Metabolism proceedings with blood group A
Lazy immune system with vulnerability for cancer - only little stomach acid - high mucus production - alkaline muscle tissue
The organism of blood group A is vulnerable for most kinds of cancer, for all kinds with cancer cells which are similar to body cells of type A. See: Cancer according to blood groups.
Blood group A does hardly accept any meat and not cow's milk products either. Blood of blood group A is producing antibodies against basic glucose "D-galactosamine" which is behaving similar to cells of blood group B. Meat and milk are slowing down the metabolism of blood group A and are provoking adiposity.
Blood group A has a chronic mucus problem that provokes that the members of type A are always in danger for infection diseases: Sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.
Example: x-ray photo of a pneumonia with shadowed medium and upper part of the lung (right).
by Michael Palomino (2007 / 2012)
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-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen. Das Lexikon für ein gesundes Leben; Piper 2005 (orig. English: Lexicon)
General metabolism proceedings
Ketosis: The body is converting proteins and fats into ketone bodies maintaining the glucose level. According to the blood group the preconditions for a perfect ketosis are different (4 Strategien, p.71).
Low tolerance: When the lifestyle is not a damaging one, negative food is allowed in little quantities (4 Strategien, p.89).
Secretor status
Secretor status within a blood group is important to know. 80% are secretors with antigens in the bodily liquids (saliva, mucus, sperm etc.), 20% are non-secretors with antigens only in their blood (richtig leben, p.213, 404).
Therefore one can determine the blood groups of secretors in their blood AND in their bodily liquids (saliva, mucus, sperm). Non-secretors can determine their blood group ONLY in their blood (4 Strategien, p.404).
[This difference between secretors and non-secretors concerns about 40% of the important kinds of food] saying if the food can be proceeded completely or not respectively if there are positive or negative effects with them (richtig leben, p.213).
[Laboratories in Europe had no secretor test testing antibodies in the saliva (2006). The test had to be ordered in the "USA"].
General characteristics of metabolism with blood group A
Immune system: lazy immune system of blood group A with a high vulnerability for cancer
-- the immune system of blood group A is generally lazy and vulnerable:
"Most of health factors of type A are connected with their lazy immune system."
(orig. German:
"Die meisten ihrer Gesundheitsfaktoren als A-Typ hängen mit ihrem trägen Immunsystem zusammen." (4 Strategien, S.124)
-- immune system of blood group A is tolerant concerning a great range of bacteria. Therefore the infections can survive more in bodies of type A (4 Strategien, p.303)
-- immune system of blood group A is "vulnerable for cancer because it can hardly recognize hostile intruders." (4 Strategien, p.278) [because the great majority of cancer cells are behaving like body cells of blood group A and therefore the immune system of type A cannot detect this danger].
(orig. German:
Das Immunsystem der Blutgruppe A ist "anfällig für Krebs, weil es Mühe hat, feindliche Angreifer als solche zu erkennen." (4 Strategien, S.278)
Gastrointestinal tract: lazy and only little stomach acid
Gastrointestinal tract of blood group A is more or less lazy (4 Strategien, p.121).
Gastrointestinal tract has hardly stomach acid
Gastrointestinal tract of blood group A has got a low level of stomach acid. This is a social adaption to the environment with agriculture with a vegetal alimentation [with grain, fruits and vegetables] (4 Strategien, p.108). By the low content of stomach acid the gastrointestinal tract of blood group A has always difficulties proceeding fats and animal proteins of meat and of cow's milk. Therefore the stomach of blood group A can proceed fibers very well [grains, fruits and vegetables], but can hardly proceed animal products (4 Strategien, p.362): meat and cow's milk products (4 Strategien, p.108). Furthermore as a consequence of slow metabolism meat and cow's milk products are hardly proceeded but stored as fat provoking adiposity [because meat is not proceeded into energy but only into fat forming fat deposits in the body], and there is an insulin reaction [pancreas is hindered with it's insulin production, or certain cells are behaving like insulin and pancreas means that there would be enough insulin already] (4 Strategien, p.109).
