Metabolism proceedings with blood group AB
Lazy immune system vulnerable for cancer - only few gastric acid - high mucus production - alkaline muscle tissue
Organism of blood group AB is vulnerable for most types of cancer like blood group A: all types of cancer which have cells behaving like cells of blood group A. See: Cancer according to blood groups.
Blood group AB is suffering overweight by sorts of meat and grains which cannot be proceeded well by the organism, for example beef, wild animals, chicken, and the grains of wheat, corn and buckwheat.
Blood group AB has - like blood group A - a chronic problem of mucus which provokes always a vulnerability for infection diseases: sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia etc.
Example here is an x-ray photo with a pneumonia in the upper half of the right part of the lung.
by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2012)
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-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen. Das Lexikon für ein gesundes Leben; Piper 2005 (orig. English: Lexicon)
General metabolism proceedings
Ketosis: The body is converting proteins and fats into ketone bodies maintaining the glucose level. According to the blood group the preconditions for a perfect ketosis are different (4 Strategien, p.71).
Low tolerance: When the lifestyle is not a damaging one, negative food is allowed in little quantities (4 Strategien, p.89).
Secretor status
Secretor status within a blood group is important to know. 80% are secretors with antigens in the bodily liquids (saliva, mucus, sperm etc.), 20% are non-secretors with antigens only in their blood (richtig leben, p.213, 404).
Therefore one can determine the blood groups of secretors in their blood AND in their bodily liquids (saliva, mucus, sperm). Non-secretors can determine their blood group ONLY in their blood (4 Strategien, p.404).
[This difference between secretors and non-secretors concerns about 40% of the important kinds of food] saying if the food can be proceeded completely or not respectively if there are positive or negative effects with them (richtig leben, p.213).
[Laboratories in Europe had no secretor test testing antibodies in the saliva (2006). The test had to be ordered in the "USA"].
General characteristics of metabolism with blood group AB
Sometimes the characteristics of the organism of blood group AB are similar to blood group A, then again to type B, and sometimes this type AB is a "connection of both" (4 Strategien, p.184). In the organism of type AB the "mixed heritage" of the blood groups A and B is developed, and sometimes there are really special problems (4 Strategien, p.185).
Most of damaging food for blood groups A and B are also damaging for blood group AB, but there are variations (4 Strategien, p.184). For example there are panhemag glutinines - these are substances which can agglutinate blood cells in bodies of all blood groups - and just these panhemag glutinines are better accepted than with type A or B (4 Strategien, p.184-185), "perhaps, because the reaction of the lectin is reduced by the antibodies of A and B." (4 Strategien, p.185)
(orig. German:
"vielleicht, weil die Reaktion des Lectins durch die Antikörper von A und B herabgesetzt wird." (4 Strategien, S.185).
Muscle tissue of blood group AB is little alkaline
(4 Strategien, p.185)
Gastrointestinal system of blood group AB
Stomach acid in the stomach of blood group AB is as low as in the stomach of blood group A. Therefore most sorts of meats cannot be proceeded well by metabolism of type AB and is stored as fat (4 Strategien, p.185).
Stomach of blood group AB needs much fibers and only a little quantity of animal products (4 Strategien, p.362).
Gastrointestinal system of type AB has only little phosphatase or has not any phosphatase at all, and therefore the fats of meat and fish can hardly or not at all be proceeded. Therefore cholesterol levels are high with types A and AB, and when much meat or fish is consumed, then there is a real danger for heart attacks (richtig leben, p.119).
Immune system with blood group AB
Immune system of blood group AB
-- is lazy like the immune system of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.209)
-- has got the same vulnerabilities to infections because of high mucus production like blood group A (4 Strategien, p.209-210)
-- is tolerant to a big variety of bacteria, and therefore infections are not healed so fast (4 Strategien, p.303).
Vacillating insulin level with blood group AB after consumption of wrong food
Type AB suffers hypoglycemia, a drop of glucose level after meals, and therefore the metabolism is weak and the food is not proceeded effectively (4 Strategien, p.185).
High mucus production with blood group AB as with blood group A
Mucus production with blood group AB is very high as with blood group A, and therefore also blood group AB is highly vulnerable for diseases of the respiration ways, sinusitis or ear infections (4 Strategien, p.188).
Vulnerability for heart diseases with blood group AB like blood group A
Blood group AB has a certain vulnerability for heart diseases, like blood group A (4 Strategien, p.189).
Vulnerability for cancer with blood group AB like blood group A
Organism of blood group AB is as vulnerable for cancer like the organism of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.187).
