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The delicts of the Church according to Swiss Penal Code (2022)
in respect of the FANTASY cross, the FANTASY cadaver on the FANTASY cross, and the psychoterrorism of the "mission"
The list
Dead body on the cross
= representation of violence without sense (StGB Switzerland Art.135)
= bodily harm on the cross (StGB Switzerland Art.123)
= involuntary homicide on the cross (StGB Switzerland Art.111)
= murder on the cross (StGB Switzerland Art. 112)
= provoking of a horror for the population (StGB Switzerland Art. 258)
= serious psychological bodily harm for passers-by by mental shock (StGB Switzerland Art. 123)
Cross+cadaver on the cross
= mental coercion (StGB Switzerland Art.181)
= mental torture (StGB Switzerland Art.264a paragraph f)
= mental deprivation of liberty (StGB Switzerland Art. 264a paragraph d) because this brutal violent scene and murder scene on the cross is limiting free thinking and blocking free mental developments.
Crosses+cadavers in the landscape
= Abuse of office (StGB Switzerland Art. 312) and violation of neutrality (Swiss Constitution BV Art.173a)
= Attack on all other cultures (crime: attack: StGB Switzerland Art. 264G).
= Church crosses and crosses with cadavers are mental weapons which intentionally are provoking mental shocks (crime: application of weapons: StGB Switzerland Art. 264h).
"Christian mission" is:
= worst coercion against other cultures with violent FANTASY ideas nationwide and in the WHOLE WORLD (StGB Switzerland Art.181) and extortion (StGB Switzerland Art.156-1), commercial blackmail with the extortion for paying a tenth of your salary (tithing) as an illegal protection money (commercial blackmail: StGB Switzerland Art. 156-2 )
= distribution of representations of violence nationwide and in the WHOLE WORLD (StGB Switzerland, Art.135)
= financing of terrorism against all other cultures (financing of terrorism: StGB Switzerland Art.260quinquies276)
= torture against all other cultures in the world (StGB Switzerland Art.264a paragraph f)
"Christian mission" with espionage is:
= violation of the secret sector and of the private sector (StGB Switzerland, Article 179)
= bullying with defamation (StGB Switzerland Art.174) against other cultures, possibly in entire quarters
= spying mail (StGB Switzerland Art. 321 paragraph 1)
= robbing mail (theft: StGB Switzerland Art.139, theft by violence: Art. 140)
= the goal is the destruction of the "other" culture, murder of people of the other culture (other believers, indigenous people, whistleblower) (murder: StGB Switzerland, Art.112)
= the goal is the contract killing with pogrom bu mass manipulation with heaviest defamation (StGB Switzerland, Article.174)
(criminal Church with criminal difamations: they invent violators, murderers, child abuse, drugs, etc.)
Appeal: FORBID this Church - convert "Christians" into normal people
-- The Church with violent FANTASY imagination and "mission" is a criminal organization (StGB Switzerland, Art.260ter)
-- "Christians" are trapped in their mental disorders and imagination+need therapeutic measures (StGB Switzerland Art. 59) in the sense of human rights, further education, psychoanalysis, Mother Earth, energy from space, gods of the past, etc.
-- "Christians" are psychopaths who have NO idea about the world and they give their lives to the criminal authorities of pastors, bishops, cardinals, or Popes or "sisters" - this mental illness to learn NOTHING and to be guided only by FANTASIES and CRIMINALS must stop.
The delicts as text
Nailing a person to the cross = representation of violence - physical harm - killing - murder - peace is disturbed with horror for the population - serious psychological injury
-- The scene of nailing and hanging a person on a cross is the most severe representation of violence without meaning (StGB Switzerland Art.135)
--The archeology has not found anything from a FANTASY Jesus: NO hair, NO fingernail, NO bones, NO signature, NO text, NO written word - and the FAKE promise that the FANTASY Jesus would come back is now 2022 years old - and he does NOT come, so, ALL IS A LIE and the representation of violence with a FANTASY cadaver on a FANTASY cross is completely superfluous and punishable representation of violence (StGB Switzerland Art.135)
-- The scene of nailing a person on a cross is bodily harm (StGB Switzerland Art. 123), mostly death is the result, that means it's intentional or accepted killing (StGB Switzerland Art. 111) or intended murder (StGB Switzerland Art. 112 ), and therefore the representation of violence is extremely punishable
-- The scene of nailing a person on a cross is a disturbance of peace with mental harassment respectively it's provoking a horror for the population (StGB Switzerland Art. 258) with a shocking effect and with an ETERNAL sad memory of the referring location. So, this is serious mental harm (StGB Switzerland Art.123) installing such crosses with cadavers on the landscape.