Gastrointestinal tract of blood group A: hardly phosphatase - A antigen binding the little quantity of phosphatase - and also phenylalanine
Add to this, intestine of blood group A has got a shortage of alkaline enzyme phosphatase which is proceeding animal protein, and the little quantities of it are also inactivated by the own A antigen. So, meat proteins are not proceeded with blood group A, and therefore meat consumption is not healthy for blood group A. Non-secretors only have about 20% of the phosphatase which have secretors (richtig leben, p.101).
-- Agbedana, E.O. / Yeldu, M.H.: "Serum total, heat and urea stable alkaline phosphatase activities in relation to AB0 blood groups and secretor phenotypes." IN: Afr. J Med Med Sci, December 1996; 25 (4): S.327-329
-- Domar, U. / Hirano, I.K. / Stigbrand, T.: Serum levels of human alkaline phosphatase isozymes in relation to blood groups; IN: Clin Chim Acta, 16.December 1991; 203 (2-3): S.305-313
-- Mehta, N.J / Rege, D.V. / Kulkarni, M.B.: Total serum alkaline phosphatase (SAP) and serum cholesterol in relation to secretor status and blood groups in myocardial infarction patients; In: Indian Heart, March 1989; 41 (2): S.82-85
According to new studies the antigen of blood group A and AB is deactivating the alkaline phosphatase:
<Red blood cells of blood groups A and AB [...] are binding [...] almost the complete gastric alkaline phosphatase>,
(orig. German:
"Die roten Blutkörperchen der Blutgruppen A und AB [...] binden [...] nahezu die gesamte intestinale alkalische Phosphatase",
but with blood groups 0 and B this phosphatase is hardly bound (richtig leben, p.122).
Also the amino acid phenylalanine is blocking the alkaline phosphatase, for example by certain food when it's eaten by blood group A like yam and sweet potato which contain phenylalanine (richtig leben, p.122).
Fats of meats and fish are proceeded with blood group A only with a little bit or with practically no phosphatase, or better said, they are not proceeded, therefore the cholesterol levels of blood group A are always high and when there is much meat consumption or fish consumption there will be the real danger of heart attacks (richtig leben, p.119).
Secretors of blood group A are proceeding carbohydrates without problems - non-secretors have to adapt their diet
Secretors have no problem with a high share of carbohydrates in their blood group diet. But non-secretors have problems proceeding the high share of carbohydrates in their blood group diet (richtig leben, p.28-29). Non-secretors of blood group A "have to heighten eventually their share of proteins in their food plan (for example by sea fish or poultry) and they have to reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates." (richtig leben, p.29)
(orig. German:
Die Nicht-Sekretoren der Blutgruppe A "müssen eventuell den Proteinanteil in ihrer Kost erhöhen (beispielsweise durch Tiefseefisch und Geflügel) und die Zufuhr einfacher Kohlenhydrate drosseln." (richtig leben, S.29)
High and dangerous mucus production
Blood group A always has the tendency for a high mucus production. Diseases which need mucus as a base can provoke big problems in bodies of blood group , and milk products are even producing more mucus in their body. So milk products have to be eliminated completely from the flood plan when there are infection diseases, and when not there will be massive breathing problems (4 Strategien, p.285). Also too much wheat can provoke too much mucus production (4 Strategien, p.115).
In general the organism of blood group A is collecting mucus in the gastrointestinal tract during the night. And then in the morning the gastrointestinal tract is starting well for example with a lemon water (4 Strategien, p.121).
Muscle tissue: little bit alkaline
Blood group A has got it's optimum with a muscle tissue which is a little bit alkaline (4 Strategien, p.116). Humans of blood group A cannot exploit a sour tissue like the persons from blood group 0. When muscle tissue of blood group A is sour, then the metabolism of calories is inhibited (4 Strategien, p.109) [by the wrong food, and fatigue will be and more].
Metabolism according to the food with blood group A
Persons of blood group A are sensitive. Food should be eaten always fresh and without industrial procedures (4 Strategien, p.107). Hostile food can provoke edemas with blood group A because the lazy metabolism will be even more lazy then (4 Strategien, p.108).
