as a poli historian (history since 1992) with experience
also in sociology and natural medicine (since 2003) I
was analyzing now Einstein sources for 2 months.
Concerning the analysis of Einstein, the biography of
Einstein and Maric is riddled with a religious war:
link with all proofs
Religious war
-- there is a clear behavior of the Einstein Jewish
family against the Christian Orthodox Maric family, so,
there was a Jewish religious war from the start, to make
propaganda against the math-as Mileva - Einstein should
marry the Jewish Winteler daughter, a non-Jewish woman
is not accepted by the father Hermann Einstein until he
is in his deathbed, and mother Pauline Einstein does not
accept Mileva at all, she is not even invited, not even
listened to!
Stealing, hiding, giving the wrong impression, the
non-culture of hiding
-- 1900-1905: There is also a clear behavior of Einstein
AND Mileva against all morals: they are stealing math
formulas, they are hiding their sources, they are
concealing co-authors, they are making a false
impression in public, and with Einstein specially there
is the fact that he is constantly refusing to learn high
mathematics etc.
The culture of concealment began with Einstein, who kept
secret to his parents that is was Mileva making the high
math for him, and concealing things continued concealing
the daughter Lieserl, and concealing habit went on with
the "works" of 1905 without any sources indicated - and
always on and on.
Accomplices: Those responsible of the review
Annals of Physics (Annalen der Physik) in Leipzig - or
agents have instructed the bosses of the Annals?
-- since 1905: Those responsible for the review "Annals
of Physics" then "collaborating with the game", perhaps
on command "from above" (Rothschild Zionist agents or
the Emperor himself), and so a German who was called
Einstein was promoted, and the Serbian woman Maric was
eliminated, perhaps also because she was limping (that
probably didn't fit the Emperor [in Berlin], or the
Annals didn't want to present the Emperor a limping math
Monopoly in Züri
-- 1923-1948: [With the Nobel prize money] Einstein and
Mileva played Monopoly without taking into account that
there are also political factors (which unfortunately do
not occur in the Monopoly game), and after the stock
market crash of 1929 another house was bought instead of
waiting (Einstein and Mileva wanted to play to be a real
estate company).
Einstein railed against the Hitler government - he
lost all his fortune in Germany and put
the whole family in danger
-- With his behavior since 1933, railing against Hitler
Government, Einstein brought his complete family in
danger - this is never mentioned anywhere! Also the
family members may have asked themselves for sure: Well,
now Einstein is saying something one more time, and then
counts the clan-like rule - why the hell Einstein is
doing this? And all his fortune in Germany was
confiscated and he was even maintaining friendships to
criminal Communists.
All this shows that Einstein was an absolute chaotic
man, and with this the question comes up: Why Einstein
was such a chaotic person whereas he had fortune and it
was not at all necessary for him to be a chaotic man? I
suspect that Einstein was hardly and regularly
beaten by his parents, otherwise this chaotic behavior
cannot be explained, never taking roots properly and
then he only helped the Jews and he never helped the
empoverished Germans, and then since 1914 he forgot that
he had a Swiss passport - the contects to the nobel
families were "more important"...
Einstein = NOT a social revolutionary, although
there was every reason to do so
-- Einstein did not accept the challenges in sociology
(family), philosophy (religion) and psychology ([son]
Eduard with schizophrenia), otherwise he might have
become a social revolutionary and / or ETH president if
he had stayed in Züri
The religious war until the death of Mileva
-- The Einstein family's religious war against the Maric
family only ended when Mileva died, when practically all
Maric members had died - this means: the Einstein family
was a CRUELTY - and although Einstein said that he also
made philosophy, he did not find Mother Earth and the
indigenous people of this earth, and the religions were
NEVER questioned either (so that is really weak by
Einstein, if he also wants to do "philosophy" with his
Olympia etc., but did not recognize what many knew
already in those times: Moses never existed, Jesus never
existed, and Mohammed never existed - everything is only
installed to organize mass wars - the evidence is
available at
from 1946: Einstein NEVER visited Mileva - he also
NEVER visited since 1948 Mileva's grave
-- although Einstein was retired in 1946, he never
came to Zurich to celebrate the survival of the war with
Mileva - he never even came to the grave of Mileva,
although he still had 7 years time to do so (!) - and
this was his manner to express his Judaism against
Christianity until the end of his life
-- but he had been in Serbia several times between 1900
and 1905 and enjoyed the landscape there in Kac
-- so, this is really strange that Einstein always had a
Swiss passport, but since 1933 he NEVER was in
Switzerland to make a visit any more.
Mileva's helper syndrome
-- Mileva Einstein (born: Maric) also had a helper
syndrome that could not be recognized at the time
because it was only defined in 1977, and Christians have
been cultivating their helper syndrome to this day,
which was and still is a Christian "tradition", and
Mileva never expected Einstein to be on the hostile side
of the hostile Jewish Einstein family or will be the
puppet of them being determinated who he had to love.
This weakness in character again suggests that Einstein
was badly beaten up as a child - abuse is also possible
- so something is wrong in Einstein's character trait.
Maybe he could hide all what had happened in childhood,
or must hide all?
Gang criminality
I myself was completely surprised by all these facts,
I never wanted to find a criminal Einstein, but in the
end I have to say: It was gang crime what Einstein AND
Mileva AND the review "Annals" in Leipzig [committed],
AND what the Einstein family committed against Mileva
and the two sons. With Einstein himself the following
factors come out:
Einstein's motives to hide Mileva
-- Einstein never wanted to admit that he couldn't do
high math (all of ETH knew it, only the public didn't!)
-- Einstein did NOT tell his parents how important
Mileva was to him with the high math
-- If Einstein had presented Mileva as a co-author, he
would have had to admit that a WOMAN had done the high
math for him
-- and that would have been a loss of face around 1900,
but at the same time would have "brought up" the women -
and there he acted - instead of learning the high math
with Mileva or being sociologically revolutionary -
selfish and Mileva was deleted as a co-author, quite in
the spirit of the Emperor or the Zionist agents who only
wanted to promote Einstein and not a limping woman.
So, this Einstein is absolutely immoral and an ego
unlike. But maybe he is also a victim of abuse by the
parents, beaten up or even abused. With the behavior of
constant hiding, he also blocked many additional paths,
and he NEVER found Mother Earth and her tricks, and it
seems strange: all the tricks like a warm house without
heating, solar water, the magnifying glass kitchen, the
semi-submerged greenhouse "Walipini" for winter
cultivation etc. he didn't see anything of that? So
there are still a lot of Einsteins! See the web site
That the theory of relativity is not correct is only
funny yet considering the list of criminal behavior of
Einstein and his family.
Perhaps my results can give the main publisher new
starting points to supplement Desanka's book on Mileva
and the Einstein souvenir, or to make new studies,
especially as far as childhood and the tradition of
concealment are concerned, there is a great suspicion
that there was child abuse, being hit without end or
worse, the thoughts are free.
Kind regards to Berne,
Michael Palomino, Lima (formerly Switzerland)