-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4
Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit
Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das
individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
People are aging in different ways and are dying by
different reasons. According to Dr. D'Adamo the blood group
members are aging in different ways and also dying in
different ways (4 Strategien, p.280).
Hormone production is also a factor how aging is
going on
Lectins in kidneys and in the brain have an effect on the
glands, positively or negatively. They delay ore accelerate
the aging process (4 Strategien, p.282).
Absorption of vitamins is reduced in the old age
Capacity for adaption of fat-soluble vitamins is reduced in
the old age. With blood group A for example little dosages
of vitamin A have an effect on it's immune system against
the aging process (10,000 I.U. ["international units"] per
day) (4 Strategien, p.143).
Absorption of nutrients in the age is reduced when gastro-intestinal
system is damaged
When there was eaten food with the wrong lectins during
decades, so there will be a general shortage of nutrients in
the age because stomach and intestine are very damaged in
the age then so they cannot absorb the good nutrients any
more (4 Strategien, p.282).
Kidney function is reduced generally in the age
According to the investigations of Dr. D'Adamo kidney
function is reduced in the age, can even be that there is
only 25% of kidney function. And by this less blood is
cleaned (4 Strategien, p.281).
Kidney failure [with blood group 0, B, and AB]:
Unprocessed wheat lectins blocking kidney function -
kidney damage - kidney failure
When the wrong lectins are taken [taken by humans of blood
group 0, B, and AB] the blood is agglutinating, and then
kidney function is damaged and the blood cannot be cleaned
well any more:
"Lectins which [are not processes in the stomach and] which
enter blood circulation, they are agglutinating at the end
forming a deposit in the kidney. This is like in a blocked
water tube: Step by step the filter system is loosing it's
effectiveness. The more agglutination the less blood can be
cleaned. It's a slow but at the end deadly process. Kidney
failure is one of the main reasons for bodily decomposition
during the age." (4 Strategien, p.281)
(original German:
"Lectine, die [im Magen nicht verarbeitet werden und]
ihren Weg in den Blutkreislauf finden, klumpen
schliesslich zusammen und setzen sich in den Nieren ab.
Das ist so ähnlich wie bei einem verstopften Abflussrohr.
Nach und nach verliert das Filtersystem seine Wirksamkeit.
Je stärker die Agglutination wird, desto weniger Blut kann
gereinigt werden. Es ist ein langsamer, aber letztlich
tödlicher Prozess. Das Nierenversagen gehört zu den
Hauptursachen des körperlichen Verfalls im Alter." (4
Strategien, S.281)
Declining brain function by the wrong food
Damaging lectins are agglutinating the brain (4 Strategien,
p.281). That's why in old brains "many elements of nerves
are like balls together" (4 Strategien, p.281-282):
-- some [not processed] lectins are so little that they pass
blood-brain barrier
-- in the brain "they begin to glue the blood cells together
and step by step the activity of the nerve cells is
affected. This process is going on over some decades, but at
the end the nerve cells are like balls and brain function is
affected." (4 Strategien, p.282)
(orig. German:
-- im Gehirn "fangen sie an, die Blutzellen
zusammenzukleben und beeinträchtigen allmählich die
Aktivität der Nervenzellen. Der Prozess vollzieht sich
über mehrere Jahrzehnte, aber schliesslich sind die
Nervenzellen so ineinander verwickelt, dass die
Hirnfunktion beeinträchtigt wird." (4 Strategien, S.282)
In this way dementia is developing and a general
decomposition is the result. Eventually this could be also a
factor for Alzheimer (4 Strategien, p.282).
Therefore the prevention for the kidneys and against kidney
failure and against dementia is relatively simple: One only
has to eliminate the food with the damaging lectins
according to the blood group and should integrate and eat
the positive food according to the blood group (4
Strategien, p.282).
Wrong alimentation with too many polyamines is intoxicating
the body provoking a fast aging
And there fore the detoxification of the body with a blood
group nutrition is the best prevention against aging
(richtig leben, p.174).