Meat with blood group A is provoking lethargy and adiposity
Red flesh and saturated fatty acids are not proceeded well by the gastrointestinal tract of blood group A and are provoking a rise of triglyceride level and of cholesterol level (4 Strategien, p.278). Meat respectively raw meat provokes a lethargy and a shortage of energy with blood group A. The stomach of blood group A can hardly work with meat because of it's low level of stomach acid. Metabolism is even slower then and meat and fats will be stored as fats (4 Strategien, p.108). Meat is slowing the digestion and metabolism procedures and is provoking a gain of weight (4 Strategien, p.391) [because meat is not converted into energy but only into fat deposits in the body]: Meat is hard to digest for blood group A and is deposited as fat and is also enhancing the amount of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract (4 Strategien, p.109).
Persons of blood group A should replace meats by fish. When meat is eaten, then it should be meager meat, more chicken, barbecued or roasted. Industrial meat products are absolutely damaging and have to be eliminated from the food plan, for example bacon, sausages or cold meat (cold cuts) because they contain nitrates which can favor stomach cancer in the stomach of blood group A which hardly has got any stomach acid (4 Strategien, p.110).
Smoked meat and pickled meat provoking nitrates is cancer-causing for blood group A
Nitrate which is produced as a side product during smoking or pickling meat is a special problem for blood group A because of it's cancer-causing effect in combination with the A-stomach with it's low level of gastric acid (4 Strategien, p.137), especially causing stomach cancer (the same with blood group AB). Persons of blood group A should evade smoked and pickled food (4 Strategien, p.137-138).
Swine, bacon and ham with blood group A
"are provoking a not normal blood reaction; are inhibiting a normal stomach function respectively are hindering assimilation." (Lexicon, p.706)
(orig. German:
"bewirkt anomale Blutreaktion; hemmt normale Magenfunktion bzw. behindert Assimilation." (Lexikon, S.706)
Tofu and soya products replacing meat with blood group A
Instead of meat it is favorable for blood group A to eat tofu and soya products like soya sauce and soya cheese which are cheap to have and can be spiced very well (4 Strategien, p.398).
Fish with blood group A
Nutrients of fish can develop well when fish is roasted, barbecued or poached. 3 or 4 times per week little quantities of fish are well possible with blood group A. Fish with meager meat like black sole or flounder have to be omitted because their lectins can irritate the gastrointestinal tract (4 Strategien, p.111).
Sea food with blood group A
Sea food are compatible for blood group A 3 or 4 times per week in little quantities (4 Strategien, p.111).
Escargots against breast cancer with blood group A
Escargot (Helix pomatia) contains a lectin which is well working in the body of blood group A and is fighting well cancer cells which are behaving similar to body cells of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.111).
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
<Escargot (Helix pomatia) contains - as we will see in chapter 10 [see cancer according to blood groups] a highly effective lectin which is attracting and agglutinating cancer cells of the two most distributed types of cancer in the body of blood group A. This is a positive kind of agglutination because this lectin is eliminating the ill cells.> (4 Strategien, p.111)
(orig. German:
<Die Weinbergschnecke (Helix pomatia) enthält, wie wir in Kapitel 10 sehen werden [siehe Krebs gemäss Blutgruppen], ein hochwirksames Lektin, das beim A-Typ mutierte Zellen der zwei verbreitetsten Brustkrebsarten verklumpt und anzieht. Dabei handelt es sich um eine positive Art von Agglutination, denn dieses Lektin beseitigt die kranken Zellen.> (4 Strategien, S.111)
Grains with blood group A
The grains are delivering vegetal proteins and above all many nutrients for blood group A which are in the meat normally - but meat is mostly very bad for blood group A (4 Strategien, p.117).
Wheat with blood group A: only little bit is compatible
Wheat in bodies of blood group A is forming acids in the muscle tissue (4 Strategien, p.116), and therefore wheat for blood group A is only compatible in little quantities, not too much (4 Strategien, p.109) [so muscle tissues remain alkaline which is best for blood group A].
