was: What is to do when you see a cadaver nailed on a cross?
Thursday, July 26, 2022, I asked some persons I know what they would do when they would see a cadaver in the public:
"Survey because of the dead bodies: How would you react if you see a bleeding dead during a walk who is nailed on a cross? Thank you very much for your answer, Michael Palomino"
(orig. German: "Umfrage wegen Toten: Wie würdest du reagieren, wenn du beim Spaziergang einen blutenden Toten siehst, der an einem Kreuz genagelt ist? Herzlichen Dank f deine Antwort, Michael Palomino")
Some answered and these answers were clear:
Communication partner Kurkuma: Call police
Turmeric: Call the police.
Comment: So all Jesus crosses have to go to the police. Very good, because it's not allowed to bother the landscape with dead bodies.
Comment: Mariastein is very extreme with a photo of fantasy Maria in a rock cave and a candle is dripping like a stalactite stone on the rock. Every day they waste a candle for this.
Communication partner Loh: Call the police
Loh says: Sorry that must not be, this is history, this would be a fool, so call police and fire brigade fast for saving the poor man or woman.
Comment: So all Jesus crosses have to go to the police. Very good, because it's not allowed to bother the landscape with dead bodies.
Communication partner All sche wil: call the police - crosses can remain, but without cadaver - truth of the Church with drug trafficking
All sche wil: call the police at once
All sche wil: Christ is just so long time ago
Comment: So all Jesus crosses have to go to the police. Very good, because it's not allowed to bother the landscape with dead bodies.
All sche wil: :-))
Comment: This also means 1 other friend of mine.
Comment: Mariastein is just very extreme also with a fantasy photo of Maria in a cave with a candle dripping like a stalactite stone. Every day about they waste a candle there.
Comment: Well, when I was walking [in the region of Basel] from Rodersdorf passing Liebenswiller to Leymen to the little train station I detected about 5 to 6 cadavers. Horror.
All sche wil: These are all Catholic locations. Or they put little altars with flowers on it. I have no problem with this.
Comment: Replacing crosses by cherry trees and berry bushes f birds and insects What do you mean about this?
All sche wil: This has to be anyway, but it's better let stay the crosses. This would provoke a storm.
Comment: No, the Catholic Fantasy Church has NO right to mark land with crosses. Or then all religions do it. Then I want to see a Shiva dancing and Buddha cross-legged in the landscape.
All sche wil: This was like this in former times everywhere. Not so much harm.
Comment: Well, these crosses are symbol f violence blackmail abuse satanism children's gangbang forced singing on Sundays slavery of native mass murder in colonialism and wars in Europe under Christians without meaning, gold robbery in Latin America without end, and the crosses in the confessional or rectory were a used also for violation of children. These crosses have to be eliminated!
Comment: And because in the landscape cannot be installed symbols of all religions, also the criminal crosses have to go. Christianity is [overall with Vatican+NATO] the most criminal religion in the world.
Comment: The Vatican has been doing drug trafficking with Peru Ecuador and Colombia since about 1530. He buys the cocaine cheap there and it is sold in Europe (Vatican Bank = Drug Bank). That is why Latin America must never become intelligently clever and as strong as Europe. So, poverty there is WANTED by the Vatican so the drug trafficking is going on without end. The bribed governments are participating! This is all associated with these criminal crosses. Have to go.
All sche wil [wants to suppress]: You think too much about this stuff.
All sche wil: Look in my FB about the Taliban. With crosses we can live.
Comment: Taliban? Yes, the crescent moon is not without violence either. But the Christs are the worst pack of world colonialism to this day, and whoever says the truth will be bullied and beaten etc. I have experienced everything like this in Stone Age Peru. The Vatican manipulates the masses there in such a way that they REMAIN POOR AND DO NOT LEARN ANYTHING. The Christians are the worst. There must not be anything religious except a peace candle.
All sche wil: and Peru?
Comment: There in Peru and throughout Latin America, the cross with the cadaver and red light is installed in every second living room and they convert their living rooms into a church. Cruel indoctrination, mental castration with false fantasies from Rome. And whoever says something will be bullied, beaten and chased. With me with Mother Earth, they did it like this: instead of adopting my healing recipes and thanking me, I was bullied, beaten and chased. And they have fun on their own stupidity. That is why the clear action is needed: liberation from the drug cadaver cross of the criminal Vatican. Mother Earth with the knowledge of the planet must get its place against as it was before this criminal Christianity.
All sche wil: Ahh leave that out.
Comment: England Christian has converted India into a drug production a the drugs were sold by the English colonialists to China for decades to destroy China with drugs. China never attacked England. Christians are megalomania. Cross has to go.