Inhibit polyamines
Damaging food with
damaging polyamines (concerns all blood groups)
Polyamines are the
connections in the intestine. Certain food contains many polyamines.
When such food is eaten, metabolism is getting into a
damaging imbalance (richtig leben, p.164-167).
Polyamines are "typically"
-- in cheese, in beer, in choucroute, in yeast extracts
(richtig leben, p.167),
-- wine, beer and choucroute are fermented food (richtig
leben, p.170)
-- and
polyamines are
"typically" in food processed with a shock event, so in
canned food or in fried products (flash freezing)
-- and most of "mellow" or "spicy" cheeses have a high
content of putrescine (richtig leben, p.167).
Too much polyamines: Polyamines are produced with
extreme methods of processing as e.g. flash freezing of
fruits or vegetables (richtig leben, p.167).
less polyamines:
When polyamines are missing in vegetable food, the body is
producing them himself as a reaction to food lectins
(richtig leben, p.167).
A high content of of putrescine have
-- frozen vegetables
-- canned vegetables
-- certain fruits like oranges and mandarins
-- fermented soya sauce with wheat
-- prawn, "especially when they are in packages and
deep-frozen" (richtig leben, p.167).
A high content of spermine have
-- mellow cheeses
-- fermented soya beans
-- fermented tees [black tee, not green tee]
-- Japanese rice wine
-- cultivated mushrooms
-- potatoes [boiled potatoes]
-- fresh bread (richtig leben, p.168).
A high
content of spermine have also
-- breakfast cereals
-- canned vegetables
-- deep-frozen vegetables
-- meat products
-- raw meat
-- poultry (richtig leben, p.168).
Balancing food
lowering the polyamine levels (concerning all blood
Food reducing polyamine levels
in the body are neutral for all blood groups or even
positive (richtig leben, p.172):
Larch arabinogalacton (Larch AG, ARA-6):
is supporting the balance in the intestine system, and at
the same time is lowering the content of final products
produced by the reduction of proteins for example by
-- walnuts:
are inhibiting orotidyl acid decarboxylasis (ODC) and is
reducing therefore polyamine content
-- green tee: is inhibiting orotidyl acid
decarboxylasis (ODC) and reducing also therefore polyamine content
-- fruits with dark blue, purple or red color (for
example elder, cherries, blueberries): they contain
anthocyanidins: These are antioxidants inhibiting
orotidyl acid decarboxylasis (ODC) and therefore
are reducing the content of polyamines (richtig
leben, p.173)
-- onion, dill,
tarragon, broccoli, garlic: "They have a light
antibacterial effect against many charges which produce
polyamines" (richtig leben, p.173)
(orig. German:
"Sie wirken leicht
antibakteriell gegen viele der polyaminproduzierenden
Belastungen" (richtig leben, S.173),
and at the same time these
vegetables also are inhibiting ODC slightly (richtig
leben, p.174)
-- curcumin and curcuma: have a "strong inhibiting effect to
synthesis of polyamines" (richtig leben, p.174)
(orig. German:
Wirkt "stark hemmend auf die
Polyaminsynthese" (richtig leben, S.174).
Balancing food
lowering the level of polyamines (according to the blood
-- pomegranate: is inhibiting orotidyl acid decarboxylasis (ODC) and is
reducing the level of polyamines. But: for blood groups
B and AB pomegranate is damaging (richtig leben, p.173)
-- guava: is
inhibiting orotidyl acid decarboxylasis (ODC) and is
reducing the level of polyamines (richtig
leben, p.173). But: For blood group AB it's damaging
(4 Strategien, p.194)
-- plantain:
is inhibiting orotidyl
acid decarboxylasis (ODC) and is reducing the level
of polyamines.
But: For blood group 0 and A plantain is damaging
(richtig leben, p.173).
And in this way life
will be also possible during the age without any doctor.