Secretors of blood groups A and AB are handling wheat a little bit better
Wheat lectin in the gastric juice of blood groups A and AB is bound to free blood group antigens before the wheat lectin can develop it's damaging effect (richtig leben, p.96).
Dr. D'Adamo:
<There are some indications that the type A antigen in the intestine is binding with the wheat germ agglutinin and therefore secretors of blood group A and AB have the possibility to soften the effects of the wheat germ lectins. This happens by binding the lectin to the free blood group antigen in the gastric juice just before it can provoke any damage. In the case of non-secretors this would not be possible.> (richtig leben, p.96)
(orig. German:
<Manches deutet darauf hin, dass das im Darm vorhandene Typ-A-Antigen sich an das Weizenkeim-Agglutinin bindet und damit Sekretoren der Blutgruppen A und AB in die Lage versetzt, die Effekte des Weizenkeimlektins abzuschwächen. Dies geschieht, indem das Lektin an das freie Blutgruppen-Antigen im Verdauungssaft gebunden wird, noch ehe es irgendwelchen Schaden anrichten kann. Im Falle von Non-Sekretoren wäre dies nicht möglich.> (richtig leben, S.96)
So, in little quantities wheat has no damaging effect with secretors of the blood groups A and AB - and D'Adamo is telling this also in other passages of his books. But wheat should never be a main meal either (4 Strategien, p.109).
Wheat in abundance: When there is too much wheat consumption the muscle tissue of blood group A will be too sour. Metabolism of calories of blood group A will be inhibited with a sour muscle tissue [with all consequences beginning with fatigue]. And there is also this: Wheat in abundance
"is inhibiting the effect of the insulin [and] is inhibiting the proceeding of calories" (4 Strategien, p.109).
(orig. German: "hemmt die Wirksamkeit des Insulins [und] hemmt die Kalorienausnutzung" (4 estrategias p.109).
[This means the following: wheat cells are behaving like insulin cells, and therefore pancreas means that there would exist enough insulin already in the body and therefore pancreas is stopping insulin production].
Balancing wheat food with alkaline food
Blood group A should always form a balance between acid forming wheat consumption and alkaline food so their muscle tissue will always be a little bit alkaline (4 Strategien, p.116).
Wheat germs and wheat bran have also an souring effect on the muscle tissue of blood group A, so these products should be eaten only one time per week maximum (4 Strategien, p.191).
Mucus problem with wheat: Wheat is provoking mucus production. When people are affected by asthma or have often infections with illnesses of mucosa as a consequence wheat has to be eliminated completely from the food plan (4 Strategien, p.115).
Now everybody of blood group A has to find out himself / herself the quantity of wheat which is good for him / her (4 Strategien, p.115).
Grains: flakes for blood group A
Flakes for blood group A are well compatible in general, are one time or several times per day possible, always whole grain (4 Strategien, p.115).
Breads and cookies with blood group A
Persons of blood group A should eat only so much whole grain products as there will not be too much mucosa and no gain of weight. Good substitutes are rice flour or soya flour (4 Strategien, p.116).
Milk products with blood group A
Damaging milk products of cow's milk
The blood of blood group A is producing antibodies against the basic build up glucose which has a similar behavior to cells of blood group B, "D galactosamine" in the cow's milk (4 Strategien, p.112). Therefore milk products of cow's milk are rejected like B-antigens also are rejected (4 Strategien, p.112-113). Milk products of cow's milk are only badly proceeded with blood group A so (4 Strategien, p.108), are rich of saturated fats, are a danger for the heart and are leading blood group A into an adiposity and diabetes [because these products are not converted into energy but only into fat forming fat deposits in the body]. Milk products of cow's milk are inhibiting the metabolism of other kinds of food and are favoring the formation of mucosa [and too much mucosa is provoking new infections] (4 Strategien, p.109).
For milk products counts for blood group A:
-- fermented milk products are beneficial in little quantities
-- all whole milk products [of cow's milk] have to be evaded
Therefore persons of blood group A can only eat little quantities of milk (also ice cream) and of wheat products (also cakes and pies) (4 Strategien, p.112).