Mental coercion - mental torture - bodily harm by shock - mental deprivation of freedom
-- The sight of Church crosses with hung cadavers in public is not a mission, but this is mental coercion (StGB Switzerland Art.181)
-- The sight of Church crosses with hung cadavers in public is not a mission, but this is mental torture (StGB Switzerland Art.264a paragraph f)
-- The sight of Church crosses with hung cadavers in public provokes bodily harm by mental shock (StGB Switzerland Art. 123)
--The sight of Church crosses with hung cadavers in public is not a mission, but this is mental deprivation of freedom because this scene of brutal violence and murder scene on the cross is limiting free thinking in a peaceful world and is blocking free mental developments (StGB Switzerland Art. 264a paragraph d).
This means: with this criminal Church with a FANTASY cross and a FANTASY cadaver on this FANTASY cross, the world is NOT PEACEFUL ANY MORE.
Abuse of office by the criminal Church - warfare by the criminal Church
-- The expansion of the church symbols to the ENTIRE landscapes in Switzerland and in the world is abuse of office (StGB Switzerland Art. 312) and against the neutrality of Switzerland and in Switzerland (BV Art.173a)
-- Installing Church symbols in public is warfare against other cultures to dominate all other cultures in order not to leave them space and to destroy all original cultures (crime: attack: StGB Switzerland Art. 264G). In this religious war, the Church crosses with hung cadavers on them are serving as a mental weapon against all other cultures (crime: application of weapons: StGB Switzerland Art. 264h)
-- Warfare is also happening directly: Abusing crosses and crosses with cadavers for beating and violating children is another abuse of office (StGB Switzerland Art.312) and bodily harm Art.123). Even the only threat to beat (threat: Art.180-1) is provoking a shock (Art.180-1) and with this it's also mental bodily harm (Art.123).
The "mission": The "Mission" of the world with depictions of violence of murders on the cross = spread of violence - coercion - TERRORISM
-- The will of the "Christians" to force the whole world by "mission" imposing the mentally disturbed and violent FANTASIES and self-restrictions telling that a FANTASY Jesus had died on a FANTASY cross for "others", and that everything would be "sin", this is an obsessional neurosis and a violent fantasy against any normal understanding of people
-- The criminal, violent "mission" with its depictions of violence with hung cadavers etc. is worst coercion (StGB Switzerland Art. 181) and extortion (StGB Switzerland Art.156-1), it's commercial blackmail with the forced tithing paying one tenth of your salary as an illegal protection money (commercial blackmail: StGB Switzerland Art. 156-2)
With their "mission", the criminal "Christians" are committing a mental violent crime against all other cultures
-- spreading depictions of violence (StGB Switzerland, Art.135)
-- "mission" with depictions of violence is GLOBAL coercion (StGB Switzerland Art.181)
-- "mission" with depictions of violence with church crosses and with church crosses with cadavers is financing of terrorism against all other cultures by tithing, and more money comes in with global drug trafficking and global drug commerce, and these structures of coercion and forced cashing combined with drug commerce are clearly financial terrorism (financing of terrorism: StGB Switzerland Art.260Quinquies276)
-- Overall, the "mission" is a torture against all other cultures in the world (StGB Switzerland Art.264a paragraph f)
You have to notice that all other religions do NOT NEED a "mission" to maintain their stand on believers, but only the criminal Church is using the eternal psychoterrorism against other cultures, and the word "mission" means: the whole world would belong to the criminal Church (definition of the Tordesillas line in 1493). To date (year of 2022), this definition of the division of the world between Portugal and Spain has NOT BEEN WITHDRAWN.
The "Mission" with espionage and murders against other cultures - highest criminality+mass murder
-- The criminal "Christians" also apply against other cultures spying (violatino of the secret+private sector: StGB Switzerland, Art.179) and bullying with defamation (StGB Switzerland, Article 174)
-- Criminality of criminal "Christians" has NO LIMIT!
-- People are defined as "enemies" in order to then organize a war against the "enemy" with espionage, possibly entire quarters are accumulated and manipulated with defamation (StGB Switzerland, Art.174) for organizing pogroms and destroying existences, families and cultures
-- crimes are committed to intimidate or damage "enemies" and other cultures: = spying the mail (StGB Switzerland Art. 321 paragraph 1) and stealing the mail (theft Art. 139), or robbing the mail (robbery Art. 140)
-- The criminal Church also organizes entire civil wars and pogroms to let "enemies" kill by third parties (victims are other believers, indigenous people, whistleblowers, etc.) -- which then replaces the murder by pogrom+stake (StGB Switzerland, Article 112), and also the contract killing is replaced by pogroms by mass manipulation.