Metabolism according to the food with blood group AB
Meat with blood group AB
Meat and poultry can be proceeded in little quantities (4 Strategien, p.186-187). [But meat should be only a rare side dish].
Positive sorts of meat with blood group AB
-- lamb, mutton, rabbit, turkey, like blood group B (4 Strategien, p.187)
Damaging sorts of meat with blood group AB
-- beef, buffalo, ham, pork, bacon, wild animals (4 Strategien, p.187)
-- chicken like blood group B, add to this duck, goose, partridge, quail (4 Strategien, p.187)
-- pork, ham, and bacon "contain a substance which can have a negative effect on vulnerability of diseases" (Lexicon, p.706)
-- smoked and pickled meat provoke stomach cancer in combination with low gastric acid levels (type A and AB) (4 Strategien, p.187): the nitrates of smoked and pickled meat cause more stomach cancer in the weak stomach of AB where is hardly stomach acid (4 Strategien, p.210).
Fish with blood group AB
Damaging sorts of fish with blood group AB
Sole and flounder are only partly proceeded, like with blood group A (4 Strategien, p.187).
Sea food with blood group AB
Positive sea food with blood group AB
Escargots: Escargots have got a lectin which is working especially against cancer cells of breast cancer and lung cancer which are behaving similar to body cells of type AB. The escargot lectin is eliminating the converted cancer cells by agglutination (4 Strategien, p.187). [This procedure is the same like with blood group A].
Grain with blood group AB
Concerning grains the organism of blood group AB is behaving like blood group B, and shows also a hypoglycemia (drop of glucose level after the meal so the metabolism is weak and food cannot be proceeded effectively) (4 Strategien, p.185).
Damaging wheat with blood group AB
Gluten lectins are almost all in the seed coat (4 Strategien, p.80-81). Gluten of wheat provokes with blood group AB just the contrary of a ketosis: Gluten lectins inhibit insulin metabolism and are disturbing the effective proceeding of calories (4 Strategien, p.72):
"Eating gluten [as a member of blood group AB] is as if your car would receive the wrong type of gasoline." (4 Strategien, p.72-73)
(orig. German:
"Gluten [als Mitglied der Blutgruppe AB] zu essen ist so, als wenn man das falsche Benzin tankt." (4 Strategien, S.72-73)
Members of blood group AB develop a defense reaction against wheat lectins, in the blood and in the gastrointestinal system, and metabolism of other food is disturbed by the wheat. Wheat food is slowly proceeded then and is stored as fat (4 Strategien, p.80).
Wheat provokes a strong gain of weight with blood group AB (4 Strategien, p.73).
Wheat is enforcing (like with blood group B) the negative effect of corn, buckwheat and sesame (4 Strategies, p.149). "Wheat is reducing the digestion and metabolism procedures and has got the effect that the food is stored as fat and is not converted into energy, and add to this the effect of insulin is inhibited" (4 Strategien, p.150)
(orig. German:
"Weizen verlangsamt die Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselvorgänge, bewirkt, dass die Nahrung als Fett gespeichert und nicht als Energie verbrannt wird, hemmt die Wirksamkeit des Insulins" (4 Strategien, S.150)
[and therefore by the reduced and incomplete metabolism fat is deposited].
Wheat has not only the effect of overweight, but has also the effect that the muscle tissue is sour (4 Strategien, p.185) [what is damaging for blood group AB because normally blood group AB has got an alkaline muscle tissue like blood group A].
Therefore wheat is hardly healthy for blood group AB and should only be eaten in little quantities saving the muscle tissue of getting sour. Everybody has to find out how much is compatible or not (4 Strategien, p.191).
When members of blood group AB often suffer of asthma or of influenzas, then wheat [until the person is recovered] has to be eliminated from the food plan giving optimal conditions to the organism so the mucus membranes can normalize (4 Strategien, p.191).
[As with blood group A] also members of blood group AB can balance the damaging wheat (which forms acid in the muscle tissue) by alkaline food, and then the muscle tissue remains alkaline (4 Strategien, p.116).
Wheat germs and wheat bran have a sour effect on the muscle tissue of blood group AB, so they should be eaten only 1 time per week (4 Strategien, p.191).
Secretors of blood groups A and AB are handling wheat a little bit better
Wheat lectin in the gastric juice of blood groups A and AB is bound to free blood group antigens before the wheat lectin can develop it's damaging effect (richtig leben, p.96).