Good for blood group A are:
-- yogurts
-- kefir
-- meager sour milk
-- sour milk soured with bacteria cultures.
Cow's milk products can be replaced by goat milk products or by soya milk products (4 Strategien, p.112).
Mucus problem with milk products with blood group A
Milk products are always rising mucus secretion. Persons of blood group A have the highest mucus production, and therefore all milk products are dangerous for blood group A because certain bacteria are feeling very well with this mucus offer of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.113).
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
<A too strong mucus production is just leading to allergic reaction, infections and respiration troubles. This is another reason for limiting the consumption of milk products [of cow's milk].> (4 Strategien, p.113)
(orig. German:
"Eine allzu starke Schleimproduktion führt unweigerlich zu allergischen Reaktionen, Infektionen und Atemwegsbeschwerden. Das ist ein weiterer guter Grund, den Konsum von Milchprodukten [aus Kuhmilch] einzuschränken." (4 Strategien, S.113)
Positive tofu (soya quark) for blood group A
Tofu has to be a main element of the food plan of blood group A:
-- contains all important nutrients
-- is saturating well
-- is cheap (4 Strategien, p.118)
-- is offered fresh in health shops, do not purchase old soya in the shopping center
-- is without own taste
-- is adapting the taste of the spice you give on it, best is a combination with garlic, ginger and soya sauce (4 Strategien, p.119).
Eggs with blood group A: calcium
Eggs should be eaten only some times, and when then free-range eggs (4 Strategien, p.112). Eggs are a rich source of calcium for blood group A (4 Strategien, p.139).
Olive oil with blood group A: a heart tonic
Olive oil with many simple not saturated fatty acids is supporting digestion and excretion processes and has a positive effect on the heart, and "can even lower the cholesterol level." (4 Strategien, p.113)
Linseed oil is also beneficial for blood group A, but is not so tasty. For blood group A corn germ oil and safflower oil are negative causing troubles (4 Strategien, p.114).
Nuts and seeds with blood group A: proteins - peanuts
Nuts and seeds are an important share of proteins for blood group A because meat is hardly in the food plan of blood group A. Peanuts contain a lectin against cancer, and the dark brown skin of the peanut should be eaten, too. When there are gall bladder troubles only nut puree should be eaten, not complete nuts (4 Strategien, p.114).
Vegetables with blood group A
Sensitive stomach of blood group A is not compatible with any vegetable.
Beneficial vegetables for blood group A
-- broccoli is beneficial for blood group A with an antioxidant effect (4 Strategien, p.118)
-- carrots, green cabbage (kale), pumpkin, spinach (4 Strategien, p.118)
-- garlic can be used much with blood group A, is a natural antibiotic, is enforcing the immune system and is healthy for it's blood, is mitigating a whole series of diseases with blood group A (4 Strategien, p.118)
-- onions are very good for reinforcing the immune system with the agent quercetin (4 Strategien, p.118).
Damaging vegetables for blood group A
-- pepper is irritating the sensitive stomach of blood group A
-- moldy agents in fermented olives are also irritating the stomach of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.118)
-- lectins of potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams and white cabbage are provoking sensitive reactions (4 Strategien, p.118)
-- tomatoes are damaging the body of blood group A in the gastrointestinal tract and are agglutinating it's blood [which is already thick blood with type A, and therefore deposits and blocks in the blood circulation system are provoked up to strokes and heart attacks] (4 Strategien, p.118)
Beans and pulses with blood group A
Beans with vegetable proteins are very beneficial for blood group A, but not all beans are beneficial (4 Strategien, p.115).
Lima beans, kidney beans and chickpeas (ceci beans) can reduce insulin production and are negative for blood group A (4 Strategien, p.115).
Kidney beans / Lima beans: are inhibiting the effect of digestion enzymes and are reducing the metabolism (4 Strategien, p.109).