All sche wil: forced?
Comment: India was forced to switch agriculture to drugs. And the drugs were sold in China to destroy China. That was the profit of the East India Company. However, it was officially reported that they only make business w porcelain and tea. Rothschild u the Christian gang in London did what the criminal Vatican had shown them. Druuuuuuuuugs! And the drugs still don't stop.
Communication partner from OW: crosses with cadavers to the police
OW: This is a special question. I would call the police.
Comment: So all Jesus crosses have to go to the police. Very good, because it's not allowed to bother the landscape with dead bodies.
OW: :-) just like this.
Communication partner M': cadavers to the police, but cadaver statues should remain (?!)
M': Call the police.
Comment: So all Jesus crosses have to go to the police. Very good, because it's not allowed to bother the landscape with dead bodies.
M': These are only statues. So it's not obliged to make report this. Jesus has died over 2000 years ago.
Comment: But he never existed. He does not come since 2022 years. All is a liiiie.
M': Well, we don't know this precisely. It could be true or a lie. As many other things, too.
Comment: But when somebody is not coming during 2022 years...
M': This is not possible anyway. Nobody who was dead such a long time has been brought to life again. He could at most reincarnate if you believe in it.
Comment: During a walk from Rodersdorf to Leymen I had to see 5 to 6 times a cadaver on a cross. HORROR.
M ': I would look for common ground and not focus on differences. We have to get rid of the ruling principle of part and rule, but we have to unite for resistance against the real enemy.
Comment: Well, I have the idea that the crosses have to be replaced by cherry trees with berry bushes for the birds and insects + eventually play ground and fire place and water tap, etc. Then it's good for all.
M': These exist already enough of it. These crosses are serving the believers, they have a right for it. It does not need much space anyway and there are not really many of them.
Comment: No, Jews and Muslims and I with Buddha don't need any cross. The cross is religious madness from Rome against the planet and all other cultures.
Communication partner Lake of Zurich: crosses with cadavers can be replaced
Question: Can you tell me where such fake Jesus crosses are installed in the landscape? I should have a list. It's possible to replace these crosses by cherry trees, then it's all right for all.
Question: The lie has to be eliminated, the Church has to be eliminated, this Jesus did not come for 2022 years now!!!
Lake of Zurich: People are not equal, but the deads are?
Comment: There are so many deads on the cross and partially in GOLD! Complete madness.
Lake of Zurich: Well, give the money "another sugar" or what?
[He means that when cross and cadaver are eliminated, another madness will be put].
Communication partner Little Basel: crosses with cadavers on them are necrophile contamination
Little Basel means: Church is not attractive because they are "necrophile" (are always adoring cadavers) and therefore, these crosses are "necrophile contamination".
Communication partner Gellert: Cult of the dead is sick - Mariastein = psychopathic place
Gellert: [this dead on the cross is] a non-smoker or smoker? A do-gooder or good person? Well, it should happen first so I could give an accurate answer.
Question: Walking from Rodersdorf to Leymen I saw 6 cadavers in the landscape nailed on crosses. HORROR. Can this be accepted?
Gellert: No. Because the right crosses are empty, without body. The ones with it, they are with the Satanist Catholics! They have a cult of death, sick. Mariastein is also such a psychopathic place. There, Jesus even has 3 daggers in the skull!
Comment: Oooo in the Cathedral 3 daggers. Ok.
Comment: No religion has the right to dominate the landscape with its symbols. I mean, instead of crosses you can plant cherry trees with berry bushes around u fire place and playground around, etc. Then it's ok for everybody.
-- history with archeology: http://www.hist-chron.com/index-ENGL.html
-- sociology and natural medicine with Mother Earth: http://www.med-etc.com/index-ENGL.html
-- the Gods of the past (astronauts of the past): http://www.am-sur.com/index-ENGL.html
My question was: What is to do when you see a cadaver nailed on a cross? -- Communication partner Kurkuma: Call police -- Communication partner Loh: Call the police -- Communication partner All sche wil: call the police - crosses can remain, but without cadaver - truth of the Church with drug trafficking -- Communication partner from OW: crosses with cadavers to the police -- Communication partner M': cadavers to the police, but cadaver statues should remain (?!) -- Communication partner Lake of Zurich: crosses with cadavers can be replaced -- Communication partner Little Basel: crosses with cadavers on them are necrophile contamination -- Communication partner Gellert: Cult of the dead is sick - Mariastein = psychopathic place --
Photo sources
[2] Criminal Church is celebrating itself yet! Cross lie at Mariastein (Switzerland) with a golden FANTASY cadaver on a FANTASY cross: photo by Michael Palomino