Dr. D'Adamo:
<There are some indications that the type A antigen in the intestine is binding with the wheat germ agglutinin and therefore secretors of blood group A and AB have the possibility to soften the effects of the wheat germ lectins. This happens by binding the lectin to the free blood group antigen in the gastric juice just before it can provoke any damage. In the case of non-secretors this would not be possible.> (richtig leben, p.96)
(orig. German:
<Manches deutet darauf hin, dass das im Darm vorhandene Typ-A-Antigen sich an das Weizenkeim-Agglutinin bindet und damit Sekretoren der Blutgruppen A und AB in die Lage versetzt, die Effekte des Weizenkeimlektins abzuschwächen. Dies geschieht, indem das Lektin an das freie Blutgruppen-Antigen im Verdauungssaft gebunden wird, noch ehe es irgendwelchen Schaden anrichten kann. Im Falle von Non-Sekretoren wäre dies nicht möglich.> (richtig leben, S.96)
So, in little quantities wheat has no damaging effect with secretors of the blood groups A and AB - and D'Adamo is telling this also in other passages of his books. But wheat should never be a main meal either (4 Strategien, p.109).
More negative types of grains with blood group AB
Mixed dough with wheat: Mixed breads with a share of wheat have to be omitted by blood group AB (4 Strategien, p.80,81).
Corn: Corn lectins are affecting insulin production [inhibiting pancreas] and therefore is provoking diabetes and adiposity (4 Strategien, p.82, 185). Corn with blood group AB causes a reduced insulin production and is causing also hypoglycemia [drop of glucose level after meals so the metabolism is working weakly and food is not proceeded effectively] (4 Strategien, p.185).
Also corn provokes a gain in weight, but less than wheat. Diets for blood group AB against overweight are for nothing when wheat or corn consumption are not stopped (4 Strategien, p.73).
When there are cases of diabetes in the family, corn has to be eliminated at once for evade more cases (4 Strategien, p.82,185), also corn breads, corn flour etc., above all when there is overweight or when there is a tendency for a high mucus production (4 Strategien, p.192).
Buckwheat [mostly pasta!!!]: has to be eliminated (4 Strategien, p.185), [like with blood group B]: Buckwheat lectins are reducing metabolism of blood group AB (like with blood group B) and can even provoke exhaustion, and then water deposits are following (4 Strategien, p.149): "is impeding the digestion, is reducing the performance of metabolism, is causing hypoglycemia" (drop of blood sugar levels after meals) (4 Strategien, p.150) [so metabolism is reduced and fat deposits are the consequence].
Beneficial corn for blood group AB
Positive sorts of grain for blood group B [and AB] are among others rice, oats and spelt, also in form of flakes. A balanced relation between these grain sorts is ideal for blood group B [and AB] (4 Strategien, p.158).
For breads counts the same: breads of wheat, corn, buckwheat and rye are very damaging for blood group B [and AB]. But Essen bread of wheat germinated flour [during germination process the damaging lectins are destroyed] and the breads of the other grain sorts are positive (4 Strategien, p.158).
With Essen Bread germinated flour is used where gluten lectins are eliminated by the germinating process. Therefore Essen Bread is rated as neutral whereas it is of wheat (4 Strategien, p.80-81).
Pasta with blood group AB
Blood group AB should eat only little quantities of pasta, but more rice. 1 or 2 times per week pasta of wholewheat semolina is compatible [when all other parts of the blood group nutrition are fulfilled] (4 Strategien, p.193).
Corn and buckwheat products have to be eliminated from the food plan completely. But products of oats and rye are beneficial (4 Strategien, p.193).
Milk products with blood group AB
Positive milk products with blood group AB
Many milk products are beneficial for the organism of blood group AB, above all soured milk products like
-- butter milk
-- yogurt
-- kefir
-- low-fat sour cream (4 Strategien, p.188).
But at the same time the organism of blood group AB has got a very high mucus production (like blood group A). And therefore there has to be a general caution consuming milk products (4 Strategien, p.188).
Positive tofu (soya quark) with blood group AB
Tofu is beneficial for blood group AB (4 Strategien, p.193), is a helpful prevention against cancer, and is also having an effect when there is cancer already (4 Strategien, p.194). Tofu should be a staple food, but meat and milk products only side dish (4 Strategien, p.193-194).
Eggs with blood group AB
Hen's egg is beneficial for blood group AB because the lectin of chicken meat - which is damaging for blood group AB - is not in the egg. Hen's egg is a significant protein source for blood group AB (4 Strategien, p.189).