Lima beans cannot be proceeded right by blood group A because the lectin protein is not proceeded in the stomach of blood group A, because Lima bean lectin protein is resistant to the acid hydrolysis in the A stomach. The intact lectin protein is remaining intact and then is placing itself somewhere, is even attracting other cells and can destroy complete organs until will be an irritable bowel or a liver cirrhosis (4 Strategien, p.44).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Let's adapt that a person of blood group A is eating a dish only with Lima beans. These Lima beans are digested by an acid hydrolysis in the stomach. But the lectin protein is resistant to this acid hydrolysis. It will not be digested, but remains intact. Possibly there will be another direct cross reaction with the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, but perhaps it will also be absorbed together with the digested nutrients and will reach the blood circulation. [...]
As soon as the intact lectin protein has installed itself somewhere in the body it will distribute a magnetic effect on cells in this region. This lectin will agglutinate the cells and will destroy them - as if the normal body cells would be hostile intruders. This agglutination can even provoke an irritable bowel or a liver cirrhosis (4 Strategien, p.44) or can also block the blood in the kidneys - and these are only some of the many bad effects which can be.> (4 Strategien, p.45)
(orig. German:
<Angenommen, ein Mensch mit der Blutgruppe A isst einen Teller Limabohnen. Diese werden im Magen durch den Vorgang der Säure-Hydrolyse verdaut. Das Lektin-Eiweiss ist jedoch gegen Säure-Hydrolyse resistent. Es wird nicht verdaut, sondern bleibt unversehrt erhalten. Möglicherweise kommt es zu einer direkten Wechselwirkung mit der Schleimhaut des Magen-Darm-Traktes, vielleicht wird es aber auch zusammen mit den verdauten Nährstoffen der Bohnen im Blutkreislauf resorbiert. [...]
Sobald sich das intakte Lektin-Eiweiss irgendwo im Körper eingenistet hat, entfaltet es buchstäblich eine magnetische Wirkung auf die Zellen in dieser Region. Es verklumpt die Zellen und zerstört sie - so, als handelte es sich auch bei ihnen um fremde Eindringlinge. Diese Verklumpung kann zum Reizkolon und zur Leberzirrhose (4 Strategien, S.44) führen oder den Blutdurchfluss durch die Nieren blockieren - um nur einige der Wirkungen zu nennen.> (4 Strategien, S.45)
Fruits with blood group A
Persons of blood group A "should eat a piece of fruits three times per day", but these should be more alkaline sorts like berries (4 Strategien, p.119) and plums", "balancing the effect of the grain products" [because grain products have an acid effect on the muscle tissue of blood group A] (4 Strategien, p.120).
Beneficial fruits for blood group A
-- pineapple supports digestion excellently (4 Strategien, p.120)
-- grapefruit after digestion procedure has got an alkaline effect and contains much vitamin C against stomach cancer (4 Strategien, p.120)
-- lemons support digestion procedure and are eliminating mucus from the organism of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.120)
-- kiwi contains much vitamin C against stomach cancer (4 Strategien, p.120).
Neutral fruits of blood group A
-- neutral is melon (water melon and winter melon): these melons can be eaten without difficulty by persons of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.120,121)
Damaging fruits for blood group A
-- alkaline melons with a high content of mold agents are hard to digest, above all rockmelon and honeydew melon (4 Strategien, p.120)
-- mangoes and papayas are not suggestible because the digestion enzyme of the stomach of blood group A has no effect with them:
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Tropical fruits like mangoes and papayas are not going especially well with type A.> (4 Strategien, p.120)
(orig. German:
"Tropische Früchte wie Mangos und Papayas bekommen A-Typen nicht besonders gut." (4 Strategien, S.120)
-- bananas are disturbing the digestion work of type A and have to be replaced by other potassium-rich sorts of fruits: apricots, figs and certain melons (4 Strategien, p.120).
Juices with blood group A
Blood group A should drink more alkaline juices. Juices with a little bit of acid are neutral for type A. Juices with much sugar or / and with much acid have to be evaded (4 Strategien, p.121).
Herbs and spices with blood group A
Beneficial spices for blood group A
-- soya products: soya based condiments are enforcing the immune system of blood group A. These are "Tamari" (soya sauce), miso and soya sauce. Tamari, miso and soya sauce are also available in sodium-poor versions so nobody has to be afraid for taking too much sodium (4 Strategien, p.122).