The healing of the "Christians" to become "normal" people: "Christians" are mentally ill - therapeutic treatment of mental disorders is missing
-- The view that all people should be "sinner" and that a murder of a person on a cross should be a "salvation" is a compulsory neurosis against every normal human understanding and is a psychological disorder that needs treatment for liberating the "Christians" of these brutal and violent ideas: therapeutic measures against these mental disorders are appropriate (StGB Switzerland Art. 59)
-- These mentally lost and confused "Christians" need training in logic and a normal trade diploma as a basis to get rid of the criminal FANTASY Bible with it's FAKE promises and violent laws and blackmails (StGB Switzerland Art. 59)
The legal situation for a normal life: psychoanalysis, logic, archeology, constitution, Penal Code
-- so, there counts psychoanalysis, logic in life, and archeology: Moses, Jesus and Mohammed NEVER existed, says archeology, the FANTASY god is ALSO a lie - because this was a Jewish movement which simply INVENTED that it would be more efficient to only believe in "one god" for winning the war against Persia (!) - of course the Goliath (Persia) then defeated the David (the little Israel) then ...
-- there counts Mother Earth, including all variations of life, which are possible respecting constitution and law and Human Rights
-- they were GODS (astronauts of the past) who came to earth 3000 years ago and tought humanity agriculture and city planning, the evidence can be seen in the buildings and museums of Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, see for example the website http://www.am-sur.com/index-ENGL.html
-- the Church in Europe hat 1000 years more time than in South "America" for the destruction of the old cultures of the natives, that's why in South "America" many proofs of the native cultuers can be found, in Europe the brute and criminal Church had almost destroyed everything, therefore one has to take a long flight to "America" for finding the proofs of old cultures. There were GODS and the astronauts of the past are REAL
-- in every country count the Constitution and Penal Codes and Human Rights.
Appeal: Church = criminal organization = FORBID IT - FORBID Church crosses and Church crosses with cadavers on it + replace it with symbols for life
When we see so many delicts of criminal Church, only one definition is possible: Church is a CRIMINAL MAFIA ORGANIZATION and only the PROHIBITION is possible:
-- special religious laws are ILLEGAL because otherwise FANTASIES would be supported which are not provable
-- PROHIBITION of the Church: Especially the Church with its many crimes, blackmails and violent compulsive ideas must be FORBIDDEN because this Church wants to force the whole world into a suffering mentality, just for the eternal power of the criminal pedophile Catholic gay Vatican in Rome
-- the Church embodies a MISBELIEF which is lasting for 2022 years now, so this MISBELIEF should be "turned off" some time
that has been taking for 2022 years, at some point you should "turn off" this misconception
-- PROHIBITION of crosses and cadavers: The criminal Church crosses and crosses with dead bodies on it have to be BANNED in order to finally guarantee Human Rights where the criminal crosses with cadavers and criminal Christians are dominating with their criminal Vatican until today.
Create normal life
-- The church crosses and the church crosses with cadavers must be ABOLISHED and replaced by symbols FOR humans and animals, e.g. cherry trees, fruit trees, always with berry bushes next to it, with benches, possibly playground, fireplaces, 1 tap with fresh water, 1 fountain which the does not necessarily have to run "full tube" but must guarantee the possibility of drinking water for adults, children and animals, etc.
-- People with religious extremism can have their symbol of obsessional neurosis against Human Rights on their chest, but this symbul just has NOT to be installed in the landscape
-- The same relationships with FANTASIES, violence and blackmail also count for other 1-God religions such as Judaism and Islam. They are all intolerant, they make propaganda against each other and want to DESTROY the multi-god cultures. All of this DOES NOT WORK. Misbelief with FANTASY god has to be ABOLISHED.
-- history with archeology: http://www.hist-chron.com/index-ENGL.html
-- sociology and natural medicine with Mother Earth: http://www.med-etc.com/index-ENGL.html
-- the Gods of the past (astronauts of the past): http://www.am-sur.com/index-ENGL.html
Michael Palomino, Aug. 2, 2022, last change on Aug. 7, 2022
The delicts of the Church according to Swiss Penal Code (2022) in respect of the FANTASY cross, the FANTASY cadaver on the FANTASY cross, and the psychoterrorism of the "mission" The list -- Nailing a person to the cross = representation of violence - physical harm - killing - murder - peace is disturbed with horror for the population - serious psychological injury -- Mental coercion - mental torture - bodily harm by shock - mental deprivation of freedom -- Abuse of office by the criminal Church - warfare by the criminal Church -- The "mission": The "Mission" of the world with depictions of violence of murders on the cross = spread of violence - coercion - TERRORISM -- The "Mission" with espionage and murders against other cultures - highest criminality+mass murder -- The healing of the "Christians" to become "normal" people: "Christians" are mentally ill - therapeutic treatment of mental disorders is missing -- The legal situation for a normal life: psychoanalysis, logic, archeology, constitution, Penal Code -- Appeal: Church = criminal organization = FORBID IT - FORBID Church crosses and Church crosses with cadavers on it + replace it with symbols for life -- Create normal life --
Photo sources
[2,3] Photo by Michael Palomino 2022