There is a trick against oo much cholesterol: Mix one egg yolk with two egg whites, and by this the protein supply is enhanced (4 Strategien, p.189).
Oils with blood group AB
There is only one oil compatible, olive oil. All other oils have to be rejected by blood group AB. For cooking little quantities of ghee are possible ("a half liquid clarified butter well loved in India"). (4 Strategien, p.189)
Nuts with blood group AB
Nuts with blood group AB have positive and negative characteristics for blood group B. Positive is that nuts are a good source for supplement proteins. But concerning blood group AB nuts also contain lectins inhibiting insulin [production] (4 Strategien, p.190) [inhibiting pancreas].
Positive nuts with blood group AB
Peanuts are positive for blood group AB as also for blood group A (4 Strategien, p.185): Peanuts are a very good strengthener for the immune system as also for blood group A [and AB] (4 Strategien, p.190).
All in all blood group AB should prefer nut puree and not eat too many nuts (4 Strategien, p.190).
Seeds with blood group AB
Concerning blood group AB all seeds contain insulin inhibiting lectins [inhibiting the work of pancreas] (4 Strategien, p.190).
Sesame seeds: sesame coses with blood group AB a reduced insulin production [affecting pancreas] and causes also a hypoglycemia (drop of glucose level after meals with the consequence that the metabolism is weak and the food cannot be proceeded effectively) (4 Strategien, p.185).
Vegetables with blood group AB
Negative vegetables with blood group AB
Vegetables in vinegar have to go: All vegetables prepared in vinegar have to be eliminated because vinegar is forming acids and this is damaging for blood group AB, eventually even is a factor for stomach cancer (4 Strategien, p.198):
Therefore have to be eliminated:
-- Mixed Pickles [pickled cucumbers in vinegar]
[-- Relish (vegetable in vinegar)]
-- tomato ketchup [with vinegar]
[-- mayonnaise with vinegar] etc.
(4 Strategien, p.198).
Positive vegetables with blood group AB
Fresh beneficial vegetables are always a prevention against cancer and against heart diseases for blood group AB. Best will be when members of blood group AB will eat fresh vegetables several times per day (4 Strategien, p.193).
Garlic: is "a strong tonic and a natural antibiotic" for blood group AB (4 Strategien, p.197).
Nightshade vegetables with blood group AB (aubergine, potato, tomato etc.)
Tomato: The lectin is agglutinating blood cells but is well compatible with blood group AB, "perhaps because the reaction of the lectin is reduced by the existence of antibodies A and B at the same time with blood group AB." (4 Strategien, p.185)
(orig. German:
"vielleicht, weil die Reaktion des Lectins durch die Antikörper von A und B herabgesetzt wird" (4 Strategien, S.185).
Dr. D'Adamo says also:
<For type AB has so many blood group specific substances and the lectin has no specific effect, it seems to me that they can evade the dangerous effects. I have investigated members of blood group AB who ate much tomato, and their level on the indican scale was in the justifiable range.>
(orig. German:
"Da AB-Typen so viele blutgruppenspezifische Substanzen aufweisen und das Lektin nicht spezifisch wirkt, scheinen sie die gefährlichen Wirkungen vermeiden zu können. Ich habe Menschen mit der Blutgruppe AB, die viel Tomaten assen, untersucht, und ihr Wert auf der Indikan-Skala lag im vertretbaren Bereich." (4 Strategie, S.193)
Beans and pulses with blood group AB
Negative beans and pulses with blood group AB
Kidney beans, Lima beans (4 Strategien, p.185)
are causing a reduced insulin production [are harming pancreas] are causing hypoglycemia (drop of glucose level after meals so the metabolism is getting weak and the food cannot be proceeded effectively) (4 Strategien, p.185), like blood group B (4 Strategien, p.190).
Lentils with blood group AB
Lentils are beneficial for blood group AB like also for blood group A (4 Strategien, p.185). Lentils have a high quality for blood group AB with antioxidants as a prevention against cancer, resp. against cancer (4 Strategien, p.190).
Fruits with blood group AB
Compatibility with fruits of blood group AB is similar to the list of blood group A (4 Strategien, p.194).
Negative fruits with blood group AB
-- mango
-- guavas (4 Strategien, p.194)
-- oranges: are irritating the alkaline stomach of blood group AB (like blood group A), and are disturbing the adaption of important minerals and trace elements (4 Strategien, p.195)
-- banana is disturbing digestion of blood group AB, but can be replaced by other potassium-rich fruits: apricots, figs, certain melons (4 Strategien, p.195).