[In China there exist bright and dark soya sauces. Tamari is a Japanese, dark soya sauce. More variations of soya sauces exist in Indonesia, in Corea etc.].
-- molasses is a good iron source for blood group A, and there is no other source for it withing the blood group nutrition of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.122)
-- kombu algas: are an important iodine and mineral source (4 Strategien, p.122).
Damaging spices for blood group A
-- vinegar has to be eliminated: the acids are irritating the gastric mucosa 84 Strategien, p.122)
-- also all sour tins with vinegar and all food containing vinegar has to be eliminated because of the low acid level of type A (4 Strategien, p.123)
-- sugar should be eaten only in little quantities [because sugar has a weakening effect to the immune system of any blood group and provokes a higher vulnerability for diseases].
Dr. D'Adamo says:
"Investigations show that the immune system is lazy for several hours after sugar consumption." (4 Strategien, p.122)
(orig. German:
"Untersuchungen zeigen, dass das Immunsystem auf Zucker mehrere Stunden lang träge reagiert." (4 Strategien, S.122)
Teas with blood group A
Beneficial herbal teas for blood group A
Members of blood group A need stimulating herbal teas (4 Strategien, p.396) because members of blood group A have to stimulate their lazy immune system every day (4 Strategien, p.123).
Here is a list with teas for blood group A:
-- whitethorn: is a cardiovascular tonic for blood group A (4 Strategien, p.124)
-- aloe, alfalfa, cocklebur, Echinacea: are enforcing the immune system of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.124)
-- green tea: antioxidant effect on the gastrointestinal system is an important protection against cancer (4 Strategien, p.124)
-- herbs enhancing the secretion of gastric juice in the weak stomach of blood group A are: ginger and red elm bark (gray elm bark) (4 Strategien, p.124)
-- ideal anti stress teas for blood group A are camomile tea and Valerian root tea (4 Strategien, p.124).
Damaging herbal teas for blood group A
All mitigating herbal teas have to be evaded by blood group A because secretion of gastric juice (which is low already) would be even lower:
-- red clover [Latin: Trifolium pratense]
-- corn silk [Latin: Stigmata maydis] (4 Strategien, p.124).
Drinks with blood group A
Beneficial drinks for blood group A
-- lemon water is reducing the quantities of mucosa in the gastrointestinal system of blood group A and is a stimulation for normal excretion procedures (4 Strategien, p.121)
-- red wine has got a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of blood group A, one glass of red wine is o.k. for type A (4 Strategien, p.125)
-- coffee contains the same enzyme like soya and is enhancing stomach acid production with blood group A. The best will be when members of blood group A will take green tea and coffee alternately (4 Strategien, p.125).
Damaging drinks for blood group A
Drinks which do not correspond to blood group A are
-- mineral water
-- lemonades
-- black tea
-- beer
-- alcoholic drinks (4 Strategien, p.125).
Nutrient supplements with blood group A
Shortage of vitamin B12 with blood group A
Blood group nutrition of blood group A indicates a shortage of vitamin B12 which mostly can be found in animal protein [cow's milk and meat]. Add to this for the stomach of blood group A an absorption of vitamin B12 is difficult because gastric mucosa has no secretion of intrinsic factor. As a consequence dementia and other neurological age diseases are possible (4 Strategien, p.136) and also pernicious anemia (4 Strategien, p.292).
Ideal vitamin B food for blood group A
Therefore blood group A has to look for other food with vitamin B12 which would be a substitution for meat. Here is the list:
-- whole grain cereals with niacin
-- soya sauce
-- miso (soya bean pasta) with vitamin B12
-- tempeh with vitamin B12
-- fish
-- eggs (4 Strategien, p.137).
Vitamin C compounds with blood group A against cancer
Prevention against cancer is possible with vitamin C as an antioxidant which is blocking the cancer-causing reaction in the stomach of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.137).