Positive fruits with blood group AB
Alkaline fruits are all positive for blood group AB [for a stomach with an eternal shortage of stomach acid and for the alkaline tissue]:
-- berries
-- plums
partly as a compensation for grain which has got a sour effect with type AB (4 Strategien, p.194)
-- pineapple is an "excellent digestion help" (4 Strategien, p.194) with the enzyme of bromelain (4 Strategien, p.213)
-- grapefruit is sour but after digestion has a positive and alkaline effect, and grapefruit brings much vitamin C with an effect as an antioxidant preventing stomach cancer (4 Strategien, p.195)
-- lemons support digestion and are eliminating mucus from the organism of AB [like blood group A] (4 Strategien, p.195)
-- kiwis have much vitamin C also with an effect of antioxidant preventing stomach cancer (4 Strategien, p.195).
Juices with blood group AB
Blood group AB should take alkaline fruit juices in general (4 Strategien, p.196).
Positive juices for blood group AB
Strong alkaline juices are:
-- black cherry juice
-- cranberry juice
-- grape juice (4 Strategien, p.196).
Herbs and spices with blood group AB
Damaging herbs and spices with blood group AB
-- table salt with a high sodium share is damaging for type AB (4 Strategien, p.196)
-- pepper, black or white, is forming acids (4 Strategien, p.197)
-- vinegar is forming acids (4 Strategien, p.197), and is eventually a factor for stomach cancer (4 Strategien, p.198) [and is causing acid reflux damaging esophagus]
-- sugar and chocolate in big quantities are damaging for blood group AB (4 Strategien, p.197).
-- sugar in little quantities
-- chocolate in little quantities (4 Strategien, p.197).
Members of blood group AB should treat sugar and chocolate like spices (4 Strategien, p.197).
Positive herbs and spices with blood group AB
-- sea salts are positive for type AB because of their low share of sodium (4 Strategien, p.196)
-- kombu algas are positive for type AB because of their low share of sodium, add to this there is a positive effect on the heart and on the immune system, and kombu algas are very useful for a weight regulation (4 Strategien, p.196)
-- miso [Japanese soya paste] is very healthy for type AB, as a soup or as a sauce (4 Strategien, p.196).
Teas with blood group AB
Members of blood group AB need stimulating healing teas, but without those which are damaging for blood group B (4 Strategien, p.396). Blood group AB can make work it's immune system with teas "increasing the protection against cardiovascular diseases and cancer." (4 Strategien, p.198).
(orig. German:
um "den Schutz gegen Herz-Kreislauf-Krankheiten und Krebs zu steigern." (4 Strategien, S.198)
Enforcing teas for the immune system of blood group AB
-- alfalfa
-- cocklebur
-- camomile
-- Echinacea
-- green tea (4 Strategien, p.198)
Teas for nursing the cardiovascular system with blood group AB
-- whitethorn tea
-- licorice tea (4 Strategien, p.198)
Teas supporting the adaption of iron and preventing anemia with blood group AB
-- dandelion tea
-- cocklebur
-- strawberry leaves tea (4 Strategien, p.198)
Drinks with blood group AB
Positive drinks with blood group AB
Warm lemon water in the morning: One takes the juice of half a lemon in one glass of warm water, and this will be the best cleansing of mucus which has accumulated during the night, and lemon water is also supporting the excretion. After having taken the glass of lemon water a glass of grapefruit or papaya juice would be good (4 Strategien, p.196) [means Dr. D'Adamo].
[The same effect of warm lemon water will be when one adds some lemon juice to a warm soup like it's a tradition for example in Peru].
Red wine: is curing cardiovascular system of blood group AB and is very healthy. It can be estimated that 1 glass of red wine per day is reducing the risk of heart diseases with members of blood group AB (4 Strategien, p.199).
Coffee: is provoking a rise of gastric acid and contains the same enzymes like soya. 1 or 2 cups per day are positive for blood group AB (4 Strategien, p.199).
Blood group AB is going very well with a constant change between coffee and green tea, because the characteristics of both will be used, so (4 Strategien, p.199).
Nutrient supplements with blood group AB
Nutrient supplements with blood group AB can be applied
-- enforcing the lazy immune system
-- for the supply of the organism with antioxidants against cancer
-- enforcing the cardiovascular system (4 Strategien, p.209).
But blood group AB can proceed many milk products well, and also most of fruits and vegetables are proceeded in a positive way, and therefore it's hardly necessary to prescribe vitamin compounds to members of blood group AB. Blood group nutrition of type AB contains
-- much vitamin A
-- much vitamin B12
-- much niacin
-- much vitamin E
-- iron (4 Strategien, p.210).
When blood group nutrition is fulfilled, then there is "an automatic protection against cancer and heart diseases by the alimentation" (4 Strategien, p.210).
But when blood group nutrition is not fulfilled, then there should be vitamin compounds (4 Strategien, p.210).
Vitamin C as a prevention and against cancer with blood group AB
Vitamin C with antioxidants has got a preventive effect and an effect against cancer with blood group AB. Dosages of 1,000 mg and higher are not acceptable for the weak stomach of AB because of irritations. Therefore the dosages have to be little and distributed over the day, for example 2 or 4 capsules during the day, may be for example "250 g capsules of rosehip" (4 Strategien, p.210).
Best vitamin C food for blood group AB are:
berries, grapefruit, pineapple, cherries, lemons, broccoli (4 Strategien, p.210).
Zinc supporting the immune system of blood group AB
With a little zinc compound children of blood group AB can be protected better from infections, above all concerning ear infections. But zinc compounds may be given only in little dosages and only during a short time. When they are given over a longer time or in higher dosages the immune system is weakened and the adaption of other minerals is hindered. Take zinc only under medical supervision (4 Strategien, p.211).
There is also food with zinc for blood group AB:
-- eat the recommended sorts of meat (above all dark poultry)
-- hen's egg
-- pulses (4 Strategien, p.211).
Selenium as a prevention and against cancer with blood group AB
Selenium is a factor of antioxidant defense forces against cancer. One should take selenium only under medical supervision because a selenium intoxication is well possible (4 Strategien, p.211).
Whitethorn as a cardiovascular tonic for blood group AB
Whitethorn is nursing cardiovascular system of blood group AB without any side effects enforcing it against vulnerabilities of heart diseases. Above all when there are cases of heart diseases or arteriosclerosis in the family then whitethorn should be taken (4 Strategien, p.211). Whitethorn
-- is enhancing the elasticity of the arteries
-- is enforcing the heart
-- is lowering down blood pressure at the same time
-- has got "a slight soluble effect against deposits in the arteries" (4 Strategien, p.212).
Immune system can be enforced with mild herbal compounds of blood group AB
-- Echinacea, fluid or in form of tablets, against cold and influenza, optimizing cancer defense (4 Strategien, p.212)
-- Huangki (Astragalus membranaceous, a Chinese medical herb) (4 Strategien, p.212).
Dr. D'Adamo:
<In both herbs the active agent is sugar. This sugar has an effect like mitogens stimulating the distribution of white blood cells"
(orig. German:
"In beiden Kräutern sind die aktiven Wirkstoffe Zucker. Diese wirken wie Mitogene, die die Verbreitung der weissen Blutkörperchen anregen"
and therefore the immune system is enforced (4 Strategien, p.212).
Stress reduction with mild herbal compounds with blood group AB
Calming sedatives on the base of herbs are working well with blood group AB:
-- camomile
-- Valerian root (4 Strategien, p.212).
Quercetin compound [from lat. quercus = oak]: prevention against cancer for blood group AB
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid, a highly effective antioxidant, some 100 times stronger than vitamin E, is an effective prevention against cancer with blood group A. Quercetin can be found in some vegetables, above all
-- in onion
-- or as a compound in capsules in health stores (4 Strategien, p.213).
The compound can be bought in health stores in form of capsules of 100 to 500 mg (4 Strategien, p.213).
Holy thistle against cancer at the organs with blood group AB
Holy thistle has a very good effect as an antioxidant for blood group AB, can be bought in health shops, has got a specialty reaching high concentrations in the liver and in the bile ducts. It should be taken as a prevention when there have been cases in the family already with troubles with liver, pancreas or gallbladder (4 Strategien, p.213).
Chemotherapy can be accompanied by holy thistle compounds protecting the liver from the radiation (4 Strategien, p.213).
Bromelain compound made of pineapple against digestion problems and winds and gases with blood group AB
Bromelain is highly effective supporting digestion and is a good remedy against winds and gases:
-- "has a medium capacity splitting food proteins"
-- "helps the digestion tract of type AB absorbing proteins better" (4 Strategien, p.213).
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Photo sources
-- breast cancer, x-ray photo: http://www.prof-obwegeser.at/brustkrebs.htm
-- man with adiposity: http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2006/04/big_hips.html
-- pneumonia, x-ray photo: http://www.doktor.com/krankheiten/lungenentzuendung.html