Vitamin C compounds with high dosages of vitamin C (1,000 mg and more) are provoking a stomach upset with blood group A. Therefore Dr. Peter D'Adamo suggests to take 200 mg of vitamin C four times per day, preferably from rosehip (4 Strategien, p.138).
Best vitamin C food for blood group A as a prevention against cancer are:
-- berries
-- grapefruits
-- pineapples
-- cherries
-- lemons
-- broccoli (4 Strategien, p.138).
Vitamin E with blood group A against cancer
Vitamin E is acting with blood group A as a cancer prevention and as a prevention against cardiovascular diseases. Daily up to 400 I.U. (international units) are possible (4 Strategien, p.138).
Best vitamin E food for blood group A as a prevention against cancer and against heart diseases are:
-- vegetal oils
-- whole grain cereals
-- peanuts
-- leafy vegetables (4 Strategien, p.138).
Calcium food aside milk products: sardines, broccoli etc.
Calcium is in the milk products which are allowed for blood group A. From the middle years on one should take calcium compounds (300 to 600 mg elementary calcium), so Dr. Peter D'Adamo. But calcium is not calcium:
-- calcium carbonate requires especially much stomach acid for being adapted in the stomach, and therefore calcium carbonate is nothing for blood group A
-- calcium gluconate is "well" adapted by blood group A
-- calcium citrate is well adapted by blood group A
-- and also calcium lactate is well adapted by blood group A (4 Strategien, p.138).
Best calcium food for blood group A are:
-- yogurt
-- soya milk
-- eggs
-- goat milk
-- sardines
-- broccoli
-- spinach (4 Strategien, p.139).
Iron: iron compounds with blood group A
Iron is mostly in meat which is failing in the blood group nutrition of type A. Women with a strong menstruation should take iron compounds - under medical supervision - not big doses, and not over a long time. Irritating iron compounds like ferrous sulfate should be evaded in general. Mild iron compounds for blood group A are:
-- iron citrate
-- molasses
-- the compound Floraix: this is a fluid iron and herbal supplement and is well adapted by the stomach of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.139).
Zinc: zinc compounds with blood group A
Little quantities of zinc every day (up to 3 mg) are protecting children from inflammatory diseases. But one should take such compounds only under medical supervision and never over a longer time, otherwise the compounds will weaken the immune system and are having a bad effect because they will interfere the adaption of other minerals (4 Strategien, p.139).
Best zinc food for blood group A are
-- eggs
-- pulses (4 Strategien, p.140).
is against cancer but has to be applies with care and under medical supervision (4 Strategien, p.140).
Chrome with blood group A is enhancing the effect of glucose tolerance factor in the body which is regulating insulin balance. But long-term side effects of taking chrome are unknown yet and taking chrome is a little bit a risk for this (4 Strategien, p.140).
Whitethorn compound: heart tonic for blood group A
Whitethorn from whitethorn tree is enforcing the cardiovascular system. When there are heart diseases in the family already, then whitethorn should be applied in any case, because whitethorn has "good preventive effects":
-- is enhancing elasticity of arteries
-- is enforcing the heart
-- is lowering blood pressure
-- has a little a dissolving effect against deposits in the arteries (4 Strategien, p.140).
Quercetin compounds: cancer prevention for blood group A
Quercetin is a highly active antioxidant, some 100 times stronger than vitamin E, and with blood group A this is a really effective cancer prevention. Quercetin is also in some vegetables, above all
-- in onions
-- or as a compound it can be bought in health stores in form of capsules (4 Strategien, p.142).
Beta-Carotene with blood group A
-- in low dosages has an effect against vascular diseases, and Dr. D'Adamo suggests for blood group A also carotinoids (4 Strategien, p.143)
-- in high dosages beta-carotene is irritating the blood vessels with just with a contrary negative effect (4 Strategien, p.143).
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Photo sources
-- breast cancer, x-ray photo: http://www.prof-obwegeser.at/brustkrebs.htm
-- adiposity on a motor bike: http://www.hodgedup.com/archives.php; http://www.hodgedup.com//pics/canyoufindthekid.jpg
-- pneumonia, x-ray photo: http://www.doktor.com/krankheiten/lungenentzuendung.html